#internet jetset
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vigilantempathy · 5 months
OFMD Ed/Izzy “Getaway Car” by Taylor Swift AU????
Ed and Izzy are lone-wolf grifters who develop a flirtatious rivalry that becomes “professional admiration” for each other’s cons until they finally decide to become partners in crime.
If it was about getting rich, Ed would marry one of the “sugar daddies” he’s extorted with sordid pictures of their intimate moments together. If it was about becoming notorious, Izzy wouldn’t have built his gambit on the anonymity of uniform disguises at luxurious events—rich people notice when their valuables go missing, but they don’t remember the face of their waiter, or their porter, or their valet.
There’s an odd sense of justice to who they each choose as marks. They both have a strong sense of honor amongst thieves. They’re both too ambitious to stay two-bit criminals forever.
And the game gets lonely if you get too good at playing it alone.
Playing it together, though…that’s how legends are born.
The authorities call their mysterious criminal syndicate “Blackbeard”. The reporters joke that Blackbeard’s crimes were executed with the goal of becoming clickbait. They’re Robin Hood for the internet era, easy to publicize and hard to completely hate.
And under the jetset Bonnie and Clyde lifestyle, they want to give each other the world and know no other way to try aside from stealing it.
And they don't say they love each other, exactly, not in those words, but they try to show it.
Izzy steals a priceless tiara for Edward and crowns it reverently in his curls because he doesn’t know how to tell him, Fuck the royalty who inherit the world as birthright, I would only ever kneel for you. Edward sighs and hands Izzy the keys of a Porshe Turbo he just rightfully stole them and would be entitled to drive and doesn't say, I trust you with my life.
Edward buys Izzy the house Izzy used to pass on his way to school (before he ran away at thirteen) that made Izzy understand the difference between being rich and being poor, what people meant when they talked about being "from a nice family" because his own family certainly wasn't nice, because Edward can’t just tell him, You deserve beautiful things, or What they did to you was wrong or I wish the world had been kinder to you.
There's intimacy built over the years in secrets told between them when they hold their breath together as sirens pass too close by where they're hiding. They'd ride for each other and die for each other and it's a pact they know in their bones even if they never acknowledge it. It rides along with them like a passenger in every getaway car, on every plane, curled in bed between them in sleeper cars on international train rides. It's the two of them against the world, and they finally get to see how beautiful the world can be once they can afford beautiful things.
Edward takes them on a museum vacation to Florence because he saw how Izzy pored over a tourist pamphlet on a flight once when he thought Edward was asleep and secretly booked them tickets. There's a month they spend on an island where they sleep in a tent and swim in the ocean and and cook over a campfire and don't see another human being the entire time and it should feel suffocating, but it's the happiest either of them have ever been.
Except for Edward's demons that drag Izzy like they're leashed with his own. Except for Izzy's demons that pull Izzy fiercely away, over and over, the gap widening between them with every touch restrained, every word not uttered. Izzy starts to hate the world for making them what they are, for making Edward crave a comfort and reassurance and openness that Izzy can't give; for making Izzy hold back everything he wants to tell Edward, for making him see love as weakness and hate that weakness in himself.
This isn't a world for people like them, no matter that it was the world that made them like this. They were never meant for beautiful things, and love is the most beautiful thing of them all.
Izzy holds Edward's hair back in hotel bathrooms and at resort poolsides, watches him vomit the kind of top-shelf liquor neither of them ever thought they'd be able to drink, frozen helpless while he snorts an entire con's worth of winnings. He stays when Edward screams in his face, trying to make Izzy understand that he's a monster, trying to convince Izzy that he's unlovable. Izzy holds him while he cries, doesn't let Edward see how it breaks him every time Edward quits for a day or a week or an hour, when he makes it twelve gruelling hours into the physical hell that is detox, sends Izzy to refill the ice bucket to make a compress for his migraine, and by the time Izzy comes back Edward's dragged himself over to the hotel bar to put an end to his misery.
