#interiorplants plantspecialists plants
plantspecialist · 3 years
Simple Ways to Style Your Home with Interior Plants
When it comes to decorating with interior plants, there’s no shortage of ideas. Whether you use tall leafy trees or low-light plants, you can bring lots of greenery to deck up your home. Choosing the best indoor plants depends on the space you have around your house. Plants can add character to your room, liven up space, and generate endless possibilities.
Brighten Up the Dark Corners
Most of us avoid placing plants around the dark corners of our house. But, many houseplants don’t need a bright, sunny window to survive. You can add low-light-loving indoor plants to the shadier parts of your home to brighten up the areas. Use interior plants like pathos, nerve plants, Dieffenbachia, Calathea, and ZZ plants to liven up your surroundings.
Create Clusters with Plants
You can use indoor plants to design a curated look for your home. For example, group plants in cool planters work great with taller indoor plants when you use them in proportion to their heights. Combine different plants like palm and cacti to enliven your rooms. Also, ensure to use complimentary vibes to give your plant clusters an organized look. Plus, use the plant pots as home decors to change the moods of your room.
Envision A Spotlight
Focus on one type of greenery and make it the spotlight in your room. Arrange the interior plants in attractive vases on the main surface like entry doors or coffee tables. Expert indoor designers also recommend that you use a bouquet of eucalyptus to give a bold dose of colour, shape, and organic texture. If you plan to put your plant in a windowless room, consider a snake plant that delivers a visual punch.
Try The Vertical Line
If you are short of space, try decorating your room with vertical plants. It would add an element of style and also help to utilize the space. For example, you can try hanging small ferns, spider plants, and more with brackets. It also poses a real sense of depth and helps to eliminate boring looks with something like ivy or another climbing vine.
Choose Plants Specific to Your Room
Choosing plants haphazardly will declutter your space. That’s why it is crucial to arrange plants according to your rooms. If you are not sure, try the following tips:
●  For entryways, use interior plants like snake plants or rubber plants to withstand the changing temperature
●  Use giant monster or a tall leafy plant inside your living rooms
●   You can use rattlesnake plants for kitchens or line up small plants along the windowsill or counter to add more life and space.
●   Use hyacinths and other water-based plants in your bathrooms.
Please don’t worry as there are interior plants for everyone. If you are unsure of your green thumb, then these ideas will surely help you to plant the best plants and beautify your home. While most plants will survive any temperature, some indoor plants will need a little bit of care.
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