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alexdoddle ยท 3 months ago
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horrorphase ยท 4 months ago
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๊œœ ๏น™ ๐Ÿ’ณ  ๏นš ๏น• needs and nourishment truly had nothing to do with this impromptu field trip to this shitty town's only grocery storeโธป only really meant to fill the time before the next urge for something more intriguing than his futile attempts at sobriety. he should know better by now ๏น• yet something in him still wrestled against his whims, some foolish desire to be good, despite how it often felt this ugliness inside him had always been just another birthright. but the aisles of amrak was hardly the place to think about the human condition, bloodshot eyes bruised by sleeplessness roving across the shelves without focus, as if searching for something and forgetting it in the same breath. and francis slowly pushed his shopping cart, each wheel wobbling in discord, hand hung slack over the side, brushing anything and everything off the shelves, landing into his cart with muted thuds. there really wasn't any rhythm to this aimlessness, cargo piling up in reckless abundance ๏น• ten boxes of cereals, a dozen canned soups, a whole row of instant noodles, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, none of which would be consumed when he could always just order takeouts from lakeside grill. still, francis pushed onโธป as if this terribly mundane ritual might stop the spiral that was coming. but that was wishful thinking, no stopping the tremors in his veins, how the colors in the grocery store suddenly looked too bright, how the fluorescent light now felt too loud. breath became shallow and quick, trying to maintain some semblance of self-control. and overwhelmed with his head swimming, swimming, swimming, francis nearly hit someone with his cart, stopping to a screeching halt just an inch away from colliding against the woman standing near the end of the aisle, inspecting a display of imported chocolates. he didn't know her, but there was something he immediately recognized ๏น• a steadiness he couldn't find in himself. and maybe that was what drew him inโ€” the faint hope that it might rub off on him, even if only for a second. โ€œ hey, โ€ he started, voice rough and low, almost a whisper, almost like a secret, like it had to fight its way out of his throat. โ€œ do you know where to fuckin' get some, uh ... โ€ he had to think for a minute, wasn't even looking for anything, just wanted to ground himself to a conversation. but as soon as words failed him, intrusive impulses hijacked his body with the first familiar thoughtโธป and francis mimed sniffing something off the back of his hand, rubbing his gums, then even pretended to roll up a sleeve and exhaled sharply, all his gestures ridiculous and frantic. @inlustre
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repentulant ยท 1 month ago
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โœฆ       โŒข      dedicated   to   @inlustre's   sabine    ๐“‚‚ โœฆ       โŒข      ๏ผ    deer lake clubhouse,    just   before 7pm    ๐“‚‚
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                             maeve    reddings    may    very    well    be    an    encyclopedic    definition    of    perpetual    motion.    a    life    full    of    go,    go,    goโ€”    there's    no    room    to    dwell    if    you're    constantly    working    on    the    next    objective.    it's    what    had    kept    her    busy    at    deer    lake    clubhouse    as    she    helped    prepare    for    the    fundraisers;    it's    the    same    thing    that    conveniently    kept    her    away    from    the    memorial    unveiling    itself.    but    news    travels    fast    in    red    creek.    she    burns    with    the    need    to    discuss,    to    expel    the    weight    of    knowledge    off    of    her    own    shoulders.    as    she    walks    into    the    next    room,    she's    thankful    to    see    sabine.    no    time    for    greetings,    she    begins-    โ    did    you    hear    what    happened    today    ?    โž    
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newwayin ยท 5 months ago
location: out and about, late afternoon. specifically: selin ( @inlustre )
" i just... fell. you know it was crazy on halloween, with... all that happened. " he's dismissive, giving a shrug the question of the bruises that linger on his face and decorate his knuckles. yeah, even the blindest person would know that's not the case. exhaling a deep, deep breath and slouching deep into his seat, just barely peaking over the table. eyes roll deep inside his skull, sitting right back up only seconds later. " whatever. you probably heard of the fight that happened in redstone bar. that was me. if only i remembered my taekwondo lessons from i was younger. " then maybe i would've won, is what he wants to say but keeps quiet. his voice is soft, talking to himslef more - so than selin. " you should see the other guy... "
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lunarficial ยท 5 months ago
๐Ÿ”’ closed starter for selin / / @inlustre ๐Ÿ“ outside of amrak grocery store.