Izzy doesn't know how to tell him I'm worried about you, or please don't, or am I the part of this that will never be enough for you?, or I don't know how I could go back to what I was if I woke up one day and you weren't here. He tries showing him, over and over and over, but it's not enough, it's something that Edward needs to hear and that Izzy cannot say. They hate themselves for what they can't be to each other.
The calls are too close and Izzy's made a career of being a gambling man but Edward's life is never going to be worth the risk in betting. And there are ultimatums, of course, but Izzy can't carry any of them out because they all involve leaving and he could never leave Edward willingly.
So Izzy turns them in.
He knows Edward will hate him for it. But Edward will have to sober up in the drunk tank or with medically-assisted detox in the prison infirmary, and that means he'll live long enough to hate Izzy. Izzy can accept a world where Edward hates him, but he can't accept a world without Edward.
It turns out, they're the only cellmates in the institution who can tolerate being roomed with each other.
There's nothing beautiful for them here, but there's time. There's nothing for them now but time. The walls keep the world shut outside as much as they keep the two of them shut away from the world. And eventually they learn to talk to each other, how to say everything unsaid that festered between them and forced them away from each other. Eventually Edward tells Izzy what he meant with every stolen gift he gave, and eventually Izzy tells Edward why he stayed all those times, why he didn't trust himself to leave.
Perhaps there's still one beautiful thing left to them here after all.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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So you f*cked all the Instagram models
Popped European bottles
Let off bikes at full throttle
Spending money like you won the lotto
What is the point of your style of life
She got a fat ass so you made her your wife
But your soul is questioning your purpose
Bro who are you helping, all this is worthless
When you were younger you wanted cash
Well done fam for the wealth you amassed
If you were happy you wouldn't be cheating
Dm curiosity had you new vagina beating
Bussing nuts & skeeting, meeting & eating
But success isn't a new woman sleeping
In your bed each weekend, bragging tweeting, about who you are deep in
or the best head, instead
Think about your legacy, not a fantasy
Or a parody of a fallacy ... don't play
You can have capital and fame today
She can have assets & ass every which way
But that isn't success, just ask Kanye
Dead doesn't care about dollars in the bank
Or how fine she was, or how much you drank
You ate the fruits of life's Garden
Viewed on the internet children starving
Heard about bombs dropping never stoping
You were busy watching Prostitutes cum swapping...
Saw your sisters being raped by police
Looked while your brothers died every week
Cooned on tv disgrace to your race
How do you look in the mirror at your face
You have dough so you be acting hard
Can't roll to your old hood without bodyguards
Your people being lynched, feathered and tarred
You have the same nose as the faces of the scarred
You are a wasteman to your fellow humans
Too busy jetsetting and scheduling cooning
All this writing cut deep like a knife
But you will scroll past, back to your life
And cheated on wife,
I don't care about your relationship
Or your your "first world" gossip
No integrity too busy counting numerals
You won't see the honest at your funeral
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d0llyguts · 8 months
just a girl on the internet
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orossii · 2 years
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take a moment to ask yourselves: is this sort of moralism and smugness productive? does your self-righteous indignation do anything to materially improve the political support for anti-imperialism in the US? do you really believe that there’s something just biologically hardwired into the american psyche that can’t be attributed to living in the birthplace of the most powerful engine of propaganda on the planet, whose existence relies on a disempowered, isolated, and apathetic working class? do you not understand how propaganda in a liberal democracy works, have you bought into the illusion that we have a free and open exchange of ideas? do you know about the smears and assassination leveled against Americans that dare to tell the public the truth? are you under the delusion that the majority of americans enjoy sending their children off to die in wars and are jetsetting around on European vacations every year?
don’t speak on america if you don’t know anything about the circumstances working people here are operating under. don’t be an opportunistic self-absorbed loser like all the other braindead leftists on this corner of the internet. does it feel good to promote cynicism and apathy? Is that historically what any communist leader has done? anyone who can selectively surrender their faith in humanity is an enemy to working people everywhere
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mjrmalfunct1on · 2 years
The Life of a Theatre Major
Howdy, welcome to my corner of the internet - the shitstorm if you will.
