#interactions: gia
sussoro · 2 months
Li-Sar saying the same words used by the vampires in book #1 to describe how the MC smells (i.e. intoxicating, enticing, overwhelming, tempting) 👀
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touchedbydestiny · 6 months
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@faeryworlds liked the starter call (and chose gia) || accepting
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           "so why’s it so important anyway?", gia asked because she didn't quite understand it. surely marcel would have told them if it was deemed important and worth mentioning. and while gia knew that davina was important to marcel, she didn't know if she could trust a witch. 
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thehollowwriter · 5 months
My favourite thing about poly octoquartet is that Finn can never ever judge any of my moots' ocs for their tastes in men without being a massive hypocrite. @ramshacklerumble 's Gia is dating Ace? @theleechyskrunkly 's Paige is into Idia? @distant-velleity 's Yu with Ace (again)?
Finn's gotta shut his trap because he's literally dating the capitalist fish mafia, all three of whom are utterly bizarre and unhinged in their own ways. At least Ace is just a bit of an asshole teenager, the tweels are probably from q legit mafia family and Azul is, well, Azul.
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eulchu · 2 months
found it deeply irrelevant so didn’t say his name… but relevant enough to mention so you could shit on her? ok
you do know we are talking about a man who was investigated by his government for systematic pedophilia and fled to russia right .....
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fearlessmuses · 1 year
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⚖️ ───── wasn't it something about how quickly live switched. it could turn on a dime as the saying went. as his fingers fiddled with a coin of his own that saying seemed even more than ever one to live by. one he lived by. yet here they were, one the white knight of gotham it seemed that the infamous harvey dent had fallen from grace. although it depended on which side of him answered, one might say it was hell the other thriving would consider it a final awakening. the only issue? this woman had always been stubborn even before their lives took this turn and she seemed unwilling to give up on him despite his efforts. "what is it in it for you to keep trying? you're not getting anything out of this, there's no magic rewind here, you're being blind."
@lovest0rie ♥ for a starter from harvey dent for gia tedesco
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elifalvey · 7 months
LOCATION — Elijah & Aslihan's home, Claret Park.
WHO — Elijah & Giada ( @giadamoreno ).
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It seemed that more often than not these days, pulling up to his own home (after a rather long and exhausting day of work at the studio, might he add) had turned into something akin to a game for Elijah. A series of questions, racing through his head the moment he rounded the corner onto the connecting street: Would Aslihan be home? Would Rhiannon be with her, if she were, or would she be with either set of parents instead? How about Alex? Did any of his siblings decide to drop by out of the blue? Theo or Dylan, wanting the twins to spend time with their cousin perhaps? Hell, sometimes he even wondered if Phoebe would have hung around, having grown rather accustomed to the frequency in which he saw her too.
And then of course, there was Gia. A rather recent addition to the little game of his, on account of her rather recent return to Providence Peak, but somehow she’d become the most regular offender since then. He couldn’t even keep track of how many times he saw her car in his driveway over the course of the past few days alone, but he couldn’t necessarily blame her either. After all, he’d seen bits and pieces of her text messages with Aslihan — enough to get the gist, and then disappear to leave them alone for the night — and by what he could gather, she needed time with her friend more than anything at the minute.
He wouldn’t be one to get in between that. Not if he could help it, anyway. However . . . he would like to sleep in his own bed again, eventually.
He felt like he could blame her for that bit, in particular, and in his mind, it was a more than fair ask. The guest room was just as comfortable. He would know.
“You know, I’m going to start charging you rent,” Elijah said, in lieu of a proper hello, as he stepped into the bedroom to find Gia sprawled contently in his space; it would’ve been a weirder sight to behold without the presence of Aslihan as well if he'd been without the knowledge of the women's shared keys, but oddly enough, it felt normal at this point. “I’m going to petition to, at least. ‘Cause at this point, you should just move in.” He paused, throwing his bag onto the chair in the corner before turning to face her once more, clarifying, “No, nope — don’t even, that was a joke. I see you too much already, and I’m not willing to give up my girlfriend forever. She won't even be home for like another half hour, by the way. Did she text you?”
