#insects mention -
bunny-lovers · 4 months
hi hi!! 🍜 💎 🌱 for the domestic asks :33
~ @crimsonsunrise
Hope you & your f/os have a great day & thank you for the ask! 😊 @dbloodmarch @hummingbirdheartbeats @reinaskywalker @tired-and-touchstarved @whispywoodland @menagerie-ships @goodmorningawfulbye
🛌- Do y'all sleep together or in separate beds? Who's more better about making the bed?
We sleep together & Rumi is more better about making the bed than I am.
🍽️- How often do y'all dine together? Do you both cook or is it only one of you?
We dine together sometimes, eat at a nice restaurant when she & I are out for a walk. Yes, we both cook!.
🍜- What are y'all's favorite meals to make? Do y'all like to make each other treats?
My favorite meals are: beef & broccoli with mushrooms, chicken & veggie curry, Chicken Veggie Risotto, & Red and Yellow Bell Pepper Omelet. Rumi's favorite meals are: Strawberry Fennel Salad, Tuna and Black Bean Salad Wrap, Spinach, Strawberry & Pecan Salad, & Chicken Parm Stuffed Peppers. Yes, we definitely do!
🗑️- Who takes out the trash? Who does most the chores?
We both take out the trash & Rumi does most of the chores.
🕷️- Who handles the bugs getting in the house and how so?
It depends on the size of the bug. If it's a small size, I handle it by killing it. If it's a big bug, then Rumi handles it by killing it as well.
🌱- Do you guys have any plants? If so, what kinds?
Yes, we do & they're Madagascar Dragon Tree, Zebra Plant, & Moon Orchid.
🐾- Do you guys have any pets? If so, show them!
No, we don't have any pets.
🧱- What does y'all's house look like? You can describe it, draw it, use images, or build it in a simulator! :D
It's a medium size home. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, medium size backyard, & big kitchen. It has cool colors inside the home. We live in a big city.
🏛️- How do you decorate your house?
We have cool colors for the walls, shelving, hanging plates, & wall-mounted planters.
💎- What is your favorite thing in the home? What is your f/os?
My favorite thing in the home would be is the dresser that has picture frames of Rumi & I. Rumi's favorite thing in the home would be her workout equipment.
📭- Who grabs the mail?
That would be me!
🌅- What is your morning routine like? Are you guys even awake at the same time?
Rumi & I are early birds & yes, we're awake at the same time. We do some kisses & cuddles in bed until we get out of bed to start making breakfast. We cook breakfast together. I have eggs over hard & 2 pieces of rye bread. Rumi makes avocado toast with yogurt. We eat at the kitchen table & talk. Once we get done eating, we get dressed for work of the day. Before one of us leaves, we give each other a kiss & tell each other to have a good day at work.
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queerbauten · 1 year
We were there [in West Berlin] a couple of days when Lydia, out wandering the streets, met Blixa Bargeld and was somewhat fascinated by this stick insect of a bloke in a rubber suit with animal hair stapled to it. She came back to the studio having told this bloke to get his band into the studio, and a couple of hours later, Einstürzende Neubauten turn up with this old truck and start dragging all these rusty steel springs and other metal junk in over this perfectly polished wooden floor. The engineer was having a meltdown!
Murray Mitchell in Lydia Lunch: The War Is Never Over: A Companion To The Film By Beth B by Nick Soulsby
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balladetto · 10 months
i think link deserves to catch fireflies with someone. or beetles. any bugs really. just as a completely whimsical thing with no burden of memories that would make his heart ache because catching bugs is a pastime he did by himself as much as he did with others and outside of home as much as in it 🥺
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sofiaflorina2021 · 4 months
I Want To See A Monarch Butterfly Again
Aww, I want to see a monarch butterfly again. I last saw this butterfly when I was little and it was scary. SpongeBob really traumatized me with its "Wormy" episode. I used to be scared by so many beautiful butterflies including monarch butterflies.
Now it is very difficult to find monarch butterflies, especially since I live in Indonesia, which they are not native here. They are native to North America. I might still be scared if I see a monarch butterfly again, it seemed like they wanted to bite me, haha.
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i'm enamored with the memetic internet slang "girls when x" however the use of gendered terms in reference to myself makes me uncomfortable so to rectify that i'm replacing "girls" with a random insect. grasshoppers when the fanfiction tagged as angst makes them cry. carpenter bees when they remember amy rose won't be playable in smash despite having potentially the most sick-ass finishing move. predacious diving beetles when edible cookie dough exists.
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caintooth · 2 years
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i was 15!!!!!!! i was 15, what did you do to me to make me think it was supposed to be like that? i wrote from your perspective for so long i started to think i wanted it too.
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arathergrimreaper · 1 year
I think I'm a cockroach queer. You know, virtually unkillable and determined to gross people out.
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6 for whoever wants to answer this?
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6. What made you head over heels for s/i? What lit that spark for you?
"It was how sweet and kind she is. She also listens when I talk to her, compliment me when I deserve it, she is patient with me, and always honest with me. It was the butterflies in the stomach of that spark for her. It's also being excited to be with her."
"Hope you have a wonderful weekend and thank you for the ask!"
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purgatorical · 2 years
Took a bite of my ice cream (mint chocolate and sprinkles) and it was crunchier than I expected.
My brain, oh so helpfully: BUGS bugs bugs bugs there are BUGS in your ice cream. Youre eating. BUGS. 
Me, eating another spoonful: probably not bugs.
