#insaneeeee how gorgeous she looks
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borgialucrezia · 20 days ago
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"It feels like Robin’s grown up a bit. She is more confident and is better able to deal with her anxieties. She’s also not restricted in terms of how many hours she puts into work [laughs]. And I think that also goes hand in hand with her career, she’s now a partner in the business with Strike and she’s got much more experience." — HOLLIDAY GRAINGER
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valalice · 2 months ago
HI!! i’m the anon who went to the saudi trip yesterday and boy do i have an update
okay so, when we went to the cultural center, it was GORGEOUS i wish i could put some pics (you can search saudia ithra) but it was HUUGEEE and the building was stunning
first they took us to the library area. FOUR FLOORS FILLED WITH BOOKS I WAS SO EXCITEDDDDDD I found some books i’ve been wanting to read so bad but it’s borrow only </3
then when the other bus of students came, the tour started and this woman explained to us about the impact islam had on some of the art pieces and its significance in the first gallery.
then she took us to another gallery which shows old artifact and calligraphy, even some pieces dating back to 1200 years ago WHICH IS CRAZYYYY. i saw old fighting armor and swords which was so fucking awesome?? like WOAH?? there were also some gorgeous paintings which showed how calligraphers often worked closely with painters, illuminators and gilders to create pages of great beauty from illuminated frontispieces for manuscripts of the Holy Qur'an and i was basically in awe the entire time.
we saw some crazy huge completely handmade carpentry and ceramic which was stunning. the mechanics of it (from what i understood) was that it was build to bring cool air in and keep it there back in the day. they showed us spanish pottery, also so beautiful that i fear my storage is gonna explode from HOW many pictures i took 🧍‍♀️
after that, they took us to the energy/science exhibit and the science nerd in me was jumping up and down but unfortunately they were rushing because we had to go and eat BUT it was so much fun there were tiny games where you could play and see how extracting oil works, how anticline and fault traps work for oil and how certain rocks are formed. i wwiiiisshh we continued since there also was a knowledge tower which i was interested in going.
after eating, they took us to this walk open area with restaurants and cafes to chill a little before we had to go. and as we were JUST about to leave, someone fainted and from there it went downhill because someone had a panic attack about it and it was crazy but thank god they’re okay. but when we were in the bus, a girl who was with the one who fainted told us that she had heart and stomach problems but didn’t take her medication soon and only took it after she drank coffee on an empty stomach and apparently her antibiotics were super strong and you had to eat first which is why she passed out and wasn’t able to move for a bit. god bless her soul i’m so glad she’s okay but girl 🧍‍♀️ and apparently it wasn’t the first time she’s done this especially since she knows how bad it can get? 😭
but she’s good now, i’m beyond happy about that and we reached back home at 9:30 pm when we were supposed to go back home at 5:30 pm 🧍‍♀️ over all it was reallllly fun despite the little turn of events.
okay WOW this is super long, i am soooo sorry about that 😭 you don’t have to respond to it <3
aww i wish i could see your pictures :( i guess anon doesn't allow you guys to upload pictures which is unfortunate, but i look it up and it looks incredible oh my god! and seeing a library like that must've been one of kind (a shame you couldn't take any of the books you found home 😞)
the art and history section ahhhh! i love art history that it's so cool that you learned all of that and was able to experience it all in person, definitely a little jelly haha. the armor and swords!!!! i love seeing that stuff so much, i could stare at it for forever just picking out the interstate details they'd put into those kind of thinks back then, and how they actually used to fight wearing it! 1200 years ago is insaneeeee, even now i'm still wrapping my head around humans being around for that long and all the advances that were made back then! i'd be in awe too if i wear you girl (and the photo storage i get that too, so many thing to capture but so little room on my phone)
fellow science nerd ahhh, so sad you guys didn't get to spend longer in the exhibit :(
oh my god i'm sorry to hear that about the girl :( glad she's okay though! and hopefully things like that don't happen to her too often, she's gotta be looking out for her health!
ahhh i'm so happy you had fun nonny! it definitely sounded like an eventful trip (minus the accidents towards the end) :b
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thekidsarentalright · 2 years ago
ONE MORE SLEEEEEP....... I'M READY FOR THE TOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR!!!!!!!!!! sorry couldn't resist lol <3 but hi again!!! i'm sooooooo fucking excited for the tourrrrr!!!!! that new pic of p2 is driving me INSANEEEEE like they're not gay but they're literally in love there. in friend love. you get it!!! best friends!!!!!! ugh and i looooove pete's milf look it looks so good on him. but you know who i was really staring aaaaaaat, we both knooooooow!!! sorry for extending my letters a lot that's just the vibe tonight <3 anyways she's soooo fucking beautiful in that photo!!!!!! my girl was just standing and playing but i got heart eyes just looking at her aaaaaah!!!!! she's gonna be on stage tomorrow i'm so fucking excited!!!!!!!!!! oh my gooooood we're gonna see what she's wearing tomorrow i'm so scared i'm sosososoosssssoooo excitedddddddd!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaah i hope you study well too!!!!!! peace n love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fkjnsdkfjsn hiiii bff omg i feel u i am SOOOO excited too like. it's so soon. the rest of the year is gonna be so fob filled idk how to handle it like... we're getting more p2 pics like that for the rest of the YEAR??? more of them being not gay but in love for monthssssss??? insane. and like absolutely pete is looking gorgeous and milfy and i love him but. i Do absolutelyyy know who we were both staring at... she was looking so radiant so gorgeous in his element <333 genuinely cannot believe patrick is gonna be real and on stage Tomorrow Night!!!!!! SOOOO excited to see what he's gonna be wearing like. what cardigan or plain colored tshirt is my babygirl gonna have on <333 (tho i'm rly hoping he wears something like that stardust baseball jersey he's worn a couple times augh)!!! sososososo excited for everything no matter what too, peace n love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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womanlives · 6 months ago
Mercy — or, rather, Meredith, one of the part-timers who mans the small little coffee shop down in the lobby — is hanging out with IT on the second floor. With Dinks, specifically. (Or David, if you want to be technical about it.) Her shift ended exactly forty-six minutes ago. She has a chocolate croissant in one hand, and she’s desperately trying to make a deal. “Stop changing his PC’s default font to Comic Sans, dude.”
