#int: ophelia
waveofstars · 2 years
@lemmeknowimreal | ophelia + una | cont
"Hmm. Sage advice. I've never heard wiser words," she responded sarcastically. When it came to men, Ophelia couldn't help but worry. She knew Una could take care of herself, there was no doubt about that. Still, it didn't sit right with her to know there was someone out there not kissing the ground she walked on. How pathetic her boyfriend must be.
She turned and looked at Una, fingers reaching to fix a stray hair of hers before giving a little smile. Fletcher would likely bitch that she wasn't behind the bar, but he was always bitching about something. Ophelia could care less.
"Now why the hell would I ever say no to that? Of course, babe. Show me what ya got. Fletcher can suck a dick for two minutes."
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magicmadnessx · 2 years
Closed for @fxcdboys Ophelia & James
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The night had been insane. Ophelia's entire body ached from the countless trays she'd carried, entirely ladened with drinks. A revolving door of patrons had come and gone, and as the night got later it only began to grow more packed. "Alright, so that's another round of shots, two Moscow Mules, an espresso martini, two beers," the redhead spoke the order as she balanced a tray on one hand and used the other to pass out the drinks. "And it looks like you two are almost done so I'll ring in another for each of you. Anything else I can get you right now?" She barely heard their answer as her eyes landed on a gentleman who'd just been sat a few tables away.
"Well, aren't you a welcome sight," she grinned as she stepped in front of him, holding her empty tray in one hand.
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ladyloki234 · 10 months
The Princess and the Wolf (Loki X OC Love Story)
By LadyLoki234
Chapter One
Once upon a time, there lived a King and his fair Queen who were blessed with four beautiful daughters whose names were Cassandra, Penelope, Katherine, and their youngest daughter Ophelia. The four princesses were each born with extortionary gifts, Cassandra the eldest possessed the gift of speaking with animals. Penelope the second oldest was possessed with the gift of healing giving her the power to heal the sick and injured Katherine the middle child was granted with the gift of understanding and seeing illnesses. Lastly, Ophelia the youngest daughter was blessed with the gift of using her voice to sing. The daughters were beloved by all the people in their kingdom, but it was Princess Ophelia who was adored by all who heard her beautiful voice.
For many years the King and his Queen ruled their kingdom in peace, and the princesses used their gifts to help all who were in need. Cassandra made sure that all the animals lived within the forests and ensured their safety. Penelope and Katherine attended to the sick and injured in the castle infirmary and used their abilities as best as they could. Ophelia would spend her days out walking through the forest admiring the beauty of nature, she comes across a small pond sits on top of a medium-sized rock, and sings to herself.
Vargen ylar i nattens skog
(The wolf is howling in the forest of the night)
Han vill men kan inte sova
(He wants to, but cannot sleep)
Hungern river i hans varga buk
(The hunger tears his wolven stomach)
Och det är kallt i hans stova
(And it’s cold in his burrow)
Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
(Wolf, wolf, don’t you come here)
Ungen min får du aldrig
( I will never let you take my child)
Vargen ylar i nattens skog
(The wolf is howling in the forest of the night)
Ylar av hunger o klagar
(Howling out of hunger and moaning)
Men jag ska ge’n en grisa svans
(But I will give him a pigtail)
Sånt passar i varga magar
(Which suits a wolven stomach)
Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
(Wolf, wolf, don’t you come here)
Ungen min får du aldrig
( I will never let you take my child)
But little did she know that she was being watched from the shadows of the forest, suddenly the princess heard the sound of a twig breaking, and she looked around trying to figure out where the sound came from. She was still sitting on top of the rock as she kept wandering on what was in the forest with her, then she spotted a pair of glowing green eyes from behind some bushes, then there was a low growling sound, the princess picked up a large branch that was on the ground and holds it in both of her hands to defend herself with.
Slowly a large black wolf emerges from the bushes and begins to approach her, the princess is scared at first as the wolf comes closer to her. The wolf was not like all the wolves that run freely in the forests, this wolf was as tall as a horse with jet black fur with a little sliver under his neck and chest, and his eyes were like the color of emeralds. Ophelia closed her eyes afraid to meet the wolf’s gaze, then there was silence Ophelia slowly opened her eyes and saw that the large wolf was lying there with its head still up with its green eyes still fixed upon her, she didn’t see that the wolf was aggressive in any way but noticed that the wolf wasn’t going to hurt her, she slowly puts the branch down onto the ground and slowly climbs down off of the rock, the wolf didn’t move from its spot as Ophelia slowly approaches him, The wolf laid there still as he watched her walking closer towards him.
Ophelia had never seen a wolf that was twice as big as any of the normal-sized ones that roam around the forests during the night, but this wolf was out in broad daylight and there were no other wolves to be seen, she guessed that he must have been a lone wolf who didn’t have a pack of his own.
As she was a couple of feet from him the wolf stood up from the ground standing right in front of her, Ophelia stopped in her tracks as she saw the wolf getting up off of the ground and standing there not moving an inch. The wolf stopped in front of Ophelia looking straight into her eyes, the wolf lens its head down closer to her, Ophelia stood completely still as the wolf started sniffing her, Ophelia’s body froze as the wolf was taking in her scent, soon the wolf looks back at her again then shortly after the wolf started licking her face. Ophelia laughed softly as the wolf continued licking her face, she held her hands up and placed them on the sides of the wolf’s face.