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โ˜พ exiting amrak & directly walking into the path of selin has hana pausing in her tracks. a millisecond loss of composure. as a child, seeing selin felt like a breath of fresh airโ€” she was one of the first people to show hana what being a friend could mean. it eats at her; to know someone out there knew her before she could project her own best version of self. what exists between them now is distance, with hana rounding corners to avoid an awkward & grating clash of small talk. she chooses the wrong corner this time, evidently. โ oh, hey ! โž hana greets, trying to mirror the polite lift in her voice that she imagines selin would welcome an old friend with. she readjusts the bag in her arms, comically full of all her parents' favorite. โ on grocery duty this week for my parents. you know how they get. are you headed in for the day ? โž by that, she of course references the anxiety they had projected throughout the early 00's in red creek. even decades later, another murder in a town so small seems too soon.
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z12may12m ยท 2 years ago
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horrorphase ยท 4 months ago
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๊œœ ๏น™ โšฐ๏ธ  ๏นš ๏น• he hadn't really been here before, but the apartment, as it was now, felt like a foxhole, a sanctuary from the disorder of the world outside. sun-warmed wood, lovingly cluttered cornersโธป and he could just stay like this forever, watching the soft beams of morning light sprawled across the floor, such careless elegance that set every speck of dust adrift in gold. if only โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ was here, then he'd have everything he needed here. there was an echo of comfort here ๏น• it wasn't taylan's childhood bedroom, but there was still something grounding about the rough scrape of posters and the scattered remnants of his friend's lifeโ€” hockey gear propped in corners, a stick resting against the wall, its tape frayed and peeling like a secret kept too long. kieran rubbed at his eyes, the fabric of taylan's shirt shifting over his shoulders, loose and comforting, such a rare thing for him to sleep as deeply as he did, for his mind to go still, for his body to just surrender into sheets. but he could just blame it on last night's exhaustion ๏น• muscles still carrying soreness from running after the boogeyman, a leftover hum of adrenaline.
but he couldn't stay like this forever, not when there was another body disemboweled, another murder to solve ๏น• that blissful moment of emptiness when you just woke up finally fading away and making room for reality. kieran pushed off from taylan's bed, the creak of the frame sounding like childhood memories of sneaking out, and stepped into the hallway, where the warmth spilling in from the kitchen greeted him. and he followed as selin's silhouette moved against the backdrop of the morningโธป stopping just a short distance from her when he noticed the cat, bare feet grounding him to the space as he watched pasha let out some accusatory hisses and meows, tail twitching like a metronome of distrust. and before he could say anything, selin swiveled with a frying pan that could have probably knocked him out if only she actually acted on that impulse. instinct jolted through him, but he didn't move, lips pulling into a crooked smile. โ€œ y'know, i used to remember you threatening people with words when tay's fists didn't work. guess you've advanced to kitchenware now ? โ€ the words rolled off his tongue dryly, but they were punctuated by the small, genuine laugh that escaped him, lifting his hands up in feigned surrender.
โ€œ i have two younger sisters, sel. ' course i know how to make breakfast, โ€ an almost offended response, but kieran didn't hesitate to move towards the fridge, grabbing a carton of eggs, shaking it lightly. โ€œ sit, โ€ he gestured with his chin, tone flat and unhurried, a command that was softened by the morning. โ€œ i've got this. โ€ and it had been awhile since he had done this, breakfast often skipped, but today, here, kieran let himself sink into this ๏น• the clink of a bowl, the scrape of a spatula, the sizzle of oil, the scent of frying eggs. and maybe he was just trying to make her feel more comfortable before the next revelationโธป โ€œ hope you don't mind that i inspected the place last night when everyone was asleep. โ€ gaze flitted towards the cracked-open kitchen window, eyes mapping the frame. โ€œ window's loose. one shove and you're in. โ€ a glance toward toward the front door then made him snort quietly, the sound more breath than laugh. โ€œ that lock might as well be a decoration. deadbolt's a joke, could be picked with a hairpin. most of the frame had gone soft, too. could probably be forced open with some pressure. โ€ he stepped away from the stove for a few moments, pointing out the window at the far corner of the living room, its curtain drawn lazily to one side. โ€œ that one's a bit trickierโ€” sills a little more sturdy, but if you know how to jimmie the latch, it opens. probably takes a bit more finesse, but not impossible. โ€ and of course, there was taylan's window, but they didn't need to talk about that. kieran paused for a second, maybe two, or ten, trying to remember if there was any other entry points he was missing ๏น• but train of thought was then derailed by the scent of burnt eggs. โ€œ SHIT. โ€
FOR : kieran , june , & taylan ( @horrorphase @bittenmoths @ofvolatile ) . LOCATION : selin's apartment . TIME : early morning , november 1st .
