#insta: yasmin
whatimdoing-here · 1 year
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kiss kiss kiss
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randomjreader · 2 years
Elle and Tara's new profiles pics!!!
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formulaa-1 · 2 years
So can you please use Yasmin Brunet as a claim? charles x reader
Instagram au 🌴
influencer!reader x Charles leclerc
face claim: yasmin brunet
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y/nusername: vacay✈️🌴
tagged: charles_leclerc
Liked by charles_leclerc and 208,599 others
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pierregasly: enjoy ;)
charles_leclerc: oh we will ;)
y/nusername: charles!!!
user3748: OH MY GOD
cl16biggestfan: poor Charlotte
user3639: it’s been over a month since they broke up and it was obviously a long time coming, just leave them alone they’re all happy so leave it be.
fannofcl16: PREACH GIRL🙌🏼🙌🏼
y/nnstanaccount: okay but y/n is looking STUNNING
y/nusername: tysm my love 🫶🏻🫶🏻
y/nstanaccount: oh.my.god. I LOVE U SO MUCH !!!!!!!!🫶🏻😍
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f1waggupdatess: new wag on the gird ? y/nusername posted this picture and a picture of her and Charles on her Instagram … pierre gasly and Charles leclerc commented.
Liked by obsessedwcl16 and 27,289 others
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fanofnumber16_: she’s so pretty !
obsessedwcl16: I’m so happy for both of them <3
ferrarifannn1655: I can’t wait to see her round the paddock 😍😍😍
smootheoperator16: GUYS LOOK AT CHARLES INSTA RN!!!!!!
user3638: *runs to his insta*
pg10fancl16: kika and y/n follow eachother and she’s on kikas highlights so I think they’re friends and that’s probably how y/n and Charles met!
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charles_leclerc: life recently ❤️
tagged: y/nusername
Liked by lorenzotl and 861,378 others
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y/nusername: 🫶🏻🫶🏻
lorenzotl: pure happiness ❤️
leclerc_pascale: vous me manquez tous les deux🤍🤍
Charles_biggestfan16: oh my frickin god🥺
fan1: this is just an overload of cuteness
fan379: her smile is so beautiful💞
smootheoperator16: this is completely irrelevant but does anyone know where her bikini is from😅
user77:okay but the way he is posting her is just so 😍😍 can I be her ?
y/nusername’s story
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charles_leclerc’s story
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(Authors note - I hope you like it <3 ! I’m still trying to work through all the requests )
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ariesqueencobra · 8 months
what we used to be | Vll
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Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're going to your first high school party, who would've thought there'd be so much drama?
Warnings: underage drinking, mild violence, flashbacks to bullying, bullying, references to kissing
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Two chapters in a week?! Another short chapter but I do love this one! One of my favorite scenes to write so far!
Thank you to those who already reblog and comment, I see you and I love you all for it!
I don't consent to this work being copied, translated or reposted.
It was a nice day outside, and you and your friends decided to spend it at the park before the tournament tomorrow. 
While your nerves were at an all-time high, you tried to keep focus on the moment before you, knowing it’d be better to worry about it when the time came. You sat between Miguel and Aisha, Demitri sitting next to the former while Eli continued practicing with Bert behind you all.
Aisha was on her phone and the rest of you were listening to Miguel talk about seeing another guy have dinner with the LaRussos. Of course, out of all the explanations, he thinks he was Sam’s side piece.
“All right, so you saw her eating dinner with some chode,” Eli said before kicking Bert in the face, causing him to fall to the ground.
You snickered at his words but quickly sent a reassuring glance at Miguel.
“It’s probably her brother or something.”
“No,” Miguel argued. “Brothers don’t look at their sisters like that.” 
“Depends on what part of the country you’re in,” Demitri said.
You laughed at that.
“I don’t want what happened to Sensei to happen to me,” Miguel exhaled.
“It’s not gonna happen if you don’t communicate that to Sam,” you pointed out. “Tell her how you feel, be honest, she’ll appreciate it in the long run,” you offered.
Miguel pressed his lips together in defeat, unsure if he wanted to go your route.
“Nah, go over and beat his ass so he doesn’t have the chance,” Eli countered, walking over and leaning against the bench between you and Miguel.
You sent him a look. 
“If someone was swinging in on my girl, that’s what I’d do,” he shrugged, sending you a wink.
You felt your cheeks heat up, ignoring what he said about beating up someone. Your mind was too focused on him calling you “his girl”. 
“Don’t listen to, Eli,” Demitri said.
“It’s Hawk.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Demitri rolled his eyes.