The wolf stops licking her and starts rubbing its head against her chest, Ophelia smiles taking one of her hands and running her fingers through his soft black fur.
“You’re not like all the wolves that live in this forest, you seem like you are very gentle and tamed.” She says to the wolf as she continues to pet his head running her fingers through his ebony-black fury. Ophelia sits down on the ground then the wolf dose the same lying down beside her the lays its head down on top of her lap. She softly smiles at the wolf as she runs her hand and fingers through its fury, she remembered her older sister Cassandra that not all wolves are vicious but treated with kindness and respect they can be a fine companion. As the hours passed Ophelia could see that the sun was starting to set.
" Oh my, I didn't realize that it was getting late." She says. The wolf gets up to let her up, Ophelia dusts off the dirt off of herself as she stood up, she looks back at the wolf and walks up a little closer to him. The wolf looks at her with his emerald green eyes, Ophelia then noticed that the wolves eyes didn't seem to be animal but appeared to more like human eyes. "I don't know why but your eyes are more human then animal" she says to the wolf as she stood close to him. "It's because..I'm not a wolf" The wolf spoke for the first time. Ophelia's eyes widened and took a step back away from him
"Y..You can speak, but how is this possible?" she asked.
"Please don't be afraid my lady, I will tell you of how I came be to like this." The wolf says to her in a soft tone. Ophelia nodded her head and listened to him.
"My name is Loki, Prince of Asgard son of Odin Allfather and Queen Frigga and brother of Thor." He then bows his head to her. Ophelia also bowed her head back in return. Loki counties to explain to Ophelia of why he was cursed as a wolf.
"Years ago a Sorceress came to Asgard and stood before Odin, mother Frigga, my brother and myself."
"What did she want?" Ophelia asked
"She told Odin that if he return what belongs to her she would punish Odin by placing a curse on the eldest son."
"She was going to curse your brother Thor?" Ophelia asked. Loki nodded his head then continues the rest of the story.
"Odin refused to return what belong to the Sorceress, and then the witch became angry, just as she was casted the cruse I pushed Thor out of the way and the curse was placed upon me instead, and I was transformed into the wolf you now see before you." Loki lowers his head sadly with his eyes closed. Ophelia walks up in front of Loki taking her hand and places it gently on top of his head.
"You saved your brother's life, that was a very brave thing that you did. I would have done the same for my sisters." She sees Loki lift up his head looking back at her once again. Loki steps closer to her then places his head over her shoulder as if he was gently embracing her, Ophelia softly smiles wrapping her arms around the back of his neck hugging him back with half of her face buried in his soft black fur. As they embraced each other Ophelia and Loki pull away and staired into each others eyes.
"What is your name my lady?" Loki asked.
"Ophelia, Princess Ophelia." She answers.
"It is an honor to meet you lovely Princess." He says as he bowed his head then looks back up at her. "May I ask you something Princess, while I was walking through the forest I heard the sound of someone singing, was it you?"Loki asked her to see if it was true.
Ophelia nods her head and gave him a shy smile. "Yes, it was me. My three older sisters and myself were born with different abelites." She explains to him.
"What kind of abelites do you and your sisters have?" Loki asked as he sat down and listens.
"My older sister Cassandra cane speak to animals. My second sister Penelope can heal people. And my third sister Katherine can understand and seeing illness."
"And you my dear, I may guess that yours most be your voice?" Loki asked her hoping that he had guessed right. Ophelia softly smiled "Your guess is indeed correct Prince Loki, I was gifted with the ability to sing." Loki sits back up and walks toward Ophelia then he lays down onto the ground and gestures his head towards his back.
"Climb on my back, I'll take you back home before it gets dark." He says as he offered to take her back home. Ophelia climbs onto his back, Loki slowly stands up then turns his head towards her.
"Hold on tight Princess." Ophelia nods and gently holds on to him as he sprints off out of the forest to return the princess safely back home to her father's castle.
After a few hours passed Loki had br ought Ophelia safely back to her home, but Loki couldn't go any farther, he lowers himself down onto the ground to let Ophelia off of his back. The princess looks back at Loki as he stood back up on his feet.
"This is were I leave you young princess, I cannot go any further." He says to her with a sad tone in his voice. Loki didn't like the thought of leaving his newly found friend but he knew that he must. Ophelia walks over towards Loki and looked sadly into his eyes.
"Will I see you again Loki?" she asks as she stood in front of him. Deep down in her heart Ophelia felt a deep connection towards Loki even though she had just met him, but after spending sometime with in in the forest she already felt safe around him. Loki steps closer towards Ophelia and gently nuzzles the side of her cheek with his snout as if he was comforting her.
"I will always be around whenever you need me my dear princess, if you are ever in the forest again and wish for me to come, I'll be listening for your beautiful voice so that I know that it is you." Ophelia wraps her arms around the back of Loki's neck and gives him one more hug before saying goodbye. She pulls away looking at him and strokes his cheek with her hand.
