#interaction: brianna
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queerism1969 · 11 months ago
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Seriously though, fuck terfs and radfems who double down on their bullshit and tell other trans people that they're "using the murder of a child" to "further their own agenda", like really Becky?
When we get mad at the abhorrent murder of our own community and try to spread awareness, you tell us that we're disgusting pigs twisting the death of someone into an argument for our benefit, (protecting trans people. How evil, right?) while you pretend to remain ignorant to the fact that YOUR IDEAOLOGY is KILLING CHILDREN ALL OVER THE WORLD.
Make no mistake, they know that accusing us of that makes no sense, but it's the only way for them to argue their way out of being part of a movement that tells others to kill trans people.
They are cowardly hypocrits who need to twist reality to justify their hatred. They will try to gaslight people and shift blame any way they can.
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thclioness · 15 days ago
✧ with: @cacadordeseon ✧ pelos corredores de hexwood
Hitomi era uma seon extremamente curiosa e igualmente tímida. Era mais do que comum vê-la, flutuando pelos corredores de Hexwood separada de Brianna, especialmente após a união das academias, quando o seu interesse pelos novos habitantes do castelo se mostrou latente, tendendo a perseguir os membros do exército sem a menor cerimônia. Os hobbies de sua seon não eram uma surpresa para Brianna, e ao mesmo tempo que achava seu interesse adorável, também se preocupava com o bem estar da criatura mágica. Já era hora de se recolher aos seus aposentos e a mulher não conseguia encontrar Hitomi em nenhum dos lugares que costumava frequentar, apesar de seus passos comedidos como sempre, a aflição era notável em seus olhos e o pressentimento de que algo ruim estava prestes a acontecer. Sentiu uma pancada forte em seu braço e sabia que ela estava em perigo, apressando os passos em uma corrida cautelosa o que por si só já era uma anomalia para quem a visse. Em um corredor escuro, o homem brandindo  um machado, prestes a desferir um segundo golpe contra a seon que brilhava fraca no chão. — Pare com isso imediatamente! — O pânico e autoridade em sua voz era notável enquanto ela corria para se colocar entre o homem e a criatura, utilizando seu corpo como um escudo. — Você está maluco? O que caralhos você pensa que está fazendo? — Seus olhos brilhavam com ódio e pavor do que poderia acontecer com a seon, que brilhava em um tom pálido e fraco de amarelo. Estava ciente que seu vocabulário era menos do que apropriado para alguém de seu status, mas naquele momento etiqueta era a última coisa que se passava em sua mente. 
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fiadhvance · 1 month ago
closed starter for @briannabrackens
"she's not fat, brianna." fiadh sat with her legs extended in front of her, the dog on her lap stretched out on her back, head on fiadh's lap and backside somewhere near her shins. her poor, swollen tummy jutted proudly upwards. no, fiadh's dog wasn't fat, despite the waddle in her gait and the undeniable bulk of her. there was something else afoot here.
"see!" she pointed at molly's stomach, her expression one of triumph. "it's moving. fat doesn't move like that. it jiggles." this was a different kind of movement, a movement under the skin. it was an indicator of something growing inside the dog - or lots of little somethings. "she's clearly got pups in there. the poor thing." if molly was bothered by her current predicament, she didn't look it. her eyes were half closed, light snores coming from her nose whilst fiadh played with her silky ears.
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"it was your dog that did it. she hasn't been around anyone else." perhaps they should have kept a closer eye on clover and molly, but the thought of them mating never truly crossed fiadh's mind. she thought they were just good friends. sneaky little creatures.
"there's nothing for it. he'll have to marry her." for a second, fiadh's tone was completely serious, before she started laughing. "oh, i suppose it doesn't matter that much. it's done now, isn't it? i'll have to get conall blackbar up, he's good at this stuff."
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withinkandquill · 3 months ago
🔪 for Brianna from Basta
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A strangled sound - somewhere between a whimper and a cry - escapes suddenly pale, parted lips as steel sinks into fabric and flesh and all those vital things that lay beneath. Brianna’s thin fingers catch Basta’s forearm, steadying herself on the only thing within reach as she doubles over, stumbles back. How laughably late this attempt to shield herself comes, instinct blindsided by the sudden blow.
Pushing back from him, Brianna retreats until she can see the glint of the knife and the shine of her own blood on its blade. Her head spins and when she takes her next step back, her legs give way beneath her.
“Why?” she gasps, brown eyes - her mother’s eyes - shifting to stare up at him.
One trembling hand finds her abdomen, palm pressing against the wound. Perhaps those few years helping her mother tend to the sick and wounded had been good for something. She knows how to staunch the flow of blood. She even knows which herbs help - horsetail and yarrow - when their leaves or a poultice is applied to the wound.
“Who are you? I…I didn’t….”
I didn’t do anything to you. I didn’t do anything to anyone.
