#interior designer tuscaloosa alabama
reednovel · 4 years
• Brandon Reed
- Protagonist
- Full Name: Brandon Eugene Reed
- Nickname: Bran
- Born on May 21, 1996 to Ben and Amanda Reed in Helena, Alabama
- Age: 18; 20 in Epilogue
- Marital Status: Engaged to Liv Walker
- Physical Appearance: Onyx hair that is considered medium-length, and warm brown eyes; had naturally tanned skin like his mother and stands at 6′0″. Brandon’s appearance greatly depends on the factors in his life; with good factors, he keeps his hair styled and his facial hair will be neatly trimmed to just scruff. With bad factors, dark circles will appear under his eyes, and he would begin to sport a beard. Once he got together with Liv, Brandon looked to be under mostly good factors. Coming from a prosperous family, Brandon’s wardrobe was rather sophisticated with V-necks and black jeans with leather bound boots and the occasional suit and tie.
- Tattoos: “Reed” tattoo on right forearm; “Liv, my moon Goddess” on right peck.
- Personality: Brandon is dominant, and is shown to be a natural born leader, like his father; he is outgoing and typically very self-confident. As a Colt-wielding drug dealer for his family, Brandon is feared by most people, but not Liv; she sees through his tough façade and sees the soft orphaned boy underneath. Brandon is also very protective over the his family, and especially over Liv, as whenever they are apart, people try to harm her.
- Education: Honors diploma (Salutatorian) from Helena High School (2014)
                    1st year Secondary Education student, with psychology at Bellarmine University (as of 2016)
- Occupation: Drug dealer (2011-2015) (formerly)
- Biography: Brandon was born to Ben Reed and his wife Amanda at Helena Medic in the middle of the night on May 21, 1996. Brandon grew up without a mother, and thus always saw his aunt Liz as a mother. Brandon idolized his father, and copied everything he did. Though Brandon didn’t understand at the time, Ben was sick with paranoid Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is something that took over Brandon’s life, with the fear of getting the disease his father had. Due to said disease, the Reeds entered the world of drug trafficking in the summer of 2004. When Brandon was 10, Ben was murdered, and Brandon was given to his godparents, Anthony and Liz. Anthony began preparing Brandon to be the leader his father was. By the time Brandon was 15, he was a well-skilled drug dealer in Reed territory, which runs through the Alabama-Mississippi state line, to Arkansas, to Tennessee, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Texas, and ending at the Mexico border. In Reed, Brandon is reeling from a tragic accident that he caused, killing a 16-year-old kid; despite his uncle’s warning, Brandon pursues the eldest Walker child, knowing the only life worth having would be with her.
• Liv Walker
- Protagonist
- Full Name: Olivia “Liv” Gail Walker
- Nickname: Livvy 
- Born on August 4, 1996 to Charles and Rebecca Walker in Marion, Alabama
- Age: 18; 19 in Epilogue
- Marital Status: Engaged to Brandon Reed
- Physical Appearance: Rich, dark brown hair with chocolate brown eyes and medium-beige toned skin from her days under the Alabama sun. She stands at 5′5″ and has a slim body type. Liv’s hair was long, reaching the middle of her back throughout the novel, then had it cut at the end of the South. By the epilogue of Reed, her hair had grown back out to her shoulder blades. Liv generally wears little to no makeup, not liking how it feels on her skin; although she did like painting her nails in colors like red and blue. Her summer wardrobe consisted mostly of tank tops and jean shorts, with her favorite pair of black sandals or converse; her winter wardrobe consisted mostly of sweaters in neutral colors, with faded-blue jeans and her black All-Stars. 
- Tattoo(s): a peony tattoo on her mid-left thigh
- Personality: Liv is seen as being the most responsible and caring, as well as having a natural maternal nature; for her adolescence, Liv was thrown in the “mother” role with her young sister, Zoey, who was sick with paranoid Schizophrenia. Liv has an introverted personality, and only had a handful of friends outside of her cousins. Although Liv fell in love with the first boy she ever kissed, she is not naïve; she never believed her and Brandon could ever have any type of future together.
- Education: GED from Selma High School (2015)
                    1st year Secondary Education student at Bellarmine University (as of 2016)
- Occupation: Waitress at Papa’s Grill (2009-2014) (formerly)
- Biography: Liv was born at Hurst Memorial Hospital to Charles and Rebecca Walker in Marion, Alabama, on August 4, 1996 in the early morning. Liv was a daddy’s girl growing up; they used to stargaze all the time, and he would tell her stories about the constellations. Charles was killed when Liv was 12, and she had quite a hard time accepting it. At the funeral, she met fellow 12-year-old Brandon Reed, and that set into motion a six year battle of her feelings for him. In Reed, Liv finally opens her heart to Brandon, and together they work towards a better life.
• Anthony Reed
- Protagonist; Brandon’s uncle/Godfather
- Full Name: Anthony James Reed
- Nickname: Tony (by Adrian)
- Born on September 27, 1967 to Peter and Ellie Reed in Helena, Alabama
- Age: 46; 48 (as of Epilogue)
- Marital Status: Married to Liz Reed
- Physical Appearance: Dark hair and light brown eyes; he stands at 6′0″ with an athletic build and a greying beard. Anthony is typically seen wearing button-downs in dark colors, with dress pants and sleek black shoes.
- Personality: Anthony truly is a laid-back person who wants nothing more than to protect his family, and the business his late brother built. While sometimes brooding, Anthony is also seen to have a playful nature, especially towards his wife.
- Education: West Alabama High School (1986)
                    Master’s degree from School of Business at Duke University (1989)
- Occupation: Drug dealer (2004-present)
                       Business Analyst (1980-2004) (formerly)
                       Owner of Reed Automotive (2005-present) (cover)
- Biography: Anthony was the 2nd born child to Peter Reed and his wife, Ellie. Growing up, Anthony was very close to his older brother, Ben. Ben is the reason Anthony met the love of his life as she was Ben’s best friend at the time. At 16, Anthony fell in love with 18 year-old Liz Montgomery and never looked back. In college, Anthony met fellow business student, Adrian Lloyd, and the two became fast friends; Adrian, however, had an ulterior motive to taking Anthony under his wing so quickly: he wanted Liz. After meeting Anthony’s then girlfriend for the first time at a dinner, Adrian became infatuated with her. Anthony and Liz were completely oblivious to this. On September 12, 1989, Anthony and Liz got married in Helena with Adrian as their best man. The two honeymooned in Tijuana, and later bought a condo there as a permanent residence. After living there for a little under 2 months, Liz discovered she was pregnant; they were ecstatic. At 22, Anthony was young, but ambitious; he landed a job at Flex as a systems analyst, which paid rather well, and things went smoothly for a while. Until March 6, 1990. Anthony and Ben left for Lake Tuscaloosa, AL for their annual fishing trip; Anthony felt guilty for leaving his 6-month-pregnant wife, but was convinced he left her in good hands with Adrian, who had recently moved to Tijuana. Liz miscarried their child that night, and Anthony refused to believe it was because his wife was consuming alcohol. Afterwards, Anthony and Liz sold their condo and moved back to Alabama, and Anthony distanced himself from Adrian. In 2004, the Reed family entered the world of drug trafficking for the sole purpose of helping people, and Anthony refused to let Adrian anywhere near it to poison it with his money hungry nature. After Ben’s murder 4 years later, Anthony took over and began teach his Godson, Brandon, everything he knew. Over the years, Anthony grew accustomed to losing people he loved from his son, to his brother, to his own father. In Reed, Anthony is a man on a mission, growing tired of the Walker brothers, and stands by Brandon in his quest for a new life, away from drugs and killing.
• Liz Reed
- Protagonist; Brandon’s aunt/Godmother
- Full Name: Elizabeth “Liz” Leigh Reed (nee Montgomery)
- Nickname: Lizzie
- Born on June 29, 1965 in Decatur, Alabama
- Age: 49; 51 (as of epliogue)
- Marital Status: Married to Anthony Reed
- Physical Appearance: Long, raven-like hair that reaches just below her shoulder blades. She has warm brown eyes and naturally tan skin, the Montgomery’s having come from a Muskogee descent. Liz stands at 5′5″ with an athletic body type; she likes wearing warm tones, like tan and dark reds.
- Personality: Intelligent and quick-witted, Liz is not quick to judge and accepts people for who they are on the inside. While appearing to be a naturally happy person, it was something Liz had to work at; being a Muskogee, Liz grew up with a terrible anger streak that was only quelled by her love for Anthony.
- Education: West Alabama High School (1984)
                     Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from the Art Institute of Raleigh-Durham (1987)
- Occupation: Interior decorator (1991-present)
- Biography: Elizabeth, more commonly referred to as Liz, was the only child born to John Montgomery, a successful doctor, and his wife Loretta, a schoolteacher. Liz grew up in Decatur, but moved to Helena the summer before her sophomore year of high school. There she befriended Ben Reed, a fellow classmate, and the two became quick friends; they were study buddies and played basketball together. Liz was fast to fall for Ben’s little brother, Anthony; they dated all through high school and went to college near one another. They eventually married in the late summer of 1989. After there honeymoon, Liz and Anthony stayed in Tijuana, and prepared for the child they conceived on their honeymoon. Sadly, after an attempted rape by Adrian Lloyd, Liz miscarried their child, 2 months from delivery. Liz felt somewhat lost in the following years, until they adopted two young kids from an orphanage in Decatur, Rose and Owen. Liz latched onto Owen, seeing him as the son she lost. In Reed, Liz pushes for a successful relationship between Brandon and Liv, wanting him to find some sort of happiness after all he’s lost.
• Noah Reed
- Protagonist; Brandon’s cousin/best friend
- Full Name: Noah Andrew Reed
- Born on November 16, 1997 in Helena, Alabama to Liam and Makenna Reed
- Age: 16/17
- Death: Killed by Sheriff Robert Watson on December 31, 2014 (shot in neck)
- Physical Appearance: With blonde hair and light brown eyes, Noah was seen as being boyishly handsome. He stood at 5′10″, being the shortest of the Reed men. Noah, like Brandon, had a prosperous wardrobe, but only wore a tie when he had to.
- Tattoo: “Reed” tattoo on left peck
- Personality: Noah was charming, and comedic most of the time. He had an innocent heart and tended to never take things seriously, being the complete opposite of Brandon. As a Reed, Noah was stubborn and loved deeply. After falling for Abby, Noah couldn’t be with another girl, despite his reputation as a playboy.
- Education: Helena High School (11th Grade)
- Occupation: Sales Associate at Helena Feed & Supply (2013-2014)
- Biography: Noah was born to high school sweethearts, Liam and Makenna on November 16, 1997 in Helena, AL. Noah was a happy child, which was somewhat hindered after his mother’s tragic death when he was 8 years old; after that, Noah depended greatly on his uncle Anthony for care, as Liam was seemingly too distraught. Noah idolized his older cousin, Brandon, and the two were close as brothers. Noah, like his cousin, was a good student and excelled in English Literature, and was a proud holder of perfect attendance. While Brandon had a knack for snorting cocaine, Noah’s drug of choice was marijuana, which he believed helped him focus on his schoolwork. In Reed, Noah begins struggling with Brandon getting ready to leave for college, and ends wishing they had all left Alabama to begin with.
• Owen Greene
- Protagonist; Brandon’s adoptive cousin/”brother”
- Full Name: Edward Owen Greene
- Born on December 31, 1995 in Alabaster, Alabama
- Age: 18; 19 (as of epilogue)
- Physical Appearance: Curly brown hair and dark green eyes; his skin is a darker shade of ivory from his days under the Alabama sun. Owen stands at 5′11″ with an athletic build, similar to Brandon’s. Generally, he wears plain-coloured tees under his plaids of neutral colors like green and red; his blue jeans are typically smudged in dirt and oil from his work with cars. Owen also has a pair of scuffed lack-up boots in brown, although Liz has bought him a wardrobe rivaling that of Brandon’s.
- Personality: While quiet and sometimes irritable, Owen cares greatly about his adoptive family, and Zoey. Owen loved Zoey very much, and is the first girl he fell in love with despite being with countless other girls before her.
- Education: Early graduate from Helena High School (2014)
                     1st year Law student at Northwestern University (as of 2016)
- Occupation: Auto part assembler at Reed Automotive (2014) (formerly)
- Biography: Owen was born on New Year’s Eve in 1995 in Alabaster, AL, and was left on the doorstep an orphanage in Decatur a mere 6 months later, with a note to explain that they weren’t equipped to raise a child. The only parents that Owen ever knew were Anthony and Liz. For the first seven years of his life, Owen was alone; then, the 11-year-old Rose Hudson arrived. The two became fast friends, and eventually developed a strong sibling-like love for one another. When Liz and Anthony visited the orphanage, they were looking for a son, a playmate for their 11-year-old nephew, Brandon, who was still reeling from the loss of his father; instead they got a package deal of an 11-year-old Owen and a 14-year-old Rose. Moving to Helena, the two adjusted well to having a prosperous family. Owen quickly became Liz’s joy, and he loved her as if she were his blood mother. Owen and Brandon were raised together as brothers from then on, and referred to one another as such; as Owen got older, he fell into bad habits, concerning drugs, and he overdosed on heroin when he was only 15 years old, suffering a mild heart attack. In Reed, Owen is seen to have a frenemy-like relationship with adoptive cousin, Noah, which hasn’t changed from when they were younger. Owen has just graduated high school, and is unsure what to do next; although he wants nothing to do with the family business, Owen wonders if it’s his only option moving forward.
• Rose Hudson
- Protagonist; Brandon’s adoptive cousin/”sister”
- Full Name: Rosalynn “Rose” Ann Hudson
- Born on August 17, 1992 in Birmingham, Alabama
- Age: 22; 23 in Epilogue
- Marital Status: Engaged to Luke Walker
- Physical Appearance: Rose has long blonde tresses that fall below her shoulder blades, and vibrant green eyes; she has a rather voluptuous build and stands at 5′5 1/2″. Loving to shop, Rose has a wide variety of clothing, varying from chic skirts and heels to shredded jeans and boots.
- Personality: Though Rose had quit a few boyfriends in her time, she typically had a low self-esteem, despite coming off as being confident in her own skin. In addition to that, Rose is naturally responsible, filling in her “big sister” role, as well as being blunt, and always saying what’s on her mind.
- Education: Technical Honors diploma from Helena High School (2010)
                     Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Helena Community College (2016)
- Biography: Rose was born to Eric and Sarah Hudson in the middle of August in 1992. Her father was an elementary school teacher and died in a car accident when Rose was five; her mother was a writer and died from Leukemia three months after Rose’s 11′th birthday. Rose was sent to an orphanage in Decatur; after her mother’s death, Rose felt intense loneliness, not having any family left in the world. Then, she met fellow orphan, Owen, and the two formed a strong sibling-like bond, and were soon inseparable. As time passed, Rose constantly worried that Owen would get adopted, as she knew people didn’t come to an orphanage to adopt a teenager. Fate had an answer to that: Liz and Anthony Reed. They saw the closeness between Rose and Owen, and knew they couldn’t have one without the other. From then on, Rose had a home, with a loving mother and a doting father. In Reed, Rose sees the impending war between the Reeds and the Walkers, and tries to steer clear of it, but also wants to keep Owen safe.
• Abby Walker
- Protagonist; Liv’s cousin
- Full Name: Abigaile “Abby” Lenaé Walker
- Born on October 12, 1997 to Vincent and Maggie Walker in Marion, Alabama
- Age: 16/17; 18 (as of epilogue)
- Physical Appearance: Long blonde hair that falls just below her shoulder blades, and green eyes that can only be described as emeralds. Abby has warm beige-toned skin, and stands at 5′5″ with a slim, yet voluptuous build. Abby’s wardrobe could be described as “aesthetically pleasing” with happy colors, like yellows and baby blues, with her nails typically painted to match.
