instruth · 3 years
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Dusk flaming arrow
View from my window
I see a weeping willow
Wondering if she knows
My heart is full of sorrow
As the sunset sinks below
The horizon bleeds on yellow
The sky will sleep till tomorrow
Heavy in grief and sorrow
walking the streets of narrow
wrinkled faces ready to burrow
turning to yesterday for a borrow
waiting for a brand new tomorrow
tears wheeled away by the barrow
hear thee a whiff of poisoned arrows
Stiff hairs rising row by row
finders of bone to the marrow
by eerie sounds of cursed crows
grim faces all sliced to the furrow
plowing the wounds with a harrow
burying all the unhatched sparrows
fear sprouting upward from the snow
Red cheeks turn pale to sallow
surfing waves go high and low
sailing away from the gallows
forever to be cursed a yellow
in self pity to cry and wallow
heartbeats arise to a billow
voices down to the hollow
Instinct triggers the onset aglow
with heavy head resting on a pillow
sinking into the feathered bed below
in dreamland with all the good fellows
inbred by the doves and the swallows
till senses turn calm to a mellow
worthy to wear a crown of hallow
©Johnny J P Lee
06 May 2021
Photos Credit J. P. Lee
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instruth · 3 years
every choice I make
is a kingdom in itself
just have to name it
need not look elsewhere
the kingdom is within me
daily dwelling place
for my status now
depends on experiences
on how I have lived
what more I become
depends on choices I make
the rest of my days
©Johnny J P Lee
17 April 2021
Haiku 5-7-5
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instruth · 3 years
There is no time anytime,
sometime, perhaps, this time,
for another time of good time,
but there is a time every time
for an overtime to find more time,
especially at times when time
is the only time you can time
an actual time to catch some time
and make time for taking back the time
you have lost from wasting time,
to how much time you gain for the time
while spending time for a little time
with your grandmother in quality time,
before time becomes a passing time,
just so a timely time
may find no time at all
to recover from a timeless moment
for a moment of your time,
provided you still have time
for some spare time
to keep the time,
and not get timed out
from a pleasant time
to save some real time
for the right time
in measured time,
time and time again.
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©Johnny J P Lee
17 April 2021
Photo Credit, Unsplash Images
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instruth · 3 years
I Dream I Could Fly
I dream I could fly
way up to the sky
with my friendly birds
together we flap and chirp
I am very brave
we fly up to a cave
And look down to the sea
Beauty everywhere, all I can see
I cross the sea on expanded wings
I see the distant shore, I begin to sing
Oh! The fields and plains come to view
I scan the earth below in its wondrous hue
Lo and behold! Red roses and all the reds
Among the colors the rainbow has bred
Awake, my daily life is no longer the same
I appreciate nature’s providence by name
In my mind I still fly there for a good rest
A little house on an island, away from wrest
©Johnny J P Lee
01 May 2021
Photo Credit, Pa-ola123
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instruth · 3 years
The Ceiling Above The Mind
Projection of the will runs up the wall
to the higher ceiling above the mind.
The limitless stretching beyond it all,
by self searching for a miraculous find.
An ancient door leading to the one mall
of fame, knowledge, dreams, and a kind
of desire just out of reach, near but tall,
well hidden in the ceiling above the mind.
©Johnny J P Lee
22 April 2021
Photo Credit J. P. Lee
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instruth · 3 years
Today I chat up my nerves anew
Messages perhaps for only a few
Sizzling under the blistering sun
Till day be drawn when light is done
Glum at dusk as stars sculpture a face
And the night drags me to a darker place.
The winter’s chilling wind blows
Where it goes to, no one knows
Matters not where, only that it is here
Put on fur coats, pulled over the ears
Time to hibernate, to cozy bed I’ll go
Where dreams shall comfort, be it so
As clouds bring the promise of rain
Soon! Spring will surely come again
Listen, whichever one is still able
For the rest, there's only a parable.
Lonely hearts no longer cool the sun
Knotted hearts will get nothing done
Choked hearts simply cannot breathe
Fearful hearts only confined to grieve
Waiting to be free when the heart is open
Unknotted, unchained to touch the heavens
I'll be back
I’ve never left
Don't look there
I am here.
The butterfly buzzes with life
The caterpillar feeds all day
The pupa sleeps through the night
The imago emerges on a new morn
With life renewed
A new creation.
