changeliing · 3 years
 @inncrbcast​ asked:
“ whoa, look at you, huh. all business.  ”
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          “well excuse me for not being my normal self around something like you,” he wasn’t about to let something like this clone run amuck around his city if he could help it. 
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years
🥰 - … for my muse to talk about their feelings for yours (For Nega!Star) (inncrbcast)
Time for a Talk
[[Thank you, @inncrbcast !]]
Okay, yes, she had absolutely ruined their last thing. Not being able to call upon her energy, Nega!Starfire had ended up dangerously hurt, and the changeling had sounded rather annoyed of having to retreat together with her. They made it into their hideout without anyone following them, and soon after returning, Nega!Starfire dropped into sitting on the floor. Her partner clearly wasn’t happy that she had failed like this, and when he half shouted, half asked, what her problem was and how she could mess up this much, she angrily retorted: “It is not my fault if we are ignoring the elephant among us for so long!” Which, left Nega!Beast Boy confused, and her instantly regretting to even having said that.
There was no way around explaining what she meant now though, so Nega!Starfire continued after a moment, though a lot more quiet and calm now than before. “You know that we tamaraneans are bound to our emotions. We cannot function properly when there are conflicts or confusion. And... we never talked about... us.” They did things, and seemingly both enjoyed them, but, it was never actually spoken about what it meant for them, or if it meant anything. “I... I want to... I need to know.” As much as she wanted to just glance away, she looked up to the changeling. “I am happy, to be a team, to be some sort of friends, with you. But, we have done things that are not normally done between friends on Earth, and I have wondered... if that means we are more. I believe I would enjoy to be more, I am caring for you and that alone already must mean there is more,” since she as mostly opposite of Starfire didn’t really do the caring for others, “but I do not know what it is, and that is irritating me. We are only having us, and we are sticking together and have before helped the other. I feel like it is more, but perhaps I am mistaken. If you are not wishing to... to have a ‘more’ connection, I am understanding that too, but I need clarity.”
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greenpuns · 5 years
There was one thing that made Valentine's day not so bad for him - messing with Beast Boy. So the grey changeling casually stepped into his room. "Guess who's getting dumped on this day?" he said amused before diving out of the window. Moments later, he reappeared as a pterodactyl, holding a knocked out Terra in his claws ... and dropping her in front of the changeling's eyes. Happy Valentine's day, Bug Boy! (inncrbcast)
Today was a special day!
In fact, it was suppose to be the most romantic event of the year - Valentine’s day. Gar was getting just about ready for their night out. It felt great knowing those words that they were official were real. The pounding of his heart and the shade of red that appeared on his cheeks was active as he thought more on it. No way did he ever thought this was going to work out like before.
Fate always had other plans for the two of them. It never stopped torturing them. Sort of like star crossed lovers. Who were those two famous teens again that guy Shakespeare wrote about? Oh, Romeo and Juliet. They ended in tragedy and his mind was set that was going to be the same for them.
No, not this time. They were going to have a grand ol’ time together! He was going to make sure of it.
Suddenly, he felt his heart almost dropping to his stomach.
His eyes expanded widely, not believing what was happening in front of him. His wanna be evil self was there. And not just that, he held a injured and passed out Terra in his claws. He soon dropped her on his messy floor as the changeling rushed to catch her in his arms.
Gar felt like his animalistic instincts were kicking in as he felt himself let out a hard growl. He wanted more than anything to go after him. But, Terra was there hurting and needed him way more. Taking out the his communicator, the green hero had to contact his teammates.
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“ guys? I need you to look for my freaky evil twin. he’s hurt Terra. find him for me..” His eyes looked again at his girlfriend laying in his arms, angry at the fact that he couldn’t save her. “....and let me finish him off later. ”
Clicking off his device, he took her to the medical area of the tower and started to treat her wounds. Keeping her on the hospital bed, he sat there, holding onto her hand. Never leaving his sight on her. Valentine’s day was officially ruined.
Maybe he should’ve expected this. A dark cloud was always on his head. What made this so different? Nothing. He then shook his head, the shapeshifter took a quick dash and coming back with Terra’s gift. Gar then started to place it around her neck. It was a necklace of half a heart. And he was wearing his other half already.
More than anything, he wanted her to wake up and be fine. It didn’t matter for some fancy date or anything. As long as they had one another, that’s what made this day special. But, maybe that was foolish thinking again.
