#int -> merek.
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closed starter for @merekhopper
with his self-guided grand tour of the castle complete, nahim could finally begin to feel settled. whilst he had no intention of spending all his time here – he was all too aware of his presence being required back in valletta whilst malta processed the passing of marcellino and accepted the ascension of nahim. it was far too big of an ask to expect the coven (though he loathed addressing the others in such a manner, it felt far too theatrical) to shoulder the burden of sociopolitical matters; they had made their collective stance abundantly clear following marcellino’s death: they wanted nothing to do with anything relating to the council and though it was inconvenient, nahim had graciously accepted their reluctance to be even slightly useful.
plucking his phone from his pocket as notification after notification made it impossible to ignore, nahim sorted through the array of various messages and emails as he moved on autopilot, drifting through the corridors as if he’d inhabited the castle for far longer than a handful of hours. the sound of a door closing behind him pulled him from his technological distractions in a heartbeat and he paused, turning to face the source with a curious smile as his gaze settled on the chief of staff. “merek, isn’t it? or… am i incorrect? i’m still trying to match names and faces.”
#int -> merek.#( apologies for this being lacklustre LMAO my brain is... struggling to work correctly today apparently )#( if you'd like anything changed do say! i won't mind in the slightest! <3 )
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closed starter for @merekhopper
It’d been some time since Rhys had found himself with a moment of genuine alone time. Life had been pulling his attention in several directions simultaneously with an agonising force and his mind and magic were suffering as a result of it. It wasn’t anything to worry about – not yet, at least – but willing himself to be firm enough to set the boundary of needing a little time to simply be by himself and gather his thoughts was always the first step he’d taken in the past whenever things were beginning to feel just a little too much. Occasionally, bouts of hitting the reset button on his brain through isolation were a necessary evil. Locking up and warding his office for the night, Rhys diverted from his usual path to Roland’s suite and headed for the game room’s bar with the sole intention of finding a quiet corner and nursing one too many drinks as he attempted to get his thoughts in some kind of order, no matter how counterproductive it was. He’d been so caught up in planning out his self-contained downfall that he failed to register Merek’s presence whatsoever, practically barging past the chief of staff, coming to an immediate stop as realisation dawned. “Shit, I’m so sorry– oh. Hey, Merek. It’s been a while. How you doing?”
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Whilst Rhys was hopeful that something of considerable value or substance would be discovered upon arrival to both locations, there was the ever-pressing nagging doubt that it could be a complete waste of time if they were to return empty-handed. At this point, any information was valuable information. Yet Rhys’ perfectionist tendencies refused to rest at the best of times and this occasion was no exception to such a rule; it was mandatory that the inquiries led somewhere worthwhile and provided answers not yet discovered. Recentering his attention on the exchange, Rhys couldn’t help but chuckle at Merek’s response. “Look at it this way; when this is all over, it��ll be a testament to our relentless efforts. You’ll have to frame it.”
"Thank you, I appreciate it." Despite what some might say, Merek did take his job seriously when it mattered and knowing what Rhys and Seth discovered while they were investigating was important. It might offer some ways to better protect the castle, maybe give an idea of what to look out for if things started happening around the castle. Something he was very much hoping didn't happen, though the pyromancer was sure that the successful murders would only embolden the killers. He started to laugh, flashing Rhys a little grin. "If you want to bring me a souvenir, sure. A little reminder of things. Maybe not entirely appropriate, but when is anything in Krovs?"
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Belajar Java OOP: Memahami Konsep Dasar OOP (untuk Pemula)
OOP merupakan hal yang harus dipelajari untuk memahami Java lebih dalam. Karena Java sendiri merupakan bahasa yang didesain untuk OOP.
Saat kita membuat program pertama, kita diwajibkan menggunakan class.
class Hello { public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("Hello World!"); } }
OOP dikenal sebagai teknik pemrograman modern yang lebih efisien dan banyak digunakan pada Framework.
Jika kamu ingin memahami Framework, pelajari dulu konsep OOP
Jadi tidak ada alasan untuk tidak belajar OOP.
Apa saja yang akan kita pelajari pada artikel ini?
Apa itu OOP?
Objek dan Class
Class Diagram
Mari kita mulai…
Apa itu OOP?
OOP (Object Oriented Programming) atau dalam bahasa indonesia dikenal dengan pemrograman berorientasikan objek (PBO) merupakan sebuah paradigma atau teknik pemrograman yang berorientesikan Objek.
Pada OOP, Fungsi dan variabel dibungkus dalam sebuah objek atau class yang dapat saling brinteraksi, sehingga membentuk sebuah program.
Variabel dalam objek akan menyimpan data dari objek. Sedangkan fungsi akan menentukan operasinya.
Contoh objek dalam dunia nyata: Mobil, Burung, Drone, Meja, Pohon, dll.
