#inspector gadget episode: haunted castle
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bostoniangirl85 · 3 years ago
‘Inspector Gadget’ episode review: “Haunted Castle”
I was going to go in episode order for this series, but with the Halloween season I couldn’t resist reviewing my favorite episode.^^
One thing I love about the early episodes of the 80s series is that Gadget isn’t completely incompetent and I think that’s something later adaptations of the IG franchise lost along the way. I feel like later adaptations made Gadget too childlike and idiotic, which makes him less interesting as a character IMO. That’s one reason I love “Haunted Castle” so much - it’s an episode (alone with “Mad Trap”) that shows that Gadget can be quite resourceful when needed. And who doesn’t love a classic haunted house/castle tale?^^
Penny and Brain are going with Gadget in this episode, rather than sneaking after him, and we see this happen in other episodes as well. Which makes me think that Gadget takes Penny and Brain with him if he knows he’s going to be gone for more than a few days. In other episodes Gadget doesn’t take his family along because he insists it’s too dangerous, so that’s an interesting detail here.
I love the idea of Brain being scared of ghosts.^^ The poor dog’s nerves are probably shot by the time Penny’s a teen from all the danger he’s face, but Brain is also very brave just like his two humans.
Good lord, Gadget, I hope you don’t teach Penny to drive! Actually, Penny’s probably already a far better driver at 10 than her uncle.
Something that I’ve always wondered about...is/was Quimby a secret agent? Yes, he’s Gadget’s boss as the chief of police, but why would Quimby attend an international law enforcement conference if his jurisdiction was only within Metro City? I have so many theories about this and Quimby’s background, but all I’ll say for now is that I do think Quimby isn’t *just* the chief of police. He’s clearly a master of disguise as well and I think Quimby has some other role, which is also why Gadget acts more like a secret agent than a city-bound police inspector.
Gadget has a good point about Count Dracula’s hideout being too obvious.^^
The scene where Gadget saves Penny and Brain from falling into his ravine with his Gadget arm is one of my favorites. Poor Penny’s horrified expression when she thought Gadget had fallen really shows how much she cares about him. Although I do wonder why didn’t Gadget just press the button from inside the car? The only reason I can think of is that he weighs a lot more than a regular man would, and wanted to relieve the car of the extra weight to buy some time. This scene also shows that Gadget *can* think on his feet, especially when it comes to Penny and Brain’s safety. He was all business here and I loved it.
I find it so ironic that Gadget doesn’t believe in anything supernatural and yet in another episode he was obsessed with a four-leaf clover. I think this is another example of gaps in his memory/reasoning.
This is another minor detail but I really like how Penny is still young enough that she’s nervous being in the castle, and asks Gadget not to get too far ahead of her. Don’t get me wrong, Penny is *very* brave and I love that about her, but I also think it gives her character more depth to show that despite her courage and brilliance she’s still very young and still at an age where she needs Gadget’s reassurance. It makes her more real and human.
“These are probably priceless, fake artifacts!” Oh lordy, Gadget *snorts*
How long do Gadget’s arms extend anyways?! Also, Gadget can clearly understand some of what Brain says when the latter tries to tell him Penny is in the basement, which is an interesting little detail.
The fire scene made me think about something - is Gadget’s coat made of some special, fire-proof material? It wouldn’t surprise me if it was. Also, Gadget’s skin must be mostly synthetic and able to withstand extreme temperatures given how often he’s caught in explosions/fire.
Right after the fire scene Gadget says they should go back upstairs and looks around suspiciously. This might be me reading too much into this scene, but Gadget clearly knows something’s up. He’s got enough self-awareness to be suspicious/cautious of his next move, even if it did take him a while to catch on. This makes me think that Gadget is more self-aware at times than we see in the show, especially when it comes to Penny’s safety. And he’s competent and decisive when it matters, like we saw with the ravine scene earlier and just now with him putting out quite a large fire.
Of course my favorite scene in this episode is Gadget catching Penny when they both fall though the trapdoor.^^  That required extremely fast reflexes on Gadget’s part and it’s just so sweet.
All in all, this is one of the top episodes IMO of the entire IG franchise.
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aardwolfpack · 4 years ago
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I was watching the Inspector Gadget episode “Haunted Castle” and noticed this portrait of Donald Trump.
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randompanimation · 4 years ago
Hi! Could you do the spooky scenery from the Inspector Gadget episode Haunted Castle?
I’ll look into it and do my best
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bostoniangirl85 · 4 years ago
Inspector Gadget: ‘Haunted Castle’
I just love this episode - it’s in my top 3 best episode lists of the original 80s series. I just love the scene where Gadget and Penny fall through the fake wall and in the next scene we see that Gadget has Penny safely in his arms and takes the brunt of their fall, making sure his niece is safe and unharmed.  