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she can tell it's early by the way the sun peaks through her curtains , the lacey shadow casting an intricate pattern across her hardwood floors in the way that always made selin itch to trace over it , to make it permanent with some paint and a brush . in the safety of her bedroom art supplies are scattered freely , tucked into corners and piled onto desks , adorning her bookshelves in the way they never used to within the walls of her childhood home . her apartment was her sanctuary , and her bedroom the most intimate room of all ; pieces of her heart were scattered everywhere , displayed in the pictures taped onto her walls and the boxes of old birthday cards and love notes by her bed , tethered to the clothes overfilling her closet and the trinkets she's filled a many jewelry box with . she's careful not to wake june as she slides out from under her comforter and into her slippers โ€” and there's a piece of her heart there , too , locked tightly inside the sleeping mass selin's vigilant to note is alive and breathing , counting the gentle rise and falls of their chest before she's content enough to venture into the kitchen . pasha greets her with a headbutt to the legs and a disgruntled meow , so croaky and cranky from being denied his spot in her bed it draws a laugh out of her . " i'm sorry , baby , " she coos , to which he offers another meow , taking his place by his bowl . she fills it mindlessly , pats his furry head , still groggy with sleep and only just beginning to register the throbbing of her bruised eye , more swollen and tight than it had felt last night . she's tempted to crawl back into her bed , but there was no falling asleep again without pain killers , and there were no pain killers without breakfast . november had brought with it a chill that warranted pajamas warmer than the old high school class t-shirt and mismatching shorts she was wearing , but it wasn't the temperature outside seeping in from the only half decently insulated walls that has the hair on the back of her neck standing up , or goosebumps trailing down the length of her arms . it was the feeling that someone was behind her ; a feeling confirmed by the tabby cat who was no longer crunching on kibble , but hissing at a shadow too lanky too belong to her brother . her heart jumps into her throat , a million thoughts crossing her mind , but only two registering . is this what alaina felt ? and then is taylan okay ?
she doesn't spare another second thinking , leaping to action in a way she didn't know herself capable of until that very moment , shaking fingers clasping onto the handle of her frying pan before she whips around , unbrushed curls bouncing , what could have been a scream tearing from her throat before it dies off into a stunned silence . there was no boogeyman poised with a knife , ready to slash her organs from her body . no , her intruder wore a familiar face , and selin lowers her weapon just a fraction before hissing " โ€” kieran ? " disbelief at the picture in front of her has her staring as she waits for it to register kieran talbot's standing , very much uninvited , very much unfazed , inside her apartment . and maybe that's why her suspicion refuses to back down entirely as she says " i don't remember letting you in . " with every second her heartbeat settles closer to normal comes clarity , sense returning with every blink of her dark lashes . the clothes he's wearing โ€” she recognizes the shirt , and old tee's of her brother , which could only mean two things : either he'd spent the night in taylan's room , no doubt climbing through his window like june had , or he'd killed her brother then taken the shirt as some sort of sick prize . it wasn't even a question in her head , which reality made more sense . " i really need new fucking locks , don't i ? " she groans , more to herself than to kieran , frying pan returned to it's spot on the stove , relinquished from her panicked grasp from only minutes before . and then selin spins back around to face him , hands placed squarely on her hips as she fixes him with a look there was only one right answer to . " well do you know how to crack an egg , at least ? "
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inadeqcies ยท 4 months ago
โ—‹    NOW DELIVERING TO . . .    โค @inlustre !
" selin , right ? " ricardo greets , with a wry , almost gentle smile . it feels wrong on him , but he pays it no mind . the bruising on his jaw is almost non-existent , yet the social bruising isn't going to go away anytime soon . part of him knows to not even TRY with selin right now , after the absolute flogging he's received , but when he spotted her luscious hair , sitting by the window of the coffee shop . . . RICARDO KNEW HE'D BE AMISS NOT TO TRY . he holds up one of the two cups of coffee in his hand . " want one ? they accidentally gave me two . " a lie . everything ricardo does is never an accident , always purposeful . always calculated . HE SHOULD LET THIS GO , but ricardo has never let anything go in his entire life . that's part of what brought him to redcreek in the first place . " or - sorry , are you waiting for someone ? " he gives an abashed laugh , reaching up to scratch the back of his neck . the word ' SORRY ' is scratchy on his tongue .
