#inukag week day 4
courtesanofdeath · 3 months
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Love That Transcends Time
@inukag-week: Day Four - Seasons
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pocketpencils · 3 months
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𝙸𝚗𝚞𝙺𝚊𝚐 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚔 𝙳𝚊𝚢 4: 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚜
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a-splendor-like · 3 months
InuKag Week 2024 Day 4: Seasons
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A little tale about modern AU married InuKag!
Full of Possibility (1440 words) by DrPearlGatsby Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: InuKag Week 2024, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, married inukag, Married Couple, discussions of pregnancy, Pregnancy Scares, Domestic Fluff Summary: Inuyasha overhears a conversation he wasn't supposed to, and Kagome finds herself discussing children with her husband once again.
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brain-rot-hour · 1 year
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Inukag Week, day 4: Modern
Fun fact! I came up with this story idea over a year ago! Thank fkn inukag week for giving me a reason to bang out the details!
Even funner fact? I DID NOT MEAN FOR IT TO GET THIS LONG 😅 My coworker really came in clutch so I could write during my shift today. Everyone say thank you Angel
Wish on a Star
"Pleeeease, Inuyasha! It's just one evening!"
"No way in hell!"
Kagome trailed after him as he stomped away from the well, jaw clenched in irritation.
"Y'know, usually, this is all reversed," Sango pointed out from where she, Miroku, and Shippo watched the other two. Miroku nodded in agreement, remembering how just the day before, Kagome and stomped to the sacred well, Inuyasha demanding that she stay and ignoring her annoyed refusals.
"Come on! I've spent all week investigating jewel rumors! It wouldn't kill you to spend one night with me back home!"
"You're right. And now we have to go out and actually look for all those jewel shards! We don't have time to screw around in your weird world. And even if we did, I have better things to do!"
The tense silence was broken when Kagome scoffed.
"Y'know what? Fine!" She huffed, turning on a heel and storming over to the others.
"Finally- hm?" Inuyasha watched as Kagome stood in front of Miroku, crossing her arms.
"Miroku? How would you feel about coming on a double date with my friend and I back in my era?"
Inuyasha and Sango's jaws dropped, and Shippo's eyes bugged out of his head, but Kagome didn't acknowledge any of them, keeping her eyes focused on the monk.
For Miroku's part, he looked a bit surprised, but smiled after a moment, turning to slide up beside Kagome and slip an arm around her waist.
"Why lady Kagome, I'm flattered that you thought of me! I would be honored to accompany you and your friend-"
Three different hands seized Miroku's wrist before his hand could slide any lower on her hip, and Kagome stepped out of his grasp before releasing her hold.
"Yeah, a move like that'll get you arrested back home, so keep your hands to yourself."
"You cannot! Bring Miroku!" Inuyasha insisted, turning his glare from the lecherous monk to Kagome.
"I can bring anyone I damn well please, if you don't want to go! Sango could come with me!"
"You can bring other people through the well now, Kagome!? I'll go!" Shippo cheered, jumping from Sango's shoulder into Kagome's arms. Catching him easily, Kagome's gaze shifted away.
"I mean, in theory…" she hummed, offering an apologetic smile when she met his eyes. "But a double date is… well, it's for people closer to my age. I'd love to bring you, but you're a little young yet."
He'd begun to pout, but did giggle when she playfully booped his nose.
"What's this double date business about, anyway, Kagome?" Sango asked, interested now that time travel was on the table and Miroku wasn't.
"My friend Ayumi got asked out by a guy from our school. She doesn't know him very well and didn't want to be alone with him right away, so she asked me if I could bring my boyfriend and make it a double date. Since I, apparently, have the most relationship experience in my friend group," she admitted with a wince. It wasn't even technically the kind of relationship they thought it was, but it wasn't like she could lay out all the gory details for her fellow modern highschool girls.
"Do you really think you could bring someone besides Inuyasha to your time?" Sango asked. 
"Well, back when Inuyasha and I first met, a demon comb sent a bunch of hair through the well. We had to fight it in the well house before passing back through," she recalled, tapping her cheek thoughtfully. "And then when Inuyasha sent me back without my jewel shards, I couldn't pass through, so maybe that's the key?"
Glancing over her shoulder at Inuyasha, she smirked just slightly.
