#interactions : stefan salvatore
sky-bunnyyy · 9 months
Hi! I’m so excited to find another TVD agere blog! Would you be willing to please do a Little Stefan Salvatore moodboard? Thank you in advance!
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Sorry this took so long 😅
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ofniightshade · 1 month
closed starter with : @xripper
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the  ever-brooding  martyr.  how  charmingly  predictable.  tobias  parker's  lips  curled  into  a  mocking  smile  as  he  observed  the  troubled  vampire  from  the  shadows.  "you  know,  stefan,"  tobias  drawled,  his  voice  laced  with  a  taunting  edge,  "i  couldn't  help  but  notice  your  brooding  demeanor  has  taken  on  an  almost…  poetic  quality.  it's  almost  endearing,  watching  you  struggle  with  the  absence  of  your  precious  loved  ones.  i  wonder  who  you  miss  more  your  wife  or  your  first  love.  but,  of  course,  you  must  know  the  truth  by  now.  if  only  you  were  as  adept  at  finding  answers  as  you  are  at  wallowing  in  despair.  but  there's  no  need  to  fret  too  much.  after  all,  these  dark  clouds  hanging  over  your  head  might  just  be  hiding  the  most  delightful  secrets."
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papcrrings-arch · 9 months
Closed Starter : Stefan & Hope ( @drvcxrys )
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"Excuse me," Stefan asked the woman who looked vaguely familiar. He was sure they hadn't met but perhaps he had seen that face somewhere. Even so, he shook off that feeling, "Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked, pointing to the seat across from her, "I just need to kill some time before my shift."
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deviousxkitten · 1 year
( @kingsnlegends. ) “Looking for trouble, are we?” (from stefan)
"Oh, Stefan. You know me so well. It warms my cold, dead and so very still heart." Katherine had a flair for the dramatics and this was no different. She laid her hand over her chest and let a matching gasp slip past her lips. Lowering her arm back down after another moment, the vampire moved in and now stood dangerously close to Stefan. She purposely let her body brush against his, which was all part of the game as usual. "But I'd say you're looking for trouble yourself because you found me. And here I am, ready to cause it. Do you wanna play?"
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warriorxprincess · 1 year
PLOTTED STARTER // ( @kingsnlegends. )
Many years had passed since Elena had been spelled asleep by Kai. She'd been slumbering in her coffin for a long time, with all of her friends living their lives like she'd told them to. She hadn't wanted any of them to put their lives on hold for her because they all deserved to have whatever they wanted in life - she'd be the last person to ever keep them from their dreams. The brunette had no idea how much time had passed when her brown hues finally did open up, encompassing the light that hit her face after such a long time once more. Elena slowly rose from her position, pushing her upper body from her makeshift bed and glancing around the Salvatore crypt that she'd been in all this time.
The doppelganger had no idea what time, day, month or even what year it was. What she did remember was that she'd said goodbye to all of her friends when Kai had placed that spell on her and now she couldn't help but wonder where they all were. If she was awake, did that mean Bonnie had died? It was the one thing that needed to happen in order for Elena to awaken after all. The two best friends had been linked together all this time and the only way to break the spell was for Bonnie to die. She didn't know what had happened, if Bonnie had died of old age or prematurely, but Elena wanted to find her friends as quickly as she could. Pushing herself out of the coffin, she was pretty unsteady on her feet - which was no surprise, she'd been lying down for a long time and needed to adjust to standing up again.
Slowly but surely, she found her way outside and strolled through the cemetery, still semi dazed. It was difficult to find her way around now when she hadn't been here for so long. Still, not knowing how everyone was doing or where her friends were was getting to her - she had to know if everyone was okay. She also remembered telling Damon not to wait for her, to live his life and not sit around. The young girl wondered if he'd actually done so or if he'd gone off the rails in her absence. But her feelings had also shifted during that time, she didn't feel the same way anymore. It was as if this mystical slumber had changed her, made her a whole new person who now had different views on life. Elena was now wandering into the Salvatore boarding house, carefully opening up the large front door and not knowing what or who to expect inside. Did anyone know she was awake?
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snnynatural · 4 months
blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver. / reverse hehe
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actions speak louder than words non - verbal / action prompts from yours truly. (add a "swap" to swap the sender/receiver in the prompt (or just do it manually).)
