e1igius · 2 years
‘ don't like the nicknames , huckens? huckiebear. hucksicle ’
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a small flicker as eyes follow the beast , ❝ y'all just straight up uncreative , the only one with a brain here is @bnchee , at least her's has some culture. ❞
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kaatz · 2 years
@inkfng,     fools will be fools.
people  are  idiots,  and  it  definitely  makes  ziggys  day  better.  guitar  rested  on  their  lap,  silently  watching  kerr  and  the  fool,  pressing  their  digits  on  the  strings  of  the  guitar  and  humming  softly  the  tune  thats  stuck  in  ziggys  mind,   corner  of  lips  turn  after  hearing  kerrs  come  back.  “ jeez,  man, ”   ...    “ who  hurt  you ? ”
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woednesdayaddams · 2 years
♱ starter for @inkfng
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conquering the world seemed like a more viable alternative than dealing with one’s human side. wednesday recoiled each time sentiments had been brought into a conversation, the topic repugnant by its very nature. she could grasp every notion out there regarding physics, anatomy, chemistry, hexes and spells but she’d be damned if she had the capacity to understand how others were actually feeling. wednesday could be rather painted as an aficionado of keeping any sorts of sentiments concealed, shoved within a corner of her own soul ‘till she forgets about their existence. she couldn’t say the same about her roommate, enid, the girl was exhibiting all sorts of emotions, taking the idiom her heart on her sleeve to a level wednesday couldn’t even comprehend. after some time, she got used to enid — usually, her roommate would radiate with happiness while other times, anger would unveil. the latter, she could understand. 
it came as a shock to return to her dorm, only to find enid standing still on her bed. no pop music making her ears bleed, no vibrant salute that ended up in details about her day. an anomaly. she almost turned around to leave, thinking if she retraced her steps, she’d return from that eerie glitch in the matrix that unfolded before her very own eyes. and she almost did just that had thing not signal her to enter. the appendaged filled her out on what she’d missed and she decided to act immediately. she tiptoed her way outside the room, making sure not to disrupt enid, which clearly got to bed earlier than usual. what was wednesday’s first instinct? seeking help. thus, she goes straight to the only sinclair after enid that she barely tolerates. the one she secretly stalked in her spare time, since she noticed caed ‘round kerr.
she cleared her throat, “i’m well aware we have our differences, but there’s something more important at stake.” she uttered, gaze flickering upwards to meet his. as much as she preferred keeping the other sinclairs around a grave deep distance, she had to fix it. since wednesday cannot exactly torture other adults, seeking kerr was the last resort. “it’s about enid.”
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barhd · 2 years
hey little dipshit , whatever do not listen to sabrina.
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" Honestly, I was just asking her a simple question. I guess she doesn't want to bond. "
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nklsdttr · 2 years
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room echoes with the sound of breaking furniture , back collides violently against nearby wall . an impression of her body is made in the bricks , a result of their combined force . he had , UP UNTIL THIS POINT , been a trusted ally , a worthy adversary who had most definitely earned her respect - but , she never thought they'd end up like this ! heated ministrations , panted breaths , mind a whir as undead heart beats rampantly within chest . mouths crash together and combined magic swirls around them , nearby window cracking as she pulls back from the kiss . " ... please ? " she murmurs , fingers buried in curly locks . expectant expression lives in sapphire spheres .
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ahuggera · 2 years
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@inkfng said: ‘ hey kiddo , you got a witch obsessing over you. ’
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Eyes brightened up at the words that were spoken to her, a grin tugging at her lips. "Is it really friendship if you aren't totally obsessed over your bestie?" She asked with a tilt of her head. "I mean, I'm Sabrina Spellman's number one fan.... How could you not be? She's so cool!!" Enid gushed, bouncing on her heels slightly. "I adore her. WWSD is a very big part of my life now."
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kingsnack · 2 years
‘ lookin` good , sugar cake. ’
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"right back atcha, sugar tits."
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shadowbrn · 2 years
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kerr  sinclair  (  @inkfng  )  said  to  tyler  lockwood  ;  ‘ that’s why i’m here, isn’t it? ‘
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tyler  hesitates  only  briefly.  there's  something  about  kerr  that  keeps  him  on  edge,  and  tyler  is  always  hyperaware  of  what's  going  on  when  kerr  is  there.  so  if  he's  being  completely  honest,  tyler  doesn't  know  why  kerr  is  there.  the  wolf  in  him  was  also  unsettled  by  kerr,  knowing  his  beast  was  different  .  .  .  even  if  the  specifics  of  it  didn't  make  sense  at  all.  not  that  tyler  had  taken  an  opportunity  to  learn  the  specifics.  he  avoided  kerr  like  the  plague  most  of  the  time.  ❝  i  don't  know  why  you're  here.  ❞  tyler  pointed  out,  ❝  you  just  kind  of  pop  up  in  an  almost  unsettling  way.  ❞
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hellsurvivr · 2 years
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@inkfng   :    “ They have to, and will be, punished for it. .  ”    ⏤    MEME :   still  accepting  .
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                 curiosity killed the cat, or so the old saying goes. and unfortunately for her, she was an exceptionally curious person. it often led to her ending up in situations that fuck her up, and potentially have her returning to hell. and yet it doesn't stop her. if anything it makes her worse, ─── every part of her chasing that high that comes from, nearly dying. the danger that bleeds through and sends the adrenaline in her system spiking to levels that were truly out of her control. and when partnered with her wish to feel pain, if only to feel anything at all. it had her chasing those moments, like a goddamn bitch in heat. as she needed it, the danger and pain, it was a drug. which made her being a curious person, a very good thing.
