#inq!krem au
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abyssal-ilk Ā· 1 month ago
kind of funny to me that krem has the kirkwall insignia on the back and front of his armor. bro where did u even get that. why are u wearing that.
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alieninterests Ā· 5 years ago
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The VVitch FC: Wahab Chaudry/Daniel Malik and a black goat
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Wouldā€™st Thou like to live deliciously?
The devil. You know the story.
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The VVitch FC: Anya Taylor -Joy
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā I be the witch of the wood.
Immortal witch. Covenant with the devil. Eats babies. Lives deliciously.
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Hereditary FC: Alex Wolff Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  Yeah, fine. Release me. Just say it. Just fucking say it!
Sometimes stoned young adult man. Sometimes a Prince of Hell, bestowing familiars and knowledge and wealth. Please note that while this isnā€™t a representation of DID because Peter IS truly possessed, it may at times come across the same.
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FC: Chris Hemsworth
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Iā€™d rather be a good man than a great king.
Canon compliant through the end of Ragnarok. Timelinewise, anyways. Not personality wise. Super-duper headcanon based.
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KORG (and Miek)
Ā  Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Korg. I'm kind of like the leader in here. I'm made of rocks, as you can see, but don't let that intimidate you. You don't need to be afraid, unless you're made of scissors! Just a little Rock, Paper, Scissors joke for you.
Korg. Heā€™s made of rocks. His friend is Miek. Heā€™s like a bug with knives for hands.
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The Cabal Series FC: Valerie June
Former necromancer, formerly dead, current witch. Mostly exclusively for infamouscabal.
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Roswell (1999)
fc: Jason Behr
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Well, Iā€™m not from...around here.
An alien. Sort of. A clone of an alien prince, dna spliced between an alien race and human. Powers include Molecular manipulation, healing factor, force field generation. Totally capable of so many crossovers.
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Cowboy Bebop
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Itā€™s all a dream.
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Dragon Age: Inquisition (also DAII but I have ONLY played Inq)
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Well, shit.
Dwarf, rogue, successful writer in several different genres. Depending on verse, possible Viscount of Kirkwall. Never shuts up. In a committed relationship with his crossbow, Bianca-- the name of which is the only story heā€™ll never tell. (My personalĀ favorite)
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Dragon Age: Inquisition
Itā€™s THE Iron Bull, technically. I like having an article at the front. It makes it sound like Iā€™m not even a person, just a mindless weapon; an implement of destruction. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  That REALLY works for me.
Possibly former spy. Maybe still a spy? (depends on timelines and crossovers and whatever aus) Big horny Horned Qunari Mercenary. Likes hitting things, drinking, fucking. Also, Bull said TRANS RIGHTS and he luvs his trans lieutenant.Ā 
You mayĀ ride the Bull.
A long indepth crash course for those who are interested in The Iron Bull but donā€™t want to/havenā€™t played DAI
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Dragon Age: Inquisition
How small the pain of one man seems when weighed against the endless depths of memory, of feeling, of existence. That ocean carries everyone. And those of us who learn to see its currents move through life with fewer ripples.
Egg. Betrayer. Traitor.Ā  May the Dread Wolf Take You
(I donā€™t particularly like Solas, but I find him superĀ fascinating. Mostly looking to interact with femme Lavellan Inquisitors, but Iā€™m willing to try other DA:I muses, too. Heā€™s really the only one Iā€™m not interested in crossing over to other verses)
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Dragon Age: Inquisition
'You are who you choose to follow.' Someone told me that once. Took me years to understand what he meant.
Grey Warden? Murderer? Liar?Ā  Lumberjack dad to younger queer elvhen folk?
Solemn and moody but alsoĀ prone to childish jokes; Blackwall holds his secrets tight to the chest, but once someone gets past his initial prickliness and dedication to duty, he relaxes in a way first impressions would not allow anyone to expect.
(There is cowardice stewing inside of himself, warring with guilt and a deep, abiding sense of duty and loyalty Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā -- haha, I said duty)
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Dragon Age II, Dragon Age: Inquisiton
Don't worry. Helping people and killing people are what I'm best at.