©Johnny J P Lee
06 May 2021
Photos Credit John Lim
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instruth · 3 years
Openings are initial moves
They have names, and they vary
One side in offense, the other defense
Light color against dark color
Develop the patterns but not too many
Soldiers not to run twice in a stretch
Hide the queen, behind the troops
Play the bishop, strike with the knight
Castles to open in the early morning
Connect the rooks by using the flanks
Develop attacks to control the centre
Protect the king, plant the fork snipers
Queen sneaks out at night, in all directions
Strategies stretch till the very last move
Conquest is the aim, that’s the Endgame
Play in your head to train your imagination
©Johnny J P Lee
06 May 2021
Photos Credit Unsplash Images
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instruth · 3 years
Awakened For A Cloudy Morning View
Awakened for a cloudy morning view
Overlooking the quiet sleeping lake
Surrounded by the fragrant scent of dew
Peace, with every breath that I take
I feel safe in my sanctuary well embraced
by mountains and flaming flowers too
Grassy greens wave, wind on my face
Romancing with nature, sounds of coo
©Johnny J P Lee
20 April 2021
Photo Credit, Throughwinterfields
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instruth · 3 years
🎼 The Songs We Sang Last Summer 🎼
The songs we sang last summer
I’d never thought would be our last
Loving memories I’ll always remember
Alone, I now sing, to travel to our past
The times we spent over last summer
Keep running clearly in my mind
Loving moments as we held together
Weaving a lasting imprint to bind
🎶 Forever to treasure
Humming our melody
No words can measure
This living on a memory
That I still know for sure🎶
My joy is complete, that you love me
There is nothing more I would prefer
With pledges of true love eternally
By the songs we sang last summer
©Johnny J P Lee
20 April 2021
Photos Credit, J. P. Lee
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24 notes · View notes
instruth · 3 years
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I watch as the white clouds roll by
Beauties changing before my eyes
I feel so alive, pondering at the sky
On a grassy patch by the bank I lie
Oh! How I wish that I could fly
Way up to the heavens on high
And sing songs of sweet lullaby
Float in dances to gravity defy
🎶 Oh! If I could I’ll try
Ride on your carpet, fly
Oh! White clouds way up high
Together, let’s roam the sky🎶
Dream of love I cannot deny
Promises of hope I can rely
Head on my opened palms I sigh
To the rolling clouds, why oh why
©Johnny J P Lee
17 April 2021
Photos Credit J. P. Lee
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instruth · 3 years
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At Night When I Couldn’t Sleep
At night when I couldn’t sleep
I stare and focus on the ceiling
Till the blanks begin to creep
In swift patterns without chilling
Dancers in quick steps at the royal ball
Soft music plays a sonata symphony
The dance floor shines as gold coins fall
Jingling, I find myself in good company
I count the fallen coins, sweet sixteen
I pick them up to enter the gaming hall
Where I meet our royal king and queen,
the palace staff, bishop, knights and all
I am promoted an official in charge
Paint the floor in white and black squares
Sixty four in all, evenly, by and large
with statutes on thirty two, much as I dare
With these, I play a game of mind and wits
In advancing patterns on a battle field
Strategies, bravery, traps, sacrifices to fit
What I cannot conquer I willingly yield
It is not just a game of losing or winning
Only to persevere through thick and thin
Learning to go to sleep happily grinning
When I am restless on needles and pins
©Johnny J P Lee
26 April 2021
Cartoon, Unsplash Images
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instruth · 3 years
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See The Fairies At Dawn
I wake up early to see the fairies at dawn
Catch a sniff of the grass dew on my lawn
Two faces reflecting from a cool stream
Just as I’d seen them earlier in my dream
They say fairies appear in purple and blue
Accompanied by charming butterflies too
If you observe closely you’ll see Tinker Bell
I see them all, I hope you see them as well
©Johnny J P Lee
20 April 2021
Photos Credit, Xesusrl
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instruth · 3 years
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secret in my heart
stillness throbbing silently
sound waves reach thine eyes
©Johnny J P Lee
5 May 2021
katauta 5-7-5 (to a lover)
Photo Credit J. P. Lee
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instruth · 3 years
The Sound Of Laughter
The sound of laughter
by children at play
Happy ever after
children show the way.
The sound of giggles
children at the swing
Hearts go a-jingle
when children sing.
Laughter is pure
children’s innocence
Laughter’s the best cure
It is life’s essence.
©Johnny J P Lee
23 April 2021
Photos Credit, Aseelalattar
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21 notes · View notes
instruth · 3 years
The words of a love story
Enter into an eternal space
Drift aback, softly, into history
Presently arriving, face to face
A new page to continue the story
From the clouds, from trees to dale
In a passionate union by the gust
Love weaves an unending tale
Sacrifice, Humility and Trust
Sip an elixir of dew and ale
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©Johnny J P Lee
25 April 2021
Photos Credit J. P. Lee
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instruth · 3 years
Memories take me back to the days of old
To schools for unlearning lessons retold
Where I’m frequently asked of what I want
I reply, to be happy - whenever I just can’t
Here, I’m told never to dwell in the past
Once over it is gone, never meant to last
The past is cruel, painful, it’s nothing good
Grow up, don’t be stuck in your childhood
Let it go, let it be consumed by the wind
Lost forever, be light, renewed in the mind
Returning to my present life by my destiny
Wide eyed to discover I am loved in plenty
Something dead in me has come alive
Risen to reconcile, learning first to forgive
For in parents, siblings and all in the family
in teachers, friends and the honest to be
there are no sins beyond my forgiveness
Then I shall find what I want - Happiness!
It invigorates me, pushes me on to sustain
the great mystery of life to ever remain
For I have something to give back to them
My well-deserved kindred souls to reclaim
I look far to the sunset for what I can offer
Memories, by prayers, don’t need answers
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©Johnny J P Lee
4 May 2021
Photo Credit J. P. Lee
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