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mahikamihan · 2 years
good morning, i just woke up and still experiencing squidcraft lore demons someone take my laptop away from me
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idaclarke · 1 year
@gianninnaa where: tri-del v-day party when: beginning of the night
“gia!” ida called out from across the room, pushing through the crowd to approach the other girl. “how’s it goin’ babe? are ya havin’ a good time?” she smiled, arm looping around her shoulder and leading the two toward a little less crowded area where the booze was. without asking she pulled up a cup for gia and poured her some of the punch. “it all came together so well didn’t it?” she sighed, glancing around before handing the cup to her. “sorry i don’t wanna talk your ear off! i just make it a point to check in with every member any point i can.” 
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gianninnaa · 1 year
— @court-mills house party.
gia knew how to carry herself at the kind of exclusive parties that were made to get people talking. the ones for the beautiful elite, meant to be admired by afar. a secret college party at some random house that probably had horrible vibes to anyone there still sober? the line was a little less clear about how gia should proceed. nobody told gia not to post anything. after a few drinks, that was pretty much as good as permission. at least she was smart enough to know things like 'don't post the outside of the house' or 'not outside the windows' since the address was the only thing keeping the party exclusive.
❝            court, ❞ the sing song voice to catch their attention. phone in one hand while the other reached out for them to take. ❝ give me twirl! ❞ the excitement ( and thought of how cute it would look on camera ) overshadowing the practical thought of how awkward it would be for him to twirl under her arm with the considerable height difference.
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filledwithair · 1 year
for your infamous mc!: manager, besties, and development!
First of all thank you so much for asking, i loved thinking about this
Manager: Do they get along with Orion? What do they think of him as their band manager?
I like to think they get along quite well, Gia is a professional, she likes things well done and after deciding to continue with her music career she got pretty serious about keeping deadlines, turning her work in time, polishing the songs, being in good shape for the gigs, continue learning…
But Orion hates her smoking even if she doesn’t do it too much.
Gia loves Orion as their manager. The man has the experience and the balls to shut down the band’s antics if needed. He knows what he is doing, and it feels nice having someone to watch your back. She is thankful he believe so much in the band to be willing to drop everything and manage them.
Besties: What’s their friendship with Rowan like? What are some things only he knows about them?
Gia is the common sense of that friendship she is chill and nice and complements quite well Rowan’s personality. On the other hand, Rowan takes Gia out of her comfort zone, he challenges her to explore new sounds, new experiences without being overbearing
I like to headcanon that Rowan was the only one to come close to know how Gia was taking the fight with Seven and the break up. It hit her hard, so hard she barely left her room. Rowan gave her space but was there for here, called out her nonsense and even dragged her out of bed.
I imagine Rowan dusting off Gia’s piano, picking up her journal and putting it next to the instrument, careful to not damaged the torn notebook. He would say something like “will be here if you need to end it”, kissed her head and leave the room to crash on Gia’s sofa. I think he would more about his friend wellbeing than her quitting the band or taking some time off.
Development: How did you come up with your character? Is their design still evolving? How do you think they might develop through the story?
I usually play with characters that charming, sarcastic and stubborn, quite outgoing and confident. When I came across the game and saw that we could play the MC stage persona and the real one I decided to try it, I want to explore the conflict of being different people.
I thought it fitted Gia to be nice and a bit not confrontational, I also thought it worked well with the band dynamic. And if Gia was going to e the nice, professional girl, Maze had to be the confident, flirty and hyperactive one.
At the end of the day they are the same person, the are behaviours that are appear I both Gia and Maze. I want to see how Gia’s character is going to evolve. Maybe she’ll take Maze confident mask or Gia’s openness will appear when singing an emotional song. I can’t wait to see how it goes.