AFAB Nonbinary. Purple/sarcastic or humorous personality. The Champion of Kirkwall; complains a lot, but will do what needs to be done for the best of everyone. But whatā€™s left of themselves at the end of it all?
I donā€™t really know if Iā€™ll actually roleplayĀ Hawke (I mean I will if someone is interested in interacting with them! I just donā€™t intend to initiate things with them), so much as I just plan on writing unprompted drabbles because I have a lotĀ of Hawke feelings and nothing else to do with them.
Generally, I play Hawke as a warrior with Bethany in the Circle, but Iā€™m willing to adjust for anything and I know the preferred/canon is Hawke as a mage with Carver as a Warden.
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CremisiusĀ ā€œKremā€ Aclassi
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Horns Up!
Lieutenant of Bullā€™s Chargers. Formerly of a Tevinter tailoring family, Krem went into the military to avoid slavery and bribed the physician to keep his status as a trans man a secret. He got away with it for several years before being outted and running. He was almost caught when the Iron Bull found him, rescued him, and offered him a job with the Bullā€™s Chargers.
Krem was actually the one to suggest the Chargers work for the Inquisition.
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trans-ruffboi Ā· 3 years ago
I still havent decided whether inq companion au renlin actually gets together with someone if not romanced or if he just flirts ridiculously and looks at krem with heart eyes all game
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defunct-ao3feed-adoribull Ā· 5 years ago
tranq inq WIP
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WZwRZb
by Annas307
this is still heavily a WIP, it will constantly be edited and iā€™m writing it in my free time. itā€™s basically ally just inquisiton with my AU tranquil inquisitor
Words: 896, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Original Inquisitor Character(s) (Dragon Age), Original Female Character(s), Minerva Gesner, Cremisius "Krem" Aclassi, Cassandra Pentaghast, Solas (Dragon Age), The Iron Bull (Dragon Age), Daylen Amell
Relationships: Cremisius "Krem" Aclassi/Female Inquisitor, Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus, Dagna/Sera (Dragon Age), Cole/Maryden Halewell, Zevran Arainai/Male Warden (Mentioned)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WZwRZb
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abyssal-ilk Ā· 1 month ago
trying to fill out the chargers' ranks for my fic is sooo. ok we have our main seven chargers, obviously; bull, krem, stitches, dalish, skinner, rocky, and grim. we also see a handful of other chargers when we meet them in the storm coast. but also there's a bunch more and i have no idea how many there should be. filling out a faction is all fun and games until u. surprise. have to fill out the faction.
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abyssal-ilk Ā· 1 month ago
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more inq!krem! he's used to settling the chargers when they're arguing but u could not pay him to get between these two
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abyssal-ilk Ā· 1 month ago
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write the fic for my au: āŒļø
draw art of the fic: āœ…ļø
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abyssal-ilk Ā· 1 month ago
inquisitor krem is dangerous to think about because he sews. his sewing ties him back to his father, who he hasn't seen in years and maybe won't ever see again. his hands are important to himā€“ both for his sewing and his fighting. and as the anchor gets worse and he starts losing mobility,, ough :(
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abyssal-ilk Ā· 1 month ago
i know it's unlikely given how many of them there are, but im very fond of the idea that the chargers often just. clump together in bull's room above the tavern some nights in skyhold and crash together. either after a night of drinking and celebrating or after a bad battle, they all just collectively go. welp. it's a group night.
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abyssal-ilk Ā· 1 month ago
can we see the krem you made in cc
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who is this man and what has he done to my boy.
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abyssal-ilk Ā· 1 month ago
inq!keem immediately notices this, btw. he's used to being accommodating for iron bull's bad knee and he picks up on the fact that solas needs his staff to lean on, sometimes. he doesn't say anything about it but he does keep an eye on him when they're going up the ladders and moving about the mountains, just in case
one of my favorite little details of early dai is solas using his staff as a walking stick/cane as you go up the mountain path. i don't think he does it again (maybe during the journey to skyhold? unsure) but it's a nice little character trait i like thinking ab with him
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