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despite  stefan  being  able  to  heal  himself,  it  didn't  stop  sonny  from  cleaning  off  the  blood  from  his  skin.  sure  they  may  have  had  a  rough  start  with  him  being  a  vampire  and  her  being  a  hunter,  but  sonny  never  saw  anything  black  and  white.  there  was  always  that  gray  area  that  would  prove  that  nothing  is  all  that  it  seems.  which  is  why  the  two  were  standing  by  the  bathroom  sink,  her  with  a  wet  cloth,  gently  wiping  the  blood  from  his  face.  “you  didn't  have  to  risk  your  life  like  that,  you  know?”  she  finally  spoke,  “guess  the  upside  of  having  supernatural  abilities.  healing  fast.”  then  she  blinked  up  at  him,  “but  thank  you.  for  saving  me.”
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tragcdysewn · 6 months
closed starter for stefan salvatore!! ( @papcrrings )
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"oh, here, don't move." davina comments, reaching up to pull a leaf from the man's hair and giving him a small laugh. "you would've been walking around with this in your hair for an hour, maybe more."
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fearlessmuses · 11 months
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🩸 ───── her gaze danced over stefan with a sort of curiosity that could not be helped. she was considering herself and her words as she looked towards stefan, "you look as if someone soured your morning rabbit." she mused a light poke to his food of preference thus to avoid the ripper within. "let me guess, a far less pretty looking copy of me? copies always do tend to disappoint or fade from that of the original." she shrugged in a casual manner.
@denydefeat ♥ for a starter from katherine pierce for stefan salvatore
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dulcetmuses · 1 year
@emotionlcss (moved from here.)
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there’s a look of skepticism on his face that stefan couldn’t hide, and rightfully so. whenever one mikaelson appeared, the rest couldn’t be far behind.  ❛  ah, so no one’s here to make sure you play nice. it sounds like i have every right to follow you around.  ❜  stefan pointed out, chuckling as memories were brought up.  ❛  not so sure that you have the best memories in mystic falls, but fine. how long do you plan on staying?  ❜ 
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spunkyxgoddess · 1 year
PLOTTED STARTER // ( @kingsnlegends. )
How was she here? Why was she here? Lexi remembered Damon driving a stake through her heart and ending her life outside of Mystic Grill a long time ago. But it didn't feel like she was on the other side anymore now because Lexi felt different - she felt alive. Something had shifted and it was very evident as well as prominent. The brunette had been on the other side for a long time and witnessed many things over time. Over there, she could come and go as she pleased without anyone really noticing her presence. And that was exactly why this didn't feel the same. If she'd wanted to visit her own grave on the other side, she could simply walk over there and do just that. But now she felt like she'd been thrust back into reality, into life.
The vampire desperately clawed at the material of the coffin that she'd been buried in as the life was restored back into her body. Lexi had woken up in the place she'd been left at - the coffin that she'd been buried in. As a member of the undead community, she didn't require oxygen to survive so she wouldn't die in this spot. However, it did feel quite suffocating to be confined within such a small space. She wanted out, but in order for that to happen, Lexi had to dig herself out of the fabric, wood and also dirt. Hazel green orbs frantically searched the ceiling of the coffin as the young woman used all of her strength to punch her way through. How she wished that resurrection worked differently where she could just wake up in her bed. "Come on, Lex. You can do this."
Of course her best friend was her first thought, she'd watched him for so long from the other side. Even when she'd been brought back as a ghost, the brunette had helped guide Stefan - it was her life's mission to keep him on the right track. She was his guardian angel in that way, still taking care of and looking after her best friend. Luckily, Caroline had taken over for Lexi in her absence and she was glad that Stefan had somebody like that in his life. In the midst of all his struggles, he needed someone by his side and she didn't want him to go through them all alone. With those thoughts in mind and using Stefan as her motivation, Lexi gave one final punch before the ceiling of her coffin collapsed. Now she was left with the dirt that she needed to claw her way through. Thank god that she didn't need to breathe or she wasn't sure if she'd actually make it out through the thick substance.
The layers didn't seem to end, but Lexi was grateful once a ray of light came into view. And even more grateful once that ray multiplied and increased with every ounce of strength that she was using. A last grunt echoed through the graveyard the moment the brunette had made it to the top. Pushing herself onto the grass, Lexi needed a few moments to collect herself and just took some time to adjust to being out and back in her own body again. Turning herself over, the vampire sat across from her headstone and began to shake the dirt off of herself. She forced herself back up onto her feet, still unsteady now that she was standing again after so long and brushing some more dirt off of the fabric of her clothes. Her head whipped around to check if no one was nearby, but it did seem to be that way since it was currently nighttime. That was good, Lexi didn't need an audience or snitches - that would only complicate things more for her.
