#iphi tag.
hecates-corner · 6 months
Isn’t homophobia just hilarious?
I mean, 750 BC was when the Iliad was thought to have been written. 750 BC. And people still argue gay people are a fad.
Hm. Right.
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ellilyre · 1 month
The brainstorming I've done so far for my cod x Iliad
As I just arrived on vacation I can't work much on it for now, but I've got some thoughts. (I've written all of that in about 24h so it's very very much still a draft)
Characters from one franchise won't be associated with specific charas from the other franchise (bc except for ghoap/odydio I can't think of anything). It's just the Iliad guys in CoD setting.
So the Achaeans/Trojans would be like Specgru/Kortac
Agammenon is captain, obviously. Nestor is retired from going on operations, but still works with them.
Ody's callsign is Nobody, even more obviously (I need to look at others' epithets, but it's a bit tough bc callsigns r usually just one word...)
Achilles and Diomedes are both very young (for their rank) and killing machines. The main difference is that Achilles is dangerously unstable while Diomedes is very obedient to his superiors.
Maybe the gods would be some higher ups ?? (Idk the actual world) That the guys rarely ever see but their orders can't be dismissed or questioned. ("Wtf that's practically a suicide mission" "The orders r direct from Zeus. He says the potential losses are worth it")
If I ever write about it I'm thinking of doing a format, like, each chapter is a mission (or shenanigans on base(or a bit of both?) to introduce the setting, characters, dynamics, ect... And then maybe after some chaps going for an actual plot or a few subplots (ykw's gonna happen to Pat)
Please guys do tell me what u think of it so far :3 and don't hesitate to help me a bit (ex with callsigns and ranks lol)
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space-writes · 16 days
out of context tag
tagged by @the-inkwell-variable, thank you! i accidentally started working on kinktober fics, despite everything else i have to work on so…here you go! (Iphis and Minisstra belong to @foxboyclit, who generously agreed to let me play dolls with them for this fic)
Rules: Post a line (or more) without any context and pass the tag on.
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[ID - a black and purple decorative divider]
“Not going to kill me?” Zeth’rinn starts in the direction he’s instructed. “I’d heard you had no compunctions about that sort of thing.” “Your life is my Matron’s now,” Iphis says. Given the rumour that Minisstra beheaded someone for speaking ill of her, this statement does not fill Zeth’rinn with reassurance.
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[ID - a black and purple decorative divider]
no-pressure tagging @revenancy @thegreatobsesso @tabswrites
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iphisnextdoor · 3 months
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decided I need to start taking advantage of all the yoga and pilates and get weirder with the poses… so
sports anime looking bf about to fucking crotch slam your face
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ustalav · 8 months
valentine's day drabbles - val and iphis
i hopped into @foxboyclit's ask box a few days ago and we discussed how val could be caught in the nydallas' schemes. thus... inspiring this.
valztefein gloats his victory in menzoberranzan's bloodsport scene to one of his benefactors
cw: blood, broken bones. very mildly descriptive
Another night with a man under the heel of his boot, the tip of his rapier pricking his neck just under his chin enough that blood drips down.
When Val looks down at him, there is fear in the man’s eyes, which is just as pathetic to see as it is thrilling. If he was going to be so shaken up by the whole affair, he should not have gotten into bloodsport in the first place. Valztefein grins, twirling the rapier in his off-hand in a show of dexterity. He looks up towards the audience and booms, “What do you think? Shall I finish him or let our newcomer get another chance?”
The male beneath him whimpers and chokes, “Please. Mercy, please.”
Val exaggeratedly furrows his brow, “What was that? I don’t think we heard you. Speak up, now.”
The man’s look up at him seems torn between hatred and pleading. He tries to speak again. “I said please-” Val presses the tip further into the flesh at his neck and the man chokes on the words.
“It seems our dear fresh-faced fighter has lost his tongue.” He presses his heel further into his gut. “Louder.”
Impressively, the male does beg louder. Loud enough for the audience to hear and meet with jeering laughter.
Valztefein twirls the rapier in his off-hand again. He shouts again, so his voice carries across the arena to the crowd, “I must admit, I’ve always been soft. His appeal truly is touching, don’t you agree?”
There is a mix of boos and cheers in response.
