#int. eamon
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byreticence · 2 years ago
where: nsa technology divison who: @couverts / eamon!
though he’s an incredible creature of habit and very strict with scheduling, sometimes cecil goes against his typical behavior for no clear cut reason. it’s why he’s decided to haunt the technology division with his presence fifteen minutes earlier than the scheduled time of his meeting with eve. he doesn’t make it a habit; it’s not his division, after all, but it’s a division that’s always intrigued him nonetheless. it speaks to his need to disassemble something and piece it back whole to learn how it works. “is that the newer model?” he asks with only a brief glance at eamon. the weapon eamon’s laid out before him holds his attention more keenly. “we arrested someone the other night carrying one similar to it.”
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thanflowers · 1 month ago
❀ — memes / accepting!
@gwahren said: “what i did, i did for us.”
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        “elethea, you had the man killed!” elspeth hisses the words under her breath, only daring to do that much because they are safe behind the walls of thea's own private rooms in gwaren. she expects that anyone close enough to overhear them here is someone elethea would have to trust enough to already know about it anyway. “what if someone discovers what you've done? after all that you have built here?” 
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nell-clarke · 4 years ago
Nell ran a hand through her hair, fingers catching on stubborn strands at the back which resulted in a sigh. It had been a long, tiring day of revising and organizing files in between seeing patients, but Nell ultimately enjoyed it anyway. She liked to be busy all day, every day.
She glanced at her watch, noted the time, then quickly retrieved her next appointment’s file. Eamon O’Rourke. She spent quite a bit of time worrying about the Irish prince both on and off the clock, mostly because in her relatively short career as a psychologist she’d only encountered persistent depressive disorder a few times. Although that technically didn’t matter, as no two patients were ever exactly the same. 
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quinntamsin · 3 years ago
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*Raises her her hands as her warder, Delphine, blocks the Fade’s attack. A weave of fire wraps around the creature burning the Myrddraal.*
“I like Oddities.” - Loial son of Arent
Episode 5 “Blood Calls Blood”, continues the major shake up for the first season of Wheel of Time. Alright, in Eye of the World, everyone is still in Andor and comes to its capital, Camelyn. It’s here where we meet Elayne Trakand Daughter-Heir of Andor, Gawyn and their half-brother Galad. It seems that they decided to introduce Andor later, which makes more sense for Season 2 honestly since Tar Valon is central to A LOT of character development for Books 2-3. Tar Valon, is a definite dream for the eye, a little low end for the VFX, but that’s understandable .Its easily on par with the Witcher, and I think by season two we’ll be on GoT level of VFX. Alright, introducing Loil, our Ogier, I’m not sold on the make up, but they nail the nose, and the beard. His deep voice FITS hard, and yet I really didn’t see any tufted ears. I think they decided to forgo the ears and make things a bit less animated. The ears would likely have ben hard to do with all the set pieces they are already creating. Once again we jump back to the Tuatha’an where Egwene and Perrin are now dealing with the Whitecloaks. Fuck, I hate these fuckers, and Galad is the only one I ever liked remotely. More nuances on the Way of the Leaf, good to see Valda getting some serious resistance.
One big thing in this story I forgot to mention, in the books Kerene dies off set in a river killed by Darkfriends. HER death in this series emphasizes not only the sorrow of her loss, but honestly gave her more agency. Especially, since in the books she is the “Captain-General” aka she was -the defacto leader of the Green Ajah! Stepin’s actor nails the grieving, and his warder friends while a little stiff in their acting convey the emotion right for the scene.
Rafe made the whitecloak abuse of Egwene reminescent of Witch Investigations from England and the New World. Honestly, it was disgusting, but luckily the scene wasn’t too overgenerous. Game of Thrones failed this aspect hardcore especially in the White Wedding and their treatment of Sansa. Eamon again is a fucking piece of shit, and the actor is…insidiously good at his job. The fact they are torturing Perrrin and it activates his wolfbrother abilities is interesting. Their options are plainly given, but I mean it is just blunt that Eamon is a plainly evil man. 
The story eluding to Egwene’s strength (future Amyrlin material right there bitches) does a good job as they segue into her escape fro the White Cloaks with Perrin. Marcus Rutherford, does an okay job in his confession to Egwene in how Perrin killed his wife. I think that the scene itself was one of the weaker ones in today’s episode, but it doesn’t marr the totality of their collective acting. Perrin to me was always either a boring or fascinating. The escape itself solid shows the dangers of the Wolfbrothers and honestly Egwene’s subterfuge was well played.
Tar Valon’s internal politics are small now, but we learn more and more about the backstory of the world. Stepin and Lan show off figures representing the Forsaken, the Aes Sedai of legend who turned on the Light. The gay energy in the Tower and the platonic energy between the Aes Sedai is palatable. I like how Liandrin tries to get to Nynaeve, and how Alanna tries to warn Moiraine. There are ears everwhere in the Tower, the Black Ajah watches, and perhaps Mogdien has already draped her control of the Red for the future.
“The Wheel of Time weaves as it wills.”
1. More Nynaeve choosing Yellow Ajah with her Tar Valon clothing doing some nice foreshadowing.
2. Loial is strange, the slight blonde ginger hair they gave him looks better upclose than in some of the promotional images they dropped.
