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mmorgmountain · 2 years
Pokemon sage download 1.5.1
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#Pokemon sage download 1.5.1 plus
Still feel like us regular players constantly get ignored in favor of those who play all day and have nothing better to do than roam around. I have 2 special research tasks that never will get fulfilled cus they involve giovani. Also still the rocket bosses are next to impossible so thanks for making things unobtainable like shadow legends and event quests. I only stop by places on the way in my car where I can access quickly and not have to get out. And going to a places like parks with older kids milling about makes me feel unsafe so I really need that buffer. I don’t have the time to walk around and irritated that’s the devs addenda, not all of us have the time to do that. Not much has improved, at least the distance for gyms and stops are staying expanded. Also can we make dodging work in battles? It’s an underutilized addition that doesn’t appear to help with battling.
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I honestly don’t struggle with poke balls but more with potions since I battle a lot I am always healing my Pokémon and always have a huge amount of Pokémon I can’t revive due to the low amounts of potions that are more frequently getting distributed as gifts from raids or friends. I was reading the reviews and I agree that there needs to be a chat with your friend group so you can coordinate raids rather than using facebook chat groups. Less tapping the screen continuously and more strategizing your next move. In the original Game Boy games when you tried to catch a Pokémon you had to fight it with one of your own Pokémon and each Pokémon had up to 3 or 4 attacks that you could pick from. The new changes have been great keeping older players such as myself actively playing yet I’ve felt like since the beginning there has been a key element that has been missing. The best part is Niantic really does care about their players and listens to the feedback given from their loyal players. This has been a great game since the beginning! Never before have we had a game that encouraged people to get out and meet people in the real world with the same love for Pokémon.
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I love this game, can we make it even better? Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically reduce battery life. Compatibility is not guaranteed for all devices. Please visit for additional compatibility information. Not compatible with 5th generation iPod Touch devices or iPhone 5c or earlier iPhone devices.
#Pokemon sage download 1.5.1 plus
Compatible with iPhone® 5s / SE / 6 / 6s / 6 Plus / 6s Plus / 7 / 7 Plus / 8 / 8 Plus / X devices with iOS Version 9 or later installed. Information current as of July 11, 2019. Compatibility information may be changed at any time. Compatibility is not guaranteed for devices without GPS capabilities or devices that are connected only to Wi-Fi networks. It is recommended to play while connected to a network in order to obtain accurate location information. It is optimized for smartphones, not tablets. This app is free-to-play and offers in-game purchases. With the player’s permission, Adventure Sync uses the Health app to enable the player to earn walking distance when the app is closed. It’s time to get moving-your real-life adventures await! Let’s GO! TEAM UP and UNITE with other Trainers to catch powerful Pokémon during Raid Battles! JOURNEY alongside your Buddy Pokémon to help make your Pokémon stronger and earn rewards! UNCOVER THE WORLD OF POKÉMON: Explore and discover Pokémon wherever you are!ĬATCH more Pokémon to complete your Pokédex! Pokémon GO is the global gaming sensation that has been downloaded over 1 billion times and named “Best Mobile Game” by the Game Developers Choice Awards and “Best App of the Year” by TechCrunch. Join Trainers across the globe who are discovering Pokémon as they explore the world around them. NEW! Now you can battle other Pokémon GO trainers online! Try the GO Battle League today.
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oqvpn · 5 months
como configurar o vpn do iphone 5s
🔒🌍✨ Ganhe 3 Meses de VPN GRÁTIS - Acesso à Internet Seguro e Privado em Todo o Mundo! Clique Aqui ✨🌍🔒
como configurar o vpn do iphone 5s
Configuração VPN iPhone 5s
As VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) estão se tornando cada vez mais populares entre os usuários de smartphones, principalmente para aqueles que desejam navegar na internet com segurança e proteger sua privacidade. Se você é um proprietário de um iPhone 5s e está interessado em configurar uma VPN no seu dispositivo, siga estas simples etapas.
Primeiro, vá para as configurações do seu iPhone 5s e toque em "Geral". Em seguida, selecione "VPN" e depois "Adicionar configuração VPN". Aqui, você precisará inserir as informações fornecidas pelo seu provedor de VPN, como o tipo de conexão, descrição, servidor, nome de usuário e senha. Certifique-se de inserir esses dados corretamente para que a conexão VPN funcione sem problemas.
Depois de inserir todas as informações necessárias, ative a VPN tocando no botão de alternância ao lado de "Status VPN". Se a configuração estiver correta, você verá um ícone de VPN na parte superior da tela do seu iPhone 5s, indicando que a conexão está ativa.
Com a VPN configurada no seu iPhone 5s, você poderá navegar na internet de forma segura, protegendo seus dados pessoais de possíveis ataques cibernéticos ou monitoramento de terceiros. Lembre-se de que é importante escolher um provedor de VPN confiável para garantir a eficácia dessa ferramenta de segurança digital. Experimente configurar uma VPN no seu iPhone 5s e desfrute de uma experiência online mais protegida e privada.
Passos para configurar VPN no iPhone 5s
Para proteger a sua privacidade e navegar na internet de forma segura em seu iPhone 5s, configurar uma VPN é uma excelente opção. Uma VPN (Virtual Private Network) permite que você envie e receba dados de forma segura pela internet, protegendo suas informações pessoais de ciberataques e hackers.
Aqui estão os passos simples para configurar uma VPN em seu iPhone 5s:
Encontrar um provedor de VPN: Antes de configurar a VPN, você precisa escolher um provedor confiável de VPN. Existem várias opções disponíveis na App Store, como NordVPN, ExpressVPN ou IPVanish.
Baixar o aplicativo da VPN: Após escolher o provedor, faça o download do aplicativo da VPN na App Store e instale-o em seu iPhone 5s.
Criar uma conta: Abra o aplicativo da VPN e crie uma conta com suas informações de login.
Configurar a VPN: No aplicativo, siga as instruções para configurar a VPN de acordo com as preferências de segurança e localização de servidor desejadas.
Ativar a VPN: Uma vez configurada, ative a VPN no seu iPhone 5s tocando no interruptor ou botão de ativação dentro do aplicativo.
Com esses simples passos, sua VPN estará configurada e pronta para proteger seus dados enquanto você navega na internet pelo seu iPhone 5s. Lembre-se de que uma VPN é uma ferramenta poderosa para garantir sua segurança online, seja em redes públicas ou privadas.
VPN no iPhone 5s tutorial
Hoje em dia, a segurança online é uma preocupação crescente para muitos usuários de internet. Uma maneira eficaz de proteger seus dados e navegar de forma segura é usando uma VPN, mesmo no seu iPhone 5s. Neste tutorial, vamos abordar como configurar e usar uma VPN no seu iPhone 5s para manter seus dados protegidos.
Primeiro, você precisará escolher um provedor de VPN confiável e baixar o aplicativo correspondente na App Store. Após a instalação, abra o aplicativo e siga as instruções para configurar sua conta. Geralmente, você precisará criar um nome de usuário e uma senha.
Em seguida, vá para as configurações do seu iPhone, selecione "VPN" e adicione uma nova configuração VPN. Aqui, você terá que inserir as informações fornecidas pelo seu provedor de VPN, como o endereço do servidor, o tipo de conexão e suas credenciais de login.
Depois de salvar as configurações, ative a VPN deslizando o botão correspondente. Você verá um ícone VPN no canto superior da tela, indicando que sua conexão está protegida.
Agora, você pode navegar na internet, usar aplicativos e acessar conteúdo online sabendo que seus dados estão seguros de olhares indiscretos. Lembre-se de sempre conectar-se à VPN sempre que estiver em uma rede pública ou não segura para garantir sua privacidade online. Experimente configurar uma VPN no seu iPhone 5s e navegue com tranquilidade!
