#int; chari
prewettxgideon · 5 years
(( @charitasburbage ))
September 16th, 1977 Room of Requirement Ludo Bagman’s ‘back to school’ party
             Gideon had not been at the party for long, and yet he had managed to consume enough alcohol to give himself a buzz, he had been dancing with familiar and unfamiliar faces alike, that was one of Gideon’s main traits, during a party everyone’s a friend. That and he swore he was an equal opportunity lover, after all who was he to deny them the gift of snogging the Gideon Prewett. But even he knew that he needed to slow down and refuel, if he was to keep up the same energy all night, so apologizing to his current dance partner, Gideon made a beeline for the snacks table. 
             ❝Oi Burbage❞ Gideon said having spotted Charity, ❝do you have any muggle alcohol with you?❞ the girl was always yakking about muggles and muggle culture, Gideon liked listening to her, at times even learning a few things, ❝not that Ludo didn’t deliver, but whatever people may say about muggles, they do make impressive alcohol!❞
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??? another stash ??? french communes + tolkienesque names + english words + elvish words
Abbevilla Accentila Achère Agreed Aianche Aintessen Alant Alfírie Allaurinyar Allauta Alled Alliage Altasto Amatriump Ampanne Angerson Anization Antie Anting Aparkle Aparm Apped Aprille Aquiter Archine Ariend Armanapare Armer Ascerty Askator Asses Aster Atlant Atterred Aubraise Audiend Auvergnes Avanima Avigorge Bayotte Bearles Beaux Bedrook Beecho Belle Belon Benoble Biards Bition Bladelimale Booked Bordo Bours Briddle Briging Brillend Broof Browfullume Buile Burder Bussa Buyerna Cachased Calveste Chary Châtead Cloude Cloudzou Clust Commer Commerríve Compes Confusiasm Conshin Crafter Crestory Crétigu D'Orne Darya Deaux Decembasion Declinginar Defixed Denisso Deparind Diano Dista Doubaix Dowerecy Drago Dramba Drandle Drault Earency Eartress Edild Eigny Eldariste Encentree Enqerun Equentranda Erecitya Erence Erench Erkant Esporta Etter Ettevise Evernon Exile Existraye Explack Extang Extanne Eysick Farregula Fassa Fealing Femalence Fence Ferenda Filish Firstader Fitterial Flexist Flexiste Flexisto Floomy Floupe Folder Forbevill Forta Fresseaux Fries Fring Frosta Fuinen Fulla Fíriale Fírimba Gamed Genna Goblight Granspon Graterj Gration Grato Greep Grought Growded Guarro Gujanu Haireck Hampetroux Happear Harpetrea Hauta Heare Heaver Hed/made Helderina Helles Helons Horne Hostone Hourse Huant Humatéma Hyaristea Hyólammerea Hérous Idenya Iening Immore Impano Inflans Ingate Inted Intie Inves Jerka Jolice Jolinta Karasp Karast Karnastu Kasset Keenne Kelush Khusbaróre Kitta Koiter Korian Koricked Ksard Kulung L'Auvery Laina Lamba Lamber Lamed Laryonde Lashion Lassion Laste Lating Laurity Lavenside Lemna Lephatch Lepsa Lestered Lilóke Limestu Liévine Loather Loods Loose Loright Lowise Lussea Mallowinya Mandeep Manopy Marigu Mathsom Matéma Melicknes Melumenya Memonta Menya Mesnilmo Methinition Metyala Metyalans Meurt Mewarda Midden Minded Minye Monspotune Monta Montar Mottering Munication Musiasm Musive Mórea Nahampel Naikas³ Naile Nambe Nantalina Napon Native Nelta Nerge Nergy Neuiledge Nilduma Ninqitál Normeil Norro Nortour Norturulóke Nortville Nosque Nukumba Nutiff Níre³ Nókoirecy Oiallack Ologne Omain Omainspit Oness Oraturonife Orturya Packer Palako Palalma Palans Palas Partmentle Passe Pendyalle Pierrandle Pierye Pilikea Plestio Plumn Plurya Poikaline Pointage Poolle Poplay Porta Prefixion Pring Prology Prote Proth Psartre Puffix Qalit Qella Qentrouche Qession Quary Quenta Rakso Ratic Ravalya Raverbale Ravigore Refles Refusion Regina Rennelle Repet Republady Revoice Rhing Richnesse Rilluiread Rince Ringa Rised Roinatur Roitive Rothe Rouble Roungwalka Rueile Sailles Saina Sakka Sakkaima Sampions Sance Sancheforme Sanko Sarthere Saumoned Savin Scatte Scattreasta Sceau Secreation