#insert photo of random fabric rectangles
Sewing is so fun! It’s so relaxing! Using a sewing machine is fun and nice and I enjoy it. UNFORTUNATELY the main part of making clothes isn’t SEWING it’s PATTERNING which is EVIL AND CAN GO DIE
3 hours of math just so I can cut shit out for the MOCK-UP so I can cut it out A THIRD TIME
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wastelesscrafts · 2 years
Project: handkerchief top
I bought a parcel of random vintage textile scraps a while ago, which included a pile of cotton handkerchiefs. This reminded me of this wonderful handkerchief to top refashion by Sew Historically.
While I love Edwardian fashion, I decided to go for a more modern spin on Sew Historically's top and turned my handkerchiefs into a tank top with insertion lace.
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(Image source) [ID: photo of a person modelling a white camisole top made out of handkerchiefs, followed by an outline of how to cut and sew handkerchiefs and lace into said camisole. Text: "Handkerchief To Top. Edwardian Handkerchief Camisole. www.sewhistorically.com".]
The project:
I have four white cotton handkerchiefs, but decided to use only three of them because one of them has a beautiful hand-embroidered monogram that I want to keep for study purposes rather than crafts. The other ones are blank.
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[ID: three white cotton handkerchiefs. Two have been folded into triangles and are lying next to each other. A third one lies unfolded on top of the other two. The handkerchiefs have decorative white stripes crossing each other woven into the fabric at the edges.]
I started out by folding my handkerchiefs into triangles and playing around with shapes. I originally planned on making a matching yoke, hence the paper pattern on the photo below, but decided against it and went for straps instead.
I ended up with a somewhat similar layout as Sew Historically's top: I folded my rectangular handkerchiefs in half on the bias. Once laid out together, I got a rectangle that was sufficiently wide to cover my bust and has enough extra room to be slipped over my shoulders. I only needed two handkerchiefs for this, which meant I had a spare one for straps and extra details.
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[ID: three white cotton handkerchiefs folded along the bias to form one large triangle and two smaller triangles. Put together, they form a rectangle. A paper pattern for a yoke lies above the handkerchiefs.]
I ironed my handkerchiefs, drew my cutting lines on them with chalk, then cut them up.
This gave me two large triangles for the centre front and back and four smaller ones for the sides. I could've just used four large triangles instead of two large ones and four smaller ones, but I wanted to add insertion lace at the sides.
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[ID: two white handkerchiefs lying on an ironing board. Purple chalk lines have been drawn on both. The handkerchief on the left has one diagonal chalk line while the one on the right has two.]
I hemmed my raw edges and took a final picture of my pieces laid out flat so I had something to refer to in case I forgot what I was planning halfway the project. ADHD is fun.
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[ID: three white cotton fabric triangles laid out as to form a wide rectangle.]
I attached my lace to my triangles with tiny whipstitches. The lace I used for this is a cotton lace with a simple design and straight edges of which I had two reels in my stash.
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[ID: two pieces of white fabric lying next to each other. An end of white cotton lace is lying in between them.]
I sewed my lace and fabric together into a tube, then slightly gathered the fabric at the top and added a lace trim above the gathers. This concluded the basic construction of my tank top.
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[ID: a white fabric tube made out of triangular pieces of cotton attached to each other with white insertion lace. The tube is slightly gathered at the top.]
I then used my third handkerchief to make straps and trims, and finished the top and bottom of my tank top with said trims and extra lace.
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[ID: a white cotton tank top lying on a wooden floor. The top has white insertion lace and thin cotton straps.]
My new tank's all done! The top part is fitted to my bust thanks to the gathers while the bottom part is wide enough to slip over my shoulders without needing fasteners.
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[ID: a white tank top made out of cotton handkerchiefs and cotton insertion lace, handing from a wooden hanger in front of a white background.]
Turns out my new top matches my summer petticoat. This means I now have the perfect hot weather underwear combo to protect my clothes from sweat.
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[ID: a white tank top lying on a wooden floor, along with a white cotton petticoat with a button closure at the side and a long pointy lace trim at the bottom with flower embroidery.]
