#io's replies
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A DM in the SW5e Westmarch responded to a nat 1 on a perception check with “[character], the floor is made of floor.” Every nat 1 perception in the server is now “the [x] is made of [x].”
A character with a -1 wis rolled a 0, which led to:
Me: “The floor is made of floor, allegedly.”
Current DM (hi @spyscrapper): “Is it.”
Original ‘the floor is made of floor’ DM: “The floor might be made of floor.”
The floors are with us, at least. Even if the perception checks aren’t.
dnd jokes that will always be funny no matter what your dm tells you
"jesus christ" "who's that"
"this is just like (tv show/movie)" "that's my favorite play"
referring to famous musicians or actors from the real world as "bards"
adding the word "fantasy" in front of modern things (i pull out my Fantasy iPhone and open Fantasy Tinder)
"how hurt are you" "on a scale of one to twenty-eight i'd say i'm at about a nine."
feel free to add more
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Hello, my apologies if this has been already asked before, but I really love your skin deafults and I'm wondering If you are possibly planning to make them for supernaturals? And if not, would it be alright with you if someone made them using your skin deafults as a base? (with credit, of course)
Hey and thanks! The reason I haven't released any supernaturals is I'm satisfied with what I got as defaults. They're compatible with my main skins, and most of them are detail overlays rather than full skins, which is imo better! Link list below!
Vampires: my 2018 edit to Magpie's this corrosion that I don't remember what I did with, but if nothing else, it matches my eye defaults. Blackened fingers and lips and some veins, I don't think I have a picture though
Genie: Rudhira used my skins for this already, bless!
Witches: HP's normal skin for witches, the classic
Werewolves: I prefer this small edit to Maxis werewolf, the majority of the cute fluffy-looking defaults out there aren't really to my taste
Zombies: Lifa's overlay is tight
Plantsims: uhh looks like nothing there at the moment, actually :o Play them so little that I hadn't even noticed, but my idea was vine/plant tattoos as overlay rather than green skin.
So these are good! I definitely will be making my own plantsims at least when I have the time and inclination but in the meantime people can do whatever they want, right? yeah, they'd be edits of my cc just like anything else, that's fine.
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Hey, where can I find that green knitted sweater that Angela wears?
Angela wears two green knitted sweaters, so I wasn't sure which one you wanted.
The light green one she wears as a teen is @serabiet's Audrey sweater converted for teens by @linasims2.
The darker green one she wears as an adult is @serabiet's Sea Captain sweater.
I recommend them both, because they're absolutely gorgeous in-game. And if neither of those was the one you wanted, please let me know so I can get the correct links.
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💕Platonic Valio💕
-Going on walks together (with a leash)
-Val spending money on Io (bailing Io out of the dogpound after they bit a kid)
-Sharing hobbies (harassing Connie)
-Taking trips together (a trip to the ER after Connie beats their asses)
-Fun gifts (the dead animals and boots Io brings Val)
omg Valio adorable
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shoves the entire swtor under my bed
personally i’m a fan of when a story is like. the love was there. unfortunately. this all could have actually gone a lot easier for everyone if the love hadn’t been there but here we are
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✨ Positivity Pixie Dust! ✨ Sending positive vibes to those that get this message! Copy and send this message to the last 5 people on your dash to spread the positivity
Fae omg thank you!! 🫶🥺✨ this really makes my night, again thank you! 🩷
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Thanks Amy 💖 I appreciate your advice, truly, but I spent like two hours on the phone with four different Apple Support personnel so that we could discover that my iCloud storage was all but full, so it prioritized downloading the iOS update (and photos and stuff). So any unsorted notes not already saved in the cloud are just gone.
My iCloud storage has been expanded, so that hopefully this never happens again, but I’m still extremely disheartened and demoralized by everything.
It also deleted all the fics I had downloaded. I just spent three hours or so redownloading them (and I’ll download all of my own fics too so I have a copy), and four more had been deleted since I downloaded them before. So those are fucking gone forever too.
All in all, this is one of my worst days in recent memory.
