#interesting to consider the dynamics within a separate isolated environment
daysofnights · 6 months
hp completely avoids any non english/english student conflicts especially during the marauders era
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comicaurora · 3 years
This is a bit of a weird question, but what's your favorite character parallel and what's your favorite character contrast that you put in here.
Oh baby, it really is christmas because this is exactly the kind of question I ADORE answering!
There are a ton of character parallels in my cast, which I credit in large part to the fact that I have only had three ideas in my entire life. You could build a venn diagram out of the traits these characters share. A complicated one, that probably can't be efficiently mapped in three dimensions.
Kendal and Tess: PARALLEL - Two characters with long memories of a life they feel disconnected from and shorter recent memories of a new life they only recently gained control over they're happier with. CONTRAST - Tess feels completely free and unfettered, while Kendal feels bound to his duty to Vash and the purpose he believes he was solely made for.
Tess and Falst: PARALLEL - Two largely self-sufficient loners really good at watching out for themselves and really bad at managing Polite Social Engagements. CONTRAST - Tess tends to focus only on a very small subset of Things Happening Around Her, often leading to her being blindsided or acting "inappropriately" for the situation due to sporadic attentiveness, while Falst is constantly on high alert and typically tries to avoid notice wherever he can to avoid attracting trouble. Also, Tess is a loner by choice and having an absolute blast wandering the world punching interesting things, while Falst is not.
Kendal and Alinua: PARALLEL - Two extremely lonely people struggling to make it alone who found each other and became foundational to one another's lives. Both reflexively self-sacrificing and each one completely and utterly unwilling to lose the other. CONTRAST - while Kendal will throw himself into danger for anyone who needs help regardless of who they are, Alinua has a little more self-preservation and genuinely really wants to stay alive - she recognizes the self-destructive instinct within herself as an error and sees it in Kendal the same way, and it frustrates her that their dynamic seems unbalanced in this direction: she can't trust Kendal to consider his own well-being the way he showed her she should care about her own.
Kendal and Falst: PARALLEL - Two characters fundamentally disconnected from everyone around them; no matter how friendly their relationships or how kind the people they encounter, there's a level on which they are utterly separate from their surroundings. CONTRAST - Falst's alienation is wholly external and results from a hostile environment treating him poorly for reasons beyond his control and could broadly be solved by finding people who like him and share common ground with him, while Kendal's alienation is wholly internal and results from a disconnect in the way he perceives and engages with the world around him. Both are hurt by this, but Falst recognizes that this suffering is being inflicted on him, while Kendal sees it as an unavoidable consequence of him Being Like This. While Falst is occasionally tempted to abandon a large part of what makes him himself in order to escape that suffering, Kendal considers his own alien characteristics an inflexible property that cannot and should not be changed.
Falst and Alinua: PARALLEL - Two characters accustomed to unwilling solitude and viewing happy, functional social situations wholly from the outside and knowing there's absolutely no place for them in that space. Both are fiercely loyal to a potentially unhealthy degree. CONTRAST - Alinua believes that the thing that forced her isolation has vanished, leaving her free to engage with the world she's been stuck outside of for so long, while Falst knows all too well that the thing that forced his isolation is a constant, present threat that must be newly assessed in every "civilized" situation, so while he's also able to engage with a world that he hasn't had access to until recently, he's much more cautious and guarded, ready to treat every situation like a fight.
Alinua and Erin: PARALLEL - Two characters with incredible power they only barely control. CONTRAST: While Erin is methodical, tactical and prepares for every contingency he can think of, Alinua is fluid and flexible and frequently acts without thinking. Erin overthinks, while Alinua often purposefully avoids considering things that are too upsetting - a defense mechanism to avoid the bursts of uncontrolled power that have historically accompanied her emotional outbursts. Also, while Erin knows all too well what his superpowerful possessing force wants with him, Alinua has no idea what Life's broader intentions are.
Tess and Alinua: PARALLEL - Two characters with unusual and in some way unacceptable power that feel that they need to reduce and suppress themselves to fit into certain spaces. CONTRAST - Tess has spent too long being reduced and suppressed and categorically rejects it as an option, instead opting to be as loud and as present as she needs to be, while Alinua is a bit more flexible and will keep a lid on things until and unless she feels the situation call for a little extremity.
Unfortunately a lot of the character parallels/contrasts for Erin and Dainix are fully spoilers at this point, so I can't go too far into that right now, but I CAN say
Erin and Falst: PARALLEL - Careful tactical planners, not fans of unnecessary risks, frustrated by their own conscience pushing them to do selfless things for people, daddy issues. CONTRAST - literally everything else.
Dainix and Erin: PARALLEL - Both far from home trying to understand something dangerous and destructive. CONTRAST - Dainix is highly empathic while Erin is constantly blindsided by people Having Feelings.
Dainix and Falst: CONTRAST - Emotionally honest mostly-open book vs only expressing the slightest hint of emotional vulnerability under IMMENSE duress
Personally I love all the little contrasts because they enable all kinds of fun clashes - nothing story-breaking, but it's so easy to find an angle on almost any situation that leads to at least one disagreement. But there's also enough common ground that everyone has an angle to understand everyone else.
Right now I'm really getting a kick out of the dynamic between Falst and Alinua, because it doesn't really look like they should have much in common, but that's what makes it so fun when they hang out! Or fight. I'm not picky.
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pointy-eared chaos duo my eternal beloved
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pinehub · 5 years
Team-ing with Potential
By Megan Schrader
           For the modern professional, teamwork might come across as an empty buzzword. Working with others to reach a common goal sounds great in theory, but in the midst of the chaos of corporate functioning, this ideal can seem impractical or impossible. There is not always time to coordinate with your coworkers when you all have completely booked schedules. More authoritative leaders may contribute to diminished feelings of team unity by acting independently of their employee’s best interests. And sometimes, even when there is the time and support to work with those around you, a team can feel more like a hindrance than a support.
           I am aware of these conceptions of teamwork that you may hold, and at times I have internalized these thoughts myself. Therefore, it is vital that we remind ourselves of the value of group effort going forth.
           Nearly everyone is aware of what teamwork is—as its name suggests, teamwork is the process in which a group of individuals work together to reach a common goal. Successful teams are able to navigate physical, mental, and social barriers in order to achieve their goals. With strong cooperation and organization, a team is capable of accomplishing feats not possible for any one individual. With this potential for high achievement, it is no surprise that you hear about teamwork so often at work or in the media.
 Successful Teamwork
           Not all teams manage to achieve their goals, but there is much to be learned from considering those that do. Groups that succeed often share a number of traits and behaviors. For instance:
Organized teams where each member knows their task and function are more efficient. There is no question of who will be completing each part of the effort, reducing the chance of incomplete or redundant tasks. The work each teammate contributes is unique and vital to reaching the predetermined target.
Cooperative teams that support each other build better relationships. Team members are able to work with one another positively. Depending on the task, these members may be able to turn to one another for assistance with particularly challenging assignments.
Communicative teams are able to pass along thoughts and concerns. Each teammate is able and willing to share their personal insights. Every member has the opportunity to vocalize their personal thoughts on the task.
Accountable teams where members are noted on their effort encourage high quality results. Meaningful output is prioritized, as both excellent and sub-par work will be connected to those who created it. Members are less likely to succumb to social loafing. 
Despite having been listed separately above, it is unrealistic to consider these characteristics in isolation and expect positive results. Traits such as organization, cooperation, communication, and accountability are immeasurably intertwined. To be missing one characteristic would inevitably decrease the likelihood of a team exhibiting the other three.
           To understand this inter-connectivity, consider the concept of organization. A team can clearly assign roles to each member, keeping a record of who is acting which part, and consider themselves organized. But if this team cannot cooperate, assignments are unlikely to be completed in the ideal manner. There will be less concern for providing required materials or time to other members, and there could be decreased investment in the group work as a whole. If this same team cannot communicate, then pieces of the work are unlikely to form a coherent result. The finished project will accordingly be choppy, illogical, or contradictory at parts. And if each teammate is also unaccountable, these individuals will have diminished concern for how their individual assignment turns out—their work is lost amongst that of their teammates anyway, so they are free of blame for the disastrous final piece.
           This inter-connectivity is in turn applicable to the other factors that we have discussed. Accountability begets trust, a powerful factor in positive communication and cooperation. Teams that cannot communicate with one another will struggle to cooperate with one another and assign tasks evenly. So while there is value to understanding the individual factors that contribute to good teamwork, ultimately these factors must be considered in conjunction if a team wishes to improve.
 Teamwork in the Corporate World
           As said before, collaboration can produce greater results than any individual is capable of achieving alone. Each member of a team has a unique perspective, and by discussing the best methods to meet a goal during brainstorming, creative new ideas can begin to form. Members can build off of each other’s thoughts and work. They can assign tasks to the most capable individuals. They can divide the workload to speed along the process. Teamwork can produce fantastic results.
           Alternatively, if a team does not function well, the resulting work will be inadequate at best. Why do many employers then take this risk? Perhaps it is safer for employees to work independently. In isolation, accountability and organization is easy to maintain. Communication and cooperation become irrelevant. The success of each task is determined solely by each worker’s personal capabilities. There is a certain appeal to such an argument.
           But there is a significant downside to taking such an approach to employee management. By collaborating with coworkers, working together through successes and failures, employees form a closer bond. They start to feel loyal to one another, and to the work that they do. By promoting a sense of community within a workspace, a company will find that its employees report having pride in their work and respect for their office. They will want to continue to contribute to the business, and in the face of outside opportunities, they are far more likely to think twice. When they are working independently of one another, employee loyalty and happiness is diminished.
 The Science of Teamwork
           Teamwork is intrinsic to human nature. Humans evolved as social creatures; your chances of survival and expansion are far greater as a group, and this fact was not lost on early Homo sapiens. We formed tribes and communities, and cities and countries. We began to group ourselves by a plethora of characteristics—gender, personality, race, religion, sexuality, and so on—and fought with each other to promote the success of our own “team” over others. Human beings are designed to work with those considered their teammates.