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smolgreenboi · 5 years
Once spotting the green Titan, the evil Titan wanted to try something new, sneaking up behind him as a hummingbird before morphing, wrapping hands around his eyes. "Did you know that I've really missed you?" came Terra's voice before she smirked, turning him around as a gorilla and slamming fists against him before she stood over him again, foot planted against his chest firmly. The grey changeling wasn't afraid to break morals - especially if they could get painful for Beast Boy. (inncrbcast)
as the pair of hands covers his eyes, there’s an immediate instinct to elbow whoever stood behind him. he stops himself–knowing this could just be a harmless prank–but then they speak. and he knows something’s wrong.
it sounds like her. but it doesn’t smell like her–doesn’t quite feel like her–and his sixth sense is jittering in the back of his mind, desperately trying to signal that something isn’t adding up. something is very, very wrong.
before he can really react, the hands press down on his head and force him around. gar blinks once as his eyes adjust. he sees a large, gray gorilla before an incredible force slams into him and forces him to the ground. white pain streaks through his chest, and all the air is thrust out of his lungs. he coughs, shakes his head. slowly, he becomes aware of the foot on his chest and the figure standing over him. his vision is still a little distorted… but he knows who this punda is.
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         ❛ …can’t… say the same for you… ❜
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queenofthegalaxxy · 5 years
🔑 (inncrbcast)
Send me 🔑 to interrogate my muse with the threat of torture
[[ Thanks for sending one! @inncrbcast ]]
How did she even end up in this? Blackfire growled as she pulled on her restraints once more. She hadn’t quite decided yet if this was worse, or better, than being caught by the Titans, but she knew that she was going to keep doing what she could to get out of this situation - and best maybe also hurt that grey changeling a little so that he’d learn to not even try to treat her like that again.
To his threat, she chuckled, pretending to take it all without a single care.
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“Oh yeah? Good luck with doing anything to me. One, I’ve seen and experienced a lot, and I very much doubt that any of your little games will come even close to worrying me, much less being enough for me to call it torture. Two, I doubt you have experience with such ‘treatments’. And three, which is maybe the biggest, if you’d want to do anything you’d have to get my armor removed first, and I very much doubt my dear sister is helping you - and even with the knowledge how to, it still isn’t easy to remove it.”
Shrugging as if that was all that needed to be said, she gestured at her restraints. “Alright, so, if you take those off now I might leave without hurting you. This is the last chance I’m gonna give you, though.”
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sturzstroms · 5 years
( @inncrbcast​ )
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      “Beast Boy?”
Their little rundown apartment was quiet, but she couldn’t really expect anything less. With no electricity there was little to be done, so the blonde found herself walking further into their home. Living like this wasn’t exactly luxurious, but she had spent so long living in caves and the outdoors - this was nothing in comparison.
Her school books were carefully placed on the counter as she glanced about. “Are you here?”
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justxdifferent · 5 years
♭ (inncrbcast)
♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye
At first, Raven was shocked at his daring move, her own eyes widening slightly as her gaze was forced to meet his. It didn’t last long, however, before her expression darkened to a dangerous glare.
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“ — Get your hands off of me.”
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missgreentelepath · 5 years
inncrbcast (for the url thing)
Do I Follow Them?:  YES
Why Did I Follow Them?:  Cause they are a terrific evil or Dark!Beast Boy, from Teen Titans. They are a really unique take on a character and I adore the angst I get out of them.
Do We Role Play?: From time to time, Yes.
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: I wish we did more, Yes.
An AU Idea For Our Muses: None I can think off, but I have a list of AU’s in general that I want.
A Song For Our Muses:
Do I Ship Our Muses?: Hmm, it’s hard too since in YJ he is her adoptive brother. But for TT AU, I can see the possibility. BUT ONLY IN NON YJ VERSES.
What I Think About The Mun: I don’t know them too well personally. But I think they are amazing writers and should keep doing this blog. :)
Overall Opinion: Amazing Blog.
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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clawedevil · 5 years
"I'm not sure if you're either a very creepy mutant crab or just some weirdo in a crab outfit and stockings." @inncrbcast
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“I suppose you think you’re funny or are you really as stupid as you look you, moronic sack of flesh.”
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deadlyelasticrouge · 7 years
"What's wrong? Did the Brotherhood of Evil leave you behind or did they realize how useless you are?" (inncrbcast)
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“Insolence!” The Russian woman hissed, blue eyes narrowing angrily as she glared at the red eyed changeling with enough vehemence to burn a hole clean through a brick wall. She knew that this wasn’t the little green freak, but a demon from another dimension, a useful ally the Brain had said, but nobody spoke to her that way!
“If you vish to continue living I suggest talking to me vith more respect!” She growled, fingers sharpening into razor sharp blades as she took a menacing step forward.
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changeliing · 3 years
@inncrbcast from x
*bites him*
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     so he has chosen death.