I also really, really like this episode because Gadget seems a bit more competent than he does compared to Season 2. Just a great episode overall.^^
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bostoniangirl85 · 4 years ago
Inspector Gadget fanfic preview: ‘Ghosts of Transylvania’
A sequel to my favorite IG episode, ‘The Haunted Castle’, as well as my fanfic ‘Through Thick and Thin’.
This particular scene take place towards the end of the fic. Brief summary - Penny is 14; she, Gadget, and Brain return to Transylvania to investigate evil machinations, M.A.D. conspiracies, and legends of a vampire haunting the local village. 
Plus I just wanted to write something fluffy and fun after all the angst I’ve written. Enjoy!
The band quickly struck up a pounding, fast-paced tune, and soon the villagers were clapping and dancing despite the tavern being packed near to bursting.
Gadget quickly sidestepped to avoid a young couple that had actually decided to dance on one of the tables given the lack of room (he suspected a bit too much beer on their part but as they weren’t underaged he’d let it go this once). The young man stumbled, nearly falling off the table, until Gadget’s extended hand caught him by the collar, steadying him.
“Thanks, Inspector! You should join in!” the man laughed as he twirled his partner around, not even batting an eye as Gadget’s arm telescoped back to its normal length.
Shaking his head at the wildness of today’s youth, Gadget leaned against the wall to avoid any more dancers (or having any drinks spilled on him). He watched with a smile as a woman pulled Penny into a chain of men, women, and children.
Her golden hair whisked among the dancers and Gadget would have been perfectly content to stay there all night, watching his niece dance, until suddenly she was right in front of him.
“Come on, Uncle! It’s fun!” she said, face flushed as she took his hands in her own. “I don’t know the steps...” Gadget protested as his niece pulled him into the crowd.
“That doesn’t matter - I don’t think there are any steps!” Penny laughed, beaming with such life and joy that it nearly took his breath away.
Feeling a bit like a clumsy ox next to a graceful doe, Gadget reluctantly let Penny pull him into the crowd. When Penny had been much younger they had playfully danced together to the radio at home, but never like this with so many people around them.
Gadget had never really been fond of dancing, even from before he had become a cyborg. Penny noticed his hesitation and gave him a quick hug.
“No one’s going to laugh at you, Uncle,” said Penny softly, so that only Gadget with his enhanced hearing could hear. “They just want you to enjoy yourself.” Gadget nodded, relaxing somewhat as he wrapped one arm around Penny’s waist, taking her other hand in his own as they moved with the crowd.
“It’s okay to have fun,” Penny added, laughing as they were jostled a bit by the excited crowd of dancers. “That means you too Brain!” she called to the dog, who barked excitedly, tail wagging.
The band sped up their tune to an even faster one and the crowd sped up as well. Soon the very floorboards were shuddering under so many pounding feet. 
Penny laughed as they were pressed close together from all sides. Gadget felt his self-consciousness fade at seeing how happy his niece was. His eye suddenly caught sight of the clock above the entrance and he smiled down at his niece.
“Wowsers, Penny, it’s midnight! That means it’s your birthday!” he nearly had to shout above the noise but didn’t mind. “I almost forgot!” the girl exclaimed breathlessly.  Suddenly feeling mischievous and much more confident, Gadget suddenly put both hands on Penny’s waist and lifted her up above him, twirling her around.
“Uncle Gadget, put me down!” Penny half-gasped, half-laughed, once again amazed at her uncle’s strength as he effortlessly held her. 
She wrapped her arms around his neck, laughing as they twirled around until the room spun in a wash of color around them. She leaned her forehead against her uncle’s and relaxed completely in his arms, knowing he wouldn’t drop her.
Gadget shook his head, suddenly feeling more human than he had in a long time. He kept his arms wrapped around Penny’s waist, one hand resting against her back to keep her steady.
“Can’t do that, Penny! It’s your birthday!” he said with a grin.
“Oi, it’s your birthday? Happy birthday, kid!” 
“Yes, happy birthday!”
“Many happy returns, my dear!”
The girl blushed and waved her thanks at the villagers who were now in full swing, shouting and clapping and whistling as they danced with abandon. The count had certainly been correct when he had said that they knew how to throw a party, she thought.
Gadget watched his niece’s beaming face and was once again struck by the utter trust Penny had in him. He had felt her immediately relax as soon as he had picked her up, only surprise and joy in her face when so many other people had often given Gadget looks of horror and fear (he wasn’t quite as blind as everyone thought).
“Happy birthday, Penny,” he murmured, hoping his tone conveyed his feelings. Penny never failed to remind him that he was still human despite everyone else seeing only a machine.
Penny smiled gently down at him, her hair a complete mess and hanging in a golden mass that brushed against Gadget’s skin as she playfully kissed his nose.
“You’re amazing, Uncle Gadget.”
Gadget blushed a bit but didn’t put her down as the music and laughter swelled around them. 
They would both be exhausted tomorrow morning but maybe he could convince Chief Quimby to let them stay a bit longer.
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