First, introductions.
My name is MJ. I am nonbinary and use they/them pronouns for myself although being referred to by others doesn't bother me that much. For a year and a half now I have been a theatre major attending LU.
It's a rough program. Covid nearly killed it and it's on the mend right now. I have my qualms with it but I'm afraid I'm in too deep to back out now (in for a penny, in for a pound i guess).
I technically work three jobs within the theatre department. I'm the box office assistant, an electrician, and an assistant set designer. Although, in reality I wear a few more hats that just don't have fancy names.
I have my favorite people, henceforth referred to by nicknames alone. And I have the ones I don't like the same as the rest of you out there in the world.
It's not a jetsetting lifestyle, but it's certainly an exciting one. As of today I am writing a one-act to be performed in March (I'm a horrible procrastinator), readying a set design for KCACTF, preparing two monoluges for KCACTF, two scenes for KCACTF, and two songs (for KCACTF). On top of that, I'm performing in a full length play going up in March and set designing a production going up in May. I'm a bit busy as you can imagine.
Today, I focused on what my summer is going to look like. Currently I've got a few options. I can stay in my home town and work the same job I did last summer at a frozen yogurt place (not bad, my coworkers and boss were all fantastic), occasionally playing dress up for children's parties and add in working at the local theatre on top of that. I've also applied to be a camp counselor at a theatre camp up in Portland. And I'm applying to work at the Enchanted Forest. We'll see if I can't find more shit to add on.
Needless to say, whether I like it or not, I'm always busy.
I'm hoping to catalogue my journey here - on the immortal internet.
Does it leave receipts, yes, but I have nothing to hide.
Goodbye for now,
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seasideretreat · 7 months
Myself and my mind
I want to be alone, alone with the internet. But I am not alone. I thought of attending a course in Christianity, but I didn't go, I wasn't ready. It's just Tumblr for me. Verily, it seems to me Tumblr is an extension of Twitter. On Twitter, you get the basic stuff: the news, your general interests, the word of the day, a bit of psychology. On Tumblr, however, you get stuff that crystallizes your culture. The Dalai Lama tweets. This is a kind of authoritative philosophy, and yet it is also just a tinge of personality to the endless rage of the press and the jetset. What is truly important in life? That an octopus thinks with his limbs? Tumblr. That I shouldn't be self-obsessed? Twitter, or that British English is an heteronym? Twitter.
It's silly to be who you are. The things that happen go on, and nothing can change that, but the extension of life is just a mirage, that continues all the time, and nobody knows what life is really about. In fact, the essence of life is a silent death, that oppresses the limitations of the essence of philosophy; and we do what we do, because there is a thread of wisdom in the constellations of time. In the course of history, we are stuck in repetitions and I have watched a sitcom today and it wasn't that bad. I cherish laughter, as I cherish companionship, but both come in minimal supply.
I realized, whilst I was being cut by the hairdresser, that I might be a reserved man. So it is, probably, with the church. The church is readily for people who like to collaborate: I never liked that. I like to go solo; you know, you could say I like to meet my God with my own work, not with that of others. But no man can be entirely alone; no man is an island. Verily, a priest is a much more learned man than any random person, but of course there are the saints to aid us and they have written much. But as they say in that show: bugger the priests. Everything is just a model of something else. Why, I don't have a reference frame for the liturgy, but the fact is that I do have Tumblr - so maybe, through exploring Tumblr, verily, you might get an inkling of what your religion looks like. Or your culture.
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It’s crazy to think that birthday video of him and Ale traveling that 1 million people died during the time frame was filmed…and actions like those two’s contributed to that death count….but Seb is just a poor little baby who still complains and the internet cowards bullying him. Dude you jetsetted around the world why bodies piled up on the streets
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Super Affiliate System Reviews: My Experience On John Crestani’s Course!