"Hell, maybe I'll track down Koga! He's got shards built in, and I'm sure he would love to hold my hand at a festival for a few hours."
"Why you-!" Inuyasha growled, turning away and crossing his arms. "Even if you could find him before tonight, you wouldn't dare."
"Mmm, you're right," she admitted, earning a smug smile from the half demon. Until, of course, he caught sight of the taunting look on her face. "It'll take too long to find him. Probably faster to bring him here."
Turning to the fox in her arms, she batted kitten eyes at him.
"What do you say, Shippo? You got any little tricks we can use to get ahold of the wolves? I'll bring back all kinds of tasty festival food for you!"
"No. Nope, nu-uh, not happening," Inuyasha stated, snatching the kit out of her arms and covering his mouth. "Fine! Fine, I'll go! Just don't show that flea-bitten wolf where we live! We'll never be rid of him once he knows where to find you!"
"Oooh, thank you thank you thank you!" 
Kagome threw her arms around him, causing warmth to erupt across his cheeks. Taking Shippo from his hands, Kagome pecked the kit's forehead before handing him to Miroku.
"We'll be back first thing in the morning, you have my word!"
And with that, they were off again, Kagome hauling the grumbling half-demon back through the well.
Brushing a bit of cat hair from her light cotton shorts, Kagome popped the door to her room open, smiling when she spotted Inuyasha on the bed, messing with Buyo's paws.
"So what exactly is it we're doing today?"
"We're going to the star festival! There's a parade and food and games- Maybe I'll win you a prize. If you loosen up a little by the time we meet Ayumi, you'll have a good time."
"Not my forte," he bit out.
"Unfortunate," she sighed. Pausing for a beat, she reached out to carefully pull a longer strand of hair away from his face and tuck it back with the rest. "Have you ever thought about tying your hair back?"
"Only when it's hot out. Why?"
"You should try it," she hummed, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair, letting the sideburns hang while pulling the rest gently away from his face. "You'd have to leave some down to cover for not having human ears while we're here, but I think it'd suit you."
"Whatever. Worry about your own hair," he said, batting her hands away. He was already fighting a flush, no need to make it worse. With a shrug, she let his hair fall from her fingers and moved to her bureau, picking up her brush. With another huff, he continued, "I don't know why I'm letting you drag me into this. Bad enough we're losing another day looking for jewel shards."
"Listen!" Kagome groaned, watching him in her mirror as she pulled the brush through her hair. "Between jewel hunting and studying, I don't actually get a lot of time to hang out with my friends from this time period! Despite how little I see them, they're important to me. Ayumi's never been on a real date before, and Yuka and Eri don't know much about this guy. She needs me, and I'm not going to let her down!"
She saw Inuyasha roll his eyes in the mirror, but blessedly, he stopped whining.
"And," she hummed, pushing back to her feet. "If that means we get to hang out eating festival food and playing some games while neither chasing nor being chased by demons, well, all the better, right?"
Inuyasha blinked in surprise, not missing the mischievous sparkle in her eyes. She handed him a bandana, scratching gently behind one ear to make it clear what he was meant to do with it.
"Now, I just need to get dressed and then we can go. Shouldn't be more than a few minutes - mom's gonna help me with my yukata," she stated, turning for the door. "I can never get the bow right…"
Inuyasha watched her head back out through the door, waiting until he heard another door close behind her before he stood from the bed. Looking in the bureau mirror, he hesitantly reached up, pulling his hair back as she'd suggested, holding it in a high ponytail as he examined himself.
She'd left out some hair ties. It couldn't be that hard.
Another moment passed, and he picked up the brush.
"Hey, you tied your hair back!"
Inuyasha looked up from the cat, the words "let's get this over with" on the tip of his tongue, until he actually spotted Kagome.
She stood in the doorway, summer yukata hugging her shape. It was a pastel green, dotted with dark lily pads, pink flowers, and bright red and white koi fish. He kind of got what the guy from that play Kagome was reading was on about now: It is the east, and Kagome is the sun.
"Uh, yeah. Figured I'd try it."
"I was right, it totally suits you," she beamed, stepping closer while her mom followed her into the kitchen.
"Alright, do you have your wallet?"