The light weight cotton of my handkerchiefs is the perfect material for underwear and summer clothes. Combined with the ventilation of the insertion lace, this resulted in a great hot weather tank top. I can wear it as both a top and an undergarment.
A project like this is a fun way to use up old handkerchiefs or small fabric scraps. I kept my tank's shape simple, but you could add some shaping to the top if you want so it sits closer to your collarbone without digging into your armpits.
Adding eyelet lace like Sew Historically's version is also a great way to add versatility to a top like this. By running a ribbon through the eyelets, a top like this could be tightened or loosened on the fly. This allows the fit to accommodate for weight fluctuations.
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azwriting · 5 years
There’s No “I” in Escape (Forget Me Not, Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader) - Chapter Four
Hi everyone! Here is chapter four, I also changed the story to be reader insert, in case anyone was confused. Let me know if you want to added to the taglist!
Summary: (Y/N) tries to escape being captured on a Star Destroyer, but a certain photograph and person stand in the way.
Warning(s): Blood, Violence, reader kicking ass
Word Count: 2249
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Kylo Ren had been gone for over half an hour and (Y/N) still sat on the cold black floor, tucked into herself, rocking slightly. She had found herself captured before, this was not something uncommon for a Resistance Fighter, but this was new territory all together. She had never been abducted and taken to a First Order ship before, let alone been locked away in the personal quarters of the new Supreme Leader. 
What was more disturbing was the fact that Kylo seemed to know her name, but (Y/N) simply chose to categorize that knowledge as a Force User’s mind trick. She had heard the legends around Hosnian Prime and even the Resistance bases, the Force was real and so was the Light and Dark side… Kylo Ren being a prime example of the Dark side. 
(Y/N) was not sure what the man had in store for her, but she was concerned, no matter how oddly out of character the menacing buckethead was behaving… Everyone in the galaxy knew of the blistering hot temper hidden within the confines of his tight little helmet.
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       The laughter of a child echoed through the quarters, woke (Y/N) from her half dazed slumber. The rebel shot up, eyes widened in confusion and fear at the noise bouncing throughout the room. The quarters were empty, no child in sight, yet she could still hear the faint giggles from somewhere, the bedroom. (Y/N) bounded down the short hallway, entering the now silent gray and black bedroom. What in the Maker was happening? 
Her eyes searched the room, nothing standing out, until she saw the partially opened drawer built into the wall. (Y/N) walked over to it, hesitant, a part of her knowing she was going to find more than Kylo’s folded clothing.
 Her dirty trembling hand reached forward and yanked the drawer further out, wincing slightly, afraid of the contents. Peeking over the shoulder level drawer, (Y/N)’s eyes fell onto stacks of neatly aligned black fabric, nothing of any remote interest. Sighing, the girl feeling a tad foolish for assuming something far worse, (Y/N) goes to close the drawer. Just before the drawer closed completely, the faint laugh was heard again. 
Ripping open the drawer once again, (Y/N) caught sight of a small dip in the bottom of the drawer. She removed the clothing hastily, tossing it messily onto the bed behind her. Lifting the false paneling of the drawer, revealed two items: something cylinder shaped wrapped heavily in torn brown fabric and a small faded white rectangle lying beside it. 
(Y/N) instinctively reached for the thick paper, turning it over in her hands. It was a small faded, old, photograph of a smiling young woman, with long wavy brown hair flowing in the breeze, sitting in a large green meadow in between two young laughing children. A boy with thick curly black hair was on her right and a girl with two medium length braids falling over her shoulders, was on the left. (Y/N) knew the woman instantly, she could pick her out in a sea of people, General Organa… which only meant the boy was her son, Kylo Ren. She continued to stare at the two, not understanding how something so bright and happy had turned to something dark and angry, when something caught (Y/N)’s attention.
 In a flash, (Y/N) was pulling the picture closer, examining it. Deep harsh breaths began to stagger out of (Y/N)’s mouth as the photo slipped from her hand, softly cascading down to the floor. She wobbled back, out of the room, her chest tightening as she tried to process what she just saw. What in the stars was going on? What did it mean? 