You furrowed your brows, turning your attention back to Miguel. “She’s given you no reason not to trust her,” you said.
“I guess you’re right,” Miguel exhaled.
You were glad you got through to him when Aisha shouted at her phone.
“That little bitch!”
You jumped at her voice but were interested in what happened.
“Look what she commented under my post,” she held her phone in front of you, finding that Yasmine commented something horrible under her video of breaking a board.
“We gotta do something,” Aisha gritted.
“How about we kidnap her and have my boy Rico tattoo “bitch” on her face,” Eli smirked.
You snickered, not hating the idea. Yasmine deserved something worse than “bitch” tattooed on her face after all the hell she put you through.
“Calm down, Hawk,” Demitri mocked.
“I hear how you’re saying it and I don’t like it,” Eli spat. 
You reached over your shoulder to squeeze his arm, calming him. Turning back to Aisha, you spoke, “She’s having a party?” You saw the Insta story.
“Not if we strike first,” she smirked.
You smiled, liking where this was heading.
A few moments later you found yourself at the convenience store. While everyone else was buying snacks, you were on the phone with your dad. 
“It’s just a small party at the Canyon, I’ll be home at a reasonable hour,” you explained.
“You said you were gonna be at the park this morning, what changed?” He asked.
You sighed. “Plans were made,” you shrugged. “It’s just gonna be me and a few kids hanging out. Eli and Demitri will be there,” you chewed on your lip, hoping the mention of their names would make him more inclined to agree.
It didn’t.
“I don’t want you going to that party, I know there’s going to be alcohol there,” he said. 
“No there won’t,” you said even though you knew there would be. “You and Mom said I could do whatever as I long as I let you know where I am and who I am with,” you reasoned.
You heard a commotion on the other side, knowing your mom was convincing him.
“Okay, fine, be home at 10 sharp, a minute late and you’re grounded,” he ordered.
You beamed before hanging up, just in time for your boyfriend to walk out with a case of beer in his hand and a bag in the other. 
“I got you your favorites,” Eli smirked, handing you the bag. 
You smiled, thanking him and letting him know your parents permitted you to go. 
“I can’t believe you managed to get beer, when did you even get the fake ID?” You asked, leaning into his side as he wrapped his arm around you.
“I got my ways, babe,” he smirked. “Let’s have fun tonight, yeah?” 
You agreed. 
You’ve never been to a party before. 
Jumping from your Friday movie nights with your best friends to attending a party in the Canyon where everyone from school was—the feeling was overwhelming but in the best way possible. 
“If you were told a year ago that you’d join a karate dojo, dye your hair blue, get a back tattoo, and be dating me, would you believe it?” You smiled, hand intertwined with Eli’s as you sat in front of the fire. 
“Nah,” he shook his head, a smile appearing on his face. “But I would be the happiest to know we’re dating,” he hummed, pulling you in close. 
“You’re cute,” you booped his nose. “I’m gonna get a drink,” you said before standing up, passing Demitri on the way.
You joined Aisha, smiling as you approached.
“You seemed busy a few minutes ago,” Aisha chuckled. “Came to hydrate?” She joked as you grabbed a water.
“Haha,” you joined in but your cheeks heated up when you realized she saw you and Eli making out before. 
“I’m curious, how did you handle the change from Eli to Hawk?” She asked. 
“He’s still Eli to me, just with a different appearance,” you shrugged. “Sure sometimes I would like to run my hands through his hair, now I can’t,” you averted your gaze. “But he’s happy, who am I to get in the way of that?” 
She hummed in agreement.
“It’s half past nine, should probably get you home before your dad gets mad,” Eli came up behind you, arm finding home around your shoulders.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” you smiled. 
About to say bye to Aisha, you were stopped by Moon walking up to you two. 
“Y/N, glad I found you,” she smiled. “I wanted to apologize,” she sincerely said. 
You raised a brow, glancing at Aisha who sent you a reassuring look. Your composure was stiff and all you could think of was her and Yasmine laughing as they dumped your vandalized sketchbook in the trash.
“For all of it, I hope we could be friends,” Moon added.
You furrowed your brows, not understanding where this was coming from. You took a step back, Eli making sure you were grounded and you searched his eyes, wondering if he was hearing the same thing.
“Oh, hey! Y/N!” Yasmine beamed when she spotted you. “We’ve been looking for you,” she walked towards you with Moon at her side, her arms behind her back.
“We wanted to give this back,” Moon said just as Yasmine held out a similar yellow book with lavenders painted on it. 
Your heart dropped and you froze. 
She wagged it in your face but you couldn’t move. 
