#instrument of law
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chaotic-hypnotic-erotic · 4 months ago
It began with this.
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Last year, we got this.
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Today, 2000 AD confirmed that this version of Cassandra Anderson was the one who made a deal with Satan.
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attyrocious · 2 years ago
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Law seems like a bas(s)ic guy
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was it ever clarified if morphing shows up in blood tests?
What we actually get in #49 is:
Cassie took a deep breath. "Here's what I think. There's only one reason the Yeerks would suddenly be interested in blood. DNA. They're collecting samples of our morph animals, and they're collecting as many human samples as they can." She looked at us. "They're searching for humans with strands of animal DNA in their blood." (p. 16)
Later on, it's:
Cassie closed her eyes. «We overlooked something. Something huge. Our blood is all over the place. Every time we fight these creeps, we bleed. Traces of our human DNA is floating around in all that animal blood. All they have to do is scoop it up and wait for a match.» Jake nodded. «Or a partial match. Somebody in our family.» He stared at Ax. «Tom?» (p. 45)
We know that the first match is between Tobias's mostly-hawk blood and Loren's DNA, and that the yeerks match Jake to Tom within the next few hours. However. This is Cassie talking, not Michelle or Estrid or Steve. She knows some medical stuff, and she's the most skilled morpher, but she freely admits that she has no formal training in biology.
This is also one of those "sci fi Monet" problems, where the closer you get to the fine details the less the color blobs form a coherent picture. There is no literal way that a human could be 0.1% grizzly bear and still function well, nor that a hawk could be 0.1% human. And you'd need a fuckton of blood to extract DNA, or some kind of sequencer that's more sophisticated than any existing technology. But. Tobias's hawk blood contains some amount of human-Tobias DNA, as does Loren's blood. That much is canon.
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darcyolsson · 23 days ago
i'm actually sooo curious what jace and jocelyn's relationship is like post tmi because during tmi she truly hates him, but only for things that have very little to do with his actual personality and more with what he represents: she hates him for being the one to take clary back into the shadow world, for being valentine's son, for reminding her of her time in the circle, but mostly for reminding her of herself and her relationship to valentine. plus she tried to kill him, which i can't imagine jace holding against her, but i don't think she's ruthless enough to not feel a little bit weird about it. i know those first few family dinners were awkward as hell
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witchlingcirce · 1 month ago
Alec to Jace:
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sky-neverending · 2 years ago
The Clave: Fuck the Downworlders
Alec: Yeah, fuck them
Magnus: *walks in*
Alec: Especially that one
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julescarstairs · 7 months ago
It always bothered me at the end of CoHF when the Council decided to not look for Mark and exile Helen because of the Cold Peace. Like, I understand if these things didn’t happen we wouldn’t have TDA, but that’s not to say it doesn’t frustrate me still (as I’m sure it’s meant to.)
Because how can they be all like “Shadowhunter blood bleeds true” but then decide, “oh no, we can’t seek out Mark Blackthorn. He’s one of them now.” As if this was Mark’s choice, to depart from the nephilim and become part of the Hunt? He was literally traded off as a gift. To secure political relations. Mark didn’t ask for that! (I know that obviously it would be unwise to try and take from the Wild Hunt, but they didn’t even THINK about ways of negotiating that. Lowkey sucks!)
And then there’s Helen! Who was literally, as of that point in the narrative, the best fit caretaker for the blackthorn children. But, somehow, to consolidate the Cold Peace that meant sending her away? Why is Helen, a Shadowhunter first and Faerie second, being punished for fighting on the nephilim side of the war? (I could be forgetting details here it’s been a minute.)
Anyway, justice for Mark and Helen Blackthorn, doomed by the plot from day one, because I think the Clave and Council of yesteryear owe them a formal written apology and then some.
(But I also can’t help but be grateful for these happenings because I wouldn’t get my favourite trilogy if they didn’t happen.)
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cryptidwithacopiccollection · 10 months ago
I would LOVE to see Klapollo! Is Klavier a different species from his brother? Less sharp teeth? The player of some sort of underwater instrument? A mer who spends all his time sitting on a rock in the air playing his guitar?
And is Apollo the same species as Trucy? Differently coloured? Or is he a human who becomes entranced by Klavier's singing?
THANK YOU!! It makes me so happy to see other people enjoy these sillies as much as I enjoy making em! The renders weren't rendering but here's a pile of klapollo sketches
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(below the cut is the infodump)
First up: Klavier Gavin. The guess about him being a different species from Kristoph (with less teeth) is very accurate.
The reason we chose a lizardfish for Kristoph is the similarities and contrasts with Klavier's assigned species. Both are mostly sedentary, resting on the bottom of the seafloor to wait for food. They also bear a superficial resemblance to each other, and while their hunting styles are similar, one is armed with massive fangs and strikes quickly, violently, and with nearly no warning, and one is just chilling until a small enough piece of plankton floats in front of it's mouth- similar to how the two brothers behave.
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Apollo, who has a full color drawing here, is a thorny whiplash squid-a different species than Trucy, but, as with the Gavins, bearing certain simiarities. Most obviously, they're both red cephalopods, as well as their little ear/head fins.