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desbvndar ยท 2 months ago
๐Ÿ—“๏ธ january 24 , 6 : 09 p.m. ๐Ÿ“ sabine's house ๐Ÿ’ฌ jihoon + sabine ( @inlustre )
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adjusting  his  cufflinks  as  he  stands  outside  sabineโ€™s  front  door  ,  the  cold  still  gnaws  at  his  fingers  despite  the  sleek  warmth  of  his  coat  .  the  door  swings  open  before  he  can  knock  ,  and  there  she  is  ;  swept  up  in  the  effortless  kind  of  elegance  that  always  makes  him  feel  like  a  footnote  next  to  her  .  he  exhales  ,  eyes  dragging  over  her  .  assessing  ,  subtly  admiring  with  a  blank  expression  .  โ€œ  we're  running  late  ,  โ€  his  tone  is  even  and  clipped  ,  like  it  always  is  when  heโ€™s  focused  .  jihoon  steps  inside  without  waiting  for  an  invitation  ,  the  familiar  scent  of  jasmine  and  vanilla  enveloping  him  .  heโ€™s  careful  not  to  track  snow  onto  the  pristine  floors  ,  but  his  mind  is  elsewhere  โ€”  on  the  dinner  ,  on  the  client  ,  on  the  hundred  other  things  that  need  to  go  right  tonight  .  not  on  kirby  sloane  .  โ€œ  are  you  ready  ?  โ€  he  smooths  a  hand  over  his  tie  ,  eyes  flicking  to  her  .
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changelingz ยท 2 months ago
LOCATION :  alara's mothers house . @inlustre
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the  two  women  ,  so  alike  and  yet  so  different  ,  their  relationship  filled  with  intangible  barrier  ,  rarely  spent  an  extended  amount  of  time  with  each  other  .  there  was  no  doubt  that  alara  loved  her  cousins  to  the  core  ,  selin  being  someone  that  in  a  way  she  had  always  admired  ...  the  two  of  them  unquestionably  sharing  so  much  of  their  taste  ,  their  similarities  perhaps  making  them  even  further  apart  when  it  came  to  emotional  space  .  they  didn't  know  how  to  fill  a  room  with  each  other  ,  how  to  coexist  in  a  way  that  wasn't  allowing  exposure  to  insecurities  .
alara's  normal  bouncy  nature  seems  to  be  filled  with  vacancy  on  that  particular  morning  ,  the  end  to  the  week  something  that  nobody  would  have  foresaw  and  her  mother  seeming  to  be  in  a  world  of  her  own  .  she  had  always  felt  a  sense  of  closeness  whether  was  from  her  family  ,  her  friends  or  the  community  that  she  had  created  with  her  music  but  in  the  abyss  of  everything  that  was  going  on  ,  she  found  loneliness  in  her  own  secrecy  .  her  skin  is  paler  ,  blue  button  up  pyjamas  loose  and  dark  hair  hanging  in  straight  curtains  down  her  face  .  she  hadn't  actually  realised  it  was  selin  at  first  ,  expecting  to  see  damla  or  her  niece  run  in  ...  there  seems  to  be  a  pause  ,  unexpected  moment  as  she  reaches  out  for  her  phone  as  if  she  was  checking  the  time  ...  even  though  she  already  knew  it  was  far  past  midday  ,  "  oh  ...  is  it  that  late  already  ...  "  no  real  conviction  in  the  words  ,  a  shellish  emptiness  that  was  inexplicable  as  she  looks  back  to  her  cousin  without  adding  anything  else  .  the  normal  absent  chatter  seeming  to  be  stopped  dead  in  tracks  .
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ofvolatile ยท 5 months ago
where : lakeside grill , 7:30 pm . status : closed with @inlustre
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its days after his return , and his mother thought it fit to have dinner together as a family , because how else would the town see the yalรงฤฑnkaya's being the picture - perfect family that his father has always dreamt of ? straight spines , fake smiles ( never found on his lips ) , all pulled by strings above their heads , sitting like marionettes displayed for show . subjected to a scolding on how sport could never be a lasting career . taylan had never asked for , nor needed his father's sympathy , but its hard to ignore how the words sting , how his scar stings underneath that loaded stare . for all the violence his body carries , when it comes to his father he keeps his fists at home , curls his hands around his glass and resents the fraction of control his father wields over him . their parents had just left , and taylan is still reeling , jaw working angrily . โ€œ dad still an asshole . thinks his badge and that crooked halo above his head makes him look like a fucking saint . can't even keep this shitty town safe . โ€ he spits loudly not caring that a few faces turn to look at the table where the twins are seated . the glass tightens under the pressure of his hand , and he wants  it to crack , for the edges cut into his palm , for the fake blood clinging on his skin to be real . his anger has only harmed his self the most . โ€œ the only thing heโ€™s good for is being used an example on how to do a piss-poor job . he's a fucking joke . โ€
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c0nnectdots ยท 4 months ago
FOR : selin ! @inlustre . LOCATION : steps outside damon's apartment . TIMESTAMP : 5:40pm .