The Super Affiliate System is a course for affiliate marketers made by John Crestani. It used to be called the Internet Jetset System. The video-based course shows how to start a successful affiliate marketing business and make a good amount of money every month.
What does the Super Affiliate System do? 
The Super Affiliate System is a course for affiliate marketers made by John Crestani. It used to be called the Internet Jetset System. The video-based course shows how to start a successful affiliate marketing business and make a good amount of money every month. John Crestani says that the strategy can help people earn more than $2500 per week. 
The training videos are mostly about paid advertising strategies and making funnels. John Crestani put the system on the market in 2015, and at first, it cost a lot of money. In recent years, the price has gone down a lot, so people don't have to get into debt to buy it. 
The Super Affiliate System
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incessantwhine · 1 year
oh yeah no im super happy for you bestie yeah definitely for sure
like im so excited you found a man with more money than god and im so pumped to watch you and him jetset around the country! i love that you spend so much time together! it’s so nice that he managed to do in three months what i couldn’t do in years and get you on the east coast! i really hope he does get verified so i can watch it all play out on the internet too! ill watch it all with excruciating detail in the name of supporting small businesses <3 so glad he’s your precious baby boy, it’s all so thrilling and sexy! i love watching him do all the things ill never be able to <33
im fucking done. OBVIOUSLY im not cut out for this and clearly im too emotionally invested for this to even make sense anymore. i have been for a while. & it was fucking delusional to think that who i am as a person and consistency or reliability would ever be able to compete with a sound financial investment. maybe it was cute when i stumbled into her inbox 2 years ago naïve as hell but her career has outgrown whatever this is. i don’t want to see her in June and i dont want to see her at all. worthless. it’s all worthless. and soul crushing. what am i working so hard for?
i don’t even have anyone to talk to about this. im so lonely
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HIER KAUFEN   ja es ist wirklich wahr es gibt ein system mit dem die rheinhessen mit drei bis vierstelligen passivem einkommen am tag aufb...
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mr-jetset · 2 years
Tune in to this podcast with Josh King Madrid On The Fastest Way To Get What You Want In 2023 FEATURING Alex Morton, The World's Highest Paid Network-Marketer and Antonio Rivodo, the CEO of an 8-FIGURE Trucking Automation Company.
Appreciate you listening!
CHECK OUT: dropoutdegree.com
Highest Paid Network Marketer, 8-Fig Trucking CEO & I Share Fastest Way To Get What You Want in 2023 Related Keywords:
Alex Morton Mindset Podcast , JetSet Podcast, Antonio RIvodo Podcast , Break The Code Event Miami 2023, Trucking Automation Podcast, Digital Marketing Podcast, Frame Control Podcast, Re-Framing Podcast, JetSetFly Podcast, Josh King Madrid Podcast, Dropout Degree Podcast, The Dropout Degree Podcast, Season 3 Episode 1, Blank-Slate Mind Theory, 8-figure entrepreneur podcast, Millionaire Podcast, Network Marketing Podcast, Why Attend Networking Events Podcast, Internet Celebrity Entrepreneur Podcast, Finance Podcast.
Photo of Alex Morton & (Josh King Madrid)after Break The Code Event Miami: www.instagram.com/p/CnxorTVv6gh/
Photo of Antonio Rivodo & JetSet (Josh King Madrid) after Break The Code Event Miami: www.instagram.com/p/CntHpB6NaoH/
FASTEST Way To Get What YOU Want in 2023! ADVICE From TOP PAID Network Marketer & 8-FIG Trucking CEO - Podcast Transcription Podcast featuring: JetSet (Josh King Madrid), Alex Morton, Antonio Rivodo Season 3, Episode 1
Podcast begins: Yo, yo, yo, Josh, king Madrid coming to you guys live straight out of Miami, Florida.... ***READ REST OF TRANSCRIPTION HERE: docs.google.com/document/d/1PNbdm…it?usp=sharing
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ltcolumbo-blog · 2 years
John Crestani - Six-Figure Per Month Affiliate Marketing
John Crestani Affiliate Marketing
Under their watch, your online business will explode in sales with a “secret tactic.” Well, it turns out their tactics are trendier than they are realistic. They fall off the radar as fast as they appeared on your timeline.