Securitive Semindo Semirior Sencepth Sency Sendle Shadown Sherund Sholar Silmo Smouthfully Snouter Sonant Sparie Spartin Spected Splia Sporisisi Sported Stemeneak Stion Strengwa Succent Sungle Suppo Supposel Swife Taines Tankirious Tarne Tastinya Tation Tative Tavanna Tavanneux Tavannie Teaux Telen Tenta Thicknes Thion Thronolome Thuntrading Tintiquess Tinual Tinya Tract Tread Tressa Tridge Truct Tumpa Tunatch Turages Turall Twings Tyale Tyambarting Tyelle Ufáre Ulungolde Unical Unive Untellemna Vanna Vanwe Varision Verin Vestanwa Vester Victorichy Vigny Vigorganimo Wangatent Wherode Whirstal Whiswa Wilde Wilóke Wines Winke Wrony Yatyalma Yearden Yelpes Yernal Yerred Yestrearne Yonneville Yulmatal Échill Épina Íqale Íqalme Ómativern
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tinkonka · 3 years
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loquaciousquark · 5 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E64 (May 28, 2019)
Another week, another adventure into the the wild and dangerous minds of BWF and his wacky sidekicks. I have to say, the quality of Critical Recap has increased dramatically since it first started. Awesome job, Dani! Tonight’s preroll is the celebration of the birthdays of Laura & Liam, which is today, May 28. For those who don’t know, this shared birthday is why they decided to create twins in the first campaign.
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Tonight’s guests: Taliesin Jaffe & Matt Mercer.
Tonight’s announcements: Next Monday, June 3, the episode with Ashley Johnson of Between the Sheets will finally air at 7PM Pacific. Brian says she hates talking about herself, but he got her to open it up. They’re already filming season 3 of Between the Sheets, and that will drop monthly episodes once it begins airing. The My Little Pony oneshot, led by Mark Hulmes from High Rollers, will air this Friday night, May 31, at 7PM Pacific. Roger Craig Smith will be one of the special guest stars on that episode. Tales of Equestria will be loaded to YT on Sunday. Denver Pop Culture Con will be this coming weekend. Limited photo and autograph tickets are still available.
Episode 64: A Dangerous Chase
CR Stats: The phrase “end of the day” was used 11 times this episode. 5 things were invented: “don’t shoot the messenger,” “don’t beat a dead horse,” “par for the course,” the game of golf, and ravioli. Laura held Jester’s astonished look for 15 seconds. CR has now aired over 800 hours in total.
DMing for Colbert was surreal for Matt. It was a week one pipe dream for Matt, which means he was a little afraid it would be a letdown. As soon as they began talking about Stephen’s history, he started feeling more comfortable, but it wasn’t until he saw the first cut the next day where he realized how great it had been. He hopes it isn’t the last opportunity they have to play together. They managed to raise over $100,000 for Red Nose Day.
Caduceus is taking a Mary Poppins approach to talking to people as a way of teaching by example. He hopes people will realize that you don’t have to always use violence to get the information you want. Taliesin, on the other hand, realizes that will never happen. Matt talks about how much he really likes the the impact Caduceus has had on the game, and both Tal & Matt talk about the 3-4 day planning session they had on what high wisdom/low int looks like. “That’s rough, buddy.” “Ahh, that’s exactly what that looks like.”
The M9′s deception during Speak with Dead was a little better than Matt had anticipated, so he gave away a little more information than he’d originally intended. Tal talks about how this must have been something Clay watched happen many times growing up in a funeral home, seeing his family Speak with Dead in order to give peace to a grieving family. It’s an interesting juxtaposition of seeing something his family used a bunch of times growing up being used in a very different way now.
