#inuyasha wide 29
officialinuyasha · 2 years
InuYasha Wide Edition #29 Translation - Naraku [Part 1]
Original Japanese Scans Provided by Me
Spanish Scans Provided by muffin_0626
Translated by @marusamaa-tradus​
Proofread and localized by me
Rules: No screenshots or using my photographs, copy/paste, not using without permission, reblogs/linking only
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The group of youkai that use humans as connectors
Naraku is a hanyou made of countless youkai that use evil humans as connectors. For a youkai to acquire huge power, it’s convenient that it merges with others to create a single powerful youkai. Long ago, a great number of them merged together to strengthen and battle against a powerful miko called Midoriko.
That time, the connector was a man who was in love with her. Naraku’s connector was the bandit Onigumo, who couldn’t move because of his injuries and harbored evil feelings towards Kikyo. He let grow his impure desire to have her and attracted numerous youkai that devoured him, bone and all. However, his heart remained inside Naraku and brought him into several conflicts.
He takes on several appearances
Since Naraku is a group of several youkai, he doesn’t have a specific appearance. He took on the aspect of different people depending on the situation. He even had a female form. It seems he was pleased with Kagewaki Hitomi’s appearance, whom he possessed to obtain a castle and get a status, and he remained with that form until the end.
(page 2)
He’s filled with poison and miasma
The interior of Naraku, a mass of evilness, is full of powerful poison and miasma. It’s possible to imagine the intensity of the former looking at the scene where Kirara, that’s a youkai, loses consciousness as she absorbs a bit of this poison after biting Naraku’s shoulder. Moreover, his tentacles give off miasma every time they’re cut and this way they corral the foes. This emanation serves as a way to drive away the enemy the moment they abandon the battlefield.
He can fuse and recreate his body
The biggest and most representative of his abilities is that he can detach and recreate his body. As a hanyou, just like Inuyasha, he has a day where he can’t use his powers. During this span of time, he detaches his body, gets rid of all that is unnecessary, recreates his body and strengthens it. This characteristic is attributable to the fact that he’s originally a group of a great number of youkai and, thanks to this, he can get increasingly stronger. Naraku is specially skilled with forcing other youkai to enter his body. For example, he gets to get a powerful youkai body created with the ability of Kodoku, or he lets Mouryomaru to get stronger, letting him be free, to absorb him later.
This way, he slowly turns into the most feared youkai in the Sengoku era. Besides, he’s immortal unless his heart is destroyed.
(page 3)
The creation of his incarnations
Another one of his abilities is that, despite being using the powers of the shards of the jewel, he can create his own incarnations using the lumps of flesh that form his body and making them ripen and mature. Those incarnations have different abilities and characteristics, which may be due to the raw materials used. However, they’re not necessarily completely loyal to Naraku, and in some cases they rebel against him…
The barrier
Naraku’s barrier hides his whereabouts and protects him from enemies in battles. The one he’s able to create is big; he even hid from Inuyasha and the others by hiding all the Hitomi family castle, whom he had possessed. Moreover, this barrier is immune to Inuyasha’s wind scar. After Inuyasha acquired the ability to cut barriers thanks to the blood coral crystal, Naraku refrains from using them for a while, but after becoming the new Naraku at the Mount Hakurei, he managed to create an even more powerful barrier.
He has in his service the saimyosho and the puppets
He commands the poison insects from hell, the saimyosho, whose role is to affect Miroku via his wind tunnel. Besides that, they have other functions. For example, they can gather information or the fragments of the jewel. They don’t stand out much, but they have their advantages.
(page 4 - interview with Rumiko Takahashi)
Onigumo’s human heart that remains in Naraku’s nature
What kind of character is Naraku? Thinking about it, I finally think he’s a human. Besides, he initially was a bandit named Onigumo and I think he could never get away from that name. That’s why he was a human until the end… a terrible man…
During the story, he attacks Inuyasha and his friends in horrible ways. I think Naraku knows where he can hurt humans because he’s one himself; he knows very well what they don’t want him to do, that’s why he tends to do such hurtful stuff. This is all possible because he’s a human. All the ideas about him stem from this characteristic. However, he doesn’t have the desire to transform the world into a terrible place, but he makes one particular person suffer. He has that kind of obsession towards Kikyo and Inuyasha… Maybe he’s a person who’s very easy to understand.
The most pitiful thing is that Naraku has no friends. He’s even betrayed by his own extensions, but I like this characteristic of his; it’s so miserable. He can’t even trust his own extensions… However, I don’t think he felt lonely because of that. I think he didn’t want to have friends and simply was in love with Kikyo. Even if he couldn’t be honest with his feelings, Naraku was a human youkai with weaknesses, lonesome and unsatisfied. That’s why, after killing Kikyo, I think he didn’t care about anything. He hated everyone!
Naraku is the backbone of the story
I think the reason why Naraku craved the Shikon jewel is because he looked for a way to get rid of his feelings, or maybe because, as he was just a hanyo, he desired to be a real yokai, though we won’t know what was the real reason behind it. Nevertheless, I think it’s always convenient to seize such a powerful energy like the Shikon jewel.
Anyway, the story of “Inuyasha” wouldn’t be possible without Naraku. That’s why I didn’t consider getting rid of him in the middle of the story to make a bigger enemy appear… I always thought that, until the end, the enemy would be Naraku since the story of “Inuyasha” has its origin in Kikyo and Naraku. The ending should also be like this.
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unrepentantweirdo · 2 months
Introductory Post!
Hello, and welcome to my tiny corner of the Internet!
I'm Weirdo, or if it makes you feel uncomfortable to call me that, you can call me Kate.
Fun facts about me:
I'm 29. Pisces sun, Aquarius moon, Virgo rising, for those that enjoy astrology like I do.
My favorite color is blue, but I also enjoy green and purple. My favorite nail polish color is black. Specifically OPI Black Onyx, has the best coverage with minimal streaks.
I have a few hobbies, namely: writing, drawing, painting, crocheting, reading, and baking. This list will grow as I try more things (it's one of my resolutions for this year).
Favorite video games: Fallout (4 holds a special place in my heart), Skyrim, Bioshock series, The Sims (3 is my favorite), Stardew Valley.
Currently playing: Close To The Sun, and nearly crapping myself with every jumpscare (I don't do horror too well).
Favorite anime: Inuyasha, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, Demon Slayer. Love anything historical. A guilty pleasure I watch once a year is High School of the Dead. (I like zombie apocalypse stuff) Last watched: The Heike Story.
I am very introverted by nature, but I'm working on trying to reach out and make friends again.
When I attended college, I was a fine art major first. When the strict discipline started killing my creativity, I switched to history.
I listen to a wide variety of music, anywhere from classical to modern. Genre doesn't really matter, just whatever tickles the brain skrunkles. Recommendations are always welcome.
Might add some more to this later. Feel free to ask a question or stop by and say hi!
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uptoolateart · 3 years
Master Post
Links to my Miraculous chapter fics:
Breaking Free (Breaking Free #1)
All the Missing Pieces (Breaking Free #2)
Where We Find Ourselves Again (Breaking Free #3)
What We're Made of (Breaking Free #4)
Dreaming Wide Awake (Gazing into the Abyss #1)
How the Heart Learns to Beat Again (Gazing into the Abyss #2)
If I Let Myself Love You
Finding a Way (Jurassic Park AU)
A Whole New World (Aladdin AU)
Voyage! Tales of the USS Miraculous (Star Trek Crossover)
A Penchant for Pancakes
Getting Away from It All
A Monumental Disaster
All That is Necessary (co-written with @raspberrycatapult)
General links:
My Ao3 fan fiction page, long and short works
Instagram account for my artwork
My Miraculous tarot card paintings and explanations
My Inuyasha tarot card paintings
Inuyasha analysis - why there's actually NO love triangle (looking at the story from an eastern perspective)
Fairytales - All of us are our own Prince Charming
Links to my Miraculous analysis posts:
1. Miraculous Pacing and Character Arcs
2. Marinette and Adrien's Hero's Journeys in S4
3. Full Strike Back Analysis - the symbol of the helping hand, and learning to forgive ourselves and ask for support when we need it
4. Gabriel Agreste as Bluebeard (and other Miraculous Fairy Tale Archetypes)
5. How Magic Works (as part of my Magician tarot card explanation)
6. The Problem with Alya
7. Gabriel and Adrien Agreste as Zeus and Apollo / Hermes (archetypes)
8. Adrien, the Future Therapist
9. Ladybug and Cat Blanc
10. Adrien and Marinette's Fears
11. Facing the Shadow
12. The Masks We Wear
13. The Rules of Romance
14. Analysis of Adrien in Season 5 up to Episode 9
15. Adrien's Fight for Self-Control - Pt 1
16. Adrien’s Fight for Self-Control - Pt 2
17. Adrien’s Fight for Self-Control - Pt 3
18. Adrien’s Fight for Self-Control - Full Analysis
19. Adrien's Second Chance
20. 'Perfect' White - Colour Symbolism
21. Alyanette's Breakthrough
22. Gabriel's Test
23. What’s Love Got to Do with It?
24. Defining Masculinity
25. Ladybug Never Makes a Mistake
26. Choice (analysis of S5 Ep10 ‘Transmission’)
27. Elite Symbolism in MLB
28. Unbreakable Bonds
29. Mask Imagery
30. 'No More Adults...'
31. 'As long as WE know she's lying....' (Lila Rossi)
32. Yggdrasil / Emilie's Tree
33. Kagami & Adrien - Literally made for each other?
34. Plagg & Tikki - Yin & Yang
35. Kagami Analysis - Zen and Beyond
36. Butterflies - Akumas, Alchemy & Transformation
37. Sentimonsters vs Frankenstein’s Monster
38. Marinette’s Anxieties - Analysis of Perfection, Migration & Derision
39. Analysis of Maribug & Felix in Emotion
40. Miraculous & Cinderella
41. 'THEY'RE the monsters'
42. Gabriel’s Evolution (Character Analysis up to Revelation)
43. Being 'ready'
44. No one controls destiny
45. Analysis of Chloe's speech in Collusion
46. Growing Up - Adrien in Representation
47. Adrien and Le Petit Prince
48. The Miraculous Child
49. Adrien & Marinette’s Character Arcs up to Re-Creation
50. Adrien as the princess who hasn't yet woken up
51. Conformation - Conforming and Identity Erasure
52. Gabriel and the theme of maya
53. The lessons of our nightmares (Cat Blanc)
54. ‘You have everything you need to be happy’ (Gabriel)
55. Felix as a sacrifice
56. The Oedipal Complex trope (S5 finale)
57. Adrien's 'death wish' (in the Paris Special)
58. Cat Blanc parallels in the Paris Special
59. Adrien vs Data from Star Trek - Parallels
60. The Peacock Was Always the Goal
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superpixie42 · 4 years
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Tomorrow - March 14th aka White Day - is my writing anniversary. One year ago I decided ‘fuck it I’m doing this’ and posted my first ever story “A Study in Anatomy”- a fun and sexy one-shot with a title shamelessly mimicking Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘A Study in Scarlet’. 
Did I expect my stories to become literary cornerstones? Of course not. But to me, publishing the fanfiction I’d been typing up in a notepad app on my phone for three months was a Watson-esque experience. I’d read so many incredible stories and was flaberghasted that they were done “unofficially”: no committees or editors or MFAs, and all for fucking free. So this was my own small contribution to the community. I took a drawing I loved and characters I couldn’t get out of my head and “embodied them in a small brochure with the somewhat fantastic title of [‘A Study in Anatomy].’” (thank you again Mr Doyle). 
And, much like Dr. Watson, once I was in, there was no getting out. I never would have guessed that in a year I would go from “here is my one small story” to “here are 29 other stories, and some art it inspired, and here’s a collaborative piece, oh and now I’m an admin for a fandom wide event”.  Never would have guessed, but I’m so glad it happened.
It has been a hell of a year in so many ways and so thank you to all of you who choose to spend your very precious time reading and sharing my fics. And cheers to all my fellow “consulting creators” who make art and fics for the rest of us to enjoy, and who make this fandom such an incredible space. 
For those of you who haven’t heard the story, I had a complicated pregnancy in 2019 and the Inuyasha fandom was there for me through three different hospital stays when I couldn’t do anything but sit in bed and read. The fandom was there for me when I struggled with PPD and needed something to keep my brain occupied while I was up at 4am. And the Inuyasha fandom welcomed me with open arms when I decided that I wanted to try my hand at writing. Thank you all so much for supporting and encouraging me and for not putting me on some kind of watch list when I left awkward gushing comments on your posts at weird hours of the night.
Much Love,
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ruddcatha · 4 years
GUARDIAN Chapter 10
Yes I know, I know, two chapters in a weekend?  I just really wanted to get this chapter out as things... heat up.
Thank you again to @heavenin--hell for your inspiration, I hope this story does your work justice.
posted on Ao3: Here
Posted on FFN: Here
Guardian has been Nominated for the Feudal Connection  2020 3rd Quarterly Inuyasha Fandom Awards!  Thank you to all the supporters of this story!!  Voting will begin on July 29 and run through August 12, 2020.
Nominated for: Best AU/AR
If you would like to be added to the tags please let me know!
@willowandfog​  @smmahamazing @clearwillow  @sticky-llama-perfection @alannada @shinidamachu @cstormsinukagblog @superpixie42 @nartista @neutronstarchild​ @i-dream-of-soup​ @hnnwnchstr  @fawn-eyed-girl​ @ all-my-cuffs-have-buttons
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It had been two months since the council meeting, and Kagome had never felt more exhausted.  She was now juggling her general education classes with training.  She had not realized there were so many things that she would need to learn, hand to hand combat, firearms, archery, meditation, barrier projections, and Kami she was tired.  Miroku had been tasked with working with the Guardians to teach them modern Japanese, the history of what had happened during the 500 years of their sealing, and modern technology.