"I'll never forget you Loki, you're the only friend I've ever met, and I'll miss you." Loki leans into her touch and closes his eyes. "And I will miss you as well dear one, and I'll never forget you either." As they said their goodbyes Ophelia watched as Loki runs off back to the forest, but before he entered the forest Loki turned back around looking towards where Ophelia was still standing, he raises his head up and lets out a howl as if he was saying to her "Farewell my dear princess" then he disappears into the night back into the forest. As Loki vanished back into the forest Ophelia quietly went back inside the castle and walked back into her room. As she was in her room Ophelia walks over towards her window and looks out towards the distance. She hears a howl coming from deep within the forest, somehow she knew that it must have been Loki, she smiles softly to herself as she was about to walk away from her window "Goodnight Loki, my dear friend." She walks over to her bed lays down covering herself up with her blanket closes her eyes and falls into a deep sleep. As she fell into a deep sleep Ophelia found herself laying in a flowerbed with red and white roses, she slowly lifts herself up looking around noticing that she was in a meadow which was the same meadow were she had met Loki in the form of a giant black wolf. She felt at peace as she admired the roses that were all around her, she was careful not to touch the thorns that were on the steams of the flowers, she brings the rose up to her nose and took in the rose's scent.
"I see you're enjoying yourself my lady." A familiar voice comes from the other side of the trees, Ophelia turns around quickly to see who it was, at first there was nothing but then a shadowy figure steps out from behind one of the trees. A man walks out dressed in black green and gold clothing with an emerald green cloak draped around his shoulders, upon his head was a gold helmet with horns. Ophelia sees him approaching her, she slowly takes a step back
"Don't be afraid my princess, I mean you no harm I could never bring myself to harm you my dear." He says in a soft tone as he steps closer to her. They both stood there staring face to face, Ophelia's heart was racing fast in her chest as she looked at the man that stood before her. He reaches out one of his hands moving it towards her cheek, Ophelia remained still as he gently placing his hand upon her cheek, Ophelia's eyes close for a moment then opens them again.
"It's me Ophelia, don't you recognize me?" He asks her in a calm voice. Ophelia looks deeper into his eyes raising her right hand gently pressing her palm against his cheek, then it struck her a smile appears on her face as she finally knew who this man was.
"L..Loki? she as in a soft voice. Loki smiled and softly nods his head.
"Yes my dear princess, now you see as I truly am, but only if it's in your dreams." He leans in his into Ophelia's hand and places a soft kiss into her palm. She always wondered of what Loki was really like in his true form and now she finally knew even if she could only see him like this in her dreams, but it didn't matter to her, either in reality or in her dreams she could still see Loki whenever she had the chance.
"Is that the only way I can see you like this in my dreams?" She asked. Loki softly smiles and gently pulls her into a warm embrace. Ophelia's heart skipped a beat as Loki held her in his arms, then she wraps her arms around him and lays her head against his chest.
"Yes dear one, but even when you wake up in the morning you could always come and visit me whenever you want, even if I'm in the form of a wolf." Loki gently runs his hand on her head and tenderly runs his fingers through her hair as he held her close to him. Ophelia lifts her head up and meets his gaze, her eyes soften as their eyes meet once again, she couldn't help but feeling safe around him either if he's a human or a wolf. Loki's expression changes, Ophelia noticed that he looked sad, she places her hand under his chin and gently lifts up his head so that he was facing her.
"What's wrong?" she asked in a worried tone.
"It'll be morning soon, though I wish it wouldn't come just yet, because I very much enjoy our time that we have together." Loki takes his hand and softly caresses Ophelia's cheek. She places her hand on top of his and leans into his touch one last time.
"I enjoy spending time with you as well Loki, you're the only friend that I'll ever have and I'm glad that I met you." Loki smiles softly at her, he felt happy that he'd met someone who has accepted as who he was, this truly made him feel very warm inside and his heart was beating with joy, for he knew that this was the first time that he had ever felt this way about anyone until he had met her, something deep inside him was telling him that she could be the one, for if he learned to love and earn her love in return and receives true love's kiss then and only then could his curse be broken.
"You must go now my dear, dawn approaches." Loki leans in forward and places a tender kiss onto Ophelia's forehead. "Be well my dear princess, until we meet again." As the sun was starting to rise Ophelia wakes up propping herself up on her bed and softly smiles to herself. She could still remembers everything from her dream, Loki's soft and gently voice, the touch of his hand caressing her cheek, and the tender kiss to her forehead, she knew that it wasn't no ordinary dream like what most people would have, her dream felt and looked much more real. She gets up from her bed walks over to her vanity mirror sits down in her chair and looks at her reelection. A worried thought comes to Ophelia's mind, she was worried of what her father, mother, and sisters would think if she told them about Loki, the last thing that she needed was her father sending out his best hunters to go after Loki and kill him. This worried her a lot, but she came to make the toughest choice in her life, she would have to keep this a sceret from her own family. But her friendship with Loki was more important, or maybe it was something that was much more than friendship, she looks back at her reflection in the mirror and thought to herself. "This feeling, could it be...that I've fallen in love with him?" Thought of this made Ophelia's heart beat even more fast, but she wasn't sure of when or how she would tell Loki on how she really felt about him, she was also worried if he would feel the same way about her. Then she looks at herself in the mirror and smiled.
"When the time is right, I will tell Loki how i really feel about him." That was her promise that she had made.
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Hoshidan Festival: Peri and Ophelia Parent-Child Conversation
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I refreshed myself on Peri and Odin’s support conversations before writing this, and realized I’d totally forgotten about it. It’s cute! It involves Peri going to an anger management class and becoming the head of their society. While their conversation isn’t actually mentioned, it kind of ties in here, as Peri seems to think of her murderous tendencies as a problem and is proud of Ophelia for coming up with a self-control spell. Also, this is one of the few places int he game where Peri’s mismatched irises are mentioned! That’s pretty cool. I wonder if Ophelia would someday be able to manufacture a spell to change her own eye color, hmm... Or maybe she’ll invent colored contacts.
