#inner!mind ( headcanons )
soullessjack · 5 months
canon walking dead and Glen enjoyer jack kline means robert kirkman and steven yeun is real in the supernatural universe which means invincible is also real. Which means jack is undoubtedly an invincible fan. And I know this because it was revealed to me in a prophetic dream
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meirimerens · 10 months
I've only now noticed Eva Yan's scars on your drawings of her, is there any story or headcanon behind them?
keeping it real babygirl [gender neutral] the story is that this woman canonically kills herself, canonically contemplates suicide, quite explicitly mentioning the method she intents on using to you (with implications that she has, at the very least, thought about it/thought it through before), and lives with broken mirrors so she cannot (/doesn't have to) see her face like i just think She Is Mentally Unwell. like as a long-term, enduring, persistent thing, She Is Mentally Unwell and the plague is just worsening her condition, while it didn't cause it. the storey/headcanon is that she is mentally ill, openly and canonically has self-destructive tendencies, so. the scars are here because she lives with a lil something something in her mind which drives her to plenty of destructive acts in ways big and small. ywkim
#like when i jokingly and lovingly called her a ''mentally ill bisexuelle''. i wasn't joking. ykwim#man i've given eva those for a long ass while i can't even rember when i started. i give some to peter too for the same reasons#(except he doesn't succeed in killing himself. but he does try.) but like. he has long sleeves & pants when i post him on here so. elusive#suicide /#self-harm /#what's that diagram showing how the closest you are to dankovsky the more suicidal you are. as someone who's been there#i can reclaim chuckling about it#ring ring (answers)#anonymous#& even if she doesn't die in my mind [bc she doesn't in every route] well. she still has those. she lives through them; and then with them#and lives on. you know. real recovereds will get this etc you get the jist#this is equal part story and headcanon on that one but there's also this pattern that eva throws her whole body into destruction. ykwim.#the way she kills herself is fullbody; entire physical body out of a window; it's not like how she first mentions it to dankovsky#it's a complete and utter destruction [which is not destruction *to her*; because; well we see how it ends]#it's also easy to see how her constant seeking of companionship; her sudden infatuations for a stranger and her offerings of companionship#can also be read as her ''throwing her whole body'' into it [here; into something that; maybe; can ''fill a void'' left by her spiritual#emptiness. so in the spirit of ''putting her whole body'' into destruction/into trying to fill an intangible void left by emptiness and fel#well. scars and the act make sense to me at least. because there is that attempt to exteriorize an inner suffering with acts like those
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gemini-care-barr · 10 months
Barry Allen astrology vs. Hal Jordan astrology- who is what? :D
Oooh yay, this is a much easier question! 😁
So, if we’re going off of their canon birthdays (which change a lot and/or aren’t really stated or kept to often) then because Hal’s birthday is February 20th and Barry’s birthday is March 19th (Pre-Crisis*, more on this later) that makes them BOTH Pisces!
I kinda love this arrangement because they both definitely show Pisces traits in pretty different ways but always with an undercurrent of deep understanding of one another! They’re both very compassionate, altruistic, and sociable (mostly Hal on this front hehe) people who can be quite emotional, although they’re also both very good at keeping most of their emotions in check when the need arises. Their Pisces friendship is seen most often in the fact that neither of them are prone to opening up easily except with each other, this is when that deeper understanding of one another comes in. A lot of times they clam up around other friends and family but put the two of them together and they instantly confide in each other about all their deepest, darkest worries, it’s the sweetest!
Now, from a purely headcanon perspective: I think Hal is a total Aries and Barry is most definitely a Gemini (I’m not just saying this because I’m a Gemini, I swear!)!
You can’t convince me that Hal isn’t the stereotypical Aries with his steely will, impulsive nature, and incessant need to TAKE ACTION!! And Barry is the picturesque Gemini as a master communicator (HOW many times has he gotten Hal out of a sticky situation by using a few honeyed words?), deep-thinker, and with a wit that puts Hermes himself to shame.