And yes, Gia’s design is changing. I’ve got pinterest board and I’m putting the vibes that I think could fit but I’m still working on her sound, how metaphorical she is with the lyrics, what things happened to her to make her who she is now.
I’m having way too much fun
Ask game
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callofthxvoid · 1 year
WHERE: Town WHO: Gianna Rodriguez ( @ambercast )
Jackie was not a person of many vices, but she'd latched onto cigarettes at a fairly young age and hadn't gotten rid of the habit since. Prior to Huntsville she was mostly a social smoker, although it had definitely become a more regular occurrence since her impromptu road trip across the country; so perhaps the fact that her lighter was currently on the fritz was a sign that she should just drop it entirely.
Or she could just ask someone for a light.
"Hey, got a light?" she asked the nearest passerby, who happened to be someone she'd seen around, looked to be vaguely her age, and seemed like they might have one. "Sadly, I don't have anything interesting to offer you in exchange, but you can have a cigarette if you want one."
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sussoro · 10 months
hello!! please tell me more about your detective for M who’s gonna freak out when they say ily because that reaction and the aftermath is going to be so so good 💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️
hello to you too! hope you're doing well 💕 i'm really sorry it took me so long to reply, but i needed to sort through my very confusing thoughts to give them some sort of consistency, sjksjks. if you guys ever find yourselves curious about any of my ocs (which you can easily find here) please, do not hesitate to ask! i just love talking aimlessly about them and receiving these types of questions makes my heart all fuzzy and warm, so thank you for taking an interest in one of my wayhaven detectives!
okay, you didn't ask for my stupid rambles (and i swear one day i'll stop — *insert the 'today is not that day' meme*) so here are some facts:
‘the wayhaven chronicles’ canon
personality stats: sarcastic, easygoing & charming (also: not really a stickler for the rules and authority in general);
professional skills: deduction, science & combat — no matter what she's doing or how many times she's done it, the results will always be perfect and spot on;
rebecca → relationship status: not overly bad. honestly? could be better, but it could be much, much worse (personal note #1: rebecca is not my favourite character in the series and i'd probably be happier if she had died already — fingers crossed for book 5, sorry-not-sorry, becky — or, at least, if the narrative/characters would stop forcing the readers/mc to forgive her);
tina & verda → relationship status: best pals. her ride-or-die squad;
felix → relationship status: best friend. she found a mischievous kindred soul to relate with and if you ever encounter them together... run (there's this scene at the beginning of book 3, where adam/ava asks why the werewolves attacked them and rue answered with: "i may have made one teeny sarcastic comment", causing adam's/ava's soul to leave their body, lol);
bobby → relationship status: ex-boyfriend (personal note #2: i've always hated that the mc's gender/sexuality is what determines the ros' and bobby's gender) — she's not bothered by him at all, but since her responses are very sarcastic, well... rest in peace, robert marks;
mason → relationship status: a big, bright question mark;
personal canon
if i have to choose a few words to describe her, i'd say: naturally talented, wild card & big dick energy;
hyperactive little kid — couldn't stay still at all. always exploring the world around her, climbing up some tree/furniture or hiding somewhere in the house/backyard to play (the sitters tasked with keeping an eye on her went batshit crazy all. the. time);
as i said here, rue is extremely smart, often prone to boredom if something is not mentally challenging/stimulating enough (which can also be applied to her romantic relationships);
if you ever need someone to cut out some tension (or spike it up even more), she is the right gal for you. unfortunately, 99% of the time, the saying 'taking things seriously' is not part of her vocabulary (e.g. in book 3, when finding out about the trappers' bounty, she says: "how much am i worth?"). what can i say, she really likes to have a good time;
sarcasm is her default mode, plus she always downplays her feelings/emotions by either ignoring them or making badly-timed jokes;
rarely bothered by anything (e.g. in book 3, during the 'fight' with mason/morgan at the bakery, rue replies with: "me being naked is way more important to you") plus, not a jealous person ever (alima included, when she'll make her appearance);
was in an on-again/off-again relationship with bobby. after a while, though, she got exceedingly bored by the monogamous lifestyle and decided to dump his ass;