The main door in the small kitchen, shot up, unveiling a black medical droid shuffling into the room. (Y/N) did not think twice before she pushed past the droid and bolted to the left, past the two Stormtroopers who stood guard. 
“Hey, get back here!” One shouted after her, but (Y/N) ignored him pushing on harder down the hall, her boots slapping heavily against the reflective tile. She was running around blindly unsure of where to go, taking sharp turns down random hallways, trying to lose her company. Seeing a divot in the hallway up above, (Y/N) quickly dove into the door frame, hiding.  
She watched as the two Stormtroopers ran past her hideout, still in search of her. (Y/N) took a moment to catch her breath, leaning against the wall, her mind still in disarray over what she had seen. (Y/N) had many unanswered questions about her past, like for example: How had she forgotten 18 years of her life? Why had no one ever cared to look for her? She had to be missing from someone’s life, right? This new revelation, this new puzzle piece she had found, how did it fit into her unfinished disastrous puzzle of a life?
       Once (Y/N) was certain the coast was clear, she stepped back out into the quiet hallway, heading back the way she came from, but making a quick right instead. (Y/N) could hear loud voices echoing up ahead, orders, mandates, and reports all being thrown around… the Command Bridge.
 (Y/N) winced, her nose scrunching up, as she realized she had taken a wrong turn. She quietly tiptoed back, begging for her shoes to be quieter, until she bumped into something hard, something that moved back from her force. She quickly turned to face the obstacle, two Stormtroopers standing idle behind her. The Troopers eyed her curiously, before their intercoms both began to relay a message. “The Supreme Leader’s prisoner has escaped, be on the lookout, but no harm is to come to her” a disembodied voice informed. 
The Stormtroopers turned their attention back to (Y/N), who shrugged sheepishly, “I saw her go that way.” She pointed to her left, the Stormtroopers faces never leaving hers, clearly not buying it. 
“Put your arms behind your back” the one to her right instructed, advancing forward. 
“Well, it was worth a shot.” (Y/N) quickly ducked out of the grasp of the right Stormtrooper, ripping the blaster from his hands. She shot the one before her, moving his body to lay flush against hers, shielding her as (Y/N) pointed the blaster to the other Trooper. The other fumbled slightly as he pointed his blaster at her, instructing her to put down her weapon and surrender. (Y/N) only smirked, shooting the Stormtrooper, releasing the dead one in her grip as well, “Always shoot first.” 
Incoming running boots cut her victory short as another three Stormtroopers ran out of the Bridge doorway up ahead, stopping at the sight of her. They faltered for a moment at the sight of the two dead behind her, but (Y/N) only motions for them to advance, “C’mon boys, I don’t have all day.” 
The three moved forward, but (Y/N) promptly shot one down. The other two rushed forward, tackling her down to the floor, ripping the blaster from her hand in the process. She struggled against the two, punching and kicking harshly, getting a few good licks in, before the one on top of her drove his fist across her face. (Y/N) immediately tasted blood, her lip burning in the process, but she ignored it using her elbow to repeatedly attack the one Stormtrooper in the head. 
He fell back in pain and (Y/N) pushed the second one off of her and moved to deliver the final blow, punching him harshly against his white helmet. He fell back unconscious and (Y/N) in a haste, whipped around to the second Stormtrooper, still behind her where she had pushed him aside. 
She heaved him back to the ground, clambering on top of him, her hands quickly wrapping around his throat, cutting off his air supply. The remaining Stormtrooper fell unconscious rather quick and (Y/N) stumbled back up, trying to reign in her ragged breathing. 
“Who’s next?” She questioned, raising her arms outwards, eyeing the five bodies surrounding her on the floor. 
“I’m impressed.” (Y/N) whipped around to see the red-headed General, leaving the bridge, an amused look in his eyes but a scowl on his lips. “I guess you” She huffed, stalking forward. The General’s amused look fell, turning into one of plain fear, the man was a coward, hiding behind the First Order. Her face was blank, emotionless, as she assessed the man’s stance… too much pressure lying in his legs. 