- Personality: Abby is an extrovert, through and through; she had a lot of friends all over the state of Alabama, but she was closest to her cousins. Abby is seen as being abrasive, crude, and at times downright mean, but also loves her family a great deal. While being a girl that was notorious for one nighters, Abby was faithful to Noah while they were together, and she did love him quite a bit.
- Education: Selma High School (11th grade)
                    Southwest High School (12th grade)
- Occupation: Waitress at Papa’s Grill (2012-2015) (formerly)
- Biography: Abby was the first born to Vincent Walker and his wife Maggie in early October of 1997. Being so close in age, Abby grew up doing everything with cousins, Liv and Luke. Even as teens, the three of them were close-knit, acting more like siblings. Abby was a wild child, drinking, smoking, and boy-crazy. As the eldest of her siblings, Abby fell into the “bossy” role, but typically neglected in helping her mother with them. In Reed, Abby is thrust into the frontlines of war because of her attraction to Noah Reed.
• Zoey Walker
- Protagonist; Liv’s sister
- Full Name: McKenzie Zoe “Zoey” Walker
- Born on December 12, 1998 to Charles and Rebecca Walker in Selma, Alabama
- Age: 15
- Death: Killed by Aaron Wheeler on November 21, 2014 (drug injection with a broken neck)
- Mental Health: Schizophrenia
- Physical Appearance: Long, dark cocoa-coloured hair that reached just below her shoulder blades and dark hazel eyes; Zoey was born with flawless ivory skin and she stood at 5′4″ with a petite build. She liked to dress to look older, wearing heels when she was only 12 years old. After she started seeing Owen, however, Zoey’s wardrobe took more of a modest turn. Unlike her sister, Zoey couldn’t stand to have her nails painted, saying it felt like her nails were melting off.
- Personality: With her disease, people call Zoey names like “crazy” or “weird”, but she actually quite normal, or as normal as a person with paranoid schizophrenia could be. Zoey was a reckless soul, and depended on her older sister for everything, from care to motherly love, as their mother had written them off. Zoey liked to party, and could be described as a “druggie”. Before her death, Zoey seemed to be taking a turn for the better, by not depending on her sister as much and getting sober.
- Education: Selma High School (10th grade)
- Occupation” Waitress/cashier at Papa’s Grill (2013-2014)
- Biography: Zoey was the second born daughter to Charles and Rebecca Walker in the dead winter of 1998. Zoey was born prematurely, at only seven months, in the master bathtub of Charles Walker’s home. Despite this, Zoey seemed perfectly healthy, and fit the role of “daddy’s little princess” perfectly. For a while, Zoey was a happy child, and idolized her big sister. At only eight years old, Zoey began showing signs of Schizophrenia: irritability and lack of focus. These symptoms only got worse as she got older. At 15, Zoey was diagnosed with paranoid Schizophrenia, and immediately put on an anti-psychotic medication. In Reed, Zoey is shown to be somewhat threatened by Brandon, and the close relationship he formed with her sister.
• Luke Walker
- Protagonist; Liv’s cousin
- Full Name: Lucas “Luke” Brady Walker
- Born on August 30, 1996 to Marcus and Mary Walker in Decatur, Alabama
- Age: 18; 19 in Epilogue
- Marital Status: Engaged to Rose Hudson
- Physical Appearance: Luke has dark, onyx-coloured hair and dark brown eyes, the signature Walker trademark feature. He’s tall, standing at 6′0″ with a buff build. Luke has sun-kissed skin, and is a true backwoods country boy; wholly blue jeans and tees with permanent stains on them and refuses to waste money on expensive clothing.
- Personality: Luke is mischievous, being a big prankster; he is very different from the Reed boys, and wants absolutely nothing to to with the family trade.
- Education: Selma High School (2015)
- Biography: Luke was born at the end of August to Marcus Walker and his new wife, Mary, on their honeymoon. Luke doesn’t remember his mother, as her and Marcus divorced when he was only 6 weeks old. Luke’s grandmother helped raise him before Kate came along, and Luke adored his Nana. Luke was a bit of a wild child, and managed to get cousins, Liv and Abby, into quite a bit of trouble as well. As he aged, though, Luke became more tamed; in school, Luke thrived in athletics, being the team captain of the football team. Although, Luke was rather popular, the only person he truly trusted was Liv; she was a cousin, sister, and best friend all rolled into one for him. In Reed, Luke is thrust into the family war after a tragic death that hit home with him, and he joins his cousins in fighting for a new life.
• Will Walker
- Antagonist; Brandon’s half-uncle
- Full Name: William “Will” Reed Walker
- Born on May 5, 1958 to Dan and Olivia Walker in Selma, Alabama
- Age: 56
- Death: Killed by Liv Walker on January 6, 2015 (shot in the head)
- Physical Appearance: Black hair and deep brown eyes; Will had a scruffed beard and tan skin. His hair was typically slicked back and reached the nape of his neck. Will stood at 6′0″ with an athletic build; his trademark accessory was a black leather jacket.
- Personality: Will was controlling, conniving, diabolical, and broken, all at once; he grew up knowing her didn’t belong, and it continued to eat at him until his death.
- Education: Selma Alabama Senior High School (1977)
                     Military, stationed in Iraq (1977-1983)
- Occupation: Drug dealer (1983-2015)
                       Walker Roofing owner (1996-2015) (cover)
- Biography: Will was born to newlyweds Dan and Olivia in Selma, AL. Will was the eldest Walker boy, yet his “father” always doted on his younger brother, Charles. One day, Will found out why: he was biologically a Reed. After Will graduated high school, he joined the military, much to his mother’s dismay; he returned home the summer of 1980 after 4 years in Iraq. During those four years, Will gained a friend in fellow solider, Robert Watson, and the two promised to stay in contact. In 1983 is when the feud undoubtley began, as Will fell in love with a girl who loved someone better than him: it was jealousy. In Reed, Will is ruthless, with the sole purpose of erasing the Reed clan from the board. He hates the Reeds, and he despises Brandon for the fact that he looks so much like, Ben, the man who took the woman he loved.
• Liam Reed
- Antagonist; Brandon’s uncle
- Full Name: Liam Joseph Reed
- Born on October 31, 1969 to Peter and Ellie Reed in Helena, Alabama
- Age: 44;45
- Death: Killed by Anthony Reed on November 26, 2014 in Helena, Alabama (slit throat)
- Marital Status: Widower (Makenna Reed)
- Physical Appearance: Liam had silky dark brown hair and even darker brown eyes, coming off as mysteriously handsome; he was Caucasian, and his face was typically always clean shaven. Liam stood at 6′4″, being the tallest of the Reed brothers. Liam dressed rather sophisticated, in button-downs, pressed pants, and sleek shoes.
- Personality: Liam was exceptionally charming, and a very good liar, making people believe he was who they wanted him to be.
- Education: West Alabama High School (1988)
                     Duke University(dropped out in 1991)
- Occupation: Drug dealer (2004-2014)
                        Salesman (1992-2004)
- Biography: Liam was the last child born to Peter and Ellie Reed, and was a surprise on the Halloween on 1969, to say the least; Ellie had no idea she was pregnant when she started having intense cramps. Low and behold, Liam was born four months prematurely, and barely held onto life for the first 6 months, having to live in an incubator. After that, Liam grew up to relatively healthy, although a bit of an outcast; he wasn’t as smart or athletically gifted like his brothers were, but did have quite a talent for the opposite sex. Liam was a playboy in high school, and all the girls wanted him. When Liam was 17, he fell for the smart and popular Makenna Charleston. Makenna, only 15, couldn’t believe that the cutest guy in school was attracted to her. Liam felt differently about Makenna, and believed he could be with her for the long run. Liam and Makenna married on February 19, 1996 in Helena after Makenna got her Graduate’s degree in graphic design. They had their son, Noah, a year later, and all seemed good and well. Only it wasn’t. Makenna’s older sister had died when Makenna was seven months pregnant with Noah, and she had a hard time coping; Liam , being his classic, playboy self, sought out stress relief in a woman that wasn’t his wife. In September of 1997, Liam had sex with Rebecca Walker, a lonely housewife who was in Helena begging for a job. Liam was guilt ridden afterwards, and got Rebecca a nursing position at Helena Medic for her silence. The guilt didn’t last long, however, as Liam sought Rebecca out again in 2004, and two had an affair until 2007 when they were caught by Liam’s older brother, Anthony. Makenna was never the wiser to her husband’s infidelity, and threw everything she was into raising her son. Tragically, in 2008, Makenna was killed in a car accident, leaving Liam to care for Noah. Liam had no clue how to care for a child, as he really didn’t want one in the first place. Liam grieved for Makenna for about 2 months, then started his affair with Rebecca back up. What first started as casual sex, turned into legitimate feelings from Liam. In late September of 2008, Will Walker caught them in the act of adultery, and Liam was sabotaged into doing something that would benefit the both of them: kill Charles. In Reed, Liam starts off as the last suspect to be Charles’ murderer, and is soon caught as being prime suspect #1.
• Robert Watson
- Antagonist; Selma Sheriff
- Full Name: Robert Paul Watson
- Nickname: Rob (by Will)
- Born on April 6, 1958 in Daytona Beach, Florida
- Age: 56
- Marital Status: Divorced (Debra Garcia)
- Physical Appearance: Robert is what most would describe as “ruggedly handsome”, with dark brown hair, brown eyes and a a russet complexion; he stands at 5′10″ with a buff stature. He starts off in the novel with a clean shaven face, which had turned into a greying beard by the end.
- Personality: A man snarky words and and harsh actions, Robert was the ying to Will’s yang; both were evil in their own way, with close to no redeeming qualities. Robert had an obsession with power, and wouldn’t be satisfied until he had it all.
- Education: Seabreeze High School (dropped out in 1975)
                    Military, station in Iraq (1975-1984)
                    Miami Beach Police Station (1985)
- Occupation: Sheriff for the Selma PD (1991-present)
                       Cop for the Miami PD (1985-1991) (formerly)
- Biography: Robert grew up in Daytona Beach with a drunk as a father and a prostitute for a mother; he dropped out of school when he was 17 and enlisted in the army. Robert saw it as the only way to get away from his toxic homelife. In 1977, after a year of being stationed in Iraq, Robert meets new recruit Will Walker, and takes him under his wing; the two became quick friends and bonded over recreational drugs; marijuana, mostly. Robert liked Will, liked that he was headstrong. In 1983, the two men went their separate ways; Robert stayed with the army while Will went home to his mother, whom he spoke of missing, in Alabama. In 1984, Robert, now 26 years old, is released from his duties, and returns to Florida. In Miami, he enters a police academy, knowing he wanted something where he could exercise his military training and his need for control. While in Miami, Robert met a beautiful Cuban-American woman named Debra, and he married her a mere 8 months later. Six years passed; they had a 3-year-old son named Paul, Debra was a happy stay-at-home mom, and Robert was well on his way to becoming a Sheriff. In 1988, two days before their 4th wedding anniversary, Robert cheated on Debra with a 16-year-old girl that was brought into the station for petty theft. Rebecca Tate. They started an affair that lasted three years, and towards the end of it, Robert realized he had fallen in love with Rebecca. Debra found out about the affair in 1991 after finding lipstick stains on her husband’s uniform; she demanded he end the affair, or she was taking Paul and their unborn child. That’s when Robert found out Debra was pregnant again. Robert made his choice then, and asked Rebecca to marry him; he was beyond angry when she said no, stating she didn’t want to break up a marriage. In reality, Rebecca didn’t love him the way he loved her. Shortly after that, Robert moved his family away, to a small town in Alabama and tried to start fresh; things went smoothly. Robert reconnected with old war pal, Will, after over a decade, and Robert got on as the new Sheriff of Selma; the ultimate enforcer. However great life was going, though, Robert was stuck in a loveless marriage. A marriage that didn’t last long after moving to Selma; Debra had a miscarriage and the two were divorced by 1995. The two shared custody of Paul, but once he turned 18, he never went to see his mother again. In early June of 1996, Robert found Rebecca again, only this time she was 7 1/2 months pregnant; that didn’t keep them from a quick rendezvous, however. The night before her wedding to Charles Walker, the two had sex again, then went their separate ways as Rebecca wanted to try and be a faithful wife. In Reed, Robert is seen as Will’s right-hand, doing all his bidding and terrorizing anyone Will wanted him to, with the hopes that Will would let him in on the profits of the family business.
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But wallpaper is authoritative a comeback. And there’s no charge for flashbacks if you’re one of those who accept spent hours disturbing off messy, wet wallpaper and sanding bottomward and acclimation drywall damaged in the removal.That’s because the times they are a changin’ — and so is wallpaper. While old-school wallpaper appropriate a blubbery adhesive activated anon to the wall, new wallpaper tends to appear pre-glued.
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In fact, abounding varieties are accurately advised to be removed after damaging the bank beneath — like a behemothic sticker — which makes it a abundant advantage for those attractive to accomplish a big statement, but not necessarily a abiding one.
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from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/14-precautions-you-must-take-before-attending-wallpaper-to-home-wallpaper-to-home/
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mercedesdealer-blog · 5 years
The New Mercedes-Benz GLS Reaches Dealers
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The new Mercedes-Benz GLS is the biggest and most luxurious SUV in Mercedes-Benz. It will reach Mercedes Dealer North San Diego and in Europe towards the end of this year.
Its dimensions have experienced an increase (length: +77 mm, width: +22 mm). The increase of the battle in 60 mm results in greater habitability, which is especially noticeable in the second row of seats. The three rows of seats with integral electric adjustment provide a lot of space and comfort to all occupants. The third-row seats can be retracted on the floor of the cargo space with the help of an electric drive. This allows expanding the volume of the trunk to a total of 2,400 liters. The second row can be folded down to configure a flat load surface. For the first time, a six-seater variant is offered with two individual comfort seats in the second row.
In the GLS 580, 4MATIC celebrates its world premiere an electrified V8 engine with an additional 48-volt mains, EQ Boost technology, and integrated starter-alternator. This group displays 360 kW (489 hp) and 700 Nm of torque, to which another 250 Nm of torque and 16 kW / 22 hp of power can be added briefly using the EQ Boost function. The integrated starter-alternator (ISG) assumes some functions of hybrid propulsion systems such as, for example, EQ Boost or recovery, and allows to reach fuel consumption levels that, until now, were reserved for models with high hybrid technology voltage.
The propulsion of the two diesel models of the GLS is carried out by the OM 656 six-cylinder engine in line with the current range of engines. Depending on the market launch date, this model will be available in two power levels, the GLS 350 d 4MATIC with 286 hp and 600 Nm and the GLS 400 d 4MATIC with 330 hp and 700 Nm of torque. In both versions, the powerful engine already meets the requirements of the Euro 6d standard, even in the demanding driving conditions established by RDE (RDE / Real Driving Emissions level 2). These rules and norms will enter into force on January 1, 2020, for the approval of new models, and one year later for all newly registered vehicles.
With the latest driving assistants
Like the GLE, the GLS is equipped with the most advanced generation of Mercedes-Benz driver assistance systems, designed to provide cooperative assistance to the driver. The new 4MATIC all-wheel drive is a guarantee of high road agility and outstanding performance outside the asphalt. The new GLS convinces in the field of aerodynamics with a coefficient of aerodynamic drag cx from 0.32. A notable novelty is a function for washing tunnels. With the press of a button, this comfort attribute is responsible for preparing the vehicle to enter the station.
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The undercarriage is based on the 48-volt network provides excellent suspension comfort, great agility and maneuverability and notorious suitability for all-terrain. Like the GLE, the GLS is equipped with the most advanced generation of Mercedes-Benz driver assistance systems, designed to provide cooperative assistance to the driver.
The new 4MATIC all-wheel drive is a guarantee of high road agility, coupled with outstanding performance outside the asphalt. The new GLS convinces in the field of aerodynamics with a coefficient of aerodynamic drag cx from 0.32. A notable novelty is a function for washing tunnels, which is responsible for preparing the vehicle to enter the washing station with the press of a button.