Eli just stood beside you, his eyes trained on you, searching for any sign of expression.
“Oh, well, if you don’t want it, I guess it’s trash,” Yasmine shrugged, dumping it in the garbage next to you guys. “Later, slut,” she spat towards you.
The two began cackling like crazy, leaving you with tears welling in your eyes. 
Anger bubbled inside you as that moment replayed in your head. All those years of torment and all she had to say was “sorry”? With a reassuring look from Eli, you spoke. 
“I appreciate the apology, Moon, but I don’t accept it,” you frowned.
She was taken aback, even Aisha.
“I-,” she searched for words.
“You made my life miserable,” you stepped forward. “You destroyed my art and personal property, you slut-shamed me,” you narrowed your gaze, searching her face. “Your friends hurt my friends. One apology isn’t going to make it go all away.”
She paused before opening her mouth. “You’re right,” she admitted. “I’m sorry for thinking we could change things so quickly, but I do genuinely want to be friends,” she offered a smile.
You felt your composure fall and you let out a breath. You passed her a small smile. “Baby steps,” you hummed. 
“Hey!” A wisp of blonde hair filled your vision and you backed into Eli when you realized it was Yasmine.
She focused her attention on Aisha. 
“You think it’s funny crashing my party?”
“It’s not really your party ‘cause we were here first,” Aisha gritted. 
“Yeah, well I know you and your little karate gang think you’re cool, but we all remember who you really are,” she smirked, gazing over you.
You tasted bitter, frown deepening as you made eye contact with her.
“You’re just a fugly bitch and all your friends are freaks,” she spat, calling Moon over to leave. 
“No, I’m staying. I apologized to Aisha and Y/N, you should too,” she looked at her friend.
Obviously, Yasmine didn’t take that well, bumping shoulders with Aisha as she stalked off.
That wasn’t until Aisha called after her. 
You watched as your friend reached down her pants, pulling her underwear up and giving her a front wedgie. You doubled over in laughter, feeling proud of her. 
Your first highschool party was definitely one to remember.
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onlyrainbowshipstbh · 2 months
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Yasmin via her Insta!
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s-hanna-h · 10 months
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I did the art vs artist thing on Insta and I’m using this to introduce myself XD
Hi I’m Hanna, I’m 23 and I’m absolutely obsessed with aftg. If you can’t tell I absolutely love drawing Neil Josten and I don’t plan on stopping soon. You can expect a lot of aftg fanart on here as well as aftg and orv reblogs.
Some random facts about me:
I am studying fine arts
My favourite colour is green (even though you probably can’t tell through my art) but I mostly wear green clothes and part of my hair is currently coloured green 👌🏻
I love bubble tea and my go to order is black tea latte with tapioka or Yasmin milktea also with Tapioka
Questions and requests are always welcome and I most likely do a quick sketch for most requests.
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after reading yasmin benoit's insta posts about O's character, I was all excited for some ace rep, and then, of course, comes the inevitable letdown.
O's (sarah owen's) asexuality was only discussed in the sense of, "it made me do this horrible thing because I felt so alone," and that was literally it.
like why did the villain have to be ace? it could have been anyone else. why is todd from bojack horseman still my favorite ace rep?
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mangoposts · 5 months
Not chris liking all yasmin barbieri posts on insta like get off my girlfriend blud
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aurwra · 11 months
 ׁ ֶָ֪ O que você precisa saber sobre mim 💓𝅄⋆ ֪  ⁣⁣
⤿ Me chamo Yasmin, as vezes permito aos mais íntimos me chamar de Jasmine. Sim, por causa da princesa da Disney.⁣
⤿ Tenho 24 anos, faço 25 dia 08/05 ⋆⁣
⤿ Sou formada em direito e pós graduanda em direito público e privado. Resumindo, futura juíza. ⁣⁣
⤿ ♡ Quem pilota esse avião aqui é o meu piloto. Não seja desrespeitoso ou chame dando em cima. Respeito é bom e todos gostamos.⁣⁣ Se for sem noção, eu darei block!
⤿ Não é porque reblogo posts relacionados a sexo que quero falar sobre com você. Me deixe reblogando em paz e não seja sem noção.⁣
⤿ Se quiser pedir insta ou twitter, faça logado ou através do chat. ୧ ‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶ⁣⁣
⤿ minha TAG de autorias é #auroraut ⁣⁣
𔘓 ׁ 𝆬 ֪ ໑ ☆ ⁣⁣
Aurora, you're my morning sun⁣
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No mais, é isso! Sejam bem vindos ao meu cantinho.⁣⁣
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simsimulation · 1 year
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While Zara posts her daily life on insta, Yasmin is on an entirely different app trying to have a good time. She got her self a date (actually several).💓
phone templates are from @nucrests .
