#interactions ;;
frogchiro · 2 days
Are we ever gonna see Captain Mactavish again because I REALLY miss that hunky man 😩🩷🩷🩷🩷
Captain Mactavish who would bully you even on a mission, a stealth mission at that :((
It was supposed to be small, silent and quick, in and out, just to gather more intel and the Captain was supposedly there just to guard you as you hacked into the Konni servers, downloaded what was necessary and got the fuck out of there...Well if only it was that easy.
It wasn't a secret that the good captain fancied you, making all the other men jealous when they saw the older man cornering you, herding you possessively away from other men or monopolizing you during training etc. And you liked the attention! Your really did! Especially since Captain MacTavish was so big and masculine and experienced...You loved his large, calloused hands manhandling you during training and how his pupils would blow out when he'd hear you squeal when his clothed cock brushed against you when he had you pinned down.
However now, when he pressed against you from behind as you bend over the console and roughly grabbed your poor hips to jerk you back against his straining cock as he rutted against you, you didn't really need his attention :((
You tried hissing at him, batting at John and yowling that this was literally enemy territory, that he'll get you and him killed because he's thinking only with his cock but the burly man would just snuff at you like an amused dog, growl out that the doors are locked shut and no one would be coming, and even if they did he'd put a bullet through the skull of anyone who'd try to pull him from inside of you :((
Just a nasty, old, perverted dick </3
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miki-tae · 8 hours
Hello. You look... Interesting.
- @following-apathy
Shoving the "lab equipment" off the table and out of view.
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bugboi-connor · 8 months
If u interact with my posts, just know I respond like this:
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sundrop-writes · 4 months
Hiii !! I wanted to request a reaction for Derek, Emily and Spencer
When Single Parent! Reader (GN is fine !!) has to bring their daughter to the BAU for a little bit and she won't stop following the Character around and doesn't want to leave "her new friend" when its time to go? Thank you sm in advance if you write it !! 💕💕
i might swing by later with a dif request, this was the first thing my sleep ridden brain blessed me with ;p
I love this so much (I have been in such a parent fic mood since writing the Dad Spence fic, Star thank you so much) - I think this idea is so adorable, I love it!!!
(I wrote Derek's part and then trailed off and left this in my drafts for a few days, so sorry if there's a huge disconnect between the characters' parts. Ooops.)
Requests are currently - OPEN
How would Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, and Spencer Reid react to your daughter becoming attached to them? (Derek, Emily, and Spencer x GN!Reader)
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Warnings: mentions of corporate/white collar crimes (embezzlement, etc.); mentions of the reader being threatened by white collar criminals, mentions of criminals threatening to kill a child; as it says in the title, the reader has a daughter but the reader's gender is not described in any way; surprisingly, for this one, I didn't give the daughter a name. idk, I think that's it. (Edit: now fixed so that the reader is actually fully GN and I am so sorry about the mistake before!!!)
It was a pretty basic case. You were an attorney working on a large company merger - you had found evidence of millions of dollars being embezzled, and when you had copied the files with the intention of bringing them to the IRS, you had started receiving threatening letters. It weighed on your conscience - you knew that the men who ran the company had more than enough money and resources to make you disappear, likely leaving your daughter an orphan, leaving her to wonder what had happened to you for the rest of her life. When you received another letter with photos of your daughter at her preschool attached, now threatening her - you had made your decision fully.
You took your files and evidence to the BAU - you had met Rossi at a seminar he gave, talking about how sociopathy is incredibly common in corporate circles - how sociopaths do very well in corporate jobs due to their driven, goal oriented, emotionless nature. And warning signs to look out for if someone is using those traits to cross into dangerous territory. It was a seminar you had gone to out of curiosity, but you were glad that you had taken his card and you were able to contact him now.
He invited you to the BAU, and the team offered to take your case - to find out who was threatening you and bring them to justice.
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Derek found you incredibly beautiful.
He was intrigued by your looks at first, and when Hotch mentioned that someone needed to interview you and get the full details from you in order for the team to get a better perspective on the case, Derek volunteered immediately. He hadn't gotten a full briefing - too eager to get to talk to you.
