#insp: linley spellman
illusionswrites · 2 years
They said, "If you keep carrying on like this, you won't even be the person people root for in your own stories." I said, "Good."
from Artemis Made Me Do It by Trista Mateer
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illusionswrites · 2 years
Swamp creature. All unwashed mouth, all river mud. You overgrown bramble. You outrageous thorn. Unafraid of a little blood. Unafraid of a lot. Opposition trembles before you. Runs away and tells stories of your unholiness. Your dirt and your anger. All your bite. Reputation doesn't precede you; it follows you around with its tail between its legs. It cowers in your shadow. Curse the words of those who tried to bury you. Bless your inability to stay down.
She Of the Woods from Artemis Made Me Do It by Trista Mateer
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illusionswrites · 5 years
This will be visceral. There will be no apology. When you are a hunted thing, you long learn that apologies were not built for you. So you learn to become the hunter. Teach your bones the magic. The music. You will be no lamb to the slaughter. So what if you are only human? You can turn brutal people into cautionary tales by raising your voice. You just need to learn the art of thunder. The craft of soft war.
“A War Named You” from Your Heart Is The Sea by Nikita Gill
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illusionswrites · 6 years
You can hate me for it But I am both nightmare and sin I wear thunder underneath this skin I am both storm and calm I am queen of all the hearts I consume You made me this thing that you do not like Now nothing will save you when you look into the mirror when you try to sleep at night
excerpt from Wonderland Villain by Nikita Gill
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illusionswrites · 6 years
"bitch," he spits. "witch," he sneers. & i say, "actually, i'm both."
reclaim everything. the witch doesn’t burn in this one by amanda lovelace.
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illusionswrites · 4 years
My witchcraft does not answer to you. I did not come here for your validation, for your words to bring out the best in me, when I am already the best I can be. I came here to tell you my magic is mine and mine alone. You can love me, or hate me, but this is how I was made, thunder skinned and lightning boned.
“What To Say When They Think You Have Come To Them For Validation” from Your Heart Is The Sea by Nikita Gill
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