#inshallah hers will too 🙏
rainofthetwilight · 6 months
pray for me ya'll.....trying to convert my sister from being a harumi hater to a harumi lover 😔 she's already a big misako lover alhamdullilah, now I need her to be a harumi lover, ya rab ameen 🙏
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flyingcakeee · 5 months
not sure if this will be helpful at all but i will try!!
first, read the indycar beginner's guide! made by mama_gforce and pinned on her twitter, i think someone has posted it here, too. (it will be more helpful for the actual racing side of things)
root for whatever driver speaks to you. just scoop one up. im partial to kyle kirkwood and will power!
have fun, be silly, and ask questions!! the indycar community is so very welcoming.
download the indycar app if you havent already, its super user friendly and helpful.
watch 100 days to indy if possible, gives you some good insight on the drivers lives and personalities!
the indycar youtube channel is also really good! posts highlights after the race, and often full races from 1+ years ago.
follow the drivers on social media, most are really active and interact with fans often.
and get excited for the month of may!! the whole entire month is just an event!! the energy is so perfect, a month full of silliness and racing!! whats there not to love? i cant even put it into words, you truly just have to experience it to understand.
you might be confused at first, but it will click really easily in no time.
welcome to indycar!!
This is the cutest and most helpful message I've gotten 🥹
Thank you so much, will go watch 100 days to Indy now and I'll figure it all out from there! I at least know a few drivers but I always like to learn more :D
Thank you mysterious anon, inshallah you have a good day 🙏🥹
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crimecraving · 2 months
Hi, I hope you are well. My name is Mohammed Atallah, I live with my parents, 6 sisters, a little girl and a little boy named Amir, my father is sick and needs a chemotherapy dose and I was shot by an explosive bullet in my left leg and it destroyed my house and the house of my sister, the mother of the little children, and destroyed her husband's livelihood. I beg you to visit my page, view it and donate via the link in my bio 💔 Donate and share widely 🆘🆘 Every euro will make a difference 🙏 I urge you to donate. Even the smallest amount can make a big difference. Not only does he need to be evacuated with his family, but he is in dire need of surgery! The IDF shot him in the arm with an explosive bullet. Not an ordinary bullet. An explosion. So he needs to be treated immediately! Otherwise, he will get an infection and it could lead to amputation. We don't want that to happen, do we? So contribute! Make sure to retweet his story and share his story if you can't do so. Help my family. War is devastating. There is nothing left to live on. No schools, no universities, no home, no dreams. All dreams shattered. Please help before it's too late. Please share on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. The campaign is documented by @90-ghost
I cannot donate at the moment, but I will spread this. Inshallah you get the money you need.
As stated, this was vetted by @/90-ghost.
He and his family are currently at €7,681 / €82,000 of their campaign goal.
Please donate if you are able, and share with this link.
My link in full: https://www.gofundme.com/f/bone-grafting-operation-for-muhammad-house-reconstruction
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niant111 · 2 years
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140223 • She has a pure big heart. Why you gotta be so rude, Uma? Don't worry too much. Don't be too emotional. She's just acting her age. Tomorrow will be better. Always. InshAllah. Enjoy your time🥺🙏✨😭
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