As a result, a lot of people in the “make money” niche get a rep as scammers. It’s easy for a lot of small businesses to be skeptical of social media marketers not affiliated with an agency.
However, a few entrepreneurs in this field are able to gain a significant following with credibility and an army of fans eager to back them up.
One of these faces is John Crestani.
You might have even seen a Facebook friend posting about him or glimpsed one of his YouTube interviews. But who is John Crestani?
He boasts that he can not only boost online business sales but also turn any person into an entrepreneur without having to sell products at all. It all comes down to affiliate marketing.
If you don’t know anything about marketing, apparently you don’t need to with his courses. John will teach you everything you need to know about becoming an affiliate and your own boss in his course Super Affiliate System.
But what exactly is affiliate marketing? And what are the strategies that make him so successful?
In other words…who the fuck is John Crestani?
And is John Crestani legit?
Here, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this internet entrepreneur and whether he can really get your business more bucks.
John Crestani started like anyone else: as an ordinary guy. He was a 21-year-old college student, soon to be a dropout. He spent a lot of time playing video games, and he wasn’t sure of the direction his life was going.
He decided to take a trip to Thailand to re-think his options. While he was there, he read The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. This is the book that changed his life. Suddenly, he realized he didn’t have to force himself to get through school and earn a 9-5 job: he could earn a living online.
He started small by selling items on eBay. Then, he decided to suck it up and get a 9-5 at a Los Angeles marketing agency. That’s where he learned about pay-per-click advertising and affiliate marketing. He realized he didn’t have to make a living marketing his own products or using traditional ad campaign strategies.
With affiliate marketing, he could pay other sites to feature ads and make money as a result. Every time a user clicked on his campaign, he would earn a percentage for his clients. Soon, he became an expert at his firm, left his job, and pursued his passion as an affiliate marketer.
Since his rise, there have been featured pieces about John Crestani on Forbes, Entrepreneur, CBS, Fox, and NBC. And he doesn’t just craft ad campaigns that work: John Crestani webinars are informative. No gimmicks or trendy trade secrets attached.
His Courses
Aside from perfecting his craft, John has focused on sharing his process and teaching it to others. He records himself crafting campaigns and then shares his uploads with employees. He also has experience initiating several courses on affiliate marketing for both small and large companies.
One of his early courses was the Internet Jetset program (IM Jetset). This course taught the basics of how to increase website traffic. It was geared toward people who had never even heard of this marketing practice. John was able to reach hundreds of people with his Internet Jetset program, but he decided to discontinue and shut down this program.
That’s when he began to work on a new course that would become his magnum opus: Super Affiliate System.
John’s latest affiliate course focuses specifically on online paid advertising. Users can expect to learn how to be an affiliate on paid traffic platforms like Facebook, Google, and YouTube. He’s channeled his years of research into helping students completely earn a living online without having a 9-5 job at all.
What Is the Super Affiliate System?
Super Affiliate System is John Crestani’s affiliate marketing course. If you’re ever on a John Crestani webinar, chances are you’re going to be pitched his course.
In the course, he explains the simple process of making money as an affiliate.
He thinks of affiliate marketing as a funnel: you need a funnel to suck leads in and find the best places to get clicks.
It all starts with traffic hotspots and presell pages. These are websites that will host your affiliate link or the link that’s going to send future clients to a sales page.
John even gets you set up with your own funnel, called Clickfunnels. These are pre-made sources that are tested for conversions and high pay-per-click rates. Basically, John is setting you up with portals that are proven to work. And he knows they work because he uses them already.