#replying#amysnotdeadyet#fucking iOS update#I wish they would ask me first before doing that shit#I’m still so sad and angry
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21, 25, 30 for the core 4 (kris, greg lily and avelina <3)
21. what common etiquette do they disagree with? do they still follow it?
kris: not so much disagreeing with, he just finds it really uncomfortable to maintain eye contact with people at all times, or smile at them like constantly. he'll try to do it but for the latter he'll complain to greg that it hurts his face if he has to do it for more than twenty minutes
greg: answered here
lily: hates small talk with a passion. she considers continued politeness to people who have proven themselves to be shit a waste of everyone's time- if she doesn't like someone, they'll know. why would she discuss the weather with an idiot?
avelina: has been repeatedly told that infodumping is rude... personally she doesn't agree with that, she's just trying to share her knowledge, and if they were really bothered by it then they'd let her know, right? still though, sometimes she stops herself before she sees another person's eyes glaze over
the rest are under the cut :p
25. what subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
kris: i think he's quite interested in like. technology specifically home computers which in this time period are like the amazing never-before-seen peak of individual tech. form and function of like electronics in general fascinates him if he were in modern day he'd def be the type to take apart his pc again and again and upgrade it
greg: iiiii personally think hes a massive american football fan. the one with the shoulder pads and helmets and the running directly into each other all that jazz idk im not into it soo yea
lily: not sure how much of a factor this will play into the plot itself but i think she's an artist! not like super devoted or professional but she sketches often. and says she has a good. eye for it. cue audience groan
avelina: astrophysics 😭 which like. again i don't know SHIT about so i don't know how much will make it into the story itself. just know that she's a genius at this stuff- of the four of them, she's the mathematician
30. when they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
kris: he feels like a general base amount of aimless guilt constantly and tries not to really do anything that could result in a mistake and then exacerbating that feeling. personal is worse by far though, he has less experience with the alternative
greg: he doesn't like acknowledging when he's made mistakes and as a consequence of that either feels no guilt at all or a crushing amount. the more personal something is the more defensive he's liable to get
lily: i think for lily the guilt is on a bit of a delay- she'll apologise immediately if someone is really firm with her but the actual understanding of where she went wrong would be something she'd have to work out later on her own time under her own justifications even if it's explained to her in the moment. ultimately if she can concretely Fix what went wrong then she won't feel guilt at all
avelina: she will pretty much feel terrible no matter what, even if she's apologised, unless the other party tangibly proves to her that she's forgiven. i don't know if this is a bad trait or not? she's not like trying to be forgiven just to alleviate her own upset but unless she really really believes she's in the clear the guilt will eat away at her no matter the justification
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having viral posts is all fun and games until you have clowns in your mentions being like "well, op, i bet you also didn't know THIS" [haughtily explains something i absolutely would and do know] like add whatever to my posts that you think is informative just don't direct it at ME! i know! i just didn't include it in the post i made in 20 seconds because i didn't think 30,000 of you would see it!
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hi i read the chenle family tree texts and i loved!! i was wondering what do you use for messages 😃
hii! thank you so much!! <3
i use social dummy (it’s not on IOS anymore) and than i use picsart if I wanted to add in any of the imessage features (such as thumbs up/hearts/laughing) or to remove timestamps that I do not want.
MeMiMessage for the fake texts and TwitterMemo (i have not tested but people say are good) if you can’t get social dummy!!
#it’s my favorite so far#love yah <3#ask and replies#hope this helps!!#i hate that social dummy isn’t on ios :(#it’s a lot easier than most other apps#but I did pay for extra features
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Hi Becca 🩷
I see u as one of the iconic spooky simmers so i wanted to ask if u have any cool lore for the occult sim game? Specifically vampires and werewolves? I just like hearing abt ppls lore and ideas for their games :3 I’m currently in my occult kick rn so I’m really interested in knowing lol!!
ICONIC SPOOKY SIMMERS 😭 thank u fae <33
i looove that you asked me about this! i too like to hear about other people's lore when it comes to occults. i actually wrote a whole page of lore for my personal game, i keep forgetting to put it on my navigation tho bc honestly i think i need to update it, the vampires page is waaay too deep bc i wrote it when i was hyperfixating on vtm (which i still adore) and i also have nothing for werewolves 😩
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Ernest’s story is so tragic and I’m glad it’s over because it’s so sad I cannot accept that he d worded like that…😭 ur so good at writing characters. I’m super excited to see Lucas because he’s my favorite 🫣🫶🏼 that is my son.
we still have a little extra regarding the prologue so maybe sad isnt over yet sorry. also thank you so much fae!!!!!!!!