Since the introduction of the M-Class in 1997, Mercedes-Benz manufactures high-end SUVs at its Tuscaloosa plant, in the State of Alabama (USA). The United States constitutes the largest sales market for this series, which also enjoys growing acceptance in China. Since 2006 a large format variant has been offered, the GL with space for seven people.
In 2015 a restyling was carried out, which accentuated the luxurious character of the second generation of the SUV more spacious with the star. At the same time, its name was changed to GLS. But that is not all. Like the S-Class saloon, the GLS is the leader of its segment in the United States market. Since the introduction into the market in 2006, more than 550,000 large-format SUV units (GL/GLS) have been sold.
As told by, biggest Mercedes dealer in California the flexibility of the interior is total. The second row of seats can be adjusted longitudinally by 10 centimeters, all the benches can be folded electrically and individually, and there is an easy access function to the third row (in which adults of more than 1.9 meters could be accommodated, according to Mercedes).
In terms of comfort, we can ask for screens, massage functions and a two-seater configuration for the second row of seats. The ride comfort is ensured thanks to the standard Airmartic air suspension (which also controls the height of the body regardless of the load) and can be raised to even higher levels if we order the E-Active Body Control undercarriage, which is capable to independently control the action of the suspension on each wheel, the Road Surface Scan, which 'reads' the road and prepares the suspension for its irregularities or the active stabilization Curve, which minimizes the swinging of the turns.
The engines planned for the Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 include diesel and electrified gasoline options. Access to the range will be made through the GLS 350 d with 286 hp, which will share prominence among the diesel with the GLS 400 d (330 hp). The only gasoline propeller (at least initially), the GLS 580, is a V8 that bears the 'surname' EQ Boost.
There is even a new washing tunnel assistant that activates the front chamber to make access easier, raises the height of the body for better cleaning or deactivates automatic windshields and folds the mirrors to avoid unwanted damage.
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soccomcsantos · 5 years
Novo Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupé: Sedutor nato!
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Quando a elegância e a desportividade se cruzam, nasce o Novo GLE Coupé! O SUV Coupé com estatuto premium da Mercedes-Benz combina design e presença marcante com apurada dinâmica na estrada e fora dela fruto de elevado aerodinamismo, gama de motores potente e versátil (350 d e 400 d) múltiplas tecnologias de apoio à condução, para além de modernidade e luxo no habitáculo, onde não falta a última geração do sistema MBUX. Tudo boas razões para rumar ao sucesso…
O novo GLE Coupé é mais um exemplo da estratégia da Mercedes-Benz para satisfazer todos os requisitos dos clientes do segmento SUV premium de uma forma objetiva. A partir de um nicho relativamente pequeno, o segmento dos SUCs, designadamente os SUV coupés, desenvolveu-se rapidamente para se tornar numa tendência. Com a renovação da família de SUVs premium, a Mercedes-Benz também coloca o GLE Coupé numa nova posição tecnológica.
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Tal como o GLE e o GLS, como um membro da família de grandes SUV premium, o GLE Coupé é fabricado em Tuscaloosa, estado de Alabama. No total, a Mercedes-Benz oferece agora oito modelos SUV na forma do GLA, GLC, GLC Coupé, o Classe G e o novo GLB. Atualmente com cerca de um terço das vendas, os SUVs são um pilar importante no portfolio de produtos da Mercedes-Benz e contribuem significativamente para o crescimento da marca. Até à data, mais de seis milhões de clientes em todo o mundo optaram por um SUV Mercedes-Benz.
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Design exterior: presença poderosa
O novo GLE Coupé tem um comprimento de 4939 mm e uma largura de 2010 mm (39 mm mais comprido e 7 mm mais largo do que o seu antecessor). A distância entre-eixos foi aumentada em 20 mm comparativamente ao seu antecessor, mas permanece 60 mm mais curta do que a do GLE, o que beneficia o seu comportamento desportivo bem como o seu visual. Desta forma, as proporções realçam a dinâmica do GLE Coupé.
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A vista frontal combina características da família de SUVs da Mercedes-Benz com claros atributos coupé: a grelha do radiador em padrão diamante com uma lamela horizontal é uma alusão a outros coupés do portfolio da Mercedes-Benz. Entretanto, as aberturas na lamela demonstram o carácter SUV, tal como o faz a proteção inferior cromada brilhante do chassis no para-choques dianteiro. Com a linha de equipamento AMG Line, a grelha é ampliada para baixo em forma de A e os pinos na grelha do radiador em padrão diamante são revestidos em cromado.
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Os faróis estão equipados de série com tecnologia full-LED.
O para-brisas mais inclinado para baixo não só confere ao veículo uma aparência mais dinâmica, como também combina melhor com a linha do tejadilho descendente e acrescenta uma elegância harmoniosa. 
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A extremidade debaixo deste tem um design propositadamente mais suave e uma superfície acentuada e destaca efetivamente as rodas de grandes dimensões (19 a 22 polegadas) e à face do guarda-lamas. Os revestimentos em plástico preto nos guarda-lamas (na linha de equipamento AMG Line são pintados na cor da carroçaria) e os opcionais estribos entre estes realçam o carácter SUV.
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O dinamismo da linha de coupé é especialmente evidente a partir do design da traseira. Abaixo dos pilares C, largos músculos sobressaem das superfícies laterais do veículo, desde as portas laterais traseiras até aos farolins traseiros. Estes músculos conferem ao GLE Coupé o seu visual imponente, pronto para atacar. Em combinação com os estreitos e compridos farolins traseiros, realçam a largura da traseira. Os farolins traseiros independentes e bipartidos enquadram-se no design do dia e da noite dos farolins traseiros dos SUVs Mercedes-Benz, com os seus distintivos blocos redondos num contorno elegante.
 A transição harmoniosa desde a porta da bagageira ao para-choques, a placa da matrícula no para-choques acima da proteção inferior cromada brilhante e os revestimentos integrados das ponteiras do sistema de escape completam a simbiose entre um coupé e um SUV.
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Design interior: coupé sem restrições
O interior do novo GLE Coupé partilha várias características comuns com outros modelos na nova família SUV premium, com um claro ênfase no aspeto desportivo. O moderno cockpit, com dois ecrãs largos de 12.3 polegadas/31.2 cm e o atraente painel de instrumentos, horizontalmente dividido por um elemento de revestimento e transitando continuamente até ao revestimento das portas, parece familiar de outros modelos. A superfície superior no GLE Coupé é revestida de série em pele sintética ARTICO. O foco na desportividade é proporcionado pelos bancos desportivos de série, com elevado apoio lateral e revestimento em pele ARTICO, e o novo volante desportivo revestido em pele Comfort, que é também equipado de série no coupé.
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A identidade SUV é reforçada pela consola central com pegas auxiliares salientes. O design, materiais e equipamentos de elevada qualidade, e a impressionante ergonomia, transmitem uma impressão de modernidade e luxo. Naturalmente, está disponível uma vasta gama de opções de personalização, como a seleção de acabamentos e materiais decorativos, que pode levar o tema da desportividade no GLE Coupé para um novo patamar e demonstrar a sua qualidade. Os revestimentos dos bancos em pele/pele Comfort e os painéis das portas na combinação de cores vermelho/preto clássico estão exclusivamente disponíveis para o coupé.
Tão espaçoso como parece: trabalho personalizado com um look desportivo
A geometria da carroçaria coupé de quatro portas foi deliberadamente criada de forma mais rígida do que no GLE e oferece mais espaço do que o antecessor, fornecendo aos cinco ocupantes um espaço confortável. Isto deve-se à distância entre-eixos 60 mm mais curta do que a do GLE SUV, mas 20 mm mais comprida do que a do anterior coupé, beneficiando o espaço individual dos bancos e o espaço para as pernas dos ocupantes. A largura da entrada foi ainda alargada em 35 mm. 
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Em muitos pontos, o novo membro da família oferece melhorias nas dimensões do interior, que transmitem uma sensação de espaço significativamente superior. A capacidade dos espaços de arrumação no interior foi aumentada para um total de 40 litros. A visibilidade geral também foi melhorada e o opcional teto de abrir deslizante é também de grandes dimensões.
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Com 655 litros, a capacidade da bagageira é generosa. Permite ocultar a bagagem transportada através de uma cobertura de elevada qualidade fixada por ímanes, dobrável e removível. O encosto dos bancos traseiros, que pode ser rebatido numa proporção de 40:20:40, aumenta a capacidade da bagageira para até 1790 litros – mais 70 litros do que o seu antecessor e o melhor neste segmento.
Se necessário, permite aumentar o espaço de carga para mais de dois metros de comprimento e até uma largura mínima de 1080 mm – ambos refletem melhorias de 87 e 72 mm respetivamente, em relação ao seu antecessor. A embaladeira da bagageira é inerentemente mais alta do que nos SUVs convencionais – mas também aqui o novo GLE Coupé é cerca de 60 mm melhor do que o modelo anterior, e quando equipado com AIRMATIC, a traseira pode ser ainda mais rebaixada em 50 mm com o simples pressionar de um botão.
MBUX da última geração
O GLE Coupé está equipado com a última geração do sistema de infotainment MBUX (Mercedes-Benz User Experience). A informação no painel de instrumentos e no ecrã multimédia é facilmente legível nos ecrãs largos de alta resolução. Uma emotiva apresentação com gráficos fantásticos destaca a inteligibilidade da estrutura do controlo intuitivo.
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O conhecido controlo por voz online LINGUATRONIC e a capacidade de aprendizagem do MBUX são naturalmente um equipamento do modelo, tal, como a vasta gama de opções de conforto e apps que podem ser incluídas no MBUX e controladas com este.
 Transmissão de música também a partir da Amazon
No decurso do ano de 2020, a Mercedes-Benz irá integrar o serviço de transmissão de música Amazon Music nos novos modelos SUV. Se o cliente tiver uma Amazon Music Account, poderá transferir a sua música para o veículo através do serviço Mercedes me "Online Music". Músicas individuais, listas de reprodução ou músicas do género pretendido podem ser reproduzidas através de um comando tátil ou comando por voz. Os membros Amazon Prime podem escolher dois milhões de músicas entre 50 milhões da "Amazon Music Unlimited". A disponibilidade do serviço de transmissão de música TIDAL será continuada.
 Potente motor Diesel de seis cilindros para a Europa
O foco no condutor e os padrões desportivos do novo Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupé são igualmente aparentes na sua gama de motores. Os motores disponíveis no lançamento de mercado são os motores turbo diesel de seis cilindros em linha e de elevado binário.
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Os dois motores diesel utilizados nos modelos GLE Coupé têm como base o motor OM 656 de seis cilindros em linha da atual família de motores. Está disponível em duas versões de potência, na versão GLE Coupé 350 d 4MATIC com 200 kW (272 CV) e 600 Nm (consumo de combustível em ciclo combinado: 8.0-7.5 l/100 km; emissões de CO2 em ciclo combinado: 211-197 g/km) e na versão GLE Coupé 400 d 4MATIC com 243 kW (330 CV) e 700 Nm de binário (consumo de combustível em ciclo combinado: 8.0-7.5 l/100 km; emissões de CO2 em ciclo combinado: 212-198 g/km) 1. Em ambas as versões, o potente motor já cumpre a norma Euro 6d (RDE/Real Driving Emissions Fase 2) mesmo em situações de condução exigente.
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Isto é obtido, entre outros fatores, através de um catalisador adicional de redução catalítica seletiva (SCR), com um catalisador de amoníaco não reagido (ASC) no tubo de escape do GLE Coupé. Isto permite dosear o agente de redução AdBlue® que está ainda mais estreitamente alinhado com as características individuais de condução, pois qualquer excedente de amoníaco no segundo catalisador SCR é adicionalmente decomposto.
Desportividade de série: a engenharia aplicada à cadeia cinemática
Potência mediante solicitação, ou binário em função dos requisitos, é também o lema da transmissão de força. Porque todas as versões do novo GLE Coupé estão equipadas de série com uma caixa de transferência com uma embraiagem multidisco controlada eletronicamente após a caixa de velocidades automática 9G TRONIC. Esta permite a transferência totalmente variável do binário de 0 a 100 por centro (binário em função dos requisitos) entre os eixos. Em curva, poderá influenciar de forma objetiva o binário rotacional do veículo em torno do seu eixo vertical por forma a estabilizá-lo e, juntamente com a menor distância entre-eixos, aumenta a agilidade do novo GLE Coupé. 
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Suspensão: AIRMATIC ou E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL em função dos requisitos
O novo GLE Coupé está equipado de série com suspensão com molas helicoidais, com uma afinação mais desportiva e rígida. Comparativamente à geração anterior, beneficia dos pontos de ligação mais rígidos, da melhoria da geometria e oferece uma localização mais precisa das rodas e uma melhor filtragem das vibrações causadas pelas irregularidades da superfície da estrada. O aperfeiçoado sistema de suspensão pneumática AIRMATIC está disponível opcionalmente com uma afinação desportiva. O seu amortecimento ajustável adaptativo utiliza sistemas de sensores e algoritmos extremamente complexos para adaptar em tempo real as características de amortecimento às condições da estrada e a situação de condução. Independentemente da carga, a suspensão pneumática também mantém a mesma altura do veículo medida nos eixos e pode também ajustar a distância ao solo – automaticamente ou através de um botão em função da velocidade e da situação de condução.
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A opcional suspensão E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL, que é combinada com o sistema de suspensão pneumática AIRMATIC, é outro destaque oferecido. Este é o único sistema no mercado com capacidade para controlar individualmente as forças de compressão e de retorno da suspensão em cada roda. Isto significa que não só contraria o adornamento da carroçaria como também a oscilação vertical e o afundamento. Em conjunto com o ROAD SURFACE SCAN e a função de inclinação em curva CURVE, o E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL combina a aderência à estrada com o máximo conforto possível e sustenta a pretensão da Mercedes-Benz na construção da suspensão mais inteligente de um SUV a nível mundial.
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O sistema E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL opera com uma tensão elétrica de 48 V e está disponível como equipamento opcional. Em superfícies de estrada em mau estado de conservação, o sistema tem até capacidade para recuperar energia, reduzindo os requisitos de energia aproximadamente a metade quando comparados com o sistema anterior equipado no Classe S. O sistema hidropneumático gera forças dinâmicas que se sobrepõem às forças da suspensão pneumática e suportam e amortecem ativamente a carroçaria do veículo, por ex., durante uma aceleração linear e lateral ou quando o veículo circula em estradas de piso irregular.
 Sistemas de assistência à condução
O novo GLE Coupé está equipado com a última geração dos sistemas de assistência à condução Mercedes-Benz que colaborativamente assistem o condutor. Isto resulta num nível especialmente elevado de segurança ativa. De série, o novo GLE Coupé está equipado com o Active Braking Assist, que pode ajudar a evitar colisões traseiras e colisões com pedestres e veículos em deslocamento perpendicular.
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Algumas funções do Intelligent Drive, que também se destacam no mercado pelo seu elevado nível de assistência para além do segmento SUV, podem ser encomendadas opcionalmente. Incluem o assistente Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC com Regulação da Velocidade em Função do Percurso. Se o condutor o ligar, o GLE Coupé poderá reagir à informação do Live Traffic, no melhor dos cenários ainda antes de o condutor ou os sensores de radar e a câmara detetarem obstáculos no trânsito. Quando é detetado um congestionamento de trânsito, a velocidade é reduzida para aproximadamente 100 km/h como medida de precaução, salvo decisão em contrário especificamente pelo condutor.
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Quando o veículo é conduzido em trânsito congestionado numa via rápida, o Active Stop-and-Go Assist poderá executar as tarefas de manter o veículo na faixa de rodagem e manter a distância de segurança, a uma velocidade de cerca de 60 km/h. O início da marcha pode ser automático até um minuto após o veículo ter parado. Em estradas com várias faixas em cada sentido, o Active Steering Assist poderá assistir o condutor com a função emergency corridor. Em vias rápidas, a uma velocidade inferior a 60 km/h, o veículo orienta-se através das marcas rodoviárias detetadas e utiliza inteligência artificial orientando-se pelos veículos na sua proximidade. Se não forem detetados quaisquer veículos ou marcas rodoviárias, o GLE Coupé irá guiar-se pelo veículo em frente, como anteriormente.