This now brings us to their Aries/Gemini friendship which truly highlights the ever-present question about Hal and Barry: how are they friends?!? I’ll tell you how! They just get each other in a way that allows them to butt heads without ever actually stepping on toes. They both enjoy the thrill of the chase and seeking the answers which their shared curiosity MUST have, and while Hal’s incessant need to run out ahead may sometimes send Barry into a tizzy, Barry’s own love of always being on the move, and his overall chill demeanor with joining Hal on his adventures, makes them such. a. great. team! Hal’s sometimes brusque demeanor can also rub a lot of people the wrong way, but Barry’s wit and understanding allows him to take anything Hal says and just let it roll down his back, no harm done. And when Barry finds himself too in over his head and falling into a cycle of overthinking, Hal is there with his straightforward honesty to bring Barry back from the brink. They’re truly one of the best friendships in fiction and I can probably write an entire book about all the things I love about them, but I’ll just stop here for now 😉
*Okay so back to this before I’m done, in Post-Crisis continuity Barry’s birthday was changed to May 13th which would make him canonically a Taurus which is just not vibin’ with me at all y’all. Like, I guess, he is a pretty steadfast person and he does like security (and you should really never push him to the breaking point), but I don’t know. There are other Taurus traits like being sensual and very pleasure-seeking that are just the total antithesis of Barry to me which makes me kinda wanna buck canon in this regard hahaha
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Every time I see a bullshit take, I sharpen my knives and write a meta out of spite. I know the people who need to see it most, will be the first to ignore it, but if I my line of reasoning can open the eyes of at least a handful of people, I've done some good.
I'm too old and too tired for fandom wars and I don't fucking care if you hate me for my views.
Anyway, here's your friendly reminder for everyone who needs to hear it:
Your headcanons are NOT canon.
You projecting yourself into a character is NOT canon.
Your ignoring 90% of the facts is NOT canon.
You jumping to conclusions is NOT canon.
Say it louder for the people in the back.
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
ok - thought
i think most people agree that dabi doesn't like the concept of marriage for obvious reasons and he never thought that he of all people would ever get married or even feel the need to
but then you show up and poor baby is hooked
he can't even imagine spending a single second without you and he tries to convince himself that marriage can work - that he can make it work
but he's terrified regardless because what if he turns out like his dad? what if he ends up hurting you somehow? he wouldn't want you to feel trapped with him but something about being able to call you truly his makes him think it might be worth the risk
so - question
do you think dabi would ever get married or even find the courage to propose? and in case he decides against it what would happen if you propose instead?
- 🥛
i’m sorry for the late answer milk, it’s just that since i got this ask i’ve been thinking about it nonstop. i took breaks from time to time to do things, but hell this ask kept haunting me because damn... this is such a good question honestly.
NOW, onto the answer.
i think that for a proposal to happen there’s gotta be an effort from both sides.
to be able to accept the idea of marriage, dabi first needs to realize his worth after that sorry ass father that he had crushed every single amount of self-love that was inside of little touya, this is something only you can help him with.
how? be genuine with him, never hold an ulterior motive when speaking to someone who has trust issues, because that way you’ll only make them close-up into themselves even more than they already were. if you’re genuine, sincere and warm with him someone like dabi who has never had something of that sort will slowly and naturally start lean into you feeling more at easy, without the need for him to always be on guard and ready to get hurt. because if it happened once, it can very well a second time and by not letting you into his heart (that he thought would be unbothered as of now, he was wrong) dabi is already putting up a defensive mechanism to prevent anything and anyone from getting close to him.
he’s actually someone who’s very sensitive and emotional for me who feels things a lot more than some other peoples, yes even as dabi (i mean, if he didn’t then how do you explain his flames bursting at sekoto peak?), he has also spent lot of time watching others over the years he spent alone and reading someone for him is basically a piece of cake as of now, so his wary attitude towards others intentions makes him very observant on their actions and if he sees something off about you, what you say or do, dabi is gonna distance himself right away; he’s done being hurt.