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personally I think there’s something to be said for inventing the category
big fan of the term "sex pervert". what other kinds of pervert are there. inquiring minds want to know
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Omg Alessia!!!! I noticed the change in your editing and can I say it’s so beautiful? Your posts have always been gorgeous but I think you just leveled up to 100 😭🫶🏼 TALENTED ASF
Omg Fae thank you so much!!! I’m genuinely at a loss of words right now 🥹🩷
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back to fodlan, do you have any thoughts about everyone reacting negatively or lack of reaction with the immaculate one's form?
"in this game, canon is whatever you want it to be"
- Redshit, 2022
It's completely bonkers because Rhea isn't really subtle, we have Macuil on the KoS's sigil, a dragon (herself? Cichol?) on the CoS's sigil, she has herself some small figurines of dragons on her chimney, and the tenets and even those "beginning of the chapter" art + captions explain how the IO is a dragon, has "mighty wings" and helps people randomly!
A friend even noted how Seiros is called, in the scriptures, the Goddess's child :
As the goddess's child, Seiros makes emperors of mortals
Coupled with Lake Teutates's temple and how the one in Sreng is said to be there for people to "venerate a sacred beast", apparition of a Nabatean, in their bestial form, shouldn't be like, normal, but it's more like "wow it's the dragon from the legend" than "eww lizard" or "eww cruel monster" or even some fan coined "there was no word in Fodlan to describe this monstruosity"
People joked about early after the game's release, but when Rhea turns into the IO in CF, it's as if Pope Francis becomes an archangel - it isn't supposed to be monstruous, (unless we're talking about the angel looking like eldritch creatures and even then) but something that exists in legends, something everyone heard of.
Ultimately, the DLC book where some schmuck wonders how Relics works nearly name drops Nabateans, wondering something about the "Children of the Goddess" so with all those clues around, yep, while not being as common as a winged horse, Nabateans and their bestial forms are heard of in Fodlan, and not seen as "creatures" or "evil beasts" or whatever, if the CoS really has the influence some people argue it has, Nabateans in their alternate forms are "sacred beasts", not monsters.
Leonie being a country bumpkin might not know about it and react "wow a magic beast!", but Claude who became the Leader of the Alliance and apparently researches a lot, made a link between Birdie and the IO, even if was a bit surprised at the talking Birdie.
Bernie, the heir of the Minister of Religion, calling the Immaculate One - a figure and legend in the Seiros religion - a scary creature or thinking it's a monster, thought, is complete bollocks.
Nopes imo put the final nail in the coffin with the Mittelfrank script - about that human being lost in a forest, running away from a giant monster with a horn that looks like a giant unicorn, meeting a random weirdo in a forest, falling in love and most likely discovering the monster and the human are one and the same - if Adrestians can write stories or even have legends about humans shagging shapeshifters, then why the eff are Adrestian nobles (our peeps from CF) so afraid and outright rejecting Rhea's IO form, calling it something monstruous or vile or whatever?
Like, the second Supreme Leader uses Rhea's form to call her a vile and inhuman beast that needs to be put off, any random Adrestian would press X to doubt, because she's the IO, the legendary being who protected Fodlan :
"But she looks like a Monster!!! And has scales! And isn't human!!"
"Why, haven't you seen the readaptation of Liora in the mist, played by the Mittelfrank company last summer in Enbarr? I heard it was a hit, hell, Dorothea played the role of Liora!"
"But she is.not.human!"
"Well duh, Saint Seiros herself descended from the Goddess, of course she wasn't human. Just like your family, you aren't humans either since you descend from Saint Seiros, right?"
"Hubert, prepare the information campaign, those poor people need to be educated and see the truth about how they were lied to for too many years."
Granted, if CF really went through this route, we would have to see information campaigns about how Seiros rewrote history to make people believe she wasn't a cruel being who had regard for human life because of her race, thus all those stories people are using are lies ; she pretends her people aren't inherently wrong!
(but that might fly a bit too close to irl stuff even for KT)
#anon#replies#it's almost as if the background and the verse kinds of hold in a vacuum#but when it has to be the setting for Supreme Leader's war everything collapses#Rhea couldn't erase all mentions of nabateans#there are sacred beasts here and there#Adrestian plays#even in her own books Seiros is the goddess's child ergo not a mortal per the localisation#the IO is a bakcground figure in the Seiros lore#like yes it exists and is supposed to be benevolent#it's not a monstruous form or a cruel beast#I know Tru Piss throw logic by the window but man#FE16
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it’s trying to convince itself
it sounds like it's begging us to believe it
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