inkydiamonds 2 months
also any updates bout the fate of tirazia !!!! I am invested
YAYAY NP!!! I'm so excited to see your art! (Edit: I took so long to answer this that I have seen it!!!!!)
I also really gotta add more characters to my art fight- including more FOT NPCs maybe ?? Maybe ??? I have one in particular I wanna do but I'm not sure how to do it bc I don't want Blue to see him bc he hasn't shown up in the campaign yet lol
For the actual campaign itself! I'm not sure where I left off lol. [Looks at that one long post] Ah! Session 7 it seems, then Blue sent some memes about session 8.
We haven't done any over the summer bc now we're 8 people total and also. Timezones. But! We ended on session 9, and holy shit were these some crazy last two sessions.
Brief session 7 recap:
Sadly, Hans's player couldn't come, so he canonically spends the entire session digging holes in the ground (... long story) and inspecting the mysterious magical skull he got after we raided the Order of the Five castle (where Sully buried that one person alive). However! For the first time, we have a new player who takes over playing Paul. Through this, the rest of the party goes on a wild goose chase to get a magical artifact with him except Anawrete, who visits her parents' place, and we get lore there. At the end of the session, Alloces goes off to investigate mysterious smuggler's den with ties to Anawrete at the Order of the Five castle and Silen follows him. It ends up having a tunnel leading off into the Underdark, and Silen loses sight of Alloces and starts walking down there.
That's session 7!
Now, session 8:
Sully, Paul, Mal, and after a minute Alloces go and reunite with Hans. Hans is outside the Shipbuilder's Guild, having dug a bunch of holes without finding what he wanted to (a lead brick we buried in like session 4ish) This is very concerning, bc it was supposed to be a message to a demon to kill this one guy (we were trying to solve a mystery and didn't know what else to do..... so we did that. Then we tried to unearth it bc we finished the mystery). Also, it wasn't supposed to disappear, even if it did work! So. Um?
However, the party decides that it's not that important, bc we're preoccupied with something else: the skull. Turns out Hans figured out that it's "locked" and that he can brute force unlock whatever magic it has inside it by blasting it with all four types of elemental magic at once. We figure out that between Hans, Alloces, Paul, and Sully, we have the needed elemental magic to do this. Unfortunately, Sully has suddenly become very up-in-arms, saying that combining elemental magic is against everything she believes in, and that she could never help with this. Hans refuses to listen, however, but he's stuck bc Sully is the only one with Earth magic in the party (and Earth magic is hard to obtain as a spell lol). Therefore, he decides to do something... not the greatest. He whispers to Alloces to use Suggest on her, and bc Alloces likes chaos, he complies. (Fun fact: ooc, I was actually the one to propose the Suggest idea. I thought it would be silly. <3) It works, and Sully now has to participate in this ritual against her will.
Meanwhile, Mal is watching all of this go down. She sees Sully rapidly change character, and realizes that something is up. She pulls Sully aside, asking if Sully is okay. Sully, unable to say otherwise, says yes, she's okay, she's just decided to do the ritual now. Mal fails her insight check, and decides that Sully must be okay if she says she is. Mal's player then does something which makes me go CRAZY insane and makes me want to chew on glass (/pos) and decides that NOW is the time to do a scene which she's been thinking about for a while. The Context: back in session 6 during our big fight, Sully got Mal out of death saves with a healing potion. Healing potions are a bit expensive, and Mal had her own which she didn't use before she got downed (overestimating her abilities), but Sully probs didn't even think twice and used her own on Mal. However, Mal obviously has been thinking about it, because she gives Sully that potion, then. Mal, very obviously very nervous, apologizes for "letting Sully down" and for being a burden during the fight, and not being strong enough to stay up herself. AND SULLY CAN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING BC SHE'S PREOCCUPIED WORRYING ABOUT THE RITUAL + BEING UNDER SUGGESTION. Mal then leaves very quickly, and Sully is left there, speechless.
Then the fucking ritual happens and we all unlock the Skull, and Sully snaps out of her Suggestion. The Skull has some kind of spirit inside it, and is filled with Aetheric energy (which......... happens to be something Sully ALSO is very against). Sully then starts yelling at Hans, telling him to drop the Skull and berating him for getting Alloces to possess her (she also hates Alloces but like. She's always hated Alloces. She really liked Hans. This is a betrayal of literally everything she believes in). The spirit of the skull starts speaking and reveals himself to be Logan Mortem, the original founder of the Order of the Five, and with that name Paul freezes as well. Apparently Paul somehow knows him- and is horrified. Then we fight bc Hans still refuses to drop it: Hans and Alloces versus Sully and Paul. Sully and Paul lose as we both roll very low lol (also Sully was mostly trying to knock the skull out of Hans's hand), and Sully, fuming, injured and panicking, decides to leave. Hans and Alloces have a conversation with the skull where it reveals some of its goals. Alloces apparently knows Logan, and Logan is maybe his dad/creator (????). Hans has been chosen to be the next heir of the Order of the Five apparently. Logan wants to "bring order to chaos". Hans is like. "hm. btw, you're not evil, right?" and Logan is like "........no." Hans is like "seems legit 馃憤". Paul tries to attack Hans one more time, this time with his moon staff (the artifact we were looking for session 7), but it backfires and hurts him somehow. After Alloces and Hans leave, its revealed that when it backfired, Paul got some of his memories taken from him and forgot what he was doing and where he was. He also leaves for the Shipbuilder's hall.