The members of Kagome’s Archaeology Department had been screened, those deemed to have sufficient ability were given a series of tests and appraisals to determine whether they would be included in the team.  So far, only one had passed, one of the members of their excavation team, Jaken. Jaken was a year older than Kagome but looked much older than his 26 years with a short stature and unfortunate tendency to hunch forward as he walked.  Jaken had taken everything in stride, but Kagome had heard him muttering to himself several times about “rolling for initiative” when preparing for combat training or muttering about how Dungeons and Dragons never mentioned the pain after fighting.  He was a very eager, if not entirely competent, member of their team.
And he adored Sesshomaru. From the moment he had seen the yokai standing alone with an indifferent expression on his face, he had pledged his immediate loyalty and undying support. Sesshomaru was very… nonplussed by the adoration but allowed the human to follow him around, as Sesshomaru tolerated him more than any of the other humans that he was forced to work with. When Miroku had suggested that the Inu’s should practice their modern Japanese with a human partner, Jaken had jumped to volunteer to work with “Lord Sesshomaru.”  Totosai had partnered with Toga, and before she realized it, Kagome was partnered with Inuyasha.
It never ceased to amaze her how quickly he had adapted to the modern era.  His brother was not having as easy a time, but Inuyasha acted like he had finally found ‘his’ time.   He was still getting used to having to wear a concealment charm, at first he had been worried the charm would affect his abilities, but once his charm was placed around his neck and he realized that his appearance was the only thing that had changed, he had settled down.  The charms were designed to fit the personality and appearance of the yokai, and Inuyasha’s had an almost tribal look of black beads with what looked like fangs interspersed.  
Shippo had explained that the charms were infused with Kitsune magic, modifying the appearance of the yokai to blend as human.  The charm kept the appearance like the natural form, including coloration, but disguised any yokai features.  Inuyasha had taken to wearing his long hair pulled back in a silver ponytail, leaving her a clear view of his back as he moved in front of her.  She missed his ears, she knew they were there, but the charm had hidden them to help him blend in.  
Inuyasha made her extremely nervous.  He was gorgeous and brilliant.  But she had to say, the man knew how to wear modern clothing.  She was supposed to be working with him on language and conversation, but since he had met her in the study room she had been more focused on how the black jeans he had worn that day molded to Inuyasha’s powerful legs, and how his tight red shirt showed every ripple of muscle as he moved.  
Inuyasha’s voice cut through her thoughts, and she realized she had not heard a single word that he had said.
“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”
Inuyasha smirked at her statement, and her eyes narrowed.  She had begun to suspect that he had picked up modern speech more quickly than he let on, but she hadn’t caught him on it yet.  
“I asked if we could go over the various parts of the body again.”  At her surprised look he shrugged. “I am helping with the combat training and need to be sure I am describing movement and parts correctly to keep someone from getting hurt.”
Kagome had not noticed him having any difficulty with communicating during training sessions, although she was usually working with Sango and not Inuyasha.  With a soft nod, she turned from him, walking along the edge of the room.  This was a practice method they had used in the past; she would say a word in late middle Japanese, he would give her the modern equivalent.  She closed her eyes and listened as they practiced, allowing the deep timber of his voice to wash over her.  
She heard him stumble over a word and opened her eyes to turn back to him.  He had moved closer during the practice until he was mere inches from her, his gaze heated as his eyes captured hers.  Her breath caught at the intensity of his gaze and his eyes were involuntarily drawn to her lips before darting back.  
“Inuyasha?” She whispered, lost in his eyes.
“There are… aspects of this era I’m not used to yet Kagome.” He said softly.
“Su… Such as?”
Inuyasha reached out with his right hand, gently moving his fingers against her left hand.
“You… ah… you wish to court someone?” she stammered.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Oh.” He chuckled at her breathless tone. “Umm, how was courting done in your time?”
Inuyasha moved in closer, trailing his fingers up her arm.
“My father would talk to her father and arrange the match. I have gathered it’s a little different now.”
Kagome swallowed, her throat suddenly dry.  “Yes, Yash, it’s a little different now.”
“So, tell me, how does one court now.”
“Well, umm… you… ah… you know I may not be the best person to ask… you may want to ask Miroku.”
He smirked.  “I do not want to ask Miroku, I want to ask you.”  His head tilted slightly as he watched her. “Tell me, Kagome, if I wanted to court someone, how would one do that.”
Kagome did not realize that they had been moving until she felt her back hit the wall behind her, Inuyasha slowly, oh so slowly still moving closer to her.  If she took a deep breath her chest would brush against his.
Kami, she wanted to take a deep breath, but she was afraid to.
“You, umm… you ask her, or him, to go somewhere with you.”
“And where would you ask them to go?” He purred, the heat from his body reaching out to her as he towered over her.
“I … I … Kami could you take a step back… I can’t think with you so close.”
His deep chuckle coursed through her body, and she closed her eyes against the sensation.  She could hear his movements as he bent down, and with his next words she could feel his breath against her ear.
“Where would you want to be taken, Kagome?”
Heat coursed through her body, her imagination providing her multiple suggestions for the innuendo in his voice, even though she doubted he was aware of the double meaning of his statement.  She unconsciously bit her bottom lip as she whimpered.
Inuyasha growled softly as Kagome’s scent changed, he had been trying to keep his focus off the spicy ginger that had heated her vanilla and rose scent, but he was at the end of his control.  Fuck if he didn’t want to bite that lip for her.  He had never been so drawn to a woman before.  He had seen villagers kissing and had unfortunately seen enough heated moments between lovers to know the mechanics, but until he had met Kagome, he did not understand the urgency, the need between the partners.
“Tell me.” He said, desperate for an answer.  He wanted, he needed, to know that they wanted the same thing.  
“Yash.” Kagome’s voice broke as she said his name.
“Kagome, tell me what to do.” Inuyasha begged.  “Tell me how to court you.”
Her eyes flew wide, melted chocolate meeting molten gold surrounded by red.  She tilted her head up to him and whispered against his lips.
“Kiss me.”
With a guttural growl he closed the rest of the distance, his left hand sneaking up to cradle the back of her head, his fingers tangled in her hair as his right arm snaked around her waist to pull her against him.  Kagome gasped at the feel of his lips against hers, and he took the opportunity to finally, finally bite that damn lower lip.  At Kagome’s moan he tightened his grasp, her arm reaching up to grasp his shirt as he captured her mouth again, the feeling of her petite body pressed against him was heaven.  Kagome rose onto her toes, desperate to feel more of him against her.  She could feel his heat burning into her skin, the growing pressure against her as he deepened the kiss further, and then she was aware of nothing but the feeling of him and his mouth against her.
“Pardon the intrusion, I was told that I could find Kagom... Oh My God I am so sorry.”
Inuyasha snarled as a new scent entered the room and a feminine voice broke through his daze.  His arm continued to hold Kagome against him as he turned his face to look at the unwanted intrusion.  
A woman stood in the doorway with wide eyes, staring at the two against the wall.  She had a passing resemblance to Kagome, but he immediately saw the differences between them.  Kagome’s black hair shone in waves down her back, the intruder’s hair was stick straight, her dark brown eyes almost cold.  
“Ki..Kikyo!” Kagome stammered, her head was spinning.  The only thing that kept her standing upright was Inuyasha’s arms.  
“I apologize, I was wondering if I would be able to borrow my cousin.” Kikyo said softly, moving out of the door to give the pair some privacy.
Kagome closed her eyes, both irritated and thankful for the interruption.  Her cheeks flushed with more than desire as it started to hit her that her cousin had just caught her making out with a silver haired god.  She was going to get soooo many questions and teasing about this.  She steadied herself and tried to follow her cousin.  Inuyasha’s claw brushed her cheek, and she saw him smirk, that one damn fang peaking over the edge of his lip that always drove her…
“We were not done with my lesson Ka-Go-Me.” Inuyasha growled heatedly, pulling her back as Kagome tried to move out of his arms.  Kagome’s eyes glazed as he leaned down, capturing her lips again in a heated kiss. As he pulled back, he felt a surge of masculine pride at the dazed expression on her face and the slight swell of her well kissed lips.  Giving in to temptation, he bent down to kiss her again, a soft kiss that was as devastating in its gentleness to her as the previous kisses had been.  With a soft sigh he broke the contact and nuzzled his cheek into her hair.
“How do I court you Kagome?” he repeated with a heated whisper as he held her close.  
“My cousin is waiting.” She said softly, regret and a hint of embarrassment coloring her tone.
“I want you to tell me Kagome, please.”  He groaned with contentment at the feel of her in her arms.  Now that he had her there, he did not want to let her go.
“To… ah we’ll… tomorrow.” She sighed, allowing herself one last moment to be lost in Inuyasha’s arms. “Tomorrow.”  
He stole another kiss from her lips and eased his arms, begrudgingly feeling her slip away from him. He keenly felt her loss, struggling to get himself under control as he heard her cousin pull her out of the door and immediately start asking questions.  Thankfully, Kagome seemed to be just as affected as he was.  
Inuyasha had no idea how long he stood against the wall, lost in the thoughts of the kiss with Kagome.  
Miroku stuck his head into the room, and when he saw the Hanyou alone moved over to his side.
“You okay dude?”
Inuyasha turned to lean against the wall.
“Miroku… I think I need help.”
Miroku quickly moved next to his, dare he say it, friend.  “What’s going on Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha turned to lean his back against the wall.
“How do you impress a girl in these times?”
Miroku brought his hand up to his chin and stroked it thoughtfully. His eyes brightened before he smiled.  
“We need to bring in Sango.”
Thirty minutes and much begging and bribery from Miroku later, Sango met Inuyasha and Miroku back at Inuyasha’s apartment.
“So, what is this I hear about you wanting to take Kagome out on a date?” She teased, her eyes laughing as she watched Inuyasha’s cheeks turn pink.
“What is a date?”
“A date is… a date is an opportunity for two people who like each other to spend time, usually alone, that means no spying Miroku, and get to know each other better.”
“What do you do to impress a girl?” Inuyasha implored.
“What would you do in your time?” Miroku asked curiously.  Inuyasha sighed.
“Courting a woman meant showing her you were able to provide for her.”
“How would you do that?” Miroku continued.
“Well, I would see the villagers bring each other food, the men would bring their intended their prize from a hunt.”
“Yeeeaaaaah, I wouldn’t bring Kagome any dead Bunnies Inuyasha, that is the opposite of romantic.” Sango interjected with a shudder.
“I saw men build a house to show they could shelter their intended, they would bring flowers, go for walks.”
“How did they decide who they were courting?” Miroku asked as he tried to watch Sango without her noticing.
“It was usually arranged by the parents.” Inuyasha said with a shrug.
Sango and Miroku looked to each other in surprise before they turned to the hanyou.
“You’ve never courted someone have you Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha cheeks turning red silently answered her question.  She walked over to Inuyasha and put her hand on his shoulder.
“Kagome said tomorrow right?” Inuyasha nodded in response. “What time? That will help determine what we can plan.”
“She… uh… she did not say. She just said tomorrow.” Inuyasha said softly.
Sango thought for a moment, she was determined to help her two friends find each other.  Inuyasha was almost all Kagome had talked about for months, so much she almost wanted to strangle her friend.  But on the other hand, it was almost endearing to see Inuyasha, usually so full of confidence and swagger, unsure and hesitant and tripping over himself because of his feelings for Kagome.
“Benefit of being her best friend.” Sango said as a smile broke across her face.  “I know her perfect first date.”
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keichanz · 5 years
Biggest Fears
yeaaaahhh, so...i ended up just buying the standalone Microsoft word because i’m a finicky bitch with preferences and MS word has spoiled me lmao. 
i tweaked the prompt for this one; originally it was darkest fears, but i thought fuck it and made it biggest fears because honestly who the hell cares anymore i want this fucking thinG DONE.
Spooktober Day 29: Biggest Fears
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“Mama! Are you watching?!”
“I’m watching, honey,” Kagome called back to her son from her place on the park bench, lifting her head to put truth to her words and watch as he disappeared inside the brightly colored tube slide then reappear at the bottom, grinning and giddy.
Smiling as her youngest laughed and zipped toward the ladder to slide down the, well, slide, once again, Kagome waved to show she was watching and then shifted her gaze to search for her daughter. Izayoi hadn’t moved from her location on the swings, surrounded by Rin and her friends as they chatted and ignored all the little kids and grownups around them. Unsurprisingly Raiden and Kohaku along with a few other boys she didn’t immediately recognize weren’t far away, roughhousing with each other like boys do and generally just having a good time being kids. It was heartwarming and Kagome was glad her daughter had such good friends.
Checking on Tai to find him at the bottom of the slide playing with some other children his age, Kagome felt her phone buzz in her hand and dropped her gaze to read the newest text, secure in the fact that her children were safe.
what r u wearing?
Kagome snorted loudly and quickly typed her reply.
new phone who dis
oh shit don’t tell my wife
She laughed aloud that time and couldn’t stop the stupid grin from spreading as she responded.
That you’re a no good cheating mutt?
u spelled charming and sexy wrong
Your wife is a saint.
yeah i kno, dunno why she puts up with me
You make pretty babies.
is that all?
Kagome bit her lip to stifle the urge to giggle madly. Well okay you might have one or two uses…
oh yeah? care to enlighten this no good mutt?
Liiiiiiike…killing all the spiders :)
not really what i was thinking tbh
She snickered, an impish grin curling her lips upward. Oh no? well what other uses do you have other than jar opener and resident Tall Person among the Short People
think real hard baby 👅🐈
Shoulders shaking in silent laughter, Kagome swiftly typed up her response and she could practically hear his exaggerated groan.