Como ativar VPN no iPhone 5s
Se você deseja proteger sua privacidade online ao usar o iPhone 5s, ativar uma VPN é uma solução eficaz. Uma VPN, ou Rede Privada Virtual, cria uma conexão segura e criptografada entre o seu dispositivo e a internet, impedindo que terceiros interceptem seus dados pessoais. Para ativar uma VPN no iPhone 5s, siga os passos simples abaixo.
Primeiramente, vá para as configurações do seu iPhone 5s e selecione a opção "Geral". Em seguida, clique em "VPN" e depois em "Adicionar Configuração VPN". Aqui, você terá que inserir as informações fornecidas pelo seu provedor de VPN, como o tipo de VPN, descrição, servidor e autenticação.
Após preencher todas as informações necessárias, você poderá ativar a VPN deslizando o botão correspondente para a posição "ligado". Se a conexão for estabelecida com sucesso, você verá um ícone de VPN na parte superior da tela do seu iPhone.
É importante lembrar que a escolha de um provedor confiável de VPN é essencial para garantir a segurança dos seus dados. Certifique-se de escolher um serviço respeitável que ofereça uma conexão rápida e estável.
Ativar uma VPN no seu iPhone 5s é uma maneira simples e eficaz de proteger seus dados pessoais e navegar na internet de forma segura. Com alguns passos rápidos, você pode desfrutar de uma conexão protegida sempre que estiver online.
Configurações de VPN passo a passo para iPhone 5s
As configurações de VPN para iPhone 5s permitem que os usuários protejam sua privacidade e segurança ao navegar na internet. Seguir os passos corretos para configurar uma VPN no seu iPhone 5s é essencial para garantir uma conexão segura e protegida.
O primeiro passo para configurar uma VPN no seu iPhone 5s é acessar as configurações do dispositivo e selecionar a opção "VPN". Em seguida, você precisará adicionar uma nova configuração VPN, inserindo os dados fornecidos pelo seu provedor de serviço VPN.
Ao adicionar uma nova configuração VPN, você terá que inserir o tipo de conexão (como L2TP, PPTP ou IPSec), o endereço do servidor VPN e suas credenciais de login. Certifique-se de inserir todas as informações corretamente para garantir que a conexão VPN funcione de maneira eficaz.
Depois de adicionar as informações necessárias, você pode ativar a VPN deslizando o botão correspondente para a posição "ligado". Uma vez conectado, você verá um ícone de VPN na parte superior da tela, indicando que sua conexão está protegida.
É importante lembrar que nem todas as VPNs são iguais, por isso é essencial escolher um provedor confiável e respeitável. Além disso, certifique-se de sempre manter seu aplicativo VPN e software iOS atualizados para garantir a máxima segurança e desempenho.
Seguindo esses passos simples, você poderá configurar uma VPN no seu iPhone 5s e desfrutar de uma navegação segura e protegida em seus dispositivos móveis.
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como configurar vpn iphone 5s
🔒🌍✨ Ganhe 3 Meses de VPN GRÁTIS - Acesso à Internet Seguro e Privado em Todo o Mundo! Clique Aqui ✨🌍🔒
como configurar vpn iphone 5s
Configuração VPN iPhone 5s
Uma Configuração VPN no iPhone 5s é essencial para garantir a segurança e privacidade dos dados transmitidos pelo dispositivo. Uma VPN, ou Virtual Private Network, cria uma conexão segura entre o iPhone e a internet, criptografando todas as informações enviadas e recebidas.
Para configurar uma VPN no iPhone 5s, siga os seguintes passos simples. Vá para as configurações do iPhone, toque em "Geral" e, em seguida, em "VPN". Toque em "Adicionar configuração de VPN" e preencha os campos obrigatórios, como descrição, servidor, tipo de VPN, nome de usuário e senha. Uma vez preenchidos os campos, ative a VPN deslizando o interruptor para a posição "Ligado".
Existem várias opções de VPN disponíveis para o iPhone 5s, sendo algumas gratuitas e outras pagas. É importante escolher um provedor de VPN confiável e seguro para garantir a proteção dos seus dados. Além disso, ao utilizar uma VPN, é possível acessar conteúdos bloqueados geograficamente, aumentando sua liberdade na navegação pela internet.
Em resumo, configurar uma VPN no iPhone 5s é uma maneira eficaz de proteger sua privacidade e segurança online. Siga os passos simples mencionados acima e desfrute de uma conexão segura e privada em seu dispositivo Apple.
Passos para configurar VPN no iPhone 5s
Configurar uma VPN no iPhone 5s pode melhorar significativamente a privacidade e segurança dos seus dados enquanto navega na internet usando redes wi-fi públicas. Aqui estão os passos simples para configurar uma VPN no seu iPhone 5s:
Passo 1: No seu iPhone 5s, vá para "Ajustes" e selecione "Geral".
Passo 2: Em seguida, selecione "VPN" e depois "Adicionar Configuração VPN".
Passo 3: Escolha o tipo de protocolo VPN que deseja configurar, como PPTP, L2TP ou IPSec.
Passo 4: Preencha os campos necessários, como descrição, servidor, nome de usuário e senha fornecidos pelo seu provedor de VPN.
Passo 5: Se necessário, adicione outras informações de configuração, como Proxy ou Chave Secreta.
Passo 6: Após preencher todos os detalhes, ative a VPN deslizando o botão para a posição "Ligado".
Passo 7: Uma vez conectado, um ícone VPN será exibido na parte superior da tela, indicando que a conexão está ativa.
Ao seguir esses passos, você poderá configurar facilmente uma VPN no seu iPhone 5s e desfrutar de uma navegação mais segura e protegida. Lembre-se de escolher um provedor de VPN confiável para garantir uma conexão estável e segura em todos os momentos.
VPN grátis no iPhone 5s
Os iPhones 5s são aparelhos icônicos da Apple, mas infelizmente, a segurança online desses dispositivos pode ser comprometida sem o uso de uma VPN. Felizmente, existem opções de VPN gratuitas disponíveis para usuários do iPhone 5s que desejam navegar com segurança e proteger sua privacidade.
As VPNs gratuitas oferecem recursos básicos de segurança, como criptografia de dados e ocultação de endereço IP, que são essenciais para proteger suas informações pessoais e atividades online de possíveis invasores. No entanto, é importante ressaltar que as VPNs gratuitas podem ter limitações em comparação com as opções pagas, como velocidades de conexão mais lentas e restrições de dados.
Para configurar uma VPN gratuita no seu iPhone 5s, é necessário baixar um aplicativo de VPN da App Store e seguir as instruções de configuração. Ao escolher um provedor de VPN gratuito, verifique se ele possui uma boa reputação em termos de privacidade e segurança, para garantir que seus dados estejam protegidos enquanto você navega na internet.
Em resumo, usar uma VPN gratuita no seu iPhone 5s pode ser uma ótima maneira de garantir a segurança online e proteger sua privacidade. No entanto, é importante estar ciente das limitações das opções gratuitas e considerar a possibilidade de investir em uma VPN paga para obter recursos adicionais e uma experiência de navegação mais segura e eficiente.
Configurar VPN em dispositivo Apple
Se você precisa de uma conexão segura e privada em seu dispositivo Apple, configurar uma VPN é uma excelente solução. Uma VPN, ou Rede Virtual Privada, cria um túnel seguro entre o seu dispositivo e a internet, protegendo seus dados de olhares curiosos.
Para configurar uma VPN em seu dispositivo Apple, siga estes passos simples. Primeiramente, você precisa escolher um provedor de VPN confiável e que atenda às suas necessidades. Em seguida, acesse as configurações do seu dispositivo e toque em "VPN". Selecione a opção "Adicionar VPN" e preencha os campos com as informações fornecidas pelo seu provedor de VPN, como endereço do servidor, tipo de conexão e dados de autenticação.
Após preencher os campos necessários, salve as configurações e ative a conexão VPN. Se tudo estiver configurado corretamente, você verá o ícone de VPN na barra de status do seu dispositivo, indicando que a conexão está protegida.