“Ah, that is true. It wouldn’t do to let someone off so easy, simply because it’s their first match.” He twirls the rapier again, flourishing it dramatically before thrusting it down hard into the prone man’s hand. The cracking sound of delicate bone resounds across the arena a moment before the man’s screams.
Val expunges the rapier with effort and gives the man a final kick in the ribs. “Never let it be said I am not merciful. The lad will live to fight another day.”
Daringly, he turns his back on his opponent and gives a bow to the audience, eyes halfheartedly searching the upper seats for that male and his upstart Mistress. When his eyes finally catch on Iphis, he smiles wider, stares directly at him and bows once more. It was their coffers that had funded this win.
When he is finally able to catch the Consort alone, he smirks, wiping sweat from his forehead and leaning up against a wall, one wrist limply resting on his sheathed rapier. “Enjoy the show, Nydalla?” His look is long and leering from the man’s shoes to his face. “All I could think of with every thrust and parry of my blade was our own play at dueling.” The suggestion isn’t subtle. Valztefein had fought savagely in the ring, making no attempt to avoid bloodshed. Their own spar had been tame by comparison. “You were truly a more… thrilling opponent.”
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foxboyclit · 9 months
first line tag
tagged by @space-writes, ty!
a follow-up to a new creature, in which Iphis' gender struggles arent completely over
On the day that marked his first year as Iphis, the heat from Narbondel rose just the same, the streets of West Wall came to life with it, and tucked away in the caverns of House Nydalla, the halls filled with the usual bustle of members. On this day, Iphis ended reverie mid-morning, blinked the tiredness out of his eyes, and looked around. 
no-pressure tagging @nightwardenminthara @princeofhags and @foxgirlplushie
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johaerys-writes · 2 months
Snippet Sunday
@rowanisawriter tagged me earlier this week for a WIP Wednesday but I had nothing to share, so I'm sharing a snippet today instead 😊 I've been working on a flashback which takes place at that fateful New Year's Eve party Antilochus mentions in chapter 2 of baby born blue, not sure if I'll include all of it in the next chapter but this is a small bit of it:
Patroclus is halfway down the stairs when he bumps into Briseis. 
“Where were you?” she demands hotly, her voice just loud enough to be heard over the music. “I’ve been looking all over for you!”
“Oh—sorry, I was just—” Patroclus stumbles over his own words. His face is hot, and he realises he actually never even bothered to come up with a believable excuse should he walk into someone he knows. “I’m tired,” he says finally. “I’m heading home.”
“Really.” Briseis quirks her brow, unconvinced. “And where is Achilles?”
“He’s…” Patroclus swallows thickly. “He—I don’t know, still at the party, probably.”
“You don’t know.” Briseis shakes her head and crosses her arms before her chest. “You’re leaving with him, aren’t you?”
“Brie…" Patroclus starts pleadingly, but doesn’t know how to finish the sentence. It’s not the first time they’ve had this conversation. Just before this party she had made him promise that they’d be leaving together, whether Achilles was there or not. The promise didn’t even cross his mind before Patroclus broke it.
“How many more times are you going to do this to yourself?” Briseis asks when Patroclus doesn’t reply. “For months I’ve watched you pick up your pieces after he left. And now at a wiggle of Achilles’ fingers you’re crawling back to him without a second thought?”
He hates the hopeless, disappointed look she gives him, and he hates himself for giving into all of this once more. But he just can’t help it. The pull is too strong, impossible to fight. No one else could understand it, because no one else shares a bond like he and Achilles do.
 “We won’t do anything,” he lies, only to placate her. “We’ll just talk things over.”
"In the middle of the night? And after everything Achilles has downed?” 
“I just— I need to do this, Brie,” Patroclus says, as if that’s enough to explain any of it. “It’s been a while, and—things might be different this time. He deserves a chance, at least. We both do.”
“Oh, Pat.” She shakes her head again. “Are you lying to me or to yourself?” 
Patroclus just gazes at her helplessly. He doesn’t know what else to say. Briseis sighs. “Did you tell Iphis at least? She probably still thinks you’re on that ‘date’.” 