He came into the room with a bottle of water for you, looking to comfort you with his smile and his charms, and he was surprised when Penelope came back into the room and a small girl came barreling toward you, incredibly excited to tell you that she had gotten M&Ms from the vending machine (which Penelope had taken her to).
Typically, Derek didn't go for people who had kids. Any other time, with any other person - it would have immediately turned him off. It would have dampened your attractiveness in his eyes. He generally had a 'no single parents' policy, because he thought that dating someone with kids was just a lot of baggage. But seeing you - he was immediately taken with you. And seeing you with your daughter, somehow made you instantly more attractive.
And he thought the way that you scooped your daughter up into your lap and let her feed you M&Ms with her chubby little fingers was all too cute. It was unprofessional, but the case definitely wasn't the only thing on his mind that day.
Penelope took your daughter out of the room again while Derek interviewed you, and it was only when you spoke of the fear you felt for your daughter - the potential of her being her by the anonymous person, that you actually teared up. Derek couldn't help but to pull you in close, holding you tight in an effort to comfort you (secretly loving how tightly you hugged him back) - and it was in that moment that he vowed to himself that he would do whatever it took to protect you and your child. He would always keep the two of you out of harm's way.
And he certainly tried his hardest to accommodate your daughter when he found out that the two of you would be sticking around the office for the day - to ensure that you would be protected until the team found out who had sent the threats. He got her a kids meal with a toy when he ordered lunch, he knew there wasn't much in the office in the way of "toys" - but he swung by Garcia's office borrowed something she had that was fuzzy and lights up (with the promise of returning it) and he scrounged up a blank pad of paper and some coloured pens so your daughter could have something to do.
It wasn't surprising when she excitedly ran over to his desk and gave him a picture she had drawn of him - a very cartoonish muscled man with his same facial hair and an eggish bald head. His exaggerated features in the picture made you and Morgan laugh, and before you left the BAU for the day (when your safety was assured and the local police were on their way to arrest the men who had made the threats to you) - you found a different pen and wrote your number on the bottom corner of the picture for him.
He knew that something in you had changed him when he started thinking about taking you on a first date in the park - something your daughter could enjoy as well, rather than considering what bar or late night restaurant he was going to take you to.
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Emily was surprised by the entire thing.
She hadn't been around children since, well - she was one. Due to events in her past, and due to the way her mother treated her, she never imagined herself being a parent. Ever. She was someone who thought that she was just naturally terrible with kids, like her own mom was. She hadn't met the person she thought that she could settle down with, so she never thought that kids were in the cards for her. So it definitely caught her off guard when your daughter seemed to take to her like a duck to water.
It was in her natural instinct to comfort you. You were so shaken up about the whole thing, the anonymous danger lurking in your life - and she took some extra time to assure you that things were going to be okay, that the team was the best, and they were going to catch whoever was doing this.
She thought it was a natural kindness to get down on your daughter's level and ask what she was playing with, to compliment her cute little doll and then take her down the hallway to grab a snack to give you a few minutes to breathe. The little girl was sweet and Emily didn't mind spending some extra time with her.
On their way back along, your daughter plucked a crossword puzzle book off Emily's desk and asked what it was, and Emily explained it - so then she took a few minutes to find some crosswords for children online and printed them out, and when she came to delivery them, alone with some pens, your daughter enthusiastically asked if Emily would sit and 'show her' - and while you said that Emily was busy and had other work to do, Emily shrugged and said she had a few minutes to spare. Again, she thought it was common manners, sitting with the girl on her lap while she guided her through the puzzles, praising her intellect when she got the answers right.
She didn't see the way you were looking at the pair, pure affection bubbling up in your eyes.
When the day was over, and it was cleared as safe for you and your daughter to return home, the little girl let out a loud complaint that she didn't want to leave her 'new friend Emily' - and Emily couldn't have predicted the way that those words tugged at something in her chest. She didn't know what led her to kneeling down at the girl's level, promising to see her that weekend when she had a free day - that was, if you didn't mind. Getting nothing but a bright smile from you, and feeling a certain spark there.
(She had to resist the urge to punch Morgan in the ribs when she walked back to her desk to nothing but teasing, how she was getting 'the whole family package' on 'her first date'.)
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Spencer found the whole thing (secretly) adorable.
