eraserisms · 3 months
Toshinori: I think I'm finally comfortable enough to telling the Aizawa family, that I'm also All-might. Shota: *thinking about his annoying ass journalist brother*
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knghtlock · 3 months
@int65 asked: vega's words are metal screeching and static, hotaru is one of the few he with whom he speaks the language that comes most naturally to him. ‘what will you do now, with the chance for a future we have won?’
to the untrained ear, it might just be screeching and static - but to hotaru, it's the comforting voice of her old friend , floating through her mind and causing the wings at their ears to twitch. they sit at the edge of the lost city , shoulder to shoulder underneath the nostalgia-filled sky , the atmosphere lighter as the traveler breathes a sigh of relief. it takes hotaru a moment, but they respond in kind - a series of chirps and static, hums and warbling scratches. < honestly ? i-i don't know . i didn't even think i'd make it this far ! it does feels kinda weird that the last city just started getting used to... > they gesture , hopelessly, to all of themself before the warlock continues, < well, me, and here i've gone and changed again. >
they flex their new arm - bulky metal burnt & molded & re-forged by the burning light of the traveler that once spiraled & coursed through their veins into something more organic than techno-organic: a metallic wing wrapping and spiraling around something more akin to flesh, a reminder fashioned from the light of a being they once called and cursed as a god. but it's not - it still ends in clawed fingertips , it still has those blue lights shining between the cracks, it is still metal that coats their arm with those new pretty plates. maybe , much like prismatic, the line between what hotaru is and what they aren't is endlessly blurred - no thin line , only what is. & despite everything they've been through, it's still them. it's always been them. & isn't that enough ?
the warlock's legs swing idly over the city of nostalgia's past as they mull all of this over : the struggles, the change, the road that lead them here & the road to be forged ahead , before responding: < i think.... i'll do what i've always done : help people. but do you wanna know a secret? well, it's not exactly a secret, > hotaru confesses, a too-human laugh bursting through the static, < but whatever the future brings, vega - i'm excited to face it with you. so.... what about you , my dear friend ? what will you do with the chance we've won? >
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djsouled · 2 months
[txt] lmk when ur free? need to talk
[txt] its about sho-chan
[txt] i think hes fallen in with the wrong crowd. im worried.
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well, that's never an encouraging thing to read. in fact it's worrisome enough that he physically feels a jolt to his heartbeat, a lightness of a flutter in his chest. something like ice runs in his veins, already do his thoughts run a mile a minute before he has to find a seat and park ass. thumbs run over the screen like an olympic typer,
[ sms ] free rn [ sms ] wdym?
fuck it. texting couldn't possibly measure up to what he really needed on this topic. he pulls up aksha's number and dials it within milliseconds.
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dryeyed · 4 months
more on this coming as i fully flesh out and write down his backstory in the upcoming doc, but essentially: the divergence with my shota is that he went awol post-graduation.
losing shirakumo breaks him in ways he can't recover from. bitterness and anger tears him up and he even leaves yamada's side to promptly leave japan. he lives in the states for almost a decade, where his work and general life erred on the side of poor decisions and acting out without regard for others. here he meets int65's aksha, and the two become close in their further studies. he began his night patrols at the same time, though his actions were ambiguous ; some wouldn't really deem them 'heroic' in the fact that he largely targeted systems most would call 'safe.' shota had become almost obsessed with breaking down the fragile image of heroes to the public, he wanted to show the pain and horror that this life had lead to for so many people. for so many kids. the name heavenbreaker had begun to ring throughout the underground.
he began struggling with substance abuse for a lot of reasons, a gradual thing that really started to become a bit of a problem during his early 20s. it was also at this point where aksha had started a program of study in japan, and he was once again alone. it had been fine, though, because the two kept in touch - and even yamada helped keep him in the loop, as he and aksha began to work together while she was overseas. that is until she went missing.
and shota broke. he lost complete faith in the world around him, in the society that refused to budge no matter any effort he ever made. his actions had become more extreme, heavenbreaker had been the start of quite a few riots. he became relentless with all his rage, took things too far and people, targets, had ended up in the hospital because of him. even so, it had never gone too far as for total fatalities, something that was calculated in every single one of his movements. his substance abuses were fully fledged addictions at this point, and he hit the lowest point in his life during the years of hid mid-20s. it wasn't until there was a new lead on aksha's cold case, told to him by yamada (who had physically come to the states to drag shota back to japan) that he had started the arduous road to recovery (or recovery-aligned).
the two had demanded they head the operation to recover aksha, and ultimately they were successful - but it wasn't aksha who was the person they had found, not anymore. and shota wanted nothing more than to run back to the misery that had been such a comforting self-destructive presence, but he found the discipline in himself he once had to take life in little bites instead. he learned who sol was as a person, he learned how to be around hizashi again, he learned how to be a hero in remembrance of those he had lost instead of a vigilante menace. eventually, due to hizashi's pleading and landing a golden opportunity right in shota's lap, he had become a teacher at UA high school.
the rest is history.