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devanitoland · 6 months ago
closed starter for @briannabrackens context : semi-flashback to king's landing, after a body is hidden in the sewers
"fuck. fuck!" devani paused at the sewer gate, reluctant to step into the moonlight. the deed was done - the body buried in the filthiest spot in king's landing, perhaps in all of westeros, and the rest of the group dispersed, back to their lives, back to wherever they had come from. they all bore some of the grime of what they had done, their partywear stained with blood and shit, but none more so then devani. but then, none of the others had found themselves lying in a shallow grave, a dead body still and cold beneath them.
just her fucking luck.
she glanced down at her own clothing, the lehenga in shades of green and gold. it had been her own little joke, wearing the colours the tolands had adopted as their own in memory of their victory against the conqueror himself. it didn't seem so funny now.
gods, it was in her hair, too.
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she glanced up, and it was only then that she realised she was not alone. brianna bracken, the one she had been with at the start of the night, waited for her, and despite her clear distress, devani fought to fix a smile on her face. there was a part of her that felt near protective over her. before this even began, she had identified something in her that reminded devani of herself, after all, and it was not hard to see that there was already a conflict in her heart that did not need further inflaming.
"you all right, girl?" she asked, though they both knew that she was absolutely not all right. "you can go on ahead. don't worry about me. just need a minute to figure out how to clean myself up."
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cre8ed · 11 days ago
@2kyears. BRIANNA & MAURICE.
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❝ if you think i'd be scared of you, you're wrong. ❞
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sotadeboa · 1 month ago
who: @thclioness where: próximo à baldwin’s general wares
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raros eram os dias que sota deixava as paredes escuras de wülfhere e as trocava pela ilha vizinha, a normalidade de zelaria se tornando mais forasteira ao cavaleiro a cada dia que se passava. e mesmo assim, de vez em quando se aventurava entre as ruas claras em busca de algo novo, quase como se considerasse quais seriam suas consequências caso cometesse pequenos crimes por ali. as recompensas certamente soavam mais promissoras.
era fácil se perder em seus pensamentos enquanto tentava bolar mais um de seus inúmeros planos para que não fosse descoberto, e pouco prestava atenção onde realmente ia, razão aquela pela qual sentiu seu corpo se colidir com outro, esticando os próprios braços como se quisesse conter um acidente mais sério. — opa, perdão. — falou logo de cara, finalmente encarando o rosto desconhecido da mulher a sua frente. — você tá bem? se machucou?
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callofthxvoid · 1 year ago
WHERE: Louis's House WHO: Brianna Ryan ( @violenttempest )
"I hope this is okay," Yvette said with a small smile, settling into the sofa with her cup of tea before looking over at Bri. "Louis told me that the person in his family I absolutely had to meet first was you. And I told him that I'd be happy to, but that I'd rather get to know you without having him gawking at us while we talk."
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furymint · 9 months ago
honestly feels good that i completed and posted smth. and it only took a few hrs to write. working on larger teredio pieces is exhausting lol i forgot what writing short form felt like. its been over a year probably that ive written nol n eli and I was terrified that id lost them. i still miss them but im glad theyre still there
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timeguardians · 10 months ago
@palaceofmuses Memory loss
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Where could HE be? Alfred didn't just abandon the manor. Something terrible must have happened. Months of night patrol had yielded NO satisfactory results. Blearied eyes dwell upon his favorite chair and she feels a twinge of homesickness sinking like a KNIFE into her chest. Without Alfred, Wayne Manor just didn't feel like home. It felt more like a hostile foreign country. One Wayne is EAGER to leave.
Moodily, she sweeps the grounds for the thirtieth time that day. The gloominess of a rainy sky did nothing to lift her spirits. Only this time, patrolling rendered -- She blinks once, blinks twice and then realizes it is he. The salt and peppered man she'd been searching for. "Alfred." Her steps to the gate are hurried.
"ALFRED?!" She exclaims. "Where have you been? You look like hell. A-- are you alright?" Deftly, she moves around the gate to let him in. Her coat is eagerly shrugged off and she extends it to wrap around the elder's shoulders. "Come, come inside before you catch cold. Then, I want you to tell me WHO did this to you."
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jenjensd · 2 years ago
I’m so fed up of the TERFs commenting on posts and purposefully misgendering people. They won’t even give Brianna the dignity she deserves. In death she is only “male” or “he” or “a boy” and they say such awful things about her. She was a fucking human being. She was a young girl who lost her life. Don’t you Fucking dare push your transphobic bullshit by deadnaming and misgendering her. Especially now.