It is no secret that Spencer loves kids. He is very good with kids, and it's clear by the way he acts around kids that he definitely wants kids of his own someday. He hasn't met 'the one' yet - the person that he's going to have kids with. Whether that's through the natural, old-fashioned way or through adoption. But he did always imagine that if he raised kids of his own, it would be from infancy.
He never imagined that the person he was meant to be with would stumble into his life with a child that was already walking and talking - but when he met you and your daughter, it felt so right. Even if the circumstances were a bit dark.
He interviewed you about the whole situation, and when you apologized for crying and getting emotional, he was quick to assure you that it was natural - you were shaking, and though Spencer was usually someone to avoid touch, he found his need to hold you so overwhelming. He didn't regret his choice to wrap his arms around you when you hugged him back tightly.
When your daughter burst into the room (no longer occupied making paper airplanes with Emily and JJ), she was quick to ask why you were crying, extending out a small chubby finger to point at you, seemingly warbling with half-baked tears of her own at seeing you so upset. Spencer knelt down and assured her that everything was going to be okay, and then he moved to distract her by taking the little paper airplane out of her hand and telling her that he knew a trick to make it fly so much farther.
And he did. It was simple aerodynamics and folding techniques. And then they stood near the top of the bullpen, silently trying to get Morgan to look up by flying planes onto his desk - and the man couldn't bring himself to get too mad when he heard childish giggling coming from your daughter every few minutes.
You truly felt those butterflies for Spencer turn into more when he showed your daughter a trick that ended with a fake flower somehow coming out of his sleeve - something feathery and pink that he tucked behind her ear for her to keep, having her smiling and laughing brightly on a day where you had been wracked with worry, fearing for her life.
By the time the day was over and both of your safety was assured, you weren't surprised that she didn't want to leave him. And you made the bold move, telling him (rather than asking him) - that he should come over for dinner and a movie on Saturday, and then leaning over to gently whisper in his ear that the two of you could enjoy a another, more adult flick after your daughter was tucked into bed. Your daughter was too excited at the prospect of seeing Spencer again, tugging on his pant leg, waiting for him to agree - and he was speechless at the implications of what you had said.
He couldn't even think of the word 'no' if he tried.
So, it was a date, then.
Criminal Minds Masterlist
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
"kuni... i had a dream about you. about us... you were actually kind of sweet, in it..."
Scaramouche swears he could get drunk on the expression you direct at him now. Wistful with a touch of yearning for something that’d never be fulfilled. It brings out the best of your features, almost giving the appearance that you’re glowing. 
His appreciation could only last so long, until he begins ruminating on your word choice, as he so often does. If there ever were a certification test on all things you, he’d pass with flying colors. A prodigy in the field. He could even host seminars, though he wouldn’t, because he’s the only one who gets to have access to this invaluable information. 
It’s this unparalleled expertise that makes him glare at you. “What? Am I not sweet enough when you’re awake?” 
“Um...” you trail off, blinking rapidly, “Is that... is that a trick question?” 
Alright, well, you didn’t have to sound so genuine. That’s rude. 
He flicks your forehead. “Maybe if you acted a little cuter, I’d dote on you some more. I’m capable of being quite pleasant when the situation calls for it. You just need to work harder to bring my soft side out.” 
You put a finger to your cheek and hum. “Does such a fabled ‘soft side’ really exist? I’m not convinced.” 
“Oh, it most certainly does,” he returns with a smile that feels increasingly strained by the second. “So go ahead. Act cute and earn my esteemed adoration. You should feel privileged to even have the opportunity.” 
The face you make almost hurts his pride. Almost. “No thanks. I think I’d rather get struck by lightning.” 
His eye twitches. “That can be arranged.” 
“See! This is exactly what I mean. The dream version of you is much better, I prefer him by far.” 
Instead of reciprocating your bickering, his breath hitches, and he gnaws on the inside of his cheek. “Do you really?” 
“It’s not even a competition. Wait, hold on... you’re not jealous of yourself, are you? Is that possible?” 
“... Shut up, already. Your voice is getting on my nerves.” 
“Aw, but I need it to bring out your soft side.” 
Your forehead receives yet another flick for this infraction. 
