#omg they are so cute together
hinamie · 26 days
u should think of tiny megu. To keep the stress at bay. You should draw him actually. Ooooo you wanna draw tiny megu getting the love he deserves so bad /j
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he's with his 2 best friends
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bashzzey · 1 month
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Them together... 💖💖 I like Forgetful Storyteller and Modest Dancer a lot 👉👈❤
Also drew him in aggie some days earlier!
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k4pp4-8 · 1 year
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They're the only clones that matters rn‼️‼️💕
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milkchocimono · 4 months
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mxntjam · 8 months
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So,,,, I may or may not be obsessed with trolls
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dirt-str1der · 3 months
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They made hyoga look so much cooler in the anime hes just standing there , in the manga theyre all dripping wet and bedraggled and senku is dying as usual
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mttonex · 9 months
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poppy closeup cuz shes so teeny >_<
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bamgeut · 7 days
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🧸 + 🎸 = 🥰 ↳ for @ashxxgyu
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calmoose415 · 6 months
My heart literally exploded when I found this piece of art. I highly recommend it! (Artist: iris_s.e.e)
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myokk · 30 days
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an afternoon by the black lake🫶🫶🫶
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valhallavalgrace · 11 days
How have your interactions with your floormates been? Do any of them seem particularly friendly?
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I think this might be your guy to talk to, Leo, just a hunch...
prev ask
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ceydoessillystuff · 2 months
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Bea, um... I think your bf is burning......
(Doodle I made while drawing with @the-cat-ara in magma!)
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ayyy-pee · 2 years
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Petrichor on Twitter
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storge · 4 months
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We still have lots of good memories awaiting us in the future. Back then, when I proposed to you in front of my father, I really meant it. I sincerely want to make you happy. So if you're anxious about something, I'd like you to tell me. I want you to trust me.
Io & Yukito Kahogona Wakadanna-sama no Amayakashi Kon (2024) 1.02
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traceyc-uk · 2 months
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Not my finest work but I really loved drawing your MC along with my MC Ozzy Elton a Hufflepuff playing Wizards Chess.
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Oi stop that! Merlin’s beard! you’re SUCH a bad loser!
My goodness your drawing is SO cute! Thank You!!! I even want to know the story of all the background characters they look so individual 💕 And nice to meet you Ozzy I’m just sorry he’s being so rude😑 @blubugg13
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ragzonacamrencruise · 4 months
What do you think of an Azutara idea where Azula gets sick and Katara takes care of her?
oooohhhhh it could go smthn like . . . . hmmm . . . okay hear meowt-
The time Azula spent in the mental institution only solidified her deteriorating physical condition. Katara knew, that if threatened, Azula could easily take her down with a single blow. But that doesn't hold true when she's literally a walking skeleton, with the constant threat of dismantling and falling in a pile of weak bones.
She won't admit it though. Her bloodcells are fighting for their lives and Katara could practically hear Azula's muscles screaming out in pain when she goes around and performs exceptionally hard katas in the name of training and keeping her body fit.
It's only been two months since Azula was finally allowed out of the institution after two excruciatingly long years of torture with mirrors and chains. She was in no shape to even sit up properly without help when she first arrived.
A weak immune system is only one of the many gifts the institution provided her, along with nail scratches on random places of her body and her unevenly cut hair.
Azula is a morning person, Katara soon comes to find. She wakes up every morning to meditate and practice her katas. She knows it wasn't a luxury she had in the institution so Azula was adamant on continuing it to get back in shape. And Katara was adamant on keeping an eye on her every morning so that she doesn't do anything stupid. Like collapsing on the floor after a spinning kick like she did two days ago, or something like that.
Azula's better now though. She's gained a little weight in these couple of months and is slowly reverting back to her old self again. Colour is back in her face and the barber did an excellent job by cutting her hair in way that the uneven chunks were no longer odd but in place with the rest of her hair precisely. She has her hair up in a top-knot, the rest of it falling freely down her shoulder with her signature strands of hair framing the sides of her face. She looks . . .
Katara struggles to find the exact word to describe Azula as she watches her meditate facing her in an open courtyard built for training and practice.
Katara settles on that.
Somedays, she even joins her when Azula trained. Simply because she feels the need to get closer to the firebender in case she falls or . . . something Katara wasn't sure about. She just needed to make sure, up close that the princess was okay.
Azula lets out a gentle sneeze and that immediately brings Katara out of her thoughts. She frowns when the firebender lets out a follow up sneeze, but this time stronger than it's predecessor. She sniffs a bit before resuming her disrupted meditation session.
