airteacher · 5 months
🧸 - Does your muse own any sentimental objects from their past? What makes it/them so special?
𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑏𝑜𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠.
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//There's the Guru Laghima locket and a staff that rests on the shrine in his study.
The locket is sentimental because Aang gave it to him as a reminder of the importance of not letting your duties to the world weigh you down.
The staff was made by either the mechanist or his son Teo, and given to Tenzin after his first visit to the Northern Air Temple. Originally, I thought this staff was the one that belonged to Aang, but that one was blue and given to Korra later on. Tenzin's mechanical staff is red, which we see when Zaheer tries to fly off with it. Tenzin didn't use it much, preferring a traditional staff, so it sat on his shrine in his study as a reminder of friendship and generosity.
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bendingmuses · 3 months
“so what’s the deal with you and wu?” / for mako!
Harass my muse with questions about their relationships, their past, their future or anything else you’ve always wanted to know but never asked. @inkorrnate
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Oh great. Korra had noticed how much time he was spending with the King. Mako knew it was bound to happen eventually, but he never did like being cornered with questions. "I wouldn't really call it a deal. There's no deal. He's just... a lot better than he was and I like hanging out with him. He's surprisingly attentive and understanding. Now that he's got direction in his life, Wu's a really great guy."
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kingwu · 2 months
beep boop i like how you balance between wu becoming a more mature leader while still retaining his personality and the quirks that made him so distinctive in the show. and always love reading your headcanons and all the extra details you bring to this lil green king
♛ || How's my portrayal?
thank you for noticing those lil quirks. i mean, he has such a big personality that's so fun to write, which is the whole reason why i want to write him (and bo too; they're both obnoxious dorks).
while his focus has changed more outward in order to fit more into his role, which is to benefit others and not just himself, it's not like he can get rid of his view toward himself so easily lol. ruins of the empire is truly such a big inspiration on how to approach him and his role as king.
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also thank you for saying stuff about my headcanons i always feel insecure about writing them and sometimes they sound so redundant and i'm like aaaaaaaaa
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heirscrchd · 3 months
“I didn't know it was your birthday.”
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Clicking her tongue, Azula couldn't be more displeased. Of course, they wouldn't say anything about her birthday. As soon as she was deemed insane, and stripped of her title, she was nothing. Forgotten. Never to be remembered in the same vain as she had once before.
" And if you knew? What difference would it make? " She'd snap, a clear edge to her tone.
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bndair · 5 months
@inkorrnate // post-plotting starter
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soft smile shifts to a knowing smirk. of course. we have to do the song and dance , don't we ?        ❝ it's good to see you too , korra. it's been too long. ❞ grey eyes sweep over those around them , mentally tallying up the number of white lotus elders and sentries surrounding the pair. ( let it never be said that the white lotus does anything halfway ).
hands clasp loosely behind the air nomad's back and he'll lean forward , this part for korra's ears only.       ❝ i think we need to ditch our chaperones though , don't you ? ❞ blink and you'd miss the mischievous wink as he steps back. an arm extends in silent invitation to follow the winding path beside them. come , take a walk with me. yet it's the nigh immediate advance of those around them that gives aang pause and changes the gesture from one of welcome to one of obstruction : a gentle cease and desist accompanied by a dip of his chin and lift of brows.          ❝ we'll be just fine on our own , thank you. ❞
amusement plays on his lips , watching the expressions of uncertainty and confusion as the white lotus confer with each other through silent looks. ( it doesn't take much to read between the lines : should we ? but it's avatar aang !! ) back is turned before consensus is reached , letting the lack of additional footsteps confirm the suspected outcome.
only when the two avatars have journeyed a moderate distance away does their tête-à-tête truly begin.        ❝ so , now that that's out of the way . . . how are you really doing ? ❞ don't hold back. he can take it.