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                 looking at him, she can see the seriousness of the situation settle over him. as though it was a blanket, or shield he wrapped around himself. it was strange, and had her licking her lips, before teeth begin to mess with the piercing located in the plumpness of her bottom lip. ❝   why  …  ❞ words dripping quietly into the air, piercing it like a knife as she coughs to cover such a vulnerability. to mask her curiosity, it wasn't helpful in this situation ─── and yet she can't help herself, like a moth to the flame, her curiosity rears its head once more and has her looking at him. as tattooed fingers idly pick at the nails on her right hand ❝   so i take it you're the one to do the punishing  …  ❞ it was an obvious statement, that she knew, but now she was more curious about herself. if he huddled her in the same category as those that need punishing. but doesn't ask. that shred of curiosity she bites down. swallowing the venomous taste.
                 sometimes she found herself questioning, why was it always the ones who were young, who had to shoulder the hardest shit. had to sacrifice their childhood, to grow up too quickly. she was 17 when her world had changed, when she went to hell and was tortured for shits and giggles, and even now a few years later, she was still drowning in it all. and it wasn't air, though she guessed life never is. and something told her, and she could be wrong, but he had gone through hell himself, just in a different way to her. hence why he delivered the words so precise. so confident.
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pagetorn · 2 years
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@inkfng said: “ten bucks for that piece of crap?”
Rory gives the other a pointed look, solitary brow rising in response. He leans forward against the counter of the food truck, fingers splaying out against it and head canting to one side. He's never been insulted for his prices before someone even has a chance to try the food he's giving them. Though, he supposes there's a first for everything. ❝ Aye, lad. Ten bucks for the crap. ❞
He's always searching for constructive criticism when it comes to his creations. Traveling the world, studying under renowned chefs in nearly every country, left Rory with a deep sense of understanding when it comes to the complexities of flavor. His truck even finds itself up for a Michelin star. This isn't the criticism he has in mind. ❝ How's about ye' try the food first before ye' make a judgment, yeah? ❞
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aquariusvibes-arch · 2 years
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        The  large  sapphire  eyes  lit  up  when  Kerr  walked  in  with  the  most  gorgeous  cake  Lulu  had  ever  seen.  Hands  clasped  over  her  mouth,  and  a  happy  tear  ran  down  her  face.  “It’s  so  wonderful  –  your  so  wonderful.”  Kerr  considered  himself  monstrous  –  and  she’d  seen  him  at  his  worst.  But  he’d  seen  her  at  the  very  same.  There  was  something  uniquely  beautiful  when  two  damaged  people  found  solace  in  one  another.  “I  love  you…”
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woednesdayaddams · 2 years
💗 [ im here for a laugh. ]
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had to make some adjustments to be more ' realistic '. wednesday is actually screeching in the background, she doesn't wanna talk to anyone anymore.
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barhd · 2 years
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               MAYBE   HE   SHOULD   HAVE   BEEN   AFRAID,   WATCHING   AS   the   man   who   stood   before   him   went   unhinged.   The   blood   oozing   down   his   arms,   the   blood   staining   his   mouth,   the   ripping   sound   of   flesh   as   he   tore   it   open,   and the   loud   screech   of   protest...   a   picture   book   beast.   Yet,   Dustin   didn't   flinch.   Blues   were   wide,   however,   watching   as   the   body   disappeared   at   Kerr's   feet.   If   anything   a   part   of   his   mind   thought   it   was   fascinating,   cool   even.   Though,   he   didn't   voice   it.   Not   now,   but   perhaps   at   another   time.   There   might   have   been   a   flash   of   concern   within   the   older's   gaze   that   made   Dustin   pause,   cease   previous   words   that   wanted   to   speak.   He   breathed   out   slowly.
GUILT   SQUEEZED   HARD,   SETTLING   HEAVY   WITHIN   SMALL   CHEST.   He   was   tired   of   others   sacrificing   themselves   for   him.   So   tired   that   it   hung   within   innocent   eyes.   Were   they   even   innocent   anymore?
            THE   HAND   UPON   HIS   HEAD   MADE   HIM   CLICK   his   tongue.   His   own   arm   reached   up   to   touch   the   strong   one   that   belonged   to   the   wolf.   It   was   gentle,   warm,   and   soon   his   own   eyes   held   worry,   "   I'm   not   afraid,   "   he   said   again,   almost   comforting   and   reassuring,   "   Are   you   hurt?   "   brows   pulled   together.   It   might   have   been   a   stupid   question   with   how   he   stood   as   a   shield,   "   We   should   probably   get   you,   uh,   taken   care   of.   Let   me   help.   "   it   was   the   least   he   could   do. @inkfng cont.
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nklsdttr · 2 years
@inkfng smashed the heart :
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" . . . living like kings always COMES AT A PRICE , don't it ? " big bad wolf - roses and revolutions
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cheersnap · 2 years
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        “i don’t think you wanna know what a siren song   sounds like, kerr.”  not that chrissy would actually take her bracelet off and use her ability on him — or that he would even remember anything being done to him in the event that she did.  it’s an empty threat, especially coming from her of all sirens, but a threat all the same.  “i just wanna be left alone for a couple minutes,”  chrissy sighs, then in a  ( hopefully )  more forceful tone adds,  “you can understand that, can’t you?”
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@inkfng​ !     starter call.
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paintedclaws · 2 years
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        “i actually have a patch of pink fur on my head when i   wolf out.”  she tries not to bounce on her toes as she says it because, obviously, that little detail wasn’t the most significant aspect of her finally joining the pack.  but as usual, enid’s excitement about something just couldn’t be contained.  “i had no idea that could happen!  do you think my nails stay colored, too?”
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@inkfng​ !     starter call.
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