------------------OBJEK Drone ------------------Variabel/Atribut energi = 100; ketinggian = 200; kecepatan = 29; ------------------Fungsi terbang(); matikanMesin(); turun(); maju(); mundur(); belok(); ------------------
Semua objek di dunia nyata yang memiliki sifat dan tingkah laku, bisa kita representasikan dalam kode.
Kata kunci yang perlu diingat:
“Objek isinya data dan fungsi”
Class dan Object
Class adalah rancangan atau blue print dari sebuah objek.
Sedangkan objek dalam pemrograman adalah sebuah variabel yang merupakan instance dari Class.
Instance bisa diartikan sebagai wujud dari class.
Class berisi definisi variabel dan fungsi yang menggambarkan sebuah objek.
Dalam OOP:
Variabel disebut atribut atau properti;
Fungsi disebut method.
Contoh Class:
class NamaClass { String atribut1; String atribut2; void namaMethod(){ ... } void namaMethodLain(){ ... } }
Lalu, Kita biasanya membuat objek (instance) seperti ini:
NamaClass namaObj = new NamaClass();
Kata kunci new berfungsi untuk membuat objek baru dari class tertentu.
Setelah membuat objek, kita bisa mengakses atribut dan method dari objek tersebut.
namaObj.namaMethod(); namaObj.atribut1;
Tanda titik (.) berfungsi untuk mengakses atribut dan method.
Contoh Program OOP
Kita akan menggunakan Netbeans, silahkan buat project baru.
Isi nama project-nya dengan “BelajarOOP” dan jangan centang “Create Main Class”.
Setelah itu, silahkan buat package baru. Klik kanan pada <default package>, lalu pilih New->Java Package.
Isi nama package dengan “dasar”:
Setelah itu, di dalam package dasar, silahkan buat class baru bernama Player.java.
Klik kanan pada package dasar lalu pilih New->Java Class. Setelah itu, isi namanya dengan Player.java.
Silahkan tulis kode pada Player.java seperti ini:
package dasar; public class Player { // definisi atribut String name; int speed; int healthPoin; // definisi method run void run(){ System.out.println(name +" is running..."); System.out.println("Speed: "+ speed); } // definisi method isDead untuk mengecek nilai kesehatan (healthPoin) boolean isDead(){ if(healthPoin <= 0) return true; return false; } }
Berikutnya, buat class baru lagi bernama Game.java dan isi kodenya seperti ini:
package dasar; public class Game { public static void main(String[] args){ // membuat objek player Player petani = new Player(); // mengisi atribut player petani.name = "Petani Kode"; petani.speed = 78; petani.healthPoin = 100; // menjalankan method petani.run(); if(petani.isDead()){ System.out.println("Game Over!"); } } }
Coba eksekusi Game.java dengan klik kanan pada Game.java lalu pilih Run File. Maka hasilnya:
Coba ganti nilai healthPoin menjadi 0.
petani.healthPoin = 0;
Setelah itu, coba eksekusi lagi:
Player petani sudah mati, Game selsai!
Kok Bisa Begitu? Jelaskan Donk!
Baik, kita mulai dari pembuatan class.
Pertama-tama, kita membuat sebuah class dengan nama Player. Class ini mendefinisikan objek Player dalam Game dengan atribut sebagai berikut:
name adalah nama objek;
speed adalah kecepatan;
healthPoin adalah nilai kesehatan dari player, biasanya disingkat hp.
Lalu class Player memiliki method:
run() untuk menggerakkan player;
isDead() untuk mengecek kondisi kesehatan player. Method ini akan mengembalikan nilai true apabila nilai hp lebih kecil atau sama dengan nol (0), sebaliknya akan mengembalikan nilai false.
Berikutnya kita membuat objek baru dari class Player pada class Game bernama petani.
// membuat objek player Player petani = new Player();
Setelah itu mengisi atribut-atributny. Karena kalau tidak diisi akan bernilai Null dan bisa menyebabkan NullPointerException.
Berikutnya kita coba modifikasi nilai hp menjadi nol.
Hasilnya, pesan Game Over! akan ditampilkan. Karena method isDead() akan mengembalikan nilai true jika nilai hp kurang atau sama dengan nol.
Contoh Program OOP 2: Program Drone
Untuk praktek berikutnya, coba buat class Drone.
class Drone { // atribut int energi; int ketinggian; int kecepatan; String merek; // method void terbang(){ energi--; if(energi > 10){ // terbang berarti nilai ketinggian bertambah ketinggian++; System.out.println("Dorne terbang..."); } else { System.out.println("Energi lemah: Drone nggak bisa terbang"); } } void matikanMesin(){ if(ketinggian > 0){ System.out.println("Mesin tidak bisa dimatikan karena sedang terbang"); } else { System.out.println("Mesin dimatikan..."); } } void turun(){ // ketinggian berkurang, karena turun ketinggian--; energi--; System.out.println("Drone turun"); } void belok(){ energi--; System.out.println("Drone belok"); // belok ke mana? perlu dicek :) } void maju(){ energi--; System.out.println("Drone maju ke depan"); kecepatan++; } void mundur(){ energi--; System.out.println("Drone mundur"); kecepatan++; } }
Bagaimana Menentukan Atribut dan Method dari Objek?
Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di awal. Objek memiliki data (atribut) dan operasi (fungsi).
Atribut itu seperti ciri-ciri dari objek.
Method itu seperti tingkah laku atau operasi.
Misalkan kita ingin membuat class dari Senjata.
Apa ciri-ciri dari senjata atau data yang bisa dijadikan atribut?
jumlah peluru
nama senjata
Lalu apa tingkah laku atau operasi (fungsi) yang bisa dilakukan?
Maka class-nya bisa dibuat seperti ini:
class Senjata { // atribut String nama; int jumlahPeluru; // method void tembak(){ //.. // setelah nembak, kurangi peluru jumlahPeluru--; } void reload(){ //.. // kalau di-reload maka jumlah peluru diisi ulang jumlahPeluru = 300; } }
Mudah bukan…
Mengenal Class Diagram
Class Diagram adalah sebuah diagram yang menggambarkan hubungan antar class. Class Diagram dapat kita buat dengan aplikasi perancangan (CASE), seperti StarUML.
Sebauh class digambarkan dengan sebuah tabel 1 kolom dan 3 baris.
Baris pertama berisi nama class; Baris kedua berisi atribut; dan Baris ketiga berisi method.
Selain itu, terdapat garis yang menggambarkan hubungan antar class.
Class Diagram biasanya digunakan oleh software engineer untuk merancang software dengan paradigma OOP.
Sebagai programmer, kita hanya perlu tahu cara membaca dan menuliskannya ke dalam kode.
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Veraset İlamı Hakkında Merek Ettikleriniz
Veraset İlamı
Bir kişinin ölümü halinde, mirasçılarının kim olduğu belirlenmesinde, mirasçıları okunuşu gerçek sahiplerini gösteren belgelere veraset ilamı denilir. Veraset ilamı, Sulh Hukuk Mahkemesi\'nden ya da Noterliklerden alınan tüzel bir belgedir. Bu belge sayesinde mirasçıların ki olduğu belirlenir. Bu belgede ismi geçen kişiler, bırakıt bırakanın mirasından hisse alabilirler. Ayrıca, kalıtım ilamında mirasçıların hangi oranda pay alacakları belirtilir. Veraset ilamındaki pay oranına bakarak taşınmaz yahut bankadaki nakit paylaştırılır. Veraset ilamını noterde alabilmek için, ölen kişiyle soy bağının olması gerekmektedir. Soy bağının bulunmadığı durumlarda veraset ilamı düşüncesince Sulh Hukuk Mahkemelerine referans yapılması gerekmektedir.
Veraset İlamı Alımı
Noterden kalıtım ilamı çalmak için birtakım belgeler hazırlanmalıdır. Noterden kalıtım ilamı için T.C popülasyon cüzdanı okunuşu noterde bulunan referans formunu doldurarak veraset ilamını alabilirsiniz. lakin kalıtım ilamı avukat aracılığı ile yapılıyorsa, vekâletname ö
eği ilave olarak bulundurulması gereken belgeler arasındadır. Noterden veraset ilamı yoluna müracaat yapılırken ilgi edilmesi gereken genişlik stratejik noktalar ölen koca ile tür bağının bulunması yahut meşru olarak mirasçı olunması gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde kalıtım ilamı alınamaz.
Veraset İlamı Ne İşe Yarar?
Veraset ilamı, ölen kişinin mirasçılarının kimler olduğu okunuşu mirasçıların mirastan alacağı payın belirtildiği bir belgedir. Veraset ilamına referans yapılırken kalıt malların gelir artışının vergilendirilmesi okunuşu intikal vergisi başvurusunun da eklenmesi gerekmektedir. Mirasçılar, veraset ilanını istedikleri dönem çıkarabilirler. Yani, veraset ilamı göre belirlenen bir zaman sınırı bulunmaz. ancak veraset okunuşu intikal vergisi dâhilinde edinilen mallar maksadıyla muayyen süreler içerisinde veraset ilamı alınması gereklidir.
Veraset İlamı Dilekçesi
Veraset ilamı bazen durumlarda çıkarılamaz. Bu durumlar şunlardır:
Ölen kişinin vasiyetinin olmaması,
Ölen koca ile soy bağının bulunmaması,
Ölen insan ile mirasçılık büyü olmaması,
Ölen kişinin eşinin hayatta olması,
Ölen kişinin mirasçılarından birinin evlatlık olması, ansızın gereğinden vatandaşlığının olması, vatandaşlıktan çıkarılması gibi durumlarda,
Miras bırakan ile mirasçıların aynı çağ ölmesi durumunda,
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/031531d2d50eee19b56377610f346a3c/f195580ed151b3bd-8d/s400x600/1627c383d134efded75d8cc5a9d9e527a994dcfe.jpg)
Bu gibi durumların bulunması halinde başvuru sahibinin Sulh Hukuk Mahkemesine dilekçe ile kalıtım ilamı ayrılmış referans yapması gerekmektedir.