Dinks grunts.
 “C’monnnn.” Mercy leans over the edge of his cubicle and wiggles the croissant in his face. “I pre-warmed it.”
Dinks reaches out a hand. Takes the croissant, unwraps it with two fingers, shoves it in his face, and wolfs it down. A pause. Then: “I’ll think about it.”
“You little sh — ” Mercy’s butt vibrates. She pulls out her phone, blinks, and raises both eyebrows.
Dinks doesn’t even look up. “Frank?”
“Fuck off.” Help. Uh oh. “You did warn him about the ping-pong tourney up on 10 today, didn’t you?” The interns had been buzzing about it in the café all morning.
“Didn’t you?”
A tiny little smirk. “Not my fault he unsubscribed from the teambuilding committee’s e-blasts.”
Mercy reaches over the cubicle, unplugs his monitor, and beelines it for the stairs. Elevator’s been acting up again — Sandra from Creative warned her on Tuesday when picking up her noontime snack — and Merce isn’t willing to risk it. She takes the stairs two at a time, stopping only for brief little “hiiiii”s and “how are youuuu”s to the people she passes along the way. You’d be surprised how many motherfuckers you get to know, lounging behind that counter at the coffee shop.
So no one questions it when she ends up in Finance. Floor 4. Just in time, too, because the elevator spits out a gaggle of laughing, loud people right in front of her. Ping-pong people. Looking for Frank. Did you see his serve—
Oh, has she ever.
They spot each other at the same time. It takes all thirty-odd years of pretend in Mercy’s system to plaster on a smile. Gorgeous. “Hi!”
“Hi!” A younger man waves. “Mer! Great!” He jerks a thumb in the direction of J — Frank’s office. “You know Frank, right?”
“A bit.” Her cheeks hurt. “Yeah. Why?”
“Oh, my god — dude’s insaneeeee at ping-pong! We need him on our draft!” They all look at the office. Door’s shut. Lights’re off. Blinds drawn. Mercy narrows her eyes. Got you, babe. “Damn. He isn’t here. Hey, you seen him?”
She taps her chin. “I coulda sworn I saw him up on six. Maybe in one of those new hybrid meeting rooms?”
“Cool, cool.” Dudebro shoots her thumbs up and a grin. “Thanks! Let’s go, guys, before Brandon finds him first.”
“Anytime!” Mercy gives them a little wave goodbye and busies herself with her phone. Sends one text: incoming. dont throw the stapler at me. Then, after checking over both shoulders to make sure the coast is clear, she opens the door to Frank’s office, and slips through. Sure enough, there he is. Hunkered like a cornered animal as far away as physically possible. The look she gives him is all sympathy, with a sinful little splash of amusement. Mercy arches an eyebrow at him.
“What’s this I hear about your serve, Frank?” He rolled up his sleeves, didn’t he.
live, laugh, loathe frank ( accepting ) — @womanlives
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This isn't what he came to the tenth floor for. All Frank wanted to do was to find that lousy dipshit of a project manager, have a discussion about the last monthly invoice, and retreat back to the den of his stupid fucking office. Sounded simple. Easy. A quick twenty minute trip, max.
Instead, the elevator almost broke down. Full on stalled for a solid minute before rocking ( concerningly ) up to the tenth floor. Then he tried to walk past a group of young professionals on the way to Steve's office. That mistake's on him. He should've known the gaggle of recent hires would latch onto him. Jie's fought more menacing and powerful enemies, but something about these corporate goers unsettle him deeply. They just don't let up with their advances.
Which is how he found himself playing two rounds in an ongoing ping pong tournament. No one, including himself, expected to turn out on top. But he did. And now there's half a dozen people crowing after him about participating in the next draft —
He needs to get away. Now.
It's the only reason he flees back down to the fourth floor, sans elevator. Slams his office door shut a little too hard. Keeps all the lights off ( the floor to ceiling window provides enough as is ), and practically wedges himself against the furthest wall and standing desk.
[ sms →🍗💕]: Help. Please.
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