Ophelia: (quivering with anger) “...O menacing heart of mine, still yourself… I beg of you! Be still!!  Urgh…  At a time like this I suppose I have no choice but to use that spell, the new one I learned to acheive greater control over myself… Counsel Baganded!  ……  Whew. I think that’s a little better.” (T/N:  Since many of Odin and Ophelia’s spells have parallels in the FE world, I tried to look up one for コンソール・バガンデッド, but couldn’t find anything, so I just transliterated it literally. If anyone knows what it’s supposed to be, please let me know so I can correct it.)
Peri: “Ophelia, what’s wrong? You look really troubled.”
Ophelia: “Mother…  …I don’t really understand myself lately… If things don’t go the way I wish them to, I get the urge to annihilate the people of this world…” (T/N: That sounds  a little extreme, but I’m certain she’s specifically talking about killing everyone within sight in this outrealm world, not that she literally wants to kill everyone in their home world. Because, wow, that would be a little intense.)
Peri: “Huh?”
Ophelia: “Isn’t it terrible? I was just feeling that way right now, so I cast a self-control spell on myself.”
Peri: “That’s a wonderful spell. But, if you feel that way, that might mean…”
Ophelia: “Aaaaah, I feel as though I am teetering on the edge! We took great lengths to come all the way out here for a special festival,  and I so desired to go to that stall to buy dumplings and eat them with you…  But now the bandits have razed that stall so it no longer exists…” (more angry shaking)  “Aaaaah! I once again I feel the need to kill all those bandits!”
Peri: “N-no, Ophelia! You need to calm down! That… That must be me. You got that from me. That’s all my fault!”
Ophelia: “Huh? Is that so?”
Peri: “When I’m upset, I want to swing a weapon at someone. And then when I see the pretty red blood splattering around, I feel better. So I really understand how you feel.”
Ophelia: “It, it’s true that when I get like this, seeing something red calms me down… That’s why I usually carry around this sacred red stone, the ‘Bloody Fire Opal.’ So I see, this is your blood within me… This is the power I inherited from you…”
Peri: “Ophelia, you look really sad again. I’m sorry… That’s not a very nice thing to get from your mommy…”
Ophelia: “Oh, it’s not that at all! There is absolutely no reason for you to apologize! I am almost literally trembling with joy at the mysteries of the blood that courses through my body!”
Peri: “R-really?”
Ophelia: “Yes. Though this blood of mine is rather unsafe, if I use a spell to suppress those murderous urges then I probably will do no serious harm…  More importantly, I’m happy to know I take after you.”
Peri: “Ophelia…! Thanks. I’m very happy. I mean, you mostly take after Odin, so to find a way you take after me… That makes me happy.”
Ophelia: “Well, if I inherited anything from you, I wish it had been your eye color.”
Peri: “My eye color?”
Ophelia: “Yes! Your eyes are different colors, Mother! It is astoundingly amazing!! There aren’t many people like that around…  It really makes it feel like you’re a chosen one!”
Peri: “Well then you and me need to spend a lot of time together! If we do, maybe your eyes will slowly start to change color.”
Ophelia: “Wow, for real?! Just thinking about it makes my maiden’s heart flutter!” (T/N: The "wow, for real?!” is in Peri’s childish way of talking. Hard to render that in English when it’s such a short line! Ophelia and Peri don’t speak all that differently, honestly.)
Peri: “Ahaha, it sounds like we talk the same way all of a sudden. The day that your eyes change color can’t be far away! So, let’s go and smash up some bandits. We’ll spend time together after!”
Ophelia: “Yeah! Behold, the twinkling of Ophelia Dusk, as she dreams of differently colored irises!”
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myoc-eansmind · 2 years
evaluna santángel - details
dorm: ophelia hall besties: mostly ivy branwell (oc), yoko, enid and wednesday love int: lesbian - yoko tanaka (gf!)
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extroverted witch
roomates with ivy branwell
loves gardening
bilingual, her first language is spanish and still struggles with english sometimes
her familiar/companion is a hedgehog called taro
fan of graphic novels and animal crossing
has adhd
which results in being unable to stay still during classes most of the time (the teachers are very aware of this), so her and ivy tend to sit separate (both of them are ok with this little agreement)
and walking all day around the dorms without knowing where she's going
she just wants to walk and at this point, no one in ophelia hall questions it (go eva! go!)
she also has weekly hobbies! meaning that she will pick up a hobby and then drop it a couple of days later
so now yoko has to keep a bunch of little drawings, clay figures, diy accessories, and origami flowers, it just keeps going
so yeah, love language: gifts
regular student? she's definitely very smart and can do better but to be honest, she just prefers to hang around her friends and gf so…
very emotionally intelligent/ assertive
a phrase: "ojo de loca no se equivoca" (crazy eye is not wrong) (idk how to translate that accurately but it basically means =" i might be crazy but i'm always right!")
this post it's just for me (to remember stuff about this oc) so i'm not going with a lot of #s but feel free to interact !! and send questions about evaluna
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nessyyg · 1 year
The other chosen one Chapter 2 The Book
The little girl came out of the forest, and with a slow pace, she came closer. Her big blue and purple eyes were looking straight at me. Her long hair was dancing with the wind, and the little horns on her head were shining a little bit. Every step she took was careful like she didn’t want to make a mistake… and scare me?