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taygra5shaon · 2 months
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Some doodles ❤️
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informationatlas · 6 months
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Scientists believe that the remarkable intelligence of beluga whales is demonstrated by their ability to learn and communicate using the complex language of whistles and clicks. This has been observed in a specific case where a beluga whale, living in captivity alongside a pod of bottlenose dolphins, has successfully acquired and adopted their unique language.
(via Beluga whale learns to 'talk' to pod of bottlenose dolphins )
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ratgingi · 10 months
If you're still okay with requests, i humbly ask for 1 whole art of happy Norm.
Hope you're having a groovy time right now!
and i hope ur also having a super epic time, random citizen wonder what hes laughin at
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dialtown reqs open forever :thumbs up:
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yridenergyridenergy · 7 months
The wholesome-ish friendship between Shinya and Kyo
Their latest playful Q&A in Haiiro no Ginka vol. 100 has prompted me to compile examples of this weird but overall wholesome relationship that Kyo and Shinya have and which is not obvious at first.
Situation #1
In October 2017, Kyo gifted Shinya with a custom white version of a MadaraNingen one-piece. As far as I remember, that article of clothing was not available for purchase in white at all, to the public. And of course, we all know that Shinya prefers to wear white.
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Situation #2
I think that in response to Shinya sharing a video of him briefly playing with the minicars that were sold as tour goods in This Way to Self-Destruction, Kyo posted a story on Instagram of him revving up a bunch of mini-cars and persistently making them hit his phone propped up on a counter and displaying a picture of Shinya. At age 43. To which Shinya made an Instagram post vaguely hinting that: "Good children should not play with the mini-cars to hit someone's picture!"
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Kyo's Instagram Story "The proper way to use mini-cars" video
Shinya's translated response
Situation #3
In late 2022-early 2023, Shinya publicly celebrated his bandmates' birthdays via emojis on Twitter, and Kyo was the only one to respond, in kind.
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Situation #4
Kyo posted a cryptic picture of Shinya's video meeting with Mana in an Instagram Story and he has mentioned on Twitter at least once that he was watching Shinya Channel (the making of the FaFa onigiri).
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In the same vein, Shinya took his failed attempt at needle-felting a pink bunny in March 2022 and turned it into a miniature hammer-wielding bunny in October 2022, in response to sukekiyo unveiling their Mosaic Shoujo PV which featured Kyo in the killer bunny suit.
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Situation #5
This very old video of Kyo teasing Shinya by pinching the side of his dress, Shinya reacting by pushing Kyo a bit and Kyo falling into a robot dance in response.
Situation #6
The coffee maker. In one of the live talks held during the COVID-19 pandemic at concert venues, Shinya mentioned having a coffee maker which was of no use to him, and Kyo expressed interest in taking it from him. Later, in the Galacaa livestream talk between the two, it was revealed that Shinya had promised to give Kyo his coffee maker, but he never pulled through on that offer. Kyo, sporting a doodled face to hide his own, insistently questioned Shinya on this unreliability when the topic was brought up by fans in the comments. Shinya kind of struggled but ended up explaning that the coffee maker was really useless because of a defect, that it would not have been an appropriate gift anymore. But he forgot to update Kyo about it after he tried to contact the manufacturer. Kyo replied like: "Oh, alright then."
At some point, Kyo took the matter to Twitter, confronting Shinya about it with their respective member photos to illustrate the dialogue, and Shinya replied the same way.
Situation #7
In that same livestream, Shinya is so used to Kyo's bullshit by now that he completely ignores Kyo's doodle face sheet and casually leans forward to look past him and at the interviewer, sat on Kyo's right. After a while of this, the interviewer points out to Shinya that Kyo is insistently staring at him with this disturbing face, which is when Shinya becomes startled and nervously laughs upon realizing that, also making Kyo chuckle.
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Situation #8
More often than others, Shinya and Kyo are documented chatting on the chairs backstage while they wait for everyone to be ready to start the show. Maybe there's something to be said of how they are the two members of the band to leave the stage the quickest, while Kaoru, Toshiya and Die stay for a while to throw picks.
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Situation #9
Miscellaneous pictures of the two:
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Situation #10
Apparently it was Shinya's earbuds that Kyo used to play with the cat (also Shinya's?) in this famous old video.