Patroclus winces slightly at the reminder. Briseis had brought Iphis as his plus one for the party, but he barely managed to spend half an hour with her before Achilles arrived and practically pounced on him. After months of interacting with him only through text messages and video calls, whenever they both had time, having all of Achilles' attention on him all at once was intoxicating, headier than the strongest drug. He could try looking for Iphis now, but the villa is huge and she could be anywhere, and he also hates to leave Achilles alone when he’s in that state.  
He feels like the worst, most selfish person in the world when he asks Briseis, “Can you make up an excuse? Just tell her I got sick or something.” 
Briseis glares at him. “I’m not lying for you again. I’ll tell her the truth: that you left with Achilles to—”
“To take him home, because he got sick. Or something. Please. I’ll owe you.” 
Briseis glares at him for a moment longer, then she shakes her head dejectedly again. “Fine. But I’m doing it for her sake, not yours. She deserves some kind of an explanation.”
“Thanks, Brie, you’re the best,” Patroclus tells her over his shoulder, already hopping down the stairs. 
He stops and turns to look at her. She lets out a deep breath, her features growing hard. 
“When you’re with him, you become just like him.” 
The words are like a punch in the gut. Patroclus just stares stupidly at her, until she turns around and walks back to the party.
Tagging forth to @baejax-the-great @in-arlathan @tragediegh @reprrise @hekateinhell @starlightvld @maxdurden @vimlos @darlingpoppet @babyrdie and anyone else who might want to share a little WIP!
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rainbowstargazerlilies · 10 months
Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Preliminary Round Poll 10
#brian/ivy/tim#again. i just like it. i think brian/ivy is good. i think brian/tim is good. and i think tim/ivy is good. so mush them all together. (tags via @majorshatterandhare)
Ianthe/Iphis: At once she agreed with the harsh demands At once he was reborn They were married the self same day The next by Isis' summons they were torn Iphis and Ianthe, together at last But torn apart straight away "I am with you now, a boy as I am But when will I see you again?"
Lyfrassir Edda/A Break: expert testimony
The winner of this poll will advance to the full bracket :)
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valsansretovr · 4 months
okay i know i’ve been annoying in your ask box a lot recently but i can’t stop thinking about livia and i throughly enjoy anytime you speak about her. so please, spare some livia cardew thoughts?
Oh please you could never annoy me <33
Under a cut due to lengthy and unhinged yapping and potentially triggering content (tagged)
Talking about Livia on here has really helped me refine her character — she has changed so much since I started thinking abt her, from outright villain to simply being misunderstood to outright villain again. Now she kind of sits in the middle. there is a dark streak to her, for sure, but she does also have some redeeming qualities.
I’ve always been under the impression that she was raised by her mother after the war so I’ve kind of run with that. Her father was a legal scholar who died during the war (still unsure how) and Livia misses him horribly. Livia’s mother buried herself in her work so Livia has pretty much raised herself (and has done a. not so great job at times). She’s been enrolled in ballet since her earliest childhood, and is actually an extremely talented dancer who has a knack for pushing through and past physical pain and could have been a professional, but her mother’s always said that it would have been a waste of her intelligence (🤨). She has a long-standing rivalry with Palmyra Monty that once resulted in um. fisticuffs. shall we say. Unfortunately for all, Livia has pretty poor emotional regulation skills and will get so angry, and so outraged, that she will lash out, usually after a period of lengthy seething. She figures out early on that sometimes causing other people pain brings her pleasure, especially if she believes that her fury is somehow justified (however skewed that justification may be).
She’s gay but doesn’t really know it.
She marries one of Arachne’s older brothers. Again I go back and forth with what happens to poor Tiberius Crane. He dies, that for sure. As you know I’ve sorta been playing around with Livia being Snow’s second wife, but the idea that he may have married Iphigenia Moss is so deeply horrific to me that I almost push back against it. I think that he takes so much from her that it exacerbates her mental health issues and that that is what kills her, and I find that extremely troubling.
Anyways sometimes I think she ends up marrying Snow because she loves power. Sometimes it’s because she’s on a revenge crusade for Iphie (which everyone thinks is really strange because Iphie and Livia weren’t even that close). Sometimes it’s because she genuinely thinks she may be happy with him (BUZZER. WRONG.)