Why are you licking the cat? Do I need to call animal services or
Hitting send, she sat back with a rather smug grin on her lips and waited. Only a minute or so passed before her phone buzzed and this time she burst out laughing at his predictable reply.
fucks sake woman ur damn lucky u ain’t here right now
Cackling gleefully, Kagome typed, OOOOOHHH okay I think I got it now...
A minute passed. Then, i swear to god wench
Kagome felt positively devilish as she sent her response, the contents of which being three emojis.
Her husband’s reply was instantaneous and there was no mistaking the proud grin that spread across her features as she read it.
😂 god i fucking love u
I know 😘
“Hm?” Turning her head with a smile, Kagome opened her mouth to greet whoever it was that said her name. Her gaze landed on a slim figure standing a little uncertainly next to the bench, and when caramel brown collided with twin pools of familiar cinnamon, Kagome gasped.
Relief flitted across the woman’s face and she offered a friendly, if a bit awkward smile. “So it is you. It’s...been a while.”
Kagome was too dumbstruck to do anything but stare and nod, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted in shock.
Kikyou’s smile faded somewhat and she shifted on her feet, looking a bit uncomfortable. She glanced at the playground, glanced at Kagome, and then hesitantly asked, “May I...?”
She gestured to the bench Kagome was seated on and finally snapping out of her shock, the other woman shook her head and gave a strained smile as she wordlessly scooted over to make room.
While she said a quiet thank you and settled beside her, Kagome thought to herself that her formal rival hadn’t changed a bit. Still drop dead gorgeous with the same sleek black hair, model-perfect body, slender legs, and a flawless complexion Kagome had always been jealous of. She looked older, of course, but she had aged extremely well and didn’t look a day over twenty.
Sitting back with a sigh and crossing one leg over the other, Kikyou rested her hands in her lap and offered another smile. It was small but genuine with perhaps a bit of uncertainty, and her brown eyes held a wealth of burgeoning hope that had Kagome suddenly remember her and Inuyasha’s conversation on their deck the night she’d come knocking on their door.
Having absolutely no idea what to say, Kagome managed to return the smile before looking away, cursing herself for the awkwardness that settled between them. No doubt Kikyou could feel it too because she didn’t say anything, allowing the silence between them to grow until Kagome felt like you could cut the tension with a knife.
God, what did you even say to your husband’s former high school flame that had tried to sabotage your relationship before up and vanishing to another freaking country?
Kikyou sighed and looked toward the playground, hating this tension between them, but unsure of how to clear it. A flash of silver caught her attention and automatically her eyes sought it out, lighting on a child with sterling silver hair and very familiar dog ears that strongly hinted at who his father was.
Her eyes lit up and she smiled. “Is that your boy?” she asked softly, nodding toward the toddler as he chased after a cute little girl with brown pigtails.
Blinking, Kagome followed her gaze her and face softened, instantly finding him among the laughing, playing children.
“Yes,” she answered, her smile warm as she watched her son play. “That’s Tai. Five years old and a complete handful, but I wouldn’t have him any other way.”
Kikyou sighed and it was a little wistful, but her tone held neither contempt nor jealousy as she commented, “He looks just like him.”
It was obvious who she was talking about and Kagome’s smile broadened slightly.
“He definitely has his looks,” she agreed, “but thankfully that’s all he inherited. All of his attitude, on the other hand, went straight to his first born.”
Kikyou grinned. “Is she here?”
Kagome nodded toward the swings where her daughter and her friends had claimed for themselves. The girls were swinging now with the boys pushing them and their peals of laughter were pleasant as the sound drifted over to them.
“Oooh,” Kikyou murmured, brown eyes glinting knowingly. “His looks and his temper? Tell me, how many broken hearts has she left in her wake?”
Kagome laughed. “More like broken noses.” At Kikyou’s look, akin to confused alarm, she smiled wryly and explained, “Remember Kouga? Well, unsurprisingly his son is a lot like his father and he’s been chasing Izayoi for a while now. Not too long ago his posturing went a little too far and, well…” She shrugged. “Let’s just say my girl is more than capable of taking care of herself.”
Amused, Kikyou’s eyebrows rose into the fridge of her bangs as a little smile flirted with her lips. 
“She is her father’s daughter,” she commented, perhaps a little somberly.
Kagome’s smile dimmed a little and she nodded, her gaze drifting to the girl in question.
“Yes,” she breathed, and the two fell into another awkward silence as they watched the children play. Tai was on the jungle gym now and showing off his hanyou skills to the awe-struck human tykes. They were both 100% their father’s children, and Kagome wouldn’t want them any other way.
“Kagome,” Kikyou suddenly said on a sigh and said woman turned her attention to the figure beside her. “May I be frank with you?”
Having a good idea where this was headed, Kagome sucked in a sharp breath and nodded wordlessly.
Kikyou flashed her a quick smile of thanks before shifting on the bench so she was more or less facing her. Kagome did the same, figuring the least she could do as give the other woman her full attention, however she still made it a point to keep an ear and eye out on her children.
“I won’t insult you by beating around the bush,” Kikyou began, doing the other woman the courtesy of looking directly into her eyes. “And I’m not expecting everything to just be okay after this, but for what it’s worth, Kagome…I am truly sorry. For how I acted, for what happened, for what I put the three of us through…for everything.”
Kagome swallowed thickly and said nothing, sensing her companion wasn’t finished.
“I realize now that my behavior was immature and inexcusable,” Kikyou continued, confirming Kagome’s suspicion. She smiled bitterly and dropped her gaze to her lap. 
“For years I’ve harbored the guilt of how things ended between us and I suppose it’s not very fair that I ask for your forgiveness, and Inuyasha’s, for what I did. But, here I am.”
She shrugged and Kagome’s heart went out to her. All this time, for over ten years… She couldn’t imagine what it must have been like to bear the heaviness of guilt for so long.
“Kikyou…” Kagome began but the woman shook her head. Kagome forced herself to remain quiet, fisting her hands in her lap.
“I was scared,” she admitted, much to Kagome’s surprise. “As a teenager, my world was rather simple and it consisted of three things: shopping, my friends, and…the boy I liked.” Kikyou lifted her gaze and found Kagome’s again.
“So, when Inuyasha started showing interest in another girl—in you—I was terrified and I did things that I am not proud of. And I realize the irony only now, years later when I am an adult with a mortgage and a husband, of how much of a fool I truly was.”
“You can’t pin the entire blame on yourself, Kikyou,” Kagome said, her voice rough, unable to stay quiet any longer. “We were all young and did things we regret. We all made…not very smart decisions, and we let our emotions get the best of us.” She paused. Then, “I was scared too, you know.”
Closing her eyes and releasing a shaky sigh, Kagome bit down on her lip as she gathered her thoughts, a slight frown creasing her brow. Kikyou patiently waited, holding her breath, her cinnamon eyes holding a smidgen of hope that not all was lost.
“When things started getting really complicated,” Kagome began, “My biggest fear at the time was that Inuyasha would get tired of it all—the drama, the fighting, the misunderstandings—and just…decide it wasn’t worth his time anymore. I was scared he’d not only write me off, but forget me entirely and move on with his life without me and I remember how I cried myself to sleep sometimes, thinking about it all.”
Kikyou swallowed thickly and rasped, “You must have hated me.”
Kagome was silent for a beat and then admitted in a whisper, “I did.”
Kikyou closed her eye and nodded. She wasn’t surprised. Because she hated herself, too, for what she did.
“But,” the mother of two continued and Kikyou’s eyes fluttered open, the breath caught in her throat. “I also envied you, Kikyou.”
At the woman’s completely baffled look, Kagome had to smile before elaborating, “You can’t tell me you didn’t notice how completely torn Inuyasha was. He didn’t want to hurt either of us by picking one over the other so it was obvious to me he still cared for you. And I asked myself, why? Why would he still care for someone who’s put us through so much torment and gave us nothing but grief? I was jealous. I didn’t want him to care for you; I wanted all of his attention for myself, for him to pick me, and forget you, and I absolutely hated the fact that you had something with him that I didn’t.”
Kikyou frowned as she tried to determine just what that could be and Kagome’s expression softened. She used to think that her former rival in love was vindictive and knew exactly what she was doing the entire time. Now she realized that she had just been a desperate and brokenhearted girl, fighting to keep her first love’s affection for herself.
Perhaps she and her husband’s old high school flame had been more alike that she’d originally thought.
Kikyou was still looking lost so Kagome finally explained, “Thinking back on it now it’s petty, and I’m a little ashamed to admit this, but I envied you, Kikyou, because you knew him longer than I did. You had memories with him that I didn’t. You got to see every side of him before I did, got to know him before me, and it drove me crazy knowing that you were his first kiss, and I wasn’t.”
The freelance writer digested that in silence, her eyes a little wide in wonder. She’d never realized that was how Kagome had felt. But then again, she’d never taken the time to really understand, had she? No, her only goal had been to get Inuyasha back by any means, uncaring who she hurt in the process, and that was one of her biggest regrets.
Sighing, Kagome finally smiled, and though it was small, it was genuine as she locked gazes with her formal rival and decided it was time to extent the olive branch. They were both adults now, with husbands and a career; it was time to put the past behind them and make a fresh start.
“Thank you for apologizing, Kikyou,” Kagome said sincerely, glad they’d had this conversation. “And I’ll gladly accept it, but only if you accept mine, too.”
Kikyou blinked in surprise and Kagome shrugged. “I wasn’t exactly a saint either. I said some pretty hurtful things to you, Kikyou, things I didn’t mean, and I definitely wasn’t my best self. I could have ignored you and not add fuel to the fire by taking your bait, but I didn’t, and I’m sure it didn’t help matters. In fact I made them worse, and then graduation came around, nothing was resolved, and then suddenly you left and Inuyasha was devastated because he didn’t get to say goodbye.”
Unbidden tears sprang to Kikyou’s eyes and she blinked rapidly, fluttering a hand over her mouth. She definitely had not been expecting that.
Kagome gave a wavering smile and reached out to take Kikyou’s hand in her own. Stunned, the other woman let her, staring down at their hands in a combination of wonder and confusion.
“See, Kikyou,” she murmured, throat feeling tight with emotion. “I’ve been dealing with guilt too, because if I hadn’t been so selfish in wanting all of his attention for myself, maybe he would have had the chance to talk to you before you left and things wouldn’t have gone unresolved for so long.
“But you’re here now,” she continued, eyes bright with unshed tears and her smile broadening. “And you were brave enough to approach me first asking for forgiveness, and I’m giving it to you now. Will you forgive me too, Kikyou? For being a selfish brat and denying you two the closure you so desperately needed?”
Kikyou gave a choked laugh and wiped her eyes with her free hand, a smile curving the corners of her lips upward.
“Look at us,” she rasped. “Two grown women blubbering on a public park bench about events that happened in high school.”
Kagome giggled and reached up to dab at her own eyes with the sleeve of her jacket. “Inuyasha always did tease us that we were too emotional,” she said and they shared a laugh, both of them no doubt thinking about how he’d be freaking out right now if he saw them.
Relieved and so utterly grateful, Kikyou got herself together in short order and beamed at Kagome, taking her hand and holding it between both of hers. She squeezed, drawing Kagome’s attention.
“Of course I forgive you, Kagome,” she said and laughed lightly at Kagome’s relieved sigh. “We were young and dumb—”
“And full of c—”
“Ohmigawd, don’t say it!” Kikyou squeaked and Kagome snickered, eyes flashing with glee as she covered her grinning mouth with a hand. Kikyou relented and dissolved into giggles as well and the two of them sat there laughing quietly, feeling comfortable, all previous awkwardness completely vanished.
“And full of the cafeteria’s awful Mystery Meat,” Kikyou finished with a grin and elicited an indelicate snort from an equally grinning Kagome. “And maybe it was that dreadful concoction of questionable food the school fed us or something else entirely that made us act the way we did—”
“Teenage hormones?” Kagome put in.
“I was thinking PMS,” Kikyou opined and once more the two giggled quietly together before the writer continued, “But now it’s in the past, we’ve realized the mistakes we’ve made, so now I’d love to say let us let bygones be bygones and finally put the whole thing behind us.”
Relieved, Kagome smiled and gently tugged her hand from Kikyou’s before extending it.
“A clean slate,” she announced and felt something loosen in her chest when the other woman without hesitation clasped her hand. “And a fresh start. I like the sound of that.”
Feeling like she was going to break down and cry all over again, Kikyou gave a trembling smile, squeezed Kagome’s hand, and breathed, “Me, too.”
Half an hour later, after making plans for the four of them – Kikyou, Kagome, and their respective husbands – to meet up for lunch this weekend, the two women bid each other a fond farewell and went their separate ways. Kagome collected her children and started the fifteen-minute walk home, trailing behind them on the sidewalk and watching with a small smile as her daughter and niece swung Tai back and forth between them. Raiden, Kohaku and their friends left to head home as well, and Kagome had pretended not to notice Raiden tug Izayoi aside to whisper something in her ear before kissing her cheek and leaving the half-demon in a blissful state of euphoria.
As Tai’s laughter rang out in the crisp October air, Kagome smiled and pulled out her phone, bringing up her messaging app with a few taps of a finger.
Only thirty seconds or so passed before he responded; he never kept her waiting and it was one of the many things Kagome loved about him.
what’s up baby
Feeling warm all over as her heart burst with affection for her husband, Kagome quickly typed her response, a mere three words.
I love you.
She didn’t wait for his response; closing the app, Kagome brought up the keypad and dialed a familiar number before bringing the phone to her ear. When her mother didn’t answer, however, she wrinkled her nose and tried another number.