Once she was close enough, (Y/N) dipped down extending her one leg out to swipe at the back of his knees. His knees buckled instantaneously, dropping down roughly and (Y/N) wasted no time spinning him around and pressing her arm tightly against his neck. The redhead sputtered frantically, grasping roughly at her arm, surely leaving behind trails of red nail marks. Slowly the General began to stop fighting, falling unconscious in (Y/N)’s arms.
       Heavy boots thundered against the tile, bounding in hurriedly… Dear Maker not another one, her right side was killing her. (Y/N) looked up to see a man with thick black hair, a scar traveling down the right side of his face, adorning black robes and a look of pure shock on his face, at the sight before him. His whiskey brown eyes surveyed the five dead or unconscious Stormtroopers sprawled out on the ground behind her and the General limp in her arms. (Y/N) let the General drop to the ground with a heavy thud as she stood back to her full height. (Y/N) wiped the blood trickling down her chin with the back of her hand, eyeing the towering man in front of her. 
His stature was distinct, one she had seen before as well as the clothing,  and his face was oddly attractive and hauntingly familiar… Kylo Ren without his mask. She had never seen him without his mask, even on Crait she could not see that far out, but a part of her deep inside told her she knew this face… knew him. The picture resurfaced in her mind and (Y/N) immediately tossed the idea away, choosing to focus on the monster in front of her. 
She stalked forward, moving with a strangely calm grace, the blaster that had been ripped from her hands sorely missed. Kylo’s eyes widened as he watched her move closer, eyeing him like one of her prey, knowing what she was planning. (Y/N)’s arms speedily shot forward, attempting to strike him, but each hit was easily deflected by Kylo’s massive gloved hands. This did not alter her confidence though, the two soon dancing around each other as her assaults were continuously averted by the Supreme Leader. He was almost smiling at her, at each attempted strike, and (Y/N) did not find his taunting attractive grin amusing. 
Finding her attempts to be futile, (Y/N) swiftly turned her assaults to Kylo’s abdomen. Her two hard kicks, took him by surprise, and he doubled over, the wind knocked out of him. Wasting no time, (Y/N) swung her leg over his body, leaping onto the sturdy hard back, legs wrapping around his arms, and tightly securing them to his sides. She wrapped her right arm around his throat, pulling his head back against her blood coated red sweater as she applied immense pressure on his windpipe.
 Kylo struggled against her, groaning at the lack of air intake. (Y/N) had heard how strong he was physically and with the force, she could feel the layers of bulky muscle beneath her, yet the man did seem to be putting up too much of a fight beneath her. “(Y/N)” he groaned, voice distorted from the pressure on his throat, but the voice was still deep and recognizable. 
Fire raced through (Y/N)’s mind, smoke clouding her vision, the person holding her back in her dreams was never clear, but his voice was, “No (Y/N), I can’t lose you too!” (Y/N) dropped down off of Kylo, staggering backwards in a daze, beginning to feel lightheaded. 
“W-Who are you?” 
Kylo turned around carefully to regard her, hand rubbing soothingly over his reddening neck, “You’re already putting it together.” (Y/N) shook her head frantically, her eyes beginning to burn. Where had she been, where there was a massive fire? Where innocents were slaughtered in a field? where Kylo Ren “The Jedi Killer” saved her? (Y/N)’s eyes widened, the story of General Organa’s son, before he became Kylo Ren, burning the Jedi Temple to the ground, killing all living Jedi, besides for Luke Skywalker and himself, reiterating itself in her mind. If this was the fire of her dreams, why had (Y/N) been there? 
“No, it’s not possible” She choked out, but the picture she found earlier began to swirl around in her mind again. More specifically, the necklace that hung around the little girl’s neck, a purple crystal tied at the end of a black leather rope, the same necklace currently hidden under (Y/N)’s red sweater. Tears streamed down her face, turning brown from the dirt still on her face, as confusion created a wave of pain inside her. (Y/N) thought of her adoptive parents, General Organa, and the photo, all of it proving to be too much. 