But the question is still the same. Why is she here?
I tried to move, but my body disobeyed. While I was still trying to move, Ophelia finally approached me. She crouched down in front of me and stared at me. No word, no nothing, only her staring at me.
-Why…?- I started but was cut off by her hand. She put her hand on my forehead.
-You are here. It’s too early, but perhaps it is better.-
Better? What is? She wanted me to be here?
-You need to learn. Your help is needed.- she stood up and walked away into the woods again.
What did just happen?
My body relaxed. I was for some reason very tense. Why?
(I need to ask other questions…) Finally, I could move so I stood up. I looked in the direction in which the little girl went and saw only the forest that was there before. Of course… It would be weird if it disappeared. Ugh, it’s too weird to be real.
While I started to think about what happened a few seconds before and what Ophelia meant with her words, I also cleaned my clothes of all the dirt that was on them. Ugh, I hate being dirty. But I stopped what I was doing because my gaze stopped at a book in front of me, that was not there before.
It is an old, big, brown book. It has no title but on the cover are a few silver feathers that are piled up on each other. There are also some weird other things… what are those? Scales? I tried to pick up the book, but I had to use all my strength left after the training to do it. With my left hand, I tried to open the book to find out what the book is about, but in that second I remembered something. In the game, Gardienne or Erika the protagonist of this game, opened a book once that also had no cover and it went wrong… maybe I should wait? Or ask someone if they know what the book is about.
Luckily I didn’t have to wait long because Tomuno came back with some food and Eliamna came with some medicine. The three of us started to eat and talk about the book I just found. I didn’t mention Ophelia. They were confused just like me and didn’t know anything about the book. So it’s better if I just leave the book untouched for a while. Tomuno explained to me that there are several good and bad magic books, but no one can recognize them without doing some tests first.
-There is a possibility that this book is completely normal, but who knows? Not me. That’s for sure.-
-It’s better if you leave it… But where did you get the book from?- asked Eliamna.
-Eeeeeeeeeh…. Don’t know… It was here.- I really can’t lie. Eliamna dropped the subject. I looked at the book that was in my hands. I have a feeling this will do something. Not bad, but not good at the same time. After we finished eating we went back to the village, where a lot of other people started to gather.
-What’s going on?- I asked Tomuno, but he just sight.
-The major of the village doesn’t like the idea of having a human here. He wants to persuade everyone to do something against it.- Eliamna answered. She doesn’t look too happy. She even bit her lower lips, I think she tries not to say a few things some people shouldn’t hear about this guy.
-He’s too weak to do something himself…- Tomuno put his arm around Eliamna’s waist and buried his face in her long hair.
-And too scared to even come near you Tomuno.- He chuckled in her hair and her cheeks got really red. God… I don’t know if I find them cute like this or want to disappear. Maybe both. I strengthened my grip on the book I took with me. I want someone to love me just like Tomuno loves Eliamna.
I ignored the love birdies, my lonely thoughts, and looked in the direction of all the other fearys. Some look bored, others interested and the rest… make fun of the major?
Some of them sound really nice, maybe because they are trying to protect me. The Major, a very old man who looks like a rabbit with a veeeery long beard, looks like a tomato. Yes. He is so embarrassed that his whole face turned so red that some people could really mix him up with a tomato.
-Don’t mind him, he is older than anyone in this place, his brain is still stuck in the times when we hated humans.- a man appeared next to me. I jumped. The book I was
-Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you. Names Niall.-
Tall, dark skin with some scars, red hair, short but very curly. His scars don’t look like they were made thru training or fighting. He did them so himself…
-My name is Nessy. Nice to meet you.-  
The men noticed I was looking at his scars. He opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut by a hand slapping him on his neck. This must have hurt.
-Niall! Nice seeing you here! Meeting our little human girl, huh!- Tomuno grabbed the neck he was already holding a bit harder and whispered something into Niall’s ear. The tall men nodded to what Tomuno had to say and looked a bit… I don’t know. His face looks angry but also confused and ashamed at the same time.  
What a weird man.
Eliamna grabbed my arm and pulled me to their house. The book almost fell out of my hands, she pulled me so hard. I didn’t have the time to object to anything. She didn’t say anything while pulling me into my room. What is happening? Again I had no time to ask.
Wait… Was I really just… Like… This whole situation is really confusing. Did the two of them didn’t want me to talk to Niall or is it my imagination? I looked around the room with some kind of hope to get my mind off this… I don’t even know. My gaze stopped at the sight of my bed.
What an exhausting day. It sounds like nothing, but first-time training, and then this meeting with Ophelia…. I feel so… tired. Now I feel like Gardienne, she always was tired from doing nothing, but I don’t have to feel bad. I actually did something.
I lay down on my bed. Next to my bed is a little nightstand so I put the book on it. The silver feathers are still in the same spot. What was I expecting? These feathers magically move? I changed the position I was. My eyes are sooooooo heavy. I didn’t plan on falling asleep but I did. No time to brush my teeth, nor to change into something else.
My sleep wasn’t too long. I woke up from a weird sound of… a bird? Maybe a companion or something? The sound is for sure from a pair of wings. My eyes were too heavy to open them, but this thing in my room wasn’t having it. It got louder and louder and…
This thing broke something! WHAT THE…!?
I opened my eyes and jumped out of bed.