Veraset İlamı Alınmaması Durumunda Ne Olur?
Mirasta hakkı bulunan kişinin, mirastan haberi olmadığı durumlarda veraset ilamını almazsa mirası akseptans etmiş sayılmaktadır. Mirasçı, kendisine bırakılan mirastan otomatik olarak tanrı sahibi olmaktadır. Veraset ilamının alınmasında rastgele Veraset bir ceza uygulaması bulunmamaktadır.
Miras Reddi Nasıl Yapılır?
Miras reddi maksadıyla Sulh Mahkemesine sav açılması gerekmektedir. Miras reddi davası için, tereke bırakanın işaret olanca ikamet ettiği Sulh Mahkemesine başvurulması gerekmektedir. Belirlenen süre içerisinde yapılmış olan ret beyanı mirasın açıldığı yerin sulh mahkemesinin spesiyal kütüğüne yazılmaktadır. Mirası reddeden kişiye, isteğine bağlı olarak reddi gösteren bir belge verilmektedir.
E- Devlet Üzerinden Veraset İlamı Sorgulama
E-devlet üzerinden müteaddit işlem yapıldığı gibi kalıtım ilamı sorgulama işlemi de yapılmaktadır. Veraset ilamı sorgulama işlemlerini e-devlet resmi inte
et sitesi üzerinden gerçekleştirebilirsiniz. E-devlet üzerinden veraset ilamı sorgulamak amacıyla e-devlet şifrenizin olması gerekmektedir.
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Veraset İlamı Hakkında Merek Ettikleriniz
Veraset İlamı
Bir kişinin ölümü halinde, mirasçılarının ki olduğu belirlenmesinde, mirasçıları okunuşu kazanç sahiplerini gösteren belgelere veraset ilamı denilir. Veraset ilamı, Sulh Hukuk Mahkemesi\'nden ya da Noterliklerden alınan hukuki bir belgedir. Bu doküman sayesinde mirasçıların ki olduğu belirlenir. Bu belgede ismi geçen kişiler, kalıt bırakanın mirasından pay alabilirler. Ayrıca, kalıtım ilamında mirasçıların hangi oranda marj alacakları belirtilir. Veraset ilamındaki hisse oranına göre taşınmaz veya bankadaki nakit paylaştırılır. Veraset ilamını noterde alabilmek için, ölen kişiyle çeşit bağının olması gerekmektedir. Soy bağının bulunmadığı durumlarda kalıtım ilamı ayrılmış Sulh Hukuk Mahkemelerine referans yapılması gerekmektedir.
Veraset İlamı Alımı
Noterden kalıtım ilamı iletilmek hakkında birtakım belgeler hazırlanmalıdır. Noterden kalıtım ilamı göre T.C kişi cüzdanı okunuşu noterde bulunan müracaat formunu doldurarak veraset ilamını alabilirsiniz. ancak veraset ilamı avukat aracılığı ile yapılıyorsa, vekâletname ö
eği ilave olarak bulundurulması gereken belgeler arasındadır. Noterden kalıtım ilamı yoluna başvuru yapılırken dikkat edilmesi gereken en önemli noktalar ölen eş ile soy bağının bulunması veya meşru olarak mirasçı olunması gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde veraset ilamı alınamaz.
Veraset İlamı Ne İşe Yarar?
Veraset ilamı, ölen kişinin mirasçılarının kimler olduğu okunuşu mirasçıların mirastan alacağı payın belirtildiği bir belgedir. Veraset ilamına müracaat yapılırken birine malların gelir artışının vergilendirilmesi ve intikal vergisi başvurusunun da eklenmesi gerekmektedir. Mirasçılar, veraset ilanını istedikleri çağ çıkarabilirler. Yani, veraset ilamı yoluna belirlenen bir zaman sınırı bulunmaz. ama kalıtım okunuşu intikal vergisi dâhilinde edinilen mallar için belirli süreler içerisinde veraset ilamı alınması gereklidir.
Veraset İlamı Dilekçesi
Veraset ilamı bazı durumlarda çıkarılamaz. Bu durumlar şunlardır:
Ölen kişinin vasiyetinin olmaması,
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2e310052282fc97d8e58ecaf435e187c/d1d59c918472a6de-e5/s540x810/bf15a92b71ff269c3c8566156d45affeed4f2358.jpg)
Ölen zat ile sülale bağının bulunmaması,
Ölen nefer ile mirasçılık bağı olmaması,
Ölen kişinin eşinin hayatta olması,
Ölen kişinin mirasçılarından birinin evlatlık olması, çabucak ziyade vatandaşlığının olması, vatandaşlıktan çıkarılması gibi durumlarda,
Miras bırakan ile mirasçıların aynı devir ölmesi durumunda,
Bu gibi durumların bulunması halinde referans sahibinin Sulh Hukuk Mahkemesine arzuhâl ile veraset ilamı amacıyla başvuru yapması gerekmektedir.