She began to feel even more lightheaded, her skin beginning to swelter from a deep interior heat, “I think I’m going to pass out.” (Y/N)’s vision darkened around the edges, tunneling around the intensely sympathetic brown eyes staring back at her. The last thing she remembered was sturdy warm arms wrapping around her…
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier Program 205
NEW! Starting TODAY, Watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 205, Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier! NEW! Starting TODAY, watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 205, Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier! with hosts Deanna Springer and Dana Casey from Team NZP! In this video, the Stitch it! Sisters share how to make our NEW! Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier. Our NEW! Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier design features an inner pocket for inserting a hot or cold pack, or for storing a potholder! Sew one of more of our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carriers. Wrap It Up! Casserole Carriers are ideal projects for beginner sewers!             Purchase one of our NEW! Exclusive Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier Bundle Boxes featuring two coordinating Wildflower Boutique Fabrics, Pellon Insul-Fleece, Cotton Handle Webbing, and Team NZP’s NEW! Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier Sewing Pattern – with full-color step-by-step instructions and illustrations! Now available at ShopNZP.com! Our NEW! Exclusive Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier Bundle Boxes are available in two limited edition colors and include everything you’ll need to make one NEW! Exclusive Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier.       Then, stop back here at The Nancy Zieman Productions Blog – next week Tuesday – when we’ll be sharing our step-by-step sewing tutorial for making our NEW! Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier. NEW! Wrap It Up! Casserole Carriers make great gifts for housewarmings, bridal showers, and wedding showers! Use Wrap It Up! Casserole Carriers for transporting hot or cold dishes to picnics or potluck dinners, or for keeping a dish hot or cold on your table. Our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier easily accommodates round or square casserole dishes up to 9″ x 9″! Our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier is adjustable with hook and loop tape closures! Our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier design features an inner pocket for inserting a hot or cold pack, or storing a potholder! NEW! Exclusive Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier Bundle Boxes – Yellow & Red   Our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier easily accommodates round or square casserole dishes up to 9″ x 9″! Our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier is adjustable with hook and loop tape closures! Our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier design features an inner pocket for inserting a hot or cold pack, or storing a potholder! NEW! Exclusive Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier Bundle Boxes – Green & Teal NEW! Starting TODAY, watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 205, Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier!   Related Posts Make our Potholder Plus in just two hours with our step-by-step sewing tutorial! Finished Potholder Plus measures approximately 8-1/2″ x 9-1/2″. Sew this super-quick Potholder Plus with one-half yard of fabric and two fat quarters and coordinating binding fabric! Make our No-Hassle Towel Topper in just two hours with our step-by-step sewing tutorial! Finished No-Hassle Towel Topper measures approximately 7-1/2″ x 20″. Sew this super-quick No Hassle Towel Topper with two fat quarters and a coordinating kitchen towel! We’re using Wildflower Boutique Fabrics! Showcase your kitchen style and hang this handy towel in your home, or RV. You’ll always know where your hand towel is hanging out! Make one or more of our NEW! Sew Organized Utility Totes featuring generous fabric shoulder straps! Choose from three roomy tote sizes – to meet your carry-all needs! Use Sew Organized Utility Totes to store pillows, bedding, and quilts! Keep one in your car for shopping in style with this reusable, and washable, Sew Organized Utility Tote!   NEW! Sew Organized Fabric Bins are fast and fun to make! Make one or more of our NEW! Sew Organized Fabric Bins – to coordinate with your sewing space, or any room in your home! 10″ x 10″ x 10″ Fabric Bins fit standard cube organizers, or set on a shelf! Sew a Fun Fabric Caddy in four hours – and tidy your sewing space — or use in any room of your home. The sewing is easy with just a few fabric rectangles and squares. Plus, pattern includes instructions for our Fabric Bin made from four 10″ fabric squares! In a couple evenings of sewing, you’ll have a unique fabric caddy & fabric bin set – that also make great gifts!   