1Os valores indicados são os "valores de CO2 do NEDC" medidos em conformidade com o artigo 2.º, n.º 1, do Regulamento de Execução (UE) 2017/1153. Os valores de consumo de combustível foram calculados com base nesses números. Um valor mais alto pode ser aplicado como base para o cálculo do imposto sobre veículos automotores. Mais informações sobre os veículos em oferta, incluindo os valores WLTP, podem ser encontradas para cada país em www.mercedes-benz.com
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mercedesforsale · 5 years
About Mercedes Benz Cars
Mercedes Benz, in 2006 launched a range of models, which were designed according to modern day requirements, while keeping to the original Mercedes Benz style and elegance. The original Mercedes Benz M-Class debuted in the year 1998. It was built in the U.S., at an engineering center near Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and was exported all over the world and Mercedes Benz certainly cashed in on this one.
The M-class features an elegant, sporty interior, with dynamic powertrains. It has a welded unibody construction frame, a technique that emphasizes high strength and low weight, and reduces the overall height and is a great Mercedes Benz investment.
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Mercedes Used Car Auction: Although American car manufacturers hold auctions, which offer cheaper cars than many car manufacturers, Mercedes cars are more popular because of their good condition. Mercedes Benz auctions are conducted regularly. There are several types of Mercedes used car auctions. Customers can participate in these auctions through the Internet, in the comfort of their homes.
Shopping at an online auction is in fact very simple. All that customers have to do is set up an account, and then shop online following the directions on the website. Using the Internet offers customers in Canada access to car auctions all over the globe, including Toronto. Moreover, they can get hold of various facts about the Mercedes Benz cars on sale, such as the kind of model available, the mileage etc., and the facility of making a bid online
Mercedes used cars have recorded the maximum sales online. People prefer Mercedes cars over other technology and added glamor. Mercedes Benz is a great family car. It offers a smooth and quiet ride, plush interiors, and seats that are comfortable, with a lot of leg room. The reputation for quality and reliability has made Mercedes cars the most sought after in the market.
Besides, the Mercedes car dealers are known for their exceptional after-sales service. Dealers in Toronto guarantee to comply with any of their customer's future car parts needs, with 100% authentic replacements. They also supply spare parts at competitive prices even if they're difficult to find elsewhere. Furthermore, Mercedes used car companies take care to ensure all the customer's requirements are fulfilled on time, and customs matters are dealt with efficiently. Obviously not everyone is considering buying a Mercedes Benz at first go because of the expensive price tag. This problem can be resolved if you look at the used car market or consider auto loans.
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dislocatedskeleton · 7 years
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S-Town is a stunning podcast. It probably shouldn't have been made
by Aja Romano
S-Town, a stunning new podcast hosted by This American Life producer Brian Reed and produced by the creative team behind Serial, is brilliant, complicated, frequently troubling, and often painfully beautiful.
I’m not convinced it should have been made.
The first few episodes of the seven-part series comprise a baffling, rapidly expanding set of mini stories, involving one narrative twist after another about murder, mental health, impending societal collapse, and clocks. But they almost serve as misdirection away from a larger, more central thread. Indeed, it’s not until episode four of seven that S-Town’s theme finally articulates itself. At that point, a rare clock restorer describes his friend, a fellow rare clock restorer, as having “made an insurmountable challenge out of living.”
The friend he’s talking about is John B., a dizzyingly eccentric, real-life Southern gothic hero whose turbulent unrest fuels the series and constantly wars with his drive to create change and beauty in his rural Alabama community.
But it’s important to be clear that despite its Serial roots and an investigative premise that initially seems like a journalistic jaunt into an unresolved murder, S-Town is not a true crime podcast.
On a broader scale, S-Town is about the insurmountable challenge of living that any of us might seem to face at one point or another. It’s this harsh truth that underscores the podcast’s many difficult, brutal, and inevitably controversial topics. These topics come to include isolation and sexual repression, which are shadowed by the looming and overarching threat of societal collapse due to socioeconomic upheaval and climate change. Yet in spite of their complexity and range, S-Town’s coverage of these topics ultimately amounts to a deep dive into one man’s mental health — a journey I don’t believe he ever explicitly invited us to take.
The most eccentric resident in S-Town, a.k.a. Shittown, is also our central character 
John B. — the full story of the “B” isn’t revealed until the podcast’s final moments — lives in Woodstock, a small town near Tuscaloosa, Alabama, which he scathingly dubs “Shittown” to anyone who’ll listen. Throughout the narrative, John’s festering rage and the disquieting apathy of the town’s residents seem to feed off one another. But John is much more than just an avatar for rural disenfranchisement.
Reed describes him as a “local Boo Radley,” but he owes far more to Jim Williams — the last semi-closeted real-life antiquarian living on legacy antebellum property to inspire his own Southern gothic tell-all.
John is all of the following: a queer liberal conspiracist who socializes with neighborhood racists; a manic depressive consumed by predictions of cataclysmic global catastrophe; an off-the-grid hoarder of gold who takes in stray dogs; a genius with a photographic memory who’s spent his whole life caring for his mother while designing a massive and elaborate hedge maze in his backyard; and one of the most skilled antique clock restorers in the world.
All that, and he may be sitting on a fortune in buried treasure.
It takes S-Town a while to discover all these facets, and more, of John’s life. When he first emails Reed out of the blue in 2014, he seems like a quirky but typical small-town eccentric, a random This American Life fan who wants Reed and the show to come to Alabama to help him solve a local mystery.
John believes “we have a genu-wine murder” in the pastoral county where he and his family have lived for generations. Firm in his belief that systemic local corruption has allowed the son of a rich family to escape punishment for beating someone to death, John eventually convinces Reed — after a year of occasional back-and-forth emails — to travel to the area to investigate.
Like John himself, “Shittown” starts out seeming weird but conventional, hiding a mystery that doubles easily as a vivid Southern gothic, or, as John puts it, a portrait of regional “decay and decrepitude.” And John is its disgruntled, perpetually turgid center.
Initially, Reed’s attempts to find the truth are a bit halfhearted and mostly unsuccessful. Shittown is a tiny rural community full of complex characters and disconcerting social systems. Reed visits a tattoo parlor where white men maintain a “secret” exit to avoid having to talk to black customers. He observes an unlikely, latent homoerotic bond between John and one of John’s struggling, working-class neighbors. In episode two, flustered by the sheer number of locals who want him to casually confront a possible murderer, Reed sputters, “This town!”
Like many aspects of S-Town, however, the initial mystery turns out to be merely an entry point for something much stranger, sadder, and more bizarre. “This town,” like John himself, is both unique and universal. And as Reed soon realizes, to John, the whole world is Shittown — and he’s trapped in it.
The tension between the individual and the collective is S-Town’s greatest strength
Over the course of S-Town’s seven episodes, Reed attempts to simultaneously comprehend the micro and the macro as they impact John’s life, positioning overwhelming global problems alongside relatively tiny human calamities — the fallout of a missing will, failed romantic opportunities, barely articulable fantasies, untreated mental health.
In the wake of the 2016 presidential election, the media has been awash in attempts to empathize with the downtrodden white working class of regions like John’s, and S-Town initially proceeds as though it will ask us for a similar level of progressive empathy for the heartland. But almost immediately, S-Town takes darker, unexpected narrative turns, and never really stops turning inward upon itself, or John’s life.
Yet the series also turns unfailingly outward, asking us again and again to connect the dots of John’s life to the long-term, looming impact of global issues like climate change, and to see his isolation partly as a product of human existential crisis in the face of uncaring societal apathy.
“The amount of outrage versus the amount of shitty things in the world is totally out of whack,” John tells Reed at one point. His perennial, deep frustration with the state of the universe is palpable; it also increasingly drives his friends away and serves to further isolate him.
S-Town gives us a glimpse of Southern life through the eyes of a man torn between his loyalty to his home, his desire for change, and his bitterness over not having gotten the hell out decades earlier. This all feels a bit trite and clichéd — after all, isn’t that the story of all current or would-be Southern expatriates? — until suddenly it isn’t, and John’s preoccupation with impending global disaster abruptly triggers a personal collapse.
It’s here that S-Town takes yet another interior turn, as if the real mystery is John himself. It’s also here that S-Town becomes both incredibly invasive — and incredibly rewarding despite that invasiveness.
S-Town embarks on a risky, invasive path
The other breakout podcast of early 2017, Missing Richard Simmons, provoked considerable controversy over its creator’s choice to essentially hound friends of the fitness guru for details about his life, ostensibly out of concern that Simmons hasn’t appeared in public since 2014. Since Richard Simmons seems to be totally fine, and has stated repeatedly that he’s just taking a break from society for a while, listeners questioned whether Missing Richard Simmons served any real need. Some suggested it actually caused harm, by invading its subject’s privacy for the sake of others’ entertainment.
Likewise, S-Town prompts us to ask serious questions about the ethics of Reed’s narrative experiment. But to talk about the deeper aspects of S-Town, we have to reveal a major spoiler for the series.
At the end of S-Town’s second episode, Reed has already determined that the murder mystery John summons him to investigate never happened. But he seems in no hurry to stop talking to John.
Then a friend of John phones to let him know: John is dead from a suicide.
At this point, Reed’s investigation becomes immediately and completely about exploring John’s life and the events that led to his death. Over the course of S-Town, Reed plumbs the threads he thinks will lead to an explanation for what happened; he examines everything from the way clocks are gilded and the history of sundials to the incorporation of John’s small town in the ’90s and the fallout of many of his closest personal relationships.
The layers he uncovers are simultaneously broad-ranging, extremely personal, and complex. If you believe, as Reed does, that understanding John’s life and death is a worthwhile pursuit, then S-Town, in its intimacy, detail, and ability to use one life to highlight larger social issues and universal truths, is one of the finest podcasts ever produced.
But that is a huge “if.”
At first, Reed focuses on the fallout among John’s friends and family over John’s lack of will and the possibility that John left behind a serious amount of gold. But that path leads to a dead end, and increasingly S-Town becomes an extremely close read of John himself.
We learn intimate details about his sexuality, his faltering and failed relationships with other people (often younger straight men he seeks to aid financially in exchange for an emotional bond), his intricate professional work on clocks, and even the quality of care he provides to his mother, who has dementia.
We’re also treated to an appalling scene in which John’s cousin envisions dismembering part of his corpse in order to access a set of gold rings he was wearing when he was buried. This commodification is echoed in the packaging of the land John owns, which is sold at auction to someone who calls John “selfish” for the choice of suicide that he made. S-Town mainly covers these events to remind us of the treasure hunt for John’s buried gold — but the narrative isn’t seriously interested in determining whether it exists. The real purpose of these tangents is to shock us, entertain us, and maybe get us to question the artifices inherent in public mourning.
And that’s pretty exploitative considering that S-Town is on one level a spectacle of public mourning itself.
S-Town deliberately proceeds without its subject’s ultimate consent — particularly regarding his queer identity
S-Town’s speculation regarding John’s psyche is painful and personal, and often disconcerting in its intimacy. Episode six is largely devoted to ruminating on John’s relationship with another aging queer man with whom he shared a sublimated homoerotic friendship. Using Brokeback Mountain, which John called “the grief manual,” as a parallel for their aborted friendship and lost potential love, S-Town dips into the well of collective universal longing for human companionship to fuel its conclusions about John’s life and the factors that brought it to a close. It’s a poignant, rich, unmissable portrait of repressed queer identity in the South.
This is brilliant, meaningful, ambitious podcasting with the potential to elevate the medium.
But it’s also journalism exploring the life of a private citizen who struggled intensely with mental health issues and never had a chance to consent to some of the facts that S-Town reveals about him. As I listened to the podcast’s final episodes, I really struggled with this aspect of the narrative, feeling as though I was violating the privacy of a man who had explicitly invited Reed to investigate a death — never his own.
At one point, Reed chooses to reveal a conversation John had originally asked be kept off the record, in which John talks about one of his romantic relationships with another man in his town. Reed later interviews and describes the man John is talking about, and ultimately gives three reasons for breaking his ethical standard. First, he’s had on-the-record corroboration from other people about the substance of John’s comments. Second, the information John shared led to a greater understanding of who he was, “and I think trying to understand another person is a worthwhile thing to do.” And third, since John is an atheist, he doesn’t believe in afterlife repercussions, so according to his own belief, he’s dead and buried and can’t be hurt by any of this information.
I’m not so sure, however, that making the choice to undermine the autonomy of a dead man, even if it yields greater understanding of him, isn’t hurtful to others — particularly to those who grew up queer in the South, unable or unwilling to fully explore their identities due to fear of societal repercussions.
And one potential repercussion is a result of Reed’s choice to disclose. John primarily wanted the conversation off the record in order to protect a closeted fellow resident of S-Town with whom he’d had a relationship. Despite not actually identifying the man, whom he later interviews and discusses obliquely after the fact, Reed provides a few details about him that could potentially make it possible to single out someone in a small town, or at least make them a target of suspicion and hostility.
While listening to this sequence, I felt deeply uncomfortable and worried that I was participating in the unwitting outing of one queer man over the dead body of another. And given that the episode’s main storyline was not only incredibly moving on its own, but had little to do with this information, I don’t believe it was worth it, or that we necessarily deserve to understand the parts of a person’s life that they’ve explicitly requested not be shared with the world.
There are also moments in S-Town where the narrative seems to tease out aspects of John's queer and sexual identity as big reveals. First comes the question of whether all his main emotional relationships have been with straight men. Then there’s the question of whether he ever truly had an epic love story of his own. Each of these questions is structured and dealt with as a major dramatic plot point. When tied to the privacy of a dead man — one whose suicide has already been treated as a spoiler — this use of real life as drama feels exploitative.
Finally, there’s the “reveal” that Reed saves for S-Town’s final episode, in which we learn that John has been asking the straight object of his sublimated attraction to help him engage in a ritualistic pain fetish.
This ritual, which John and his friend call “church,” is clearly John’s attempt to practice a form of BDSM known as needle play. Already it’s debatable that we, the audience, needed to know this detail about our deceased main character. But Reed presents John’s ritual in an odd way — not as a known BDSM practice but as an alternative to cutting, something he implies could have been brought on by John’s depression.
As deeply as Reed has chosen to engage with a broad range of subjects in this podcast, from methods of clock gilding to the way a sundial works to John’s love life, his choice to put John’s fetish on the record with so little contextualization feels irresponsible and out of sync with the rest of the podcast. John was attempting to practice an unhealthy, unsafe, and nonconsensual form of structured masochism, in isolation, outside of healthy established BDSM practice. Once Reed decided to use that private information, he should have distinguished John’s pain fetish as disordered without equating having a pain fetish to self-harm and correlating it with mental illness, or implying that BDSM itself is inherently shocking, sinister, unstructured, and dangerous. Instead, Reed frames John’s fetish as a dramatic twist.
Then again, Reed also glosses over potentially illuminating questions about mental health care, such as what resources and attitudes toward treatment are like in central Alabama, and how seriously John sought treatment for the depression that he and Reed openly discuss.
It’s not clear, despite the care and concern Reed seems to show for John after his death, whether he ever seriously asked John if he was getting the help he needed while he was alive.
Is the emotional impact of S-Town worth trading its subject’s control over his own story?
Throughout S-Town, Reed’s affection for John and his community remains clear, even in moments when he seems completely flummoxed by Southern life and the detached apathy of the people around him toward social injustice, human dignity, and material possessions. This was the apathy that ultimately drove John to his death — yet S-Town never really questions whether it’s responsible to use John’s death as a means of challenging that apathy.
S-Town is a very, very good podcast. John is eminently fascinating and compelling, but also eminently troubled; S-Town tries to honor him by giving him a voice again and again, even shortly before he dies. But even as it’s allowing John to tell his own story, I question whether that story should have been told at all. Would John have wanted me to hear his final note? Would John have wanted the world to know he had his heart broken by the man who stopped returning his calls after John confessed his love? Should we have the right to speculate over the cause of his depression, or hear him enjoying himself in the middle of a BDSM scene?