“Hey, Sango,” she said when her friend picked up. “Listen, would you mind watching the kids for an hour or two? I want—” She paused as her friend interrupted and her eyebrows slowly lifted into her bangs as an amused smile lifted the corners of her lips.
“Oh…he did? And Miroku agreed? I see. Yes, don’t worry, everything’s fine. It’s just…well…I had an interesting chat with someone and I just…I dunno, I want to spend a little time alone with him, is all.
“Not right now,” she said apologetically as her house came into view. “I promise to call you tomorrow though, and tell you everything, okay? Trust me, you’re gonna need a glass of wine for this conversation. Or two.”
Kagome laughed at Sango’s begrudging agreement to wait and with a promise to see her tomorrow, the school teacher hung up and pocketed her phone, increasing her pace to lay a hand on her children’s shoulders and quietly tell them to head to Sango and Miroku’s house. She assured them everything was okay at their questions and she just wanted to talk to their father alone for a bit. Izayoi still looked unconvinced, however she nodded and waited for Tai to hug his mother before taking his hand and leading him across the street to their aunt and uncle’s house. Rin waved and jogged down the street to her own house, and Kagome watched for only a minute before turning and going home to her husband.
The house was quiet when she entered through the side door and she was shrugging out of her coat when two arms suddenly snaked around her waist and a mouth dropped to her neck. Kagome smiled and leaned back against him, reaching up to slide her hand into his hair and find a soft ear, rubbing the flesh gently. She was rewarded by a low growl reverberating against her back and a sharp nip to the ear that had her gasping as her heart beat a rapid tattoo in her chest.
Turning around, Kagome lifted her chin in time to receive her husband’s hungry kiss and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he effortlessly swept her up into his arms. She gasped, he growled, and with a shared, intimate smile, Inuyasha carried his wife upstairs to their bedroom, murmuring against her lips how much he loved her and how goddamn lucky he was to have her.
Kagome’s response to that was a trembling smile, a loving kiss to his lips, and a whispered plea to show her how much he loved her as she tugged the door shut firmly behind them.
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Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Created by awesome people on the SessKag SitBoy Discord, one post at a time in complete wild abandon. This is a SessKag crack fic. 
Chapter one:
Walter20507/29/2019 He found the group surrounding the campfire. Jaken was intent on trying to steal the Tetsuiga once again for his master Lord Sesshomaru, but something caught his attention as he peered through the bushes. The strangely garbed miko that he had sparred with when they first encountered each other had pulled something strange out of her yellow satchel. It appeared to be...
 SlayerYesterday at 9:05 PM
Something he had never seen before. Jaken's poor little brain had no idea what the object was so he pocketed it when her back was turned. And ran back to his Sesshomaru-sama.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 9:21 PM
It was... triangle shaped. With three holes. And the other was a stringed object but this one had two triangles but smaller than the first.
Strange object it was, it was somewhat elastic too. The fabric was nothing he's ever encountered before and thought to ask his lord about it later, HE was sure to know. His lord knew everything. Upon closer inspection, the odd objects were strangely decorated too, with something that could probably pass as a Neko if you squint enough.
Walter205Yesterday at 9:42 PM
Jaken was so busy examining his ill gotten goods that he didn’t notice the oni until he ran smack into the large demon before falling back onto his toady old behind. The demon turned as he dumbly stated what a good snack Jaken would make. For his part Jaken was just about to yell for help from Lord Sesshomaru when a red line appeared at the top of the oni’s head and ran down the creature’s midsection before stopping at the groin. The red line grew in size before the oni became two distinct halves of his former self as they fell apart from each other. In their place stood a distinctly female version of Sesshomaru, one which triggered a familiar memory within Jaken before she spoke; “Little Imp, you are my son’s servant are you not? Would you be so kind as to lead me to him?”
   Jaf JafYesterday at 10:26 PM
Jaken scrambled around for an answer, his words a jumbled hot-mess of incoherence and babble until he finally managed out a wheezed "Yes." He tucked away his loot from the miko into the depths of his sleeves, before beckoning Sesshomaru's mother with a bow and another polite rush of words.
  Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 10:39 PM
Meanwhile, back at camp, Sesshomaru couldn't shake the feeling something unfortunate would be occurring soon. Generally this gut feeling took him to the problem and he would obliterate it without issue, however this itch did not bring with it a path to follow. Left with nothing to go on, he found himself brooding in thought against a tree. His mood sour.
 Walter205Yesterday at 10:55 PM
But Sesshomaru was pulled out of his musings by the appearance of Rin, accompanied by Ah-Un and Kohaku. The last had just joined his group along with Kirara to aid in the hunt for Naraku. Previously the last he had seen of the whelp was four years ago during the events surrounding the events at Mt Hakueri but he had heard through the Shikon Vine that his brother and their companions had managed to free him from Naraku's control and restore his life while removing the Shikon Shard embedded within his neck. Sesshomaru kept a disapproving eye on the young whelp as he knew he had taken a fancy to Rin and didn't approve of the two being together. 
 The crunching of twigs and leaves drew Sesshomaru's attention to his left. He found Jaken as expected but he was accompanied by...his eyes grew wide as Rin and Kohaku both let out a startled gasp.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 11:13 PM
Encouraged by the gasps of the teenagers, InuKimi did her best to sound exasperated, "My, Sesshomaru, I expected to see some young with you at this point, alas there is no sight nor scent of a pup and Mate having been near you." Folding her arms across her chest, she pinned him with a glare, "Just what have you been wasting your time on?"
She glanced back over to the teens, "And just what is your excuse? Young virile humans, get to it before you die."
 Walter205Yesterday at 11:40 PM
Both of their faces turned beet red and briefly they glanced at one another before turning away while making startled exclamations and excuses for why nothing was going on. Jaken watched in some amusement before he remembered about the strange thing he had snatched earlier from the miko's satchel. 
 "Oh my Lord, earlier I retrieved something from your brother's wench that may prove useful," the toad said as he withdrew the oddly shaped and patterned cloth. Inukimi stood directly behind the toad and snatched the garment as soon as she saw what it was. She scented it deeply before tossing it in her son's direction. 
 "Memorize that scent my son, it reeks of both pureness and wholesomeness, rare traits to find in this day and age, at least by lowly human standards."
 Somehow, somewhere, she didn't know why, but Kagome felt like she reaaaally shouldn't be anywhere in the feudal era but alas, duty calls and the shikon no Tama won't put itself back together.
 Walter205Today at 12:09 AM
"Almost time for bed. Sango, want to join me in a hot springs dip?" asked Kagome as she stood and stretched. Shippou took notice with an exasperated sigh as both Miroku and Inuyasha stole glances at her filled out form before both quickly glanced away again, Miroku having the added incentive of Sango wagging her fist at him. 
 "No Thanks Kagome, I think I'll sit this one out and keep an eye on the others," she replied while side glaring Miroku. 
 "Oh all right, I'll be back shortly," she said as she disappeared into the woods. Having finally learned after a few years, Inuyasha waited until she had disappeared before snorting and muttering that she would take a lot longer.
 imjaneeesToday at 12:30 AM
Kagome walked off to the springs, a smile on her face as she thought of the soothing feeling the warm waters would give her aching muscles.
She reached the hot springs and proceeded to undress and dip herself in the water, a moan escaping her lips as soon as she was settled. One of the few perks in the feudal era: free hot springs. 
Deciding to do some cleaning while she was at it, she reached for her bag and dug her hand in. After some reaching, she frowned. That was odd. She knew she put it there earlier. Rising to her feet, she looked inside the bag, the noises she made rummaging through her bag blocking the snap of a twig she normally WOULD have heard.
 Jaf JafToday at 12:35 AM
Sesshomaru approached from the trees, an un-amused grimace plastered on his face while he watched the girl spin around and stare at him in mortification. His hand behind his back and a lifted brow, he would have sneered. "Do you need a moment?"
Kagome hissed and slipped back into the water, trying to recover her dignity more than anything. "Excuse you," she hissed watching his impassive face for any hint.
"Hn." He gave none, but proceeded to slowly circle around the hotspring. "You seem to be missing something miko, and not just your sensibilities. Honestly. Bathing by yourself, in a forest, at night. Shameless."
 Walter205Today at 12:40 AM
Briefly, she considered calling Inuyasha for help, but didn't want him gazing at her in the nude or a huge fight to break out when she was trying to bath. Plus, so far he hadn't tried to attack her but rather was just prancing around the edge of the Hot Springs. 
 "What would you know about it?" she asked while trying to gauge his intentions.
 Stormie Like WeatherToday at 12:42 AM
"Being a youkai myself, I can attest that if I were a lesser sort you'd be in very real danger. Be that as it may, my intentions are pure this night."
 Jaf JafToday at 12:45 AM
"If your intentions were anything other than being an asshat," she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Then I'd purify that pretty pale butt of yours on the spot."
"Oh," Sesshomaru's lips curled up in a flash-quick minuscule smirk before disappearing back into a thin line purse. "Is that a bluff or a promise?"
 Walter205Today at 12:49 AM
"Enough of this game," said Sesshomaru in an odd tone of voice as tentacles suddenly exploded out of his form. Kagome barely had time to open her mouth for a scream before they wrapped around her head and arms, trapping her in place. 
 She watched in sudden disgust and horror as Sesshomaru's form transformed from that of the stoic demon to Naraku in the flesh. 
 "You're far too trusting of your allies my precious little shard detector and now I once again have you within my grasp. Oh, and about your purification threat, I have something right here for that," he says as he brings his other hand out from behind his back, revealing a collar that he places around her neck just as she starts calling up her powers. 
 The pink light fades from her as she starts to feel weak.
 Jaf JafToday at 12:57 AM
It's one of those brief fleeting moments, that Kagome experiences every now and then. Some might call it a near death experience. Others might call it a miracle. Some may say it's the receptors in a brain trying to make pain less than what it really is.
But in that one second, the miko saw a figure in the treeline. Glistening white fur, round coal eyes, and large white paws. The pink bow and the denim overalls were a dead give away. Hello Kitty stood in all of her glory, wide face as expressionless as the hanyou-formerly-disguised-as-demon-lord was.
"Kagome," Kitty whispered, fading into the forest. "One of the best feelings in the world is knowing that both your presence and your absence means something to someone. Are you really gonna let this slinky bastard get you when no one will notice?"
Kagome felt a spike in her consciousness and anger. I'm so not going down as a "shard detector".
  Stormie Like WeatherToday at 1:01 AM
Naraku brought his face close to her's, his cold wet tongue slithering out to taste her sweet pure collar bone. Tentacles as slimy as an earthworm, she forced herself to wriggle her arm free. As he chuckled, "I thought I'd never get you alone girl, now that I have you-! Gaaahh!" Her thumb went into his eye socket with a squishy plop.
  Stormie Like WeatherToday at 1:04 AM
Enraged, she bit the closest appendage and growled, "You think without my powers you can take me?!" Blood speckled her face, "Think again!"
  Jaf JafToday at 1:05 AM
Naraku floundered back for a moment, his tentacles splashing up water as he flailed for balance. His voice floated over the wind like squeaky nails on chalk as he howled in pain.
 Stormie Like WeatherToday at 1:12 AM
The momentary distraction was enough for her to slide out of his slick tentacles like a piece of soap in his hands. With a splash, she began to climb out and run. Not looking back to see how close he was, she focused on her feet hitting the ground. Branches scraped along her skin, and she could hear him screaming in frustration behind her. Each foot fall took her farther away. The fact that she was naked didn't register as she had one thing on her mind, survival.
 Jaf JafToday at 1:16 AM
Nothing mattered to her other than retreating to safety. The scrape of branches and wood, the bite of insects and grit. Not a single thing fazed her as she made her escape. She ignored the sharp needled twinge that spread along her bare feet, and the icky prickling of goosebumps along her skin. Her one train of thought was get out get out get out get out.
 Stormie Like WeatherToday at 1:21 AM
With no sense of direction, it had only been a matter of time until she hit a point where she could no longer run. Her heart thundered as she was forced to pause. Blood rushed through veins. Water rushed over the cliff before here, splashing into a river many meters below. The cliff before her could mean death, but waiting around could mean worse than death. She bit her lip, and made a decision that would determine her fate.
 Jaf JafToday at 1:24 AM
"Presence or absence," Kagome muttered, whispering the wise kitten's earlier words. "I'll be missed. Someone will notice."
Without a second thought, she lunged off the edge at the thundering sound of Naraku's approach. She was willing to risk the thundering waters over the hanyou. Surely the drop-off would be more kind to her than he would.
 Walter205Today at 1:54 AM
She felt the embrace of strong warm arms mid-fall that whisked her away from the torrent below. Opening her eyes, she beheld focused blue eyes and black hair held back by a brown bandana. Her eyes opened wide before glancing back up the cliff face to see Naraku staring down at them from the opposite cliff face. 
 "Kouga!" she exclaimed with a mixture of relief and surprise. He turned down to ask her what she was doing way out here naked and without puppy face protecting her, only to see that she had passed out cold. Not knowing anything of the current situation beyond their mortal enemy chasing her down, he made the decision to leave Naraku behind in a cloud of dust as he retreated with his intended back to the wolf demon hideout.
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authoratmidnight · 6 years
BB’s Anime Rec List
Because I do in fact watch more than just Fullmetal Alchemist, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Cardfight!! Vanguard, I thought I’d share with you some other ones I’ve watched and enjoyed.
The vast majority of these can be found on Crunchyroll.
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Tumblr media
Genre: Adventure
Rating: G (General)
Length: Ongoing (73 episodes currently)
Subbed: Yes
Dubbed: Yes
Pokemon Sun and Moon follows the adventures of Satoshi/Ash in the Alola region when he decides to stay after visiting it for a vacation. Eventually he decides to take on the Island Challenge, taking on the Trials and Island Kahunas.