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gemini-sensei · 2 years
Girlcock!Yasmine x Pregnant!Reader
Fem!Chubby!Reader ○ no major CW
Based on this ask here. Kind of a continuation of this ask here. (unedited)
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In private, Yasmine is very attentive. She likes to do for Reader any chance she gets, becoming very doting. A lot of her affection becomes acts of service alongside her usual physical touch and gift giving. She pampers the hell out of Reader and will do anything for her now that she's carrying their baby.
She's also big on cuddling, just getting to hold Reader makes her day. Putting her hands on her belly while holding her close to her chest is everything to her, especially after long days. She also loves to cuddle Reader's belly, even if she isn't showing yet. Their little baby is still there and she gives little kisses every time she puts her head there or she's getting up.
However, that's just Yasmine when she and Reader are alone. When in public, she becomes very aggressive and defensive. If anyone looks at them the wrong way, she's jumping down their throat and daring them to say something to her face. She may not be an outright bully anymore, but that doesn't mean she still can't use her words to wound her enemies (the enemies made when they look at her baby mama the wrong way that is).
She's even fiercely protective when out with their friends. The only person she will even entrust with Reader and Baby is Moon. She's made the baby's god mother early on as Yasmine has already made up her mind about the matter. A close second is Sam, whom she knows Reader would be extremely safe with because of karate. Everyone else she's kind of defensive about, but in the fretting sort of way. They're still her friends after all.
Yasmine still worries that she won't be a good mom, so she needs assurance from time to time. She stays awake at night thinking about it, asking herself if the baby will love Reader more than her, if she's going to be able to be a good mom, worrying about whether or not her less than attractive traits will be passed down to the baby. She doesn't want their baby to end up like she was, nasty and rude. On those nights, she'll lay and watch Reader sleep with a hand on her growing midsection until she falls asleep in the early morning hours.
She gets giddy and excited when Reader's soft fat begins to round out. Now she really can't keep her hands off of Reader's belly, showing her bump with kisses before pulling her in close for a long, loving kiss. She smiles big and holds her girlfriend close, the whole thing so much more real at that point.
Maternity clothes shopping where she only buys the best of the best for Reader. Cute blouses and comfortable tops, not to mention the best maternity bras and pants, cushioned shoes for going out and super soft slippers for staying in. She buys herself and Reader matching fuzzy robes that say "mama" on the breast with Reader's saying "baby on board" on the back.
They wear those fuzzy robes on spa days, whether they're going out or staying in. Yasmine treats her girlfriend to spa days often, especially massages to help her with tension in her shoulders and the pain in her feet.
I can only see Yasmine designing and putting together an elegant nursery. Neutral colors, sleek decorations, fancy lettering of their baby's name or first initial on the wall. However, once the baby is born and they grow, the room fills with more color and decorations that reflect their personality.
The closet is also filled with all sorts of baby clothes. Onesies, booties, shirts, pants, wraps, everything. There's things in there that the baby won't be able to wear for at least a year after they are born, but it was too cute to pass up! Needless to say, there's plenty of clothes for their little one.
Definitely makes a lot of cute Insta posts about the pregnancy and how excited she is to be a mom. She'll post pictures from the ultrasound appointment, the actual scans, the tears they cried when they saw the baby's little face and hands. The closer it gets to having the baby, the more excited she gets and she has to share that with everyone because it's just too much for her to contain.
Takes Reader out of town on a babymoon to get some peace and quiet before the baby arrives. They go out to nice dinners and spend time on a private beach; lots of sleeping in after the sunrise and plenty of love making after sunset. She makes sure they enjoy themselves and each other before they become a family of a wriggly, cute little baby.
When the day comes for the baby to be born, Yasmine definitely gets into a fight with a rude nurse. Everything is fine at first but as soon as she notices Reader is uncomfortable from something other than the labor pains, her attitude changes and she subtly starts throwing shade at the nurse that is being judgmental. Before long, she's having the nurse switched out for someone else and wants to complain about her, but doesn't get that far because Reader is literally having their baby.