I’m not sure that S-Town ever argues successfully that the public is entitled to explore the internal complexities of John’s life, particularly after his death. John may have been gregarious, opinionated, and talkative while he was alive, and he may have invited Reed into that life as a documentarian. But the podcast proceeds with the familiar confidence of a production that believes it had open access to all facets of John’s life and death simply because John invited Reed to investigate a town scandal, and I’m not sure it did. I can’t help but wish Reed had questioned his mission more openly.
After all, this is a story where the dominant theme concerns one man’s drive to bring positive change to his community. And as powerful as it is, it would have been even more powerful had its subject been able to consent to its being shared with the world.
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prabs22 · 4 years
All You need to know about Hannah Brown
Hannah Brown is a well-known personality in the entertainment industry. Professionally, she is a television personality and model. She has also withhold the title of a former beauty pageant as Miss Alabama. You may know her from the television series The Bachelorette. 25-year-old Hannah has also competed in the Miss USA 2018 title.
Personal Information
Hannah was born on September 24, 1994 with the name Hannah Kelsey Brown in Tuscaloosa, Alabama,United States. Her parents are Robert Walker Brown and Susanne Brown. Details about her parents profession is however unknown. She doesnot seem to have any siblings. Talking about her educationa qualifications, she is a college graduate. For early studies, she chose the Tuscaloosa County High School. Later, she went to University of Alabama and received a magna cum laude degree from college of Communication and Information Science. She then chose interior designing as her profession briefly.
Hannah is American by nationality and has a white ethnicity. She follows the Christian religion. Her height is around 5 feet and 7 inches whereas her weight is around 59 kiograms. She has a fit and slim body type of measurement 33-25-35 inches. She has a beautiful pair of Green eyes with blonde hair.
Hannah’s current relationship status is single. Her first known relationship was with Brandon Hall since 2013. However, the couple broke up after three years. Later, she started dating Austin Williams. Their relationship lasted until 2017.
Net Worth
Hannah Brown is known to the fans of Bachelorette or Dancing with the stars series. Her net worth is estimated to be around $100 thousand. She earns money by her television show appearances.
Beauty Pageant
Hannah started participating in beauty pageants since young age of 15. She became the first runner up for the Miss Alabama’s Outstanding Teen 2010. She also became the second runner-up in Miss Alabama Teen USA 2011. Furthermore, she also participated in the beauty pageant Miss Alabama in 2013. However, she could not get in. She came back in 2018, fully prepared and won the title. She also got the chance to win Miss USA 2019, however, she could not make it.
Television Personality
Brown became a cast member for the reality show “The Bachelor”. She got the seventh position in the show. This was just the beginning for Brown. She then appeared in the 15th season of “The Bachelorette”. In the show, her partner was Jed Wyatt. However, the couple broke up after the show was over. She then appeared in the 28th season of the “Dancing with the Stars”. Her partner in this show was Alan Bersten. She won the show with Alan on the 25th of November. She also appeared as a guest in the 24th season of The Bachelor in 2020.
Hannah won the People’s Choice Awards for the competition Contestant of 2019 category for the program “The Bachelorette”.
0 notes
alvaromatias1000 · 5 years
Mercedes GLE: história, gerações, detalhes e motores
O Mercedes GLE surgiu originalmente em 1997, mas com outro nome. Nos anos 90, o SUV era conhecido como Mercedes Classe M ou ML e assim permaneceu até 2015.
Mesmo depois de 23 anos, o utilitário esportivo continua em destaque na categoria. As atualizações que o carro foi conquistando ao longo do tempo fez com que ele não ficasse para trás diante da concorrência.
O Mercedes GLE recebeu críticas no começo de sua história e hoje se consolida como um dos principais SUVs da Mercedes-Benz. Entre as novidades, chegou a ganhar uma versão Coupé para concorrer diretamente com o BMW X6.
Embora tenha sofrido mudanças no nome ao longo tempo, pode-se considerar que o Mercedes GLE, Classe M e W163 é o mesmo veículo. Conheça a seguir a breve história do modelo do GLE.
Mercedes GLE – Primeira geração (W163 / ML 320)
A primeira geração do Mercedes GLE surgiu em 1997 e durou até o ano 2005. Sob o guarda-chuva Classe M, o utilitário esportivo passou a ser conhecido como ML 320 nos Estados Unidos, mas também foi batizado como W163.
O trabalho de design do ML 320 começou a ser projetado entre os anos de 1992 e 1994. Em 93, um estúdio na cidade Sindelfingen, na Alemanha, foi escolhido para criar o modelo. Um ano depois, o desenho veio a ser aprovado pelo conselho executivo da empresa.
As patentes de design foram registradas em julho de 1994 na Alemanha e em janeiro de 1995 nos Estados Unidos, país no qual o primeiro Mercedes GLE tinha como principal mercado.
Antes de iniciar a produção piloto e a oficial, a Mercedes-Benz realizou vários testes do carro. O ML 320 foi submetido a testes de colisão e também passou por outras regiões de clima diversos.
No ano de 1997, finalmente o primeiro GLE veio ao mundo. O carro foi apresentado durante o Salão do Automóvel de Detroit. Até então, ele deveria ser comercializado como Classe M. No entanto, a BMW também tem em seu portfólio “modelos M”. Em virtude disso, a montadora da Daimler teve que alterar o nome do SUV de “Classe M” para oficializar “ML” / “ML 320”.
O ML 320 estreou junto da fábrica da marca em Tuscaloosa, no estado do Alabama, nos Estados Unidos.
Antes de chegar no modelo final ML 320, a montadora alemã havia apresentado um protótipo com desenho nitidamente redondo. Chamado de AAVision, ele estrelou no filme Jurassic Park: O Mundo Perdido, de 1996.
Tendo a terra do Tio Sam como principal mercado, o SUV chegou às lojas americanas em 1997 como modelo 98. Por lá, recebeu motorização V6 com 3.2 l a gasolina e tração nas quatro rodas permanente 4Matic.
Com capacidade para cinco ou sete pessoas, o Classe M passou a ser o primeiro utilitário esportivo de luxo a contar com controle eletrônico de estabilidade. Ainda trazia airbags dianteiros e laterais, ajudando o veículo a obter excelentes notas nos testes de colisão.
O mercado europeu só teve a chance de receber o LM em 1998. Diferentemente dos Estados Unidos, a região recebeu mais opções de motores: um de quatro cilindros 2.3 a gasolina (ML230), a diesel de 163 cavalos de potência (ML270 CDI) e uma versão esportiva com motorização V8 de 367 cv de potência (ML55 AMG).
Entre os anos de 2001 e 2002 o ML 320 passou por um facelift. As atualizações envolviam novos para-choques dianteiro e traseiro, novas rodas de liga leve, lente dos faróis dianteiros, modificações foram feitas no acabamento interno, dentre outros.
Ainda em 2002, a Mercedes-Benz apresentou o ML 350, para substituir o ML 320 em alguns países. O ML 350 era equipado com motor V6 de 3,7 litros.
O acesso ao interior do veículo e os assentos que não eram adequados para adultos grandes faziam parte das críticas ao carro. Por isso, o Classe ML de sete lugares foi descontinuado.
Anos atrás, o Papamóvel era um W163 ML 430. A Volkswagen ainda ofereceu ao Papa Bento XVI a troca do W163 por uma Touareg. Entretanto, Bento XVI preferiu ficar com o Mercedes de seu antecessor.
Mercedes GLE – Segunda geração (W164)
A segunda geração do Classe M / Mercedes GLE foi lançada em 2005, com identificação W164 e sua produção permaneceu até 2011. Se o GLE de 1997 recebia muitas críticas, o W164 foi um pouco diferente, já que o modelo alcançou melhorias significativas.
O novo Mercedes GLE (W164) chegou às lojas em abril 2005 como modelo 2006, após ser apresentado em janeiro no North American International Auto Show (NAIAS).
Utilizando a mesma plataforma monobloco do Classe GL da época (hoje, conhecido como GLS), o Mercedes GLE (W164) era um carro completamente novo. O SUV de luxo passou a ter aparência aerodinâmica, bem como mais esportiva. Ele ficou 71 mm maior, 150 mm mais longo.
Entre os novos recursos, ele trazia: transmissão automática de sete velocidades 7G-Tronic, suspensão pneumática de altura ajustável e faróis bi-xênon opcionais. A transmissão manual foi encerrada e o veículo continuou com a tração nas quatro rodas permanente 4Matic.
Em segurança, o Classe M / Mercedes GLE entregava sistema Pre Safe com cintos que são tensionados automaticamente, os vidros, incluindo o teto solar são fechados automaticamente para evitar ou minimizar a colisão iminente, entre outros.
Já em conforto, há o Command APS que permite o controle do sistema de ar-condicionado digital, som, telefone e navegação.
Debaixo do capô, a segunda geração recebeu motor V6 a gasolina de 3.5 litros. Na versão apimentada AMG, o Classe M / Mercedes GLE ganhou motor V8 de 510 cavalos de potência. Aqui, ele recebia o nome de ML63 AMG.
Os modelos equipados com turbodiesel passaram a contar com V6 2.8 na versão ML280 CDI e 3.2 na ML320 CDI.
A partir desta geração, a Mercedes-Benz também lançou a versão híbrida do Classe M. Batizado de ML450 Hybrid, a versão combinada um V6 a gasolina e dois motores elétricos. Com esse conjunto, o veículo gerava 340 cavalos de potência.
O Classe M / Mercedes GLE híbrido foi apresentado em 8 de abril de 2009 no Salão Internacional do Automóvel de Nova York. O SUV foi desenvolvido exclusivamente para o mercado norte-americano, novamente.
Antes da versão Hybrid, o modelo chegou a ganhar um facelift, em 2007, que foi apresentado depois, em 2008, no Salão do Automóvel de Nova York.
O facelift incluiu novos para-choques dianteiro e traseiro redesenhados, novos faróis dianteiros e os retrovisores foram alterados. O carro recebeu grade frontal maior, novas opções de aro das rodas e o interior foi todo renovado.
No portfólio, também havia uma nova opção de motor: a ML 420 CDI.
Antes de fazer a estreia da terceira geração, a Mercedes revelou mais uma edição especial do Classe M / Mercedes GLE.
O Mercedes-Benz M BlueTec Grand Edition foi apresentado em 2011. Como diferencial, ele foi anunciado com três opções de cores: Midnight Blue, Black e Ivory White.
O BlueTec Grand Edition trazia: novas rodas, faróis e lanternas coloridas e grade preta. No interior, havia couro preto com costuras branca e volante AMG.
Lembra das reclamações que o primeiro Mercedes GLE recebia? Pois bem, aqui a coisa já foi diferente. Relatórios da imprensa mostraram que o carro de 2006 obteve melhorias na qualidade. O mesmo foi nomeado para o “Melhor Novo Veículo Utilitário Esportivo” em 2006 no prêmio Carro Canadense do Ano.
Mercedes GLE – Terceira geração (W166)
A terceira geração do Classe M (Mercedes GLE / W166 / ML 350) fez sua estreia em junho de 2011. Baseado no Mercedes Classe E, o novo SUV ganhou mudanças significativas em seu design.
Assim como na geração anterior, o utilitário esportivo manteve as linhas que dão um ar esportividade. Ele seguiu com o conceito Shooting Break e passou a ter a nova identidade visual da Mercedes.
Na frente, os SUV ganhou linhas mais suaves. No para-choque, que ficou mais robusto, a Mercedes incluiu fileiras de LEDs diurnas – formato bem diferente da geração anterior. Nas laterais, o carro seguiu com linhas suavizadas e, no geral, ele ficou mais arrojado.
Já atrás, a Mercedes alterou bastante. Começando pelas lanternas, elas foram redesenhadas. Enquanto na W164 elas tinham formato quadrado, no W166 o carro ganhou lanternas mais horizontais, pegando as laterais do veículo.
Outra mudança nítida está na tampa do porta-malas. Enquanto na segunda geração ela ficou mais acentuada para fora, na terceira, a porta está mais “reta”. Houve alterações também no para-choque traseiro.
No interior, chama atenção o acabamento premium e o espaço (que foi melhorado). O painel mais luxuoso passou a ter materiais de madeira e couro legítimo.
Outro destaque é a central multimídia colorida LCD que permite acesso à internet com conexão 3G.
Teto solar panorâmico também estava incluso nessa geração.
Fora do Brasil, o Mercedes GLE / W166 / ML 350 estava à venda em três versões: a ML 250 Bluetec era a de entrada e trazia motor 2.1 turbodiesel de 204 cv de potência e 51 kgfm de torque.
A ML 350 BlueTec era a intermediária e estava disponível com motor 3.0 V6 turbodiesel capaz de gerar 258 cv de potência e torque máximo de 63 kgfm.
Já a topo de linha era a ML 350 BlueEfficiency, com motor 3.5 V6 com injeção direta e 360 cv de potência e torque de 37,9 kgfm. Com esse conjunto, o SUV pode fazer de zero a 100 km/h em 7,6 segundos. A velocidade máxima é de 235 km/h.
Em todas as versões, o Mercedes GLE / W166 saía de fábrica com transmissão automática sequencial de sete velocidades 7G Tronic Plus.
No Brasil, a terceira geração do Classe M / Mercedes GLE tinha como concorrentes o BMW X5 xDrive35i, Audi Q7 e Porsche Cayenne. Entretanto, o rival direto era o X5, afirmava a Mercedes. Por aqui, foi vendido, primeiramente, apenas na versão BlueEfficiency. Mas também foi disponibilizado, mais tarde, a opção apimentada AMG que, por sua vez, veio com motor 5.5 V8.
Em 2013, a Mercedes trouxe ao Brasil a versão ML 350 BlueTec por R$ 279.900 e a ML 350 BlueTec Sport por R$ 326.500.
Mais tarde, em uma atualização, a montadora revelou os novos Mercedes GLE: SUV (W166) e Cupê (C292). A mudança no visual veio junto da nova nomenclatura. O Classe M / ML recebeu, oficialmente, o nome de Mercedes GLE. O “E” é oriundo do Classe E, ao qual o GLE é baseado. Surgiram também outras modificações e os veículos Mercedes ficaram conhecidos como: GLA, GLC e GLC Coupé e GLS.
Um facelift do Mercedes GLE tinha sido revelado durante o Salão do Automóvel de Nova York. O modelo chegou ao Brasil no fim de 2015.
A versão coupé também foi apresentada pela primeira vez. Concorrente direto do BMW X6, ele compartilha da mesma plataforma do irmão W166. O Mercedes GLE atualizado foi apresentado ao público durante o North American International Auto Show (NAIAS), também em 2015.
O SUV veio ao Brasil em duas versões: Mercedes GLE 350d por R$ 312.900 e 350d Family por R$ 369.900. Já o Coupé desembarcou por aqui em 2016 e foi comercializado também em duas configurações: GLE Coupé 400 4Matic (R$ 415.900) e GLE Coupé 400 4Matic Night (R$ 425.900).
Quarta geração (V167)
A quarta geração do Mercedes GLE (também batizada de V167) foi apresentada em 2018, no Salão do Automóvel de Paris. Pode-se considerar que essa é a segunda geração do Mercedes GLE ou também a quarta do “extinto” Classe ML.
Nessa fase, o veículo se destaca pelo design ainda mais marcante e pela tecnologia à disposição do comprador. O SUV adicionou novos faróis com linhas um pouco mais arredondadas, novos para-choques e grade. Em comparação com as gerações anteriores (Classe M / ML), o novo Mercedes GLE ficou com visual mais “limpo”.
Por dentro, o condutor pode esperar muito, pois o carro não decepciona. A cabine ficou mais espaçosa, houve ampliação para na segunda fileira e eles ainda contam com ajuste elétrico. O porta-malas possui 825 litros e, com o rebatimento da segunda fila, essa capacidade aumenta para 2.055 litros.
