#inquiry for a later fic? 👀
ahornedgod · 11 months
OMG!!! I'm so excited for the digimon and the hanahaki ones!!! But the ones I'm asking about is the joffsa one - either one or both? Is that Sansa and Joffrey??
You're a fan of digimon too!!! Blesssss you should've told me before!! And you can ask me about the hanahaki au anytime over discord 👀👀
Now, yes, Joffsa is Sansa/Joffrey, and here's the explanation/segment of both:
everyone lives au v.2; it's a shared project with @jeynewesterling and as the title implies, no one dies as they do in canon, not even Lady.
He isn’t expecting the slap across his face, nor the sting spreading over his cheek. Blinded in his resentment, he never saw her coming. He does expect the second swing, and stops her hand before it lands on him again. “You dare—” Cersei snarls, trying to get another hit in but it’s all too easy to stop her, hold her wrists and hold her attempts at bay. It enrages her, and her face twists the same way Joffrey’s had before he’s gotten to him. “I devoted my life to you!” No, you didn’t. There’s no anger behind that thought, he can’t claim to have been any different. Of all the things that have happened between them, all the things they shared, devotion was never part of it.
angst fest; it's an on-going project that started as a short gift but now it's pushing on the 100k words, i think. follows canon, kinda, up until the battle of blackwater (except Renly is still alive by then) and then it goes down a different road, it's the angstiest fic i've written, despite the following bit.
Behind him, she can see her ladies outside, can see Olyver making his way to them, pouting and at the verge of tears. A part of her still struggles to comprehend what she’s read, the other, stands and meets Olyver halfway to lift him in her arms, and lets him snuggle in her chest. “My love, what’s upset you?” A sob, her little boy rubs his wet cheeks on her shoulder. “Robby didn’t wait for me!” “Tis because you are too slow.” Robert scoffs, the sound an echo of his father’s. “I told you to hurry.” “I ran as fast as I could!” Sansa sighs, sending a gentle reprimand to her eldest while trying to soothe her little boy, so emotional he is. It’s a good thing Joffrey isn’t around. How her husband dislikes to see one of his sons burst easily into tears. “My love, I’m certain your brother didn’t mean to leave you behind,” she says, kissing his head. “Right, Robert?” He takes too long to reply, looking over the documents littering the table and ignoring her inquiry. Olyver peeks at him over her shoulder, whining wetly when his brother isn't quick to show the remorse he seeks. Sansa sighs again, making a mental note to have a talk with him later about his recent behavior, before adjusting Olyver firmly onto her left arm and reaching out for Robert with her right hand.
and that is all!
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allylikethecat · 8 months
I love it when you post writer asks, they make me so happy!
Yay!!! Thank you so much for sending over this Fanfic Writer Ask Game ask!! We all know I *LOVE* ask games and getting to answer questions about fic?! A great day for Ally lol. If anyone else wants to make my day and send me some questions the list can be found HERE.
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
Too many 💀 Officially, as in they are actively being posted I have five: It's Christmas (So This is Gonna Be a Nightmare) Make Way for Ducklings On a Friday You Know Where the City Is All the King's Horses Unofficially I also have the Vampire AU in the works and potentially a few other projects (both one shots and chaptered fics in my google drive 👀)
🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom?
Welllll back in the dark ages I saw a gif of Matty Healy from the Robbers video on Tumblr and was like oooo what's that, he's hot. Then I went down a rabbit hole, realized that was the same band that sang Chocolate, then found out about the Ashley/Halsey thing and was like omg it's the GUY, then the 2014 Taylor thing happened and I was like !!! then ILIWYS came out and was like this is such a vibe... forgot about them for a lil bit and was newly invigorated by A Brief Inquiry, the Notes came out and I was like this is vibey, but wasn't my favorite (I was wrong I'm sorry Notes I didn't appreciate you enough at the time of your release) then BFIAFL came out right when my life was falling apart and I was like Ah yes, the box band is back, time for them to be my entire personality again, nearly ten years later. This time in the obsession fanfiction actually existed and I went down a rabbit hole and now here we are... still just as obsessed even if my life is falling apart significantly less.
👑 Do you like writing short fics or long fics?
I want to say short, yet somehow, everything I write always ends up way longer than intended 😬
Thank you so much for sending these in!! Thank you for reading and your continued support! I hope you have a great start to your week!
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historysquib · 2 years
The idea of Julieta and Agustín taking time together to pick names for their daughters is just a really soft moment that I love!
I’ve read a few cute fics that talk about baby names and I enjoyed them a lot. Then it lived in my head rent free because now I have questions.
We’re the names established before they were even pregnant or was it last minute? Did they argue about it?? Or go back and forth?? Did they yell the names from the porch to see if it stayed? (I could see Pepa doing that.) There are all things I need answers to in a series lol
Like what was their thought process? It’s possible that each name has a special meaning or a special someone behind it. Someone who had an impact on their lives in some way shape or form. Maybe it’s from family members, close friends, or even a person who they met in passing and just thought, “Wow, I like that! JULIETA!” Like I know Mirabel’s behind the name meaning, which is fitting. But for Isabela and Luisa??
OR I’m reaching and overthinking this a lot. It’s just a cute and intimate moment between Julieta and Agustín that I like to envision!!
Thoughts or headcanons! Please share 🥹
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