Okay, so she was alive again now. But how was that even possible? It was Mystic Falls, things like that weren't so unusual to be perfectly honest. But Lexi had only been brought back as a ghost - twice. None of her recurring appearances had been permanent, but this one felt like it might just be. The brunette had no idea what time, day or year it really was though. The only thing that she knew was that she needed to find Stefan and let him know about her return. Maybe he could help her figure out what exactly this was and what it meant. He might not be as surprised as she'd paid him multiple ghostly visits in the past already. She just hoped that she was back for good this time and if that wasn't the case, then surely Stefan would be willing to help make it a lasting thing?
In order to get to Stefan's house, Lexi had decided to use the falls as a shortcut. She'd be faster if she went that route and her impatient self really wanted to see the other vampire after all this time. The brown haired girl could also go and look for the man who had killed her, but was that really worth it? Did she truly want to waste her time on plotting and getting her revenge on Damon Salvatore? When she could focus on reuniting with Stefan and have him help her adapt to life again? It made sense, her needing his help this time since she'd always helped him in the past. That was why the two were best friends - always helping and being there for each other, in good times and bad. Just as she'd crossed the bridge that hung over the waterfalls, Lexi spotted a familiar figure in the distance and paused in her tracks. Was that... "Stefan?"
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ofniightshade · 1 month
closed starter with : @xripper
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time was slipping through his fingers like sand in an hourglass, each grain marking a moment lost. klaus moved with purpose through the crowded streets, the noise of the city a mere hum against the storm raging in his mind. his thoughts were singular, focused on one task as he pulled out his phone, his fingers moving swiftly over the screen.
klaus: is she missing too?
the words were sharp, cutting through the air with the weight of the question they both dreaded. they knew precisely who she was, the one whose absence could shake even the foundations of the immortal. as he waited for a reply, klaus's mind churned, dark thoughts weaving a tapestry of anger and frustration. how many had been taken? how had they all been so blind? the answer was almost certainly hidden in the folds of magic, a veil that had clouded their vision until it was too late.
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papcrrings-arch · 1 year
Closed Starter : Stefan & Caroline ( @drvcxrys )
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"Caroline?!" Stefan called out, spotting the back of the blonde's head. He was very confused. He had woken up here and thought maybe he was on the Other Side but knew that's not how it worked. He moved forward to her, slower than he was used to and stopped in front of her, "What's happening? You're not... Is this the Other Side?" he asked, looking around.
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perzysprumia · 9 months
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@legacysouls - archie.
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"I think...we should talk." He doesn't intend that to sound like a breakup line, but it does. This isn't that though, not by a longshot. Stefan is essentially the catalyst for Archie's dad dying, and he can't just ignore it or play it off like it doesn't matter.
He isn't Damon.
"I'm really sorry for what happened to your dad. I feel awful, Elena feels awful, and we both just want to make things better for you. As better as they can be in this situation."
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Letting out a sigh, Stefan gestures to the threshold of the door. "But you gotta -- uh -- invite me in. I'll answer any questions you have about all this stuff, too."
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snnydcysarch · 10 months
@salvatoraes liked for a starter
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"if someone asks me to do something for them one more time, i might actually lose it." sonny was visibly stressed. letting herself drop onto the sofa and rest her head on his lap. blinking up at him with a sigh. "not to mention, i'm getting intense demands for christmas gifts. how am i supposed to actually breathe?" rubbing at her face then looking up at him, she reached up and poked his cheek, "i'll happily get you something for christmas, though. so what would you want?"
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prophecyxscreamer · 1 year
( @kingsnlegends. ) it's too dangerous out there. (stedia.)
"It's just a storm, Stefan." Lydia pointed out, her green eyes falling upon the window that she stood nearby. The rain was coming down so fast that the drops were streaming over the glass on the outside non stop - like a waterfall. "Okay, it's a mystical storm due to that spell, but I can't just leave Prada out there. I don't care who cast it or if going outside might hurt me, I need to get her back." the redhead was still beating herself up over the fact that she'd forgotten her dog right when the spell had happened. She'd never done this before, abandoning Prada like this. The two were inseparable and now, Lydia had forgotten her dog and was stuck inside because of what was going on out there. The banshee was now pacing back and forth across the length of the window, flapping her arms around and breathing nervously at the same time. "This isn't gonna last long, right? I'll get to her soon."
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greatcstarcher-arch · 11 months
starter for @salvatoraes
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"would you love me if i was an ikea table?"
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