Situation #11
Other interactions on Twitter include commentary regarding the song battles that fans were voting on via that same website, during live broadcasts from their manager Fujieda on Galacaa. Kyo and Shinya were the only two members reacting to the songs that were pulled out of the box, Kyo sometimes replying to Shinya's own tweets wondering what he meant or outright questioning his preference.
Another interaction consisted in Kyo copying Shinya's tweets regarding the release of their Phalaris album and twisting Shinya's cute comments into hellish versions.
Situation #12
Probably a bunch of elusive comments throughout the years, but here's an example of something that Shinya said about Kyo in a magazine interview.
Situation #13
In Haiiro no Ginka vol. 100, the members were asked to send each other member five questions. Some chose to personalize them based on what they actually wanted to ask of the others, while a couple decided to send the same questions to all, but members were not told who the questions came from. Kyo picked up on that anonymous part of the game and when answering Shinya's set of questions, he ended each of his short answers with a second sentence that can either just be the Kansai dialect for: "Aren't you Shinya!", or in other dialects, translates more to: "Shinya, you bastard!" hahah. From what I saw, nobody else hinted at who they thought the questions came from in their answers. In reverse, Kyo took up two of his five alloted questions for Shinya with the simple statement: "You don't know you're dead yet!", a quote from Fist of the North Star which is highly intimidating as it hints that someone has defeated the character so easily and lightning-fast that they are a dead man standing, their body having trouble catching up with the reality that they were slaughtered. Shinya, in response to that repeated tease, stubbornly replies in his polite and formal Japanese that: "No, I'm not dead." Their Q&A with the other members were not nearly that quirky.
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Situation #14
At his SERAPH birthday concert in 2023, Shinya said that his three treasures in life are:
Situation #15
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Kyo replying to Shinya's post featuring a very old picture of Kyo (which was however respectfully hidden by Phalarisu-kun) by pulling out the oldest/youngest postcards of Shinya he could find, also commenting to paraphrase Shinya: "Postcards that probably no one has anymore." His own postcard depicting him peeks from underneath.
Shinya replied to that with: "I tried to look for it but couldn't find it 🥺"
Situation #16
On Twitter, Shinya posted a photo with other artists which he explained as: "Yesterday, we had a birthday celebration for everyone born in February and March 🎂 Happy birthday everyone 🎉🎉🎉"
To which Kyo directly replied: "I wasn't invited." (born February 16th)
And Shinya responded with: "The DIR EN GREY guys are a bit mean 🥺"
Kyo never replied to that.
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Situation #17
Going to combine two things considering how long ago they were.
Shinya and Kyo were the first members of Dir en grey to meet, and the day right after I posted this compilation happened to be the 28th anniversary of when they first performed together.
There's also an anecdote that, way back then, no one in the band knew how to contact Kyo because none of them had his phone number, but eventually Shinya just casually revealed that he had it all along and said: "Oh I'll just call him"
Situation #18
Shinya and Kyo are the only members who are clearly dog lovers in the band, while Die and Toshiya are part of the cat team. Shinya used to have a dog (chihuahua?) and Kyo now has Pun-cha. Shinya recently wore a sweater with a dog on it.
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Situation #19
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In a tweet that Kyo has since deleted, he wrote that if there was one grudge he still held, it was that he never appeared on the cover of a Rockin'f magazine. Shinya also wasn't featured, so he added that while he doesn't have a grudge against them, he has declined interviews and comments for a certain magazine after that.
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Situation #20
During their European tour 2024, Kyo and Shinya embarked in a playful spat on Twitter, seemingly out of boredom while traveling on the tour bus. It was funny the way it culminated in both of them forcing the other to subscribe to their fan clubs to find out more. On Kyo's side at least, I didn't see anything related to that on kyo-online for real hah.
Situation #21
Shinya took the time to snap a picture of Petit Brabançon playing on the Yunika Vision screens while he was out solving a game, then posting that on Twitter and promoting Petit Brabancon. " I heard Kyo sing while solving a mystery in Shinjuku"
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He also made numerous mentions of the Petit Brabancon posters around Gorilla Hall in his video touring that venue:
... Did I miss any? And there will undoubtedly be more to come!
Thank you very much to shinyaburashka, mementoboni, lamenty45 and degtau for your help!