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anarkissm · 4 months
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BOLD what always applies to your muse; ITALICIZE what sometimes applies to your muse; STRIKE OUT what never applies to your muse.
absent-minded / abusive / addict / adrenaline junkie / aggressive / aimless / alcoholic / anxious / arrogant / audacious / bad liar / big mouth / bigot / blindly loyal / blunt / callous / childish / chronic heroism / cheater / clingy / clumsy / cocky / codependent / competitive / corrupt / cowardly / cruel / cynical / delinquent / delusional / dependent / depressed / deranged / disloyal / ditzy / egotistical / envious / erratic / fickle / finicky / fixated / flaky / frail / fraudulent / foul mouthed / guilt complex / gloomy / gluttonous / gossiper / gruff / grudge holding / gullible / hedonistic / humorless / hypochondriac / hypocritical / idealist / idiotic / ignorant / immature / impatient / incompetent / indecisive / insecure / insensitive / lazy / lewd / liar / lustful / manipulative / masochistic / meddlesome / melodramatic / money-loving / moody / naive / nervous / nosy / ornery / overprotective / overly sensitive / paranoid / passive-aggressive / perfectionist / pessimist / petty / power-hungry / proud / possessive / pushover / reckless / reclusive/ remorseless / rigorous / sadistic / sarcastic / senile / selfish / self-destructive / shallow / sociopathic / sore loser / spineless / spiteful / spoiled / stubborn / suspicious / tactless / temperamental / timid / thief / traitorous / ungracious / unlucky / untrustworthy / withdrawn / workaholic
tagged: @int65 xoxo tagging: @carnaxe @heartwrithe (dove) @alphateamsfinest @mrgoatman @janeromeroshow @mercymedic @axeattitude + everyone !
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heavenbled · 5 months
CHARACTER FLAWS - kaifeng andar.
BOLD what always applies to your muse; ITALICIZE what sometimes applies to your muse; STRIKE OUT what never applies to your muse.
absent-minded / abusive / addict / adrenaline junkie / aggressive / aimless / alcoholic / anxious / arrogant / audacious / bad liar / big mouth / bigot / blindly loyal / blunt / callous / childish / chronic heroism / cheater (not a romantic cheater) / clingy / clumsy / cocky / codependent / competitive / corrupt / cowardly / cruel / cynical / delinquent / delusional / dependent / depressed / deranged / disloyal / ditzy / egotistical / envious / erratic / fickle / finicky / fixated / flaky / frail / fraudulent / foul mouthed / guilt complex / gloomy / gluttonous / gossiper / gruff / grudge holding / gullible / hedonistic / humorless / hypochondriac / hypocritical / idealist / idiotic / ignorant / immature / impatient / incompetent / indecisive / insecure / insensitive / lazy / lewd / liar / lustful / manipulative / masochistic / meddlesome / melodramatic / money-loving / moody / naive / nervous / nosy / ornery / overprotective / overly sensitive / paranoid / passive-aggressive / perfectionist / pessimist / petty / power-hungry / proud / possessive / pushover / reckless / reclusive / remorseless / rigorous / sadistic / sarcastic / senile / selfish / self-destructive / shallow / sociopathic / sore loser / spineless / spiteful / spoiled / stubborn / suspicious / tactless / temperamental / timid / thief / traitorous / ungracious / unlucky / untrustworthy / withdrawn / workaholic
tagged by: @int65 mwah tagging: @zoeticbled (astarion?), @meistoshi, steal from me!
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tagaloak · 5 months
your heart belongs to the sea
you are a traveler, you long to see the world and all it has to offer. your feelings are powerful and turbulent, you get swept up in them with ease. you follow the tide to wherever it takes you, or you hold your breath and swim. keep swimming. the world is beautiful, and you will love every second you spend traversing it.
tagged by: @tarsyu <3 tagging: @int65 (saren) @kawkxantawng, @primitiveside, everyone !