The story weaves together Ash’s Island Challenge, the mystery that is Nebby and UBs(Ultra Beasts), along with general slice of life activities. And yes, Ash does go back to school.
This was a surprise addition to the list to be honest. When the Sun and Moon anime was announced, along with stills of the new art style, I, like a number of fans, was wary. The art was so different from any of the other series, far more, cartoonish and stylized. And I have been turned off shows due to art style before.
And then I actually watched it, and was taken in. It’s lighthearted (for the most part) and fun, the characters are all likeable and a treat. The art style actually works, especially when animated and is honestly, really cute, and very expressive, and used to great effect for stylistic and exaggerated expressions.
Even if you’ve never watched any of the other seasons, or stopped a long time ago, this one is definitely worth giving a shot.
Natsume Yuujinchou (lit. Natsume’s Book of Friends)
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Genre: Slice of Life, Supernatural, Drama
Rating: T (Teen)
Length: 74 episodes (spread over 6 seasons) + 5 OVAs
Subbed: Yes
Dubbed: No
Slice of life and supernatural don’t normally seem like two genre that would go together, but in this series they do.
Takashi Natsume has the ability to see spirits, an ability also possessed by his grandmother, Reiko Natsume. Unfortunately, this ability led to him being ostracized by his peers and passed from family member to family member after the death of his parents.
The story follows 16 year old Natsume after he comes into possession of a powerful item that once belonged to his grandmother, the Book of Friends, a notebook full of names of spirits that Reiko caught and bound. He is joined on this journey to return these names by Madara (also called Nyanko-sensei) a powerful yokai that becomes his ‘bodyguard’ in exchange for the Book of Friends upon Natsume’s death(though it’s fairly clear that he is quite attached to Natsume).
On top of this, the series is a story of healing, of Natsume overcoming years of isolation and bullying and learning how to form friendships, both with humans and yokai alike. A story about family and home.
It’s what I call a ‘soft’ anime; the art style, the music, it’s never loud or in your face. There’s never any large, world ending sorts of stakes. Even when there are stakes, you always know things will work out in the end.
Kyoukai no Rinne
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Genre: Slice of Life, Supernatural, Comedy, Romance
Rating: T (Teen)
Length: 75 episodes (spread over 3 seasons)
Subbed: Yes
Dubbed: No
If you think the art style looks similar that’s because this is another series by Rumiko Takahashi, the brains behind Inuyasha, Ranma 1/2 and many others.
The story centers around Mamiya Sakura, a normal human girl who can see ghosts, and Rokudo Rinne, a perpetually broke, down on his luck part human, part shinigami, who is also her classmate.
Do not let the OPs fool you, this series does not take itself seriously. At all. It’s vaguely self-aware at times and pokes fun at itself constantly.
Through the course of the series we meet other shinigami, demons, damashigami (basically, an unscrupulous shinigami that takes takes people to the afterlife before they die, a “bad” shinigami) and a wide variety of spirits, good and bad.
The romance is very will they-won’t they. Or to quote the back of the DVD
“Two’s company, Three’s a crowd and Four…. is just the start of another Rumiko Takahashi romance.”
It’s a fairly enjoyable watch over all and the lighthearted humour helps keep it from being *to* serious all the time.
Hell Girl
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Genre: Horror, Dark
Rating: M (Mature audiences)
Probably the only thing on this list that requires trigger warning for, pretty much everything. It has dark themes and I advise using extreme caution when watching as some episodes may be highly upsetting. If any of the following are triggering or highly upsetting to you I’d advise probably avoiding this one.
Warning for (but not limited to): Assault, Stalking, Rape, Attempted Rape, Animal abuse, Murder, Abuse(pretty much all kinds), Bullying.
Length: 90 Episodes (over 4 seasons, season 1-3 have 26 episodes each, season 4 has 12)
Subbed: Yes
Dubbed: Yes (but only the first two seasons)
Hell Correspondence is a website accessible only at midnight, and if you put in the name of your tormentor Hell Girl will come and drag them to hell for you. But at a price, your soul belongs to hell when you die.
This is the overarching premise of the entire series as unlike the rest of the shows on this list, it is very much like an anthology. For the most part each episode is self contained, the only characters that appear more than once are Hell Girl herself and her associates. 
The first season does have an overarching plotline later on focusing on a character trying to stop Hell Girl and figure out the mysterious connection between her and his daughter.
Many of the episodes are centered on seeking revenge upon one’s tormentor and as mentioned in the rating above, it is very dark. If you can think of it, it has probably happened at least once. It’s not gory but it just deals with heavy subject matter.
So if you like dark shows and like watching people get their just desserts then, this is probably one you’ll enjoy.
Hoozuki no Reitetsu
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Genre: Dark Comedy, Demons, Supernatural, Fantasy
Rating: T
Length: 31 Episodes + OVAs (currently ongoing)
Subbed: Yes
Dubbed: No
The story follows the demon Hozuki, Japanese Hell’s second in command to King Enma. It’s almost slice of life, if slice of life took place in hell and followed the life of a demon as he deals with Hell’s unusual cases and inhabitants. 
I specified Japanese Hell as we meet characters from the Heaven/Hell/Afterlife of various religions/mythologies (Anubis for Egyptian afterlife, Satan and Beelzebub from European Hell for example).
There isn’t to much of an overarching storyline to this one either and despite the subject matter (demons and hell) it’s not all that dark and fairly amusing.
Elegant Yokai Apartment Life
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Genre: Supernatural
Rating: T
Length: 26 episodes
Subbed: Yes
Dubbed: No
Elegant Yokai Apartment Life is a fairly lighthearted anime following the (mis?)adventures of highschool Inaba Yushi after, not wishing to burden his aunt and uncle any longer by living with them, moves into an apartment populated by ghosts and yokai(and the rare human). Most of the adventures take place AT the apartment involving the residents there as well as Inaba’s budding supernatural abilities.
While generally a fairly light-hearted and fun series, it does occasionally touch on slightly more serious subject matter such as death and abuse.
Miira No Kaikata/How to Keep a Mummy
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Genre: Supernatural, Slice of Life
Rating: G
Length: Not long enough 12 episodes
Subbed: Yes
Dubbed: No
Much like Natsume, this series blends supernatural elements with a very slice of life tone as we follow Kashiwagi Sora after he receives a tiny mummy from his globe trotting father. As the title suggests the story follows Sora as he navigates life caring for the tiny mummy. Through out the story we are introduced to more creatures including an oni child, a dragon and a baku, all of which end up in the care of Sora’s friends.
The show is incredibly sweet and a very good mood lifter if one is feeling down. And 12 episodes isn’t nearly enough for it imo.
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Genre: Psychological Thriller, Magic/Fantasy
Rating: T
Length: 12 episodes
Subbed: Yes
Dubbed: Yes
Psychological Thrillers aren’t normally my types of anime. Or any series really. But this one hooked me so hard that I just had to keep watching to see what would happen next.
Our protagonist, 29 year old Satoru Fujinuma, has an ability that allows him to return to a point in time just before a life-threatening disaster in order to prevent it. Usually it only sends him back a few minutes. One day, after discovering his mother murdered, he’s sent back in time 18 years, to when he was 11 years old, to a time just before one of his classmates was kidnapped and murdered.
The story follows Satoru as he works to try to save his classmate from this fate, discover who the killer is and figure out how to prevent his mother’s murder(and how all of this is connected).
D. Gray-Man
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Genre: Dark, Fantasy, Action-Adventure, Tragedy
Rating: T
Length: 103 episodes
Subbed: Yes
Dubbed: Yes (and second half is actually being dubbed at long last!)
Set in an alternate version of the 19th century, a group of Exorcists known as the Black Order fight monsters called Akuma, weapons created by the Millennium Earl and powered by the souls of the deceased.
Allen Walker is one of these exorcists, using the anti-Akuma weapon in his left arm and his cursed left eye that can see the trapped souls to fight against Akuma and help lay their souls to rest. 
They also fight against the Millennium Earl and the Clan of Noah who intend to destroy the world.
This is also a sequel/continuation series called D. Gray-Man Hallow that picks up exactly where this one leaves off(but has a different voice cast) though watching it not required.
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Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
Rating: T
Length: 5/12 Ongoing
Subbed: Yes
Dubbed: No
The series is currently ongoing so the entire plot is not yet known but what is know is that μ(Mu) an AI idol gained sentience and self awareness and in deciding to help alleviate humanity’s suffering created Mobius. Mobius is a near perfect virtual world wherein are trapped the minds of the deeply troubled and/or suffering.
Ritsu Shikishima is among those that has awakened and begun to notice that the world they are in is not real. Unfortunately for him, and everyone else who has “awakened” and wants out, the Ostinato Musicians, a group that are working for/with μ, block the way, doing everything in their power to stop anyone from leaving μ‘s perfect world.
Caligula is, it’s interesting. It’s hard to describe since it’s still ongoing but each episode keeps you hooked and wanting for answers and the animation and music are gorgeous.
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29 and 42?? You're awesome by the way 😘
aaaa pls i’m awesome?? ty lmao
Fave movies: PotC: Curse of the Black Pearl, Warm Bodies, I Am Dragon(or “He’s a Dragon”. Russian romance fantasy about a girl who falls in love with a dragon that’s way better than the shape of water and everyone can fight me on that), Across the Universe, Babe, Mad Max Fury Road, Interview with the Vampire, Donnie Darko, Mean Girls, Labyrinth, The Grand Budapest Hotel
See I just have a wide and weird taste in movies lmao and a lot of these are from my teenage edgy faze. Really though please watch I Am Dragon
Fave books and I’m including manga: The first three books in The Vampire Chronicles and none of the other ones lmao- Interview, The Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned, Perdido Street Station, The Book of Flying, The Lockwood and Co. Series, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Hellsing, Looking for Alaska, The Inkheart series, also I read a lot of trashy paranormal romance novels because they’re hilarious but you’ll never get their titles out of me 
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nonsololibristore · 3 years
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myahle · 7 years
Fanfiction Recommendations
*shyly slides in* ... I have read a lot of fanfics in my free time. Occasionally, my tumblr dashboard is filled with posts that share story recommendations in different fandoms; thus, I thought it would be a nice gesture to share these authors’ works as well. The stories below are simply AMAZING, and I have read each of them at least twice. I could gush on-and-on about some of them, but I will just summarize and say that all of these stories are well-written and worth the read. Feel free to check them out below and let the authors know how wonderful their stories are~ 
Ratings: K, T, M. EX = If indicated ‘Explicit’ on AO3.
“Tell Yourself” by Princess-Kitty1 (@geek-fashionista) [M] Characters/Pairings: Ulquiorra/Orihime. Complete. 100/100. They've survived the war. He's gained a heart. Now Ulquiorra and Orihime get to face their most interesting challenge yet: living together. A series of drabbles and interrelated one-shots in which shenanigans ensue.
“7 Minutes” by Princess-Kitty1 (@geek-fashionista) [T] Characters/Pairings: Ulquiorra/Orihime. Complete. 1/1. AU. Seven Minutes in Heaven is only fun when you're not twelve, terrified, and tricked into playing with someone you've never met.
“Impasse” by Rawrchelle [T] Characters/Pairings: Ulquiorra/Orihime. Complete. 1/1. AU. They say he's a clinically diagnosed psychopath, but she thinks he just lost something along the way. 
“The Girl Downstairs” by DarksKnight [M] Characters/Pairings: Ulquiorra/Orihime, Gin, Grimmjow. Complete. 1/1. AU. The woman who lives down below him is rather… odd.
“Mile High Club” by Terrified-By-Logic [M] Characters/Pairings: Gin/Rangiku. Complete. 1/1. AU. She hated flying, it was the worst form of transportation yet. But when Rangiku meets a certain grinning stranger that supposedly saves her, she figures maybe this flight won't be as bad as the rest.
“The Broken Orrery” by CymbalinesHalo [M] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith. Ongoing. 39/?? Doomed to an existence that neither of them asked for, Aerith and Sephiroth struggle for survival in the bleak desolation of the Northern Crater.
“The Smell of Lillies” by Up_sideand_down [EX] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith. Complete. 1/1 AU. Sephiroth didn't really want a slave, but he needed one. She becomes the best thing in his life, until his own status threatens their relationship.
“After The Fall” by Ardwynna-Morrigu (@ardwynna) [T] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith, Cloud, OC. Complete. 6/6. AU. Sephiroth and Aeris suffer a loss great enough to threaten everything else that lies between them. 
“Northern Lights” by The-Shameful-Narcissist/AshRose (@the-queen-of-sevens) [M] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith. Complete. 25/25. The truth will transform you… Drowning in memories, bound to the past, and consumed by mortal regret, the penitent former general seeks the grave and forgiveness of the true mother never known, but not before he fulfills an obligation to the flower girl whose life he once claimed.
“Unspoken” by Mihoyonagi [T] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith. Complete. 51/51. AU. Actions speak louder than words, but without a voice, can the words inside you speak louder than those actions? A tale of unexpected friendship, struggle, love, and everything that goes with it. 
“Sensory Overload” by RandomTeenager [M] Characters/Pairings: Cloud/Tifa, Marlene, Denzel. Complete. 6/6. Cloud's mako injection bestowed him with heightened senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Perfect for battle, not so much for home.
“Could Do Without” by Bleueyz [T] Characters/Pairings: Vincent/Yuffie. Complete. 98/98. Yuffie contemplates what she could do without. And ends up trying to convince herself Vincent is one of them.
“Fragments of Memories” by J-Mercuryuk [K] Characters/Pairings: Squall/Rinoa, Laguna. Complete. 31/31. In a bid to become closer to his son, and get to know each other, Laguna suggests that they share moments from their past. Reluctantly Squall agrees.