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lunarduties · 4 months
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your character’s relationship to them? does your character have any siblings?
yue was the only child born to her father, chief arnook, and her late mother, chiefess sedna. the couple attempted to have another child after yue, as arnook received pressure from advisors to have another (particularly male) heir that could be a "backup" of sorts due to yue's chronic sickness. this led to sedna's passing, as she grew ill towards the end of her second trimester, leading to the loss of both her and yue's younger unborn sibling. yue was coming up on her fourth birthday when their deaths took place.
this left just yue and arnook as the primary members of the royal family. they were joined only by arnook's brother, tulimaq, who was only two years his junior and served as one of the members of the chief's advisory cabinet, and tulimaq's wife, mikiruk. tulimaq was an even more staunch traditionalist than arnook, and fit in well with the conservative cabinet. he was never super close to yue, but encouraged a friendship between her and his son (her cousin), kanguk.
in depth descriptions of yue's relationships with all of these people under the cut.
arnook: yue and her father are each other's closest confidants and best friends. before his rule, it was not custom for women to be on the chief's advisory committee, but arnook loved and trusted yue and her opinions enough that he nominated her for a seat on her fifteenth birthday. after almost losing yue, seeing the vision of her becoming the moon spirit, and then going on to lose his wife and unborn child, arnook took it upon himself to make sure that he would do everything in his power to protect her. this included things like being deeply involved in her daily life and setting up her arranged marriage so she would have a clear path in life.
still, arnook's dedication to tradition and yue's unwillingness to disappoint him because of their closeness leads to a silent distance between them. if he's honest with himself, he knows that his daughter longs for more freedom, but refuses to give her more than what she has out of fear of her dying an early death. this, in turn, impacts yue's happiness, though she respects her father and the values/duties to their tribe he's instilled in her far too much to ever voice such a thing. this positions them at an impasse, a father and daughter who love each other too much to disrupt the system they live in.
sedna: with sedna dying when she was only four, yue does not remember much of anything regarding her mother. while she was alive, however, yue was sedna's entire world. eager to watch over yue as a result of her being born sick, the two were rarely ever apart for the first few years of her life. sedna, who was deeply proficient in sewing, made many of the clothes that yue wore throughout her childhood. this is what began the princess' affinity for purple, as sedna would always use purple thread for her to differentiate her from the standard water tribe blue. when she knew she would pass, sedna undertook a final project and made a pair of purple gloves for yue to grow into as a teenager.
sedna was also a deeply spiritual woman both before and after tui saved yue. because of this, she would often take yue to the spirit oasis as a toddler, igniting her love for the space. yue would often return to these deeply spiritual places throughout the northern water tribe as she grew to feel closer to her mother.
tulimaq: yue and her uncle tulimaq were never very close. while they loved each other as family does, he frequently voiced worry to arnook that yue's chronic sickness and connection to the spirits would not make for a good ruler. when arnook refused to make his brother's eldest son kanguk his heir, tulimaq advised him to consider hahn as yue's betrothed fiancee, having always liked him. besides this, yue and her uncle frequently butted heads on arnook's advisory committee, leading her to believe he didn't care for her very much. despite their differences and his opinions about her, if anyone else where to question yue's abilities, tulimaq was always quick to silence them.
mikiruk: yue was always closer to her aunt mikiruk than she was her uncle. a quiet, timid, and kindhearted woman, mikiruk was among many of the waterbending women in the tribe that were taught to be healers and attempted to save yue as a baby. being one of the only older women in her immediate family after, yue often went to mikiruk about issues she didn't feel she could talk to arnook about. she also often dismissed her chambermaids and caretakers so that yue could watch her younger children, a job that was deemed unfit for the princess that she thoroughly enjoyed anyway. to yue, her aunt and uncle's dynamic eventually somewhat resembled that of what she believed would befall her upon marrying hahn.
kanguk: a friendship between cousins yue and kanguk was established early and nurtured by both sets of parents. the two were only months apart in age and, because of their royal blood, were often segregated from other northern tribe children for things like school, etc. all of these things led to them growing close, particularly as they entered their teenage years. kanguk, a waterbender like his mother, expressed frequent unhappiness with not being able to train with other boys his age under master pakku. he was yue's only confidant regarding the suffocation of royal life and, unlike his father, slightly more liberal when it came to the tribe's sexist views.
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bolinity · 5 months
💘 - What is your muse like when they're in love? What does your muse find attractive in someone else? What are their love languages? How do they show affection? Do they show any distinct signs that they're in love?
❖ || misc. symbol headcanons
also tagging @toranoya since they also sent this emoji.
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My benchmark for this is Bolin and Korra's initial dynamic in Book 1 from episodes 2-5 (definitely not a biased Borra shipper in the year 2024 nope idk what you're talking about): strong, fun, and beautiful. LOL. But really though, he really admires seeing folks who have a zest for life and have an amazing sense of humor. He really wants someone that he can laugh with for the rest of his life — and also smooch, obviously. Ultimately finding romance in a best friend is the most ideal for him — not in that weird and creepy ulterior motive kind of way though; just genuine love and trust and happiness.