"Got it!" Kagome nodded, holding up her little drawstring purse. "Thanks again for the help, mom."
"Of course, sweetheart," the older woman smiled warmly, resting her cheek in her hand. "Oh, the two of you look so cute together. Let me get my camera."
"Mom! We gotta go!" Kagome insisted, blushing as her mother went to a hall cabinet. 
"It'll just be a moment, Kagome. And how often do you have the occasion to wear more traditional clothes?"
"More than you might think," she muttered, sighing but smiling fondly when her mother returned.
"In this time period," she amended, looking through the viewfinder at them with a grin. "Alright, smile!"
Kagome did as asked, automatically reaching out to wrap an arm around Inuyasha's. She let her mother click the camera a few times, winding the dial in between.
"There, see? Barely a minute," she smiled, winding the dial one more time so she wouldn't forget. "Ooh, I can't wait to get these developed!"
"I'm sure they'll be great mom, but we've got to go meet Ayumi now."
"I know, I know. Here, you know how some of those games can be," she reminded her daughter, pressing a few extra bills into her hand. "You two have fun."
Kagome paused, shaking her head as her smile softened. She wrapped her arms around her mom, holding her tight.
"We will." 
Inuyasha, feeling a bit awkward, moved to head for the door, but mama Higurashi was faster, seizing the shoulder of his robes and pulling him into the embrace.
"That goes for both of you."
"Um. Yes ma'am."
Giving a soft sigh, she released them.
"Alright. Alright! Get out of here before I go for the camera again!"
"Kagome, hey! Over here!"
The clack of her sandals on the pavement rose above the din of the street as Kagome ran to embrace her friend as quickly as she could in her more restrictive yukata.
"Oh my God, you look so beautiful. You're gonna knock this guy's socks off!" Kagome grinned. Ayumi's yukata was pale blue, with a yellow obi and flowers, and her dark curls were pinned up and back with matching flowers, and if Inuyasha thought it was far inferior to Kagome's, well, he kept that to himself, letting the girls exchanged greetings. 
"Right. Well, Inuyasha, this is Ayumi. Ayumi, this is Inuyasha."
"The famous boyfriend! It's so nice to finally meet you!"
"Uh, yeah, you too." Inuyasha awkwardly shook the hand she offered.
"Kagome's told me so much about you! Is it true you nearly killed a guy that hit on her-?"
"AlrightwellAyumi, I think we should try to find this date of yours! I'm excited to hear more about him!"
"Takaoji's going to meet us closer to the festival," she assured, taking Kagome by the arm and dropping her voice to a smug whisper. "So we have a few blocks for you to tell me why you didn't spend more time telling us how freaking hot your boyfriend is!"
Kagome felt her face go warm, and though Inuyasha's expression didn't change, she did catch his ear perking at Ayumi's teasing. 
The trio headed towards the colorful banners and loud chatter, Ayumi keeping hold of her friend and Kagome keeping Inuyasha's hand in hers so he couldn't run off.
"We have all the time in the world for that! I've heard hardly a thing about this guy of yours!" she defended, hoping to turn focus from herself and Inuyasha.
"Well…" Ayumi smiled shyly, going along without complaint. "His name is Mikoshiba Takaoji. Our year, class B, starter on the basketball team…"
By the time they reached the festival, Kagome knew all the sordid details. Takaoji was old fashioned but very romantic, and left a candied apple in her shoe locker along with the letter where he'd asked her to meet with him. They had met in the West courtyard after their chorus and basketball practices, respectively. He had timed it so the light of the descending sun had just started to go golden. He'd even brought flowers. Kagome gushed with her over the whole story, endlessly happy for her friend to have caught the eye of someone so thoughtful and considerate.
When they finally found him, Kagome already had a very high opinion.
"There he is! Hey Takaoji!"
The boy who turned at her call was a bit taller than Inuyasha, dressed in a simple navy yukata. He had mousey brown hair and sharp, handsome features that softened the instant he spotted Ayumi. Kagome could see just how infatuated the guy was. He clearly only had eyes for Ayumi, and Kagome could swear she saw hearts in them.
"We didn't make you wait long, did we?" Ayumi asked, a little worried at his lack of greeting.
"... Wow," was all that came out, breathless and smitten. "I mean, ah, no, not long. I just… wow. You look amazing." 