Coriolanus and Livia are incredibly poorly suited to each other. It is fascinating. They seem so repulsed by each other that everyone is genuinely shocked when they have children together. like it’s a joke in the friend group where they will just look at each other in absolute disbelief and shock like when and how the fuck did THAT happen. It did and it was terrible. That Livia has constant affairs is the Capitol’s worst kept secret but somehow coriolanus is just like “my wife’s lesbianism is the only thing I respect about her.” I’m joking. Or am I. Idk it’s hard for me to reconcile snows obsession with control and his image with his rather unruly wife’s behaviour. I’m choosing to see it like how in medieval literature everyone knows king arthur’s wife is having an affair but no one says anything out of fear of disrupting the status quo. now I bet u didn’t think I’d manage to work king arthur into this but there you have it.
Livia hates her husband and fantasises about killing him constantly. She stumbles across the John collier clytemnestra painting while she’s at a reception at the Ravinstills and is deeply compelled like. Maybe she could axe coriolanus while he’s in the bath? Wouldn’t that be fun and empowering?
In some worlds she escapes her husband and drives off into the sunset after mobilising a network of women who hate coriolanus (there’s a lot). sometimes she realises that he will kill her so kills herself just to spite him and disrupt his career. She’s pretty unhinged by this point. I think she dotes on her children, particularly her youngest daughter, so I’m trying to wrap my head around a context in which it would make sense for her to leave her children behind? Maybe she thinks they will be safer with her gone but coriolanus not in power than they would be if she were around but coriolanus was in power? Idk idk initially this entire thing started bc I thought It would be funey if Livia gone girled herself but now I kinda can’t make it work lol
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incoherentmuses · 1 year
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quick lil Iphis doodle cause @foxboyclit reblogging this post with his tag made me wanna draw it
(prev Iphis art)
ko-fi | commissions info
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mechsbrackets · 2 years
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[I.D.: a 32 team single elimination bracket titled "Most Gender Mechanisms Character!". It consists of 16 matchups listed below /End I.D.]
We now have a bracket! The matchups are listed and linked below! All polls will be tagged with #most gender mechanisms character bracket.
Ashes O'Reilly vs. Scuzz Nishimura (this poll is being WEIRD, please vote on the first version (the one linked here) that only seems to be visible through if you go through the tags. Tumblr why)
The Aurora vs. Yog-Sothoth
Nastya Rasputina vs. The Octokittens
Lancelot vs. Ulysses
Lyfrassir Edda vs. Alice
Galahad vs. Dr. Carmilla
Ivy Alexandria vs. Orpheus
Arthur Pendragon vs. Loki
The Toy Soldier vs. Rose Red
Majors Hatter & Hare vs. Raphaella la Cognizi
Marius von Raum vs. Guinevere
Blogbot vs. Mordred
Jonny d'Ville vs. Odin
Captain Joseph Robert Mathea vs. Drumbot Brian
Frankenstein's AI vs. Iphis
Comsat Cheshire vs. Gunpowder Tim
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Amaro x Calamari ( @hottopicabbacchio & @corpsoir ) vs Iphi, the goddess of sacrifice x Jack Sinclair ( @kira-the-whump-enthusiast )
who makes up your ship?:
amaro (he/him, by hottopicabbacchio) calamari (he/they, by corpsoir)
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
Amaro used his stand (make you fall in love) on a lot of people, Calamari came around and he used his stand on them for one night too, but Calamari kept coming back after the effect wore off so Amaro continued to use his stand for a bit being afraid of him leaving/because he thought it would be fun. Eventually, Amaro realized that he had stopped using his stand on Calamari and actually fell in love with them. They have a good 3 year run where they're together and fine and in love UNTIL. one day going on a job for information (mafia business), Amaro is talking/flirting some of the information out of the guy theyre after and Calamari over hears some guys talking about how "Amaro is after another one" and how they had been affected by his stand power before. It gets Calamari thinking if Amaro had used his stand on them before (yes, but only at the beginning) and they start thinking that the whole relationship had been a lie. They get in a big argument - Calamari confronting Amaro while Amaro desperately tried to prove to Calamari he hadn't been using his stand for years - and they end up breaking up. After about a month, Amaro gets worried about not seeing Calamari