           Yet the fact remains that not all teams work well together. Over the years, curious researchers have sought greater understanding of the dynamics of a team. One such researcher, Dr. Meredith Belbin, studied a number of teams in the 1970’s in an attempt to learn about group functioning. Through his work, Belbin identified nine different roles that members of a team usually fell into, defined by that member’s typical behavior and voice within the group. To briefly explain these roles:
Plants are innovators, who provide new, unexpected ideas about how to complete the task.
Resource Investigators are the individuals best at consulting with outside parties or researching external information.
Coordinators are delegators, skilled at assigning tasks to their teammates.
Shapers are the driving force of a team, and are focused primarily on achieving results.
Monitor Evaluators are thoughtful, rational individuals, known to thoroughly consider any potential action.
Implementers are procedural workers willing to work hard at any task.
Teamworkers are person-oriented and work to maintain order amongst a team.
Completer-Finishers are perfectionists that consistently produce high-quality work.
Specialists are experts, capable of teaching their teammates new skills and knowledge.
           Belbin surmised from his lengthy investigation that the best teams—those that produced high-quality results through collaboration—were not those that favored any one role. Rather, successful teams were generally balanced in their role distribution. By combining such a variety of personalities and drives, teammates designed effective solutions, maintained group harmony, and kept each other focused. In this way, these teams were able to thrive under stressful situations and reap profits.
 Promoting Teamwork
           If you are struggling to work with teammates or are managing a team in conflict, it is important to consider the personalities of the individuals involved. It is possible that the team members are poorly balanced, or that an important role in the group has not been filled. If this is the primary issue that a team faces, then restructuring the group is essential for collaboration to occur.
           In some cases, teammates will simply not get along. Pre-existing interpersonal conflict may impact the ability for two or more individuals to cooperate. Personal biases may leave members unwilling to compromise. Clashing personalities may lead to more arguing than creative thought. This is not to say that teamwork is impossible in this situations. If differences can be put aside and a relationship can be forged, there is still potential for this team to accomplish great things. It will simply require more attention than restructuring.
           The best approach in this type of situation is to encourage bonding. The old adage that “opposites attract” rarely rings true in life; on the contrary, humans get along best with those closest to them. In other words, an individual is much more likely to get along with someone they are frequently exposed to, a person with shared experiences and familiar personality traits. Therefore, hosting group events where team members can talk and share is one of the best methods towards encouraging teamwork. Lighthearted activities requiring individuals to work together are a good way to promote cohesion in a low-stakes environment, and can provide a shared experience for vastly different personalities to connect over.
           While it is the diversity of a team that nurtures new, sometimes unorthodox ideas, it is vital to remind a team that its members are not as different as they might believe. Common threads will bring a team closer together. If those threads have not appeared naturally, perhaps it is time to set some in place.
 Team-ing with potential
           Maybe teamwork is a bit of a buzzword in the modern day, but it is a buzzword with strong justification. Many of us struggle to work with others. It’s normal. Not all personalities mesh well, and not everyone you meet is destined to become your best friend. But when you need to work with someone that you don’t get on with, it is important to be aware of why teamwork is necessary and appreciate the unique perspective that this person brings. Maintain open communication, collaboration, and organization, and hold one another accountable for your actions, and even if you don’t become great friends, you can at the very least function as a great team.
           And if you are an employer trying to decide whether a team structure will be optimal for your organization, I urge you to give it consideration. Employees that are able to work together are far more likely to be happy where they are, and are more likely to remain loyal to the community that you have provided them. Ultimately, a happy team is at the base of most any successful company.
Cherry, Kendra. (2018). “How Social Loafing Is Studied in Psychology.” Verywell Mind at https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-social-loafing-2795883.
Foley, Robert. (2009). “The evolution of society.” Philosophical Transactions of The Royal
Pine Hub at https://pine-hub.com/.
Salas, E. and Cannon-Bowers, J.A. “Teamwork and Team Training.” International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B0080430767014364.
Society at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/26871597_The_evolution_of_society.
“The Nine Belbin Team Roles.” Belbin at https://www.belbin.com/about/belbin-team-roles/.
Ward, Deborah. (2013). “The Familiarity Principle of Attraction.” Psychology Today at https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/sense-and-sensitivity/201302/the-familiarity-principle-attraction.
About the Author
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         Megan Schrader is a writer and content creator for Pine Hub. She graduated with honours from St. Mary’s College of Maryland, receiving her BSc in Psychology in 2018. Megan has since emigrated to Ireland and settled in Dublin, where she enjoys discovering the local culture. She is passionate about writing, art, coffee and all things psychology.
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Seventeen: Boo Seungkwan - Overview
💕Hello! Switching it up today, after Josh’s post since I wanted to give a comparison to how Capricorns can be different from one another depending on their own personal aspects/placements. I really enjoy talking about the boys in relation to one another, and will do so for the rest of the members from now on! I’ll probably do a member dynamic and sub-unit? It’ll be so fun to mix-and-match svt, from the 95z line to leader-line to individual units to china-line and booseoksoon or the instagrammers. I hope I can get to do it later! 💕
If you’re interested in Seventeen Astrology, here are the overviews for:  Seungcheol | Jeonghan | Joshua | Wonwoo | Jun | Hoshi | Woozi | Seungkwan | Vernon | Minghao
Woozi Inner Planet Natal Reading (separate from his Overview)   I’ll be constantly updating/adding more as I go. Check my Masterlist for other groups/idols if you’re interested. 💕
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(a precious boy!💕) 
💕disclaimer: i’m a novice on astrology but these are my interpretations of the signs and how they’re working based on my experiences with them. Everyone has different opinions and studies in astrology, all interpretation and experiences within the realm is valid. However feel free to make your own post or skip if you strongly disagree. There might be inaccuracy and difference in opinions. But the point of this post is to relate, entertain and have a fun time. I’m hoping to validate people with similar experiences and get people excited about the girls+ astrology. Also, since we don’t know most of their birth times, I’m using the standard 12.00pm💕
EDIT: Thank you for anon who corrected my foolish ways, I thought he was born in Jeju but now I Know Better. 💕 Just in case you wanted to know: it didn’t affect anything much but it’s nice to have correct information. Again, thank you anon! 💕
January 16 1998 (Busan, South Korea)
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Capricorn Sun (3rd Decan ruled by Virgo/Mercury)
First of all, Seungkwan’s Capricorn is in 3rd decan, that mean it has the influence of Mercury all over his sense of self/ego. He has this kind of restless quality to him, upbeat and much more in-tune with the material world than Joshua sometimes. 
Capricorn with Virgo decan tends to be more light-hearted than Capricorn in the 1st Decan. 
Joshua is a Capricorn in 1st Decan, with Saturn is heavily influencing him (compared to Seungkwan who has the pull of Mercury making him abit more-- active and responsive?). 
Joshua is a lot more quieter than Seungkwan. Although they do tend to joke/find humor similarly to each other -- Joshua can be more of the darker/drier kind, while Seungkwan is more of a responder to jokes (Virgo are responsive, but usually not instigators- Mutable) 
That’s not to say Seungkwan doesn’t exude the sense of self that Joshua has, in fact they’re share similar ‘vibes’ with each other than they are different. Both Joshua and Seungkwan usually relies on others to make a response to them, puts up a ‘front’ somewhat or a persona and finds it hard to let other people in/hear their personal emotions. 
It’s a good study on how earth-signs work, and the influences of each sign on a person’s chart. Since they share Capricorn Sun of different decan, and both have Earth Moons (Joshua is a Taurus Moon while Seungkwan is a Virgo Moon) -- you can see how Joshua is so self-assured, often subtle but equally sassy usually through his facial expressions. Whist Seungkwan is much more reactive, often a responsive and attentive to others (the way he looks at the person for reaction), asks others for their opinions and gets hurt more easily (or rather, shows it easier than Joshua does)
In fact, the difference here is more about speed and tone than anything else. They do things for exactly the same reason, but the way they go about it differs in the tempo that they’re individually at. 
Joshua is much slower paced than Seungkwan, mostly due to his Taurus Moon making him much more complacent and tends to repress himself naturally (Capricorn 1st Decan as well) while Seungkwan is often much more wary, cautious and tends to be actively aware of his environment more so than Joshua is. 
Seungkwan’s Virgo Decan makes him appear light-hearted, yet at the same time, much more anxious than Joshua. While Joshua’s Cap/Taurus Moon makes him serene, grounded and approachable. Seungkwan’s Cap/Virgo gives him more of an ‘air-sign’ energy to him. 
Pro-active, often cautious but also much more talkative. Seungkwan’s prone to joking but at the same time can get a little tedious to be around due to how fast he’s working. 
Capricorn with the influence of Virgo in their chart values activity, they want to feel like they’re actively participating in something or is productive in some way. Whether it be a personal achievement or a long-term goal, they can have a busy-body vibe to them. 
Ok so focusing more on Seungkwan himself. Seungkwan’s energy is much more focused on mental strengths, often a natural whizz and disciplined in terms of being thoughtful and aware of his external surroundings-- he can easily tap into other people’s emotions and helps them intellectually. 
Capricorn with Mercury decans are usually very quick-witted, whether they realized this or not. They often have a quip ready or some kind of one-liner to end all one-liner. They take alot of pride in surprising others that way, and garnering respect/reputation for it socially as well. 
He’s often very playful, his soul needs a playmate. He easily finds that in Vernon who gets kind of lost in the in-between of dreams-reality sometimes. 
For Seungkwan, it’s easy to tap into the mindscape and the reality. It’s all combined into one dimension for him, he can easily align and organize Vernon’s multi-dimensional perspective into one organized view, and participate from there. It’s very grounding to be around, because he usually takes a leading role in their dynamic as well (Cardinal) 
They’re also much more needier at home, same can be said about Josh. But while Josh is content to just be in his domestic space regardless of people (just by being around them is enough) -- Seungkwan needs some kind of interactions with him. He often seeks out those who are welcoming, often makes domestic space safe and easy for him to be in. 