His love languages are expanded on this post and this post and this post.
Bolin will try (KEYWORD TRY LMAO) to be slick when he approaches whoever he has affections on to put on some cool guy air because he has it in his head that Being Slick Definitely Gets All The Ladies — but, let's be completely honest, his charm point is when he's actually being his genuine soft, goofy self. He'll eventually slide back into it, especially when he sees that being himself makes his crush more comfortable and entertained when in his presence.
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chasingtitans · 4 months
send 🎧 for a song + symbolizing lyrics from keiko's playlist!
Billlie disappeared 瞬間 look for B ありのまま is this possible? (Nope) また ring the ring 君と I faced it 喜びの連鎖, mm-mm, up (Billlie disappeared, mayday look for B Put it together, is this possible? (Nope) Last day, got thе ring t’morrow, I’ll face it No it’s not a dream, wake mе, mm-mm, up)
DOMINO ~ butterfly effect by Billlie!
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equaliezr · 4 months
“the land doesn't want you here.”
just as the manitou stone stands amidst river currents, amon remains unperturbed in the face of forces attempting to erode where he's rooted. even as a vessel for the elements, he weathers her stifling nettling. alas, our solution forgives her cognitive dissonance, for the role she played was once a necessity for equilibrium in the world.
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                  ❝ your impression of the land's exigencies is flawed, avatar; just as the sun follows his path—giving and withdrawing his light—and the earth responds in abundance, so do the spirits. ❞ he spoke with the poise of a seasoned medicine person, his tone imbued with an almost otherworldly conviction.
the annihilating blackness within the mask's eye molds obscured his strong oceanic eyes, which narrowed into a tempered flow of censure as he regarded his counterpart's tempestuous position. he possessed powers that were virtually familial to the avatar's, in part thanks to the gifts bestowed upon them due to their shared heritage and a vision that necessitated a spiritual removal of her personhood.
it wasn't korra's fault, but then no one asked to be born the way they are or to inherit what they did. the avatar has had eighty-three chances to rectify the balance, and now here amon stands, the corrective to the world's problems.
                  ❝ the land has been yearning for balance, and the spirits have grown vexed with the disharmony and discord benders bring. their discontent is not with my being here, avatar korra, but with the imbalance and the oppressive supernatural powers that have been used to maintain it, ❞ he continued, an incalculable weight coming over his sonorous voice. ❝ once i break that construct, we can finally be redeemed and restored to the natural order. ❞
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feiiizhu · 6 months
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⟡⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅|| MUNDAY-FUNDAY;; inkorrnate asked: How far do you go with divergencies when it comes to your canon muse?
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// I'm not entirely too sure- other than my rot.e divergency and giving Opal a scar from Ming.Hua- though to be honest, sometimes I do forget about it.. I think other than those it's pretty close to canon?
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|| @inkorrnate
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airteacher · 6 months
21. If the mun could move to a different country would they and why?
Send a number for the muse(s) to talk about their mun
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"At one point she wanted to move to Iceland because it's a much safer country than the United States. Now, she's unsure if it would make her happy in the long run. It's worth visiting though."
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bendingmuses · 2 months
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@inkorrnate sent: “you know me better than anyone on earth.” / for mako
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"Yeah, well..." Mako wasn't sure what to say. All his life, it had just been him and Bolin. Now he had other people to care about and to care about him. The connections he formed had come out of nowhere, but he was glad to have them. "You're my best friend, Korra. I know your heart is in the right place, and I'll always be there for you. I just don't want you getting hurt. Ya know?"
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kingwu · 19 days
nasturtium:   describe your muse’s relationship with their birthplace, or homeland.
♛ || Botanical Headcanons
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It took me a bit to answer this because I haven't watched atla in over 9 years and I'm rewatching now and am finally at the BSS episodes. i typed that a bit ago and now i just finished all of atla lol
Obviously, Wu is native to the Earth Kingdom as he's a part of the Earth Kingdom's Royal lineage with his family hailing from the capital city of Ba Sing Se.
He was slated to become the next Earth King after Hou-Ting as the only direct heir to the throne (given that Hou-Ting was his great aunt, his grandparent's sister — to which we can assume that his grandparent was one of Kuei's children along side Hou-Ting).
