#instead I got blindsided by awful information I want to bleach from my brain
pyjamacryptid · 2 years
my mother is a well of abrupt information triggered like a motion sensor (affectionate).
I have to walk past the lounge room to get to the kitchen and each time, I expect the unexpected. she senses movement and suddenly you hear from the couch, “they’re finally doing a study on that immune-suppressant medication!” (you’re not told what the medication is called) or “this was cary grant’s last film” (you are not told what film it is). sometimes it’s nice fun facts! other times, I’m scarred by knowledge I am now burdened with. she’s like a pop-up window or an unskippable youtube ad. a cutscene you can’t pause.
let’s just say today was a Burdened By Unbearable Knowedge Day.
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