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barxlupin · 2 years
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@noirbled asked:
“ here. hold my hand. you get scared again, squeeze tight, and i’ll help you. got it? “ / from sherlock.
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"I'm not s-scared..."
Contrary to her half-hearted protest, Enola grips Sherlock's offered hand with both of her own, already clammy with perspiration.
She'd walked ankle-deep in blood and guts and knee-deep in sewage water without flinching. It won't be something as stupid as an insect to get the best of her...
A cockroach almost twice the size of the one who had first startled her skitters out of the rotting floorboards, dangerously close to her foot, and Enola screeches, her grip on Sherlock's hand turning vice-like as she scrambles to hide behind his back.
Nope. No no no no. She can handle all sort of animal that would make proper ladies wrinkle their nose in disgust, from snakes to lizards to snails, even bloody rats, but bugs? Absolutely not.
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prokopetz · 1 year
One of the occupational hazards of being so preoccupied with game design as a discipline is that sometimes I'll have dreams that are just some unknown force explaining an idea for a game to me, and last night I dreamed what is possibly the most obnoxious mechanical premise for a game I've ever come up with.
In brief, it was a traditional JRPG-style game with an atypical levelling-up scheme. Rather than gaining XP or levelling up at milestones, party members would grow in power by finding and absorbing or ingesting these little extradimensional parasites, represented in the dream as small grub- or fetus-like creatures with smiling humanoid faces. These parasites would be found as treasure and enemy drops, and could freely be given to any party member, except for the player character; the player character alone was unable to use them for Plot Reasons, and was entirely reliant on equipment to grow in power instead.
Absorbing a parasite both granted permanent stat boosts and unlocked weird psychic powers. However, they'd also cause progressive personality changes in the party members to which they were assigned, reflected by changes in dialogue and interactions, and eventually in granting or denying access to particular side quests. This function of the parasites was undocumented, and would likely go unnoticed by the player on their initial playthrough, as they'd level up as they went and would never see the unmodified dialogues.
A further wrinkle is that this effect was mediated by the game's expected progression. Farming parasites and "over-levelling" beyond where the game expected you to be would accelerate the personality changes, while going deliberately under-levelled would slow them (i.e., by giving your party members more time to acclimate to having bugs in their brains); like the personality changes themselves, the existence of these hidden modifiers would not be hinted at to the player.
If you spent a long enough stretch of the game sufficiently over-levelled, you'd eventually receive a non-standard game over where your party would betray, kill, and eat the player character. Furthermore, this non-standard ending had a deliberate "eclipse phase" whereby it would wait for a while after you hit the required threshold before pulling the trigger, in particular making sure that you've saved at least once, leaving your save file irrevocably fucked.
As a final twist, the non-standard game over would only trigger after resting; though the game's mechanics would heavily incentivise resting on a regular basis, it would theoretically be possible to massively over-level your party on purpose and avoid the bad ending simply by never resting again, potentially as a speedrun strat. However, doing so would alter the game's ending to replace the usual final boss with a hopeless solo boss fight against your own massively over-levelled party.
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the-cabin-complex · 2 years
On a good note (not that there’s been any bad notes posted here at least), we went on a hike and saw a total of twenty five caterpillars of one sort, two of another, and some birds nest fungi (which we’ve never seen before)
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grandquest · 1 year
I was in gulf shores today looking for blind bags with my sister, I saw a velvet ant in person for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So awesome, wish I got a pic
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waspinators · 2 years
picked up a dead millipede from my workplace parking lot because it looked neat btw. if you ca
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hellsitegenetics · 5 months
...is this reaching you?
A little animal, on the floor of my chamber. I think I know what you are looking for.
You're stuck in a cycle, a repeating pattern. You want a way out.
Know that this does not make you special - every living thing shares that same frustration. From the microbes in the processing strata to me, who am, if you excuse me, godlike in comparison.
The good news first. In a way, I am what you are searching for. Me and my kind have as our purpose to solve that very oscillating claustrophobia in the chests of you and countless others. A strange charity - you the unknowing recipient, I the reluctant gift. The noble benefactors? Gone.
The bad news is that no definitive solution has been found. And every moment the equipment erodes to a new state of decay. I can't help you collectively, or individually. I can't even help myself.
For you though, there is another way. The old path. Go to the west past the Farm Arrays, and then down into the earth where the land fissures, as deep as you can reach, where the ancients built their temples and danced their silly rituals. The mark I gave you will let you through.
Not that it solves anyone's problem but yours.
String identified: … t acg ? A tt aa, t ca. t at a g . ' tc a cc, a atg att. at a a t. tat t t a ca - g tg a tat a tat. t c t cg tata t , a, c , g ca. T g t. a a, a at a acg . a a a t tat catg cata t ct a ct t. A tag cat - t g ct, t ctat gt. T act? G. T a tat t t a . A t t t t a tat ca. ca't cct, a. ca't . tg, t at a. T at. G t t t at t a Aa, a t t t at t a , a a ca ac, t act t t t a ac t ta. T a ga t tg. t tat t a' t .
Closest match: Cetonia aurata genome assembly, chromosome: 8 Common name: European Rose Chafer
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creaman · 4 months
Restaurant Balthazar || Full Scarecrow Comic
The 11-page Scarecrow comic that I made for @gothamhorrorzine! I never really recovered from the T.S. Eliot module in high school.
This project was a blast, and allowed vis dev for my Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow and comic art style.
Check out the Physical Merch | Full Digital Zine All proceeds go to Bat Conservation International!
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Physical Merch | Full Digital Zine Thank you for reading!
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