The thing that made all of this is…
Finally! Chapter 2 is out and I hope you like it! I'm so sorry, that it took me so long and for all my mistakes in the text. I noticed that it is the first time my Oc said her name or even was mentioned, sorry for that too 😅 What do you think is going to happen next? And feel free to tell me other ideas you have!
Have a great day!
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fermatasx · 1 month
too much of water hast thou, poor ophelia, and therefore I forbid my tears,
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MARINA  IS  A  MULTITUDE  OF  WOMEN    &    a  hollowed  out  shell  at  once:    she  has  all  the  memories  even  though  they’ve  been  drunken  out  of  her,   shucked  free,   shaken  loose  from  poor  management  of  alcohol  control.    A  home  void of nurturing molded  her  into  a  casualty  painted  in  a  young  woman's  mask  secretly calling  out  need me,   want me,   love me!   in  the  midst  of  a  burgeoning  girlhood  horror  story.    It  sculpted  her,   learning the reality of not choosing to be born whilst being unloved outside of your will,   &  turning  Marina  into  a  RELICT  too  hollow  to  feel  ;   emotions  being  blasted  into  a  spray  of  molten  debris  spilling  into  vast  darkness.    
But she is still an Eversley, her father's daughter in more ways than she likes to admit. 
Vacant,  always  due  to  the  unending  grief  of  trauma.    No  matter  how  much  you  feel  like  a  cavity,   like  a  puncture  wound  so  deep  that  it  won’t  close,    you  have  every  single  remembering  of  what  happened  jumbled  up   &   shoved  inside  you  so  that  you're  brimming  over  with  it.    
There’s  acid  at  the  back  of  her  throat  because  she  wakes  up  with  her  hands  in  fists    &    when  she  drags  herself  to  the  bathroom  her  reflection  might  as  well  be  FERAL,   blind  rage.    A  disconnect  between  her  body   &   the  girl  she  was  eighteen  years  ago  before she was finally accepted as an Eversley feels  that  cavernous  distance  except  instead  of  looking  on  from  outside  her  skin,  Marina's  trapped  inside  it.    Cold  sweat  is  her  constant  companion  bolting  up  into  the  night  with  cyrillic  climbing  off  her  tongue.  
There’s  a  simplicity  in  the  way  that  her  fellow  cousins  address  her  like  she's the big bad bitch.      &    it gives her a certain sort of comfort in knowing that at least they won't bother to interrupt the silence that she's grown to know as peace.    The  children, much like everyone else, are in a deep sleep. So she grabs a bottle of wine and sneaks off to the pool for her nightly swim.    She  accepts  what  little  she  can.   
She  doesn’t  feel  like  herself.    Doesn't  even  know  if  she  ever  has.    But in water, like in books — she could leave her life. Yet once Marina finally comes up for air,  she  turns,   ready  to  grab the bottle,   when she catches  a  jarring  sight.    The  all too familiar  silhouette of Campbell.
Subconsciously,   she  sighs  in  awe.    𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊.    It's  an  automatic  thought,   &  one  she  decides  to  push  out  of  her  mind  before  she  takes hold of the wine and drinks straight from the bottle.    She's stuck between running away as is usual, but decides to stand her ground in the end ━━━━  the ever growing wave of nostalgia rushing over her whenever they were in her per view. She remembers the way Campbell treated her scarred as shit past and body... as chapters of a book they wanted to hold in their hands and finish — and how she had torn it apart after the ultimatum her father presented her with. It was for the best, she convinced herself.
I am a woman who talks to herself and lies.
Marina remains silent even as she realizes that Campbell is intentionally making their way towards her. Had they noticed her first? Probably, but she wouldn't play into it just yet — purposely focusing on not making eye contact as she floats along the pool, toned body on display.
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allegra-j-joann · 7 months
Script project
The stars spiralled endlessly over the city walls well beyond where the eye could see, they spilled between the notes of bright festive music and pooled in shadows between buildings, listening to the tales to tell the moon from her beloved humans. 
[Fade in on the night sky with the full moon, and the distant noise of the capital below, it’s a festival night.]
Between Life and Death, there are few things that are precious.
Things that never get forgotten, 
Things that reshape the world as we know it.
Those things, impermanent, wonderful things are cherished by the endless ones.
[People are gathered in the tavern, drinking and laughing, everything is slightly hazy. ALLAMUS and a hooded CLARE sit at a table surrounded by their Guild.]
...And then, before it even knew what had hit it, Clare pulled some magic thing, and the whole room was just on fire, everywhere!
[CLARE rolls her eyes and shakes her head at his exaggerations, she is examining an ornate bell]
There wasn’t that much fire, you’ll give these people the wrong idea of mages the way you’re carrying on, we’re not gods, we can only do what the incantations allow.
[ALLAMUS pouts at the scolding before going on telling the story of their victory, growing slowly more distant as the room raises their glasses with a cheer. Across the room the door slams open, a redhead bandit stands there, no one looks at her, she doesn’t look at them either, they cannot see each other.]
CLARE (cont'd)
Here, Al, look at this rune here, do you know what that means?
[The bandit, TINY, crosses the room towards the group, they fade away and the light goes out. She pauses at the now empty table, the tavern is dark and abandoned, before sitting against the wall and inspecting a wound on her arm, she winces as she digs a crossbow bolt out and starts talking to herself.]