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alwayzraven · 11 months
A spoiler page on insta stated that Omer will go against Asiye completely and side with Yasmin for sapr while Sarp will go against both Yasmin sevval + Omer for Asiye… how hard of a fall does sarp hit??! I wonder if this is how the writers are writing it bc it’s something new and unpredictable every damn week 😂
lmao I saw that and said the same thing "he must've hurt his head real bad in that fall" 😂 There is one possible explanation to why Sarp might protect Asiye and it's because of the pictures she has of him spraying the walls but then I thought: his mom owns the school so even if Asiye showed these pictures to the principle, he can't do anything about it, he can't expel Sarp. Idk it seems strange to me that Sarp would defend Asiye in this situation and the pictures excuse seems weak to me bc no one can touch him at that school, his mom babies him all the time.
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Pride Month Character Sexuality Headcanon Moodboards 1. Yasmine - Lesbian 2. Demetri Alexopoulos - Gay 3. Moon - Bisexual 4. Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz - Bisexual
Welcome back, Cobra Kai pride month moodboard followers!!! This time let's hear it for Moon Nolastname, our one canon bisexual queen!!! She's so important to me fr <3 <3 <3 Granted, her dating a girl for 2 seconds was not NEARLY the epic sapphic romance she deserves, but I'm still so happy it's canon she likes women <3 <3 <3
I also still maintain that she has more chemistry with every female character she's ever interacted with onscreen (including that one random blonde girl in the pink dress who she danced with in the prom episode) than she ever had with Eli, eat your heart out bird boy akjsdnhukyghju
ANYWAYS I figure I don't need to back up why I think she's bi when it's been literally confirmed canon by Word of God (if you want to count that, anyways), so I'll use this bit to dive into why I'm a Lesbian Yasmine/Biseuxal Moon truther and why Moon being bisexual (and not a closet lesbian) actually makes perfect sense to me!
Throughout the show, she definitely shows enough general interest in boys to lead me to believe she doesn't exclusively like girls. She's lowkey flirty with a guy named Rory as early as 1x02 (the one she wants to do a flip for her insta channel!), and she seems to be the one to make the first move with Hawk in 1x09. In the soccer episode of Season 3, we see her having a friendly chat with a football player that could be seen as a little flirty. Compare this to Yasmine (who I think is a lesbian!), who doesn't really interact with any boys outside of Kyler in S1 and doesn't even really acknowledge Brucks, despite him following Kyler everywhere. In later seasons, Yasmine only really interacts with Demetri (and occasionally Eli) while Moon is shown to be amicable with Demetri, Miguel, minor male side characters like Rory, and enough boys and girls to throw an enormous house party in 5x08!
So admittedly I am one of the biggest h*wkm**n haters of all time. Catch me still in denial that they got back together in S4 because no they didn't <3 HOWEVER!!! From how, uh...spirited their first make-out session was in 1x09, I can buy that there is definitely physical attraction there, if little else. Whatever emotional connection they do have I think is shallow at best and actively based on falsehoods at worst--Moon only really likes Hawk's fake overconfident facade, and isn't shown to have much interest in him beyond surface-level things (I mean, for fuck's sake, she said she liked his biceps and his cool hair while dumping him, like!!!). Hawk, meanwhile, seems to kinda put Moon on a weird pedestal and seems more obsessed with the idea of her than Moon herself. In any case, you don't need to have a deep, profound attraction to all of your preferred gender(s) for your sexuality to be valid, so...even with pretty shallow feelings for Eli, Moon's bisexuality is still totally valid and should be respected <3
Mentioned before, but I do think her initiating with Eli in 1x09 shows some genuine attraction there! And commenting how hot he is in 1x10, too XD It's so impassioned and spur-of-the-moment that it doesn't feel rehearsed and inauthentic in the same way Yasmine's "attraction" to boys often does to me. Moon seems to definitely like muscular, athletic boys--and girls too, if Piper is anything to go by! We love a bisexual with an overlapping type XD
If y'all have spent any time on my page, I'm sure you've heard me rant about Moon's planet-sized crush on Yasmine XD I think a lot of her S1 behavior (and generally hanging out with a "mean girl" clique that seemed counterintuitive to like...how she works as a person) could be explained by her having a crush on Yasmine. She backs Yasmine up unconditionally, even when she feels conflicted about it (like with Sam in the weed-smoking scene in her car), which would make a lot of sense if she had/has feelings for Yas. No coincidence, imo, that she finally gathered up the courage to ditch Yasmine as soon as she found a new mean hottie to swoon over XD No real judgment here btw I was Just As Cringe in high school. We all were.
