#insert Advent Children angst
bramblequeen · 1 year
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Silly Kingdom Hearts AU where the Destiny Trio are actually part of the OG FF7 world/Midgar, with Sora and Riku ending up as part of the Shinra SOLDIER program because their propaganda is insane. I wouldn’t put it past Shinra employing literal child soldiers…
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imagines-of-midgar · 5 years
Hello, I’m Mod Aeris and this is my self-insert writing blog for a few things Final Fantasy! This isn't my first writing blog (my first being a fire emblem writing blog), so I do have enough experience. I’m not sure how popular self-inserts in the ff community is, but considering I haven't seen that many - compared to the fe community -, I decided to simply make a blog and go with the flow of the community! 
The rules for requesting are under the cut. You can already request something of course. I have a ton of writing motivation for final fantasy, so stuff should come out faster than on my fe writing blog. 
  ོI write in form of drabbles and headcanons! I personally prefer drabbles - since drabbles are usually with more detail -, but! I also like headcanons. No worries! If you want headcanons, then I accept 3 characters per request. The more characters you request, the shorter the headcanons will be but I'll make them lengthy enough dw!
  ོLGBTQ+ is totally respected and loved on this blog! So feel free to send fem!s/o x fem!character and the same with the males of course! If gender is not mentioned for the reader, then I usually stick with gender neutral - but also sometimes go with straight pairings depending on the request!
  ོI accept tooth-rooting fluff, the good ole angst and naughty nsfw! (I won't write nsfw DRABBLES though, that goes out of my comfort zone. Headcanons are fine!)
  ོI do not write AUs! I personally really like sticking to the original but depending on the AU, I might accept. Something I would accept is: “How about an AU of Genesis not defecting and seeking help from his s/o instead after the degradation started?” or something like along those lines. So, I’m not the biggest fan of things like modern AUs but I accept minor AUs as long as it still involves the general idea of the game!
  ོI will definitely step up my game on this blog and reblog the nsfw alphabet, the sfw alphabet, starter sentences etc etc. for you to request. On my other blog I stick to headcanons, drabbles and the sfw alphabet. Will also do matchmaking if this blog hopefully gets noticed. If you request some of the alphabets, then the max. is 5 alphabets!
  ོAlong AUs, I also do not write Yandere! Please for the love of god, don't request that. If you love Yandere, then that’s loved and respected, but this is the wrong place for this stuff. Yanderes make me severely uncomfortable. 
  ོno incest, pedophilia and r*pe should be obvious. If you request something like that, your request will simply be deleted. 
  ོwhile I do not mind (trigger warning!!) writing a suicidal reader, I will for sure tag that so people who feel uncomfortable seeing that stuff, can simply block the tag. I will definitely tell you the tag once I have one set. Trigger warnings will of course be added as well. While I am here, I definitely will not write anything too gore-like regarding stuff like this. 
  ོI also of course accept platonic stuff! Those are my weakness like omgomg. 
𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝑰 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓:
▻ Final Fantasy II
▻ Final Fantasy V
▻ Final Fantasy VI
▻ Final Fantasy VII compilation (Crisis Core, VII, Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus)
▻ Final Fantasy VIII
▻ Final Fantasy IX
▻ Final Fantasy X/X-2
▻ Final Fantasy XIII series
▻ Final Fantasy XV (including Kingsglaive characters)
These are the only games I'll write for for now. I also plan to play IX and XII along with watching a gameplay of Type-0, though that’s a plan for the distant future. I work and go to school once a week, so yeah you get the drill. 
I write for most of the characters, except for Hojo and Hollander. If you request something Sephiroth, then I'll always write Crisis Core! Seph. (I miss him so much ouch damn...) If you request something with ughhh romantic headcanons with Hope, then I’ll go with XIII-2 Hope. I don't write romance for 14-years-olds.
That should be it for now. I’ll update this list from time to time and if I change something drastically, I’ll let you know. Same goes with adding new games to the request list. If there are any questions, send an ask! 
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