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eraserisms · 3 months
Shota has a thing for blondes. I will not elaborate.
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eraserisms · 3 months
All for One: Happy birthday, All-Might All-Might:
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eraserisms · 4 months
“So long as I am on this stage and drawing breath, you can good and goddamn believe I’ll be trying my best in every challenge.” (THIS one's from mr yagi)
@int65 sent in this from Toshinori Yagi from here
Oh, All-Might. Always so gallant, determined and poetic with words. Shota had never had much eloquence with those types of niceties. No wonder his co-teacher's e-mails were such a mouthful. It was just a part of the All-Might brand he supposed, at least some of it was anyway. All-Might was flashy, confident, loud. Oafish. And on the flipside, Yagi Toshinori seemed to be humble, introspective, quiet. Private, even. Shota figured that the real man was somewhere in between those extremes.
Shota leaned back in his seat, his body slouched as he rested his elbow on the back of his chair, taking in the older man for a brief moment. He gently placed down the beer glass onto the wooden table with a soft thump before letting out a "Mmm." of thought. So much for a night of relaxation. Then again, with the state of the world, no one was feeling relaxed as of late.
"Well, I wouldn't expect anything less out of you," he said, and he meant that, truly. But, it didn't take long before the corners of his mouth turned up into an almost playful smirk. "You're the most bullheaded person that I've ever met. Needless to say, I'm not surprised in the slightest. I can't say that I've seen you do anything half-assed. You've always gone above and beyond what's needed. Plus Ultra, and all of that. Challenges will always be coming your way, they always have, they always will. But your resiliency will always be stronger than them."
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eraserisms · 4 months
This meme was sent in from here from @int65
👀 Do the mun and you get along? 
Shota let out a soft grunt, not wanting to be bothered over such useless questions. With it being the end of the term and summer around the corner, he had exam results to go over after all. "Ngh, I mean, D.A. is okay I guess. I don't know if the term 'get along' would be quite a way to describe it. He's a bit loud and excitable at times, but then again, it seems to be a common theme that all people in my life are noisy. He can get goofy sometimes or go on stupid rants about whatever he's interested in at the moment, but I don't think that he's a bad person." "I actually think in a way, we have a couple things in common. For one, he's caffeine dependent and is a cat person and he has no margin for bullshit. He always is looking out for other people even when he likes to pretend or convince himself that he doesn't give a fuck. We both work with kids, so there is that too." Shota gave a small hunch of his shoulders. "So, I think at the very least, we have a mutual understanding of each other."
🙏 Do you think the mun would be able to survive in your world? 
Aizawa threw back his head letting out a bark of a laugh. The question alone was comedic gold. "He hardly can survive in the one that he's living in right now, and I don't even mean that woefully. One villain stopping traffic would be enough to throw him into a tantrum. He'd probably end up being just as much of a fanboy as Izuku is and that's saying something. Then again, if heroes were his reality, on the flipside he might actually have 0 interest in it and view it as something stupid and 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians'-esque" Shota gave a small toss of his head from side to side as he considered his next words. "He'd never be a hero and his quirk would be far from heroic, unless you consider healthcare hero work and I suppose it is in a way. He wouldn't view it that way though. More likely, he'd have some sort of cooking orientated quirk and I suppose he'd be able to get by with that. It probably would be something along the lines of having the ability to make perfect measurements every time. He has a talent with the gas pump too in that regard and almost always gets the cost to match an even number. If you can call that a talent that is."
⏳ How much time does the mun spend on your blog? 
Shota raised his brow with question. "As in like...maintenance things or like in general? As far as maintenance goes, he is actually pretty bad at those kind of things. He likes doing HTML stuff and all that but you're never going to get an elaborate page or graphic out of him. He actually has made an attempt with this blog to not strive for aesthetics and feels that it takes away and distracts him from what he really wants to do; which is roleplay. He also figures that if people want to write with him, he hopes it's for his actual writing. And not whether or not he can make his page look pretty." Shota let out a soft hum of thought. "And I suppose that's rational." "As far as how much time he spends looking at this blog, the answer is way too much. He usually isn't someone to obsessively check his notifications on his phone but since he's excited to be back into roleplay, he has been doing just that. He isn't constantly refreshing his page or anything but, the moment he gets a notification, he tries to check it at the very least."