Ao utilizar uma VPN em seu dispositivo Apple, você pode navegar na internet com tranquilidade, protegendo suas informações pessoais e mantendo sua privacidade. Além disso, uma VPN pode ajudar a acessar conteúdos restritos geograficamente, ampliando suas opções de entretenimento e informação.
Em resumo, configurar uma VPN em um dispositivo Apple é uma maneira segura e eficaz de proteger sua privacidade online. Siga os passos acima e desfrute de uma conexão segura e privada em seu dispositivo.
Melhores opções de VPN para iPhone 5s
As VPNs (Redes Privadas Virtuais) são ferramentas essenciais para garantir a segurança e privacidade dos dados transmitidos pela internet. Para usuários de iPhone 5s, encontrar a melhor opção de VPN pode ser fundamental para proteger suas informações pessoais. Aqui estão algumas das melhores opções de VPN para iPhone 5s disponíveis no mercado:
ExpressVPN: Reconhecida pela sua velocidade e segurança, a ExpressVPN oferece uma ampla gama de servidores em diversas localizações, garantindo uma conexão estável e confiável.
NordVPN: Com um foco especial na privacidade dos usuários, a NordVPN é uma escolha popular entre os consumidores. Além disso, oferece uma variedade de recursos de segurança avançados.
CyberGhost: Ideal para usuários iniciantes, o CyberGhost é conhecido pela sua interface amigável e opções de configuração simplificadas. Também conta com servidores otimizados para streaming e jogos online.
Surfshark: Com preços acessíveis e uma política de não registro de dados, o Surfshark é uma excelente opção para quem busca uma VPN econômica sem comprometer a segurança.
Independentemente da escolha, é importante verificar se a VPN selecionada é compatível com o iPhone 5s e se atende às suas necessidades específicas de privacidade e segurança. Com uma VPN confiável, os usuários de iPhone 5s podem navegar na internet com tranquilidade, protegendo seus dados de possíveis ameaças externas.
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repairspotus · 7 months
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talucidy · 1 year
it sucks being broke and not getting paid
i may or may not have made a bad financial decision by spending my remaining money on the funny car soccer game and the funny knockoff online lego game (shut up i'm american) i was so lucky that i thought of using my old iphone 5s as a backup ipod because my actual ipod just straight up broke (classic 5th gen) the part that's broken is CONNECTED TO A RIBBON CABLE AND IT'S PROBABLY DEEP UNDER THE HDD AND I'M TERRIFIED OF FUCKING THAT UP dad please pay me (i'm a spoiled little bitch)
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applestore123457 · 1 year
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These are the models of iPhones ,iPhones have different variety features more than androids mobiles.Its have more secure and highly safety phone in the world...
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the front face of an iPhone 14 Pro produced by Apple Inc.Contract producers:
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Part of a series on the iPhone 1st 3G 3GS 4 4S 5 5C 5S 6/ 6 Plus, this article 6S/Plus 6S
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Both iPhone and Android provide solutions for people with different needs. If you already own Apple products like the Mac, iPad, or Apple TV, getting an iPhone is an easy choice. If flexibility or apps are important, go for an Android. Different categories matter more for certain peopcan t?
We've rounded up our favorite iPhone features that Android users can't access.
Use iMessage. ... 
Use Continuity Camera to become your webcam. ... 
Video chat with FaceTime. ... 
Use SharePlay to watch together. ... 
Share lossless music with AirPlay 2. ... 
Get OS updates with minimal red tape. ... 
Get app updates first. ... 
Better security.
Why do people use iPhone?Why we like iOS. Fast software updates for many years: The biggest advantage iOS has over Android is its software updates: Apple generally supports new iPhones and iPads with iOS updates for five to six years after their release date, and all of those devices get the same updates at the same time.Why iPhone is expensive? Another primary reason why iPhones are so expensive is the exclusive features on Apple smartphones. The features on iPhones are very impressive. The company focuses well on retaining the features iPhones already provide with the addition of the latest features.Is Apple better than Google?Generally speaking,  In 2021, Apple sold 240 million iPhones, Google's Pixel 6 reportedly didn't sell well that year. However, Google's software has a combined 4.3 billion users, while Apple has 1.65 billion total user
Is Samsung's camera superior than the iPhone's?
The Samsung appears to provide somewhat better photos while photographing in low light and at close range, but the iPhone just barely edges out when using Portrait mode. Both models have excellent video quality, but once more, the Samsung offers more versatility and also boasts the 8K headline specification, just in case you need it.
Which iPhone should you choose among the best iPhones of 2023? | Tom's Guide
The top iPhones available today
iPad Pro 11 Max. The iPhone 14 Pro is the greatest iPhone you can purchase. The iPhone 14 Plus offers the top features of Apple for less than $1,000. The best cheap big-screen iPhone is the iPhone 14. The iPhone 13 is the best iPhone for most people. iPhone 13 mini, iPhone SE (2022), iPhone 12, and iPhone 12 small are all excellent iPhone values at cheaper prices.
Is the iPhone 14 pricey enough?
The iPhone 14 outperforms the iPhone 12 in practically every way, including screen brightness, CPU speed, camera performance, and battery life. Additionally, it has Crash Detection and basic satellite communication. Anyone moving up from an iPhone 11 or an older model should consider the iPhone 14.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Foldable Mobile Stand Holder Ipad Cellphone Holder with Adjustable Height for all Smartphone, Tablets and Ipad Stand Keep Your Hands Free Get tired of holding the phone in hands for video calls? Use Odilia Hands-Free Mobile Phone Holder instead. The Adjustable Phone Stand works perfectly to hold the phone in place and free your hands while on FaceTime video call, for online classes, video chat, recording, filming, watching movies and reading by keeping it on table, desk, desktop in office Adjustable Height & Angle This Universal Mobile stand for desk is in accordance with ergonomic design. The height and angle can be easily adjusted. The high quality aluminum arm of mobile phone stand holder provides a comfortable viewing angle, which helps to fix your posture and reduce neck and back strain. Aluminum Alloy Made The whole cell phone stand is made of aluminum alloy, no any plastic parts except anti-slip silicone mat. Sturdy & Reliable Metal Structure Mobile Stand Holder for table adopts a metal structure to ensure safety for your iPhone. Combined a robust metal pole, a strengthened metal base with anti-skid rubberized cushions, the Sturdy ipad tablet Desktop Stand holds your phone firmly without wobble, even when typing or drawing on the phone stand. Reserved Charging Hole The Desk Mobile Phone Holder has a charging hole on the bottom clamp, which makes it convenient to recharge your phone while sitting on the holder. Simple Tool-Free Assembly This Adjustable of phone holder features easy tool-free installation. Simply use the included screwdriver to assemble the metal base and phone holder together. Wide compatibility This Mobile stand for table can be used for all types of smartphones, mobiles, Cellphone, tablets, Ipads WEIGHTED METAL BASE: Our universal mobile stand for desk comes with a weighted metal base(Net weight 0.77lb) which provides more stability. It’s equipped with anti-skid silicone at the bottom or the back, which can provide maximum protection for your device from any scratches and sliding. EXCELLENT UNIVERSAL COMPATIBILITY: Mobile phone stand holder is compatible with iPhone and all smartphones between 4 and 8 inches, like iPhone X 8 7 6 6S 5 5S 4S Plus XS Max XR, Nintendo Switch, Huawei, Samsung Galaxy S10 S9 S8, Note 9 , LG, Sony, Nexus, Apple phones, even these phone with case, the hook width of the stand is 15mm, please make sure the thickness of your device is no more than 15mm (0.59 in). NICE LOOKING & HANDS-FREE : Tablet stand for desktop looks very stylish, supports hands-free. It's ideal for watching video, reading and studying, playing games, making video phone call and video conference, using Facetime and watching YouTube. Desk Mobile Phone Holder is a great desk accessories for your office and home. USER GUIDE: 1.take out the screw, wrench and bracket inside the package. 2. Insert the bracket support rod part into the base. 3. Insert the screw into the base hole. 4. Tighten the screw with a wrench. There you have a stylish phone stand ready to use to your suitability. Phone Dock with Reserve charging hole, you can use your Mobile phone/tablet while you charge. Packing list: cell phone stand*1, screw*1, hexagon screwdriver*1 [ad_2]
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rollielectro · 2 years
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#Standoff 2 hack 0.16.0 apk mod#
This Generator Standoff 2 APK MOD Cheat was set up by the Famous Team "FalconHH" and will allow you to add as many resources as you want without connecting and remotely directly on the web, because our Generator sends processed data to get information from the official game servers. Standoff 2 Hack Tool available for Browser, Android and IOS, it will allow you to Get unlimited resources, easy to use and without downloading. Platinum medal for assistance Standoff 2 hack generator 2022 > This really is an Standoff 2 ONLINE Hack, which could generate Unlimited resources to your game account. Today, we got the Standoff 2 Hack at your service. Pick out a skin for your favorite gun and create a bold design by adding your choice of stickers and charms.ĭon't miss out! Download Standoff 2 and join the community right away!įacebook: https:facebook.Use online generator by clicking HERE 👉👉👉👉 Get your first ranking after calibration and win battles to increase it.Ĭreate your own clan and enlist your friends to win fame and glory together in savage Clan Battles. Play as a team with your friends and participate in matches where your ranking's at stake! To win, you'll need great teamwork and technical mastery. Choose the model you like the best and get to fighting! Intuitive and finely calibrated controls make it easy to play.Īll weapon models are available right from the start. In Standoff 2, it's your skills and prowess that matter. Standoff 2 takes you around the world, from a picturesque provincial town to a top-secret laboratory in the mountains. 120fps support ensures a seamless gameplay experience. Take part in a real-time team standoff on your smartphone. Join 200 million other players from across the world - grab your favorite gun and join the standoff! Standoff 2 is a dynamic first-person shooter that honors its prequel's legacy.