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stigmvtas · 1 year ago
( @eclvpses )
The last time Philly had been for a hospital - it'd been for their own human error; climbing a tree higher and higher in a match against Leo, until a branch too weak beneath their weight had snapped beneath them and sent them pummeling to the ground. It felt distant, now, that error; the nights Philly laid in Leo's bed, tucked firm beneath their arm, leg drawn over theirs - his fingers pressing into the soft skin behind their knee. Their first kiss in that bed - freshly awoken from a nightmare that solidified everything Philly had felt for Leo; what they would always feel for them, even if their paths separated. They weren't ready for that - for their paths to diverge. For their souls to find homes in different planes - for Leo to die. Philly would never be ready for it; a nausea finding place at the pit of their stomach, a newfound fear finding it's way into their emotions - distant now, but still looming. Since New Years - everything had felt hazy. Far away, half - muffled by cotton; Philly's limbs too long to share the hospital bed with Leo, though they had anyways. Hadn't left his side since; refused to - snapping teeth at nurses and doctors who tried to coax them away, barely making eye contact with the family and friends who tried to soothe them. This hadn't been a broken wrist, or a bruised collarbone - it hadn't been falling from a tree; but Philly understood how Leo had felt when it happened, now. How scared he'd been for them. They hadn't ever been scared before - at least not in a way that bore significance, not in a way that mattered. All Philly wanted now was to burrow into Leo, their head firm against his chest, his shoulder - careful not to entangle with all the wires attached to them - fingers always pressed against a pulse point, the steady beating of his heart the only thing allowing them the comfort to sleep. "Leo?" They murmured - voice quiet yet heavy - against the fabric of his hospital gown; hazy eyes closely examining their sleeping features, fingers leaving wrist to instead trace jaw and nose - gently, carefully. "Are you awake? Wake up, please." He'd woken up before - multiple times, even, since his admittance - but Philly couldn't help be greedy, be worried - be scared.
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thclioness · 2 months ago
✧ with: @tadhgbarakat ❝ I'd rather jump off a cliff. ❞
— Você jamais seria capaz de um ato tão gentil para o mundo. Parar de ser um peso morto e só morrer de vez. —  Replicou, seu tom arisco, seu rosto queimando de raiva. Era raro que Brianna perdesse o controle sobre suas emoções, ao contrário, era comum que fosse ela tentando evocar reações menos polidas dos outros. No entanto, bastava que Tadgh entrasse em seu campo de visão que seu corpo reagia com uma repulsa profunda que ardia em seus ossos. Ela tinha o impulso de pular sobre ele e arrancar seus olhos com as próprias unhas, mas isso estragaria suas unhas perfeitas e mancharia um vestido adorável com sangue menos que digno, então ela se contentava em ofendê-lo com palavras. — Eu não que você era alfabetizado. Você sabe que é para isso que os livros servem né? Leitura, sabe, a gente conecta as desenhinhos nas paginas, formando palavras que contem significados, e juntas formam ideias. Entendo que seja um conceito complexo para alguém de mente tão rudimentar quanto a sua. Mas é isso que se faz nesse ambiente aqui. Então você deveria sair imediatamente da minha poltrona para que eu possa desinfetá-la e seguir com a minha leitura. — Suas unhas cravavam meia luas em suas palmas, o ultimo fiapo de autocontrole que tinha sobre o seu temperamento. — Você deveria achar algum lugar mais apropriado para alguém de seu intelecto. Eu aposto que os cavalos nos estábulos te proporcionarão uma conversa enriquecedora e pouco desafiadora também.
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rootsandflcwers · 1 year ago
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@onlythatwhichtheydefend’s Lowell said: “You’re a good kid.”
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Brianna looks up at her Lowell, eyes questioning. She may have her father’s red hair, but it’s her mother’s dark, dark eyes that she inherited. “Like raven’s feathers,” her father had once described them.
“You don’t have to be nice to me just because you want to marry my mom,” she says in reply. “I don’t want another dad and it’s not going to make me like you more.”
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withinkandquill · 2 months ago
Closed starter // Brianna & Mina // @merchantofwhispers
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Brianna sinks into a low curtsy, head bowed and eyes trained at the ground. There was no mistaking the anxiety coursing through her veins, tightening muscles and curling her fingers into her skirts too tightly for the delicacy of the gesture. She is young, nothing more than a teenager, but Mina has been assured that this is the current queen’s favorite lady’s maid.
“It is an honor, your highness.”
Despite her fear, her voice is strong. She is determined not to show it, not to be seen as a timid child in a castle full of scheming royals and leering courtiers. Brianna has never served someone quite like Gemina though, someone…other. And she cannot help but remember stories told around fires as she lay down to sleep on her mother’s lap, sat upon the forest floors. Stories meant to scare children such as herself into behaving.
“If I can serve you in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask. My lady has gifted my service to you for the duration of your stay here.”
Violante, her kindliness. Why now did she have to be so selfless? Why could she not send any of the others?
Of course, Brianna knows why. Violante can only trust her. What an honor. What a shame.
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