Also worth noting that she's the only character who acknowledges Yasmine's existence while she's out of town in S2--including Demetri, the guy who supposedly "would kill his friends to get Yasmine to spit in his face"! And it's not even in an explicitly negative context. It kind of sounds like Moon's giggling and kicking her feet about Yasmine having the same bikini as her XD
In later seasons, Moon taking Yasmine back despite Yas's lack of remorse and readily being her best friend again seems to hint that Yas means a lot to her--maybe in a way that goes beyond a simple platonic friendship? The full-body check-out and butt glance she does with Yas in S4 is probably the most damning thing I can give you. I mean.
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I could not wear shipping goggles here if I tried. I have watched this scene dozens of times, and Moon is so obviously checking her out that I thought I was going crazy. HOW did this make it into the show??? HOW did they show us THIS and then expect us to buy Moon is into her ex who she's mildly friendly with and who she doesn't even talk to until the girl she really likes is fully preoccupied???
Absolutely batshit.
We've also got Moon a) breaking into excited screaming when Yasmine shows up at the prom and b) completely ignoring Eli the entire prom to hang around Yasmine and Demetri and continually steal glances at Yasmine XD This girl is gone as fuck. Let her date Yasmine, dammit!!! Clearly Eli is not her first choice!!!
Even in S5 she's sitting way too damn close to Yas in that brunch booth and laughing at Yas's dumb little joke about torturing Anthony. She's still gone as fuck. Justice for Moon!!! Let her go out with her dream girl, dammit!!!
And Moon's attraction to girls isn't limited to Yasmine and Piper!!! There's the aforementioned girl in the pink dress she was dancing with at prom (this lovely lady)
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AND!!! I would argue Moon even seems to be kind of into Sam, at times! She definitely seems guilty about booting her out of the friend group back in S1, and she's lowkey giving bedroom eyes when the two of them are talking about Robby in S2 XD She looks a bit smitten during the sensory deprivation pod scene as well, and seems pretty down to put her arm around Sam whenever she can :P
Bottom line is, Piper was in fact NOT a phase in the least and I will forever be annoyed that the show kind of implied she was by having them break up for enigmatic reasons (which the conservatives could EASILY spin as "well she didn't ACTUALLY like girls she was just CONFUSED and Piper the Evil Cobra Kai was feeding this poor innocent straight girl's delusion!!!") and then having Moon go back to the male and supposedly straight ex who she had long since outgrown and lost feelings for. Like sure, Moon found a new relationship she seemed happy in and free to be herself in (something she notably could NOT really do with Eli), but CLEARLY that could never have the same (or greater!) emotional weight for her than a brief fling she had with some dude based on literally nothing except physical attraction -_____-
Whew, that got longer than I thought it would XD ANYWAYS, bottom line is that even though Moon canonically swings both ways and is so incredibly valid and sexy for it, I personally think she should date more women. The one exception to this is Robby Keene because Moonkeene is literally the only mlw Moon ship in the show that actually works, and I can and will die on this hill.
Also ngl it would be SUPER funny to see S3 Eli throw a bitchfit because his ex is going out with the mf he hates most in the world and there ain't nothing he can do about it. Like what are you gonna do??? Yell at Moon like she's your fookin property??? That's why she dumped your sorry ass in the first place. Get rekt, bird boy.
Used soft pastels for this because that very much feels like it fits Moon's vibe to me! She's just so wholesome and easygoing--it definitely suits her <3 Very happy I found such appropriate crystal pics to use :D Also I CANNOT tell y'all how long I have had that crystal-and-strawberry smoothie bowl pic saved, looking for the perfect moodboard to use it for...AND BY GOD, I FOUND IT. Sometimes dreams really do come true, kids XD
...I also really want to try that irl now. Like what ARE those crystal things made of??? Are they crunchy??? Are they chewy??? Would they break my teeth??? Guess I'll never know now ;_____;
Now fully convinced that Moon has little shiny colored glass jars in her room with sprigs of lavender and other incense and aromatherapy flowers in them. Her room is a little apothecary full of healing aromas and I love that for her <3
Realized while making this that she's also very ocean-coded (YasMoon and MoonPiper are BOTH water x fire ships, bless). In the ATLA universe, she'd probably be a waterbender healer. Sam would probably be a waterbender too, but she'd be much more Katara-esque and jump to use it for violence XD
As always, pic credits available upon request!
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formulaa-1 · 2 years
Insta au Masterlist <3
who I write for can be found here
Driver!reader x charles leclerc
summary- off season comes with new developments
Influencer!reader x charles leclerc
summary- ( face claim: yasmin brunet ) you and Charles go on vacay
Verstappen!reader x charles leclerc
summary- max wasn’t aware of his sisters relationship with Charles until they announce it on Instagram…
Figure skater!reader x charles leclerc
summary- them being cuties
Horner!driver!reader x charles leclerc
summary- red bulls 2nd driver y/n Horner and Ferraris 1st driver charles leclerc are soft launching there relationship.