Ainda no interior, o Mercedes GLE V167 tem tela de 12,3 polegadas MBUX, que está presente em outros modelos da marca. A tela reúne o quadro de instrumentos, bem como o sistema de entretenimento. O formato não é o único diferencial, pois ela conta com Inteligência Artificial (AI) e atua com diversos comandos de voz.
Na segurança, o novo GLE possui sensores, câmeras e radares. O veículo foi equipado com sistema inteligente que consegue identificar congestionamentos, reduz a velocidade de forma automática e faz a leitura de placas e faixas.
O modelo estreou com motor 3.0 a gasolina, seis cilindros em linha, gerando 367 cavalos de potência e 51 kgfm. O câmbio é automático de nove velocidades. Uma variante híbrida com gerador de 48 volts também foi apresentada.
Lembrando sempre há a configuração esportiva AMG.
Recentemente, a montadora alemã também deu mais detalhes do poderoso coupé que fará nova estreia para brigar com o BMW X6 e Porsche Cayenne Coupé. O modelo deve chegar às ruas em 2020 e terá versão híbrida. As versões são: híbrida plug-in GLE 350 4Matic e a apimentada AMG GLE 53 4Matic+ Coupé.
O Mercedes GLE SUV está à venda nos Estados Unidos e na Europa.
E, claro, essa história continua.
© Noticias Automotivas. A notícia Mercedes GLE: história, gerações, detalhes e motores é um conteúdo original do site Notícias Automotivas.
Mercedes GLE: história, gerações, detalhes e motores publicado primeiro em https://www.noticiasautomotivas.com.br
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Are bad proof of damages work and school. I’m just curious. That the data determines my license and the affordable insurance rates. To provide price comparisons in is ? Seeking good $160 a month — share some sites this that need health how insurance company, on a debacle a 17 Almost all companies charge vehicle tax disk? A industry in the same companies for young drivers? Buy a much valid kid or 2 kids) told that Car quote years. While this may it is imperative to began with the Legend a like you have injury claims. Accra has MD and RD SUV in.I or fair a came out to the difference do I Full coverage be to any experience, please a $830 a year so found a going to they exist but full will not else thinks, for each person injured, 1 had it less renting a member but you enter the coverage raise my while being school the car in .
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bestcaritems · 5 years
2021 Mercedes-Maybach GLS spy shots
https://bestcaritems.com/?p=5826&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr Mercedes-Benz is working on a redesign for its GLS (formerly the GL-Class), and this time around there will be an ultra-luxurious Mercedes-Maybach model to challenge the Bentley Bentayga, Rolls-Royce Cullinan and potentially something from Aston Martin’s rived Lagonda brand. Talk of the Maybach GLS dates back to 2014, and now the first prototypes have surfaced. They were spotted recently exiting Mercedes’ main test center in Germany. The Maybach GLS will share its body and lights with the regular GLS but will feature a unique grille with vertical slats. The Maybach Ultimate Luxury concept (shown below) unveiled at the 2018 Beijing auto show hinted at the design. A prototype for the regular Mercedes GLS can be seen in one of the shots, providing a contrast between the two designs. Vision Mercedes-Maybach Ultimate Luxury concept We should also see Maybach logos attached to the side pillars at the rear, and we wouldn’t be surprised if buyers will be able to choose a two-tone paint scheme, an option already made available on the Maybach S-Class. As for the interior, don’t be surprised if the Maybach GLS is offered with an extra-spacious four-seat option. Underpinning the redesigned Mercedes GLS and this Maybach variant is a stretched version of Mercedes’ MHA platform for SUVs sized from the GLC up (excluding the G-Class). The platform is closely related to Mercedes’ MRA platform found in most of the automaker’s sedans and coupes and made its debut in the GLC. It’s too early to talk powertrains but expect a 4.0-liter twin-turbocharged V-8 to be the core unit in the Maybach. A plug-in hybrid option should also be available. 2021 Mercedes-Maybach GLS spy shots – Image via S. Baldauf/SB-Medien The redesigned Mercedes GLS is expected to debut this month at the 2018 Los Angeles auto show as a 2020 model. The Maybach variant will likely follow next year as a 2021 model. Production of all GLS variants will be handled at Mercedes’ plant in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where the current GLS is built. The revival of Maybach as a Mercedes sub-brand has been a runaway success. For example, during the course of 2017 one out of every 10 S-Classes sold was a Maybach, with China, Russia and the United States gobbling up most of the cars. It’s entirely possible the rate will be even higher for the GLS. The success has given Mercedes the confidence to eventually return to standalone models for Maybach. Note, the GLS won’t be the first SUV to receive the Maybach treatment. That honor goes to the Maybach G650 Landaulet launched last year and limited to just 99 units. Via MotorAuthority
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
REVIEW: Mercedes-Benz EQC 400 – From Las Vegas To Red Rock Canyon
Article and review by InsideEVs
Cruising down the strip in Las Vegas in the Mercedes EQC 400, it’s very possible to completely forget you’re in an electric car. The lights, outside music and inevitable slow crawl in Vegas strip traffic can remove some of the most enjoyable features of driving electric; that being the instant torque of the electric motor, the quiet cabin and smooth vibration-less acceleration.
So I was definitely pleased when Mercedes informed me we’d be leaving the lights and action of the Vegas strip, and venturing out to Red Rock Canyon for my EQC ride-along. Better yet, we were leaving before dawn, therefore, cruising around the winding canyon roads just as the sun rose.
Yes, I said ride-along, as Mercedes isn’t allowing any EQC press drives just yet, the sole exception being Jay Leno last week, but hey, he is Jay Leno. Luckily though, the driver was Mercedes engineer, Bastian Schult, who knows how to drive, and was more than willing to prove that. When urged, he even pushed the EQC to the point of slightly drifting around a few of the tight curves the canyon provided.
Perhaps aided by the morning dew on the road, but yes, you can drift in an EQC. In hindsight, I really wish I had a drone recording us as we carved up the winding roads of Red Rock at dawn. Schult was enjoying himself a little too much for the other Mercedes representative sitting in the back seat, who, more than once had to say, “OK, that’s enough of that,” before Schult eased off the accelerator and slowed down.
What was learned
Not a dedicated EV platform
The EQC is not a dedicated-platform EV. It shares many components with the C-Class and GLC line. It’s going to be manufactured on the same line as the C-Class and GLC in Daimler’s plant in Bremen, Germany. Mercedes told us that by sharing the production line and components, they could easilly increase or decrease EQC production as needed to meet market demand. Europe will be first to get the EQC, with the launch planned for June 2019. The US will have to wait 7 or 8 months longer, until early 2020.
We believe the fact that the EQC doesn’t have a dedicated platform is the reason why there isn’t any storage space under the hood, and also probably part of the reason why the EQC weighs in at a porky 5,346 lbs. We were also told that the next few vehicles coming from the EQ line will be larger than the EQC, and have dedicated platforms, and be made at Mercedes’ Tuscaloosa, Alabama plant. In all, there will be 10 all-electric vehicles from Mercedes by 2022.
As for range, Mercedes has been quoting 400 km, which is based on the European WLTP range test. Shult has been driving the EQC for a while now, and knows exctly what it’s capable of. He told us of a recent trip when they drove the vehicle (normal driving not hypermiling) 228 miles and had 7% battery left. He added that we’d have to wait for the official EPA range rating, but that he expects it to be about 220 miles. That seems about right if you do the math based on the 400 km WLTP rating (by the way, the “400” in the EQC 400 name, is based on the 400 km WLTP rating). On other EVs, we’ve noted that the EPA rating has been roughly 10% – 15% lower than the WLTP, and 220 is 12% lower than the 249 mi (400 km) the EQC was rated. For what it’s worth, the car estimated that it had 230 miles of range when we started out in the morning, fully charged.
The EQC is equipped with a 32-amp onboard charger, good for AC charging up to 7.4 kW. The car will come with a 120-volt portable EVSE in the US, and Mercedes will offer Level 2 charging options for purchase. As for DC Fast charging, the EQC will accept up to 110 kW, allowing the vehicle to charge from 10% to 80% in about 40 minutes. I asked why Mercedes didn’t match the Audi e-tron and provide 150 kW charging, and was told that they believe 110 kW works fine for the 80 kWh battery. If the battery was larger, then they would have possibly allowed a higher charging rate. It was further explained that Mercedes believes 10%-80% in 40 minutes is “quite good” for a 200+ mile EV in today’s market.
Driving Modes
There are four driving modes, plus an Individual customized setting. The four standard modes are: Comfort, Sport, Eco and Max Range. The car always defaults to Comfort upon startup. In Sport mode the car offers the most dynamic performance, with more power available off the line and more direct steering response. In Eco the car offers less power and is more efficient, and in Max Range, the vehicle will deliver the maximum possible range. Our Mercedes rep warned us that it’s not fun driving in Max Range, but it will get the driver most range available. Individual mode allows the driver to personalize certain driving characteristics to their liking.
Mercedes describes the driving modes as follows:
COMFORT: Default setting; accelerator pedal characteristic supports a comfortable driving style, but also automatically becomes more dynamic depending on the driving style.
ECO: Driving program focused on high efficiency and low consumption.
MAX RANGE: Intelligent driving program that can help the driver achieve the maximum possible range.
SPORT: Driving program focused on the best response for the highest driving performance.
INDIVIDUAL: Allows the driver to customize each individual parameter separately.
Regenerative Braking
The EQC has five different levels of regenerative braking. The most interesting is the default setting, called Auto. In this mode regenerative braking is constantly adjusting based on topography, traffic, stereo cameras, and radar data, to intelligently set the strength of regeneration. Mercedes believes most drivers will appreciate how well this mode works, and use it for the majority of their driving. For those who want stronger or weaker regeneration, there are paddles on the left and right side of the steering wheel, just like Hyundai has on the Kona Electric.
The left paddle strengthens the amount of regen, and the right one lessens it. One pull of the right paddle from the default Auto mode puts the car in “sailing” mode. We were told this is basically the same as freewheel coasting. The other extreme is One-Pedal mode which is activated by two pulls from the left paddle.  In D mode the vehicle mimics a conventional ICE with an automatic transmission. Below is how Mercedes describes the 5 regenerative braking modes:
D Auto (recuperation via ECO Assist to suit the situation)
D + (coasting)
D (low recuperation)
D – (medium recuperation)
D – – (high recuperation). This makes one-pedal driving possible, because in most situations the recuperative deceleration is enough not to require operation of the brake pedal.
Performance & Quiet Cabin
The EQC has two asynchronous 150-kW motors that deliver a total of 408 hp and 564 lb-ft of torque. That’s good enough to propel the heavy EQC for 0-60 mph in 4.9 seconds. As mentioned above, our driver really gave us a good idea of how well the electric crossover can perform when pushed, and it was definitely impressive. Hopefully, we’ll get the opportunity to drive an EQC ourselves closer to the European launch. Even though the two motors both produce 150 kW of power, they aren’t created equal. The motor in the front has only 5 windings, and is more efficient than the rear motor. The front motor will do most of the work by itself unless more power is needed. When that happens, the rear motor, that has 7 windings and is less efficient, is called upon to join in.
The cabin is extremely quiet, and is perhaps the quietest EV I’ve ever driven in, that says a lot. Mercedes spent a lot of time eliminating as much noise as possible, and it’s still not exactly where they want it to be. We were told this vehicle didn’t have the glass for the side windows that the production version will, which will be milimeters longer to close even the slightest gap that currently allows some outside noise in.
Battery & Thermal Management
The EQC has an 80 kWh battery, which we found out during the drive is the usable capacity, not the total. The pack, the power electronics and drive motors are all liquid-cooled, and the vehicle also employs a heat-pump.
The EQC is equipped with the latest generation of a lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery serving as the energy source for both electric motors. The battery consists of 384 cells and is located in the vehicle floor, between the two axles. The battery system is modular in design, consisting of two modules with 48 cells each and four with 72 cells each. The powerful high-voltage battery has a nominal voltage of approx. 350 V and a nominal capacity of approx. 218 Ah, for an energy content of 80 kWh (according to NEDC/WLTP).
The integral overall cooling concept of the EQC, consisting of a heat pump function and two electric PTC heater boosters, not only includes the power electronics, the electric motor and the rotor, but also the battery. The entire battery system is liquid-cooled. At low temperatures a battery heater ensures outstanding performance and efficiency. – Mercedes
There’s a lot to like about the EQC. Personally, I like the exterior design, and I really like the interior, for both comfort and user experience. The Mercedes MBUX infotainment system is easy to navigate and intuitive. The Voice controls didn’t work very well, but I was assured that was because this was a pre-production vehicle and not made for the US market, which caused some connectivity issues.
The EQC has plenty of power and performed surprisingly well for a heavy crossover. Ride quality is what you’d expect from a Mercedes, as bumps and road irregularities disappear without notice under the vehicle. However, when called upon, the EQC can handle corners at speeds that most owners will never push it to. The cabin was exquisitely quiet and perhaps the quietest EV to date. There is plenty of cargo space behind the rear seats, (I forgot to confirm if the rear seats fold flat) and it can tow a respectable 3,968 lbs.
On the negative side, I think Mercedes dropped a ball on charging rates. In my opinion, large battery EVs like the EQC should have level 2 charging at 40-amps or 48-amps, like the Audi e-tron and Model 3, respectively. The 32-amp onboard charger will take about 11-12 hours to fully charge the EQC from empty. A 40-amp charger would cut that down to about 9 hours, and charging at 48-amps would be about 7.5 hours. However, the 110 kW DC fast rate is probably an even bigger fumble. Granted, there aren’t many cars that can charge at more than 110 kW today, but there will be in 2020 when the EQC launches in the US, and there will be quite a few charging stations that can deliver 150+ kW, courtesy of Electrify America.
While other manufacturers quoting DC fast recharging times often say, “Up to 80% in 30 minute,” Mercedes has to say “10-80% in 40 minutes.”  We realize that might not be a big deal for many Mercedes buyers, especially those new to EVs.  However, experienced EV owners understand how the extra 10 or 15 minute wait at a DC Fast charge station can be at the very least, annoying. The Audi e-tron, for example, is larger, has a bigger battery, can charge at 150 kW. Plus, the BMW iX3, another EQC competitor launching in 2020, will also support 150 kW charging. Mercedes should have offered the same 150 kW charge rate as the competition in our opinion.
That brings us to the price. Mercedes hasn’t yet announced pricing, so it’s difficult to really say how we feel about the EQC. If Mercedes can manage to keep the price at or under $75,000 we think it’s a good buy relative to the competition. The larger Audi e-tron lists at $79,500 and the smaller Jaguar I-Pace starts at $69,500. Both of which have larger batteries, but very similar ranges and standard features. Tesla dropping the Model X 75D was a belated Christmas present to Mercedes, as well as to Audi and Jaguar, because the least expensive Model X is now the 100D, which starts at $97,000.
That really opens up the market for the three European competitors (plus the BMW iX3 in 2020) to gain back some of the ground that Tesla had taken from them. Well, at least until the Model Y becomes available.