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synergypolar · 2 years
Mera sultan hd wallpapers
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IPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad iPad, iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 4, 9. Trap Wallpapers Desktop : Trap Music Wallpapers. Andai saja kaka ku tidak menggodaku part5 part4 part3 part2.
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Andai saja kakakku tidak menggodaku download hd part 2 viral andai saja part 2. IPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro Max: 1284x2778 Andai Saja Kaka Tidak Menggodaku / Mera Sultan - Episode 94 (Urdu Dubbed) - Movie - Viral-2. IPhone Xs Max, iPhone 11 Pro Max: 1242x2688 IPhone X, iPhone Xs, iPhone 11 Pro: 1125x2436 IPhone 6 plus, iPhone 6s plus, iPhone 7 plus, iPhone 8 plus: 1242x2208 IPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7, iPhone 8: 750x1334 IPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone SE: 640x1136 IPhone: iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS: 320x480 Mera Sultan Episode – Part 1 video 2, views.MacBook Pro 13.3" Retina, MacBook Air 13" Retina, MacBook Air 13.3"(2020, M1): 2560x1600 Dual monitor: The second series was based around the production of a 'zombie show' called. The subject of the first series was the production of a soap called Echo Beach, each episode of which aired directly after the Moving Wallpaper episode about its production. It ran on ITV for two series in 20082009. Video contains repulsive violation Video contains sexual content Video is pending for moderation. Moving Wallpaper is a British satirical comedy-drama television series set in a TV production unit. Watch Meryem Uzerli the leading lady of drama Mera Sultan, beauti Watch Geo Kahani drama Mera Sultan daily at Dramwsonline Kahani Drama Mera Sultan: Video file is corrupt and is not playable. Pakistani TV young and beautiful actress Sarah Umair has been working in showbiz since Kainaat Arora Hot wallpaper. Geo Kahani Drama Mera Sultan: Monday to Sunday Daily. Report Video Please select the category that most closely reflects your concern about the video, so that we can review it and determine whether it violates our Community Guidelines or isn’t appropriate for all viewers. Geo Kahani drama Mera Sultan Episode – 13 March – Watch Daily Dramas Online Indian hot and beautiful young actress Kainaat Arora hot hd wallpaper colleciton is here. Video contains spam Video has disturbing content.
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See Hot meryem uzerli – Hurrem Sultan hot swimming pictures in hot epiaode with her boyfriend. Labels 2 states 2 States video 2 States hindi film A plus Action Jackson actress ayesha khan actress Mawra Hocane actresses actresses hot pictures Adhoori Aurat adhura milan ainy jaffri ainy jaffri hot photos ainy jaffri wedding pics Aiza Khan Hot pics Aiza Khan pictures Aiza Khan. Watch Meryem Uzerli the leading lady of drama Mera Sultan, beauti See Hot meryem uzerli – Hurrem Sultan hot swimming pictures in hot bikini with her boyfriend. Indian actress Sana Khan hot HD wallpaper: Please enter your Password for confirmation. Mera Sultan is Turkish worldwide famous tv soap. Watch online Mera Sultan on http: Labels drama Mera sultan on youtubegeo kahani drama Mera sultanMera sultan by geo kahaniMera sultan dramaMera sultan drama on dailymotionmera-sultanTurkish drama mera sultan. Pakistani TV young and beautiful actress Sarah Umair has been working in showbiz since Labels 2 states 2 States video 2 States hindi film A plus Action Jackson actress ayesha khan actress Mawra Hocane actresses actresses hot pictures Adhoori Aurat adhura milan ainy jaffri ainy jaffri hot photos ainy jaffri wedding pics Aiza Khan Hot pics Aiza Khan pictures Aiza Khan. Hurrem Sultan 1080P, 2K, 4K, 5K HD wallpapers freeload, these wallpapers are freeload for PC, laptop, iphone, android phone and ipad desktop. RONCO 3000 SERIES COUNTERTOP ROTISSERIE OVEN Privacy Public Private Choose whether to make your playlist public or private. Watch Geo Kahani drama Mera Sultan daily at Kainaat Arora Hot wallpaper. Please choose report reason carefully and enter your message which will be emailed to the uploader and will be displayed on video page as well. Indian actress Sana Khan hot HD wallpaper: Abusing this feature is also a violation of the Community Guidelines, so don’t do it. Playlists New playlist Your Playlist’s title. Report Detail Video contains prohibited content. Last 7 days Last 7 days Last 30 days Last Year.
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Report Category Video contains prohibited content. Keywords for more pics, wallpaper, i Geo Kahani Drama Mera Sultan: Mera Sultan is Turkish worldwide famous tv soap. Watch Geo Kahani drama Mera Sultan daily at Indian actress Sana Khan hot HD wallpaper: Labels 2 states 2 States video 2 States hindi film A plus Action Jackson actress ayesha khan actress Mawra Hocane actresses actresses hot pictures Adhoori Aurat adhura milan ainy jaffri ainy jaffri hot photos ainy jaffri wedding pics Aiza Khan Hot pics Aiza Khan pictures Aiza Khan. Watch Meryem Uzerli the leading lady of drama Mera Sultan, beauti Video was deactivated by our moderator.
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greyspatient · 2 years
Iphone screen lights up black
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Launch it whenever you need to fix iPhone red screen and click on the option of “System Repair” from its home screen.Ģ.