“Karma” by CrimsonCobwebs [M] Characters/Pairings: Zidane/Garnet. Complete. 3/3. AU. How one rainy night can change a person's life forever.
“On Salvation” by H-Thar [M] Characters/Pairings: Older!Hope/Lightning. Complete. 11/11. Post-game AU. Landing on a new and untamed world is far from convenient for Lightning and company. Even in a seemingly godless existence, humanity's flaws persist, some wrongs can never be righted and memories bind them to the past. Hope fears the ties are unbreakable.
“A Series of Firsts” by Cartoon-Moomba [T] Characters/Pairings: Older!Hope/Lightning. Complete. 14/14. AU. Claire first meets their new neighbors when she is seven. OR, that one AU where Lightning fails as the savior and Hope and Snow go back in time to ensure that the future never happens.
“Hearts in Chaos” by GenesisArclite (@genesisarclite​) [T] Characters/Pairings: Caius/Lightning. Complete. 47/47. Knowledge previously unknown to Lightning gives her the ability to defeat Caius in Valhalla, but she must become his immortal companion to stop him for good and he must go with her to New Bodhum. The future is now fraught with unknowns, with a new government and rising tensions between Cocoon and Pulse - made no easier by Caius and Lightning now sharing the Heart of Chaos.
“Play It Straight” by Shatteredjewels [T] Characters/Pairings: Older!Hope/Lightning. Complete. 1/1. Post-Game AU. He knows what he wants. Now he just needs to get her on the same page. 
“Glasses” by Ariel’s-Lament [T] Characters/Pairings: Prompto/Cindy, Noctis, Ignis, Gladiolus. Complete. 6/6. Noctis takes a deep breath to calm himself, because if he's going to have to stick his finger in Prompto's eye, it's probably best that he isn't angry when he does it.
“Knots” by Sadladybug [T] Characters/Pairings: Sesshōmaru/Older!Rin. Complete. 3/3. It's like she tells Kaede: Lord Sesshomaru might not be predictable, but he's dependable. Any day now, he'll come back to the village and they can be together again. Right? A story about watching and waiting, almosts and should-haves, and what happens when the waiting is finally over. 
“Kimono” by Pardon-The-Insanity [T] Characters/Pairings: Sesshōmaru/Older!Rin. Complete. 1/1 Lord Sesshomaru's gifts always meant the world to Rin. But as she got older, they started to hold a different significance...
“Sharp and Dangerous” by FeckedSpectrum [EX] Characters/Pairings: Akura-ou/Kayako. Complete. 1/1 She's a temperamental psychic and he's a deposed demon warlord. They aren't soft people by nature, but they can get close enough for each other.
“Red” by Angelhart79 (@angelhart79) [M] Characters/Pairings: Tomoe-centric, Nanami. Complete. 1/1 Struck by mixed emotions Tomoe is not feeling like himself. In attempts of gaining back his former youkai self he however finds himself still thinking about the one thing he desired and allowed to slip away.
“The God’s Wedding Night” by Angelhart79 (@angelhart79) [M] Characters/Pairings: Tomoe/Nanami. Complete. 1/1 Tomoe and Nanami have arrived at Izumo, ready to start their new life as husband and wife. Upon arrival they expect a simple welcome and maybe a short ceremony in which Nanami will return the Land God mark and Tomoe will be turned into a human. But a surprise awaits them, a gift from Ookuninunishi. One last night, their wedding night, to spend together as god and youkai.
“Lucky Us” by Princess-Kitty1 (@geek-fashionista​) [T] Characters/Pairings: Adrien/Marinette, etc. Ongoing. 29/30. AU. Marinette Dupain-Cheng's life isn't going as planned: twenty-six, recently dumped, and running her parents' bakery. The highlights of her day are the emails sent by her mysterious pen pal, Chat Noir. That is, until handsome model Adrien Agreste starts swinging by the bakery after hours. But how is he to know the Ladybug he loves is standing right in front of him?
“Serendipitous Fate” by SKayLanphear [M] Characters/Pairings: Adrien/Marinette, etc. Ongoing. 22/32. Adrien is excited to reveal his true identity, while Marinette is terrified. But Master Fu says they can't afford to be distant any longer. Chat Noir and Ladybug are meant to work in tandem both in and out of uniform, their strength stemming from the bond created between them. Yet, teenagers are sometimes better at dancing blind than running with wide open eyes, even with the steps laid out before them. Steps in the path of an expanding world. Apart, they'll flounder. But together, they might just stand a chance.
“Snow Trouble” by Arallion [K] Characters/Pairings: Abel/Esther. Complete. 1/1. Father Nightroad returns from a solo mission on a snowy evening. It always comes as a surprise when someone misses you enough to wait out in the cold... 
“Milk Tea & Thirteen Sugars” by Darth Stitch [K] Characters/Pairings: Abel/Esther. Complete. 1/1. Inspired by Chelsea's Blanket Scenario challenge, Abel is diving deep into the River Denial when it comes to what he feels for a certain red-haired nun.
“Not a Saint” by Lucere [T] Characters/Pairings: Abel/Esther. Complete. 2/2 She is not a Saint, not a Krusnik nor a Lilith. She is Esther, plain Esther, with sometimes a Sister attached before.
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schizopagan · 7 years
Have you ever: 1. Skipped class? Yes.
2. Done drugs? No.
3. Self harmed? Yes.
4. Drank? I've had a sip of wine, and a sip of beer.
5. Shoplifted? Yes, several times.
6. Gotten a tattoo? Yes.
7. Broken up with someone? I've never dated. What’s your favorite: 8. Show? Inuyasha.
9. Movie? Cloud Atlas 
10. Song? EXO - Tell Me What is Love (D.O. Solo)
11. Tumblr? I'm still new to Tumblr.
12. Singer/Band? My favorite voice in the whole wide world belongs to Brandon Boyd.
13. Memory? Finally beating Jennifer Lapinsky, and becoming the fastest runner in my kindergarten class.
14. Book? The Witch's Boy by Michael Gruber This or that: 15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Invisibility.
16. Cookies or Cake? Cookies.
17. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook.
18. Movies or Books? Books.
19. Coke or Sprite? Coke.
20. Blind or Deaf? Blind.
21. Tea or Coffee? Tea. What’s your: 22. Age? Not telling.
23. Sign? Scorpio.
24. Height? 5'8"
25. Sexual orientation? Asexual.
26. Shoe size? Men's 9, women's 11.
27. Religion? I don't know if Witchcraft counts as a religion.
28. Longest relationship? I've never been in a romantic relationship. Opinion on: 29. Gay rights? Gay people should have the same rights as anybody else. 
30. Second chances? Depends on the person and situation.
31. Long distance relationships? Not for me.
32. Abortion? Pro-choice.
33. The death penalty? I really don't know.
34. Marijuana? I'm fine with medical marijuana.
35. Love? That's a complicated topic. Do you: 36. Believe in ghosts? I lean toward yes.
37. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? I face the shower head.
38. Sleep with the door opened or closed? My bedroom door opens to the backyard, so I keep it closed.
39. Love someone? My parents and sister.
40. Still watch cartoons? Yes.
41. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
42. Like yourself? Somewhat.
0 notes
ruddcatha · 4 years
The date is here!!!!!!!!
Thank you again to @heavenin--hell for your inspiration, I hope this story does your work justice.
posted on Ao3: Here
Posted on FFN: Here
Guardian has been Nominated for the Feudal Connection  2020 3rd Quarterly Inuyasha Fandom Awards!  Thank you to all the supporters of this story!!  Voting will begin on July 29 and run through August 12, 2020.
Nominated for: Best AU/AR
If you would like to be added to the tags please let me know!
@willowandfog​  @smmahamazing @clearwillow  @sticky-llama-perfection @alannada @shinidamachu @cstormsinukagblog @superpixie42 @nartista @neutronstarchild​ @i-dream-of-soup​ @hnnwnchstr  @fawn-eyed-girl​ @ all-my-cuffs-have-buttons
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Chapter 11
The next morning Kagome opened her eyes with a frustrated groan.   She had been dreaming about Inuyasha and that kiss, her imagination working overtime to fill in what could have happened if Kikyo had not interrupted.  Kagome had never considered herself to be wanton; her only sexual partner before had been Jakotsu, her ex-boyfriend from college and the experience had made it clear they were better as friends… and had helped him realize he preferred men.
But in her dreams, Inuyasha had lifted her against him in the study hall, pinning her to the wall.  His claws had carefully sliced through her clothing, removing the barriers between them, the chance of discovery, of being seen adding to the thrill.  The feel of his powerful body moving against hers...
She had never wanted anything more in her life.  As she closed her eyes, she tried to capture the last snippets of the dream, the taste of his kisses, the feel of his fangs as they teased her neck, the strength of him between her legs as she…
She struggled to pull herself away from the thoughts.  If she kept that up, she had a feeling she would wind up jumping Inuyasha the moment she saw him.
She had been too dazed and aroused by just his kisses that her brain had not been able to function for a good twenty minutes. And she had been right, Kikyo wound up teasing her most of the night for the … scandalous… position she had found them in.  Over a glass of wine Kikyo had admitted she was slightly jealous of how heated the kiss had looked.  
Kagome, slightly tipsy from the wine, had leaned over to her cousin, conspiratorially telling her “It FELT hotter than it looked.”  As they had parted ways at the end of the evening Kikyo had a gleam in her eye, and Kagome almost felt bad for Kikyo’s husband Suikotsu, even though he would likely be thanking his lucky stars his wife had come home in such a state.   Kagome was both sad and relieved that she had not seen Inuyasha on her way back to her apartment, its possible their date would have started the night be…
…Shit… Kagome realized suddenly that they had never finalized any plans for the day.  She had just told him a vague “tomorrow.” She turned and buried her face in her pillow in frustration.  She was an idiot.  This gorgeous dog-eared god had asked her how he could ‘court’ her, which she found both adorable and sexy as hell, and she hadn’t even been able to string two words together or keep a coherent thought in her head.  Hell, for all she knew he could have changed his mind after that, it wouldn’t have been the first time that had happened to her.
With a sigh she finally dragged herself out of bed as the smell of coffee teased her senses.  She promised herself as she opened her bedroom door that after she had a cup (or two) of the lifesaving  liquid and the dose of caffeine it would provide that she would call Inuyasha to set a time to mee…
A steaming croissant, a fresh cup of coffee and a single white rose sat in a perfect place setting on the small dining room table she and Sango had in their apartment.  A small card attached to the rose caught her attention as she walked towards the table, stunned.  
“A beautiful bloom … compares to you.”  Her cheeks turned pink.  She sniffed slightly as she took her seat and drank the first sip of her coffee.  It was perfect, exactly the way she liked it.  As the caffeine hit her system, she recognized Sango’s influence in this, and the thought of Inuyasha going through so much effort for her… Kagome Higurashi… made the gesture feel that much sweeter.
Kagome savored her breakfast from Inuyasha with a smile on her face.  Whatever the day would hold, she was looking forward to it.  She gently lifted the rose off the table and noted with a slight smile that the thorns had been carefully removed.  The soft tea-like scent filled her senses as she brushed the rose against her cheek, letting her imagination replace the soft petals with Inuyasha’s fingers.  She stood to place the dishes in the dishwasher, gently cradling the rose closely to her as she entered her bedroom and placed it on her dresser.  She was curious and excited to see what he had planned for the rest of the day, but if that were the start, she knew she would enjoy every moment.
Thirty minutes later Kagome gave herself one last look in the mirror.  She had decided to put on a light makeup application of mascara and lip gloss, Inuyasha had seen her in the middle of combat training and was still interested in her, so she knew she did not have to put on her usual war paint to impress him.  She kept her outfit simple, a pair of jeans and her favorite fitted button down shirt, its long sleeves hiding the bruises she had from training and its bright red color helped her confidence and her favorite simple black flats.  Red always helped her feel more powerful, more in control, and lord knew she needed control around Inuyasha. That man just… did things to her, it both scared and excited her.
She left her bedroom, listening for the sounds of her roommate.  It was already 11 and Sango typically was awake and already back from the gym at 11 on Saturday morning, but she heard nothing from her friend’s room.  Kagome started towards Sango’s room to knock when the sight of another rose on the table caught her attention, she knew that it hadn’t been there before.
As she drew close to the table, she saw the note tied around the stem and quickly moved to read it. 
“A journey begins with a single step, and this is the start of ours.  The path begins at the meeting place, where the past meets the present.  Follow the path and take that step with me.” She read softly.  A puzzle, she loved puzzles.
“So where is he sending you?” The teasing sound of Sango’s voice caused Kagome to jump.
“What the hell Sango?” Kagome laughed.  “I didn’t hear you come out.”
“Too busy mooning over the rose?” Sango cooed, raising her eyebrows suggestively.  Kagome’s laughter faded as she caressed the petals of the rose.
“A little.  It’s sweet.” She shot a glance at her still giggling friend. “Although I can’t help but notice that he seemed to have recruited assistance.”
Sango shot her a wide grin, and that was all the response Kagome needed.
“Thank you.” She whispered to Sango, it touched her not only that Inuyasha was putting so much effort into planning the day, but that he had reached out to her best friend for help.  
“So…” Sango said with a singsong tone.  “Where is he sending you?”
Kagome pursed her lips as she looked at the note.  “Where the past meets the present… That could be any of the shrines around Tokyo, but I have the feeling he would want to keep it close to campus rather than running all around town.”
She shot a look at Sango.  “I don’t suppose you want to tell me?”
“OOOOHHH no no no no Miss Kagome.” Sango’s eyes sparkled as she watched her friend. “I am here to advise and assist, but half the fun of today will be figuring it out.  So… where does the past meet the present in a place that both you and Inuyasha are familiar with or go to a lot?”