but (there’s always gotta be a “but...”) the moment he's at the start of opening up to you and letting his guard lower a tad bit, he’s panicking right away of you because what if he disappoints you or lets you down? what if you start ignoring him? what if you end up hating him?
shit he’s in fucking trouble now, because he’s already starting to think that a future with you might actually be not so bad but also... possible?
this is when dabi realizes that he has been lowering his guard as you two kept spending time together, it’s just that... your genuineness and sincerity were so blinding, so welcoming, so comforting, so reassuring, that he mindlessly had gave into them.
he truly thinks that he doesn’t deserve you, you’re too good. a gem, a rare and precious one.
it was seriously a tragedy for him, because now that he realized how he did want a future with you, along with it has also come more and more the fear of becoming like his father.
only the thought of such a thing makes dabi gag in disgust.
this is essentially why he has never dared bring up marriage, things were fine as they were right now for the moment.
if it were for dabi, he would marry you on the spot but as of now he’s too much of a coward to even just mention it, at least not until he has settled what he has to set and grow out of his father’s shadow that was forced upon him from the scumbag himself since a young age.
he knows what are the thing his father did wrong so he can very well avoid them since he’s smart, but he’s also greedy and ambitious... so what if he unintentionally repeats that man’s mistakes? he would hate that and himself.
but you know the say that goes, the more time you spend with someone the more you become like them? you’re such a good damn influence to him and his life, even the league has noticed it by the way he has started to behave with them and this has started to make him more confident that: yes, he can in fact make you happy the way you deserve.
you gave him that confidence.
in a case like this i think he wouldn’t hold back from proposing to you, actually he would bring it up pretty casually and have you dumbfounded by how out of nowhere it came.
but if he still is unsure about himself, still doesn’t have that confidence and you proposed instead— dabi would be shocked, to say the least, before asking you why would you want to marry him and starting to tell you that he might become someone as despicable as his father in future, that you might get hurt if you decide to stay by his side and that he’s bound to disappoint you.
this poor boy only needs to be reassured, he’s seriously too hard on himself by every meaning. so if you want him to say yes that badly at your proposal, you gotta first open his eyes on what a good boyfriend he has been until now (because i’m 100% sure he is) and that he’s gonna be even better in future because you two will go through it together.
if you give him the reassurance and confidence he needs for such an important step in your lives, i don’t think dabi is gonna turn you down and even if he doesn’t look like it he’s actually ecstatic.
a life by the side of his precious sunshine is everything he needs.
that being said everyone—
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Currently finding backup for a theory on Fyodor's backstory + from where his motive to get rid of all ability users strives from.
My brainstorming already filled two sides of my notebook on that topic and I gotta say, his character is so complex it's amazing. Asagiri's way of writing characters is awesome.
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when hunter gets angry he has a British accent
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savagevillain · 1 year
" #i could go on FOREVER about this topic because there's SO MUCH MORE " PLEASE PLEASE tell us more about klaus and werewolves
「  There is a lot of trauma intwined with Klaus' view of the werewolves. He was raised being taught they were dangerous and to stay away from them ( which didn't help his feelings of being different from others since he was so drawn to them ) and then he witnessed his little brother be mauled by them. He found out that everything he'd been told about the werewolves had been right and his own gut feeling had been wrong. They were villains in his childhood and then he found out that he was one. He literally had part of the beasts that had killed his youngest brother within him ( they had been his blood family ). It had been his fault that Henrik had been anywhere near them in the first place that full moon, because he'd led his brother out to watch them turn. He set everything in motion. The guilt had been overwhelming, as had the grief. ( ELIJAH: "Our family was devastated. None more so than Niklaus." ) He became convinced that his siblings found him guilty too and that they looked at him with the same mistrust and fear they had looked at the wolf-men in the village. 」
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
A thing about Luna’s Insomnia verse that has some unexpected repercussions is the way she responds to the sudden changes in her life upon arriving in the city. Understandably, given how her life has been irreparably altered, she clings to anything remotely familiar. Noctis and Regis give her some comfort, as she already had a rapport with them. Clarus, too, given that he is the one who opened his home and family to her. It’s easy to imagine how distressed and anxious she becomes at the thought of being left alone or going somewhere unfamiliar, which means that, for the first several months or more, she likely held fast to anything she could that felt safe.