Communication really is a big key to Seungkwan, so someone who doesn’t really say what they feel/think or those who says one thing and acts another really turns him away. He often feels like he can’t please them, and therefore can’t trust them. It destabilize his external environment, which is something his Capricorn is adamant on keeping at all times.  
He also has his Sun-Conjunct-Venus, which means his soul (Sun) fuels directly from social relationships around him (Venus). He’s extremely adept at being diplomatic, exploitive of opportunity but honest and humble about it. He’s serious and mature when he’s working, and often explains himself very clearly. If he does something wrong, he’s the type to reach out and apologize sincerely before the situation gets out of hand (Virgo decan).
It’s extremely important that he’s always surrounded by people, whether its the boys or staff members, he’s the type to seek out others and make sure to establish clear lines of communication-- otherwise, he can doubt himself, doubt that anyone really likes him, and gets stuck trying to isolate himself (Joshua does it too). He gets really anxious and paranoid that he’s being misunderstood. 
It probably does him really well to move into big cities like Seoul, because on one hand he’ll have limitless opportunity to be surrounded by people and reach a wider audience. At the same time, it also spikes his Capricorn’s fear of being used. The anxiety correlates to how big he’s become, of how his team’s popularity grows. 
On one hand, he’s grateful for it because he works damn hard for it (quietly ambitious, for himself and others around him) at the same time, he’s afraid of spiraling out of control. 
Being surrounded by the boys who can support him, really helps. It would help him even more if he learns how to open up sometimes, even when he’s trying his best-- sometimes he relies so much on other’s intuition to pick up on his moods and psychological health that he represses himself too much and isolate himself that way. 
Sun-Conjunct-Venus can also makes him extremely attached to vanity, or the idea of perfection/beauty because he’s closely tied it to being ‘necessary’ for his soul. 
In order to be well-liked, he has to have a good perception of himself. And that can be extremely hard to do, considering the Capricorn can have a very harsh, often self-decrepitating view of themselves (also: Virgo Moon). If he manages to reach some sort of idealized version of himself, Capricorn tends to be very posy and acts like ‘calm, cool city guy’. That’s their idealized image of themselves. And their vanity runs deep.
It’s part of why he admires Vernon so much, because Vernon is-- ideally speaking, Seungkwan’s projected image of ‘perfection’. You can have anything, if you’re that good looking. He tends to compare himself to others because of his own insecurities, but also because his sense of self/ego (Sun) is tied into beauty (Venus) and therefore-- social relations that comes with it (Venus as well). 
To him, the ability to charm others just by looks alone is correlated directly to his ego (Sun), since Capricorns aren’t one to be so forward or externalize alot of aegyo charm to bring people to them.   
Seungkwan also has his Sun-Conjunct-Neptune explains how sensitive he is. Besides being much more reactive and restless than Joshua, having his sense of self (ego) tied to his subconscious (Neptune) he’s extremely sympathetic to plights of others, and with Neptune (Pisces) influence he does tend to cry a lot. Usually it has to do with others, whether it’s a movie or a sad song. 
Most likely it has to do with family, or close friends plight. If a member is experiencing trouble, Seungkwan often feels deeply compassionate for them.  He wants to take care of them, and often through physical touches or just by being around their presence. 
 The reason he became a singer at all, might have something to do with supporting his family as well. He doesn’t want to see his family suffer, and being filial is the utmost important thing to him. If he ever sees his mum or sisters cry because they miss him, he’d probably cry too (right after nagging them/whining about it.)
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Virgo Moon 
A shy and sensitive bub, often times he hides this part of himself very well but you can see it in the way he over-worries/stress himself out about how other people perceives him.
I’ve referenced briefly on his Virgo Moon in the earlier section, but I’ll go into details about it now.
Virgo Moons are extremely hard on themselves, particularly when it comes to the world around them. 
Unlike Aquarius Moon or Sagittarius Moon who has an outlet or escape from their suffering (Aquarius Moon resorts to 3rd person perspective/analyzing things objectively, Sagittarius Moon sees thing as sensory/naturally bound) -- Virgo Moon is strictly regulated to the material world and it’s suffering sometimes.
They’re always trying to help others around them, because in turn they want that help to be directed back at themselves. Whether or not they can help others, you can be sure they’ll try their best -- and often has the best intention at heart.
They’re deeply misunderstood mostly because the way they show that they care can become intrusive, they’re a bit of a worrier, overly-stress sometimes and tends to go overboard for the people around them. Which-- in a Moon, can make other people feel like they’re invading their personal space. 
They really don’t mean to be, in fact when they give constructive criticism it’s usually due to their worrying. If it’s something that cannot be fixed, they won’t say a peep (developed Virgo Moon). They can be highly attuned to their environment and people around them, and often very perceptive/sharp. 
Even if you don’t want them to say something, most of the time they’ll offer some sort of advice anyways. The best way that they can show how they care, is to just be a stable presence in other people’s life. Even if that means-- well, hovering.  
He’s particularly harsh on how he perceives himself, arguably this is one of his most....used placement. I wouldn’t say it’s developed but he uses it fairly often. Notice that if you do have a Virgo Moon you’re not stressing yourself out carelessly.  
Virgo Moon means that their emotional ties are linked directly to their health and overall being, their external environment, the state of affair as of that moment. Most of the time, it’s things they can’t change immediately (such as weight or body-image, fame or other people’s worries) it can tend to weigh down on them for a period of time, until they find that they can reach a ‘growth’ or progress in how they see themselves.
So really, it’s kind of a hard place to be when you’re so transfixed on things you can’t change immediately and has to see through a duration for it, y know. 
Their emotional response to thing is usually to structure, organize life of people around them or themselves. Their external environment helps with --- not breaking down. But when they do breakdown it’s usually resulted in thrashing the entire structure they’ve organized in order to fix it back together again. 
They’re a Chaotic Mess but often very very endearing and lovable, just wants the best but because they’re so fixed in their image inside their head/emotions-- they can’t seem to listen to anyone else sometimes (when it comes to their personal life or ideas they might want to change).
They’re often one of the first to offer anyone else help (close friends only), Seungkwan’s the type to really go up to someone and ask ‘I can help with anything?’ -- because they feel best when they’re being productive, they like activity and most of all they like to feel like they’re progressing. 
Again, it all ties back to what they can do immediately and their long-term goals/frustration. Note that this isn’t the same for ALL Virgo Moon but it’s an interpretation of Capricorn Sun in the Virgo Moon in the context of Seungkwan (who has a Capricorn Mercury and Venus as well). 
Virgo Moon also has to watch out not to place too much pressure or stress on themselves, since it tends to cause physical weariness on them as well. Either physical pain or their endurance suffers, being aware of their emotional place and relieving the stress would help them alleviate any physical burden as well. 
Seungkwan is possibly the happiest to overwork himself for his team, he can often even do so with a smile even if it worries everyone else around him. Usually he’ll go ‘it’s ok, I can do it’ -- a real trooper because he wants to be dependable and he cares about them so much, it’s his way of serving them and repaying them back (Virgo Moon affection comes in small dedications/actions).
Same goes with his dieting plans, even if people say it’s absolutely not necessary and he’s ‘fine the way he is’ -- his Capricorn Sun/Virgo Moon would stubbornly refuse to listen. This is because he likes the activity, he likes goals and he stubbornly sticks to the image he’s already set out for himself (Sun-conjunct-Venus).   
His Moon-opposition-Jupiter also points to him feeling like he constantly  has to fight for approval/validation from the public.  This can lead his Virgo Moon to self-destructive tendency, like being unaware he’s overworked himself to the point of ‘burnt out’ or ‘extremely exhausted’. He doesn’t like worrying others, relies on his ‘persona’ to be uplifting and grounded, and he generally keeps an image of reliability to others (same with Joshua-- it’s a Capricorn Sun thing possibly).
In the end, Seungkwan gives so much of himself away in his effort to appease others that’s all that’s left is to rest. He thinks this ‘rest’ is finally what his Virgo would find fulfillment in (emotional fulfillment) but it’s often void. He just feels empty. 
That’s not to say there’s no such emotional fulfilment for Virgo Moons. When there’s a hobby or task they can focus in on-- coach, pull others away from their thoughts and help them in any way (in this case, it’s teaching vocals and MC-ing) -- any type of space where he’s expected to analyze and micromanage, he can do so very well. 
He can be a really clear and deep observer, not just because his Capricorn holds multiple ‘facade’ or ‘persona’ for him to use-- but his Virgo moon makes him naturally acute to other people’s impressions and perceptions. He can pick up cues pretty fast, and deduct whether or not they’re trustworthy or not. 
Most of the time, it’s extremely hard to get to know Seungkwan personally. Not only is he a bit more reserved and traditional than we realized, but he’s also a very cynical and suspicious of other’s intentions towards him and his close friends. 
Be prepared for 100 questions from him, and even then, maybe even occasional side-eyes and squints in your direction. 
Now, Seungkwan also has his Moon-trine-Mercury (0 degrees) -- making him a very animated talker and often a very passionate one as well. He hardly leaves room for others in a conversation, especially when it’s about work or productivity. 
Being completely influenced by Virgo/Mercury all over, sometimes the activity/productiveness can overshadow what he’s actually saying at all. Unlike Hoshi who similarly has Gemini all over his chart (Sun down to his Mars) -- Seungkwan speaks for the sake of productivity, while Hoshi speaks for the sake of getting his thoughts out. Sometimes, Seungkwan can lack forethought with how fast he’s going. 
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Capricorn Mercury
God, Seungkwan is such a good example of just how funny and entertaining Capricorn can be. With the archetype that they’re often somber and depressing to be around -- it can be hard to remember that Capricorn enjoys humor and surprising others with their unusual speech for comedic purpose intentionally sometimes. 
If you think Capricorns are over-dramatic, they really are. For someone who’s aiming to be a goth vampire all the time (aura-wise if not fashion-wise) they are literally the most uncool people to be around (in the best way, mind you)
They would really make a fool of themselves for you, but don’t ever mention it in the public or they’ll be really upset about it. To them, their sense of humor has to be in their own term, and usually a token of trust/intimacy. 