3. I just wanna give Nynaeve and Egwene a hug! Two Rivers sisters unite!
4. Logain Ablar laughing at the “boys” as they watch him is an interesting twist. Is he seeing Rand rising as the Dragon and Mat’s leadership of the Band? Who knows?!
5. Liandrin you Black Ajah bitch, stay away from Nyn!
6. Rand getting flustered when Loial calls him an Aielman, fucking finally! Give me some Aiel soon! Far Dareis Mai preferrably!
7. The fact that there appears to be different funeral rites for Stepin versus those out in the field is interesting. Is this cultural, or is it because Stepin took his life.
8. Lan’s grieving cry is pretty fucking Klingon if you ask me.
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bloodxjustice · 4 years ago
Dragon Age Verse
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Hero of Ferelden: 
Human || Mage || Blood Mage & Shapeshifter
Circle Saved || Werewolf Curse Broken || Harrowmont & Anvil Broken || Eamon’s Family spared/Jowan Escapes/Conner Lives || Alistair on the Throne || Loghain Executed || Dark Ritual Performed || Warden Lived and became Commander of the Grey in Ferelden Romanced Morrigan
Completed Vigils Keep and Saved Amaranthine || Spared the Architect ||Followed Morrigan into the Eluvian.
All Companion’s Quests completed in positive outcomes!
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Champion of Kirkwall:
Human || Mage || Force & Spirit Healer & Blood Sarcastic Hawke 
Carver Lived as Grey Warden || Bethany Died || Arishok Killed || Sided with Mages || Anders Spared  Romanced Anders
All Companion’s at max Friendship and quests completed.
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Harold of Andraste:
Human || Mage || Rift
Saved all Refugees int he Hinterlands || Saved Mages || Stroud left in the Fade & Hawke Lives || Warden’s Remained with Inquisition || All Three Worked together to Rule Orlais || Blackwall made to be a Warden || Cole lived as Spirit || Cullen stops taking Lyrium || Chargers still live ||  Morrigan drank from the Well || Took down all High Dragons || Cassandra is made Divine!
Romanced Dorian
All Companions Quests Completed on Positive Notes!
These were all the choices I could remember~! 
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aaronphotonyc-blog · 8 years ago
Jag gick frĂĄn att ha en ansiktsbehandling att ha permanenta hudskador
En kvinna som utvecklat permanent ansiktshud skador efter använder en ”high-end” kosmetisk produkt på rekommendation av en skönhet terapeut har tilldelats € 37 500 skadestånd mot salongen i krets Civil domstol.
FĂ… rabatt pĂĄ Botox Stockholm
Margaret McLaughlin, en 45-årig marknadschef, berättade domstolen att, i mars 2013, efter att ha mottagit en bonusbetalning från arbete, bestämde hon sig att unna sig själv en ansiktsbehandling på Revive, Milltown Road, Dublin.
McLaughlin berättade hennes barrister, Bláithín Gallagher, som efter behandlingen skönhet terapeuten rådde henne hon har känslig hud och rekommenderade att hon två gånger varje vecka använder Image Total Resurfacing Masque, en kemisk peeling till salu på Revive.
McLaughlin, Hazelbrook, Kilmacud Road övre, Stillorgan, Dublin, sade hon köpte produkten och använt den en gång men tvättas det bort efter fem minuter eftersom hon kände en brännande känsla på läpparna.
Svullnad Hon sa det då fast och hon tyckte det var en normal reaktion. Hon hade senare används det andra gången som hon hade fått instruktioner men sveda blev värre. Hon hade också utvecklat svullnad av sin näsa och rodnad på sin panna och haka.
Hon hade gått tillbaka till Revive som domstolen hört, är nu i konkurs, och hade informerats av chefen att tillämpa en hydrokortison kräm. McLaughlin sa Gallagher, som dök med Cosgrove Gaynard solicitors, att hon kände ingen förbättring av sin hud som var röd, flammigt och kliande, och hon senare hade gått till sin GP.
Domstolen hörde hon hade utvecklat acne rosacea, en hudsjukdom som orsakar rodnad i ansiktet. Hon sa att hon hade pågående problem med sin hud även om det har gått mer än tre år sedan händelsen.
Hon sa: Jag hade en perfekt hud innan. Jag gick från att ha en ansiktsbehandling som en höjdare att ha permanenta hudskador.
Hon stämde återuppliva upplevelse begränsad med en adress på Herbert Street, Dublin, och även produktleverantör Renaissance Products Limited, Church Street, Howth, Renaissance House, Dublin, för vårdslöshet. Båda tilltalade förnekade ansvar. Renaissance Products Limited påstådda the Image Total Resurfacing Masque var en high-end produkt säljs endast av proffs som hade utbildats. Domstolen hörde att en analys av produkten inte visade någon fråga.
För hård ' McLaughlin hävdade produkten hade varit för hårda för hennes hud. Hon hade varit nödställda och hennes förtroende och hennes liv hade påverkats. Domstolen hörde hon måste vara noga med att inte utsätta sin hud i solen.
Domare Groarke sade återuppliva upplevelse Ltd hade underlåtit att utföra en hudanalys eller ett lapptest på Ms McLaughlins hud innan man rekommenderar produkten och därför hade misslyckats i sin omsorgsplikt.
Domaren sa barrister Eamon Marray, som verkade med Donal M Gahan, Ritchie & Co solicitors för renässansen, att han var nöjd inget fall hade gjorts mot dem.
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