☀ Does the mun have other muses beside you? What is your opinion on them?
"Other muses besides me?" he repeated, his teeth bared in it's usual disturbing way, amused. "As of right now, yes and no. D.A has had a lot of different muses in the past from all over the place. He actually came back to this hellsite with the intention of playing Alastor Moody again, but has decided to remove Al from the fandom that he is in and make him an OC. He really needs to get on that but I've been serving as a distraction." "D.A. has played all sorts of characters but always ends up writing anti-heroes and certainly has a type. Al & I have a lot in common; we're both teachers, amputees and missing an eye. I also would say even as far as personality we're quite the same. Gruff on the outside but caring on the in. We even both have two siblings I can't speak about myself but, Alastor is undoubtedly a true hero and a good man over all. He surly has a 'Plus Ultra' personality." "He has debated picking up a few more BNHA characters, but wants to make sure that he is able to run my blog first before he gets Al up and running. Then he'll think about other characters. He has also considered possibly putting Al on a multi-account but is unsure of what other muses he wants to play anyway."
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eraserisms · 3 months
“It’s hard to hold this much anger in my body.” (from mr yagi <3)
Sent in from here from @int65
After watching the older man struggling, Shota had offered to help Toshinori with some work orientated things, even if it was last minute. It was just some paperwork and it didn't take long for Yagi to catch on, Shota hadn't expected anything less from the number one hero. It wasn't often that they were alone like this, there was almost someone always with them to break up the moments of still between them. So they had opted for comfortable silence.
When Toshi spoke Shota had paused in the rifling of his files, trying to find a misplaced paper among the stack of manilla folders that were sitting on his desk. He gave the hero a hunch of his shoulders before allowing them to drop back down again. "That seems about right to me. You have lost a lot in a short period of time. It's only natural for you to feel some sort of way about it. Whether it be anger, sadness or grief. Hell, it maybe even be all three of those and more."
Shota placed his elbow on the edge of his desk before resting his chin against his palm, thinking. "Rage can be blinding, but anger is a powerful motivator. It's important to keep a little bit of it to keep pressing on. To keep going, even if it's just out of spite."
"You've proven the world wrong before, you can do it again."
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eraserisms · 4 months
“It’s hard to hold this much anger in my body.” (from mr yagi <3) WRONG CHARACTER. THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN FROM SOL
“It’s hard to hold this much anger in my body.” 
Sent in from here by @int65; Mr. Yagi Sol Porque lo nos dos?
Shota shifted uncomfortably in the rigid hospital chair. He should have brought his damn sleeping bag with him and he knew it. Then again, if he was in a deep sleep, he might not have heard her words. Fortunately, he was only in a light doze. He pried away his arm that had been folded at the elbow over his eyes as a means to shield them. He then ran his hand through his hair, giving the top of his scalp a light squeeze and release, and then repeated the motion a few times.Aizawa then wiped the same hand down the front of his face, trying to rouse some sort of alertness. He took in a deep inhale through his nose before letting out a low sigh.
"Well," he started, his onyx eyes still blinking with tiredness before meeting hers. "You have a lot to be angry for. If it's so pent up inside of you, release it. If you let go of your own grip on it, it will loosen it's hold on you in turn. I know we're a bit restricted here, but maybe we can find a place where you can express it. Run, scream, cry, fight. Although, I can imagine that you might be tired of that, fighting, I mean. I'll see what I can do, if you want that. If not, I think a journal might suffice, even if it is a bit cliche."
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eraserisms · 4 months
College Headcanons
I know U.A. might possibly not require a bachelor's degree to teach and in some cases a hero license/reputation might be enough. But for most schools, you need at least a B.A. to teach. Also with a prestigious school like U.A., I would imagine they hold a higher standard for their teachers. I also wondered if there was a way that heroes could get some sort of teaching certificate or having a certain amount of hours in their field to qualify them to teach. I can see a lot of people going down the route of certifications/hours worked but I also want to keep in mind how terrible Japanese work culture is. I wouldn't be surprised if some heroes in general felt the social pressure to go into higher education and ended up pushing themselves to the brink to achieve that.
Note: I want to give credit where credit is due. I bounced a few off these ideas around with @int65
So, it made me wonder what Shota's education post-graduation was like.