The Charis DC was just because it was a very very high DC--but not impossible. There are people in the world who know about it, but they wouldn’t have reason to cross paths with the M9. It would be like an archaeologist.
The stern Cad during the interrogation was partly an act, because he was trying to perform, but also because there’s a bit of Cad we haven’t seen yet. They all agree that in the cast of CR Ashley is the most actual zen. Everyone agrees Travis isn’t even in the running.
Cosplay of the Week: @graviteacosplay with this nifty Nott cosplay.
Matt was a little surprised they took a path just straight through the Barbed Fields instead of taking a more circuitous, safer route. He expected the rest of the group to protest and was more surprised when they didn’t. They talk a bit about Fjord as an agent of both order and chaos and about how he’s trying to find his place in the world.
The near-death experience has left Cad in a place where he’s not making the best decisions right now. He knows this is dangerous, but he knows they need to check it out, and since they’re “on a mission from God,” everything they do is right. “His risk assessment is a little off right now.” Matt is delighted remembering Sam’s face; BWF points out it’s rare we get one on Sam like that.
The Sorrowsworn are scary because they’re entirely based on emotion. To further develop them, Matt likes looking at their abilities and basing their movement in a horror-film way off that. He knew he would get Travis; he wasn’t expecting to get the rest of the table. “I was very proud.”
Tal has no idea how Cad will process these horror creatures. He wasn’t frightened or freaked out by the grotesque, but he wasn’t really prepared for it, and having Caleb go unconscious was a bit of a fright.
Brian mentions for probably the third time in this show that the next season of Blindspot will be the last one. I’m getting the feeling he’s very ready for it to be done.
When Matt was developing Xhorhas, he wanted to develop all these other societies without the ties to the dark gods. How would they develop with their clan ties? What about as people were assimilated into the clans? What tropes has he seen in other media that he needs to avoid? He talks about how when you build independent areas of your world, it’s a helpful thought experiment to imagine what would happen if they collided. He developed a lot of Xhorhas in pockets and then put it all together.
Tal asks Matt if he was surprised they’d picked up the dodeca. He wasn’t exactly surprised--he’d planned for pretty much all the outcomes of that particular early encounter. He’d meant it more as an exploration of the intro to the Xhorhas world and the Krynn dynasty.
Tal laughs about his very visible reaction to Laura’s Vex voice coming out of Jester this episode. It had nothing to do with his efforts at diplomacy later; he just realized he hadn’t been paying enough attention and had no idea what part of Jester this was supposed to be coming out of.
Fanart of the Week: Just a couple of bugs flyin around, by @_sunsetdragon.
In talking about Clay’s pranks on his siblings, he thinks at some point they at the very least took the bed of an errant sibling out while they were sleeping and put it in a tree overnight.
Matt talks about how if there’s nothing in the books that suits the monster he needs, he just creates one. Tal & Matt start talking about a monster he made for an old campaign called a Dragon Engine; it was designed to build a disease that turned all dragons in a world to crystal, which in turn slowly destabilized the world/planes. Matt took a Dollar Store doll head and covered it in Saran Wrap & hot glue with wings & tentacle bits in odd places. His inspiration was a fetus god boss from the Dark Stalker series. Tal remembers being so annoyed he made this amazing, horrifying creation out of four dollars’ worth of miscellanea. Matt talks about how you can do a lot of amazing things with a bit of hot glue (veins, paint, skinless surfaces).
Cad is aware that the the Xhorhouse is a stationary point in his quest; he is not measuring his quest via distance. He feels okay being stationary right now.
Dunamancy had nothing to do with Caleb; Matt had that inspiration on his own as he was developing the Krynn dynasty. It just ended up working very very well with Caleb’s backstory. He talks about how when he reads theories on Reddit about things linking up, 60-70% of them are actually complete coincidence.
Caduceus has zero interest in the war. At best he doesn’t really like the Empire, but Tal doesn’t think he has the intelligence to formulate a more complex opinion on the war. He has no stake in or understanding of the war in any deeper capacity.