never had serious relationships/fell in love before — this is partly because: a) she's a free-spirited person & b) she's scared shitless of commitment (mostly caused by rook's death and seeing what that did to rebecca). in a sense, she and mason are quite similar;
just thinking about the word 'love' has her panicking really bad (i.e. after the 'date' at the antique shop), so when mason will inevitably confess his feelings to her... the only way i can see this going is with rue assuming it's all some kind of prank but, once her huge brain will catch on the fact that mason is not exactly the joking type, she will get cold feet and blearily say: "uhh, thank you, i guess?". after realizing what she has said/done, she will skedaddle so fast that the only thing people are going to see is an indistinctive, blurry form (later, she will definitely wish for an asteroid to hit her);
likes to sing everywhere: in the shower, at her workplace, inside the car, you name it (and she's also very good at hitting those high notes too — while she was attending the police academy, 'the karaoke incident' happened and no one beside her and tina knows the truth about it. verda is still trying to unsuccessfully bribe them to know what took place);
excellent chef — loves to cook/bake when she has some free time (she just thinks the entire process is pretty neat, starting with a few ingredients to achieve a full-on meal);
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touchedbydestiny · 9 months
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@insanislupus commented on my starter call
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            sometimes, even if she wasn’t proud of it, gia wasn’t so well controlled and the traces of her doings were visible. she was, unfortunately, still a messy eater. she was told that she could do better if she tried hard enough but somehow this never worked out.
            so yes, there she was with blood on her chin which she tried to wipe away with the back of her hand. some people were already watching because she had noticed it too late that there was still blood on her face left.
            "just a heavy nosebleed. nothing to worry about."
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day-mark · 4 months
also the fact that gia is at the dteam house but we havent gotten even one crumb of her interacting with dream or george is so sick and twisted. dream pls leave your editing cave and george go to snapchat or smth we can soft launch your return i promise 😞💔💔
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sturniqlo · 2 months
Polaroids- M.S
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summary: it's your wedding and your bridesmaids give matt a spicy polaroid picture of your throughout the night
cw: cursing, slight suggestive material no smut
an: based on this tiktok i saw | lowercase intended
polaroid one
the night was going great. matt and y/n were enjoying their wedding reception, they had been tied to the hip all night long. y/n had this one particular plan all planned out ever since her best friend, gia, had mentioned it to her. "hey, what if instead of a boudoir book at the end of the night, why don't you give him boudoir polaroids throughout the night?" she had suggested. "that's a great idea! but, why don't i have you and the rest of my bridesmaids give them to him?" gia gasped. "you dirty girl! you're going to get him riled up!" she lightly slapped your arm.
later that week, gia went over to take the pictures for y/n while matt wasn't home. neither of them found it weird, they had been friends their whole lives and considered themselves sisters and they had seen eachother countless times. "he's going to love these. can't wait to accompany you in the delivery room in nine months" gia placed the stack of six picture in her bag, she was going to keep them safe so they wouldn't risk matt finding them. "gia!" y/n scolded her and laughed and she put her hair back up.
"don't try and use them to get off." y/n joked as she walked gia to the door. "i'll try not to." gia playfully frowned. that was about a month ago. "you ready?" gia asked y/n as she handed a picture to each bridesmaid. y/n gave gia the last picture matt would receive and would probably be his breaking point and he'll race them home. "yeah. clem, you can give it to him in about five minutes." y/n tells the first bridesmaid. "okay!"
five minutes go by and y/n gives clem, who's standing nearby, a nod to give it to him. y/n scooted a bit away from matt as she saw clem get closer. he was currently having a small chat with chris. "hey matt." clem goes next to him pats his shoulder and grabs his hand, placing the picture face down and closing his hand around it. "hey?" he furrows his eyebrows, looking down at his closed hand. "chris! let's get a drink!" clem pulls chris away from matt.