I know it’s kind of hard to understand, but Capricorn aren’t really the type to sacrifice themselves that much for others outrightly. They give what they can give, but usually it’s a show of trust and dedication. It’s the hardest part of a Capricorn that they have the worst time accepting, so when you make fun of them in public-- they feel like you’re betraying their trust.
It’s kind of a weird place to be in, but you can see how/why Seungkwan gets really sensitive and moody about it. He often instigates his own jokes first, and therefore leaves no room for narratives or derive narration to make fun of himself for others.
What he says is what he says, you can’t take it as any other way other than just as a joke. If someone made a joke about him, that’s a different thing entirely and it will upset him. 
In a way, making his own joke and putting it out there way before anyone can make fun of him (because he makes fun of himself) is a self-defense mechanic. Capricorn Mercury seeks to structure their external environment/social structure, they don’t like their narrative being misinterpreted, so they take matters into their own hands sometimes.  
The way he speaks is so sincere, he thinks of others and often for others all the time. Sometimes he can come across as overly sarcastic or cynical (prone to side eyes) but he’s ultimately very caring about what others thinks, particularly what others thinks about him.
Personally it probably scares him, and he’s often too afraid to ask what they really think of him. Because he doesn’t really have a good self-image reflection of himself (Virgo Moon remember?) He keeps thinking ‘if I can do this, if I can achieve the idealized perfection-- then, I can ask what everyone else thinks about me’ -- because it’s predicted that they will like him (at least from his own self-image, not necessarily reality) -- which makes it harder for him to open up, because he can never truly be satisfied that way. 
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Capricorn Venus (R)  (3rd Decan rules by Virgo/Mercury)
The way Seungkwan himself looks at the members? It’s full of love and affection when they’re speaking. He’s very attentive, and he shows he cares in the little details. 
It can have a kind of simple, yet very Virgo impact (Virgo Decan). They show their love and affection in the form of small devotions and dedications, paying attention to the smallest detail. You can be sure Seungkwan is obsess with the small details sometimes (to the point where he over-worries himself- makes him a perfectionist at the expense of his emotional health) 
Having his Capricorn Venus in retrograde he can overcompensate with his Virgo too much (since he has an overabundance it often feels like... he’s flowing through that tap too much?) he has to learn how to recognize and build up his Capricorn and not confuse it for his Virgo sometimes. 
Seungkwan is an adept and very caring individual. You know how Vernon adores and relies on Seungkwan? He has that kind of dopey look on his face sometimes? And Vernon himself can get kind of sloppy with himself? Seungkwan has no problems picking up the slack at all. In fact, that’s exactly how his Capricorn/Virgo manifest. He likes taking care of people, organizing their life, structuring them. 
Him asking Vernon to kiss his head/cheek? A very Good Capricorn Venus trait. Although it can make him stiff/nervous usually, physical affection is Good for the Capricorn to destress/bond with others with.
Seungkwan is more of a feet on the ground watching where he walks kind of person, whilst Vernon always has his face up in the space exploring space. They meet at a sweet intersection in their life where they’re grounded enough (Aquarius placements in Sun-Mercury and Seungkwan’s Mars/Capricorn Venus) to truly understand each other. 
If you line it up, they’re pretty compatible (non-romantic) Vernon’s Aquarius Sun/Scorpio Moon and Seungkwan’s Capricorn Sun/Virgo Moon. Vernon’s Aquarius Sun gets a kick out of Seungkwan’s sharp wits and highly sarcastic Virgo Moon. While Seungkwan’s Capricorn Sun feels comforted and soothed being around Vernon’s Scorpio Moon’s because of external stability he posses (Scorpio: seeks to stabilize themselves internally, therefore externally they are grounded. Opposite applies for a Capricorn). They sooth each other and keeps each other entertained. Not too crass and not too smooth, it keeps them going. (I’ll make a post about this later)
Venus-Conjunct- Neptune makes him possess great singing ability and ability to bring reality to dreams. He enjoys romance, and often artistic pursuit. It heightens his emotions, particularly able to tap into other people’s emotions and use it for his craft. 
His Capricorn Venus in retrograde makes him lose a bit of control over his life. As much as Seungkwan needs constant responses and affirmations from others, he’s also too afraid to ask for it back. 
Ultimately, emotional depth kind of scares him. He enjoys superficial conversations, or work-related production, but when it comes to actually opening himself up to someone-- he can have a hard time approaching the subject all together.
Often times he’s abit-- confused about where it’s all coming from, because he’s not used to this emotional depth. He knows he has sensitivity for sure, but when it comes to -- recognizing his own emotions and separating them from simply being compassionate for others, he usually doesn’t know how to go about it well. 
This is because he’s so prone and stuck in the material world that he tends to repress, all the tiny little discomfort and other emotions into the background. He’s often too busy organizing and doing ‘work’ for the world at large/his own goals that he doesn’t spend enough time-- self-reflecting emotionally or thinking too deeply about it.
He thinks ‘What’s the point?’ because he thinks he’s honestly only going to cry about it. Tends to think everything they’re repressing are ‘sad’ emotions and lump them together such as that. The only consequence of ever letting those emotions go are obviously going to end up in them crying. 
They don’t really take the time to analyze, learn or grow from their emotions. Categorizing or recognizing that there’s value and distinctions between them. Maybe it’s melancholy, maybe it’s retrospection. Not everything is going to end up in tears and they have to recognize that. 
It can be kind of a black-or-white situation with them, and it tends to-- exasperate partners who are looking for some kind of emotional support or validation that doesn’t involve analysis of their feelings y know?
 He can completely block himself off from his own emotions, that means he won’t be much help when it comes to others (atleast to the extent that will help them more).
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Aquarius Mars (3rd Decan rules by Venus/Libra)
Perhaps the best way to handle Seungkwan when he’s in his quieter mood is to leave him alone until he’s ready to talk. It can be pretty unpredictable with him, since you don’t really know when it’s just his Capricorn Venus needing you to cuddle up to him or his Aquarius Mars need for independence at the moment. 
But he’ll Let You Know immediately if you cross the line, so don’t worry. 
Despite how unpredictable he can be, Seungkwan is really a progressive and imaginative thinker. 
He engages in others intellectually, and likes learning from his team mates and professionals around him. He likes acquiring new skills, particularly when it has to do with artistry, business or unspoken rules in the industry. 
Maybe his Aquarius Mars is even working as a stand-in for his Capricorn Venus sometimes, with it’s decan being in Libra/Venus. He can tend to attract or show attraction to those who can keep up with how communicative he is, and have their own individualism as well. 
Imaginative and progressive thinker draws him in, yet at the same time they have to have responsibilities, and sensibilities to them. Particularly, in the context of being respectful and not too ‘forward’ as well. 
He values those who can often speak and own their ideas eloquently, Woozi comes to mind. The Aquarius Mars in Seungkwan feels like it could connect and understand Woozi’s Sagittarius Mercury to a certain extent, and is much more complacent/willing to listen to him more than others.
He feels like he has substance, people who are stable yet out-going intellectually appeals to him. They have to be cautious somewhat, or shows some kind of-- comprehensive, critical reading of the situation as well. This stems from so much Capricorn/Virgo influences in his chart. 
There’s not a lot that actually gets to him, but don’t ever let him feel boxed in or restricted. Progress and productivity is such a big thing for him, since it regulates his anxiety to a certain extent. If he feels like the team isn’t making quick enough progression/success, he feels even more trapped and hurries to over-working himself-- in order to succeed in the field, for their team.
The type to caution others from making stupid decision, yet at the same time hesitant to speak up. You can clearly see it on his face when he’s frustrated though. 
He has such an open-mind that he can easily accept others with differing opinion, despite how he might feel emotionally about it (sensitive to criticism about himself/emotionally) he’s really not the type to lash out in an aggressive way. 
In fact, if he does lash out he tends to be verbally aggressive and at the same time, very soft. Likes to approach others and make his argument in a way that’s ‘not personal’ (emotional distanced), likes to make a point that seems ‘objective’, even though it’s completely subjective. 
Like, ‘hypothetical situations’ : ‘if you think about it like this...what if you do this then it’s going to be like that....but it doesn’t really matter, if it makes you happy you should do it anyways...’
It can be kind of passive aggressive but he really isn’t the kind? He has a hard time hiding his emotions already, he’s easily frustrated and prefers the direct method. So most of the time, he just keeps it to himself. 
Makes it seems like it’s not really hurting him, even though others can just transparently see that he’s actually really hurt about it. 
The type to stare at you long and hard and go ‘do you seriously think that’s a good idea?’ -- gets easily riled up when it comes to other people being affected through other’s actions/words.
Doesn’t like disruptive environments or dynamic, arguably hates change (Moon-Square Pluto as well, his emotions are linked to change and can make him aggravated but in a more Virgo way--- naggy.)
His Aquarius Mars is probably one of his stronger placement besides his Moon. Seungkwan possesses a great love for keeping peace and keeping structure at all cost, can lead him to being a little bit more frantic and sensitive.  
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Seungkwan tries to be a lot of things, but he really can’t help how endearing he really is.
In fact he’s such a great example of seeing-- a transparent Capricorn for once. For all the posing and image creating, he has so much sensitivity and compassion inside of himself that it’s easily spilled out of him somewhat.
In a way, Capricorn might just be his least developed placement. Instances of this you can see when he loses his composure in public, although he saves his face -- if he had it his way, it wouldn’t even happen in the first place.
He’s a strong Virgo Moon (maybe not developed, but Strong) and arguably, a pretty developed Aquarius Mars. 
This gives him a legs-up in admiring and supporting Aquarius in general, DK and Vernon are easily one of his favourite people. And you can easily see why, with Aquarius being his most developed placement he would probably feel more instantly connected to them than say--other Capricorns in his team.
Doesn’t mean he isn’t close to them, it just means he feels like he’s doing something right when he’s around Aquarius. He still needs to try to work some of that Capricorn Venus out. 
