#inkd writes
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inkdheart17 · 1 year ago
"Love?" The priest's face twists in confusion. "Love doesn't make humans dangerous."
"What? But, they cause so many wars in the name of love!"
It was then that Ezekiel noticed the book in the witch's hand. A history book of her people. Which talked about the unfair war that came about due to a doomed romance. At least, that was what the humans told, and only the victors were heard in history. "No. No, no. Love is predictable, Medi. There are rules and a natural progression. It's why so many call it 'cliched'."
"That's only in fiction." Andromeda huffed.
Ezekiel laughed. "And often times the truth is stranger than fiction." He paused before deciding to take a seat next to her. "No, what you're thinking of is 'spite'. Now that has caused war."
"'Spite'?" Andromeda tested the word. Another human word foreign to her. Another emotion she was unfamiliar with.
A part of him wished to keep her ignorant. To tell her that life was beautiful and kind and keep her hidden from the truth, but he had learned it was a futile attempt. If anything, he would only cause her more pain when she inevitably learned the truth.
Ezekiel sighed under that ruby gaze of hers. "It's an illogical emotion. Something created from pain and anger, and it creates options in the human mind that should have never existed to begin with." He reached over and picked up the book on her lap. Flipping through a few pages and doing his best to hide his disgust. "Take this war against witches, for example. Everyone will tell you it's about a man who only wanted to be with the woman he loved, but it's all a lie."
"But, it's an official text." Andromeda furrowed her brow. "They can't lie in those."
"They can. Humans don't have spells that force the truth out, Medi." Using his fang to cut his thumb, the priest began to draw the sigil of truth over the book. Watching how Andromeda's eyes widened at the changes. The words twisted and stretched, disappeared and were replaced, and the truth emerged. He could have let her read the book on her own, discover the truth by herself, but he was still worried. "This is a war of a spiteful man who wanted to punish the witch that refused him. Believing he was entitled to her affections."
For a moment, Andromeda glued her eyes to the pages. Either not believing or not wanting to believe what it said. Then again, Ezekiel knew it made more sense than whatever the humans lied. It was real, natural, but it was unpredictably cruel and unreasonable.
A few tears fell from her eyes. Slipping under her glasses and dripping onto the pages. "All because he wanted her?"
"No. All because he wanted to punish her. Wars are always about punishment."
It is not love that makes humans dangerous.
Love is predictable. Love has rules of engagement.
Spite, however, makes the illogical logical to humans. It creates options in the human brain that should never have been considered.
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tamber-tales · 23 days ago
Hi! I'm J. E. Tamber. Welcome to my blog!
Who's J. E. Tamber?
A queer trans author who lives behind the Redwood Curtain. I love reading and writing. I also really like editing things for my friends, and I love making friends, so if you want an editor friend... my ask box is open.
What kinds of things do you write?
For the most part, I write (queer) fantasy, (queer) sci-fi, and (queer) paranormal. Not always centered on queerness, but about queer characters.
Right now all I've got published are short stories. Novels are on the way.
What have you published?
Two stories so far! Another is in the works.
Published in Inkd Publishing's Yay! all queer anthology, "An Enigmatic Night" is about a young woman named Nina who starts her date at the circus with a jerk of a boyfriend, but when one of the acrobats twirls their way into her night, it takes a turn for the wild. Available as an ebook through Books2Read and as both an ebook and a physical copy through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Self-Published by The Humboldt County Writers in our 2024 anthology: Water, "Bells in the Wind: A Stormsilver Vignette" is set aboard the pirate ship Salt Rose, where a young man named Foxy learns a secret about the captain's shadowed past. This one is set in the world of a novel I have yet to finish, but it stands on its own. It is available as an ebook at Books2Read and you can order a physical copy through Lulu.
So what's this blog about?
Mostly it's a personal blog, so you'll see a lot of reblogging silly or serious things I see on tumblr. Of particular note are Yu-Gi-Oh, Star Trek (especially DS9), Warrior cats, and queer (especially trans) stuff.
Sometimes I'll reblog something as a reference for my writing (#useful for my writing, #writing reference, #writing related). I will probably start doing some self-promotion as well.
I also write up my thoughts on a selection of books I'm reading, often for personal kicks and/or torture (#my book club). I might expand book club tags later.