MEANWHILE. Silen is in the fuckin UHHHH Underdark.
When he's walking down, he hears a thunk behind him and ends up running further in. He keeps going down, and down, and down, until he ends up in the Underdark. Honestly, nothing really happens here except him hearing some Drow or Duergar and realizing that he's in the Underdark, and heading back up the way he came. However, when he comes back up, he hears voices in Common (rather than Undercommon). The group of people hear/see him, and they're wearing colorful robes of some kind and have a huge piece of stone in the shape of a body with them. He's like "haha hiiiii". The people, ofc, ask wtf he's doing here, and with his very poorly made excuses, they decide to take him with them. He tries to escape, and they stop him- and when they use elemental magic to stop him, he finally realizes that their robes look quite similar to Sully's.
They take Silen and the rock with them underwater with water magic, and they go into a cliff face opened to show another tunnel in the earth.
Switching over to Sully's perspective, she decides to head over to the Monastery, for the first time as shown in this campaign (tho I think somewhere she goes there and leaves a note about Ansa after session 6 before session 7 for continuity). The party knows nothing about it other than it existing. Even though she's shaken about the fight, she was planning to go here anyways, and talks to Jenevra, a water-aligned monk, saying she's here about the "Anatheme". Jenevra leads her to a secret passageway she's never been in before, and there, she sees, against all odds- fucking Silen.
Adrey茫o, the lead figure in the party of monks, says that Silen claims to know Sully. Sully, ofc, confirms it, but asks wtf Silen was up to. He really doesn't have a good reason, but Sully takes it as Silen being Silen (which it is), and she says that they can let him go. But before they do, she explains what happened with the fight, and warns Silen not to trust Hans or Alloces, saying that they've been corrupted and don't have his interests at heart. (Kind of unreliable narrator- Sully is very very biased, close-minded, and is actively working to split the party against the two of them). Silen... kind of believes her, but ofc refuses to acknowledge that Alloces is bad bc bro is head over heals in love (why).
Silen is led out by Jenevra, and Adrey茫o guides Sully through a ritual of their own. She drinks a mysterious liquid, and is suddenly able to change the stone into orange-tinted quartz, revealing what was inside the rock that they transported- Ansa. Chained and cast in crystal, Ansa is transported into a larger room, where many many others like her sit. Surrounded by countless Anathemes cast in ice or crystal, Sully feels much more calm than before.
For the rest of the session, it's a lot of character interactions as we all try to deal with all the shit which just went down (and PAUL LORE). Unfortunately, Anawrete missed all of it (sorry Blue :((( ) so a lot of it is catching her up as she's like I WAS GONE FOR TWO MINUTES.....
When we take a long rest, some people hear weird rustling and chaos coming from Paul's room, and Sully (+unbeknownst to her, Alloces's shadow) investigate and find papers everywhere and a weird blue stone, which the shadow takes.
Meanwhile, Paul sees Anawrete on his morning walk, and tells her a bit about his moon rod, then about the fight and shit which happened the other day. Then he tells her to go touch the rock up in his room, saying he's "not been quite honest".
All the party starts meeting up and chatting in the common room. Mal is chatting with Anawrete about her new fit, Silen is trying to dissuade Hans from the skull (telling him about it possessing him earlier and saying "abomination") (end of session 6 idk if I mentioned this lol), Sully walks in and tries to talk to Mal, but is distracted by the conversation of what the skull is where Alloces says some ominous shit. It's very tense, but Paul walks in, interrupting the conversation by saying "who wants scoOOOOnes :D" (LMFAO)
We briefly talk about the stone, which Alloces gives up. Apparently Paul is losing his memories and says that we can access them through the stone- but that he doesn't want to be there for it. Sully take the stone, and says she'll do it in a bit, then takes Mal to talk to her. (Honestly even tho it was in character I felt bad about being like NO LORE NOW but I'm glad we saved it for the next session bc it was a long sequence of events lol).