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💕That’s it for Seungkwan! I hope you enjoy this admittedly kind of short and more comparative study on Capricorns. Next I’ll probably take a bit of break from SVT (but I have Wonwoo lined up, so 96-line afterwards) I think I’m going to finally finish the Im Jaebum Inner Planet Reading and then finally finish Rose so I can get to that Black Pink Member Dynamic (finally!) Hope you enjoyed this! 💕
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kimmysfandomblog · 6 years
9 and 20 for Hinaegi, 5 and 14 for Komahina !
  Thank you for the ask, Chloe!!! 😀
From here! https://hajimehinata-kun.tumblr.com/post/180161745002/asks-21-otppairing-questions
9. Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?
I think my favorite thing about HiNaegi is more to do with potential interaction. They do things in different ways, but their basic ideals are the same. Naegi and Hinata don’t think much of themselves, but while Naegi kind of accepts he is average, Hinata doesn’t. He has too much ambition to give up on the dream of doing something bigger. They are both the type to listen and care for their friends, and they end up leading even if they don’t think of themselves as leaders.
I think that if they were to interact, they’d be digging into the things they hide behind their “average” exterior. It’s a lot more noticeable with Hinata, being that he’s a Reserve Course Student. I think Naegi would be one to say he feels out of place among the Ultimates, since they are so weird for the most part. They could get into how, even if they are Ultimates, they are friends and don’t even care about Naegi having the talent of luck, which he doesn’t even consider a talent since it rarely every affects him. Also, I feel Naegi will really be able to sympathize with Hinata. He might want to know what the Reserve Course is like, and he’d be able to validate Hinata’s disdain of being stuck there.
As for Naegi, he really accepts way too much from his friends- in terms of being a bit too passive. And he’s also too forgiving, I think ^^; maybe Hinata would be able to help him out a bit with that, or sympathize with him a bit (I mean, Souda was able to drag him into crashing a beach party, but Hinata was able to draw a line with the matching speedos, lol) Maybe he could get Naaegi to show off his more assertive side instead of hiding it like he does (and Naegi certainly does have an assertive side! It’s just one that doesn’t usually come out unless in a threatening situation)
I do perceive friction, however. I think that Naegi can be too optimistic about things, and sometimes you just can’t accept optimism. With Hinata, even if Naegi were to say that it doesn’t matter that Hinata is in the Reserve Course because he still has people who know that Hinata is a great person, and that is worth more than a title, I think that if something were to happen, like what Juzo did to him in DR3, that could cause Hinata to snap. If we recall what happened in DR2′s 6th trial, Hinata respected Naegi, but he couldn’t just accept Naegi’s plan, which put Hinata’s whole self at risk. It would also be something like, they are very similar, but the differences just rub at them even harder because they have certain expectations out of each other.
And then of course there is a canon AU with post-DR3… I can’t imagine Hinata being happy about Naegi making a new Hope’s Peak Academy. Hope’s Peak Academy has been pretty much the source of Hinata’s problems. He played his own part, of course, but a lot of it is to do with the environment and mentality that HPA created. I think that maybe the only thing that settles it is if the way Naegi runs HPA is different, like that these students do have to pay a fee unless they aren’t able to financially support their education (it isn’t government run, or not completely), that there are no talent scouts, and instead they apply to become Ultimates (like in V3), and that just overall, there are no special benefits (they still have to take the normal exams, but there is time allotted to their talent. They kind of have to have a longer school year because of that, and it may be needed to waive things as long as it is made up some other way, but there is no special treatment which would make the Talented superior. The point of the school is for talents to be fostered, but for the benefit of society and not scientific exploitation and the separation between talented/”average” people. This would also mean that you are not prohibited from letting friends visit the campus, as long as it is not disruptive.
I do think even then, there’s gonna be tension, but maybe Naegi’s optimism, that he is going to do everything he can to make sure this is not going to turn out the same way it did with the previous HPA, and just general sincerity that he believes in thisnew school, Hinata gives it a chance.
20. What made you decide to ship them?
I have a few guesses, but the exact reason why… I honestly don’t know. It was surely not immediately. Naegi was always a character I liked a lot, but didn’t love, so HiNaegi snuck up on me. By the time DR3 was rollong around, I was already attracted to the idea that they meet and interact in a meaninflgful way again. A part of it was that, due to them being protagonists, they often are featured together, and it screamed cute potential to me. I know the reasons why I ship them: they have this feeling of balance to them somehow, like they have a lot of similarities, and fill in for their weaknesses. They both look like they would trust each other and sacrifice for each other’s well-being in their own different ways. Of course, this could be platonic as well as romantic (and I do love both!). The moment I realized this… that I wanted to see them romantically involved as well… I am not sure. I just know that when Hope Arc gave me them goving each other that look, I was already deep in XD I just supressed it, like all the other fans did, because who was I gonna share my passion with? I am very glad that I broke out of that. The Hinaegi community has been very supportive, and I love them! (Some of us are also partners for the Hinata Project, so that wouldn’t have been even a thought without them!)
5. Favorite canon moment of them?
Most definitely, it would be the Prologue and CH1! I love the way that they met, with Komaeda being really concerned over Hinata, whose fainted on the beach. I love that they are together for the introductions, and how Hinata kind of leans on Komaeda with trust. I like that Hinata really and truly didn’t want to believe that the Komaeda he was thankful for waking him up (sorry dr2 stage moment but-) was the type to kill someone, and that utter betrayal he felt later. I like how despite that, Komaeda was still hoping/expecting Hinata wouldn’t treat him differently (but accepts it anyways). Prologue and CH1 were truly just the best moments for me. A close second would be CH3, when Hinata is super concerned about Komaeda’s well-being despite all the feelongs in him :’) (yeah, that may be why I get mad about people criticizing him for not staying with Ko)
14. Is there a pairing that you think rivals them?
In all honestly, it is hard to compare ships, since in general, despite the tropes (like rival ×rival), changes in personality and backstory really change how I view that pairing. The only thing I got is my feeling, and KomaHina is just WAY up there in my interests. Sometimes I wish it was less popular, or maybe more like, I wish it wasn’t popular enough to have a vehemently rabid side with equally rabid antis XD Admittedly, most of the reason I like KomaHina is because I love the characters (specifically Hinata, but Komaeda as well), but that relationship they have truly feels unique to me.
This is more than just shipping the rivals together like some certain other pairs in these kinds of stories. There’s a complexity there, since Komaeda actively pushes everyone away, but feels comfortable around Hinata, but also doesn’t want to hurt Hinata with his presence so he pushes away even more. And then there is Hinata, who wishes he could hate Komaeda, but actually he is still concerned about the guy, even if Komaeda’s logic frustrates him, he still sees Komaeda as smart and tries to understand him, if not very openly saying he wishes to understand him. I have other OTPs that were rival×rival (was into SasuNaru for a long time, was into USUK if that works as rivals?), but somehow this pair feels different.
I guess the only pair I love equally, within this fandom at least, is KamuNami. The relationship has potential at complexity, though I guess because of the DR3 writing, no one that would have been okay with it initially, likes it. Rather, they quite hate it, and it’s… too bad. There would’ve been more complex interactions had they known each other, especially given how different their values are. Kamukura doesn’t care if he has killed or not, whether it was in self-defense or a casualty in his grand schemes. Nanami is adamantly against that- and she’d be annoyed at him too, I think, for his attitude. At the same time, there would be something that forces her to interact with him, whether it was the need to keep an eye on him (as class rep or as the Observer, for example), or general curiosity (him being an AI too, his connection to Hinata (whether as the same person or two seperate people), or if in some other AU some other similarity that makes them unique, like it could be how he beats her at games). As an AI, he would be the only one there besides Usami, and he has all the answers as to how her friends are doing. I can’t imagine her being too friendly when she realizes the lengths he had to go to and how unaffected he seems to be about it, but in the end, he did help it to help them, and it’s a rare case where such a thing was necessary. And he acts cold and unfeeling, but there was a glimmer of emotion in him at the same time. This is similar to human Kamukura as well, I think. If we set this in an AU, she would definitely struggle interacting with him, maybe even starting to believe he is cold and lifeless and nothing more. But then he’d say something and she realizes he’s human, but it’s harder for him to express emotions. They are the type of people who would rather isolate themselves and let others ignore them, but Chiaki has this self that cares about others, making her break away from her comfort zone. I headcanon she would go to extreme lengths, even going head-to-head and almost on par with Izuru if it came to it, to protect her friends, and that would shock him, I think. He’d observe her more carefully since she’s the one who did something interesting, but he’d get annoyed when she tries to make him see the world differently. He’s rather arrogant like that. I don’t think she’ll ever fully succeed, but he’s eventually going to be softer on her (in my headcanons, this is pretty much how it goes hahaha).
Another part of the reason why KamuNami is so important is because it has a lot to do with how accepting the community has been! I used to be ambivalent to the ship because of the shipping wars, to be quite honest, but the KamuNami community, however small we are, actually support each other with comments and reblogs. The mod of KamuNami Paradise is the sweetest and most understanding person, and she tries really hard for the community. I really look up to her! In a way, I guess that solidified it. My love for KamuNami was but a handful until KamuNami Week 2017, and the support of the community, as well as how well Mod Kibou fostered this ship, is the reason why I love it as much as I do. That blog… without it, I would have kept that KamuNami side of me hidden and let it die. I am thankful that didn’t happen!
For KomaHina, the community just feels too big sometimes. I have a lot more ambivalence about the fans who like KomaHina than I do for other ships, simply because KomaHina is the most popular ship (well hopefully remains that way lol. I do and don’t like the popularity, but I want the ship that beats it to be meaningful. And here in my salt corner, I don’t think this ship I’m talking about that has the potential to overtrow KomaHina is even a quarter as meaningful). I mean, it’s like there is this belief somewhere in there that anyone who doesn’t remotely ship it is like… homophobic, or ignorant, or ognorong canon- just overall a bad person. I never felt comfortable with that. Yet, at the same time, I made a lot of friends through KomaHina! Which is puzzling to me since I was so expecting, well, nothing to happen. That was my experience with every other fandom, you know? A lot of my mutuals also love KomaHina, so at least with this ship, I know I’ll feel validated. There is so much content for it as well that, for the most part, I don’t feel as starved for it XD (MOST of the time… it never truly leaves you lol) Also, participating in KomaHina Secret Exchange is just such a pleasure! You’re honestly another mod I admire XD That event is always fun! It’s incredible to see the amount of love for this ship that I care about, we care about.