Drifter!reader x charles leclerc
summary- them being in love I guess?
social worker!reader charles leclerc
summary- Charles is completely head over heels for his girlfriend <3 but she’s pretty low-key ❤️
businesswoman!reader x charles leclerc
summary- your the it couple😌
male!reader x charles leclerc
summary- them being cute <3
actress!reader x charles leclerc
summary- paparazzi caught you and Charles getting fast food after the Oscar’s!
Horner!reader x charles leclerc
summary- everyone thinks y/n Horner has a crush on max but they’re proved wrong when a photo surfaces of her kissing a certain monegasque driver.
Gasly!reader x charles leclerc
summary- y/n’s older brother Pierre doesn’t know she’s dating his best friend…kind of a soft launch
Driver!reader x arthur leclerc
summary- you and Arthur have been besties since you were 3 but everyone thinks your in love with eachother… and maybe just maybe they’re right …(pt.1)
Driver!reader x arthur leclerc
summary-you and Arthur have been besties since you were 3 but everyone thinks your in love with eachother… and maybe just maybe they’re right …(pt.2)
actress!reader x arthur leclerc
summary: just them being total simps for eachother
runner!reader x arthur leclerc
summary- them being in love
noriss!f2driver!reader x arthur leclerc
summary-🎀✨soft launching your relationship with Arthur leclerc✨
fem!reader x George Russell
summary- y/n and George start there 2023 off in the sun
F1!reporter!reader x George Russell
summary - fans adore your relationship <3
tennisplayer!reader x George Russell
summary- soft launching your relationship with George Russell 🫶🏼
Detective!reader x George Russell
summary- detective y/n and George 🫶🏼
princess!reader x George Russell
summary- fans can’t get enough of this relationship
fem!reader x George Russell
summary- a sneak peak into y/n and George’s time at the Miami GP and a little surprise… 💍
y/nwolff x Lewis hamilton
summary- fans suspect y/n and Lewis have something going on (pt.1)
y/nwolff x Lewis hamilton
summary- fans suspected you were with Lewis after recent posts ,,are there suspicions true or false (pt.2)
fem!reader x Lewis hamilton
summary- y/n and Lewis are the perfect couple
Vet!reader x Lewis hamilton
summary- fans sususpect that Lewis hamilton is dating roscoes vet 🐶 is award winning vet y/n y/l/n and formula 1 championship winning Lewis hamilton dating ?
footballer!reader x Lewis hamilton
summary- lewis and his football playing gf
fem!reader x Lewis Hamilton
summary- they’re the most fashionable couple in the paddock👗👔
Fem!reader x lewis hamilton
summary- in which fans discover your relationship with lewis hamilton through various Instagram posts.
fem!reader x pierre gasly
summary- you go to lake como with your boyfriend
Uni!student!reader x pierre gasly
summary- idk what this is, them being supportive I guess ?
Influencer!reader x pierre gasly
summary- fans suspect that you and pierre are dating. are they correct? (soft launch Ig ? )
leclerc!reader x pierre gasly
summary- fans suspect that pierre is cheating on Kika with Charles sister after recent photos and there close relationship…(pt.1)
leclerc!reader x pierre gasly
summary- fans suspect that pierre is cheating on Kika with Charles sister after recent photos and there close relationship…(pt.2)
mum!reader x dad!pierre gasly
summary- you,pierre and your son are the perfect family 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
volleyball player!reader x pierre gasly
summary- they’re the hottest mf couple
driver!reader x max verstappen
summary- everyone thinks y/n,Ferraris golden girl is dating Charles,Ferraris golden boy... max is tired of it and decides to set the records straight
summary- (y/nhorner x max verstappen)you’ve traveled the world with your dad and gone to every Grand Prix with him since you were 8 years old. Along the way you fell in love with your dads golden driver and have been dating him privately for 8 months,,Charles asks you on a date and he gets he gets jealous.