Veraset İlamı Alınmaması Veraset Nedir Durumunda Ne Olur?
Mirasta hakkı bulunan kişinin, mirastan haberi olmadığı durumlarda veraset ilamını almazsa mirası akseptans etmiş sayılmaktadır. Mirasçı, kendisine bırakılan mirastan otomatik olarak hak sahibi olmaktadır. Veraset ilamının alınmasında herhangi bir ceza uygulaması bulunmamaktadır.
Miras Reddi Nasıl Yapılır?
Miras reddi düşüncesince Sulh Mahkemesine ülkü açılması gerekmektedir. Miras reddi davası için, birine bırakanın en sınır eğleşme ettiği Sulh Mahkemesine başvurulması gerekmektedir. Belirlenen müddet içerisinde yapılmış olan ret beyanı mirasın açıldığı yerin sulh mahkemesinin spesiyal kütüğüne yazılmaktadır. Mirası reddeden kişiye, isteğine tutkun olarak reddi gösteren bir doküman verilmektedir.
E- Devlet Üzerinden Veraset İlamı Sorgulama
E-devlet üzerinden birçok işlem yapıldığı gibi kalıtım ilamı sorgulama işlemi okunuşu yapılmaktadır. Veraset ilamı sorgulama işlemlerini e-devlet resmi inte
et sitesi üzerinden gerçekleştirebilirsiniz. E-devlet üzerinden kalıtım ilamı sorgulamak maksadıyla e-devlet şifrenizin olması gerekmektedir.
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Tren memilih meja makan modern pada 2020
meja makan Jati yang indah akan mengambil tahta dan bersinar di dapur populer. Meja dan kursi makan modern yang bagus, rapi dan rapi untuk ruang dapur, tren memilih meja makan terpanas di 2017, set makan gaya modern yang masuk ke setiap dapur dengan cara yang paling lembut adalah dapur kecil dengan tampilan meja dan kursi. Makan gaya kayu modern menyenangkan sepenuhnya untuk seluruh keluarga.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e1505ff8f11627e4d88332721bb5ce7f/bb77c27be39482af-8d/s500x750/4cc188a5deecc5ec52c0847e5298f54dd1200dc0.jpg)
Meja dan kursi makan modern pada 2020 tidak memiliki sesuatu yang baru untuk dilihat, keunggulan meja makan kayu dalam gaya inovasi semakin sederhana dan lucu dengan banyak bentuk meja makan berbentuk. bulat; meja makan persegi; meja makan oval juga kayu khusus seperti ek; buah persik oval; Melaleuca .... Gaya terbaru adalah kursi kayu dengan empuk kasur empuk hanya ingin duduk selamanya di meja makan.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b1ea6f2bfb373aea7cb1ea503e313e10/bb77c27be39482af-3f/s500x750/335982d38b7050f0f8ff025c5e5ff4a90d0e3749.jpg)
Meja dan kursi makan yang cantik dengan berbagai warna atau tidak interior akan membawa Anda ke dunia penuh warna dari penutup kulit Korea yang tahan lama, selain set meja akan dicat (2k; pu) putih; cat sayap hitam, cat jernih mempertahankan serat kayu alami ... warna kustom setiap set meja dan kursi sesuai permintaan Anda, setiap set meja dan kursi dapur dan ruang makan sangat cocok bila langsung dipilih oleh pemiliknya Gaya desain sesuai dengan tata ruangnya, furnitur Inte menjanjikan ruang dapur terhangat.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/94a531ad9e51909a3114242cb8c2f192/bb77c27be39482af-73/s400x600/40bedb43edea22555fda780db9b29aa2a4556bed.jpg)
Meja dapur kecil yang lucu dari meja makan kayu alami ini dapat digunakan sebagai meja dan kursi cafe furniture.
Tahukah Anda tentang meja dan kursi makan merek furnitur Inte? Inte hanya menerima meja dan kursi makan kayu alami yang tidak menghasilkan meja makan kayu industri dengan harga yang wajar bagi pelanggan untuk membeli meja makan dan kursi 100 % furnitur kayu alami Inte menemukan sumber barang terbaik serta secara langsung menciptakan fasilitas produksi untuk mengurangi biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk pelanggan.
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Royal Enfield Luncurkan Pruduk Terbaru Pada IIMS 2019
Royal Enfield Luncurkan Pruduk Terbaru Pada IIMS 2019
Jakarta – Royal Enfield pemimpin global dalam segmen sepeda motor kelas menengah, meluncurkan sepeda motor yang dinanti-nantikan, Continental GT 650 Twin dan Interceptor INT 650 Twin, di Indonesia pada acara Indonesia International Motor Show 2019.