Sully and Mal have a conversation, where Sully first says the same thing she did to Silen- explaining the fight, saying that Hans and Alloces don't have their interests at heart, etc. She says that Mal was correct that Sully was not herself at the time, and thanks her for being there, and also says that... Mal never let her down. But Mal has been slowly getting more panicked as Sully has been talking, and says "but now I've let you down twice now! Because I didn't even realize you were influenced by them!!" and Sully doesn't even know what to say to that. She tries to reassure Mal, but it doesn't really work, and they. AUGH THEMMM PIX I'M SO UNWELL ABOUT THEM...... THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO COMMUNICATE FOR SHIT..................
Anyways, Silen and Anawrete talk, because she figured out that he was at the smuggler's den (tbh I forget how lol, maybs Alloces said it or just Silen himself). She interrogates him, and although he was VERY scared of her, he somehow doesn't mention that Sully's people were there, but he definitely throws Alloces under the bus. He then immediately runs to Sully and says that Anawrete lives there at the den (???) (she does not. bro was confused and scared out of his mind). Anawrete sees him talking to Sully (who mostly ignores him) and I think guesses that Sully was somehow related to all this.
However, at that moment Paul decides he wants to talk to Sully. They go off on their own, and have a very interesting conversation, where it's revealed that Paul definitely has a (negative) history with Logan and he's on her side. He says a lot of other ominous things ("you might have to become a demon to fight one" and "if I start feeling the effects of the skull, finish me off" are notable), and it's pretty obvious that they're against the skull for different reasons, but that they're on the same team.
Anawrete, with so much new info, goes back to her family complex briefly and talks to her mom about it. Her family has been tracking the Order of the Five and their movements, and found that the remaining troops have been heading up to Nortepont (a northern dwarf city), which is very interesting.
Finally, Alloces and Silen have a hilarious talk where Alloces tries to do a deal with him (favor for crossbow Alloces found in the den bc Silen is a ranger) and Silen's like "sure :D. As long as you take me to lunch again" and Alloces, done with this shit, decides against it.
But uhhhhh we've gone up to session 9. So. There's still more to talk about, though sadly I do not have the time rn. I will get to it later, and I hope you like this very long update!!!!
(I also got a lot of analyses and theories and art AND a whole ass cipher puzzle thing I gave to my campaign so there's. That too)
Also @blue-rhapsody feel free to add on anything! (Or even summarize session 9 I would be so happy if you did that lol)
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rabbit-runn 1 year
Isn't Willowpelt canonically light gray?
She is! But most of her kids even the ones she had with WhiteStorm had darker markings. So she gets some darker markings as well.
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inkypencomics 6 years
On today's episode of InkyAnswers: Can you submit your own comics to #InkyPen?
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inkydiamonds 4 months
hello :]
Hihi hyddd :DDD
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inkydiamonds 2 months
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HAIIII hru Tuv
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inkydiamonds 5 months
youaregodtome. inkY HII HINK <3333
If you've posted any more puzzle stuff I'm sorry I'm DYING RN... THE MIDTERMS......
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inkydiamonds 1 day
huh. I didn't know you liked arcane /silly
Figured "oh what's a thing I haven't watched. Ah Arcane! I've heard people say good things might as well give it a go"
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inkydiamonds 2 months
I'll try my best to get to revenging it I've just been fighting some art block recently and also running into. Irl stuff. But AUGH YAYYY TYYYYY
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inkydiamonds 5 months
hi! here's a flower for you :]
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not sure if it's gonna survive long on a desert-themed blog. welp, enjoy it while it's still nice and healthy :D
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Maybe so, but she'll try her best :)
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inkydiamonds 25 days
mint mint
Oh no it's spreading!!! (Mint the plant tends to do that :( )
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inkydiamonds 1 month
99, 53, 38 !!
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First- who are Sully's friends? She'd probably only consider [mystery character who has not been revealed] and Mal to have been her friends. However for the purpose of this ask game I'm considering her entire party to also be in this category (except Alloces. She hates Alloces lol).
38- What's the biggest favor they've asked of a friend?
Probably depends on what you mean by "favor"! If you count it, it would probably be when she went around session 8 and asked Mal, Silen, and Paul to stay away from Hans and Alloces, as she was worried that they would "corrupt" them with the aetheric magic they were dealing with. You could also say it was a "favor" when she told Silen not to tell the rest of the party about her burying Ansa alive or about the suspicious activity of her Monastery. ... Both weren't exactly "asked" by her, however, or done entirely in good faith as friend-on-friend (even if she tells herself that the former was for their own good, there was definitely some pettiness involved in her still being very mad at Hans).
53- Are they jealous of any of their friends?
Hmmmm I'm gonna say yes! Anawrete <3. Watch my girl be jealous of a teenager who's ALSO in over her head (though Sully doesn't know that or see it that way). Other than that, no- everyone else has way too many of their own issues for Sully to be jealous of them.