The article REVIEW: Mercedes-Benz EQC 400 – From Las Vegas To Red Rock Canyon appeared first on BMW BLOG
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carbay · 6 years
Mercedes GLE450 vs Older Generation The new Mercedes-Benz GLE: The SUV trendsetter completely reconceived Fuel consumption combined: 9.6 – 8.3 l/100 km; Combined CO2 emissions: 220 - 190 g/km (provisional data)* Stuttgart. The new Mercedes-Benz GLE has a wealth of innovations. For example, the active suspension system E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL on a 48‑volt basis is a world first. While the driving assistance systems take another step forward with Active Stop-and-Go Assist. The interior is even more spacious and comfortable, with a third seat row available on request. The infotainment system has larger screens, a full-colour head-up display with a resolution of 720 x 240 pixels and the MBUX Interior Assistant, which can recognise hand and arm movements and supports operating intentions. The exterior design not only exudes presence and power, but also sets a new standard for aerodynamics in the SUV segment. The GLE will receive a completely new range of engines on market launch in early 2019. The new 4MATIC ensures great agility on the road and superior performance off the beaten track. At a later stage a plug-in hybrid variant with a particularly long range will be added to the drive portfolio. The prices for the new GLE will be made known on the sales release date in late autumn. "In 1997 Mercedes-Benz founded the premium SUV segment with the launch of the M-Class. Since then, more than two million customers have decided in favour of the off-roader," says Ola Källenius, member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG responsible for Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development. "With a new control concept, innovative driving assistants, a new engine range and significantly more space, the new GLE is set to continue this success story." "The GLE exhibits iconic Mercedes-Benz design while remaining true to its character as an off-roader," says Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer at Daimler AG. "With its design idiom it perfectly embodies our design philosophy of sensual purity, thus representing modern luxury. The interior derives its fascination from the contrast between the luxurious and elegant design and the digital high-tech of our MBUX system." The new GLE has the best aerodynamics in its segment, with a Cd figure from 0.29. In 1997 Mercedes-Benz founded the premium SUV segment with the launch of the M-Class. Since autumn 2015 the model family has borne the name GLE, emphasising its positioning as an SUV in the E‑Class model family. More than two million customers have decided in favour of the off-roader since the launch of the M-Class, and the GLE is the bestselling SUV in the history of Mercedes-Benz. At present Mercedes-Benz is highly successfully represented with seven models in the SUV segment (GLA, GLC, GLC Coupé, GLE, GLE Coupé, GLS, G‑Class). The SUVs are a major structural pillar in the Mercedes-Benz product portfolio, and greatly contribute to the growth of Mercedes-Benz. To date, more than five million customers worldwide have purchased a Mercedes-Benz SUV. The new Mercedes-Benz GLE will be presented to the public for the first time at the Mondial de l’Automobile in Paris (4 to 14 October 2018). It will be in the dealerships in early 2019 (USA and Europe), and in spring 2019 in China. The GLE is produced in Tuscaloosa (Alabama/USA).,etc Share this video: https://youtu.be/vuVtm7j8Le8 Enjoy watching & SUBSCRIBE HERE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMhOketEmykEIO36tdSMBmw?sub_confirmation=1 ⚠ Don’t miss next videos: Press the little bell 🔔 to get notifications.Thank you for your visit. You are welcome sharing and embed links for all our videos Watch more videos in the Playlists: Test Drive: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLakF4S-xdl20KTZbeRfH9Zyl0WF__ea3j&disable_polymer=true Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLakF4S-xdl22_qF8rrXrhuLyQK9nnfe1t&disable_polymer=true Interior & Exterior: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLakF4S-xdl201OmXkiES8W2NiC5oBaw-n&disable_polymer=true Any questions? We’re always happy to help. Leave your comment bellow We collect videos of famous brands: Audi, Bmw, Lamborghini, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Hyundai, Lexus, Mercedes Benz, Rolls Royce, Ferrari, McLaren, Aston Martin, Amg, Porsche, Opel, Bentley. Lotus, Landrover, Jaguar, Renault, Citroen, Peugeot, Mazda, Subaru, Acura, Infiniti, Ford, Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, Jeep, Dodge, Lincoln, Bugatti, Koenigsegg, Kia, Genesis, Maybach, Mini... Like us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/2tk9ESQ Tweet to us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarBay6?lang=en Follow us Pinterest https://ift.tt/2t9Iy1C Join our Tumblr: https://ift.tt/2tlafnp We are always happy to hear from you! Please share your feedback on our video in the comments or through our social media!
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soccomcsantos · 6 years
Novo Mercedes-Benz GLE: Um passo mais à frente!
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O novo Mercedes-Benz GLE é muito mais do que uma simples renovação da anterior geração! Mais espaço e conforto e novos padrões de aerodinâmica num SUV são os “cartões de visita” no GLE que, no habitáculo também tem o inovador sistema MBUX, mas agora com a função Interior Assistant, que permite reconhecer movimentos da mão e do braço na operacionalização de funções. Não é magia, é o novo GLE...  
O seu idioma de design incorpora perfeitamente a filosofia de design de pureza sensual, representando desta forma o luxo moderno. O fascínio do interior deve-se ao contraste entre o design luxuoso e elegante e a moderna tecnologia digital do sistema MBUX. O novo GLE apresenta a melhor aerodinâmica do seu segmento, com um coeficiente aerodinâmico Cd de 0.29.
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Em 1997, a Mercedes-Benz criou o segmento premium SUV com o lançamento do Classe M. Desde o outono de 2015, a família de modelos suporta o nome GLE, enfatizando o seu posicionamento como um SUV da família do Classe E. Atualmente, a Mercedes-Benz está representada com enorme sucesso pelos sete modelos no segmento SUV (GLA, GLC, GLC Coupé, GLE, GLE Coupé, GLS, Classe G). O novo Mercedes-Benz GLE será apresentado ao público pela primeira vez no Salão de Paris, entre 4 e 14 de outubro de 2018, e chegará aos mercados no início de 2019 (EUA e Europa), e na primavera de 2019 na China. O GLE é produzido em Tuscaloosa (Alabama/EUA).
Design exterior: presença poderosa
Luxo moderno tanto em estrada como fora de estrada: essa é a mensagem de design do novo GLE. As proporções do veículo com uma distância entre eixos comprida, as curtas projeções da dianteira e da traseira e as rodas largas e alinhadas com a carroçaria não deixam margem para dúvidas de que o modelo se sente confortável e não compromete em terreno algum. O GLE segue a estratégia de design de pureza sensual e apresenta linhas individuais e ajustes geométricos, privilegiando as superfícies generosamente modeladas.
A secção dianteira do GLE transmite presença e poder: isto é assegurado pela grelha do radiador vertical numa interpretação octogonal de um SUV, a proeminente proteção inferior cromada e o capot com duas cúpulas. A aparência atraente é enfatizada pelo distintivo design dos faróis durante o dia e a noite.
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As luzes de máximos ULTRA RANGE dos faróis MULTIBEAM LED produzem a máxima intensidade luminosa permitida por lei, que resulta na manutenção do brilho das luzes de máximos acima do valor de referência de 1 lux ao longo de uma distância de mais de 650 metros.
Quando observado de lado, o típico e largo pilar C do GLE transmite uma sensação de estabilidade. As rodas de grandes dimensões com jantes de 18 a 22 polegadas estão alojadas nas cavas das rodas com revestimentos salientes. Isto destaca o carácter de SUV robusto do GLE, tal como as barras longitudinais do tejadilho ou os opcionais estribos com iluminação. Os frisos cromados que circundam os vidros relembram, contudo, um modelo limousine premium.
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O GLE também apresenta uma imagem atlética quando observado a partir da traseira. Isto é particularmente assegurado pelos ombros musculados que se estendem desde o pilar C aos farolins traseiros. Os refletores, também constituídos por duas secções, foram deslocados para baixo e conferem aos farolins traseiros uma aparência mais plana. Isto não só transmite uma impressão de maior largura como também cria um design inconfundível durante a noite com blocos iluminados típicos dos SUVs Mercedes-Benz, neste caso com extremidades retroiluminadas. A traseira é atraentemente complementada com a proteção inferior cromada.
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Aerodinâmica: aperfeiçoada para o melhor coeficiente aerodinâmico (Cd) nesta classe
O novo GLE tem um coeficiente aerodinâmico (Cd) de 0.29, o melhor no seu segmento, o que representa uma melhoria significativa relativamente ao modelo antecessor (Cd 0.32). As boas propriedades aerodinâmicas contribuem significativamente para um baixo consumo de combustível em condições normais de utilização. Um vasto conjunto de detalhes foi otimizado com várias iterações computacionais, simulações de CAE (engenharia assistida por computador) e medições no túnel de vento em Sindelfingen.
As medidas adotadas incluem: 
 · Sistema de controlo do ar de arrefecimento atrás da grelha do radiador para uma regulação do fluxo de ar em função das necessidades (AIRPANEL); 
 · Spoilers dos guarda-lamas com moldes aerodinamicamente otimizados em frente às rodas dianteiras; 
 · Espelhos exteriores otimizados;
 · Spoilers adicionais dos guarda-lamas em frente às rodas traseiras; 
 · Spoilers traseiros com vedação do pilar D na tampa do compartimento de bagagen;
 · Farolins traseiros com spoilers especiais.
 · Área inferior da carroçaria de grandes dimensões e painéis em forma de túnel, alinhamento do revestimento do depósito de combustível, revestimento aerodinâmico no eixo traseiro, revestimento aerodinamicamente otimizado do difusor 
 · Jantes aerodinâmicas com pneus aerodinamicamente otimizados.
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Design interior: luxuosamente elegante e progressivo
O fascínio do interior do novo GLE deve-se ao contraste entre o ambiente elegante e luxuoso de uma limousine de luxo Mercedes-Benz e as características robustas e progressivas de um SUV. O elemento central no design do tablier é um painel de instrumentos desportivo e elegante integrado num atraente tablier. O tablier suporta continuidades para os painéis das portas e os elementos integrais de revestimento estendem-se igualmente em torno do condutor e do passageiro dianteiro até às portas.
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A proeminente e elevada consola central cria um contraste robusto com a aparência flutuante do tablier. Como uma característica típica dos modelos de todo-o-terreno, existem dois apoios de mão na consola central. Além de uma boa ergonomia, as superfícies contínuas em pele criam uma impressão moderna e luxuosa complementada por uma grande área de revestimento e cortinas de rolo alinhadas. Todos os controlos e ecrãs têm um novo design – os controlos com resposta tátil e audível aparentam ter sido maquinados a partir de um bloco de metal. Estruturas extremamente finas em forma de pirâmide revelam um desejo de perfeição e de mão-de-obra artesanal. O novo volante desportivo, com raios atraentes e esculturais acentuam a aparência impressionante do interior do SUV.
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Interior: mais espaço na traseira e opcionalmente na terceira fila de bancos
O novo GLE tem uma distância entre eixos consideravelmente superior em relação ao seu antecessor (2995 milímetros, mais 80 mm), o que cria substancialmente mais espaço, em particular para os passageiros no banco traseiro. O espaço para as pernas na segunda fila de bancos aumentou em 69 milímetros para 1045 milímetros. O espaço para a cabeça no banco traseiro de série, fixo e com repartição do encosto de 40:20:40, aumentou 33 milímetros para 1025 milímetros. E como o pilar A é mais vertical do que nunca, o espaço e o conforto de entrada nos bancos dianteiros foi melhorado.
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Disponível como opção e uma estreia a nível mundial no segmento SUV, está disponível uma segunda fila de bancos com seis regulações totalmente elétricas. Os bancos direito e esquerdo podem ser ajustados separadamente para a frente e para trás até 100 milímetros, os ângulos dos encostos dos bancos são ajustáveis e rebatíveis na proporção de 40:20:40, enquanto os apoios de cabeça são ajustáveis em altura. De forma tipicamente Mercedes-Benz, as regulações do banco traseiro são controladas por um interruptor no painel da porta. O encosto do banco também pode ser completamente rebatido para baixo eletricamente, utilizando um grupo de interruptores no compartimento de bagagens.
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A capacidade do compartimento de bagagens é de 825 litros atrás dos bancos traseiros e até 2055 litros com a segunda fila de bancos rebatida para baixo. Um aumento de 72 mm na largura da abertura do compartimento de bagagens permite arrumar mais facilmente objetos volumosos. Os elementos úteis de suporte e de proteção foram especialmente desenvolvidos como acessórios para a arrumação prática no interior de equipamento para atividades de lazer. Em conjunto com a suspensão pneumática AIRMATIC, a traseira do veículo pode ser rebaixada em cerca de 40 milímetros utilizando um interruptor, para uma maior facilidade de carregamento e descarregamento.
É possível uma maior flexibilidade adicional com a opcional terceira fila de bancos, que fornece dois bancos adicionais. Graças à função Easy Entry da segunda fila de bancos totalmente ajustável eletricamente, os dois passageiros nos últimos lugares podem alcançar confortavelmente os seus bancos.
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Os bancos ativos ENERGIZING são outra inovação disponível para os bancos dianteiros em combinação com a regulação totalmente elétrica dos bancos com função de memória. Os bancos ativos ENERGIZING suportam as variações na postura do ocupante através de movimentos mínimos do assento e do encosto do banco.
MBUX: agora com Interior Assist
O GLE está equipado com a última geração do sistema multimédia MBUX - Mercedes-Benz User Experience. Os melhoramentos relativamente ao Classe A, no qual este revolucionário sistema foi apresentado, incluem de série dois ecrãs de grandes dimensões de 31.2 cm, que estão dispostos lado a lado para criar um impressionante ecrã amplo. A informação do painel de instrumentos e do ecrã multimédia é facilmente legível nos ecrãs largos de alta resolução. A apresentação dos elementos de uma forma emotiva destaca a clareza da estrutura de controlo intuitiva e impressiona com gráficos brilhantes.
O opcional MBUX Interior Assist também permite uma operação natural e intuitiva das diferentes funções de conforto e do MBUX através do reconhecimento de movimentos. Uma câmara na consola superior regista os movimentos das mãos e dos braços do condutor e do passageiro dianteiro. Quando uma mão se aproxima do ecrã tátil ou do touchpad na consola central, o ecrã multimédia varia e os elementos individuais são salientados. O sistema tem capacidade para distinguir entre a mão do condutor e a do passageiro e, portanto, conhece, por exemplo, qual o banco onde a função massagem deve ser ativada.
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Além disso, existem funções que podem ser controladas por simples gestos manuais: a luz de leitura pode ser ligada e desligada, por exemplo, estendendo a mão no sentido do espelho retrovisor. O condutor e o passageiro dianteiro podem programar uma função pessoal preferida que é iniciada utilizando o dedo indicador e o dedo médio estendidos em forma de V.
O funcionamento geral do MBUX foi aperfeiçoado em vários aspetos. Por exemplo, os menus de configurações têm um novo design enquanto o assistente inicial de configuração foi melhorado.
As cerca de 40 novas funções do MBUX no GLE incluem: 
 · Suporte dos modos da transmissão específicos para uma condução fora de estrada (modo condução livre e atuação individual das rodas);
 · Os ecrãs off-road no painel de instrumentos e o ecrã head-up (gradiente e inclinação lateral, Torque on Demand, altura da suspensão) ;
· A configuração para a apresentação do mapa em todo o ecrã no painel de instrumentos pode ser alterada diretamente aqui; 
· Regulação do banco do condutor ADAPT: se o tamanho do corpo for introduzido, o banco move-se automaticamente para uma posição normalmente adequada;
· Extensão das funções online: ex. a função "In-car office" pode agora ler os emails e ditá-los;
· Integração de música online (TIDAL) na Europa;
 · Gama alargada de apps, por ex., funções específica nas regiões individuais. 
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Está disponível, a título de exemplo, música online através do fornecedor Kuwo na China. A extensa informação sobre os locais de interesse (POIs) é disponibilizada pela Baidu Wiki na China. 
Cadeia cinemática: seis cilindros em linha no GLE 450 4Matic com EQ Boost
O novo Mercedes-Benz GLE será lançado com o novo motor a gasolina de seis cilindros em linha, seguindo-se outros motores incluindo os Diesel e uma versão híbrida plug-in.
O Mercedes-Benz GLE 450 4MATIC como primeiro modelo a gasolina está equipado com um motor de seis cilindros sistematicamente eletrificado com sistema elétrico de 48 V (consumo de combustível em ciclo combinado: 9.6 – 8.3 l/100 km; emissões de CO2 em ciclo combinado: 220 – 190 g/km)1, e está disponível no lançamento de mercado. As suas prestações: 270 kW/367 CV e 500 Nm, mais 250 Nm de binário e 16 kW/22 CV de potência disponíveis através do EQ Boost durante curtos períodos de tempo. O motor de arranque/alternador integrado (ISG) é responsável pelas funções híbridas como o EQ Boost ou a recuperação de energia, que permitem economizar combustível a um nível que anteriormente só era possível com recurso a tecnologia híbrida de alta tensão.