around and goes to their apartment that he still haa the spare key too and goes inside to find him. Instead, he finds a mess and Calamari eating cold pizza in an empty bathtub alone. Calamari half agrees for Amaro to stay and help them clean, which they assume and know thats the only reason they would have come, and doesnt believe Amaro about their relationship no matter what he tries to say. Over time - a cleaning session maybe once a week or so with Calamari making as little talk to Amaro as possible and Amaro just wanting to make things right again - Calamari suddenly realizes that he might be falling in love with Amaro again and confronts him about using his stand again and tells him to show her to them. Amaro had made a vow to himself to not use his stand around Calamari ever again, but caves and shows Calamari that the swords (where his stand power is) are all still there. Currently, they are working on getting back to how they were before, but there is still Issues and Problems <3 They both want it back but Calamari still cant trust Amaro but Amaro had never been in love with someone like that before
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4AcBeDHX48BYcmdda13KNL?si=fkg9IR4NT5Klw4bUt-0QoQ&utm_source=copy-link playlist by hottopicabbacchio, character tags on both op blogs under amaro avvoltoio and calamari pavone
who makes up your ship?:
Iphi, the goddess of sacrifice, and Jack Sinclair, her loyal servant
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
Iphi is a machine of a goddess, and thousands of years ago she decided that she needed a little help. So she found Jack Sinclair, and they talked and eventually Jack fell in (non romantic) love with Iphi. And then Iphi manipulated them into giving up their physical body and independence to be with her for eternity! Iphi quite literally has completely control over Jack's mind. They've lived for thousands of years, but they haven't actually been conscious for the vast majority of it because Iphi literally keeps them in a state of subdued consciousness when she doesn't need them for anything. When she has a mission she'd like Jack to carry out, that's when they're given control of their mind back. And yet they're still bound to her orders, and well, she's a goddess. She's always watching. And Jack sees nothing wrong with this! Because they love her so much. They would do everything for her, let the world crumble if it would make her even the smallest bit happy. Jack is willing to and has killed and tortured for their love. Their personality has been,,, tampered with, somewhat. Iphi made sure to exacerbate the love they felt to the point of total obsession and undeding devotion. They'd do anything and everything for her. They don't know that she made them that way. Iphi has gotten her perfect servant, and Jack can't be anything but happy to be that.
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
I have like two songs. Your Body, My Temple by Will Wood and Haunt, The Cartoon Heart by Bear Ghost. Mostly from Jack's perspective.
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transthomastaylor · 8 months
Using only song titles from one artist/band, clrverly answer the questions and then tag people!
Suāsit mihi, ut opusculum solverem, ἡ φιλοφρονεστάτη @iphis-et-iante
Band - the Mountain Goats
what’s your gender - Pink and Blue
how do you feel - Never Quite Free
if you could go anywhere - The Wooded Hills Along the Black Sea
fave mode of transportation - My Little Panda
your best friend - Rat Queen
favourite time of day - If You See Light
if your life was a tv show - Done Bleeding
relationship status - Getting Into Knives
your fears - Grendel’s Mother
Sat jūcundum mūnus explēre coācta sum. Advocō tamen et exhortor ūnam tantum, ut simile opusculum expediat: @piniferasillies
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Link to old pinned post (articles about racism and white supremacy in classics) HERE.
The event: Poll bracket to answer the central question: which woman from ancient Greek or Roman myth and literature would win in a fight?
The rules: Vote based on who would win in a fight, NOT who you like more. Consider factors such as physical prowess, intelligence or cunning, and magical ability.
If the character has multiple non-godly forms, consider the one you believe to be more powerful. If the character is a goddess for a portion of their life, please only consider their mortal or non-godly form.
The tags: All posts related to the bracket are tagged "ancient woman thunderdome 2023." All fights are tagged "who would win."
The bracket:
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[image description: a bracket titled Ancient Woman Thunderdome 2023. it lists 32 matchups between 64 women. all matchups are listed below. end image description.]