" c'mon, promise i haven't been avoiding you. i'd pinky promise on it even, sel. " said with a smile and a shift in their perch. a cigarette rests between their pointer and middle finger, getting rolled slowly between the knuckles. " you know me, busy as shit all the time. can't ever seem to sit still. " which, really, has been more true as of late. avoided redstone as of late, stayed on their feet, wandered about in the middle of the night like they had somewhere to be. maybe, just maybe, damon thinks if they keep moving around sporadically they'd be spared from whatever shit was stirred. maybe they're shrouded in some sort of burden. who's to say, they haven't told anyone. not even selin, arguably someone they've kept fairly close throughout the years.
the cigarette rises to their mouth, slow toil of the smoke exiting the corner of their mouth. takes a sudden sullen turn of his voice to heavily sigh. drops a bit of their ... nonchalance. " buuuuut i never apologized for that night at redstone, did i? i'm sorry, sel. it wasn't anything personal, right? y'know, you getting hurt? "
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hypnotiscd ยท 5 months ago
โ—‹    NOW DELIVERING TO . . .    โค @inlustre !
location :  saber   street  , nadia's apartment balcony .
time:  8   :   20   pm 
" TAKE THE SHOT ! " nadia calls out to selin . " i heard that , which means i'm close to BINGO on my halloween card . " she ducks her head inside the apartment , eyes scouring for her friend in question . her cigarette stays perfectly lit , dangling precariously from her fingers before she looks down at the BINGO CARD in question . REDWOOD HALLOWEEN BINGO is a tried and true fashion for the pair - it's the best way to start a night of debauchery , drinking and over - socialising . nadia drinks in her own shitty handwriting which states in one box : SELIN MENTIONS THAT PEOPLE MIGHT NOT UNDERSTAND HER OUTFIT . tick , tick and tick . nadia may not be good at a lot , but predicting things in this town ? that's a hole in one ( she's mixing metaphors as well as spirits tonight . sue her ) . " when can i see the FINAL outfit product anyways , sel ? "
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repentulant ยท 2 months ago
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๐Ÿ—๏ธ dedicated to selin yalรงฤฑnkaya / @inlustre . ๐Ÿ“ outside of selin's aparment building .
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there   is   not   a   force   in   this   reality   or   the   next   that   could   keep   him   away.   if   people   are   being   harmed,   hunted,   he   needed   to   make   sure   that   she   was   unharmed.   itโ€™s   a   gut   reaction,   something   instinctual,   something   that   beats   within   his   heart   itself,   something   that   lead   him   to   the   office   of   amrak   grocery   store   around   close.   the   same   thing   that   leads   him   to   her   street   now.   santiago   falls   two   steps   behind   so   he   can   watch,   scrutinize   if   the   world   around   her   is   safe,   worthyโ€”   even   if   he   may   not   be.   his   hand   flexes   with   the   urge   to   reach   out   &   hold   on.   a   train   of   thought   that   leads   to   new   years   eve,   toโ€”   it's   not   the   time.   as   they   approach   the   building's   door,   it   feels   a   bit   easier   to   breathe.     โ   โ€˜s   taylan   home   ?   โž     his   voice   breaks   the   silence   of   the   night.   โ   let   me   walk   you   in.   umโ€”   if   yโ€™   want   me   too.   could   text   me   when   you're   allโ€ฆ   locked   in   too.   โž
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lordsalissoon ยท 1 year ago
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Oh what's this??? An inlustration with the chaos trio from Ages of nokori? Is it still a WIP?
But wait!!! You have the chance to see the timelapse of this piece over my Patreon and the best news: I don't have tiers! Any amount you can spare will unlock this and many other ilustrations!
So, Check it out!!
Also, a friendly reminder: Leon and Yuri belongs to @inky-beasts
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capitclkarma ยท 1 month ago
7:25pm at deerlake clubhouse for yasmine + selin @inlustre
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" so , " they began , " what's been your favorite booth so far ? " once upon a time , they had been an expert at small talk , always able to keep up a steady stream of conversation . but that was left behind , tucked between the pillows in their childhood bedroom , next to their favorite stuffed animal . they wanted to feel more normal , like they were part of the town . they needed a friend here , someone to talk to , someone to distract them . and selin had always tried . yasmine noticed and hardly gave her a bone , but this time , yasmine approached her first . and now they walked together along the line of booths , observing what the businesses had to offer . well , maybe they just wanted someone to mourn them .
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