Ayumi giggled, her face going bright red, and Kagome wished that she had thought to ask to borrow her mother's disposable camera.
"Oh! Um, thank you…" she murmured, getting a bit shy. Kagome wanted to stand back and give them another moment to be adorable, but her first backward step drew their eyes, and she cursed herself.
"Oh! Takaoji, this is my friend Kagome, and her boyfriend Inuyasha."
"Nice to meet you! I've already heard so much!" Kagome grinned, flashing Ayumi a teasing look. "All good things, I promise!"
"I'm relieved to hear it. Same to you." He turned to Inuyasha, offering a grin and a fist. "Good to meet you, man."
Inuyasha looked at the offered fist until Takaoji awkwardly lowered his hand. Shooting him a glare, Kagome elbowed the half-demon in the side.
"You too. Man."
Kagome sighed, knowing it was the best she was going to get.
"How about something to eat and drink before we get started? Gotta stay hydrated, and I think this one's a bit hangry," she teased, linking her arm with Inuyasha's.
"That's a good plan! I've been craving takoyaki since they started setting up the festival!" Takaoji agreed, offering his arm to Ayumi, who took it with a giggle.
They went to the first takoyaki stand they could find, and got a few bottles of ramune (water for Inuyasha - the carbonation turned him off) to drink while walking around, enjoying the decorations and atmosphere.
It didn't take long until they ran into a line of trees decorated with colorful papers.
"The tanabata are already pretty full, huh?" Kagome observed, watching an attendant refill the tables with the slips of paper.
"Well, it is half the fun of this whole thing," Ayumi stated, drawing the eye of her date. Takaoji flashed her a sweet smile.
"Do you wanna write something for the wishing tree?"
"Oh, definitely!"
The pair slipped away toward the table, chatting happily. Inuyasha's brow furrowed and he leaned down to whisper to Kagome.
"What's a wishing tree?"
"Exactly what it says. You write down wishes and tie them to the tree, and at midnight they're burned to send the wishes to heaven."
"Ain't it faster to just, y'know, make a wish?"
"Yeah, but wishes you just say out loud don't decorate trees for festivals," she pointed out, pulling him towards the table. He scoffed, but did stay close while she stopped to write her wish. His eyes scanned the other people around the table - kids and elderly and all ages in between. Ayumi and her date were a little further down, but there was a pair of girls in pink and orange yukata across from them that caught his eye.
"What are you gonna wish for?"
"The same thing I wish for every day; one more day with you~"
The first girl called her companion a cornball and threw a pen at her, and Inuyasha's gaze shifted down to the colored papers on the table. 
When Kagome stood to tie hers on, Inuyasha stooped, scooping up a pen and a green strip of paper before he could talk himself out of it.
When he stood from writing his message, doing his best to ignore how warm his face felt, he suddenly felt boxed in.
"What'd you wish for?"
Inuyasha jolted at Ayumi's sudden presence, whipping around to look at her.
"I-I was just- uh.." His gaze flickered to Kagome by the line of wishing trees, and when he looked back, Ayumi's smile was a bit more knowing.
"I knew you were more romantic than she was letting on," she sing-songed, taking a step back to let him breathe.
"You- what?"
Ayumi set down her pen, humming thoughtfully. 
"Yuka and Eri think I'm pretty naive. And I know I can be sometimes. But I've known Kagome since we were kids, so I know better than most that she's an amazing person with a good head on her shoulders. If she's kept you around this long, there must be something there worth sticking around for. I know you guys fight a lot, but she clearly cares about you. And when you make her happy, you make her really happy."
Inuyasha winced a little at the mention of their fights. He couldn't imagine that she had painted him in the best light to her friends after storming down the well in a huff so many times. He followed Ayumi's gaze, spotting Kagome now chatting with a (mildly terrified) Takaoji. 
"Kagome wants to be with you," Ayumi continued, looking back at Inuyasha. "Even when it's hard or painful. Which is why I need you to make it as easy and painless as you can."
Inuyasha felt his ears droop under the cloth on his head. 