Once you begin, you’ll also learn about target data. This is what you’ll use to attract customers to click on the link once they’re on the traffic source. John gives you resources to market to whatever niche of your liking. It will take practice, but John’s proven formula will remain your template. Learn more details about John’s course in our Super Affiliate System review.
From this simple model, it’s easy to see how pay-per-click leads to money in your pocket as an online marketer. Every time a customer clicks on an ad found on a traffic source, you get paid with a commission. It’s that simple.
How the Class Works
John’s class is completely online. In Super Affiliate System, John teaches you step by step how to begin the affiliate process through tutorial videos. Every lesson comes in the form of a video, each with a different run-time. You can work through the course at your own speed – but if you’re eager to get set up quickly, you’re going to want to keep up with daily lessons.
In the first week, you’re greeted with a welcome from John, explaining what you can expect to accomplish from the upcoming lessons. In the following weeks, you’ll learn how to set up affiliate Google Ads, YouTube Ads, and even advanced tactics.
One of the highlights of his course is the support that comes with enrollment. John provides a forum for SAS marketers – like you. The forum is a lot like Reddit; it’s a place where you can chat with other users and get answers to your questions.
Once you’re there, you’ll be able to connect with a whole community of John’s users and alumni. At this point, it’s a legit support system.
With his affiliate course, you’ll learn how affiliate marketing works in detail. You’ll get set up through Clickfunnels and be on your way toward getting affiliate links on traffic source websites. It might sound complicated now, but John makes sure that beginners can follow his guide.
=> Visit John’s Course Page Here
How Does John Make Money?
John initially made money solely through affiliate marketing. Years of experience gave him expert knowledge and the tools to teach his tactics to others. Although this is how he made his money initially, he has since focused on his YouTube channel.
John’s YouTube content echoes the process he shares in-depth with users through Super Affiliate System. He explains key concepts in affiliate marketing and that it is possible to live a life completely funded through this style of marketing. He covers everything here, from how to set up Google Ads and Facebook Ads to the best websites to earn money from in one day.
While his YouTube videos don’t set up his followers with as much practical knowledge as his course, this content is a great way to get better acquainted with John and his following.
John channels most of his energy into training future affiliate marketers through his videos, as well as polishing his course tutorials. He even spends time actively interacting with his users on the course’s forum.
So, he’s not a charlatan, and he’s making money completely online….but how much?
John Crestani bought his wife and kids a new house in Malibu…all completely through his online business.
When he was working at the Los Angeles agency, he helped bring in $110,000 in extra revenue. Now, completely on his own, he’s able to make $250k-$500k a month. In his company’s most successful year, John brought in 3 million dollars.
On top of that, he’s able to travel the world. Recently, he took his team with him on a trip to Morocco. And John has no complaints.
As someone who started small, selling items on eBay for $1k a month, he’s grateful to stand where he is today.
He expects to only climb upward. As people continue to shop online, he believes there’s no end in sight for affiliate marketing. As a result, making money with affiliate marketing is doable through the internet today.
There are even affiliate books by affiliate marketing experts. JC recently wrote a new book about working from home as well.
Editor’s Note: John’s book is no longer for sale.
Conclusion: Is John Crestani a Charlatan?
It’s easy to assume that most online marketers are scam artists. The make money niche is full of scams. Most consumers are still not fully accustomed to buying something online that they can’t test out ahead o time.
But when you ask around about John Crestani, you’ll find he’s just a hardworking entrepreneur who has made his success. John’s courses are legit. He didn’t make up the process he teaches to his users from his imagination.
It’s based on a new industry that uses proven tactics to increase traffic to businesses of all sizes, and turn anyone into an affiliate without having to sell a product.
For further information on John, watch this latest video interview with him on Spencer’s YouTube channel. He gets asked some tough questions!
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josh-madrid · 2 years
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