I guess when it comes down to it, what I need in my OTPs is that potential for complexity, especially if it surprises you. I also like validation, apparently XD It is just lonely shipping something no one else cares about, you know?
On a side note, fave ship is still KomaHinaNami for very indulgent reasons XD but I’ve overexplained at this point lol
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ccc-sarahjaneseddon · 4 years
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Important notes Week 3 reading
Tapu as a transitionary concept in supporting ritual and practice to help mediate between unseen and spiritual world of Atua and the practical world of people and their relationships to the Maori Environment.
According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atua Atua are gods and spirits of the Polynesian people such as Māori or Hawaiians. The Polynesian word literally means "power" or "strength" and so the concept is similar to that of mana.
Tapu can also have an intrinsic or material quality expressed as a more permanent exercise of Tikanga or Protocol. A burial ground is always tapu and there is always a strict protocol for behaviour whereby eating is forbidden, and washing hands on exit from Urupā (cemetery) is required. A geyser for example, permanent state of tapu with an effect of protecting human health and exposer to an unpredictable geological hazard of scalding mud or explosive water. 
This point is important to me and my Whanau, my dad always taught me the traditions of always when leaving a Urupā to wash your hands with the available taps located around the cemetery. My dad past the knowledge onto me and when ever I go to a cemetery I always leave with washing and splashing water on me to cleanse myself. Part of my Whanau traditions coming from Tūhoe, we enforce this strict protocol. Therefore I am treating the burial ground as Tapu and respecting my ancestors and their traditions following Tapu protocols. (dad cultural knowledge passing onto me)
Tapu also exists as a spiritual power with mysterious and unknown dimensions, including the uncertainties, chance and complex causative relationships involved within complex metaphysical domains. 
Tapu is spiritual and can exist as spiritual power. Atua. 
Tapu is not equal in all things. This implies that tapu of separate objects does not exist in isolation, and more importantly different aspects or levels of tapu will interact with each other resulting in outcomes that are either constructive or destructive in nature.
Tapu provides something of a conduit for the material would to world to exercise some control and protection in managing intrinsic and unknown qualities, and complex interactions. The processes for deliberately making people or objects as noa are an example of this.
Noa is the opposite of Tapu  
Noa is the anthesis of tapu, describing the state of a place, resource or activity that is deemed ordinary or safe, and not subject to control. It is a stative verb and adverb denoting ‘freedom from restriction’ or ‘uncertainty’,’indefiniteness’, ‘randomness.’
Similarly the strength of tapu as a practical materiel mechanism to control the randomness and uncertainty that is within noa, and the realities of living with chance, change, and low level risk in everyday life.
Interrelated relationships between, people, flora, fauna, whenua and the wider spiritual and metaphysical environment. Other foundational concepts of Māoridom - such as mana, utu, mauri, whakapapa and manaaki inform the expression and understanding of tapu and noa under different contexts. Helps inform Tikanga as a protocol that guides appropriate or best practice.
The words mentioned about Māoridom we have worked on in class for example Mana is power and Whakapapa is our genealogy, all words inform the expression and understanding of tapu and noa.
The rationale for use of karakia and other customs associated with the separation of various types of human waste in the living arrangement of traditional Maori village was passed from one generation to the next through archetypal stories of prominent ancestors such Hema, Tawhaki, Rata and Hina.
This could be an example of knowledge being passed through generation to generation using our ancestral traditions in a Māori village. Knowledge systems I have learnt about during communication for makers, how knowledge can not only be passed on from mother to son, daughter to daughter, father to son.. it can also be passed through generation to generation. I think this living arrangement of traditional Maori villages to use a karakia has been passed through generation to generation as a form of knowledge and to connect us with our culture, are ancestors, our tupuna, are whanau in relation to tapu and what should be done correctly.
Tamaiwaho, who helped bring knowledge of healing and medicinal plants to the world, also highlight the potential consequences for human health and wellbeing if Tikanga is not followed when managing the various type of human water.
Throughout the traditional discourse of waste management tapu has been a principal value that has informed and underpinned well-established Māori behaviour and practice. Tapu provides a helpful framework.
All humans possess tapu, the prestige/power that is inherited from the Atua, and are therefore very tapu. This spiritual tapu logically extends to human body parts and waste products that are produced and excreted by humans are, by association, also very tapu. 
Rituals and practices were established to mediate between the spiritual dimensions (world of Atua) and the practical world of people and their relationships to the material environment for positive outcomes; protection of human and environmental tapu.
Traditionally this has been done by separation of toilet and kitchen or living zones within a marae settlement. - Cultural traditions.
Things deemed tapu could potentially change their spiritual state over time - assuming that the requirements of time, a detailed knowledge of the composition of the waste stream and appropriate cultural and management process have all been satisfied.
Today there are different forces of trajectories that influence how tapu or noa, and other traditional culture values, may be expressed in response to the issue like biosolids management. 
I didn’t know what Biosolids mean’t so I have searched it up on google to get a better understanding of Biosolids. Biosolids according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biosolids are solid organic matter.
The importance of colonisation have marginalised Māori participation in decision-making relating to natural resource management processes - changing rapidly with treaty-based legislation and the changing power dynamics following Treaty settlement.
Colonisation = Explore land/ establishing an area. 
Community geographic; the strength of traditional knowledge and power base; and the evolution of governance structures and resources following treaty settlements are all factors that may influence the strength and range of views on the transition of tapu to noa
Improved to meet cultural concerns. For example, hospital, mortuary and menstrual waste(spiritual tapu associated with body parts or bodily functions) are substances entering the wastewater system that present considerable cultural challenges for some hapū in being assured that the municipal treatment processes can adequately perform a transition from tapu to noa. Discussion around these aspects will often highlight differences and tensions in traditional Māori values and Pākehā concepts of treatment and purity.
Clear knowledge of what constitutes the waste stream.
There was an implicit knowledge of the constituent composition of waste streams to ensure inappropriate mixing and appropriate disposal processes were adhered to eg middens, wood waste from carvings and mensural waste.
Carvings are an example of knowledge being passed from ancestors to this generation of carvers. I find that it is interesting how it isn’t just talking about waste from us, for example, sewage, food or menstrual waste but it also talks about physical waste from wood that we use in today to carve similar to our ancestors and using there knowledge to make. 
A further distinction between traditional and contemporary waste streams lies in the prevalence and proliferation of chemicals that are in use in contemporary society.
Pollution of waste in streams - In the Huhana Smith video we have watched in class, Harakeke has helped cleanse the water and make it clean. Could this relate to the waste?
“Many Māori consider that within the realms of Papatūānuku and Ranginui there exist a range of established processes and relationships that continuously cycle chemicals through the spiritual state of tapu (restricted state) and noa (relaxed or normalised state)
Māori have a range of views about land application and beneficial reuse of wastewater and biosolids.
There could be a range of views throughout because it could vary from different iwis, I think this could be why there are a range of views because similar to the origins of the big bang, according to Tatai Arorangi video, there was different understandings of how we started but they all come from the same origins this varied in cultures, for example, western culture had a different perspective. This could be why there are different views about land application and beneficial reuse because we all have different opinions and world views. 
There are varying degrees of cultural/spiritual knowledge
As a way of articulating how use in food chain sat uneasily within the frameworks of cultural knowledge and practice.
Keeping human waste and run off away from sacred places such as the urupā had continued importance. Some mentioned saying a quite karakia in performing rituals at the urupā, for burying afterbirth, or in disposing of waste on marae.
There was a healthy tension and active reflection between traditional ‘separation’ of human waste from food, and being pragmatic and ‘moving with times’
Small communities, marae and land trusts were interested in better utilisation of contaminated sites and in exploring how they could manage multiple waste streams on site.
Consider pollutants vs nutrients, and the risks and benefits of reuse.
In Huhana Smith’s video they managed waste streams from polluted water by using Harakeke as a culturally, economic and sustainable plant to help the environment by taking 90% of nitrates out of the water and therefore cleaning the polluted water on the site of Māori land.  
Iwi, land trustees, hapū and Māori business owners tend to be very keen to engage with local government on waste and biowaste management issues and reinforces our research data showing that iwi do not adopt a ‘flush and forget’ approach that can be typical or ratepayer responsive to this issue.
Many valued the opportunity to access new scientific information and have constructive conversation about what tapu and noa mean.
This is an example of the open mindedness and how we can decided if we want to listen to the knowledge. In this example we are listening to new scientific information as a knowledge system.
Today it is far more difficult to control what goes into the wastewater system and where it is treated and disposed of. This is due to legislative and policy requirements and the complex ethnic composition of New Zealand communities. There is also greater scientific awareness of, and ability to study, complex mixtures of contaminants, such as household pharmaceuticals and emerging contaminants from industry or new consumer product ingredients for personal care and hygiene. 
Mentioned above shows scientific research. 
Tapu and noa are Māori cultural concepts that operate alongside other concepts and values to inform traditional knowledge and resource management.
This is an example of a knowledge system= traditional knowledge.
Cultural knowledge on the topic of biowaste, biosolids and wastewater management, a willingness and openness to explore new forms of co-management, and an expectation of being involved in decision making.
Māori view biowastes and biosolids as something that should be be owned and responsible managed, rather than forgotten about or left to the environment to cope with.
Biowaste management in New Zealand requires more sophisticated forms of governance, as well as genuine conversations about limits of our knowledge.
Local government - become more informed and have some meaningful conversation with Iwi, rūnanga and local Māori land owners about long-term planning and co-management of the environment, water and biowaste. How well local government embraces this will directly correlate to the degree that Māori world view is incorporated into decision making. 