somewhere nearby, gia is filming matt's reaction on y/n's camcorder. she zooms in on his face and giggles. matt, still confused, looks at his now wife and she directs a head nod to his hand. "what is it?" he says. "look at it!" she says over the loud music. he opens his hand and flips the small picture around and gasps, quickly placing the picture down on his lap. he feels himself get flustered and looks back at y/n who is giggling. "woahh!" he says. matt looks back down at the picture and flips it back and looks up to see if anyone is looking.
polaroid two
it had been twenty minutes since clem last gave matt the polaroid and matt was ready to go home and love on his wife. he had to excuse himself from y/n to go the bathroom to splash water on his face and cool down. y/n laughed at matt's reaction to the first picture, it was barely anything. she doesn't know how he'll react to the rest of them. in those twenty minutes, matt had slowly forgotten about the picture in his pocket until he saw kay, another one of y/n's bridesmaid come up to him with a smirk on her face. "matthew, i have something for you." she places her hands on her back. "wait let me prepare myself."
gia records again, zooming in on the interaction. y/n, now next to her giggles at matt's closed eyes, taking a deep breath. "okay, i'm ready." he places his hand out and kay places the picture faced down on his palm and he quickly closes his hand around it as he sees chris go over to him. kay, long gone, goes to the two girls laughing. "i love his reactions."
chris goes up to matt and matt tries to hide his hand. "what'd she give you?" he asks, taking a sip of his second pepsi. "dude, shoo out of here." matt shoos him with his empty hand. antsy to look at the new picture. "let me see." chris says. "fuck no!" he walks away from chris to a secluded corner. he flips the picture and cups his hand around. "holy fuck." he mutters. taking a better look at the picture. he starts to feel his pants get tight around his cock. suddenly and hand on his shoulder startles him, hiding the picture.
"baby, it's just me." y/n whispers in his ear, giggling once more from his reaction. "why are you doing this to me." he slips the picture into his pockets to join the other one. "thought it'd be fun." she shrugs wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him down to peck his lips. "can we go home." he looks into her eyes, slowly dragging his hands down to cup her ass over her dress. "not yet, a couple more hours to go. plus there's still more pictures." she unwraps her arms and walks away from in, turing her head back occasionally.
"fuck me." he sighs running a hand through his hair.
polaroid three
another twenty five minutes had passed by and matt has not forgotten about the pictures in his pocket. when he would find himself alone, he would pulls them out and stare and then and out them back once he saw someone coming up to him to congratulate him on his marriage. he would also go up to y/n when she was alone grabbing a drink of water and hugged her from behind begging her to go home. "please baby." he kissed her neck.
for the third picture, lila shook his hand and slipped the picture into his hand, while he was talking to nick. nick being curious, tried to take a peek at the mysterious picture, but matt shook his head. "i'll be back." he said, walking to his and y/n's table with a pep in his step. flipping it around he automatically started to get hard. in the picture, y/n was covering her bare cunt with their comforter. and her tits were able to be seen by the thin top she was wearing. he started to sweat, tugging on the neckline of his button up shirt.
around the corner, the three girls were giggling into the camera as gia tried to keep the camera straight, trying to capture the memories for her best friend. "what's going on?" nick came up behind them. "y/n's bridesmaids have been giving matt picture of her, if you know what i mean." nick gasped. "y/n!" she giggled. "is that why he didn't let me see?" they nodded.
polaroid four (left)
it was time for the fourth picture to be given to matt. this scenario was a bit different. the photographer was near their table taking pictures of them and y/n gave ali the signal to give it to him while the cameras were going off and gia was recording. ali walked over patting his on the shoulder and sliding it on this shoulder signaling him to grab it. matt looks around at the cameras immediately turning red. although she was wearing a plain white set, it was the first ever set matt had bought for her. so to them it was special. his head goes straight to his hands and she shakes his head, y/n laughs, looking at the cameras.