Make a Big-Bigger Laundry Bag that expands to handle laundry and/or storage needs. It’s a bag or tote that has both function and style! Reverse the Big-Bigger Laundry Bag for a whole new look. The sewing is streamlined with a few rectangles of sturdy canvas fabric and cotton quilting fabric. Our sewing tutorial includes adding secondary handles – that lend versatility to the Big-Bigger Laundry Bag!   Showcase your sewing, quilting, and/or machine embroidery talents! The Nancy Zieman Productions Team is excited to announce our 2021 Viewer’s Showcase, taking place February 1–28, 2021! You’re invited to submit up to five different project photo(s) of project(s) you’ve been making from one or more of Team NZP’s Books, Patterns, Tools, Videos, and/or Blog Tutorials. Team NZP will share project photos in an upcoming March Viewer’s Showcase posting on The Nancy Zieman Productions Blog. Email hi-res photo(s) along with your name and hometown city and state to [email protected], by February 28, 2021. You could win one of the 2021 Viewer’s Showcase Giveaways valued at over $200! Thank you, Clovis P. for sending your fabric bin photo for The 2021 NZP Viewer’s Showcase! Great Job! Email your project photos today to [email protected]!   Shop NEW! Exclusive Bundle Boxes at ShopNZP.com Shop Clover Tools & Sewing Supplies at ShopNZP.com! Shop Pellon Interfacing & Supplies at ShopNZP.com!   Shop NEW! Fabrics at ShopNZP.com   For a chance to be the random winner of a Stitch it! Sisters 5″ Short Stack with S!S button & sticker, please leave a comment below sharing your thoughts about our NEW! Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier. Nancy Zieman Productions will give away one Stitch it! Sisters 5″ Short Stack with S!S button & sticker to one US resident in the 48 contiguous states. Winner must reply withing 30 days to the official giveaway announcement email message – sent from Nancy Zieman Productions.   Happy Sewing! Team Nancy Zieman Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC. Stitch it! Sisters is a production of NZ Productions LLC. Content in this feed is © copyright 2021 by Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website. The FTC requires us to tell you that Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC has provided products by other companies in the course of doing business. The FTC requires us to advise you to take this information into consideration when reading this posting. Make sure you are subscribed to Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC enews mailing list so you won’t miss a thing. Sign up at nancyzieman.com/blog/enews. And join us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest! #CasseroleKeeper #HotDishCarrier #InsulatedCasseroleCarrier #WrapItUp!CasseroleCarrier #Featured
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/new-stitch-it-sisters-wrap-it-up-casserole-carrier-program-205
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier Program 205
NEW! Starting TODAY, Watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 205, Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier! NEW! Starting TODAY, watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 205, Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier! with hosts Deanna Springer and Dana Casey from Team NZP! In this video, the Stitch it! Sisters share how to make our NEW! Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier. Our NEW! Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier design features an inner pocket for inserting a hot or cold pack, or for storing a potholder! Sew one of more of our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carriers. Wrap It Up! Casserole Carriers are ideal projects for beginner sewers!             Purchase one of our NEW! Exclusive Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier Bundle Boxes featuring two coordinating Wildflower Boutique Fabrics, Pellon Insul-Fleece, Cotton Handle Webbing, and Team NZP’s NEW! Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier Sewing Pattern – with full-color step-by-step instructions and illustrations! Now available at ShopNZP.com! Our NEW! Exclusive Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier Bundle Boxes are available in two limited edition colors and include everything you’ll need to make one NEW! Exclusive Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier.       Then, stop back here at The Nancy Zieman Productions Blog – next week Tuesday – when we’ll be sharing our step-by-step sewing tutorial for making our NEW! Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier. NEW! Wrap It Up! Casserole Carriers make great gifts for housewarmings, bridal showers, and wedding showers! Use Wrap It Up! Casserole Carriers for transporting hot or cold dishes to picnics or potluck dinners, or for keeping a dish hot or cold on your table. Our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier easily accommodates round or square casserole dishes up to 9″ x 9″! Our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier is adjustable with hook and loop tape closures! Our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier design features an inner pocket for inserting a hot or cold pack, or storing a potholder! NEW! Exclusive Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier Bundle Boxes – Yellow & Red   Our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier easily accommodates round or square casserole dishes up to 9″ x 9″! Our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier is adjustable with hook and loop tape closures! Our Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier design features an inner pocket for inserting a hot or cold pack, or storing a potholder! NEW! Exclusive Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier Bundle Boxes – Green & Teal NEW! Starting TODAY, watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 205, Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier!   