Why the "distressingly bottomless well of enthusiasm"?
That one you can thank my good friend @quohotos for; the title was bestowed upon me because of my ruthless support of my friends' art and writing.
Why did you put the question mark outside the quotes in the last question?
Because I think the British way looks better when the punctuation doesn't belong to the quote. I'll do the proper American grammar when I'm publishing and editing, but in my heart it belongs the other way.
Anything else?
I mean, probably, but this thing is already long enough. If you've got a question for me, don't hesitate to ask!
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dei2dei · 7 months ago
AUgust turned into a mess. My CageBlade Regency spy-thriller thing now wants to be 5+ chapters and I just...c'mon brain, REALLY?
I have a new sideblog, @deiwrites, for some of my other writing stuff. Feel free to jump over there, that'll be more of the "writeblr" stuff and my original work as I get around to posting more of it.
I have another short story in an anthology on Kickstarter! If you like explicit sapphic short stories, "Improvisation" will be in the Impulse anthology by Inkd Press. If you think of it as a sapphic CageBlade fantasy story, you wouldn't be off base at all.
I have almost an entire month's worth of plans for Kinktober, but that's likely not going to happen. Y'all might get 4-5 CageBlade stories, a couple Apothecary Diaries, and that may be it, because of... well, that whole original writing and publishing thing.
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kpgresham · 1 year ago
A New Story Coming Soon and Updates
By N.M. Cedeño I have a couple stories pending publication right now. One of the publishers revealed an author list and book cover this month. My story “The Ghostly Lady’s Curse” is scheduled to be published in an anthology entitled Detectives, Sleuths, and Nosy Neighbors from Inkd Publishing. The publisher announced the author line-up for the anthology this month. You can see the announcement…
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inkdheart17 · 1 year ago
~~this is a crossover scene with Hero's Code and MHA~~
"So, you don't have a quir—I mean, ability?" The green haired boy asked as he sat on a beach nearby chair. Keeping a comfortable distance from Carmen. Though, she still felt that her workspace was being violated by his curious fidgeting.
Trying her best to ignore him, she opted to give the least amount of response possible. "That's right."
The kid hummed. Carmen hoped he was smart enough to catch on, but, of course, nothing was ever that easy for her. "And you're a hero? Without an ability?"
'Hero'. There was that word again. She had heard the kids with him say it, over and over, and she was starting to get annoyed. She turned to the freckled kid and huffed. "What is that?"
"A-A hero?"
"No, the ability I don't have. Yes, that! You kids keep saying that word, but none of you explain it. What's a 'hero' and what's it got to do with abilities?"
The boy seemed completely out of his element. As though he never expected the question. "W-Well, heroes are the good guys that save the day. They put everything on the line to make sure everyone is safe and happy and—"
"Everyone?" The boy went mute at that and looked down in shame. Carmen grit her teeth. Of course, not 'everyone'. The kid was talking about Agents, and Agents never cared for Rule Breakers like herself. Worst yet, he was assuming she could never be an agent due to her lack of ability. The nerve of this brat. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the boy. "Let me ask you something; would you still be a 'hero' if you lost your ability? Would you still jump in the way and protect people, even if you knew you would die trying?"
"O-Of course! That doesn't—"
"Then my ability, or lack thereof, decides nothing. Why are you so amazed that I'm able to do what 'heroes' do?"
"I-It's just, you can't be a real hero here without a quirk. I-I tried."
Interesting. Carmen arched a brow at him and felt her anxiety spike. "But, you have a 'quirk', right?"
The boy gave a small nod before a pathetic laugh fell out of his lips. He sat up and scratched at his cheek. Unable to look her in the eye. "Yeah, but, uh, I didn't always have a quirk. I didn't have one until UA, actua-WAH!" He stumbled back. Eyes wide as he stared up at the fuming woman before him. Hand on his sore cheek where her fist connected with it.
Blazing brown eyes glared down at him with nothing but contempt. "You sold yourself, for what?"
"I-I wanted to be a hero!"
"I thought we established that a 'hero' was more than just an ability." She seethed before grabing a fistful of his hair and dragging him up to meet her. "You sold yourself, idiot. Did you ever stop to think what sort of message that sends to others like me?! What message that sends to the organizations that control you like a fucking puppet?"