Government should discuss with mana whenua and who is effected such as iwi when making decisions. To always collaborate with Māori world views. 
Ataria, James (Ngāti Kahungunu and Ngāti Tūwharetoa), et al. "From Tapu to Noa-Māori cultural views on biowastes management- a focus on biosolids." Centre for Integrated Biowaste Research Report 16-01 (2016).
"Tātai arorangi". Project Mātauranga. Presented by Ocean Mercier (Ngāti Porou), season 2 episode 8, Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao: Science Learning Hub, 2012.
Wikipedia. the free encyclopedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atua https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biosolids.
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khalilhumam · 4 years
Around-the-halls: Experts analyze the normalization of Israel-UAE ties
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/around-the-halls-experts-analyze-the-normalization-of-israel-uae-ties/
Around-the-halls: Experts analyze the normalization of Israel-UAE ties
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By Natan Sachs, Bruce Riedel, Jeffrey Feltman, Tamara Cofman Wittes, Suzanne Maloney, Shadi Hamid On August 13, Israel and United Arab Emirates (UAE) struck a major diplomatic agreement, with a joint Israel-UAE-U.S. statement announcing that in exchange for “full normalization of relations” between the two countries, Israel would forgo, for now, “declaring sovereignty” over disputed territory in the West Bank. Brookings experts on the Middle East analyze the news and its implications.
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Natan Sachs (@natansachs), Director and Fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy: Normalization between Israel and the UAE is an excellent thing, in and of itself. It’s high time these countries have open, normal relations. But the context is of course key: the Israeli plan to annex parts of the West Bank, along the lines to be delineated by the U.S. and Israel after the release of Trump administration plan. The UAE-Israeli-U.S. deal allows everyone to climb down: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu can avoid the terrible mistake of annexation while claiming he got something big for it (he did!). The UAE can claim it prevented annexation from happening — from UAE Ambassador Yousef Otaiba’s Hebrew-language op-ed warning of the move, to the big carrot of diplomatic normalization. Trump gets to avoid the annexation he himself sanctioned, and all the complications it could have produced, while showing a big win for two of his favorite allies. There is, of course, something odd about rewarding a non-blunder. Annexation could have been (and perhaps already was) avoided easily with a decision in Washington or Jerusalem alone, but the countries can now move forward with what they’ve long wanted: cooperation among two often-like minded countries, with common regional concerns. The losers, as often, are the Palestinians. The impatience in the Gulf with the Palestinians now comes to full daylight. The Gulf won’t wait for them any longer, asking of Israel only to avoid declarations of a major change to the status quo. A question is whether anyone else, and especially the Saudis, might follow. For now, though, the camp of Arab countries with peace or normalization with Israel grows to four: following Egypt (1977), Jordan (1994), and Lebanon, whose nominal leaders signed a meaningless peace treaty with Israel during the Israeli invasion in 1983. This latest agreement to normalize is not nearly as consequential as the first two. Hopefully it will have more meaning than the latter one.
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Bruce Riedel, Senior Fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy: Jordan’s King Abdullah is a big beneficiary of this deal. Annexation of the Jordan Valley by Israel would have required a harsh Jordanian response. The king had pointedly not ruled out suspending the peace treaty his father had signed with Israel 25 years ago. Many Jordanians wanted him to cancel the gas deal with Israel, which would have cost Amman a fortune it doesn’t have. So the suspension of annexation takes a ticking time bomb off the king’s plate. Adding another (very rich) Arab country to the peace camp, with an embassy in Tel Aviv, is also good for Jordan. It eases the isolation of Amman and Cairo. The king has been praising Muhammad bin Zayed for months.
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Jeffrey Feltman, John C. Whitehead Visiting Fellow in International Diplomacy: Anticipating a potential Joe Biden victory in November, Netanyahu may have had second thoughts about large-scale annexation. But even smaller-scale annexation, while rejected internationally, would have established yet more Israeli facts on the ground that are difficult if not impossible to reverse. The UAE normalization offer provides Netanyahu a ladder to climb down from his annexation tree. Critics complain that this dissolves the Arab solidarity of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative. But the presumed leverage of the Arab Peace Initiative has never translated into tangible gains for the Palestinians. Suspending annexation at least prevents a bad situation on the ground from becoming worse.
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Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes), Senior Fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy: Abu Dhabi and Jerusalem each had their own good reasons for finding a way to open the door to formal relations, but there’s no question the announcement today is also a boon to Donald Trump as he faces a re-election with few concrete accomplishments to his name and many policy failures. Still, the White House should not take too much comfort from this outcome: Among other things, Netanyahu and Emirati Foreign Minister Muhammed bin Zayed (MBZ) have now positioned themselves well for the possibility of a post-Trump Washington. Netanyahu has taken off the table a step that the Democratic presidential candidate has said he firmly opposes, and for which other Democrats in Congress are threatening to impose consequences. And MBZ has taken a step that can only win praise and plaudits from any incoming U.S. administration, while separating his nation from Saudi Arabia in the minds of Democrats who are ill-disposed to Riyadh. It seems both Bibi and MBZ have placed their bets for November. The big losers in today’s announcement, of course, are the Palestinians — who are supposed to be grateful at being spared a de jure annexation of territory in the West Bank that many would say has been in place de facto for years already. Abu Dhabi, like Anwar Sadat’s Egypt in 1978, is putting its national interests above Arab solidarity with the Palestinian cause. The Emiratis are betting they can easily weather the storm of unwelcome reactions in the Arab world — and they have far more reason than Sadat did to make that judgment. The dynamic between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Arab states has been shifting for a long time. Ever since the end of the Cold War and the Gulf Crisis 30 years ago, Arab governments have become less concerned about Israel’s impact on regional stability and more focused on Iran and on their own internal troubles. Palestinian politics have become fractured, and have also been caught up in the regional power rivalries that now obsess Abu Dhabi and other capitals. When the Arab Peace Initiative was launched in 2002, amidst the violence of the second intifada and Israel’s reoccupation of Palestinian cities in the West Bank, the assembled Arab governments in Beirut put the power of the Arab states’ normalization offer at the service of the beleaguered Palestinians, led by Yassir Arafat. Today’s announcement cements a reversal of the dynamic. Now the Emiratis can claim that they have saved Palestine from annexation, when what they’ve really done is used a suspension of annexation (which was probably suspended anyway) as cover for their pursuit of their own national interests in ties with Israel. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas may not be able to do much about this betrayal of Palestinian interests — but Palestinians will remember.
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Suzanne Maloney (@MaloneySuzanne), Interim Vice President and Director of the Foreign Policy program: The historic breakthrough between the United Arab Emirates and Israel would not have come without an assist from Iran’s Islamic Republic. The quiet ties developed over years of pragmatic cooperation between Israeli and Emirati officials around the threats posed by Tehran helped to overcome one of the most stubborn diplomatic schisms. The Israeli government’s suspension of the immediate threat of annexation was a relatively small price to pay in exchange for formalizing its security partnership with the Gulf states, and the move positions both countries — as well as those who may follow the Emirates’ lead — to simultaneously curry favor with the Trump administration, which sorely needed some tangible diplomatic achievement, as well as a possible Biden administration that would be more hostile toward the prospect of annexation. Tehran has already responded with predictably scalding rhetoric, no doubt hoping to exploit residual support for the Palestinian cause among Arab public opinion to enhance its own regional reach. For that reason, some within the Islamic Republic will view this as a victory for the regime’s abiding ideological opposition to Israel, especially since today’s move was preceded by a thaw in the Emirates’ approach to Tehran and coincided with the Iranian foreign minister’s triumphal visit to a shattered Lebanon. But for all the fulminations that will be delivered at Friday prayers around Iran, the creeping normalization of Israel within the Arab world exposes the fundamental disconnect between Tehran and the region it seeks to dominate. And even as Iranians wait expectantly for the prospect of a diplomatic opening under a more sympathetic Biden administration, the landmark new ties between the Emirates and Israelis mean that the strategic and financial environment will remain challenging for Iran no matter what happens in November.
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Shadi Hamid (@shadihamid), Senior Fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy: In theory, who can argue against peace? In practice and principle, though, Israel is being rewarded for not doing something it should have never considered doing in the first place — annexing parts of the West Bank. This isn’t diplomacy, and it isn’t peace. It’s cynical, and it shows, once again, that Arab authoritarian regimes can’t be bothered to pretend they care about Palestinian rights. For the UAE, it’s a means to an end, formalizing increasingly warm feelings toward Israel, due to their shared enemy of Iran and their shared (and unusual) preference for President Trump over President Obama. The word “authoritarian” is worth highlighting here. It’s hard to imagine an Arab country, if it were democratic, striking a peace deal with Israel today. Whether that’s a strike against — or for — democracy is another question. Of course, it’s not exactly an accident that Israel, one of the region’s few democracies, prefers that its Arab neighbors not be democratic, and the deal with the UAE is a reminder why.
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programmerandcoder · 5 years
Using 7 Mysql Strategies Like The Pros
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MySql is a database application of It is FREE on media and small scales business, it is supported on systems that were considered. Since 2009 Oracle buy Sun Microsystems ( such as MySQL ) to get 7.5 billons inducing user and programmers to start to debate the fate of their open - source database.
Almost any operating system and is operated in by mySQL Includes a controlled rate that is good I think it's the database manager together with all the rate of reaction to the procedures. Subqueries were one of the significant flaws of MySQL for quite a very long time; it had been notorious for dropping its way using a few degrees of sub-questions.
With MySQL, on the other hand, the Customer library is GPL, and that means you need to pay a commercial charge to Oracle or provide the source code of your program.PostgreSQL additionally supports data about data types, purposes and access methods from the system catalogs together with the typical information regarding databases, tables, and columns which relational databases maintain.
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There are ways around the MySQL client library's licensing, the Route Atlassian decide to choose would be telling you where to get the JDBC connector out of for MySQL if you would like to join your Atlassian programs to a MySQL 38, and in which to drop the jar.