the photographer leaves to get an extra battery and matt lifts his head up. "baby, i don't know how much longer i can wait." he whispers in her ear. "only two more hours, mkay?" she grabs his chin, pecking his lips quickly. "two hours to long." he mutters, going back to look at the polaroid.
matt can't wait to go to their shared home and enjoy their first night as newlyweds. he also can't wait to take her dress off and toss it somewhere in their room along with his clothes. he already plans on keeping the polaroids safe in his wallet.
polaroid five (but the front side wink wink)
it was nearing eleven pm and guest were starting to leave here and there. the couple was once again busy by the guests saying their goodbyes and congratulating them once more. it was the second to last photo of the night and matt was getting antsy, waiting for a new picture to hold him up while he waits to get home. as matt was sipping on his hard seltzer, stella walked over to him with a huge smile on her face. matt downs his drink, giving the empty can to chris so he can throw it away, matt rubs his hands together. "let's see what we got now." he looks over at y/n who is smiling knowing this is a more exposed picture.
stella stood in front of matt, "here you go mister, it's a good one." she hands him the picture before walking away to gia who is once again filming. he looks around making sure nobody is able to see. flipping it over, he gets flustered all over again. her tits are now on display as one of her hand are in her hair. looking around to try and spot y/n he quickly spots her short white dress and she's already looking at him, smirking. gia turns off the camera, going to get her picture she's about to give him in a couple of minutes. matt lifts his finger in a come hither movement to y/n
following matt's motions, y/n makes her way to him. "can i help you?" she acts innocent. "i'm debating whether or not to ditch our wedding and go home." he looks at the picture once more before putting it in his pocket and looking into her eyes. his pupils are dialed and full with hunger and desire, y/n can't help but smirk. "just a bit more, i promise." she goes on her tip toes and kisses him. "i'm taking it you liked this one more?" matt nods, throwing his head into her shoulder groaning.
"i need you now."
polaroid six (middle pic but less clothing iykwim)
the moment matt has been waiting for, the final picture. he noticed that as he was given the pictures they were getting more and more suggestive. he believed that this last one was going to be very different. she was going to be on full display and he was excited, knowing that he'll get to have her in less than an hour. he was thanking their past selves for choosing a close venue to their home. the quicker he gets them home, the quicker he gets to show her how much he loves her.
gia was the last to give him a picture so he went up to her. "i believe you have something for me?" he widens his eyes and gives her a knowing look. "thirsty are we?" she giggles, grabbing her phone and taking her phone case off and grabbing the picture. "have fun, kid. i'll take care of the mess here." she hands the picture over to him and pats his shoulder as she walks away.
like a routine, he looks around making sure nobody can see it and flips it over. he feels the blood rush to his cock. she's completely naked in this one. although her leg is covering her pussy, he can already imagine it. staring a bit longer, he puts in safely in his pocket and looks for y/n so he can get them out of here. spotting her a few feet away he walks over to her. "get your stuff, we're leaving." he grabs her waist from behind.
"yes, baby." she smirks.
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fearlessmuses · 11 months
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@lovest0rie: #4 mf - Gia ( @lovest0rie ) for Harvey
⚖️ ───── they had barely been in the house a sixty seconds when he had her stripping away that dress she'd worn to dinner. there was no hesitation in the fact that she had tormented him for the ride home, causing his trousers to be painful, and tight. could she fault him for the rush to strip him of her clothing? he had pulled her towards himself as he drank her in. "i do love what you had beneath that dress. this is my favourite outfit." he spoke before teeth grazed against her jaw. but as he remained fully clothed he liked the sense of authority it put over him as he dropped into a chair and had her bending over his lap.
he had dragged his fingers over her folds and felt the wetness already built from the anticipation of him, at least he assumed. he brushed his finger through and then quickly he was moving one finger inside of her teasing her in quick little thrusts that barely lasted before he drew it away as his fingers took hold of her panties pulling them further probably stretching them. he'd have to buy her another pair, as he moved his hand over her exposed ass cheek and gave a firm slap followed by a second. "all this wetness just for me?"
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