"Your Highness . . ." Katara trails off, worried. She never calls Azula by her name in open spaces like this. She simply cannot when Azula's posture oozes regal elegance. But she's always 'Azula' in her head. Especially during their healing sessions behind closed doors where no one was allowed till the session gets over.
"What?" Azula says softly, still with her eyes closed. Her tone has a hint of annoyance at the disruption to her meditation again, but nothing more.
Katara's face is riddled with worry. "Are you catching a cold?"
Azula scowls. Katara's not sure how she can do that even with her eyes closed. "No. And even if I am, it's no concern of yours."
Katara eyes her suspiciously. These past two months have been hard. Katara's sole job was to break down Azula's walls brick by brick so that the princess would allow herself to be taken care of. Azula's been reluctant in letting Katara do it for her. But Katara, being Katara with her stubborn, adamant self, would take none of the firebender's protests. Azula had given up on day four.
Katara rises up from her seat at the edge of the courtyard to go and plop down right infront of the princess. She runs her eyes over the perfectly chiseled face, looking for anything out of place. However, she gets distracted once with the firebender's full lips, but she steadies her eyes and thoughts, to the task at hand. Focus, Katara . . .
She does find something disturbing, though. "You look pale." She notes. "Have you been eating well?"
If Azula's surprised by Katara's voice sounding so close to her, she doesn't show it on her face. She still has her eyes closed. "Shush! I'm trying to concentrate here, peasant."
Katara's been with Azula long enough to know that that word isn't derogatory anymore. The princess just likes to call her that. Especially after Katara mentioned to her once that she's the daughter of the Southern Water Tribe's chief and the princess just replied, 'I know' with a shrug.
Smiling to herself at the memory, Katara raises her hand to Azula's forehead, intent on checking her temperature. But before her hand could make contact with the pale skin, Azula's jet-like fingers shoot out to her wrist, stopping her ministrations suddenly with a precise grip.
Katara gasps softly at that.
Her eyes are still closed. How did she . . . ?
When she looks up, Azula's dazzling golden eyes are trained directly on her and she feels her face getting warm under the princess's gaze. Her body might be weak; but her eyes still haven't toned down from their sharpness yet. And the waterbender doubts that it ever will. It's still piercing and . . . warm.
No, hot is more like it.
"You should know by now, that invading a fire royalty's personal space without their explicit permission is a crime punishable by solitary confinement for 5 years."
Katara can do nothing but let her lips fall open and shift her eyes between the princess's golden ones, cuz she can't seem to focus on one, cuz they're too damn close.
Then, she finds mirth dancing in those golden orbs and she lets out a sharp breath. "You actually had me there for a second."
Azula lets Katara's wrist out of her grasp and the waterbender immediately misses the warmth the hand provided her with. "I can still have you there for a second. It won't take me a minute to call the guards and let you rot away for 5 years."
Katara's eyes narrow. "You wouldn't do that."
"Wanna bet?"
Katara's eyebrows fall together as she notices Azula's voice getting scratchy. She raises her hand again and this time, the princess lets her, golden orbs watching her intently. She places the back of her palm on her forehead, and then on her neck before letting out a gasp.
"You're burning up!"
"I'm a firebender, peasant. In case you haven't noticed."
Katara wants to face-palm. She really does. But she resists the urge. "Your Highness, you're sick. We need to get you to bed."
Azula's face takes up a 'what-the-fuck' look. "I'm not sick!"
"Yes, you are."
"Move away before I punch you in the face. I need to get back to my training and you're turning out to be a nuisance."
"Your Highness." Katara tries again.
Azula doesn't answer her, closing her eyes and about to rivert back to her meditation. The waterbender rolls her eyes before catching hold of Azula's wrist, tugging it gently. "Come on . . . You know you're sick!"
"Leave me alone."
"Let's go." Katara tugs at her hand again, making a move to stand up. "I'll have the chefs make you some nice, hot, chicken soup with lots of fire-flakes, just the way you like it. Come on."
"Princess . . ."
"You're sick!"
"I'm no- a- A- AACHOO!!"
Katara gives her a look and she knows Azula's aware of it, now that her eyes are open from the force of her sneeze. "Your Highness-"
Azula snatches her hand from Katara's grip. "No. No. NO. I'm not sick!"
"You know you are!"
"No, I'm not!!"
The firebender looks at her, stunned. Katara's yell echoes all around the courtyard. Thankfully, no one is there to hear it. Even Katara's a little taken-aback by her own little outburst.
She acts fast, trying not to lose her advantage. "Let's go. Now!" She commands.