I’m just thinking a lot about how Hizashi probably/possibly has a masters in English as opposed to Aizawa who really didn't want to pursue higher education at all. I believe considering that Shota's parents are educated people, that they would want the same for their son. In fact, they would have this same expectation for all of their children. If Shota had his choice, he wouldn't have gone to college at all but, when Shota was applying to U.A., he and his parents had a deal. They would support this dream of his, as long as Shota pursued a degree. His parents would want Shota to have something to fall back on if this hero thing didn't work out. Shota would have done the bare minimum that would be required of him as to how far his parents wanted him to go. Souta told Shota that he needed a Bachelor's at least, and Shota held him to that. Shota never went beyond a B.A. as far as education goes.
However, as far as what Shota would study, he would major in criminology and minor in fitness, specifically athletic training. He chose to take on a minor as a means to educate himself better for his own sake. A lot of the physical classes he took only helped benefit him in the long run. And it was a little bit as a means to rub it in his dad's face. Look, I did more than what you wanted.
By trying to balance both hero work and studying, he had sleepless nights and missed out on a lot of the social aspects of attending college (not that he really wanted to do those things anyway). It was undoubtedly tough on Shota, but he managed to power through it. He actually even achieved higher grades in college than he did in high school, having majored in something that genuinely interested him. Upon deciding to teach at U.A., Shota actually came to appreciate the fact that his parents had demanded a degree out of him, but he'd never tell them that.
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eraserisms · 4 months
Tiny Shota: *trying to lie to his mom*
Misako: People who don't tell the truth, don't get the new All-Might action-figure.
Shota: Perhaps I did take the mochi out of the fridge.
@int65 @ravenbled
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dryeyed · 3 months
“I am myself and not myself.” from sol
from here. / @int65.
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for what felt like a lifetime ago, he and aksha had been a storm. a force to be reckoned with, two friends in a lost world just trying to survive and turn that survival into a flourishing life. working their asses off day in and day out with what felt like no end in sight ; standing up for they always believed to be true and to be the right thing to do. their break had been cataclysmic to shouta, such an overload to his psyche that he still saw that curly brown-haired phantom in any shared or empty space that he could see. right there, right next to wisps of blue hair and clouds.
their coming back together had been the same earth-shattering event, but somehow worse and somehow lighter. it's gale and it's all-encompassing, a sweeping wind to scoop him off his feet like he weighed nothing more than a feather. and yet as much as the wind howls and throws, it settles in and washes over him ; there was a calm to the center of it all, a brief moment in time where he feels clear. just... clear. shouta is uncertain at this point in time if that was a positive or a negative thing.
and yet here they were, and yet here they weren't.
there is a long silence that stretches between them, nothing daring to interrupt save for the bustling of the world around them, in the rooms just beyond that door and the world just beyond that building. he stares at her for a long, long time. just takes her in. the face of someone who haunted him once as the manifestation of guilt, or, detachment from reality, and added face of all his compounded failures. she was now seated in front of him, giving him a steady look all the same in return.
he missed her. shouta missed aksha. so fucking much. he missed shirakumo. so fucking much. he had missed yamada and he had missed his mother and his father but no one had ever left him so viscerally like the loud cloud and the radioactive girl.
" i am myself and i am not myself, " she says. briefly shouta's eyelids flutter as he just barely staves off a blink. his eyes burned that familiar burn, and even without his quirk active they burned and he did not blink. blinking would've caused too much feeling and he is too out of his body to feel.
the silence goes on for longer. but he feels his heartbeat in the inside of his arms, he does not move, he does not dare to breathe anything more than a shallow breath because how could this possibly be happening? how could she say that? but no, no this was all wrong this was not aksha aksha was gone she was gone she wasn't coming back
no. sol sits in front of him and she is reading every single movement, and lack thereof, that he gives her. shouta cannot give her any more reason to push him away, and he cannot spend the rest of his life continuously running from whatever he did not dare let himself face. so raven takes his fingers and he rubs his eyes after a nice, watery blink - dragging hands upwards to scratch his scalp and bring his hair all the way to the back as he leaned forward in the chair.
" well, then. you are... living as a new person in a new life, and so you should get to feel like you can be that new self. i'm glad to have you back, but all the same, i know that it's not her that's back. and that's okay. " shouta rests his hands in his lap with finality, " i'd like to meet the person sitting in front of me because of who she is today, not because of who she was all those years ago. "
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