How did Klav end up with his rockstar status? To put it simply, he's very pretty and social. Most deep sea mers (and animals in general) aren't a huge fan of ROV's, much less submersibles, but Klavier enjoys the attention and company. It helps that his eyes work about to the extent a human's would, making him essentially blind in the deep ocean, but comfortable under floodlights, whereas specialized, deep-sea eyes would not fare so well.
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His friendly and outgoing demeanor has essentially made him an ambassador for deepsea merfolk. His first encounter with people was via an ROV, which tracked him through his singing vocalizations, which can be heard and felt for miles underwater. Tripodfish, or abyssal spiderfish, also have relatively weak swimming muscles, meaning they're equipped to snatch prey in sudden movements, but they can't swim very well in open water. On the other hand, thorny whiplash squid are built for open water, so Apollo has to carry Klav if they want to move up the water column. There's probably going to be more but that is all I can think of rn. Thank you so much for asking, again, and I hope you have a wonderful month<3
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pistachions · 9 months ago
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"Dakota, play me out"
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is-the-fire-real · 2 months ago
So, I'm in a place right now where I cannot consume any alcohol, even in food. (Alcohol does not actually cook out of food, in case you have a similar restriction for health or religious reasons.)
My in-laws decided to serve rabo del toro after the point when I could no longer consume alcohol. They have had the oxtail in the freezer for a month. But they waited until now to serve a recipe which features an entire bottle of drinking wine as part of the sauce.
I googled to make sure, and then told them, in writing, that I'd like if they could try to substitute something else for the wine, so I could also have some of the rabo del toro. They said nothing in reply. I assumed, at that point, that they would not be substituting anything, and I'd have to skip the whole dish.
Okay. They do this a lot. They know I don't eat any shellfish and have responded to this by repeatedly buying and serving it and then acting miffed that I won't eat it, so why would this be any different?
My MIL asked if she could make chicken wings instead. I, politely, said no. I have seen how she makes chicken wings.
She brought up making me chicken wings four more times in the next 24 hours. She was, in her way, sorry; she was also, in her way, trying to make sure that she could tell other people that she'd tried to feed me but I'm very unreasonable and stubborn. After the fourth no, she said: "I'm just worried you're not getting enough protein!"
To which @the-gazpacho-ger said that beans and soy all have a ton of protein, and so do eggs, and I'm getting all of these things so please stop trying to shovel meat into my husband.
So they decided they were going to Play Nice and serve me something I could eat. Fish. Hake, specifically. I'm kind of excited. It's a type of fish I can definitely eat. Wonderful.
I go down to their kitchen area, and see that they've set up the sauce they'll fry the fish in.
It's full of in-shell clams.
Then, after Gaz points it out, I see a now-half-full bottle of white wine by the stovetop.
"Hey, is there wine in this?" Gaz asks.
"It was in the recipe," FIL says, already defensive in his tone. "I had to add it."
"Okay, but Fire can't have it even if it's in the recipe," and that starts a whole new round of But The Alcohol Cooks Out and No It Doesn't The Flesh Retains It and I Thought It'd Be Okay and We've Already Been Over This Multiple Times and Okay Well Sorry. We don't even address the clams because why bother, we've been over that roughly a billion times and they'll never listen and they'll never stop.
I'm still not over how we explained to MIL the fish I can eat (which all also happen to be kashrut fish) and how I explicitly cannot have shellfish because they're filter feeders (no way we're safe in telling them about our conversion yet). She smirked and said "What about shrimp?" and then walked away without waiting for a response. She then bought shrimp, which I have literally never liked even before I resolved to eat kashrut, and had herself a pity party when I told her I couldn't eat it. And so it goes.
I sit down to my dinner of potatoes and green beans.
"You're being very good about your food," my MIL says. "I'm so impressed."
This is her way of saying I've gravely insulted her by refusing her food.
I know this because she follows up by listing everything she's going to make for Gaz's birthday meal and I think maybe I'll be able to eat the salad, but only if she doesn't put any dressing on it because there's booze in the dressing. And then she says she's invited people over without asking us first. So I will get to sit there with a bit of dry salad on my plate while she pointedly says I'm being very good (picky) and how impressed (furious) she is with me, while I get to smell all the good smells of special homecooked meals I cannot touch and watch everyone else enjoy themselves.
Is there a prayer for this situation, Jumblr?
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vivaciousoceans · 4 months ago
I’m trying to put the dots together, which is MY fault, obviously we’ve accepted that this show makes no sense. But wtf was the phone call between eo at the end of the last season??? What was the point?
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spadefish · 5 months ago
does anyone else have a favourite movie/game composer? like when you just love their particular scores? for me that's thomas newman i love his work so much i listen to OSTs from movies i haven't even watched if he scored them
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thirdity · 9 months ago
The culture-heroes of preliteracy and postliteracy alike are robots.
Marshall McLuhan, Laws of Media: The New Science (with Eric McLuhan)
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witchlingcirce · 7 months ago
Cassandra whyyy have I not seen Clary and Kit interact more??? That’s literally Kits oomf in law like… fix this problem 🤨
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eschynite · 2 months ago
receiving the most foundational legal information i've encountered in my degree so far in a 400s class. For some reason they didn't think it was important to provide this sort of background in any of the 100s, 200s, or 300s law classes.
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send-me-a-kae-via-subspace · 11 months ago
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very very excited for the album
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