83- Do they defend their friends no matter what? Even if they're wrong?
Hahahahaha no. In fact, it is definitely the opposite- she is very stubborn and prioritizes being "right" over being close. That being said, it probably depends on what they're "wrong" about- like if Mal committed some murders then said it was fine Sully would not bat an eye. It more matters what Sully *herself* sees as right and wrong- things largely related to her religious beliefs. She would turn on them in an instant if those ideas were questioned, as seen with her attacking Hans. She would have a more difficult time if it was [mystery character] or Mal doing the questioning, though. The cognitive dissonance is already insane, it would be fun to see it get worse <3
99- Have they made any "friendship regrets"? This can mean anything you want it to mean.
Ough. What a question. She regrets ever trusting Hans. She regrets ever trusting Paul. She regrets making friends with the party in the first place. Maybe it would be better if she hadn't left the Monastery at all. (She knows this isn't true- if she hadn't, Ansa would still be active and dangerous. If she hadn't, she wouldn't know how bad it was out there, how much she was needed. She's just being selfish for thinking that way.)
Of course, there is one more regret, the biggest of all.
Maybe if she hadn't been so weak, she could have saved him.
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inkydiamonds 1 month
14 15 21 32
14- What's the fondest memory they have with their friends?
I'll give you two:
Laying on her back, looking up at the stars and long, arching rings with [mystery character], listening to him point out the brightest stars and the constellations they make. She could listen to him talk for forever.
Bright in the morning, hearing the birds chirp their wakeup calls, Sully leads Mal out the second story window and down the earthen path she had lifted from the ground the previous day. Sitting on the dewy grass, Sully opens the pages of a book which she had read through a thousand times before. It was peaceful there, and they might have stayed there for a little longer, if only a distant plume of smoke on the horizon hadn't interrupted them.
15- What's a painful memory they have of their friends?
Unfortunately, there's more of these than the former. What comes to mind is session 8 when she was under Alloces's Suggestion, struggling to move her mouth, trying to tell Mal that she really *doesn't* want to do the ritual while Mal rambles out apologies she doesn't need to give.
21- Are they a physically affectionate friend? With certain people or with everyone?
Ooo, touch is complicated for Sully! If she trusts you, she won't hesitate to grab your hand to take you somewhere, which I've even shown in the campaign. She grabbed Hans away gently in session 2 to split up the party to search for a secret letter (back when she still trusted him- he was actually the party member she trusted the most), and she definitely has done the same with Mal (session 5 during the scene where she showed Mal her prayer book and session 8 when she wanted to talk after the inter-party fight happened). She probably picked up this grabbing-hands-to-lead-you-somewhere move from [mystery character]. Interestingly, Anawrete once grabbed her arm to lead her out of danger and she whipped it away (they bicker a lot. I love them <3). But uhm. Other than hand holding? She is currently pretty adverse to physical touch, but that could potentially change.
32- Which friend would they go to with their darkest secret?
I was hoping this question would be asked! :)
It's a bit complicated, because her darkest secret isn't exactly..... accessible right now. But even if it was, she never told [mystery character], she never told anyone in her Monastery, and she wouldn't tell it to anyone in the party, not even to Mal (though she may tiptoe around the fact). However, as the stakes continue to rise, this secret will definitely not stay buried forever.
Also, there's like the uh burying people alive thing, but that is well known by the Monastery (as well as fucking SILEN. Why was bro there, not once but TWICE-). She immediately reached out to Jenevra when the battle with Ansa was over, and they took care of it from there. ... Sully also has no plans to tell this to Mal. Mal doesn't need to see that side of her.
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inkydiamonds 4 months
:0 I've been booped
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inkydiamonds 11 months
trick or treat!!
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Take a lollipop! :)
Send me trick or treat asks and I'll draw your persona! (Include a reference if it's not your pfp, or not and I'll just give you candy anyways)
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inkydiamonds 11 months
Hello!!! Trick or treat :D
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Take a chocolate bar!!
Send me trick or treat asks and I'll draw your persona! (Include a reference if it's not your pfp, or not and I'll just give you candy anyways)
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inkydiamonds 1 year
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the inbox of the last ten people who reblogged something from you, get to know your mutuals and your followers
1. Mi gatita Inky (my namesake). She is such a babey
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2. My family and friends :) Love you guys sm
3. The ocean. It's fucking beautiful and I'm so at peace every time I'm able to go to it
4. Drawing! I haven't posted much here recently but I've been doing it nonetheless and it's super nice
5. Birds. Idk recently I've been trying to identify more and learn about them! Very very fun and I love the lil guys
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Here's a picture I recently took of a turkey vulture :0
Very lovely birds they're so cool
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