Damn crossbow bastards, lucky shot.
they’ll be bragging about that one, freaking mess, I hate this city.
[outside the boarded-up window, lanterns flicker past as the city guards search for her, casting strange shadows around her.]
fan out! I’m sure she went this way, she can’t be far! 
(sigh) fuck. 
[She leans her head against the wall with her eyes closed and listens to the guards getting closer before starting to move up the stairs to climb across nearby rooftops.]
[Tiny vaults off a roof into the narrow street against the city wall, running for the nearest gate, she’s struggling and holding her wounded arm, the shouting of guards and the ringing of a bell have become nearly indistinct in the background. Tiny rounds a house, only to collide with another person, sending both of them to the ground, tripping over each other.]
(at the same time) SWEET MOTHER OF-!
[they look at eachother]
watch where you’re going!
… what happened to you? you’re bleeding!
Oh no. really? I hadn’t noticed.
I think I heard her! Quick, cut off the side street, don’t let her get too far!
[panics for a moment before scrambling to her feet and grabbing THERESA]
don’t. move. got it? my shoulder may be screwed but I could still crush you,
[she goes to start running and THERESA digs her heels into the ground]
What the hell are you doing?!
well, you said don’t move, I’m doing what you said.
I SWEAR TO THE GODS! I hate this city and everyone in it!
so leave.
[stomping her foot]
What do you think I’m trying to do?! I was going to use you to get past the guards but now that window of opportunity is shut, thank you very much.
oh! why didn’t you say so, hold on!
[THERESA stands up to her full, rather tall, height and picks TINY up suddenly, which seems significantly easy to her, she starts running away from the noise of the guards and the nearest gate which they’re guarding, TINY is too shocked to yell at her immediately.]
[THERESA and TINY stop running once the city is out of sight and set down in a ditch by the road, trying to catch their breath]
What the hell was that?! don’t just pick someone up like that, they saw you, you’re involved now!
So? What are we meant to do? They were chasing you, why wouldn’t I help?
[she grabs TINY and starts treating the wound, ignoring the girl’s attempts to pull away]
The Matron says to take care of those younger than us so they have time to learn
Oh shit… you’re a moron! your precious church has coddled you into brain slush, you have no idea who I am, do you?
Should I?
[she starts binding the wound, cutting TINY’s sleeve off to do so)
It’s not really important who you are, just what you do,so you don’t have to tell me.
[TINY pulls her arm away, scowling as THERESA finishes and sits back against the bank of the ditch]
[pause then a sigh]
So what sends a slush brain like you out into the big mean city?
I was curious about some things the Matron said, so I came to see them myself
[TINY stares at her with a raised eyebrow but says nothing, THERESA takes this as a cue to explain, looking up at the dark sky]
THERESA (cont'd)
The Matron said that people who live outside the grace of The Lady are selfish and can too easily be tempted to violence, and that’s why we have to study the hymns and teach them.
The Matron sounds like a cult leader.
You’re in a lot of pain and not thinking clearly, I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.
[shrugs a little painfully]
suit yourself, church mouse.
So, who are you?
[TINY groans quietly and ignores the question, turning away to try and get some rest confident that THERESA won’t call guards or stab her in her sleep.]
[TINY wakes up as the early morning sun reaches into the ditch, she drooled in her sleep and grass is stuck to her face, the sound of the ringing bell can still be heard distantly. She looks around and sees smoke rising over the far bank of the ditch from a campfire.]
That had better not be you, church mouse!
That’s not my name
[she doesn’t look up from the rabbit meat she’s cooking)
Don’t complain about the food, we can’t travel on an empty stomach
Are you stup- no nevermind, look, the smoke from your little breakfast adventure is like a beacon for everything around here with teeth or a dagger, you can’t set up a fare unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Decent food IS necessary
[she glances over her shoulder]
you don’t suppose there are many people out this way do you?
[TINY sits in front of the fire, practically drooling over the food, which is nearly cooked, her stomach growls loudly, announcing her hunger.]
out here? the place is an overgrown dump, doubt there are any towns for ages either, besides the Capital
[glancing over her shoulder again]
Are you sure?
I literally have no reason to be pulling your leg on this one, why are you asking anyway?
I… can’t shake this weird feeling, like we’re being watched, I could swear someone is staring at my back
(becoming annoyed at her constant checking)
for the love of- Look, I’ll go check, so just shut up would you?
TINY reluctantly stands and walks away from the fire and the food, kicking the nearly waist high grass as she walks, whistling loudly to get the attention of anything nearby, a cheery tune that would be sung at a bar.
Dunno what to tell you Lady, there’s no one out here!
[TINY is about to start walking back when she trips on something, landing roughly on her bad arm, she looks back and finds her foot has pulled up an old helmet, the rest of the armour is close by with bones still inside, she has just half destroyed the skull.]
haha… fuck. 
What happened, are you okay? Are you being attacked?!
[running over]
that’s...that’s a dead person
Long dead, relax
[TINY kicks the helmet aside and the air is suddenly filled with a deafening metallic roar]
I didn’t do it!
[she hides behind THERESA]
It was the church girl! I didn’t do anything!
[The GOLEM is half buried in grass, the ground shakes a bit as it starts digging itself out.]
what? what is that thing, who are you?
Who cares what it is? it wants us to leave, lets leave
[With another roar the GOLEM pulls itself free of the dirt and lurches towards them, it is at least twice their size, rusting a little in places and not very fast, both girls scream and start running, tripping on more armour in the dirt.]