"That being said," She hummed cheerfully, her smile turning somehow cold. "I have also heard plenty about this ex of yours. Beautiful, talented, nasty in a breakup? I understand that feelings about past relationships can be complicated, but get a clue. Kagome deserves nothing less than devotion. Figure your crap out. Because if you hurt her bad enough, I'll find you before she gets around to giving you another chance. I don't care how elusive you've been till now, I'll find you, and I'll ruin you. Are we on the same page?"
Inuyasha found himself swallowing hard. He generally wasn't scared of humans, but he could tell that Kagome's friend meant business. And no matter how much he liked Kagome's family, he didn't expect them to keep the well a secret if Ayumi's concerns about him were realized. 
"The situation with Kikyo is… messy. We're working on it. The last thing I ever want is to hurt Kagome."
Her expression relaxed again, and she looked to her friend and her date again.
"Would have been better if you kept the element of surprise, though. Why warn me?"
"It's only fair. Besides, shovel talk begets shovel talk," she added, nodding to the others. Kagome looked as chipper as ever, but Takaoji was pale as a ghost.
"You guys ready to check out some games?" Kagome asked, innocent as could be. Takaoji gave her a wary sideways glance, and Inuyasha wondered just what she'd told him. They started towards the game booths, and Inuyasha slipped away for just a moment, sliding the string on his paper around a branch before quickly returning to the group.
Behind him, a festival attendant, curious at the secrecy, couldn't help but check the slip.
Let me keep her. As long as possible.
"Do you guys wanna do die cutting?"
"Die cutting?" Inuyasha asked, eyes lighting up as he reached for his sword. Kagome stayed his hand, glad that Ayumi's enthusiasm for the suggestion covered his excitement at the thought of pulling his weapon.
"Inuyasha," Kagome hissed, pulling him a step away and keeping her hand firmly over his on the hilt of his sword. "This does not require magic demon weapons! You cut out little shapes out of delicate candy!"
Inuyasha frowned, clearly disappointed. Kagome sighed. 
"I don't know what you expected. It's a festival. There are no demons in this era, so there's no reason to expect a fight on your scale!"
"No demons? I seem to recall a certain Noh mask-"
"The Noh mask is an exception, not the rule. The worst that'll happen is we'll get mugged, and you don't need to draw a massive, physics-breaking sword to fend off a human mugger, right?"
Inuyasha pouted, but sighed.
"Thank you. Now do you want to try playing the right way?"
After that, things went much more smoothly. Inuyasha took the games a little seriously at first, but by the third stall, he'd loosened up. Kagome hadn't seen him have this much fun since he and Sango started really letting loose while sparring, and that had been a while ago. They got through fish-scooping, yoyo water balloons, and super ball scooping without incident. Kagome wiped the floor with them all at the shooting range, no contest, and draped the long green dragon plush she won over Inuyasha's shoulders.
They stopped for grilled squid at another booth in between, and Inuyasha declared the yakisoba they got later "the next best thing to cup ramen", which Kagome had to explain was high praise coming from him. They even found a few more modern carnival games mixed in - Takaoji had Inuyasha beat at free-throws, but Inuyasha obliterated him at the High Striker. And sure, the guy running the thing was pretty miffed that Inuyasha had sent the bell flying. But when Inuyasha handed Kagome the giant plush shiba he had won with a look of such excitement and pride, well, she couldn't even find it in her to be mad.
"Man, where do you even get muscles like that?" Takaoji asked, somewhere between envious and awestruck at the display as they left the test of strength, the machine now closed for repairs.
"Years of training," he shrugged, brushing off the compliment but clearly enjoying the attention.
"Training in what, whacking boulders in half?" he laughed, taking a seat on a nearby bench. Ayumi settled beside him, happily cradling the smaller tanuki plush he'd won for her before Inuyasha broke the game. Inuyasha sat at the other end of the bench, with room between himself and Ayumi for Kagome. Kagome, however, stayed standing, setting the large dog plush in her seat.
"I think I'm going to grab a shaved ice. You guys want one?"
"Ooh, that sounds good!" Ayumi cheered, and Takaoji laughed and nodded in agreement.
"Great! What flavors?"
"Melon if they have it, red bean if not," Takaoji asked, pulling out his wallet. "Here, I'll cover Ayumi and I."
"No worries, my treat!" She assured, waving away the offered money. "Inuyasha?"