 This means many hours inside the citadel; and with the Shield for a guardian, many hours within its training halls. Around the Guard. Dozens of battle-weary people without the airs and graces she was raised with. What I’m driving at is: bby Luna picked up a lot of colourful language in that time. While the adults in her life would do well to correct her, it is objectively hilarious to see this gentle little girl try and figure out how best to politely express, for instance, that she doesn’t feel comfortable around someone, only for her choice of words to end up being along the lines of: “I’m sick of their shit.” 
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voicefulvixen · 2 years
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𝟓 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬.
1. Stand in the Rain by Superchick
2. Green Grass by Ellie Dixon
3. Prom Dress mxmtoon
4. Perfectly Perfect by Elizabeth & the Catapult
5. I Wouldn’t Mind by He is We
Tagging: @thefcxandthehcund​, @nemekii​, @vendettamuses​, @innumerablemuses​, @indomitablespirits (anyone else who wants to :3)
Meadow’s under the cut:
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𝟓 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬.
 Whoopsies (from Gabby’s Dollhouse)
Garden of Your Mind (Mr. Rogers Remix)
D.N.A. by China Anne McClain
Ice Cream by OMFG
Nobody’s Perfect by Hannah Montana
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italianexotiicbeauty · 6 months
tag drop part one.
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buzzingskyspy · 1 year
Tag dump here
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xanaxspritz · 5 months
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an: a continuation of these perv!nanami headcanons. im a journalist for my work and i had so many deadlines this past week. sorry for slight inactivity !!!
synopsis: nanami knew he was in trouble when you mentioned you were a virgin. he's been obsessed with bedding you ever since then
cw: perv!nanami, creampie, overstimulation, slight power imbalance, virgin afab! reader
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nanami felt his own heart pounding when he opened the his apartment door for you. you looked so sweet, so delicate in the mini soft pink sundress you wore. your lips upturned into that shy flirty smile of yours that always drove him crazy. you looked good enough for him to eat whole.
he wondered if his intentions had been clear enough when he invited you over for the first time. unknowingly or not, you teased him relentless for weeks and weeks, from batting your doe eyes at him to slowly, day by day, showing up to his office at work in a much more revealing outfit than yesterday. you made him mad with lust.
and now he has you squirming on his couch, panties soaked and pulled aside with his thick fingers sliding in and out of you, thumb rubbing on top of your clit.
"that's it princess. you're doing so good," he says softy into your thigh, digging his fingers even deeper inside you. "need to stretch you out first."
"p-please i can't..." you mewl out. "it feels too g-good!"
"i know, i know. don't fight it, stay with me love." he reassures. determined to give you your first orgasm, he took out his digits and fully removed your pretty pink panties, diving into your wet heat, savoring and licking up all your deliciousness. the deep heat you felt down inside blossomed into a bright, mind numbing feeling that took over your whole being, as if you were floating on a cloud.
"good?" he asked.
you nodded, your head in a haze. never in your life have you felt this good, and you didn't want him to stop.
"im going to fuck you now. okay?"
"o-okay..." you watch him strip down to boxers, wondering how much trouble you would be in taking his girthy length.
"just relax," he whispers hovering on top of you, throwing your legs over his shoulders.
you felt his tat tip rubbing at your slick entrance, feeling every inch of him slide into you until he was fulling seated. it felt like he was slowly ripping you apart.
"kento, it hurts..." you whine.
"shh..ill go slow."
your pussy was intoxicating, so tight and snug around his cock, like a fitted glove. the fact that he was even fucking your little virgin pussy made him want to cum instantly, but he refrained, fucking deep long stokes into you.