The boy quivered in her hold. He could easily break out of it, Carmen knew that much. Still, she was angry enough to ignore any possible reason as to why he let her abuse him. "T-They're not controling us! They're there to help organize efforts!"
"Bullshit!" She cut him off before tossing him back down. "Why can't you just jump in and help? Do you really have to wait until you're given permission to assist?! Maybe you'll stand by and wait for some other 'hero' to arrive from the other side of the fucking city!" She growled as she loomed over him. "Just stand there doing nothing as people die."
"N-No! Obviously, I would help!"
"You." Carmen emphasized. "You would help, but what about the others? The smaller 'heroes' who can't afford to affend their agencies? The obedient ones who understand what their roles are?" Seeing as how his green eyes began to swim with doubt, Carmen bared her fangs. "Let me ask you something, little hero. Did you ever consider that you might just be your 'quirk', now? Not the analytical genius I've seen you be, not the strategy mastermind you've shown me, but a 'hero'. A boy with an amazing enough 'quirk' that he can play the 'good guy' whenever he wants." She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "No. Not even a boy. Just a tool."
Rage filled those jade orbs before he stood up and left without another word.
Was it cruel? Undoubtedly, but Carmen had never been a kind person. Still, she knew what organizations like UA could do to kids like him. Rule Breakers. What were they called in this world? 'Villains', was it? What would the green kid say if he found out that was what she was? Would that one word make her his enemy in an instant? Obviously. She huffed and sat back down in her chair. Barely even looking at her disassembled project on the desk. That was all she was.
Heroes and villains. Agents and Rule Breakers. They were all just pawns to keep the people in their lane, and have them place blind trust in the organizations that pulled the strings.
Prompt #3422
“Have you ever considered that you’re just a set of powers? Not a person. Barely even a hero. Just a tool.”
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tryslora · 3 months ago
2024 in review, 2025 goals and objectives
It’s that time of year… as we launch into a new year, it’s time to talk about my goals & objectives from 2024, and set some new ones for 2025.
For those who may be new here: I don’t do resolutions. Those are fluffy. Amorphous and difficult to quantify. I prefer to set proper goals & objectives that I can look at at the end of the year and see how I did.
Sometimes this works. Sometimes not so much.
So, we’ll begin by looking back at 2024.
For writing, I said I would…
Launch Kickstarter for Twinned trilogy with Duck Prints Press and complete fulfillment
This did not happen for a variety of reasons—some of them mine, some of them not mine. However, discussions DID happen, and a new plan has been set. The second book will be available for pre-order from the DPP site in February; we have some hopefully easy passes left to do for editing before it’s ready to go to print. We are working hard at getting the third book edited, and when it’s ready, we will launch the Kickstarter, currently scheduled for end of summer. At that point, the whole trilogy will be available (for those who don’t already have the first two books), plus some merch (yay, merch!).
Editing is HARD, folks, and my brain makes it harder on me than it should be I suspect. These books are also ridiculously long (like the trilogy together is ~500k), so each one takes a long time to get through. It’ll happen. Sometimes we just need to regroup, y’know?
Set up for self-publishing and publish Finding Their Roots.
Done! Well, mostly. FTR is available at ebook through wide distribution, and the hardcover is available on Amazon. I struggled with the PoD paperback from D2D and still need to get that fixed (it’s a Q1 goal right now). Are you interested in reading a fluffy romance about camping, hiking, magic, and amnesia, with a background werewolf pack? Here’s a page full of links where you can buy it.
Be more present on social media and blog regularly.
I was way better about this at the start of the year. Some days I blurt all over Mastodon/Bluesky/Facebook, and most days I’m quiet. I have some concrete ideas how to do better. 
I did start using Buffer, which the free version allows me to post to three sites (see the three I just mentioned). I don’t really have the budget to pay to get cross-posting for other sites at this point, unfortunately. It would certainly make my life easier!
Work towards drafts of the next PHU (Run Together) and 7Lakes (Bound by Denial).
I did work towards them. I didn’t get very far. However, the overall planning is partly done, the outlines are partly done, and both have a few actual words written for them. So. I made progress.