"Surprise me. I trust you," he assured, not missing the way her expression went fond at such a simple thing. After a moment, Ayumi stood back up.
"I want to see what they have before I decide. I'll go with you."
"We can all go, then."
"Nah, you guys can sit. We'll be right back," Ayumi insisted, giving Takaoji a sweet smile that silenced any argument. 
As the girls disappeared into the crowd, Inuyasha waited just a beat before sliding closer to the other boy, moving the dog but leaving one seat worth of space between them.
"Listen kid," Inuyasha sighed, ignoring Takaoji's mutter of "we're the same age..". "I don't know Ayumi from Adam. She's Kagome's friend, I just met her today." His gaze shifted to the other boy, pinning him to the bench. "But she's important to Kagome, and that's important to me. You've been all good and sappy all day, and that's great, but you better stay that way. Between me and Kagome, if you do anything at all to hurt that girl, you won't live long enough to regret it, are we clear?"
"C-crystal…" The taller boy promised, giving a nod. Inuyasha was a little annoyed that he didn't look half as scared as when Kagome threatened him, but it was probably for the best. He could already see the girls through the crowd again, and he'd rather not have to explain why this guy looked sick.
"See? You barely had time to miss us," Kagome laughed, plopping down on Inuyasha's other side and very pointedly not asking about why he'd moved, instead offering him a cup of shaved ice. "Here, I got you mango. I don't think you've tried it before."
"You've never had anything mango, Inuyasha?" Ayumi asked, sitting a bit more cozily with Takaoji and giving him his cup.
"Haven't really thought too hard about it," he said, figuring it was better than saying he'd never even heard of mango. He couldn't remember Kagome bringing anything with that flavor, or if she had, Shippo got to it before he had a chance.
He took a bite and hummed, smiling around the spoon.
"Hey, that's pretty good!"
"Told you so."
"Did not!"
"Whatever you say," Kagome sighed with an eyeroll, holding up her spoon and cup in surrender. "Oh, we've got to stop at a taiyaki stand before we leave. I promised Shippo I'd bring him back something sweet."
"Who's Shippo?"
"A bratty pain in the ass," Inuyasha smirked, taking a large spoonful of dessert.
"His little brother," Kagome amended, patting Inuyasha's shoulder as he groaned through his brain freeze.
Once the shaved ice was gone and the taiyaki purchased, the group figured it was time to disperse for the evening. Takaoji and Ayumi's curfew was fast approaching, and the last trains would be leaving soon.
"You sure you'll be okay getting home?" Kagome asked as they reached the station.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Takaoji's gonna walk me once we get to my stop," she assured, a bit shy but clearly pleased with how things turned out.
"He seems like a really good guy. I'm happy for you, Ayumi."
"Right back at you!" She chirped, giving Kagome's hand a squeeze and smiling warmly. "For all your gripes about him, it's obvious you both really love each other. Eri and Yuka were super worried, you know."
Kagome felt her eyes widen and her face warm.
"Ayumi! The train's leaving!"
"Call me as soon as you get home!" Kagome ordered, pulling her into a final hug.
Ayumi hugged back quickly and rushed off with a nod and a wave, jumping through the doors moments before they closed. Kagome hurried back towards the entrance where she'd left Inuyasha. She hadn't felt like explaining that the train was not, in fact, a demon, and was glad for her foresight, after what Ayumi had said.
She knew she could be a bit obvious with her feelings for Inuyasha. Even if he didn't see it, everyone else seemed to. But Inuyasha? Sure, she hoped, and occasionally had moments where she really thought, but she didn't really believe it, did she? He was her friend. He protected her, got defensive of her, even trusted her, which not many people could say, though the number was growing. But love her? So obviously that Ayumi, who'd never met him before that day, could see it?
"They gone?"
She looked up from her musings, spotting Inuyasha leaning on one of the handrails at the top of the stairs, massive stuffed dog at his side.
"Yep. We can head back now," she nodded, letting him fall into step beside her as they turned for home. "Thanks for being such a good sport about all this. I know you weren't really enthusiastic about it at first, but you ended up having a pretty good time, right?
"Yeah, I guess that wasn't so bad."
"... Still think it would've been more fun with Koga?"
Kagome rolled her eyes.