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cookierun-rpg · 10 months
Start Adventure
Universe: mix
Tanjiro and Nezuko have been traveling on a small mission when they were met with a rift. They couldn't escape it as they both were sucked up into it fairly quickly.
They were spat out into a dark forest in a daze before Tanjiro sat up.
"Nngh... Wha..?"
*holy shit everything is sweets- also it's night time so-*
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frogchiro · 9 hours
Captain mactavish with his chunky, fat babies strolling around the bases during bringing your child day ❤️
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Oh he's so proud and so awful about it. He's strutting like a proud stallion with his chubby twins around the base and shows them off to everyone, doesn't even ask.
Like yes Captain, everyone gets that you just fathered big, healthy twins, we understand🙄 But does John give a shit? Absolutely no. He's so damn proud of you, his sweet hackergirl, who carried his two pups for 9 months and birthed him these chunky cuties and he's proud of his twins because while only a few weeks old they are growing fast and are so giggly and friendly! All they want to do is nurse from you, sleep and giggle at everyone♡
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What flower are you? Quiz
These fun/silly results awoke the inner Victorian in me and I thought it would be fun to share. No pressure tags and a hearty welcome to any who want to join in: @butlersxbirdy @ab4eva @aemondsbabe @sansas-amythest-hairnet @prompted-wordsmith @arabellasleopardcoat @missmaywemeetagain @thatbanditqueen @from-memphis-with-love @lookingforrainbows @foreverdolly @eliseinmemphis @stylespresleyhearted @ellie-24
My results:
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shiji-ayuto · 22 days
*calmly cocks gun*
~ @your-secrets-arent-safe-with-me
"I'm guessing you also want a taste of why your old job doesn't fuck. With me?"
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miki-tae · 28 days
kid, have you seen my snail ? he has spots on his shell.
Snail?? No I only see striped ones- yew want m' to look for et?
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girlmikeyway · 2 months
"that was a toxic relationship, so fuck that, i turned it into a song"
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
“Can I squish your cheeks Scara. Please.”
The room goes so silent, you swear you could hear a pin drop.
He looks at you like you’re a ghost. Or someone with three heads. Maybe a ghost with three heads. Eyebrows raised, mouth agape, head tilted. Sheepishness threatens to overcome you, yet you stay strong. Getting the request out in the first place was the hard part, you internally reason. Dealing with the subsequent fallout shouldn’t be too bad in comparison. 
... Hopefully. 
“Why?” he doesn’t seem upset, or any negative emotion that’d spell trouble for you, just genuinely curious. If not a touch taken aback. 
“I don’t know, why do I ever do anything?” 
“If I was capable of answering that question, I’d be wiser than Sumeru’s puny excuse of a god,” Scaramouche returns, his words sharp but his tone dull. He sighs far heavier than he needs to at your expectant staring. “Let me guess. If I don’t indulge this foolish whim of yours, you’ll sit over there and sulk for the remainder of the day.” 
Can the king of sulking when he doesn’t get what he wants from you really be complaining about you doing the same? Probably, but that doesn’t make it any less ironic in your eyes. You wisely choose to keep this observation to yourself. 
“I can neither confirm nor deny this allegation.” 
Scaramouche rolls his eyes at your petulance. “... Very well, you insufferable creature. Be quick about it before I change my mind.” 
He doesn’t need to tell you twice. 
You stride over, victorious, fingers at the ready. He crosses his arms over his chest and glances to the side. His lithe frame is noticeably taut. He’s moved his lips over to one side, which causes his cheek to jut out. The temptation to go for a pinch instead is strong and takes a moment to push down. 
“What are you waiting for?” He snaps, his voice too thin to hold any real weight. 
Your fingers press against his rapidly flushing face. It could be your overactive imagination, but you swear you feel the slightest tingle of electricity in doing so. Without further ado, you give him a gentle squeeze. Once. Twice. Then thrice. 
His skin is so soft. 
“Okay, enough of that,” he swats your hands away with a scowl. You’re about to complain when he mirrors your previous action, squeezing the skin of your cheeks outward with a tenderness that belies his menacing expression. 
“What?” He chuckles, rightfully knowing you’ll have a difficult time responding in this state. “You didn’t think I’d want something out of this? How naïve. Now it’s my turn. I’ll think about being gentle if you make a cute enough face.” 
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