Firstly, download Dr.Fone - System Repair and install it on your computer. Finally, you need to press the Side button until the Apple logo appears on the screen.ġ. To force restart the iPhone, press and quickly release the Volume Up button, and then press and quickly release the Volume Down button. IPhone 8, iPhone SE, iPhone X, and newer generations Keep pressing both the buttons at the same time for at least 10 seconds until your phone would be restarted. Instead of the Home button, press the Volume Down button and the Power (wake/sleep) button. Keep pressing both the buttons for at least 10 seconds. If your phone is stuck on red Apple logo, press the Home and the Power (wake/sleep) button at the same time. There are different ways to force restart an iPhone, which depends on the generation of the phone you are using. Since it resets the current power cycle of the device, it can fix most of the common issues associated with it. One of the best solutions to fix the red apple logo problem on iPhone is force restarting it. If you're not under warranty, the Genius will give you a quote for the cost of a repair.Part 2: Force restart to fix iPhone red screen If you're under warranty, many repairs can be done on the spot, but it all depends upon which parts are in stock.
Genius Bar appointments always include free diagnosis.When you arrive, go to the Genius Bar to check in for your appointment.(Editor's note: I'm a former Apple tech and we're not exaggerating - please, do yourself a favor and make an appointment first!) Apple Stores are extremely busy, and if you don't have an appointment, you may have to wait for hours or end up being turned away. Visit Apple's website to make a Genius Bar appointment before you go into the store.How To Repair Your iPhone At The Genius Bar Inside Your Local Apple Store Alternatively, call 1-800-MY-APPLE (1-80) to set up a repair.Visit Apple's support website to begin the online mail-in repair process.How To Repair Your iPhone With Apple's Mail-In Service
Click the circle next to Back up all of the data on your iPhone to this Mac.Īpplies To: iPhone 5,iPhone 5S,iPhone 5C,iPhone 6,iPhone 6 Plus,iPhone 6S,iPhone 6S Plus,iPhone SE,iPhone 7,iPhone 7 Plus,iPhone 8,iPhone 8 Plus,iPhone X,iPhone XS,iPhone XS Max,iPhone XR,iPhone 11,iPhone 11 Pro,iPhone 11 Pro Max,iPhone SE 2.
Connect your iPhone to your Mac using a charging cable.
When the backup is complete, you'll see the time and date updated under Latest Backup.īackup Your iPhone Using Finder (Macs Running Catalina 10.15 or newer).
Click Back Up Now to backup your iPhone.
Click the circle next to "iCloud" or "This computer" to select whether you want to backup your iPhone to iCloud or your computer.
Click on the iPhone icon in the upper left hand corner of iTunes.
Plug the other end of your Lightning cable into a USB port on your computer.
Plug the Lightning connector on your Lightning cable (charging cable) into the Lightning port on your iPhone.
A status bar will appear to tell you how much time is remaining.
You'll know the switch is on when the switch is green.
Make sure the switch next to iCloud Backup is on.
Tap on Your Name at the top of the screen.
If you have a WiFi connection, you can back up your iPhone using iCloud.
There are a few different ways to back up your iPhone: Backup Your iPhone Using iCloud
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swiftvewor · 2 years
How to convert mxf files on canon xf100
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In addition to outputting video formats suitable for popular devices, Pavtube MXF Converter for Mac can also convert MXF video files to compatible video formats for editing programs like iMovie, FCP(6/7/X), FCE, Avid MC, Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, etc.ġ.When converting MXF footage using Final Cut Pro oriented format templates(e.g. The multiple output video formats can fit Apple devices like iPhone 5S/5C/5/4S/4, iPad Air/Mini/4, iPod Touch 5, Apple TV 3 Android devices such as Samsung Galaxy Tab S, Samsung Galaxy S5, Nexus 10/7, and Amazon Fire Phone Windows 8.1 devices such as Surface 2/Surface Pro 2/Surface Pro 2, media players like WD TV, Seagate, Popcorn Hour, KDLINKS, AC RYAN game consoles such as PS4 and Xbox 360.
Learn more about this software >īut if you want to convert MXF to mp4 online free or convert MXF files to other formats via some online MXF converters, you can have a check on 2020 Top 5 Free Online Video/Audio Converter.įeel free to share this MXF file converter with your friends and if you have other problems on opening MXF files, you can join us in the discussion below.Enjoy and process MXF video files without any difficultyĪs a professional MXF converter, Pavtube MXF Converter for Mac is proficient in converting MXF video files generated by Canon/Sony/Panasonic camcorders to various video formats such as H.264/MPEG-4, MKV, MP4, AVI, MPEG, WMV, FLV, SWF, F4V, MOV, VOB, etc. Just click the button below to experience it. You cannot believe it’s a totally free HD video converter. In addition to its powerful conversion feature, this free MXF video converter can also help download YouTube Videos, merge multiple videos, edit videos like trim, crop, add special effect and more. Step 3 - Set your output folder and click "Run" to start the conversion process. For instance, you are able to change aspect ratio, change video resolution, decrease/ increase volume, or remove audio. Optional - Here you can set the output file’s parameters on the Parameter Settings part. Step 2 - Press Output Format on the right hand, a wide range of popular formats will show up. Tip: You can also drag your MXF video into the list. Step 1 - Open this MXF video converter, select "Converter", then click "Add Files" button to import your MXF files. freeload this MXF converter for Windows 10/8.1/8/7. Unlike other free MXF to MP4 converter, it is a powerful but easy-to-use HD video conversion program. How to Convert MXF to MP4, MOV, AVI, MKV, WMV, etc?īefore this task, you still need an MXF files converter - Free HD Video Converter Factory.
Such as convert MXF to MP4 free, convert MXF to MOV free, convert MXF to AVI free, and other 300+ formats and devices via Free HD Video Converter Factory so that you can handle MXF files on most popular players, editors and portable devices. The most direct solution to solve the issues above is to convert MXF file to mainstream formats. Let alone if you want to upload MXF files to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc.
And you cannot edit MXF files in Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, QuickTime. Which means you can not play them on iTunes, iPhone/iPad/iPod, smart TV. Despite some third-party media players and pricey video editors, you are unable to open the MXF files on your frequently used media players and video editors. However, as a general user, it can be difficult to open this sort of file which you export from camcorder on your computer directly since it may contain some different compression in a single file. Why Convert MXF to AVI, MOV, MP4, MKV, WMV, etc? Meanwhile, MXF is supported by an increasing number of professional NLE (non-linear editing) systems like Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro X, Sony Vegas Pro and more. What closely linked with our life is that more and more professional AVCHD HD camcorders have taken MXF as the default output video format, like Panasonic P2, Canon XF series, Sony XDCAM, etc. And it may come from a wide range of sources such as cameras, editing system, and video recording devices. As the alternative to actual video tape but in digital format, it is intended for implementation in devices ranging from various cameras and video recorders to computer systems. MXF is the abbreviations for Material eXchange Format. It is intended for implementation in devices ranging from various cameras and video recorders to computer systems. MXF is the abbreviations for Material eXchange Format which is an object-based file format that wraps video, audio, and other bitstreams ("essences"), optimized for content interoperability by manufacturers and major organizations such as Pro-MPEG, the EBU and the AAF Association.
Part 4: How to Convert MXF to MP4, MOV, AVI, MKV, WMV, etc.?.
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esourceparts7 · 7 years
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Apple #iPhone 5S / SE Compatible
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Check for more details: http://bit.ly/2wxvz9f
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by hxcsingingsk8r
Phone Scavenger Hunt
First off, what phone do you have? I have an iPhone 8.
And what provider do you use? It’s a local one you wouldn’t know about, called Globe.
How long have you had your current phone? I can’t remember if it would be 3 or 4 years this 2021. Either way, it’s definitely been a while and I’ve been itching to upgrade. It’s too early to make such a big purchase, though.
Do you have any cases for it? Describe them. I have a clear case that I bought last year. Before that, I had a pink Otterbox case that I managed to destroy even though Otterbox is normally known for its durability. I just have a very unique ability to wreck everything I’ve ever owned lol.
How old were you when you got your first cellphone? I was technically 6, but it was meant to be a present for my 7th birthday. We threw a birthday party a month in advance because my dad had to fly back abroad for work before my actual birthday, but we wanted him to be present at the celebration so we decided throwing a party early was the best route.