Kagome thought for a moment before her eyes brightened. The archeology office with its underground training and apartments, where Inuyasha was staying. Where the past meets the present… of course! 
“See you Sango!” She called out as she darted out the door, the rose with the clue in hand.  
Sango chuckled at Kagome’s excitement; she was glad that the plan seemed to be going well.  She went back to her room to grab her phone; it was only a matter of time until she got a text from Kagome about the next clue.
Kagome hurried towards the Archeology building, her eyes darting around as she looked for the next clue, unsure of what to look for.  She hoped he had made it….
There, a white rose tucked into the corner next to the door!  
“The second step to start the day, the sip that brings you joy.  Let us share a cup and drink to us with your favorite mocha latte.”  
She smiled, this clue she didn’t need Sango’s help to work out, she had one coffee shop near the department where she had been purchasing her coffee during training.  This clue she knew wasn’t just based on Sango’s knowledge, as Sango had not gone with her for the coffee runs over the past two months.
It only took a few minutes for her to reach the coffee shop and enter it, her eyes darting around for a white rose.
“Oh, Kagome.” The barista called out to her.   Kagome was one of her favorite customers, and the entire shop had her order memorized.  
“I will have your medium mocha latte with whipped cream and extra chocolate sauce ready in just a moment.  We were told to expect you around 11:15, so it’s just being finished.”
“Oh, I’m not here for coffee… wait, Sara, did you say you were told to expect me?”
Sara laughed from behind the counter as she put the lid on Kagome’s coffee. 
“Yeah, a tall hunk of a man with silver hair and golden colored eyes came in this morning and placed an order for you, told us you would be coming around 11:15 for it, and asked that we also give you this.  Here you go.”
Sara handed Kagome her coffee and a white rose with a note attached before leaning over the counter towards Kagome.
“Hey, if things don’t work out with the hunk, can I have him?” She teased.  Kagome smiled as she took the first sip of her coffee.
“Nope.  I think I will try and keep this one.” She said with a wink. 
Sara laughed as she responded “Can’t blame you there.  Man is gorgeous and sweet.” Her voice dropped to a whisper as she continued.
“And I have to say, he was so worried about getting your order right, he is really stuck on you girl.”
Kagome brought the three roses in her other hand up under her nose and sniffed with a slight smile.  Their scent blended with the chocolate and coffee, and the combination made her smile.
“I think I’m a little stuck on him too.” She confessed as her cheeks turned pink.  “Thanks Sara.” Kagome moved to an empty table and set her coffee down, anxious to see the next clue.
“To engage the mind is to enrich the soul.  A journey is a story, each step a new word.  How does our chapter begin?”
Kagome finished her coffee as she considered the clue, it was obvious that it was somewhere related to books or writing, which could mean three places, the library, the campus bookstore, or the writing center.  She immediately removed the writing center from consideration, as she had only been there once when she was in orientation, but she frequented the bookstore and the library often. They were on opposite sides of campus, or she would have checked both, but which one should she go to…
Kagome reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone and shot off a quick text message.
Ok oh wise one, how does our chapter begin, bookstore or library? -K.
Almost immediately she heard the ding of a response.
Didn’t I tell you I was here to advise and assist but not tell? 😉 -S.
 :-P -K.
Think about the last two months Kagome. -S.
It suddenly hit Kagome; Sango was right.  She was thinking about where she had frequented since she started the program, but there was only one of the two that she had been at during the last two months. 
Thanks girl. -K 
😉, -S.
Kagome darted out of the coffee shop and dashed towards the library; the three roses carefully held in her grasp to protect them as she moved.  She hoped that if he had left the clue outside someone hadn’t picked it up and moved it, but she didn’t see anything as she approached the library.   She cautiously entered the library, her eyes darting around for a sign of the clue.
“Ah Kagome!”
The campus librarian Kaede stood behind the circulation desk.  Kagome had spent quite a bit of time with Kaede during her time at the school, Kaede helping her with research and looking through the film archives for research, and saw the older woman as a friend if not a surrogate grandmother on campus.  
“Hi Kaede!  This may sound strange, but have you seen a white rose?”
Kaede raised an eyebrow at Kagome as she continued.
“I’m on a scavenger hunt and the clue, I hope, led me here, but I haven’t seen the next clue.”
Kaede clucked her tongue and reached under her counter and placed a white rose and a book on the counter.  Kagome drew nearer, drawing a breath as she saw a copy of 1000 Poems from the Manyoshu, a collection of ancient Japanese poems, sitting under the rose. 
“That silver haired gentleman you have come in with brought them in this morning and asked me to hold them for you.”  Kaede said smiling at the young girl in front of her.
“Ho… how did he know?” Kagome stared in shock at the book, she had always loved the ancient poetry, the beauty of the words written from AD 456-760, the history of the words, the emotion they evoked.  That was not something she had ever shared with Sango.  Kaede had a twinkle in her eye as she looked at Kagome.
“If I had a young man who went through that much effort to make a special day for me, I would be trying to get to him as quickly as I could.”
Kagome’s smile grew.  “I will see you later Kaede.”  She called over her shoulder as she turned and hurried out the door, tucking the poetry book under her arm as she looked at the card.
“There are two more steps on the path today.  Follow the journey to your favorite nook, the place you study and dream in the shade.”
She knew exactly where that was.  A bench under a tree near the library.  She had spent many an hour there reading or curled up with her laptop.  She moved towards it as quickly as she could, eager to see where he would lead her next.  As she approached, she saw the single white rose sitting on the middle of the bench.  
“One last stop along the path, a final step for you to take.  Along the rocks, amongst the trees, meet me where the lords still reign.”
 Sanshiro Pond.  Of course, it made perfect sense.  They had been sealed before the Lords manor had been built, but it was a bridge between their times.  She knew exactly where to meet him.
Inuyasha waited under a pavilion overlooking the lake, watching the time carefully on the phone that Miroku insisted he now carry.  He was starting to get worried; Sango had called him around 11 to say Kagome had started the journey, and it was now going on to 12.  Sango had assured him that Kagome would be able to understand all the clues, and that Kagome had always dreamed of a scavenger hunt date.  Miroku and Sango had stayed up with him until the early hours of the morning working on the cards and preparing the food.   He had appreciated the help, it felt good to have people he could honestly call his friends in this strange new time, people he could rely on in more than just a fight.
That didn’t make him any less nervous now.  His mind was running in a million different places, convincing himself that she hadn’t understood the clues, or she had decided it was too much of a hassle.  His ears lowered, maybe the book was overkill.  Miroku had run out with him to a store to buy the roses and Inuyasha had insisted that he also go to a place where he could purchase the book.  He had seen how drawn Kagome had been to it every time they went to the library; her fingers would always run over the copy in the stacks as they moved past it when doing research.  
He sighed, and his shoulders dropped.  She wasn’t coming.  She had…
The soft scent of vanilla and roses caught his attention on the breeze.
She was here.
He turned to see Kagome approaching him, five roses and the book of poetry in her hand.  His heart started to beat faster at the sight of her, and he felt his palms grow sweaty.   As she approached, he saw the smile on her face, the sparkle in her eye and the tension he felt melted away.  He hadn’t scared her away.   It was time to see if the rest of Sango’s advice would work as well.  He moved to take her hand, Sango’s voice in his head telling him to say something meaningful when he saw her, but the only thing he could think to say was…
“You look beautiful.” He breathed out, moving one hand to gently touch her cheek.  She leaned into his hand as she looked back at him as her cheeks tinged pink.
“Thank you.” Was her soft reply, her eyes never leaving his.  
Inuyasha had to forcibly move his gaze from hers and he found he had to clear his throat before taking her elbow and moving with her towards the stone seating and table.  He helped her sit before reaching down to bring out the food that he had cooked with Sango.  Sango had been a blessing, helping him make (and remake) items until they were perfect.  Miroku had been tasked with warming the food and bringing it to the pond so it would be ready for Kagome. 
He took a deep breath as he set out the two disposable bento boxes filled with rice, Tamagoyaki, Karaage and Onigiri and two bottles of water.  Kagome’s soft gasp of excitement helped to calm the remainder of his nerves.
“These look amazing Inuyasha!”
His cheeks turned pink with happiness as he looked away.
“Thanks… the…they took most of the night.”
“Inuyasha.” Kagome reached out to touch his face and turn it to look at her.  “You made these?
“Keh.  Sango did most of the work, I helped with the Tamagoyaki.” He admitted.  Kagome leaned over and brushed a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you.” She said, nuzzling his cheek.
“Keh, you say that before you’ve tried it.”
 “I’m sure it will be delicious.”  His soft “Keh” was the only response as she opened the lid and took her first bite.  
“Inuyasha…” his ears lowered in concern “This is fantastic! Have you tried it?”
He opened his mouth to accept the piece of Tamagoyaki that she offered with her chopsticks, his ears perking at the taste.  It really was damn good.  He opened his bento and grabbed a piece of Karaage, offering it out to Kagome.   She quickly leaned over to take a bite, her hand flying to her mouth as a low groan escaped her at the taste.  
It was official, he owed Sango, big time.
After they finished and cleaned up lunch, Inuyasha asked Kagome if she wanted to walk with him around the pond and enjoy the view, offering to hold the book and roses for her.  She pulled one of the roses aside and handed him the rest of her precious items, watching as he folded them into his left hand to keep them safe for her.  She told him the history of the lake and its connection to the Edo period.  It was one of her favorite places on campus to walk, and she delighted in sharing it with him.  Every so often she would feel the soft brush of his right hand against her left, a fleeting touch before he quickly moved away.  She fought back a giggle, this was a quite different side of Inuyasha than she had seen yesterday, and each side she saw made her want to know more about him.  The next time she felt his fingers brush her hand she reached out and wrapped her fingers through his, capturing his hand in her smaller one, and she saw his cheeks turn pink as he moved his eyes to look at her with a small smile and a soft “Keh.”
Kagome led Inuyasha to a grassy area by the lake and pulled him down to sit next to her. They spent the next few hours alternating him listening to her voice as she read aloud from the book of poems he had given her, his head in her lap, her fingers gently brushing against the ears hidden by his glamor and talking about everything, her dreams and goals, what it was like growing up in this era, what it had been like growing up in the feudal ages. 
The day passed as they enjoyed being in each other’s company, learning more about the other and sharing soft touches, the brush of a hand against the other, tucking a stray lock of hair behind an ear, a gentle touch on the cheek as they talked.  Before either of them realized it, the sky had taken on the slight pink hue of sunset.  Inuyasha saw Kagome shiver slightly as a cool breeze blew off the lake, and he gently moved to move her close to his side, his arm around her shoulders to help keep her warm.  Her head lowered to rest against his shoulder, and with a soft sigh of pleasure he let his cheek rest against her hair.  They sat curled against each other as the sky deepened, pink giving way to deep oranges and brilliant blues.  
Inuyasha shifted his head to look at the beautiful woman beside him, his free hand rising to lift her face to his.  He leaned down, closing the distance between them as Kagome’s eyes closed and nuzzled his nose to hers.  When she giggled, he softly caught her lips with him in a sweet, chaste kiss.  He lifted his lips from hers, his ears not missing her slight sound of disappointment that gave way to a sigh as he kissed her forehead and wrapped both arms around her and lifted her onto his lap.  He pulled her back against his chest and rested his chin on her shoulder as they finished watching natures display of colors and saw the first stars twinkling in the sky. 
“I don’t want today to end.” Inuyasha whispered, gently kissing her cheek before he rested his head against hers.
“Me either.” Kagome whispered back, running her fingers across the arms holding close.  She felt Inuyasha move to bury his nose at the base of her neck, and a hum of pleasure escaped her lips.  It just felt… so right… So right to be sitting there with him, holding him.  It was if nothing else mattered, and they were alone in their own little world. 
He kissed her cheek again before shifting her in his lap.
“Let me walk you back to your apartment?” he asked as he nuzzled her nose again.  She responded by moving forward slightly to place another soft kiss on his lips.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
He helped her to stand, holding the book of poetry as she gathered the five roses close to her, and hand in hand they walked the campus back to her apartment.  When they reached the door, he offered her back her book with a slight bow, and her cheeks flushed as she held it to her chest.  Inuyasha reached up to stroke her cheek before picking up the end of a strand of hair and playing with it.
“So, what happens now?” Kagome said softly, her eyes fixed on his.
He smiled gently. “Now I hope to talk you into another, what did Sango call it? A Date.”  The smile she gave him rivaled the sun with its brilliance in his eyes.
“As if that were ever a question.”
His hand shifted to run through her hair, he was entranced by the feeling of her silken locks against his fingers. 
“Is there anything else I should know about dates and dating?” His tone was soft but serious, and she couldn’t help but melt at the tone.
“Just one thing.”
He lifted an eyebrow at her comment.  She stepped forward towards him until their bodies nearly touched.
“They end with a kiss.”  She rose onto her toes and placed her lips against his.  The hand in her hair tensed before cradling the back of her head as Inuyasha deepened the kiss, his other hand drawing her even closer to run his hand up and down her spine. 
There was the heat she had been craving.  She heard a soft … was that purring… from his chest as he held her against him.  He pulled back from the kiss; his eyes were almost completely dilated as he looked down at her.  Dazed chocolate eyes blinked back at him slowly, and he dove in for another kiss, another taste of her.  With a shuddering breath he broke away and touched his forehead to hers, fighting for breath.
“There is one more step on the path Kagome.” His voice was husky against her ear.  “The last card awaits upstairs.”
Kagome opened her eyes to see molten gold burning before her.  A half smile turned his lip as he leaned in to place a softer kiss against her lips.
“I will see you tomorrow Kagome.”  He whispered as he released her, moving to hold open the door to her building with a slight bow.  With a shuddering breath she slowly made her way to her apartment, her mind still clouded with desire.  ‘One more card’ he had said, what did he mean?