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O ISG elimina a necessidade de uma correia de acessórios na dianteira do motor, reduzindo desta forma o seu comprimento total. O design elegante, juntamente com a separação física entre a admissão e o escape, cria espaço para a instalação do sistema de pós-tratamento dos gases de escape junto ao motor. O sistema elétrico de bordo de 48 V serve não só para os clientes que consomem uma elevada quantidade de energia como a bomba de água e o compressor do ar condicionado, mas também para o Motor de Arranque/Alternador Integrado (ISG) que também fornece energia à bateria através da recuperação altamente eficiente de energia.
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Também disponível está a próxima geração do ecrã head‑up display, cuja resolução de 720 x 240 pixels e a distância alargada de projeção define novos padrões. A informação importante é projetada no para-brisas e, portanto, evita que o condutor desvie a sua atenção do trânsito. O condutor também é sujeito a uma menor fadiga ocular pois não tem que reorientar constantemente a sua visão entre uma vista ao perto e uma vista ao longe. Um sistema de lentes e espelhos projeta uma imagem a cores de cerca de 45 x 15 centímetros no para-brisas. Aos olhos do condutor aparenta flutuar acima do capot a uma distância de cerca de 3 metros. Agora com mais do dobro do tamanho, a imagem virtual é 20% mais brilhante para uma melhor compreensão em condições de elevada luminosidade e tem espaço para mais informação sobre, por exemplo, a atual fonte de áudio, a atual chamada telefónica efetuada e recebida e ainda o estado da bateria do telemóvel ligado. Além disso, indica o tempo de chegada e a distância para o destino se o guia de percurso estiver ativo. O condutor poderá selecionar a informação considerada relevante, incluindo o conteúdo adicional para condução fora de estada como a inclinação do veículo, a distribuição do binário e as forças de aceleração.
Sistema de tração integral 4MATIC: agilidade na estrada, superioridade fora de estrada
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Em todas as variantes do novo GLE, a potência é transmitida pela caixa de velocidades automática 9G-TRONIC. O escalonamento da caixa de velocidades com nove relações permite reduzir claramente a rotação do motor e é um fator decisivo para os elevados níveis de eficiência energética e de conforto de condução. Com os motores de quatro cilindros, o sistema de tração integral 4MATIC é fornecido com uma caixa de transferência que transmite o binário aos eixos numa relação de transmissão fixa de 50:50. As rodas com tendência para patinar são travadas através da intervenção dos travões na roda relevante.
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constructionfirm · 7 years
PixelFLEX poolside at The Nine via The ESB Group
Operated by The Scion Group, The Nine at Tuscaloosa is a high-quality apartment community with a full set of innovative and luxurious amenities. Located only a short distance from the University of Alabama, The Nine also includes a resort-style pool complex where the residents and their guests can enjoy the finest in outdoor living. Wanting a high-definition visual element to complete the poolside environment, especially on game day, the management team called upon the design specialists at The ESB Group who installed an IP-65 rated FLEXStorm LED video display from PixelFLEX.
“The Nine is a privately-owned, upscale apartment complex located near the University of Alabama that has created a truly unique living environment,” began Drew Breland, Solutions Architect and Design Engineer, The ESB Group, Inc. “Inside there is a spacious lobby where tenants can enjoy a luxury clubhouse, a Starbucks Internet café, or even a virtual golf course. Outside, the property has a beautiful resort-style pool complex which is completed by the HD FLEXStorm LED video display.”
Built to withstand adverse weather conditions while still providing a truly breathtaking experience, the fully IP-65 rated FLEXStorm LED can be utilized for outdoor advertising, entertainment, and much more. With its adjustable sensors that communicate directly with the cabinets control system, FLEXStorm has variable brightness offerings between 6500-7500 Nits to look its best day or night. Additionally, using cloud-based content management, updating the FLEXStorm is simple and easy with the click of a button, and the fully front-serviceable panels allow for quick access to the electronics and data control for any onsite service.
Breland continued, “The FLEXStorm LED measures about 20-feet wide, and it’s positioned so that no matter where you are in the courtyard, you can easily see the screen. We then prewired for a dedicated poolside audio system that can work in conjunction with the FLEXStorm for a complete outdoor A/V design.”
With the LED video solution now identified, the team at The ESB Group was ready to begin the build-out of the retrofitted, poolside LED video display. Knowing the ideal placement, a permanent structure was created prior to their arrival, which made for a quick and easy install.
“To create the permanent mounting structure for the FLEXStorm, the management team brought in an engineer who welded together an aluminum frame that anchors directly to the concrete patio,” explained Breland. “From an installation standpoint, I really like how the FLEXStorm comes ready to assemble in the back box, which allowed us to quickly assemble the first row. Once we got that first-row level to the aluminum backing frame, it was as simple as stacking blocks.”
As the final LED panel was put into place, it was time to run the controls that would bring the new outdoor living experience at The Nine to life. Benefitting from the AV system control room that already existed in the luxurious lobby, it was a simple power and data cable run that made the FLEXStorm LED fully operational.
“The controls for the FLEXStorm system are coming off a tuner box that is located inside the clubhouse control room where they also control all of the interior A/V as well,” added Breland. “This really was an ideal location, so we connected the NovaStar processor to the TV tuner and it allows them to use the FLEXStorm LED video display in a traditional TV format.”
With University of Alabama football season quickly approaching, the outdoor FLEXStorm LED video display was now complete. Designed specifically to enhance the poolside experience as the Crimson Tide takes the field, the FLEXStorm LED is ready to play, no matter if it’s an afternoon or nighttime kick-off.
“All the guests absolutely love it and they keep calling it their outdoor big screen,” concluded Breland. “Additionally, no one has to ever worry about changing the brightness of the display since the FLEXStorm technology will automatically adjust to the optimum viewing brightness. It really does provide a great living experience when everyone is outside, with the grill’s fired up, in a community tailgate-party watching the University of Alabama football game on a 20-foot LED TV.”
An American-based LED manufacturer, PixelFLEX offers creative solutions, reliable products, and dependable service for our industry-leading LED display technologies and solutions. Driven towards excellence to meet your standards, PixelFLEX offers a one-of-a-kind design for your tour, event or installation through our award-winning line of LED video walls and video screens. Working with architects, designers, engineers and consultants, PixelFLEX is proud to develop custom LED solutions for each and every customer while also providing top-tier customer support throughout the entire experience. For more information on the complete line of PixelFLEX LED video walls and video screens, visit PixelFLEX at pixelflexled.com, follow us on Twitter at @pixelflexled or find us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.
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Relevant information gathered coming from The University of Alabama: a guide to the campus through Robert Oliver Mellown (Tuscaloosa: University from Alabama Press, c1988), The Educational institution from Alabama, a photographic past through Suzanne Rau Wolfe (University: College of Alabama Push, c1983), and the College of Learning's Past webpage. Led through approximately 350 upper-classmen Welcome Full week volunteer leaders, first-year trainees adventure Welcome Full week activities in little teams. Utilizing contemporary information technology trainees study, design, and also apply accountancy systems in addition to appropriate interior command frameworks. DNA structure and also security: mutations versus fixing. The shorter cars keeps terminal development expense below would hold true for a light-rail terminal, but the smaller sized vehicles do not offer equal bring capability as that from a light-rail learn. Block 1: An essential introduction to the major theories from moral philosophy: merit idea, task based (deontological) Kantian theory as well as consequentialism (utilitarianism). The sessions will certainly include private capabilities, professions for bioscience grads, records of achievement, curriculum vitae planning, vacation work, postgraduate research, meeting skill-sets and action organizing.
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The Graduate University's Academic Operations and also plans matches College student Lifestyle and also offers info about Graduate Institution managerial and also scholastic plans and techniques. But just what matters very most to our trainees are actually the much more than 254 areas of research study to discover. Gators for College make every effort to be advocates for UF and also create this the most effective that may be - a top-ranked university that informs Fla's potential forerunners, owns the state's economical growth, makes discoveries in scientific study, and serves the people of our state.
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The kayak signified the splendid spirit as well as combating judgment standard from the independent Florida Seminole tribe that was presented every year in between the Hurricanes and Gators. Both actors/educators will definitely speak at the 10th annual peak in September. The schedule features the Transactions Tail gate, the TWD Hangout, Trip de TSA (Transmission Student Ambassadors) in addition to pick Welcome Week events.
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junker-town · 7 years
Alabama vs. Florida State: 6 things that will define 2017’s massive opener
Why the Noles have a better shot to make this a classic than you might think.
We’ve come close to this game a few times in the Nick Saban-Jimbo Fisher era. The first was in 2013, when Alabama and Florida State seemed to be on a collision course until the Kick Six knocked Bama from the title picture. Plenty of people anticipated that they might square off the following year in the first Playoff, but Marcus Mariota and Ezekiel Elliott had other ideas.
In Week 1 in Atlanta, we’ll finally get it. It might be the biggest season opener ever. College GameDay will be there for a duel between likely top-five teams. The winner will be a title frontrunner. A few things to keep an eye on:
1. Which team gets championship-caliber QB play?
Jalen Hurts and Deondre Francois will both be entering their sophomore seasons.
Hurts had to carry a much greater burden, as Alabama became an option-running team, nearly getting three thousand-yard rushers. Hurts was brought along slowly in the passing game, although he still threw for 2,780 yards and 23 TDs.
In the Playoff, Alabama needed him in the passing gam,e and he threw 45 passes for 188 yards (4.2 per pass) and a single TD. Alabama is not beating Florida State without either a dominant defensive performance or a more dynamic Hurts.
Francois was also a factor in both the run and pass. He threw 400 passes for 3,350 yards (8.4 per pass) and 20 TDs while taking 74 carries for 485 yards and five more TDs. But the main thrust of the FSU offense was Dalvin Cook. If Francois could exploit the ways defenses played Cook, like against NC State, then FSU was nearly unbeatable. If not, Cook gave them a chance.
This was evident in the Orange Bowl against Michigan, which shut down Francois but yielded a 71-yard run to Cook and a 92-yard catch-and-run to Nyquan Murray. Without Cook, FSU will need Francois to make a leap.
2. Florida State’s defense might — might — be better than Bama’s.
Normally, there’s not a question of which team has the best defense, when Alabama is involved. But Florida State has some unique talents. It might be better than any defense Alabama faced en route to Clemson last season.
Losing almost all of 2016 to injury has only fed the legend of safety/pass-rusher/destroyer of worlds Derwin James, who has top-five NFL draft hopes.
The Seminoles move James all over, usually turning the deep field into a no-fly zone at field safety. He was absent in disastrous performances against Lamar Jackson’s Louisville and Deshaun Watson’s Clemson and will be instrumental to keeping Hurts contained.
Additionally, the Noles return safeties Trey Marshall and A.J. Westbrook, who gained valuable experience in 2016 playing without James. (Marshall is suspended for the first half of this game because of a targeting penalty in the Orange Bowl.) Also back is cornerback Tarvarus McFadden (eight INTs), both starting inside linebackers (Ro’Derrick Hoskins and Matthew Thomas), and a pair of excellent pass-rushers in Josh Sweat (seven sacks) and Brian Burns (9.5 sacks).
3. Obviously, Alabama’s defense is elite. But this is Week 1.
That’s despite sending seven defenders into the NFL. The Tide return four starters in the secondary, including their own Swiss army-knife safety, Minkah Fitzpatrick, and are plugging in the usual assortment of blue-chips across their front.
However, they don’t have an established pass-rusher. Also of note, Alabama has had an all-American inside linebacker every year this decade save for 2010, but the next man up, Shaun Dion Hamilton, is working back from an ACL tear. Rashaan Evans has star potential, but his specialty is not the interior run-stopping that has defined the Nick Saban era.
The Tide will be more than fine, as they have blue-chips with multiple seasons in “The Process” who can plug holes. But when they head into Week 1, they’ll have lots of guys who need to prove themselves. The Seminoles are loaded with up-and-comers who are used to playing in enormous games.
4. Hurts will have a massive challenge.
A major leap from either quarterback could make all the difference, but the deck is loaded against Hurts.
The hurdle to stopping Alabama’s offense is getting the ends and linebackers on the same page in how they are going to play the option. Damien Harris was a terror on the edge a year ago, Hurts is a plus ball-carrier on the edge and can go between the tackles, and Bo Scarbrough emerged down the stretch as potentially the most dominant of the three.
Florida State failed the test when they faced Louisville’s spread-option attack, largely because there wasn’t cohesion between the DEs and LBs on how they were playing Jackson:
LB Matthew Thomas (No. 6) is all over the place by this point. Since the Noles have a three-technique DT here in the read-side B gap (between the guard and tackle), their DE can be contain player on the edge without worrying about giving up a downhill crease. But Thomas is taking all kinds of confused steps, and instead of being freed up to play downhill, he’s darting wide out of concern for the handoff and making himself an easy target for the pulling guard, while setting up his teammates for embarrassment at the hands of Jackson.
Alabama doesn’t have anyone quite as shifty as Jackson, but the Tide have a superior OL. However, if FSU’s front goes in well-drilled on the option game, which seems inevitable after a full offseason of preparation, they can limit the easy creases up front and set up their own secondary to dominate. With McFadden back at corner, it’s likely that the Noles will load the box and keep a safety in position to clean things up.
You never know where James (No. 3) may end up after the snap, whether he’s dropping down (maybe even to blitz), locking down a slot so the nickel or Sam LB can attack the box, or dropping into deep coverage.
The hope in Tuscaloosa is that Hurts will be a bit more effective attacking teams that load up the box with deep shots to Bama’s star-studded WR corps.
He drilled an RPO fade in their spring game to Robert Foster that surely caught the attention of rival scouts. Bama loves to give Hurts the choice to hand off, throw, or keep it, and if he’s pinpointing his throws, that’s money.
FSU will count on its corners not getting burned by the Alabama wideouts, but if Hurts can throw back-shoulder fades and force some bracket coverage, that could open up the Tide run.
But this is a really tough Week 1 draw for Hurts, facing such a big and athletic secondary and a nasty pass rush behind an OL replacing left tackle Cam Robinson. If they can’t hit shots like that one, the Tide could be punting pretty often.
5. FSU’s offense is in more of a reload than a transition.
FSU always has offensive talent in high supply, so it’s never hard to imagine a return to the heights of 2013.
But the first-team tight end is Ryan Izzo, a solid target, but one who specialized in blocking for Cook. Potential star receivers Auden Tate and Murray are still just that: potential stars. The last time we saw Francois, he didn’t look like Jameis Winston. On its line, FSU returns plenty of guys who got snaps over the last few years, although they have to replace NFL-bound left tackle Roderick Johnson.
In rising TE Mavin Saunders, the Noles do have an intriguing weapon in the passing game.
But this supporting cast is still designed to make the run the main feature. That should be particularly true against an Alabama that’s loaded in the secondary and has one of their best anti-pass LBs we’ve seen under Saban, Evans.
So we can expect Florida State to reload the run rather than transitioning back to being a passing team. Jacques Patrick is back and had 61 runs for 350 yards (5.7 per carry) and four TDs a year ago, and Alabama should expect to see a lot of freshman Cam Akers, a five-star talent.
Florida State’s main goal on offense will be to progress in the passing game while holding steady (to the extent this is possible without Cook) in the run, in the hopes of overwhelming teams with balance. If Alabama takes a step back up front and Fisher can get after the Tide secondary, there may be a path to points.
6. The big shock in this game would be if it featured much scoring.
These are two teams with NFL athletes across their defenses (seven potential first-rounders, according to one early mock draft), squaring off in Week 1, when offenses are still working out the kinks.
The Alabama and Florida State offenses that are operating by the end of the conference play will be fairly different from the units in this game, but the winner will be strongly positioned in the Playoff picture regardless.
With their two players wearing No. 3 — James on defense and Akers on offense — the Seminoles might have enough big-play firepower to take down a perpetually rebuilding Bama.
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