Shakaste’s current location was made up on the spot. Everyone thinks about who Shakaste would main in Overwatch. Matt pulls out the McCree voice. Bastion’s short is Matt’s favorite. BWF loves Reinhardt’s. All three of them start talking about John Wick 3 which I HAVEN’T SEEN YET, GDI, if they spoil that I’m going to weep bitter tears of bitterness. Okay, good, we get out alive.
And we’re done and done! We linger on a shot of Matt & Tal trying to figure out why Episode #69 is funny... (nice).
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ryusxnka · 5 years
After doing some research in the World of the Living, Shuuhei leaves a bottle of vitamin gummy bears in Hitsugaya's top desk drawer, with a note that reads: "I'm sure you'll grow into a fine adult." This particular mix of vitamins is said to benefit healthy growth in children. Shuuhei just hopes the gift won't be seen as condescension. He remembers what it was like to be small, to /feel/ small surrounded by adults. Perhaps, as Hinamori's senpai, he feels a mite… protective of the young captain.
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                      H e’s thorough,  retreating himself  completely within a  soundless disposition, kindred to a winter’s primary snowfall, in his gradual reading –  in his punctilious scrutinization on the diverse contents inscribed, essentially inspecting the nutrient  details and its underlying purpose,  on the bottle’s omnipresent spine. – Unamused, sheer brows furrowed their ends to substantially  constitute an exasperated  appearance whilst  lethargic eyes forthwith  adapted, narrowing their  outer-contours to obtain an  ameliorated focus,  by the unknowing  implication Hisagi’s provocative offering may  potentially entail within the contained pieces of multicolored bonbons. Touching on a prohibited subject, by his own partiality,  the adolescent was still quite insecure, awfully susceptible, with; his stature.  –  When opening the upper drawer of his desk to acquire a paperclip, he was bewildered that in its stead he had discovered puerile Vitamins. needless sustenance. – He’ll physically develop just fine on his own; when it is his time.
                           He is uncertain, undeniably so, of what  to think or how to respond. -  Musing further on  the other’s intentions,  compressed lips would purse  whilst a faint hmm absconded through its tiers. Was the Lieutenant deriding his height? what impudence.  - The bottle seized within palm was now sans its securing cap, fingers promptly taking one of the gummy bears, a green one, to be more precise,  to convey it closer to his plane of sight. They seemed ordinary but he’s chary. –  A few seconds come to pass int naught before he decides to put it inside his mouth,‘tween his teeth, he chews. When the opening stands ‘fore him, where he meets Hisagi again, he’ll verbally chastise the fool for leaving such an insolent, unwanting,  substance in his office, in his desk where he  had absolutely no permission to taint with his squalid handprints. 
                                               At least one thing was abundantly pellucid …                                                                                              It was agreeably satisfying against the palate.
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hekate1308 · 6 years
charie-caphine hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet: charie-caphine hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet...
I kinda hate song title bc idk, maybe it’s my age showing… lol but back int he day like 95% of fics took titles from songs, so you’d end up reading 10 fics in different fandoms, all with the same nonsense lyric title. And I’ve a beef with authors who use a line from the text for title/summary, cox it often neither says anything about the story nor adds to it. Lol I’m an editorial nazi apparently. (Basically I’m that gif you’ve posted.)
Oh dear I actually seem to remember those times and now I feel like this. 
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Nothing like fandom history to make you decide you should start looking into nursing homes. 
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crhs-imc · 7 years
Finding Mighty by Sheela Chari
Finding Mighty by Sheela Chari (@wordsbysheela) #fiction #mystery #parkour @abramsbooks
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Finding Mighty by Sheela Chari. May 30, 2017. Harry N. Abrams, 320 p. ISBN: 9781419722967.  Int Lvl: 5-8; Rdg Lvl: 4.5. Along the train lines north of New York City, twelve-year-old neighbors Myla and Peter search for the link between Myla’s necklace and the disappearance of Peter’s brother, Randall. Thrown into a world of parkour, graffiti, and diamond-smuggling, Myla and Peter encounter a band…
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