The fights:
ROUND ONE (bolded denotes currently active fights!):
Clytemnestra vs. Niobe Electra vs. Iphis Chrysothemis vs. Cassiopeia Iphigenia vs. Semele Procne vs. Creusa Callisto vs. Europa Daphne vs. Lysistrata Philomela vs. Andromeda
Penelope vs. Antiope Atalanta vs. Stheno Dido vs. Lavinia Penthesilea vs. Nausicaä Camilla vs. Anna Briseis vs. Lesbia Agave vs. Chryseis Phaedra vs. Charybdis
Antigone vs. one of Hephaestus' "golden fembots" Helen vs. Deianeira Ariadne vs. Eurydice (from Antigone) Hecuba vs. Iambe Andromache vs. Echo Eurydice (Orpheus' love) vs. Psyche Ismene vs. Tiresias Jocasta vs. Scylla
Medea vs. a siren Circe vs. Cressida Cassandra vs. Leda Medusa vs. a maenad Hippolyta vs. Galatea Arachne vs. Pasiphae Pandora vs. Danae Io vs. Calypso
Clytemnestra vs. Electra Cassiopeia vs. Iphigenia Procne vs. Callisto Lysistrata vs. Philomela
Penelope vs. Atalanta Dido vs. Penthesilea Camilla vs. Lesbia Agave vs. Charybdis
Antigone vs. Helen Ariadne vs. Hecuba Andromache vs. Psyche Tiresias vs. Scylla
Medea vs. Circe Cassandra vs. Medusa Hippolyta vs. Pasiphae Pandora vs. Calypso
Clytemnestra vs. Iphigenia Callisto vs. Lysistrata
Atalanta vs. Penthesilea Camilla vs. Charybdis
Antigone vs. Hecuba Psyche vs. Scylla
Medea vs. Medusa Hippolyta vs. Calypso
ROUND FOUR (quarterfinal!):
Clytemnestra vs. Callisto Atalanta vs. Camilla Hecuba vs. Scylla Medea vs. Hippolyta
ROUND FIVE (semifinal!):
Clytemnestra vs. Atalanta Scylla vs. Medea
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foxboyclit · 9 months
since you only have one wip title in the ask game, i'm gonna ask multiple questions and you can't stop me
do you have any fun (for whatever definition of fun) behind the scenes facts or cut things you want to share?
please infodump your thoughts and feelings at me about writing pre-transition selves as narrative literal and figurative ghosts. it's my favourite (obviously)
and this isn't a question but i just noticed the parallels in Minisstra keeping everything pristine and tidy and Iphis smoothing out his shirt as well as his emotions and idk but there's something there. i'm poking it.
space you truly spoil me, infodumps under the cut cause this got long Fast dvnsknal
oh there are a few darlings i had to kill in the final draft, originally Nephila was going to appear as she was on the night of House Kilth's fall, covered in blood and looming over Iphis' bed, and this scene was fun to write just because its Iphis being a petty little cunt:
Reappeared in the blink of an eye, there sat Nephila fussing with her makeup. She paid no mind to Iphis’ reflection behind her and continued applying lip stain as if he wasn’t there. As if she belonged there.
And that red was so not her color.
lastly, idk how well i executed this, but a little bit of Minisstra getting Iphis to kneel in an attempt to calm him down:
Matron Nydalla simply motioned for him to come closer, then for him to kneel beside her chair. He obliged, resting his chin in her lap as she liked him to, and started to relax as he felt her fingers run through his hair.
“Breathe, Ra’soltha. Just take a moment.” and he did, letting his mind turn to blissful faint static. He grounded himself in the feeling of his Mistress playing with his hair, the faint scratching of her pen against paper, and his eyes drifted closed as he let out a content sigh. Her pleased hum rang sweetly in his ears as he knelt there, and time seemed to slow in the best way.
“That’s my good boy,” she murmured, then after some time, her hand stilled.
i really wanted Nephila to linger around as opposed to actively terrorizing Iphis so that's why she doesn't talk and interacts more with the environment than him, because the whole thing is he partly still feels like he's living her life. its like that early stage in transition where people still aren't used to the idea of you being their brother/son/etc
Nephila's also a manifestation of his guilt, which is why she acts younger than him (i played around with the idea of her appearing as a child at times, but ultimately settled on her being a teenager). he wasn't all that close with his younger siblings, but their deaths are harder to justify than other members of his original House. so, Nephila's more carefree and childlike, but she also plays alone
ah yes, the Nydalla special: keeping every part of yourself in perfect shape in an attempt to smother those pesky trauma/dysphoria/guilt induced apparitions. Iphis has always been more prone to slipping that up :)
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