"so fucking good," he moaned. "like you were made for me."
your eyes started to roll into the back of your head with pleasure as each stroke of his fat cock filled your pussy up. the living room filled with your soft whimpers and moans that made nanami's cock impossibly harder.
"i want to cum in your sweet little pussy. will you let me?"
too much of a daze, you nodded your head yes. loads and loads of his warm cum filled deep inside your womb. nanami pulled out, leaving the rest of the sticky substance to drip on to your inner thighs.
you didnt realize how tight you were gripping nanami's shoulders until he pulled off you, red finger marks rippled along his collarbones.
still fucked out, you rolled into his arms, where he holds you so dearly as if you were a piece of fine china he was scared to drop.
"good girl," he mumbled into your hair. "taking my cock so perfectly."
next time he would fuck you even harder, faster. he wanted to absolutely drunk on his cock, like it was only thing you knew. and since he was so blessed to be the one to take your virginity, he wouldn't let anyone else inside you.
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macestro · 1 year
oh look, finally some tags
VISAGE ♠ despite being their successor I am still me. MUSINGS ♠ inner beliefs into a mind that is both sharp and quick — yet is also filled with loss and trauma alike. MANNERISMS ♠ unusual to some to witness yet who is to say what is genuine and what is merely for show? WARDROBE ♠ practical clothing for the task at hand. AESTHETICS ♠ life's all but a game in the right hands; make one wrong move and it's checkmate. ABILITIES ♠ uniquely skilled in various fields; do not doubt hers for a moment for it will be a fatal mistake. HEADCANONS ♠ classified information.
MEMES ♠ fun and games for when there's a break in between cases. DASH GAMES ♠ let's play a quick one while we can. DASH COMMENTARY ♠ just observing what others are freely saying. OUT OF CARDS ♠ the game. you have now lost it.
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sheyearns · 1 year
Tag dump.
#♔ ▌.OOC┆⟨ felicia is enough ⟩#♔ ▌.IN CHARACTER┆⟨ there’s a void in her soul and it leaves her feeling cold ⟩#♔ ▌.BROKEN TOY ┆⟨ ❝ Just as I thought you are strange...Very strange... ❞ ⟩#♔ ▌.REFLECTION ┆⟨ ❝ I...never considered myself unfortunate.❞ ⟩#♔ ▌.MUSINGS┆⟨ a locked mind like stars; baring all the secrets of the universe ⟩#♔ ▌.HEADCANONS┆⟨ a broken melody born from her tainted nightmares ⟩#♔ ▌.AESTHETICS┆⟨ shining rubies instead of eyes with a voice of a siren ⟩#♔ ▌.DEVIANT JOKER┆⟨ ❝ His inner madness lies behind his twisted comical nature.❞ ⟩#♔ ▌.VERSE┆⟨ kaleidoscope of memories ( childhood ) ⟩#♔ ▌.VERSE┆⟨ this disaster binds us absolute ( before tragedy ) ⟩#♔ ▌.VERSE┆⟨ the rhythm of the rain keeps time ( after tragedy ) ⟩#♔ ▌.VERSE┆⟨ the illiusion starts to tear ( modern verse ) ⟩#♔ ▌.SAVED┆⟨ treasured lullabies ⟩#♔ ▌.DEAREST BROTHER┆⟨ ❝ Please brother...don’t blame yourself. ❞ ⟩#♔ ▌.PROMO ┆⟨ might be a sinner; might be a saint ⟩#♔ ▌.ASKS┆⟨ peculiar inquiries providing her with entertainment ⟩#♔ ▌.PSA┆⟨ details of importance ⟩#♔ ▌.ANONYMOUS┆⟨ masked figures of oddity whose true identities are unknown ⟩#♔ ▌.RAMBLINGS ┆⟨ she’s drowning in an ocean of thoughts ⟩#♔ ▌.POSITIVITY┆⟨ when you dream ; do you dream of the stars? ⟩#♔ ▌.LACIE&JACK┆⟨ it inspires a keen nostalgia in her for the simpler times before ⟩#♔ ▌WARDROBE┆⟨ wearing wildness like a second skin ⟩#♔ ▌.OZ&LACIE ┆⟨ the impractically rebellious & the impractically kind ⟩#♔ ▌.ANSWERED┆⟨ drawing the death card on every try ⟩#♔ ▌.OPEN STARTER┆⟨ to weave the shattered pieces of the universe back together ⟩#♔ ▌.CLOSED STARTER┆⟨ her whole being calls for an act of violence ⟩#♔ ▌.HER FAVORITE PLACES┆⟨ you are met with an empty house and deafening silence ⟩#♔ ▌.LACIE&OSWALD┆⟨ the poignant looks she gives him when she sees how he’s tearing himself apart is too much ⟩#♔ ▌.LACIE&ALYSS┆⟨ a figure in the distance a movie reel of old pictures ⟩#♔ ▌.LACIE&ALICE┆⟨ she taught me so many things about herself she didn’t know ⟩