Related Posts Make our Potholder Plus in just two hours with our step-by-step sewing tutorial! Finished Potholder Plus measures approximately 8-1/2″ x 9-1/2″. Sew this super-quick Potholder Plus with one-half yard of fabric and two fat quarters and coordinating binding fabric! Make our No-Hassle Towel Topper in just two hours with our step-by-step sewing tutorial! Finished No-Hassle Towel Topper measures approximately 7-1/2″ x 20″. Sew this super-quick No Hassle Towel Topper with two fat quarters and a coordinating kitchen towel! We’re using Wildflower Boutique Fabrics! Showcase your kitchen style and hang this handy towel in your home, or RV. You’ll always know where your hand towel is hanging out! Make one or more of our NEW! Sew Organized Utility Totes featuring generous fabric shoulder straps! Choose from three roomy tote sizes – to meet your carry-all needs! Use Sew Organized Utility Totes to store pillows, bedding, and quilts! Keep one in your car for shopping in style with this reusable, and washable, Sew Organized Utility Tote!   NEW! Sew Organized Fabric Bins are fast and fun to make! Make one or more of our NEW! Sew Organized Fabric Bins – to coordinate with your sewing space, or any room in your home! 10″ x 10″ x 10″ Fabric Bins fit standard cube organizers, or set on a shelf! Sew a Fun Fabric Caddy in four hours – and tidy your sewing space — or use in any room of your home. The sewing is easy with just a few fabric rectangles and squares. Plus, pattern includes instructions for our Fabric Bin made from four 10″ fabric squares! In a couple evenings of sewing, you’ll have a unique fabric caddy & fabric bin set – that also make great gifts!   Make a Big-Bigger Laundry Bag that expands to handle laundry and/or storage needs. It’s a bag or tote that has both function and style! Reverse the Big-Bigger Laundry Bag for a whole new look. The sewing is streamlined with a few rectangles of sturdy canvas fabric and cotton quilting fabric. Our sewing tutorial includes adding secondary handles – that lend versatility to the Big-Bigger Laundry Bag!   Showcase your sewing, quilting, and/or machine embroidery talents! The Nancy Zieman Productions Team is excited to announce our 2021 Viewer’s Showcase, taking place February 1–28, 2021! You’re invited to submit up to five different project photo(s) of project(s) you’ve been making from one or more of Team NZP’s Books, Patterns, Tools, Videos, and/or Blog Tutorials. Team NZP will share project photos in an upcoming March Viewer’s Showcase posting on The Nancy Zieman Productions Blog. Email hi-res photo(s) along with your name and hometown city and state to [email protected], by February 28, 2021. You could win one of the 2021 Viewer’s Showcase Giveaways valued at over $200! Thank you, Clovis P. for sending your fabric bin photo for The 2021 NZP Viewer’s Showcase! Great Job! Email your project photos today to [email protected]!   Shop NEW! Exclusive Bundle Boxes at ShopNZP.com Shop Clover Tools & Sewing Supplies at ShopNZP.com! Shop Pellon Interfacing & Supplies at ShopNZP.com!   Shop NEW! Fabrics at ShopNZP.com   For a chance to be the random winner of a Stitch it! Sisters 5″ Short Stack with S!S button & sticker, please leave a comment below sharing your thoughts about our NEW! Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier. Nancy Zieman Productions will give away one Stitch it! Sisters 5″ Short Stack with S!S button & sticker to one US resident in the 48 contiguous states. Winner must reply withing 30 days to the official giveaway announcement email message – sent from Nancy Zieman Productions.   Happy Sewing! Team Nancy Zieman Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC. Stitch it! Sisters is a production of NZ Productions LLC. Content in this feed is © copyright 2021 by Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website. The FTC requires us to tell you that Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC has provided products by other companies in the course of doing business. The FTC requires us to advise you to take this information into consideration when reading this posting. Make sure you are subscribed to Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC enews mailing list so you won’t miss a thing. Sign up at nancyzieman.com/blog/enews. And join us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest! #CasseroleKeeper #HotDishCarrier #InsulatedCasseroleCarrier #WrapItUp!CasseroleCarrier #Featured
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