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Merek’s lack of immediate concern wasn’t surprising. When presented with the facts as they currently stood, there really was no instantaneous demand for worry. Rhys simply suffered from perpetual cases of exaggerated concern over almost every occurrence on a daily basis. It was as debilitating as it was laughable from time to time. Under any other circumstances, Rhys was certain he too would manage to shrug off the looming concern under the guise of his inability to not overthink to the nth degree but when such anxieties were paired with what brief glimpses he’d witnessed thus far, choosing to turn a blind eye to such suspicions felt as if it would only come back to bite them all later down the line in one way or another.
“Perhaps you’re right,” Rhys replied diplomatically, busying himself momentarily with smoothing down his tie as he spoke to buy himself some time. “We’re doing all we can at this moment in time. I suppose all we can do for now is hope that that’s enough should worse come to worst.” It wasn’t that he doubted Merek, nor anyone else within the castle, not by a long shot. He simply couldn’t shake the embedded feeling of impending sufferance despite his repeated best efforts. “If you haven’t heard already, Seth and I were given permission by Raph to take a closer look at things ourselves. We’ll be heading out come sunrise. I know it’s a little short notice and I apologise for that. I’ve assured Raphael that we won’t be much longer than a handful of days at the most,” allowing his voice to trail off for a moment, Rhys watched the other curiously before continuing. “I’m sure you’ll be fine without us, but if there’s any need, please don’t hesitate to contact either of us.”
Merek's shoulders raised in a small shrug, though he did give Rhys a slightly sheepish smile. "I simply don't see the point in being overly concerned when this is all happening outside of the castle. The councilmen here have always been well protected within the castle walls, even more so once all the extra protections are finished being put in place. Besides, worrying gives you wrinkles." He joked, settling back in the chair with a small sigh. Perhaps he should have been a bit more concerned, but the pyromancer couldn't imagine anyone would attack in Krovs. Not with all the vampires gathered there, it would be too risky.
"I'll agree they're suspicious, if only because they've happened so close together and that they occurred the same way. Though you would think if someone was going around killing councilmen, they'd be clever enough to space out the killings. And change the way the vampires have died." But what did Merek know? This sort of thing had never crossed his mind since he'd been incredibly faithful to the vampires for most of his life. He frowned slightly as Rhys mentioned his dreams, the pyromancer pushing the fingers of one hand roughly through his hair. "Then I suppose it's a good thing we're working on additional spells and wards around the castle. I just don't see anything happening right here. Surely no one would be that stupid."
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merek’s honesty pulled a genuine laugh from nahim within seconds, his amusement evident in his gaze as it flickered back to the pyromancer. “well, none of us can be skilled at everything, can we? there’s always time to devote to nurturing something new, at least.” not that nahim believed merek really had an interest in pursuing a more musical pastime, not if his recollection had been anything to go by. a smug smile stretched across nahim’s face as marcellino’s decisions were subjected to scrutiny and he nodded his agreement, waving away any threat of possible offence uttered by the truth. “that would have required my sire to possess a shred of intellect. we were all made for specific uses. or so he said. between you and me, i don’t think he meant that. he just liked to make excuses for his poor choices.” with the promise of the file’s arrival in good time, nahim perked up a little from his spot on the stool. “you’ll be rewarded for your efforts, i promise. have a pleasant evening, merek. i look forward to our next meeting.”
"I don't know how much it can count, really. I think I only attempted to learn anything he was teaching me for...five minutes, maybe? Dreadful attention span." Though the councilman had been all too happy to teach the pyromancer other things he wasn't entirely familiar with. Though their relationship had fallen apart a few short years later, Merek had to admit that he'd learned quite a bit sex-wise by being together with a councilman. He moved toward one of the couches in the room once Nahim had stepped away from him, the pyromancer settling against the back with his arms crossed as he watched the older man tinker with the instruments spread throughout the space. "Hm. Well, no offense to your sire, but that seems a bit silly. You would think he'd want you all to know a little bit about everything. Though perhaps only some of the masters around here are so insistent on their fledglings being overly 'cultured'." Merek recognized a dismissal when he heard one and the pyromancer pushed away from the couch, inclining his head in a slight bow. "You're very welcome, Nahim. I'll do my best to have the file on your desk by tomorrow night."