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lacedinweb22 · 1 year
Desperate to breed, desperate for your scent ༶ Miguel O'Hara headcanons nsfw 18+
⊹ He’ll sneak your used underwear out of your hamper, keeping them out on his desk in his home office, sniffing them to soothe his stress and nerves, but mostly when he’s craving you. He’ll imagine you, squirming and whining as he eats you out. He’ll imagine how you taste, remembering how your fresh heat smells, as his nose rubs against your throbbing bud, all while keeping his nose pressed against your lace panties. He gets off on it. He’ll try to control himself, but every now and then, he’ll release a shameful load into them, imagining his tight, lacy fist were you, though he knows too well it’ll never compare. After you search all over your apartment for them, he’ll return them in a week, now freshly washed and ready to be wet again. You roll your eyes when he returns them to you, as he defends himself, “couldn’t help it, mamas, you smell too good to wash away so soon,” he’ll shrug, kissing your neck, “I just needed to savor it.” 
⊹ Miguel is animalistically desperate for you when you’re ovulating. He fights to ignore his dirty thoughts, but his heightened senses make your hormones smell one million times stronger, the sweet musky smell driving him insane. He usually keeps his distance, trying not to overwhelm you with his intense desire, but mostly fails and ends up smothering you on these special days, which you don’t mind. He’s always obsessed with you, but those days, he’s like a desperate animal, craving your taste and your wet warmth. 
⊹ He wants to make sure it takes. After filling you up with his hot thick liquid, he’ll finger you, curling his fingers back up into you, pumping his seed back into you, hoping it’ll stick and make you plump with his child in a few months time. He doesn’t even realize/acknowledge how obsessive he can be about it; it’s natural to him. You moan, concealing your smile, as you let him satisfy his instinctive desires. 
⊹ He lends you t-shirts to wear and sweat in for one whole week, knowing your scent and musk will be absorbed into it. He makes it a job for you to complete, handing it to you, expecting his shirts back in one week, drenched in your scent. When he goes home, he puts one on immediately and wears it as pajamas all week until the smell wears off. 
⊹ He loves the smell of your sweat. Especially the sweaty essence you bring home after you work out or after a long summer day. He’ll embrace you right at the door, digging his nose into your neck, or burying his head into your chest and underarms. When you resist out of embarrassment or exhaustion, he begs and whines for you to let him smell you all over, asking to help you undress for your shower so he can smell you all the way up until you wiggle out of his grasp and begin to shower the long day off of you. As he undresses you, he buries his face into every corner of you. He’ll kneel down, undressing you, pressing his nose in between your inner thighs, inhaling and humming against your skin. You can’t help but blush and giggle at his simple, kind of embarrassing but harmless requests. He’s obsessed and addicted to you, and you love it. It reassures you that he craves your skin and entire existence as much as you crave him. 
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