Comicon Photographers
Photographer: Can I get a photo of you, you're dressed up as steampunk right?
Me: Ummmm this is how I normally dress...
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Stop using books as coasters!
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Whilst having the first tea of the day you scroll through your beloved laptop, taking a big gulp and placing  your mug on the bed-side table. You hear a little squeak but your eyes are so fixated on the screen it goes unnoticed.... 
Sounds familier huh?
I know it does. I didn’t just buy this Scott Fitzgerald book just to make an Instagram picture that makes people think that I have time to juggle my degree, compose a business plan, search for a job and improve my vocabulary as well as become a well-read lady that Lady Catherine de Bourgh from Pride and Prejudice would approve of.  
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But if we have the time to gaze at our screens for hours, we can dedicate more time to our forgotten books. 
Give a book some love tomorrow morning, you never know the imagination opportunities that it will give back to you are.
After watching the disappointing film Pan, I highly recommend restoring your faith in children’s stories and reading Peter Pan. If you are like me and want something easy to read in the morning whilst waiting for your brain to load then this is a perfect choice. The language is fairly simplistic but, like many children’s stories, it still has the undertones that only adults will understand.
“Go on! Get going! You already know the way- Second to the right, and straight on till morning, you can’t miss it.
... and tell Peter ‘Hi’ from me- not that he’ll remember”
-Tony Diterlizzi
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