GOLEM (cont’d)
[TINY and THERESA continue to scream as the GOLEM chases them further into the field, roaring and creaking as they move up and over a hill and towards a lake with a crumbling tower in the middle of it, an old fishing boat is tied off at the edge of the water, both seem to have the idea to escape the metal monster over the water. The sound of the ringing bell also grows louder during this chaotic chase.]
[TINY and THERESA reach the edge of the lake with the golem still in hot pursuit and quickly closing the distance down the hill, they begin frantically trying to untie the fishing boat which seems to be in good shape for seemingly being abandoned.]
Hurry up! Oh my god, Hurry the hell up! 
I’m trying! stop yelling at me!
[tugging at the knots]
Come on. Don't be like this! it won’t come undone!
cut the fucking rope! it’s almost here!
[the GOLEM hits the bottom of the hill and runs towards them, raising it’s fists to presumably crush their heads and both recoil, landing on the gravelly sand and clinging to each other desperately when one of the closed fists suddenly shouts over the noise]
[the GOLEM opens it’s fist and a silver rose brooch is there]
This is ridiculous! all of you! you’re supposed to be Heroes! look at you all, acting like barbarians!
Heroes? Since when? What the hell is this?
we didn’t mean any harm, why is this happening?
get off the ground, both of you.
[the voice shifts it’s attention to the GOLEM]
and just WHAT was that? since when do we mindlessly chase anyone who gets near?
she tripped, they obviously didn’t know where they were
The Orders are over a century old!
[TINY and THERESA glance at each other silently as they get up, watching the hulking metal beast argue with the seemingly sentient pin, THERESA, still sniffling quietly has taken the knife offered by TINY and is trying to free the boat as quietly as she can]
good Idea, we’ll take the boat over and Clare can clear this all up for us
Who's Clare? what is she clearing up, would you please slow down and explain what is going on?
Clare will explain everything, come on, get in the boat.
[The rope suddenly unties itself and the GOLEM starts to move forward, cornering THERESA and TINY between the boat and the water. The girls scramble into the boat resignedly and the GOLEM climbs in, making the whole thing sink a little lower in the water, and taking up all the space that could be spared, the cramped boat lurches off the gravel beach unprompted and starts easing through the water towards the tower in a tense silence.]
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brycewins · 7 years
txt: Ophelia
bryce: trouble in paradise?
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magicmadnessx · 2 years
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willbrayden · 7 years
txt: Juliet
Will: what happened with Ophelia and Adam?
Will: is she okay?
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leia4love · 7 years
txt to: Ophelia
Blaky: hi
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oh-atlas · 3 years
oh no... i'm just a guy,,,,
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razorcrst · 3 years
╰ ♡ ✧ ˖  a  closed  starter  for  @altcrcd​​​  !
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griffin had stepped away for what felt like only a few minutes to grab himself and ophelia some drinks, the pounding of an oncoming migraine begging to be drowned out by alcohol. while he wasn’t necessarily used to this scene, he had found himself attending more and more influencer-based parties to support his girlfriend. although just as he rounded the corner with two drinks in hand, his gaze locked on the sight of some random guy seemingly flirting with the other. his jaw subtly clenched as he approached the two, roughly checking the other male with his shoulder. “sorry it took me so long to get you this, babe.” he purposefully hadn’t looked in the other male’s direction until now. “can i fucking help you, dude?” his glare was enough to cause the other to leave, his attention flickering back to ophelia. “you know… i think i’d be more amused that some dickhead like that thinks he has a chance with you if it weren’t for the fact that every guy in here is staring at you.” he allowed himself to lean in a bit closer to her. “i want to show them all that you’re mine.”
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xdestinyisall · 4 years
╳┊ @itstimetoroll​
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          Había sido una locura, un límite que ambos habían roto pero tampoco era como que no le hubiera importado porque no deseaba perder esa amistad pero también era que se sentía muy atraída por él, alguien que conocía por toda su vida. Sin embargo, sabía que las cosas saldrían de control si se enteraban, tanto por la reina como por su padre que se había vuelto muy sobreprotector tras la muerte de su madre. Ambos salieron en la mañana sin que nadie los viera a desayunar. ❝——¿Sabes? Te ves fatal, ¿Resaca?❞ bromeó, bebiendo un sorbo de su café. Ambos estaban desayunando cuando en la televisión apareció un anunció interrumpido sobre una última noticia, la gran muerte del príncipe Robert. ❝No... No puede ser❞ había tenido muy poco trato con el príncipe Robert pero sin duda, era el hermano de Liam. De inmediato sabía que irían contra él por lo que se levantó tomando su mano para jalarlo con ella, que salieran de ahí.
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ofsweetness · 3 years
@favcritecrimes​ || X
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Could she be any better for him? He thinks the answer is no, and it’s a decision easily made. As her arms wrap around his shoulders to pull him in closer, James finds himself resting his head against hers, oh so gentle in the motions they move through. “I think I’m okay with it?” He finds himself saying, not quite asking but decidedly not a declaration either. “I’m okay with things not turning out like we expected. I don’t think I could have planned on you if I wanted to. But we’re here, we’re happy...” His voice trails off, but it’s a smile that appears on his face, reaching his eyes, as it does. “Maybe supposed to is overrated.” That turn of phrase is accompanied by a chuckle as one hand moves to caress her cheek. 
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