"Okay, you know I was never actually going to invite Koga, right?"
"Yeah, yeah."
"I mean it! I asked you to come with me first because I wanted you to be my date. I wouldn't have even thought to ask Miroku if he hadn't been right there while you were making that whole big stink about it," she insisted, pulling him to a stop by the arm so he would look at her. "Besides, those wolves might live in a waterfall, but they've never bathed properly in their lives."
The scoff he gave this time sounded more like a laugh and she smiled at him.
"I wanted you here. I still want you here. And… as fun as it would be to have the others visit my side of the well, if only one other person can pass through, I'm glad that it's you."
Her hand slid down Inuyasha's arm, fingers lacing neatly between his. Inuyasha felt his face go warm, but he closed his hand around hers and gave a soft squeeze. 
"Yeah," he murmured, "me too."
Kagome beamed at him, pulling him back into the sparse flow of pedestrians with their hands still linked.
They only made it about ten paces before Inuyasha stopped.
"What's up?"
He pointed upward.
The electric sign overhead flickered, a dark spot in the top reflecting the colored lights.
Wedged into the sign, Kagome could make out the outline of the bell from the top of the high striker.
"Oh. So that's where it ended up."
"Didn't go as far as I thought."
Kagome snorted. Inuyasha's shoulders shook. All it took was a glance at one another before they devolved into raucous laughter, leaning into each other in an effort to stay standing. 
Funnest fact: when I originally came up with this concept, I doodled the high striker bell stuck in the sign with Kagome and Inuyasha looking up at it, and the sign said kung pow penis
Edit: grammar/punctuation/wording
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inukag · 3 months
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『 INUKAG WEEK 2024 』 ➥ Day #4: Seasons
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foxchasingshadows · 3 months
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@inukag-week DAY 3 & 4:
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cringefiend · 3 months
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My beach day head cannon is that Inuyasha wld spend the whole time digging up crabs (what I do 💀) then torment Kagome w them. She wld def be scared of the crab too lmao.
This actually took me too long and I could keep working on it but I must cut it off here for my own sanity… inukag week is taking me back to my 2020 amino days
This one’s wholesome but I’m cooking up more angst for day 5/6 😈
Anyways I hope I did them justice 😭😭😭
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jess-oui · 1 year
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💖 InuKag Week - Day 4: Modern 💖
I need a whole series of just filler style eps with Inu+Kag going on cute modern date adventures please 🙏
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inukagfluffweek · 4 months
Inukag Fluff Week 2024!
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Hello Inukag Nation!
We are pleased to announce the 2024 Inukag Fluff Week dates and themes! This year we gave you guys the power to vote for the themes and the turnout was amazing. We’d like to thank our wonderful supporters for all of the love!
Day 1: “You Smell Nice.”
Day 2: Cuddling
Day 3: Power Couple
Day 4: Reunion
Day 5: Robe of the Fire Rat
Day 6: The 5 Love Languages
Day 7: Confession/Blushing
As always, participants have complete free-will regarding the prompts and can work off them if they choose to. 
Please keep content SFW! We’ve have issues with this in past years and would like to emphasis that Fluff Week is a SFW. While we appreciate all participants, we ask participants to please keep your work free of NSFW content (graphic/detail nudity, sex etc.) 
If you have any questions regarding the meaning of NSFW or about Fluff Week in general, please refer to our FAQ section or feel free to message us on this account. 
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hycopank · 1 year
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Inukag Week - Day 4 : Modern
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prayantis · 3 months
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InuKag Week day 4: Seasons / Cherry Blossoms
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feudalmerengue · 3 months
INUKAG WEEK - DAY 4 @inukag-week
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Just the two of them, sitting on top of trees, the season change,
but they stay the same.
:p I have never done anything w colors. I’m sure u can tell by the background and the tree.
I will improve :3
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ms-wolfsbane · 1 year
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Inukag Fluff Week 2023.
Day 4: kiss in the rain
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melicablack · 1 day
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InuKag Fluff Week Day 4: Reunion
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justafewsmallsteps · 1 year
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I realize I maybe should start posting more of my sketchbook stuff here otherwise it just… stay in my sketchbook lol.
Anyways, here’s some doodle for @inukag-week 2023, Day 4: Modern
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