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years
“ Kill you? At this point? Of course I won’t, I have too much fun with you. “ (inncrbcast)
Torture Sentence Starters
[[Thanks for sending one! @inncrbcast ]]
By now, her hope started to fade. Starfire wasn’t sure just how much time had passed, but for a good while now, she hadn’t managed to find freedom again. And while that in itself was bad enough already, it was worse given who her captor was - someone looking so much like one of her best friends, and yet completely different: The grey Beast Boy. The team had still not managed to erase the dark sides from their existence again, and for whatever reason, he had seemingly taken a big liking to choosing her for the... ‘fun’ that he wanted to do.
Starfire very much was not in a good state anymore. She barely got to eat, had several wounds which were incredibly painful to recieve and still hurt whenever she tried to do much - not to mention her broken arm. It was such a difficulty for anything on Earth, she would have said even almost impossible, to break tamaranean bones, and yet... well. Here she was, exhausted, struggling to even keep going, but when she had - once again - gotten a chance for an attempt at escaping, she had to take it.
She was half sure that he arranged these ‘chances’ for her on purpose, to watch her drag herself along in futile hopes of perhaps this time actually managing to escape before she would be caught again, and especially to enjoy giving her whatever sort of punishment he’d find fitting after her escape failed. And yet, still, as much as it was possible that she was only giving him more entertainment through it, she had to try, evertime. She had to keep trying, she couldn’t give up, this couldn’t be how it ended.
Today’s attempt - or the attempt right now, it was rather difficult to keep a track of days or much of anything when she so often found herself in places far off any daylight or outside-noises, or knocked out - just failed again, and in her cries of pain, Starfire must’ve said something about him to kill her. She didn’t really register having said (or worse perhaps even begged) so, but that was no wonder in her state, and his response only made her even more desperate. So she was still giving him plenty of entertainment; that only made it more likely that her chances at escape had been done by him on purpose. “Please!” She cried out, long already unable to really hide her pain or fear or despair anymore; “Please - stop!”
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queenofthegalaxxy · 5 years
🔵 (inncrbcast)
[[ @inncrbcast | Thanks for sending one!]]
“Look, I told you before, working with you once was fun, but you look too much like the Titan and as such I’m not interested!” And she was about to turn around and leave, when her arm was gripped and she let out a little bit of a cry when she could feel the armor give in and dent, digging into her arm instead. “What do you think you’re doing? You should better--” She had angrily turned around to the gripping, and intended to lash out at him or maybe blast him away, but she hadn’t expected to stare into the face of... a creature.
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“Whoa.” It explained how he could do enough to the armor to actually make it give in, but, this was definitely new. “Okay, okay, fine. Maybe I’ll at least give it a chance.” Shaking her arm a little that he was still holding, she raised an eyebrow. “Mind letting go so I can fix this? I don’t exactly like to wear the ‘dented’-look.” Not to mention that it was painful how the armor kept pressing onto her arm like that - but she wasn’t going to admit that out loud. She stared at the beast with pretended confidence; but inside she just hoped that her comments hadn’t angered him too much, that he was willing to talk instead of fight, because that strength sure was unexpected and Blackfire wasn’t sure if she’d want to fight that.
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sturzstroms · 6 years
{ @inncrbcast }
As much as Terra didn’t like to admit it, life went on. With Trigon gone the world returned to as it had been, but at the cost of losing someone she hadn’t been prepared to let go.
Somehow, however, she managed. After Trigon had been defeated the blonde had contemplated remaining by Raven, but they both knew that she didn’t want the life of a superhero. She had never been cut out for it, and so with everything as normal as it could be she chose to live life as normally as she could.
Integrating herself back into society hadn’t been the easiest, but she had managed. Finding living arrangements had been the hardest, but Terra had eventually found an old, rundown home that had more than likely been a result of Trigon’s reign. The electricity had long been cut, but all that she required was the shelter. 
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Terra lingered in the hallway of her little ‘home’, allowing her backpack and books to clatter to the floor by the door. They could be picked up later. For now, however, Terra decided to plop herself face down onto the couch.
“It’d be nice... if you were still here..”
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justxdifferent · 5 years
“They’re DEAD, because of you!” (inncrbcast)
Of course he would know exactly what to say to send ice running through her veins. Guilt tightened her chest, and she shook her head, hands balling into fists at her sides. 
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“Stop it. I know I can’t save everyone.” But that didn’t mean that it didn’t bother her.
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inkycatgirl-blog · 7 years
@inncrbcast continued from here
Aside from the coloring, this looked just like that Titan. The sudden attack only served to confirm her suspicions. 
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With a hiss, she swiped at the wolf, ducking under him before kicking his gut, launching him away. “Anata wa watashi ni totte hajimete jibun no koto o nigiru koto ga dekimashita. Anata ga shōjiki ni anata ga katsu koto ga dekiru to omoimasu ka?” [You could barely hold your own against me the first time, do you honestly think you can win?]
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