Figure skater!reader x max verstappen
summary- max being supportive of his figure skating girlfriend
Hamilton!reader x max verstappen
summary- Lewis’s little sister seems to be getting cozy to a certain red bull driver
fem!reader x max verstappen
summary -Brazilian reader and max verstappen 🌴
fem!reader x max verstappen
summary- (one shot) max looking after sick reader
horner!reader x max verstappen
summary- fans are suspicious that y/n and max are more than friends but max has a girlfriend…are their suspicions right? find out…
horner!reader x max verstappen
summary- part 2 of ^^this! max and y/n confirm they’re dating and explain the situation!
fem!reader x max verstappen
summary - (one shot) max is super protective of his girlfriend,and always defends her ,especially from his dad so when jos makes a comment about y/n being clingy and distracting him from his work ,max gets protective <3
singer!fem!reader x max verstappen
summary- you and max break up and you write a song about it <3
influencer!reader x max verstappen
summary- in which you and max soft launch your relationship <3
actress!reader x Daniel ricciardo
summary- (request: social media au with Daniel? the reader is more famous so they joke about him being her arm candy or even she being her sugar mommy, or silly things like that) face claim Zoe kravitz
fem!reader x Daniel ricciardo
summary- you and daniel are on holiday and he just can’t get enough of you 🫶🏼
mercedes strategist!reader x Daniel ricciardo
summary- strategist reader and mr danny ric 🫶🏼
f1 reporter!reader x Daniel ricciardo
summary- in which daniel has a slight crush on f1’s most popular reporter…
Driver!reader x lando norris
summary- your mclarens new second driver for 2023 and fans suspect you and lando have something going on…
actress!reader x lando norris
summary- y/n and lando are the perfect couple 🫶🏻
Fem!reader x lando norris
summary- y/n and lando all loved up on vacation ❤️
fem!reader x lando norris
summary- soft launching your relationship with lando norris🫶🏼
red-bull!driver!reader x lando norris
summary- the paddocks best couple!
fem!reader x lando norris
summary- in which you and lando can’t stop flirting with eachother in your comments
fem!reader x lando norris
summary- in which lando and y/n share their summer romance <3
Fem!padel player!reader x lando Norris
summary- in which professional padel player y/n y/l/n and f1 driver lando norris are dating🪩❤️
Influencer!plus-size!reader x Carlos sainz
summary- soft launching your relationship with Carlos sainz <3
fem!reader x Carlos sainz
summary- carlos and y/n just being simps for eachother <3
leclerc!reader x Carlos Sainz
summary- carlos is dating Charles’s sister🫶🏼
royal!reader x Carlos Sainz
summary- Carlos sainz and princess y/n are the classiest couple.
fem!driver!reader x Carlos sainz
summary- Idk what this is ,them just sort of posting each other? 🥤🍒🏎️🍷
nepo baby!reader Carlos Sainz
summary- after rumours go round of Carlos’s breakup with Rebecca ,he’s seen with nepo baby y/n y/l/n…
fem!f2driver x Marcus armstrong
summary- you were invited on to screaming meals ,there was a tiny bit of flirting going on between you and Marcus, fans suspect your dating
Ricciardo!reader x Marcus Armstrong
summary- Marcus Armstrong is dating Daniel ricciardos little sister y/n who’s an actress🫶🏼he helps her get ready for her first movie premiere🎬
fem!reader x mick schumacher
summary- just them being cute and in love <3
vettel!reader x mick schumacher
summary- y/n Vettel + mick schumacher= real life Romeo and Juliet
sainz!driver reader x mick schumacher
summary- the youngest sainz and the youngest schumacher are in love🫶🏼
fem!reader x mick schumacher
summary - y/n and mick being simps for eachother 🫶🏼+ a birthday post for reader :D
fem!reader x Paul aron
summary - soft launching your relationship with Paul aron
footballer!reader x alex albon
summary- Alex and y/n are supportive of eachother <3
driver!reader x oscar piastri
summary- reader has adhd and she’s super bubbly and fun ,Oscar’s smitten
fem!reader x Oscar piastri
summary- (one shot) Oscar’s dating his childhood bestfriend and they visit Australia for the Grand Prix and spend some quality time together 🫶🏼 ps. theres a promise ring at the end 🙈💍
wife!reader x toto wolff
summary- toto spoiling his wife on her birthday<3
wolff!reader x Sebastian vettel
summary- Lewis said seb would be back but he didn’t expect to return dating toto wolffs daughter
Wolff!reader x Sebastian Vettel
summary- part two of this! ^^ Toto and seb becoming besties and his reaction to finding out your dating 🎀
wife!reader x Sebastian Vettel
summary- just y/n and seb having the cutest family<3
fem!reader x Logan sargeant
summary- them being cutie patooties!
summary- soft launching (if you can call it that)
877 notes · View notes
yasminewestbank · 9 months
idk if you have insta but this fluffy ass horse reminds me of yasmine’s yakut horse LOL —@dinosaurvalley
thats an AMAZING horse holy shit. thank u for sharing
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onlyrainbowshipstbh · 8 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Yasmin via her Insta!
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