What about your first smartphone? [If the answer is different] It was an iPhone 5S.
How old are you now? Dunno what this has to do with the theme of the survey but I am now 22.
Okay, move onto the scavenger hunt part
What is your lock screen picture of? It’s of Kim Seon Ho at a restaurant, lmao.
Home screen? It’s one of the shots from a recent promotional photoshoot Hayley did for Good Dye Young.
How many pictures are thre currently on your phone? This question just made me so anxious hahaha. I have way too many photos; and upon checking, it turns out I currently have 6,266. My god do I need to clean up my camera roll this weekend.
How many videos? I have 227. I have no idea it’s gotten to be this many; I barely use my phone to take videos. I’ll go ahead and delete some of them right now, just to give my phone (and its storage) space to breathe.
What is your most recent picture of? It’s a work thing...I guess I’ll explain it so it can make more sense. So one of our clients has got this Lent campaign going on, and to spread word about it we’ve tapped a handful of food bloggers to try out the offers themselves and post about their experience on social media. Now that we’re in the middle of Holy Week they’ve gone ahead and uploaded their own posts, and I’m in charge of taking screenshots so I can show to the client that the execution had been successful.
And the most recent video? It’s a private vlog. Every Sunday, or at least every other Sunday I take a few minutes to sit down and do a weekly video thing where I talk about my ~mental~ and ~emotional~ status, and it’s basically a way to be in touch with myself and keep track of my progress. Who knows, maybe I’ll actually get to uploading them one day.
Do you have any albums? If so, of what? Yeah. I have one for Cooper, one for Kimi, and a bunch of tiny albums I’ve made where I compiled 4–5 photos of friends to post on their birthdays.
What pictures have you favorited? I have a lot of favorited photos. There’s no required category for me to label them as such.
Do you have any shared albums with friends or family or work? No. I’m not sure if I can do that, or how to do it if it is allowed.
Do you have any alarms set? For what time and for what occasions? I have a bunch of alarms but only because they’re archived into the Clock app and I just haven’t gotten around to deleting them. When I was still new at my work, I used to have alarms set for certain work tasks I have to take note of every week – but now that I’ve gotten into the groove of things, I don’t need the alarms to be reminded about them anymore.
Check your weather app, what is the weather and temperature where you live? It says ‘Mostly Clear’ and shows a temperature of 26ºC.
Do you have the YouTube app? Do you have your own channel? I do have the app and my own account, but I never use it to post videos. It’s nice to have my own channel so that my homepage can be tailored to my interests.
Do you have an email app? Which one do you use? I just have the default Email app that comes with iOS, but I never use it because it’s so wonky. It doesn’t refresh new emails and it takes forever when it does, and it doesn’t always show the full thread of email conversations. If I absolutely need to check my email for something I usually have to pull out my laptop.
Does it say that there is an update available on your phone or any apps? Yes, it reminds me everyday hahaha. I don’t update unless Apple has been planning a big revamp with new features, though; and if the updates are just to address bugs, I disregard the reminders.
Go into your contacts, how many contacts do you have total? It says I have 178.
Name all of your contacts under the letter M: Feels a tad bit invasive, so I’ll just name five people I have under M: Lui, Kim, Patrice, Danika, and Andi.
Name all of your contacts under the letter U: I don’t have anyone under U.
Do you have any contacts that are businesses rather than people? Which ones? No, I don’t really use text to contact businesses. If I wanted to inquire or order from one, I usually head to their social media page.
Go into your notes, how many notes do you have saved? This is another one I have a hoarding problem with lol. My phone says I currently have 561 notes, though I’m fairly certain the biggest chunk of it comes from minutes I’ve taken down from work meetings. It was a whole lot less when I was still in school.
What kinds of things do you save in your notes? Like I said, I use Notes for taking down minutes from meetings. There are also a few surveys on there, from times I didn’t have internet and couldn’t post them on here.
Do you have any voice memos saved? What of? Yep. Some of them were recordings I had to do for journalism classes I was assigned to do voiceovers; some are interviews, also from my journ class; and the rest are of me rambling.
Do you ever use the calculator app? Pretty frequently for work.
Do you ever use the Maps app? Not really. If I needed directions, I would check out Waze for that.
Do you have any health/fitness apps? Which ones? I still have the Nike Training app from the very brief time I wanted to start working out earlier this year.
Do you have the Instacart app? The what now? I’ve never even heard of that.
What about a delivery service like Postmates, Uber Eats, Grubhub, Doordash? I have the McDelivery app for McDonald’s, but I also have other general delivery apps like Grab, Lalamove, and Transportify.
Do you have something like Venmo, Cashapp, or Paypal? I have the Paypal app but I never use it. I also have a couple of e-wallet apps just in case I’d have to use them as a payment method, since some businesses  I purchase from prefer certain ones. Ultimately, though, I use Grab’s mobile wallet the most often.
Do you use Bitmoji? I think I did before? I never used it all that regularly though. Didn’t see the point.
What other keyboards do you use besides English? Any? Filipino, Korean, and Emoji.
Which social media network apps do you have? Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr, TikTok, and Snapchat. So I guess I have all the main ones?
If you have Instagram, what is your handle and how many followers? I have a very private one I only use for work. I didn’t want it to have any followers but at present there’s Angela (because she asked to follow it this week) and Bea (idk why).
What do you typically post on the various social media platforms? The only ones I regularly post on are Twitter and Facebook, and on either I share life updates (if there are any) and memes; though on Facebook I have to watch out what kind of memes I share and make sure they aren’t too offensive because I’m friends with relatives, workmates, and media on there lmao. But on Twitter, I basically have no filter.
Do you make TikTok videos? I don’t make any myself, but I do enjoy going through the app.
Do you only add people you know on Facebook? Yes, for the most part. I’ve taken to adding people as long as they’re from UP or my high school even though I’ve never met them as well, but if I sense that they only added me to try and sell me insurance OR try to get me into MLM, then it’s an instant unfriend for me.
Do you have an app that tracks Instagram followers? No, because I don’t need to track my Instagram followers. I’m off the radar as off the radar gets.
Do you have a Snapchat? Yeah, it’s still on my phone just because but I literally never touch it anymore.
Do you ever take selfies with filters? What app's filters do you use? Eh, just before. I don’t really take selfies anymore, period.
Do you use any apps like Depop or Poshmark or Etsy? No. Out of these three I’ve only ever heard of Etsy, too.
What messengers do you use to talk to people? Any besides just texting? I have Messenger to stay in touch with family and friends; Whatsapp and Viber for work; and Telegram just in case my friends want to play games.
Do you have any photo editing apps? Which ones? I have this app called Foodie that has some pretty filters. Otherwise, since I’m not on Instagram anyway I’m never on the lookout for photo editing apps; no one ever filters their photos on Facebook and Twitter lol.
Do you have any games? Which ones? I do have a ton of games on my phone. I never play any of them, but I keep them just in case I get bored enough to start revisiting them. I have word games, drinking games, games similar to Heads Up! where one person will have to guess the word on the screen while the phone is on their forehead, and gimmicky games like 1010! and Candy Crush haha.
Do you have any rideshare apps like Lyft or Uber? I have Grab, which is a rideshare, parcel delivery, food delivery, and online grocery app all in one.
Now go to the actual phone app, whose phone numbers are saved as favorites? I don’t tag any of my contacts as favorites.
Who was your most recent outgoing call to? I can’t recognize the number, so it was probably a Transportify driver that I called to give him directions to my house.
Who was your most recent incoming call from? I also can’t recognize the number, but this time he was most likely a Grab driver.
Who was your most recent missed call from? Again, can’t recognize the number HAHAA
Why did you miss that call? On purpose? Were you sleeping? Busy? My phone is on silent 24/7, so I must have missed it while I was working.