She catches hold of Azula's wrist again and this time, the princess follows the waterbender without a word as she makes her way to the royal kitchens.
Katara finds herself feeding Azula her soup.
The firebender's neatly tucked inside her bed, leaning against the headboard with the support of a soft pillow. Not a single word was exchanged between them since Katara's outburst in the courtyard that morning.
The servants who popped up to help feed Azula were quickly dismissed by the waterbender who was determined to do the job herself. She avoids Azula's eyes at all costs, as she knows very well that if she ever looks at them, she'll drown.
The princess on the other hand, has no such restrictions as she openly stares at Katara, just as she's feeding her spoonfuls of hot soup. Katara makes sure to blow on them for a bit before placing it on Azula's lips, in case it burns her.
It's silent between them. Katara's well aware of Azula's eyes on her, but she fights like her life depends on it to not look up, and she forces herself to focus on the task at hand.
When the contents of the bowl reduces to only a few more spoonfuls, Azula speaks softly.
"My father used to train me and Zuko."
Katara's hand stills just for a split second, before she resumes her task. She feeds Azula one more spoonful. The firebender swallows it after savouring the taste, then speaks again.
"Zuko and I were not allowed to eat before completing our meditation, katas, training and meditation again, in the morning."
Azula opens her mouth for another spoonful, gulps it down, then continues. "I remember when one day, I hadn't eaten any dinner the previous night as I was mad at Zuko for something stupid he did. So my stomach was growling even before we were through with the first meditation session that morning-" Katara feeds her and Azula drinks the soup hurriedly to complete her story. "I took a chance to ask father if he'll allow us to eat before training that day."
Katara scoops up the last spoonful from the bowl and places the edge of the spoon on Azula's lips as she happily opens her mouth to recieve it. The waterbender then places the empty bowl on the dinner tray kept beside the bed. She bends the water inside the glass on the same tray and turns to Azula. She makes water droplets touch the firebender's lips and around her mouth to clean any soup that might've found their way to her cheeks or chin.
"He told me to silence myself and not speak another word."
Katara frowns as she turns around to the tray again to pick up a hot towel.
"He used the same tone to say my name as you did this morning in the courtyard."
Katara's whole body stills halfway to Azula with the towel in her hand. A pang of guilt grips her heart as tears form in her eyes in a flash. She wills herself to say something. Anything. Apologize. But her throat chokes up and she's unable bring herself to even make a sound as she completes the remaining distance between them slowly to wipe around the lips of the firebender.
She feels Azula's stare on her and yet she busies herself with the task.
"I liked it."
Katara's eyes betray her as they snap up to Azula, wide with shock. The hand wiping Azula's mouth slows down before dropping down to brace themselves on Azula's chest.
"Not in a weird, masochistic way." Azula continues with a soft smile. "I liked it because, you used that same tone to make me do the complete opposite of what my father wanted me to do."
Hot tears leak out from Katara's eyes as they stay helplessly locked on Azula's gentle, golden ones.
"I liked it because, I understood that you genuinely care about my well being and no one has ever done that before. Not even my mother." Azula says, as she rubs the pad of her thumb to wipe the tear on Katara's cheek.
"I liked it because, it showed what my father thinks of me is absolutely immaterial."
Katara blinks, her thoughts racing.
"I liked it because, it made me realise," The princess whispers, fixing her strong gaze on the waterbender, "that I like you . . ."
Katara's eyes widen.
Her mind struggles to wrap the idea around.
Azula likes her.
She lets the towel fall from her hand. She doesn't realise what she's doing until she feels Azula's warm breath and an even warmer smile against her lips, pulling her close by the hips.
Katara's hand comes up to hold the firebender's delicate face as she plants her lips on hers again.
And again.
And again.
Until her brain catches up with what she's doing, and the waterbender lets out a raspy little giggle against the full lips that she was distracted by this very morning, overwhelmed with feelings, suddenly shy to look at the princess. "You should be resting, Your Highness." She says, her eyes betraying her to gaze up into those golden pools.
Azula looks at her with such gentleness, Katara feels like she's gonna explode. "Stay with me?"
"Of course."
Zuko finds Katara walking into the general meeting room that evening for their daily sessions with the Earth Kingdom officials to negotiate repurcussion terms, with a stupid little smile on her face.
"Someone's in a good mood." He says, eyeing her curiously.
Katara throws him a radiant smile. "Is it that obviou- a- A- AACHOO!!! AACHOOOOO!!!!"
Zuko's brows fall together. "Katara?"
She looks at him with horror. "Oh, no-"
i love this prompt sooo much ahhhhhhhhhh
lemme know what you think omg!!!!
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