#int -> merek.#( eye emoji. i'm down to plot more between these two whenever you are my dear!! <3 lmk and i'll come scurrying to your dms >:+) )
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the recollection pulled a quiet laugh from nahim as he listened and he found himself harbouring a new level of respect for merek. his honesty was admirable – not many were willing to admit their shortcomings quite so easily. or, at least, not in the social circles nahim was familiar with. “well, at least you tried, hm? i suppose that has to count for something.” prising himself away from merek’s side, nahim wandered curiously around the room to tinker with each instrument on display, his delight becoming more explicit by the second with each note filling the air. he shook his head as the question was posed, glancing briefly over his shoulder at the pyromancer as he paused by the piano. “i don’t, no. not well, anyway. it wasn’t my area– my sire believed his fledglings had skills in certain areas, you see. one of my siblings was taught to play an array of instruments over the centuries, but he came from a musical background, so it wasn’t as if he needed the tutelage.” turning his attention back to the piano, nahim idly prodded at the keys before settling on the stool for comfort’s sake. “thank you for bringing me all the way here, merek. i appreciate you taking the time out of your evening to play tour guide, but i’d hate to keep you for any longer than i already have. if you’d like to be on your way, i won’t stop you. just remember that file, yes? i promise that’s all i ask of you for the time being.”
Merek had never spent much time in the music room, preferring the places in the castle that would probably be considered a little more chaotic. Though the pyromancer supposed that he could see the appeal for someone who was more cultured than he was and who had actual musical talent. The question drew a quiet chuckle from the chief of staff and he shook his head, glancing around them at the various instruments spread throughout the room. "I'm afraid not. There was a councilman who attempted to teach me how to play the piano when the castle was first established, but I don't have any patience when it comes to learning that type of thing. He gave up fairly quickly, though it probably didn't help that I kept distracting him throughout the lessons." Merek grinned a little at the memory and at how exasperated he remembered the man getting at him. "I assume you play something?"
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Rhys nodded sagely as he took in all the information given, his mind racing with various ideas of how he could possibly help. He needed to do something – technically, it was part of the job description. “With all due respect, you don’t seem particularly concerned,” chuckling as the words leave him, Rhys playfully shoots Merek a pointed stare. “But I’m glad measures have been put in place to ensure a little more safety. Whilst everything’s resting on uncertainty, we can’t be too careful.” Rhys moved to sit up straighter in his seat and drummed his fingers against the desk in thought before deciding to bite the bullet and try to make sense of things. Merek was someone Rhys trusted wholeheartedly and as chief of staff, Rhys knew he was well within his rights to waste the other man’s time with his queries and concerns. That was part of his job description (technically, again).
“Whether you do or don’t agree with everyone else’s concerns, I firmly believe that the current events are undeniably suspicious. If it had been just the one death, I doubt I’d think twice about it. But two deaths – seemingly identical in design with no explanation for either – occurring so closely together in such a short space of time? There’s no conceivable way for that to be a coincidence. There’s something more nefarious at play here. Even if what I’ve seen thus far has all been rather… vague, I doubt such sights would have plagued my dreams as frequently as they have done if they weren’t important.”
Merek had a tendency to brush things aside often, not quite seeing the point in worrying over something, which was admittedly probably not the best quality for a chief of staff. With the deaths of the councilmen, he wasn't overly concerned -- plenty of elder vampires had died before now, typically by their own hand. It wasn't unheard of for them to grow bored of everything and to suddenly decide to move on, walking into sunlight being one of those ways. The pyromancer was skilled enough in divination, however, to know that things right now were a little more serious than that.
"And we're glad to have you back." He offered Rhys a little grin and then sighed softly at the question. It felt like this was all that was discussed lately. "A couple of the councilmen have died. They removed their sun rings and decided to step into the sunlight -- though quite a few people seem to think this is all rather suspicious. We're upping security around the castle just as precaution, doing what we can to keep the council safe."
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“well… call me old fashioned, but i don’t believe excessive violence or a demotion would be fitting chastisements for false advertising.” nahim didn’t doubt that those would be perfectly suitable responses in the eyes of certain individuals but given how little time he’d spent within the castle, he saw no reason to lash out over something so insignificant just yet. besides, merek seemed to be genuinely pleasant to be around. useful, too. it would be a waste to inflict any kind of suffering upon him when he’d done nothing to deserve it yet. the sight of merek’s grin coaxed a small smile into place and nahim glanced away to hide the extent of his amusement, still not entirely familiar with being able to show emotion without the risk of immediate chastisement.
nahim listened carefully as merek went on to elaborate. he was genuinely curious for once. when it came to discovering the best that the castle had to offer, he saw no reason not to trust the word of one who knew the place far better than he did. the vampire made a mental note of each point made and filed them away for his investigations at a later date. “hm. so you wouldn’t consider yourself a creature of habit? interesting. it’s the fairer approach, i suppose. good for you.” nahim offered a brief nod of thanks as merek guided him into the music room and his gaze flickered curiously from instrument to instrument as he took in the sights. the pyromancer hadn’t been exaggerating; this really did seem like an ideal spot to indulge in a little peace and quiet. while it was unoccupied, anyway. “do you play anything?” he glanced curiously up at merek as the question was offered, one eyebrow arched almost expectantly. “poorly? well? are you secretly a world-renowned violinist or something? i’ll only be mildly devastated if not.”