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Conclusion Scalability is a matter of a theoretical Number of nodes It is also about the capacity to provide predictable performance And also to do this without adding management sophistication, proliferation of cloud, and geo-dispersed programs are adding to the sophistication MySQL hasn't been under so much strain that the mixture of innovative clustering/load balancing and management technology provides a possible solution ( c ) 2013 from The 451 Group.
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The dilemma is solved by database encryption, but Once the root accounts are compromised, it can't prevent access. You get rid of the ability of SQL, although application level encryption has become easily the most flexible and protected - it is pretty difficult to use columns in WHERE or JOIN clauses.
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MySQL is a relational database - Standard information schema also is composed of columns, tables, views, procedures, triggers, cursors, etc. MariaDB, therefore, has exactly the database structure and indicator and, on the other hand, is a branch of MySQL. Everything -- from the information, table definitions, constructions, and APIs -- stays identical when updating from MySQL into MariaDB.
MariaDB has experienced an increase in terms of Security features such as internal password and security management, PAM and LDAP authentication, Kerberos, user functions, and robust encryption within tablespaces, logs, and tables. MySQL can not do hash link or sort merge join - it merely can perform nested loops method that demands a lot of index lookups which might be arbitrary.
In MySQL single question runs as only ribbon ( with exception Of MySQL Cluster ) and MySQL problems IO requests one for question implementation, so if only query execution time is the concern many hard drives and the large variety of CPUs won't help.
With table layout and application design, you Can build programs working with huge data collections according to MySQL.OPTIMIZE assists for specific issues - ie it types indexes themselves and removers row fragmentation ( all for MyISAM tables ).
Even though it's Booted up to 8 TB, MySQL can't operate effectively with a large database. Mysql continues to be my favorite database because I started programming, so it's simple to install, it is easy to obtain an application that links to the database and perform the management in a graphical manner, many articles supervisors and e-commerce stores utilize MySQL by default, and it has let me execute many projects, I enjoy that many hosting providers have MySQL tutorial service at no extra price.
Mysql is fast the setup, and light requirements Are minimal and with few tools, I've used it in Windows and Linux with no difficulty in either, but the server operating system hasn't been a restriction and that I utilize it in a Linux environment whenever it is potential.
MySQL provides its code Beneath the GPL and gives the choice of  Non - GPL commercial supply in the kind of MySQL Enterprise. MariaDB also supplies motor - separate table numbers to enhance the optimizer's functionality, speeding up query processing and data evaluation on the dimensions and arrangement of their tables.
Utilization in MySQL is sub - InnoDB and Optimum tables eventually become fragmented over time, undermining functionality. Shifting from MySQL into MariaDB is relatively simple and is a slice of cake for most systems administrators.
For program, Example Hosts ( even though they need to be okay with attaining MySQL via proxies ), the proxy layer, and perhaps a management host. You ought to check of the logs and settings files and confirm that they're not readable by others.
Data may be moved between MySQL servers, For instance via MySQL replication that is regular or inside a Galera cluster. Flexibility is incorporating the features your company needs, although pushing arbitrary JSON seems elastic.
Among those enterprise qualities, Informix relational Databases, recently launched a new variant ( v12.10. XC2 ) which supports JSON / BSON info as a native from inside the relational database frame and fully supports each the MongoDB APIs so that any program is composed to the MongoDB, protocol may just be pointed in the Informix server and it'll just work.
On top of the IBM Engineers ( Informix Is currently an IBM product ) extended the JSON kind to encourage files Up to 2 GB in size ( MongoDB limitations files to 16 MB). In MySQL and Oracle, working memory Is shared links because links Are serviced by a single procedure.
Noted Also :⇒ Use Of Quit SEO In 5 Days
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astrosecrets · 8 years
Pluto Retrograde
Pluto is more intense when Retrograde and this intensity is highly psychological which can make them more suspicious of others because they pick up more at that psychological level.
• Pluto D is more interested in external power – a great job, lots of money • Pluto R is definitely more psychological – investigation, healing, transformational
They register the unseen very quickly, they see the negative side more easily but they need to cut this off because it will isolate them from life and people.
These people have much greater insights into the subconscious. This makes them more loners and introverted. They may have trouble relaxing around many people due to the psychological process and registering so much information.
Powers of regeneration and rejuvenation are incredible in its House position.
Pluto in the 1st (but not within 6 degrees of the 2nd cusp) can first be interpreted as influencing the mother’s attitude during the gestation period. • With Pluto rising, mother felt angry, resentful and very resistant to being out of control while pregnant. • There may have been tensions occurring within the family and mother internalized the anger with powerful emotions. • Even the unborn child felt feelings of being out of control by what was happening during gestation!
With Pluto R, the influence is more psychological rather than expressing an external need to control the environment. As a child, the individual learned to pick up subtle cues from adults – picking up good moods or bad moods, when to assert or when to step back. They make good psychologists or they do well in jobs where profiling others is important. Their powers of physical regeneration are phenomenal!
When Retrograde, these people periodically go through major life transformations. When they are in this process, they withdraw, seem remote and detached but this is their style of transformation. In the 1st, the early years can have difficulty or health issues. However, with the Retrograde, recuperative abilities are powerful. The intensity of this Pluto is best utilized in service to others — medical, legal or coordinating the concerns of the public. Pluto in the 2nd wants control over its own resources. D is a power issue. R fears the psychological vulnerability. NOTE: Pluto or any planet is considered influencing the 2nd House if it is within 6 degrees in the 1st House, near the 2nd cusp. • Obsess over being in control over their own resources and not having another control what they have – what is mine is mine and what is yours is mine • They can share but they will not be forced to do so
Pluto in the 3rd can control the minds of others through intense focus. This can make them great teachers, people who can positively influence the minds of others. They can be rebellious in school, resenting the controls in the system. They do not like shallow information and can actually go into too much detail when asked for an answer. • Tension in sibling relationships • Developed an ability to size up strengths and weaknesses in family members as a survival measure
Pluto R in 4th: Any planet in the 4th House, even a “nice” planet, can produce a traumatic event in the childhood. This describes a psychologically controlling or manipulative parent but the child has the ability to gain good psychological insights into the family dynamics that can, ultimately be used in the career or avocation. If the parents divorce, the child may try to get them back together. There can be a separation from the parents or someone in the family over which the child has no control. • On a positive note, the individual can be into renovations – a positive type of control. • You can always control things but never people. This is only an illusion.
Pluto R in the 5th, there can be difficulty expressing the creative potential. Pluto R is more psychological, such as working with children or playing chess. • These people can be late bloomers as a result but not always. • With their own type of creativity, they have an intense concentration and focus upon this activity.
With Pluto in the 5th, these people need to BE SOMEONE — and they need to develop their creative potential BEFORE having children. Their first born is likely to be talented and this can arouse envy or psychological manipulation (stage mother/father).
This is a very general statement and one need to look at the entire chart. However, creative and recreative activities are important, especially where the individual uses the mind to a psychological advantage, such as chess and certain sports.
Pluto in the 6th will be very intense in their work. They cannot handle interruptions. This can cause alienation with co-workers. • These people work best alone. • Not team players generally.
Pluto in the 7th is a bit difficult to establish cooperation because the intensity is so strong that the loner tendencies do not function well sharing the life with another person.
Pluto in the 7th denotes control issues that manifest in all one-to-one relationships. If you are a paid consultant, this is fantastic. However, in a marriage or marriage-type relationship, one person is more controlling. One partner can first appreciate the attention but the danger is that this behavior becomes disempowering.
You need to look at the horoscope to determine who controls and who turns over control to another. Sometimes this really works…but, if the controlled partner is rebellious, it will not work.
This is not a bad omen for marriage but a later marriage seems best. They need to learn to compromise and give the other person what they want in order that you get what you want. • One client gave her husband an office of his own in order to get him out of the house so she would not be expected by him to be a house wife (she started her own business) • One client is a psychotherapist
Pluto in the 8th often feels that they have had to take control of the finances in the marriage. This causes cooperation problems. Another woman said that it was her husband who wanted to be in control and pay all of the bills but he never did – and this caused the friction.
Control issues are very powerful, especially with the Retrograde that has strong psychological implications. They make for wonderful healers – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, economic/financial and technological. • One man said that he did not fix computers – he heals computers • One woman reorganizes failing companies so that they can be sold at a profit
Any Retrograde planet in the 9th often indicates that the individual will go back to school in later life. The individual may have dropped out of college because of problems in the educational system but they go back when they know what they want to learn and do career-wise. Pluto in the 9th R does not like traditional religion – they cannot be who they really are with such rigid judgments by the religion and they can see the hypocrisies in the religious leaders. The D feels the same but may become very rigid and dogmatic in their beliefs — so the rule is to avoid all traditional, dogmatic, judgments religions!
Pluto in 10th – Both R and D in the 10th have problems with authority figures. When they work in an office, they need the boss to disappear and let them do their job. They re-organize the office system so that it is uniquely their own. Sometimes Pluto R does not always receive the recognition that they deserve. But, both need to be in charge. They need to be more mindful of how they treat people in their office, co-workers and employees because they can be a bit controlling and inflexible. They can be rebellious of authority, especially authority that tries to control or dictate terms to them. Pluto in the 11th is not a group position but the individual has a gift for going into a group situation, revitalizing it, getting things focused and then leaving. They have a talent for setting the group organization up for another to take over. They do best in ad hoc group situations, coming only to revitalize the group or restructure it for success.
In groups, they can feel like one of the rebellious lemmings going to sea – and they do not want to follow the crowd.
Pluto in the 12th is extremely intense to the point of being strongly disposed for research, investigations and their greatest asset is the ability to help other people help themselves. • They have probing insight that psychologically analyzes. • They can quickly pick out another’s strengths and weaknesses so that they are able to help people help themselves. • Like Pluto D, this is a highly protective position in life-threatening situations
Source: http://www.lynnkoiner.com/astrology-articles/retrogrades-in-the-natal-horoscope
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