Who is your most recent voicemail from and what's it regarding? We don’t have voicemail in the Philippines.
What was the last thing you Googled or searched on your phone? Candle tunneling and how to fix it.
What music app do you use? Apple Music? Spotify? Something else? I use Spotify, but I also availed of a 3-month trial on Apple Music earlier this year just because. I think it’s supposed to end soon but I have no plans to shift.
What playlists have you made on there? I have playlists called, “robyn discovers kpop,” “winding down,” “angst,” “not my loss,” and my personal favorite, “paramore but fuck you.”
Lastly, what is the most recent song/album you've added to your collection? What Type of X - Jessi.
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queermediastudies · 5 years
Identity, Infidelity, and iPhones: A Critique of “Tangerine”
Tangerine, set in Los Angeles in 2015, follows the journey of two black transgender women through the streets of West Hollywood the day that one of them is released from jail. The main character, Sin-Dee Rella, learns from her friend Alexandra that her fiance, Chester, has been cheating on her while she was in jail for a month. Sin-Dee sets off to seek revenge on Chester and the “other woman”. The film, which takes place over the course of Christmas Eve, depicts sex work, infidelity, drug use, singing performances, transphobic violence, and more. The plot comes to a peak with all the main characters in one donut shop, where the biggest secret of the film is revealed. Part drama and part comedy, Tangerine is a story of revenge, friendship, identity, sexuality, and love. 
The reception of Tangerine was rather mixed. The film was highly acclaimed for its methods of production, as it was shot entirely from three iPhone 5s smartphones. It was also praised for its casting: the two main characters, Sin-Dee and Alexandra, are played by Kitana Kiki Rodriguez and Mya Taylor, two openly transgender actresses. Taylor won several independent film awards for her role (Shawan, 2015). Today, the film has a score of 96 on Rotten Tomatoes. However, the film has also received criticism about its portrayals of trans characters. 
While Tangerine exhibits themes that align with aspects of queer theory, it also has some problematic elements within its production and content. As a viewer, my personal subject positionality impacts my interpretations and criticisms of the film, and my identity informs how my reading of the film differs from others’. Overall, Tangerine is a complex text that requires many different perspectives to dissect.  
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One of the major themes evident in Tangerine is intersectionality. This film follows the lives of two transgender black women who are also sex workers. This represents an intersection of marginalized gender identity, race, and class, all of which overlap and inform each other to create experiences unique to these particular positions in society. The intersection of these many marginalized identities is not often represented on screen, and this film was made in the 2015, pre Pose era. 
Other apparent themes in the film include trans identity and gender performativity. In one scene, Sin-Dee drags Dinah, the “other woman” to Alexandra’s performance where she sings Doris Day’s Toyland in a club. Dinah later refers to the performance as a “drag show”, to which Alexandra sternly replies “I am not a drag queen”. This exchange challenges Dinah, who, rather than deconstructing her ideas of gender, still thinks of Alexandra as a man performing as a woman. Although Tangerine includes trans characters, the film does not give Sin-Dee or Alexandra much more background or storyline other than their trans identity, a critique that will be explored more in later sections. 
One of the most common praises for Tangerine is for its method of filming: the entire film was shot using iPhones and a four dollar editing app. This cheap, user-friendly technology exhibits a queer approach to production. As Scott & Fawaz point out in Queer About Comics, “low-tech quality makes comics either fundamentally democratic or especially available to democratic practices” (Scott & Fawaz, 2018, p 201). This idea is reflected in Tangerine, as the groundbreaking use of iPhones showed audiences the endless opportunities available with more readily accessible technology. The editing of the film also exemplified some nontraditional techniques. The footage was edited to be quite oversaturated, giving it a slight orange hue, thus the name Tangerine. These film choices deliberately broke cinematic norms.  
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Tangerine mirrors Pose when it comes to some of its criticism. Because of the casting of two trans women of color, the film was able to deflect a lot of criticism. Dr. Martin makes this argument with Pose, saying that “These gay and trans actors of color function as a shield for Pose’s problematic representational politics” (Martin, 2018). While the casting of these two actresses seems groundbreaking, the film itself was created and written by two straight, white, cisgender men, Sean Baker and Chris Bergoch. These two men received the praise and profits from Tangerine even though there were many problematic layers within the casting, production, content, and intended audience of the film. 
For one, although Baker and Bergoch may have had good intentions by trying to cast black trans actors, their methods for finding actors were questionable. Their desire to create this film came from Baker’s “fascination” with a particular Los Angeles intersection that was known for sex work. “As straight, white, cisgender men, he and frequent writing partner Chris Bergoch knew they needed a collaborator familiar with the area’s culture. Approaching people on the street proved futile, so they wandered over to a nearby LGBT center. There, Baker instantly “gravitated” toward a transgender woman named Mya Taylor, an aspiring entertainer who had never acted before, but was game for whatever Baker and Bergoch wanted” (Jacobs, 2015). The intense interest in a community that Baker is not a part of seems voyeuristic if not intrusive. Also, the way that Baker found Mya Taylor shows a situation where Taylor has very little power in the creation of this film. While Baker did intend to get an “inside perspective” of the area’s culture rather than relying on his own perspective, his casting of Taylor seems to be solely based on the fact that she is a black trans woman and was willing to participate. This has some connotations of tokenism and performativity that must be looked at more closely. 
Secondly, the film itself has many issues of representation of trans lives. Overall, Sin-Dee and Alexandra have been propped up as “window dressings” of the film. As Rich Juzwiak states in a critique of the film, “We get virtually no sense of Sin-Dee’s interior life, and the sense we get of Alexandra’s is eye-rollingly trite (she wants to be a singer)” (Juzwiak, 2015). We do not get much of a sense of these characters’ lives outside of sex work, such as their backgrounds or even where they live when they are not on the streets. Instead, Baker and Bergoch rely heavily on tropes and stereotypes of black trans women as well as sex workers. On the other hand, they show the family and home life of Razmik, a cab driver who is a regular customer of Sin-Dee and Alexandras. This makes sense with the later plot, but the stark distinctions between these characters are clear.
The obsession with anatomy in Tangerine presents another layer of concern. For one, the fetishization of trans women was a major component of the film. Razmik consistently objectifies and fetishizes trans women. We see this when he unknowingly picks up a cis woman, then proceeds to kick her out of his car when he realizes she is not trans. This fetishization is dehumanizing, as it portrays trans women as objects of a straight male’s gaze rather than people with complex identities. Cavalcante (2017) criticizes films such as Boys Don’t Cry and TransAmerica for “scenes in both films that fetishized genitalia” (Cavalcante, 2017). This obsession with the anatomy of trans bodies is also shown when Dinah calls Chester “homo” for wanting to marry Sin-Dee. Selena, the woman that Razmik picked up, also called him “homo” when she realized he was looking for a trans woman. This implies that Sin-Dee and other trans women are men, invalidating their female identity. There are also consistent references to Dinah as a “real” woman or a “fish”. This reference implies that, as a cisgender woman, Dinah’s biology is what makes her a woman, and that trans women are not real women. While the trans characters use this reference themselves, it is still problematic to use biology as the determining factor for womanhood. Rather than challenging this implication, Tangerine consistently perpetuates transphobic language and ideas.
As viewers, it is important to recognize our own subject positionality when critiquing films. Personally, as a young queer woman of color in college, I often tend to have a critical, almost cynical lens with many texts. For one, as a mixed-race person, I rarely see images of myself in the media, so I understand the importance of representation. When I do come across characters that I identify with, I often will fall prey to the trap of representation without considering larger structures within media. 