Merek couldn't help but laugh at what he considered to be a tease, lightly squeezing Nahim's arm in response. "I think it'll more than live up to its reputation, but understood. At least you'll send an email, much different ways you could have expressed your disappointment." The pyromancer flashed the older man a grin that only widened a fraction at the muffled noise that escaped Nahim. He hadn't meant to surprise him, really, and probably should have told him they were going in the wrong direction before he'd just swung them around. Though it didn't seem like the vampire was terribly upset by it. Merek paused for a second at the question, eyes narrowing in thought as he weighed the pros and cons of both locations before deciding.
"I would say the bar, I guess, but that's where I spend more time. Much easier to find people to have a good time with there." And he didn't have to get in trouble for potentially being very distracting to the workers who were attempting to do their job. "Mm...no favorite. And it's not because I'm too sweet, I just don't see the point in playing favorites when there's so many fun and different choices to be made there." They'd reached the music room by that point and the pyromancer reached out to push the doors open, careful to be a little more quiet as he guided Nahim into the room.
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“Oh, of course,” Rhys nodded in agreement as he spoke, fully understanding where Merek was coming from. If everyone was kept in the loop, it meant that no one would be left in the dark or underprepared should things worsen any further. Hopefully, that wouldn’t be the case, but it wasn’t so easy to tell nowadays. It seemed as if every day that passed brought with it a new wave of uncertainty. The only slight saving grace was that such waves weren’t consistently all-consuming but until equilibrium returned to daily life for all those affected by the attacks – either advertently or inadvertently – Rhys knew there was no such thing as being too careful. Besides, Merek’s position was an important aspect to consider when it came to the correspondence required. With both himself and Seth absent for as long as the investigations required, it meant the castle would be without either of its magic consultants. Whilst Rhys would rather decapitate himself than leave any aspect of his work in Jasper’s questioningly capable hands, it was mildly reassuring to know that Merek had options other than himself when it came to filling the witch-shaped holes their absence would leave in their wake. “As soon as we discover anything, I’ll include you in any correspondence with Raphael. Want us to bring you back a little souvenir too? A gaudy fridge magnet, perhaps? Or is that not entirely appropriate? I’m never entirely sure of the stance on gallows humour around here.”
Merek suspected that he and Rhys had very different views when it came to what was going on, but the pyromancer didn't mind that. Probably a good thing for one of them to be some sort of worried in case this turned out to be a lot worse than the chief of staff was currently thinking. Only time would tell. He paused, the news of Raphael sending Seth and Rhys out to get a look at things very much news to the pyromancer. It made sense, of course, considering their positions within the castle and Merek never questioned a councilman's orders. Partly because of his loyalty towards the vampires but Merek had also learned it just made his job easier to not question certain things. "No, no, don't apologize. I guess we should have some of our more experienced people look into things." And it would probably be a good learning experience for Seth. "Obviously keeping the council aware of what you find is of the highest importance, but I would appreciate if you'd keep me up to date as well."
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nahim hummed thoughtfully at the suggestion, still yet to be wholly convinced of the appeal; still, merek had no reason to stretch the truth as far as the vampire could discern. “hm… if you insist. i’ll explore it as a possibility. if it doesn’t live up to the hype you’ve given it, you will be getting a strongly worded email expressing my disappointment.” he flashed another small smile the pyromancer’s way to show it was pretty much a joke and filed away the plan to investigate raphael’s sacred ground when the time was right.
a muffled noise of surprise was swallowed as he was effortlessly turned in the right direction, the sound soon replaced by a mildly embarrassed laugh at the subtle correction — it almost seemed impossible to think that he’d ever get his bearings around the castle. waving away the apology with his free hand, nahim’s gaze immediately snapped back to merek at the admission that followed, a mask of amused intrigue settling into place as he studied the chief of staff. “oh? and would you recommend either of those for a… less quiet environment? are they really worth it?” in truth, neither location sounded as if it would possess anything of interest to the councilman, but merek’s voice was somehow… soothing and for once, nahim didn’t mind simply listening. well, for the most part. “do you have a favourite at the strip club? anyone you’d say is particularly worthy of note? or are you too sweet to play favourites? it’s hard to tell.”
"Raphael's club is actually quite entertaining. One of the only reasons that I can ever be convinced to go to the village." Merek didn't tend to spend very much time there, having almost everything that he would want and need within Krovs. The councilman's club, however, was a welcome distraction sometimes and almost always led to a fun night for the pyromancer. At the question about the music room, Merek offered Nahim a warm smile and turned them around, heading in the right direction. "Probably your safest bet when it comes to a quiet place, I'll admit. I'm sorry that I couldn't think of more suggestions in regards to that. Most of my free time is spent either at the bar or the strip club that we have here, which is likely the opposite of what you're looking for." Or he was spending his time with Kaden, but he didn't feel the need to bring up his boyfriend to a brand new councilman.
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