All his life, he's known Ba Sing Se's walls to be in tact: the Outer wall, the Inner wall that splits the city from the Agrarian zone, the wall between the Lower and Middle Rings, and the wall between the Middle and Upper Rings. Obviously, he was living in the lap of luxury in the Upper Ring due to his familial status and possible destiny to ascend to the throne once it was his time.
To be quite honest, even though I don't think it was ever a thought in Wu's mind, I'm sure Hou-Ting was trying to be Earth Queen as long as possible by herself (which can pair as another reason as to why she didn't have an heir herself), so I don't think that Wu actually grew up on the palace grounds, but definitely stayed in the Upper Ring most of his life. He was very ignorant of the state of the Lower Ring, let alone the whole 55 states of the Earth Kingdom itself.
Also, since I doubt he was thinking Hou-Ting was going to be kicking the bucket any time soon, he decided to move to Republic City while she was still alive to take classes at Republic City University. Unfortunately, she was assassinated while he was still in school. As Kuvira took the mantle of looking over the Earth Kingdom States (to eventually become the Earth Empire of course), Wu continued his studies in Republic City and eventually graduated and was very ready to resume living the privileged life as a proper royal once he was on the throne. One would think that after being in more of a melting pot of a culture like Republic City, he would be more worldly and concerned about issues, but alas lol. Of course that changed once Kuvira usurped him during his coronation.
Through surviving the siege of the Earth Kingdom and learning of the damage that was done to it under the Earth Empire as well as the attack on Republic City, he became more empathetic toward the Earth Kingdom's citizens. With his experience of Republic City's democracy in action, he wants that future for his Kingdom; he definitely harbors more of a sense of duty now than before he was first going to be coronated.
However, he's still learning of the concerns of its citizens, like the still present poverty and bandits in the smaller villages — as well as the tension that exists between the Lower and Middle Rings of Ba Sing Se now that the wall between them was brought down due to Ghazan after the assassination of the Earth King. He understands that democracy isn't the immediate need for all its citizens, but it's still his overall goal he wants to strive for. (Though, unfortunately he has doubts it'll happen during his lifetime :') )
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heirscrchd · 4 months
hc + 🏠 for a home-themed headcanon
Thematic Headcanons
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Azula always loved the palace. Many people might complain that it was far too big for a single-family and that who really needed that much space even if they were royalty! But Azula loved it.
Specifically, because she loved to play hide and seek. When Lu Ten was still around she loved playing hide and sneak and chase the dragon with him (tag) where they were able to run in an almost infinite maze of hallways and rooms where the games would never end! She also loved tricking Zuko by memorizing the pathways of the halls that look similar and jumping out to scare him.
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bndair · 5 months
meme tag // always accepting
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Send me ⊙ and my muse will bold all that applies to yours I think you are:
| Admirable | Attractive | Absentminded | Amusing | Abrasive | Aloof | Arrogant | Brilliant | Bizarre | Bland | Caring | Charming | Clever | Confident | Courageous | Creative | Cute | Careless | Childish | Clumsy | Cowardly | Cruel | Dignified | Dramatic | Desperate | Devious | Disrespectful | Elegant | Energetic | Emotional | Excitable | Faithful | Forgiving | Friendly | Flamboyant | Foolish | Frightening | Generous | Gloomy | Greedy | Gullible | Helpful | Honest | Hateful | Intelligent | Ignorant | Impulsive | Insensitive | Irresponsible | Lovable | Lazy | Mature | Malicious | Misguided | Monstrous | Narrow-minded | Optimistic | Obnoxious | Peaceful | Persuasive | Protective | Power-hungry | Quirky | Reliable | Romantic | Ridiculous | Sexy | Sophisticated | Selfish | Trusting | Treacherous | Understanding | Unpredictable | Unstable | Vulnerable | Witty | Weak |
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lunarduties · 5 months
( @inkorrnate / ♡
her eyes go alight at the sight of the young avatar. the moon spirit lowers herself from her perch atop a tree and glides to close the gap between them. ❛ avatar korra. i've missed you.       ❜ she speaks softly, with all due admiration. yue then spares a glance over korra's shoulder as if she's looking for someone else. ❛      — forgive me. i suppose i was expecting to see asami as well, ❜
a warm laugh escapes her then, as not even the spirits are above the occasional teasing. yue looks upon her descendent with pride . . . pleased with the peace she seems to gain with each visit to her realm. ❛      what brings you to the spirit world this time around ? guidance, or perhaps tea with iroh ? ❜
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