As she opened the door to her apartment, she saw it.  A green vase with 18 white roses was waiting for her on the dining room table.  The first rose she had received lay on the table in front of it with a new card attached to it.  She quickly moved to see what it said.
“One for every hour today that I have thought of you.” 
Her eyes went wide and started to tear up, with the six roses she held in her hand there were a total of 24 roses.  She placed the poetry book on her pillow before she added the six roses to the arrangement, her fingers tracing each bloom.  Kami, she had not expected anything like this from him.  Maybe that was the difference between ‘dating’ and ‘courting.’
She heard the door open behind her and turned to see Sango with a pizza box and a wide grin on her face.
“Girl time…” Sango announced as she set the pizza on the kitchen counter and turned back to Kagome.  “Sooooooooooooooooo, how was it?”
Kagome smiled as she looked at the flowers.
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ruddcatha · 4 years
Guardian Chapter 8
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Inspired by @heavenin--hell​!
Guardian has been Nominated for the Feudal Connection  2020 3rd Quarterly Inuyasha Fandom Awards!  Thank you to all the supporters of this story!!  Voting will begin on July 29 and run through August 12, 2020.
Nominated for Best AU/AR
Wall of tags, if you would like to be added, please let me know!
@willowandfog​  @smmahamazing @clearwillow  @sticky-llama-perfection @alannada @shinidamachu @cstormsinukagblog @superpixie42 @nartista @neutronstarchild​ @i-dream-of-soup​ @hnnwnchstr
Found on Ao3: Here
Found on FFN: Here
Kagome felt breathless as she watched the… she could only describe it as magical… scene before her. She could feel the ebb and flow of the energy around the room like a heartbeat, the golden light pulsing through the two statues.  At least now she knew she wasn’t insane; this was the same golden light she had seen the first day she had worked in the main room when she touched the wall.  Now the light seemed to sink into the forms, and she swore she saw the red handprints on the chests pulsing before the marks faded. As one, the two forms took a breath and their eyes flashed the same bright gold as Inuyasha’s.  A deep chuckle was heard from the … man… being… god… by the alter of the shrine.
“You did well pup.”  
The deep voice was soft but carried an undeniable tone of command.  This was a being who was used to being in control and obeyed without question.  Both men stepped forward, away from their platforms, towards Inuyasha.    Sango and Kagome held each other’s hand for support, and they heard Miroku’s slight gasp from beside them.
“Kami Kagome” Sango whispered, staring at the three silver haired men standing in the center of the room “you woke up the sex gods.”
Kagome’s eyes went wide as she looked at her friend in mock horror, and she suddenly found herself fighting to hold back a giggle.  
“I’m serious Kagome, look at them.  They are gorgeous… scary but gorgeous.” Sango smirked, then her face turned to shock as three shades of golden eyes turned to them.
“Shit” Sango swore nervously.
Miroku took a steadying breath before bravely stepping forward, turning his left arm to show the glowing tattoo located near his elbow.  He bowed low a few feet away from the three Inu yokai.
“My name is Miroku, my Lords, an apprentice member of the Human/Yokai Council, it is a pleasure to welcome you and pledge the allegiance of the council to your cause.”  Miroku stated clearly in late middle Japanese, completing the formalities of the counsel for the Great General and his sons.  An almost feral smile curved the lips of the tallest man in the group, his silver hair secured at the top of his head cascading down his back.  
“The Inu No Taisho accepts your allegiance and assistance.” His deep voice reverberated through the chamber.  “You may address me as Taisho or Toga.
The figure with the purple crescent moon watched the humans with a cold curiosity.  Toga turned to the silent figure, and Kagome saw a single eyebrow raise.  With a sigh, the last man looked at them and said a single word.
“Sesshomaru.” His voice seemed as cold as his expression.
Sesshomaru turned and focused his attention on Kagome. He made her nervous.  She felt that he was assessing and judging her, and that she had somehow been found wanting in some capacity.  The look of disdain in his light golden eyes made one thing clear, he did not care one way or another that they were there.  As he turned his attention back to Toga and Inuyasha she could not help but shiver slightly.  
Inuyasha began speaking quietly, quickly describing to his father and brother what had happened since he had awoken.
“What is this council and why was there a human and not one of the yokai lords here to greet us?” Toga asked, the plan that he had worked out with the lords did not involve humans.
“From what I have been told, the yokai lords form their own council, Miroku is a member of a second council of humans and yokai alike, to oversee the integration of the two, and were charged by the yokai lords to help when we returned.  All the humans have spiritual powers and are trusted by the lords.”
Kagome watched Inuyasha speaking with the other two Inu’s, seeing his shoulders relax for the first time in the admittedly short time she had known him.  She presumed that he had completed his story when all three turned to face her with different levels of consideration.  Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed as he began to walk towards her, his nose crinkling as if he smelled something distasteful. ‘Kami he can probably smell my fear.’ Kagome suddenly thought, clutching Sango’s hand tighter.  With a soft growl, Inuyasha was suddenly between her and Sesshomaru, and the later stopped.
“Brother” Kagome heard Sesshomaru say to Inuyasha before Sesshomaru turned and moved to the back of the room, away from the humans.  
Toga moved passed Kagome and Sango to move to the left wall, where he crouched down to look at the vessels and urns along the wall.
“Pup.” He growled.
“I know,” Inuyasha responded as he moved to stand next to his father “I saw.”
“What about the other seals?”
Inuyasha shook his head “Unknown.  I have not spoken with any of the keepers.”
“The Ookamis and Kitsunes would have been alerted the moment we were unsealed; I do not anticipate that it will take long for them to join us.” Toga said with confidence.
A shrill ringing sound echoed through the room, and all eyes turned to focus on Miroku.  With a sheepish grin Miroku pulled out his cell phone, making sure to keep it in sight of the two yokai in the room as he answered. After a moment he ended the call and looked to Kagome and Sango.
“Totosai.  He’s on his way with the second jeep.”
Miroku made his way towards Toga and Inuyasha, keenly aware that Sesshomaru was now slowly stalking in their direction.
“My lords” at the title Inuyasha let out a small growl and Toga’s lips quirked “That was Totosai, my mentor.  He will be arriving shortly with a second method of travel and asked me to inform you that the council will meet tomorrow.”
A short time later three silver-haired heads turned as one to the entrance of the shrine, alerting the humans to Totosai’s arrival. As Totosai descended the steps, Kagome, Sango and Miroku moved to meet him, with the Inu’s following slowly behind them.  Totosai paused as he saw the three guardian’s standing before him, Toga towering over his sons, though all three were an impressive height.  With all the courage he could muster, Totosai walked straight to the tallest figure, and gave a slight bow.  Toga looked down at the middle-aged man before him, taking in his balding head with white hair pulled behind him and white goatee.  Totosai’s eyes bugged out slightly at the perusal from the intimidating man before him.  
“Lord Toga” Totosai swallowed to calm his nerves “Please, allow us to escort you and your sons to a safe place to rest. The council will all be arriving tomorrow; I offer you a place to sleep and food to eat for as long as you desire it.”
Toga smiled broadly, the difference between his previous glower of intimidation and the smile was startling.  He threw back his head as he laughed.  Kagome saw Inuyasha watching his father with amusement and noticed that Sesshomaru had a look of pained embarrassment.  As he finished laughing, Toga reached out to clasp Totosai’s shoulder.  
“Thank you, after 500 years, I am starving.”  Toga strode up the stairs as he looked from side to side at the world around him. Inuyasha smirked at the dumbfounded look on the four humans before following Toga.  Sesshomaru was the only one who stayed downstairs, a low growl echoing through the entryway.
It took close to an hour by Kagome’s estimate to get back to campus.  Sesshomaru had taken one look at the vehicles, raised an eyebrow and waited. Totosai quickly scrambled to open the back-seat door, and Sesshomaru lowered himself in the car.   Sango quickly chose to go with Totosai and Sesshomaru.
“I am not sitting in a car alone with that hentai.” She grumbled.
“Technically you wouldn’t be alone.” Kagome reminded her, earning herself a glare from her friend.
“Oh sure, except the ice man who would have no clue what was going on, that helps.”
Kagome just shook her head and moved towards Miroku’s vehicle.  Inuyasha was already sitting in the backseat of the jeep while Toga kept walking around it, his eyes shining like a young kid.  
“Remarkable.” He was amazed, he had anticipated that things would have changed, but not that much. To remove the horses from the carriage… Toga knew that he would enjoy learning more about this new world.    Miroku showed him how to open the doors, and Toga spent the next ten minutes opening and closing the door until Inuyasha growled.
“Kami, you are the parent, start acting like it.”
With a beleaguered sigh, Toga allowed Miroku to close the door.  Once everyone was securely in the jeeps, Totosai and Miroku made their way quickly back to Totosai’s office.  
Kagome learned more about her university on her way back than she had in all her research before joining the archaeology program.  Totosai told her that the university had been founded by one of the yokai lords, and he continued to subsidize it to that day.  The archaeology department was one of the pet projects, fully funded by the lords rather than having to seek grant funding or go through official state procedures for research approval.  That had allowed the archeology program to thrive, and members of the program were asked on every important excavation in Japan.  Totosai explained that it was how they made sure there was always at least one member of either council present on all archaeological projects just in case they came across the guardians.
Totosai’s office building had an underground apartment, one of several secured locations around town.  They did not appear on any maps and were not part of the official university plans or architectural records, and they were protected by complex wards that only allowed members of the councils or their guests through.  The archaeology program was very selective, applicants were screened for spiritual power during the interview process.  Kagome was surprised to learn that the only one in her program that did not have some latent spiritual power was Sango, however Sango was a descendant of what Totosai called the “slayers,” descendants of the original village, trained to fight and prepare to serve the lords who had once protected them.
When they arrived at the campus Totosai drove Kagome to her apartment complex.  She had insisted that she could walk back if he had wanted to get Inuyasha and his family prepared for the next day, but he would not hear of it. Inuyasha watched her silently from the backseat, his eyes never straying from her form as she moved towards the door. Kagome turned back as she reached the door, and she swore she could see the golden color of his eyes, even though she knew it was impossible at that distance.  With a sigh she made her way upstairs to her apartment, and Sango immediately pulled her into a tight hug as soon as the door closed.  The two friends stood there, their arms around each other in silence.
“Well today’s been a fucked-up day hasn’t it?”
Kagome burst out laughing at Sango’s statement, the humor breaking through the tension that she felt.
“Yeah, I say this ranks up there in the top 5 of fucked-up days.” Kagome agreed as she continued to chuckle.   She pulled away from Sango to move to the kitchen.  “And fucked-up days deserve wine.”
“Oh, you won’t get an objection from me on that!” At Sango’s response Kagome pulled down two glasses and took a bottle of white wine out of the fridge.  She poured two glasses and brought them back to hand one to Sango.
“To fucked-up days”
“To fucked-up days”
The girls clinked their glasses together and took the first sip of the wine.  Sango’s eyes took on a mischievous glint.
“To hot silver haired men.”
Kagome’s smile got dreamy as her thoughts went to Inuyasha. “To hot silver haired men and I will raise you with golden eyes that melt you.”
“Ooooh touché!” Sango giggled, drinking to the toast.
Kagome thought for a moment. “To… To dark haired men with blue eyes and a ponytail.”
“To dark haired men with blue eyes and…. Wait, what the fuck Kagome, I am NOT drinking a toast to hentai man!”
Kagome snickered at the indignation in Sango’s voice and on her face.  Sango continued to grumble “waste a perfectly good toast on that jerk.”
“Ah come on Sango, he wasn’t so bad, he’s been quite nice through everything today.  Besides, I saw the way you looked at him.”
Sango’s indignation turned into a blush.  “Shut up Kagome.”
Kagome just stared at her.
Sango sighed “… fine… to dark haired men with blue eyes who made a bad first impression but are still kinda hot anyway, there happy?”  Sango threw back the rest of her wine before glaring jokingly at Kagome.
“Yup.” Kagome smiled broadly as she snickered, the wine helping her to relax after the day.
Sango shook her head at Kagome.  “Alright girl, I’m heading to bed.  Thank god Totosai gave us tomorrow off.”
Kagome quickly finished her wine before taking the two glasses back to the sink to be rinsed and loaded into the dishwasher.  By the time she finished the door to Sango’s bedroom was closed.  Kagome made her way to her room; it was hard for her to believe that just a few hours earlier she had opened the door to find Inuyasha staring at her.  She quickly changed into her night clothes, exhaustion from the day and the wine both hit her at the same time.  Kagome fell against her bed, not even bothering to cover herself with her blanket.
Kagome turned to make herself comfortable, and her eyes passed the mirror on her dresser.  The mirror had taken on a hazy quality, and Kagome noticed that a fog seemed to be creeping through her vision.
‘I must be more tired than I thought.’  As her eyes closed and she began to drift off, she could swear she saw golden eyes in the haze.  A slight smile curved her lips ‘Inuyasha.’
As Kagome fell into a deep sleep, crimson eyes formed in the mirror, staring unblinkingly at her still figure.  Ghostly fingers formed in the mist and reached out towards Kagome.  As they drew nearer, Kagome’s face began show discomfort, and her body twisted, restless.  A golden aura formed around her form, the light blocking the fingers from reaching her body.  They withdrew with a hiss, and the crimson eyes narrowed in rage.  The mist began to swirl violently as the eyes brightened, anger making them burn like fire.  Shadowy shapes reached for Kagome time and time again, repelled each time by the golden glow.  Kagome jolted awake as the mirror cracked and shattered, shards flying through the room. A piece of glass flew past Kagome and cut open her arm.  She stared down with blurry eyes at her arm then turned back to the mirror.
“What... what just happened?”
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