Because of my subjective experiences as a queer woman, I would say I am also sex-positive and sex work positive. I had trouble with some criticisms of Tangerine that I found online because many people took issue with the portrayal of Sin-Dee and Alexandra as sex workers. The particular editorials I came across used a lot of anti-sex worker language. While I agree that “trans women as sex workers” is a trope that must be challenged, my own positionality tells me that there is nothing inherently wrong with sex work. Sex workers deserve to have their stories told and they deserve respect and dignity. While there is a lot of questionable material in Tangerine, I don’t think the presence of sex work alone is inherently problematic. However, the portrayal of sex work as indecent, as it was sometimes portrayed in Tangerine, contributes to the stigma against it. My personal experiences and views further complicated my reading of this film. 
At first glance, Tangerine seems indisputably groundbreaking based on its cast and the characters it is representing. However, a closer look behind the scenes reveals that the features praised in the film are a veil for some questionable processes. A close examination of the text recalls Tourmaline’s Teen Vogue piece: “Too often, people with resources who already have a platform become the ones to tell the stories of those at the margins rather than people who themselves belong to these communities. The process ends up extracting from people who are taking the most risks just to live our lives and connect with our histories…” (Tourmaline, 2017). If we truly want a raw, real look at the lives of trans people of color and sex workers, we must leave the storytelling up to them, rather than approaching these communities with nosy voyeurism as Baker did. However, Tangerine revealed the possibility of a full-length film created with very limited technology. Perhaps the next breakout film will be a story created by trans women of color using nothing but iPhones.  
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  Works Cited
Critique by Lucy Briggs
Jacobs, M. (2015, July 9). Tangerine may have had a tiny budget, but the film's heart is bigger because of it. Huffington Post. Retrieved from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tangerine-movie-transgender_n_559bc990e4b05d7587e22881.
Juzwiak, R. (2015, October 17). Trans sex work comedy Tangerine is the most overrated movie of the year. Gawker. Retrieved from http://defamer.gawker.com/trans-sex-work-comedy-tangerine-is-the-most-overrated-m-1717662910.
Martin, A. L. (2018, August 2). Pose(r): Ryan Murphy, trans and queer of color labor, and the politics of representation. Los Angeles Review of Books. Retrieved from https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/poser-ryan-murphy-trans-queer-color-labor-politics-representation/.
Scott, D. & Fawaz, R. (2018) Queer about comics. American Literature, Volume 90, Number 2, June 2018, pp 197-219. Doi: 10.1215/00029831-4564274
Shawhan, J. (2015, August 6). Beyond using progressive filming techniques and casting, Tangerine is expressive and warm. Nashville Scene. Retrieved from https://www.nashvillescene.com/arts-culture/film/article/13060247/beyond-using-progressive-filming-techniques-and-casting-tangerine-is-expressive-and-warm. 
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margarette6119-blog · 5 years
Convert From MIDI To Audio Conversion
Find out how to convert WAV to M4R online with WAV to M4R Converter? Step 4: Convert the ringtone. Step 3: Choose the WAV file you want to convert to M4R and click on on Open. Audio Trimmer is another free on-line music cutter that can be used to cut MP3 and different audio information. Additionally it is a easy-to-use on-line ringtone maker. The music reducing instrument supports many audio codecs like MP3, WAV, howardtejada81.pen.io WMA, OGG, M4R, 3GPP, M4A, AAC, AMR, FLAC and www.audio-transcoder.com AIF. iTunes 12 retains all most all the practical little instruments which makes it simple for users to make ringtones, textual content messages tones and alerts for his or her iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. This text will guides you on find out how to make ringtones, alerts, textual content tones on iTunes 12 for iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPad four, iPad three, iPad 2, iPad mini, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPod touch 5, iPod touch four, iPod touch three in macOS Sierra, OS X El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion, Snow Leopard, Leopard, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Home windows Vista and Windows XP. Support iTunes 12.7, 12.6, 12.5, iTunes 12.four, iTunes 12.three, iTunes 12.2, iTunes 12.1 and iTunes 12.zero.
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1. Using the iCloud Bypass Tool
iCloud Bypass Tool is one of the maximum popular iCloud lock removal tool within the marketplace. This tool is simple to apply with easy interface. All you want to do is download the device from the website, join your locked iDevice to computer the usage of USB chord, provide the information requested on the display screen and click on on "Remove iCloud" button. It supports all the iPhone models and iOS model from iOS 7 to iOS eleven. ICloud Bypass device is often use for more than unmarried motive however some of the drawbacks that you may see are: speed of download isn't always nice, puts heavy burden on the CPU and rating of the device is simply 3.Five stars.
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3. DoulCi iCloud
DoulCi iCloud is a loose skip iCloud software which can bypass iPhone, iPad or iPod without problems. You just need to attach your device to computer and then run DoulCi Activator script so one can assist to eliminate your iCloud lock inside 20 minutes. This software works on Mac, Windows and even Linux. DoulCi iCloud is simple to use and it also has accurate educational that could assist the user a lot. It is well matched with all the fashions of iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and helps all iOS variations. But you need to complete a survey to be eligible to download this software program.
4. Bypass iCloud Activation DNS
This method doesn't require any tool to bypass iCloud Activation Lock as an alternative you want to observe some procedure to pass the iCloud account. This approach makes use of change in (Domain Name Servers) DNS which enables to skip the tool but it isn't always vital that it's going to paintings in every region and for every user.
Steps to bypass iCloud tool Activation the use of DNS technique:
1. Restart you iPhone >> Select the usa and language. 2. Go to Wi-Fi settings >> Tap on "i" symbol subsequent to Wi-Fi community that you want to connect. 3. Tap on the DNS and clear the number. 4. Enter the new wide variety in keeping with your vicinity. • USA/North America: 104.154.Fifty one.7 • Europe: • Asia: 104.155.220.Fifty eight • Other areas: seventy eight.109.17.60 enter dns range to bypass icloud activation lock 5. Now pass back and join the Wi-Fi network. 6. Tap on "Activation help" (A message will appear pronouncing connection to the server is a success). 7. Tap on Menu choice in order to be on the top proper corner of the display. 8. You have now skip iCloud Activation Lock and might use the tool.
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The subsequent iCloud elimination tool is iCloud Activation Bypass tool model 1.Four which is surely properly in terms of doing its undertaking. It is one of the competitor tool that permits customers not handiest to Bypass Activation Lock however additionally Bypass Passcode Lock. The interface is straightforward with all the features displayed on the display and additionally a DFU Mode Guide is available to manual the user thru complete system. You might not lose your records or any content material at some point of the method and is absolutely free to use. It is simple to put in however a few customers have confronted the issue with their tool detection or even it has past due responsive time.
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7. ICloud Activation Lock Removal Tool
iCloud Activation Lock Removal Tool is a exquisite device that can smoothly liberate iCloud account completely. This tool is safe to use as properly as it is simple to operate. It has were given a good website with clean steps to unlock the device. ICloud Activation Lock Removal Tool helps all the iPhone, iPads and iWatches up to iOS model 11. You get 24 hours unlock shipping service from notably skilled crew but you want to pay positive amount for the offerings. The elimination of iCloud lock is completed with seventy two hours.
8. IPhone Hacktivate Tool
iPhone Hacktivate Tool is locate to skip iCloud Activation Lock of older models of iPhone like iPhone four/4s, iPhone five/5c. The interface of this device is straightforward and it is pretty smooth to use and additionally the file length is small. All the functions are available within the main display. This tool also uses iPhone IMEI range to skip the lock however there are some of the drawback of this tool together with: It would not guide any more moderen iOS version nor the newer iPhone fashions and there is no any update of this tool available within the website.
9. Bypass tool iCloud Activation
Bypass iCloud Activation Tool is an remarkable tool which directly connects the tool to Apple server to prompt iCloud Activation Lock. This device is simple to download and on the same time it is simple to apply. The interface is likewise definitely intuitive and step by step manual is proven at the screen to complete technique. You get 3 alternatives: Remove iCloud Account/Activation Screen, Activate Device, Install Cydia. You can get all the supports from the internet site, if you face any hassle whilst eliminating iCloud Activation Lock.
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