I did learn that editing breaks my brain, and spent a lot of time at the end of the year figuring out how to get around that and be able to write and edit at the same time. Maybe. If I’m lucky.
Work on other original and fic when I could.
No fic happened; this is likely not a surprise. There are a lot of reasons for that, and it could fill a post, so I’m not going there right now.
However, I did completely rewrite a short story and then sold “A Bright and Clouded Future” to the Yay! All Queer anthology from Inkd Publishing. Yes, you can buy it. :)
For health & family I said I would…
Work out 2-3 times per week, continue with Wegovy/eating habits, and do more meal prep for myself and my parents.
Well. I managed the workouts; even when on vacation, we were very active and walked a LOT. I kept moving. I kept up with the Wegovy, but I’m plateaued and frustrated, which is to be expected. I am trying to stay healthy for eating, but when we only get to cook dinner a few times a week, it’s rough.
I didn’t supply as many meals to my parents as I would’ve liked. 
Start planning ahead to retirement.
I’m on track. I’ve been making plans both at home and at work. And now I’m adding in the plans for well, what if I can’t retire when I want to? Because with the way things are going, it’s certainly possible that in four years there will be too much chaos. So. I will roll with the punches.
Be more present for found family and family.
I tried. I often felt like I was being pulled in so damned many directions. I am too busy and need to figure out ways to cut back, but that hasn’t been working out.
For consumption of media, I planned to…
Read 52 books. See 12 movies. See 12 shows.
Done, done, and done. I read 127 books & manga. Want to compare notes? I made a list challenge thingy, so you can see how many of these you’ve read (ever, not just in the last year). I watched 29 movies, mixed between in theater and streaming at home. I saw 13 plays, 1 comedy show, and 1 concert.
Did I mention I was busy? I was very busy.
So, that’s 2024 in review. I both feel like I didn’t get anywhere, and like I got a lot done, all at the same time.
I spent a large part of the latter half of 2024 in a funk, and I knew I needed to change how I was working and how I thought about things in order to move forward. So my planning for 2025 is a little different.
[Side point: do you know how hard it is to write a post when a cat insists that the only possible activity in this moment is petting her as she climbs on your chest? Yes, yes, I do know this… she’s napping and snoring now, so I can get back to the typing…]
For 2025, I have two sets of goals: habits and goals for the whole year, and quarterly more specific tasks set with the intent of achieving the goals for the year.
Goals for the whole year…
write 100 words a day
test "write before edit" approach
pre-order/fulfill Missed Fortunes
Kickstarter/fulfill Into the Split (plus others)
set up photography business
attempt to do in-person markets (photography, books)
TKD 2-3 times per week
walk/elliptical 10 times per month
read 52 books
see 12 movies
see 12 plays/concerts/shows
That’s a lot. Some of it is exactly the same as last year. Some of it isn’t entirely under my control (the publication of MF & ITS).
You’ll notice “draft a new book” isn’t on that list. It isn’t NOT in my plans, but it’s not a concrete finite goal for the year, either. It’s a goal that will be adapted as I go. There are also a lot of household things not on the list, and some habits that I’m going to figure out what works over the course of the year (like “blog twice a month”—things like that).
I have some concrete goals for the first quarter, all of which are in support of other goals.
Complete edits for Missed Fortunes and advertise/etc. for the February pre-order.
Edit Into the Split through “chapter” (arc) 7.
Outline the next PHU novel RT through chapter 15, and draft through chapter 5.
Outline the next 7Lakes novel BBD through chapter 15, and draft through chapter 5.
Fix the print edition of FTR so it is properly available via wide distribution PoD.
Blog twice per month.
Complete monthly newsletters.
Edit photos and order materials (cards, etc.) for vending.
Set up my business (for both publishing and photography) and taxes, etc.
Swap the exercise and family rooms in my house.
Deliver my eldest’s things in storage to her house (and out of mine!).
Redesign my craft area (eldest is going to help).
I have trackers in my bullet journal to help me see what’s working, and what isn’t. That will help me plan for the second quarter. I’m hoping that taking this approach—relearning how I work once publishing is in the mix—will help me be more productive, and far healthier mentally, going forward.
This also means I’ll need to do check-ins at the start of each quarter to assess how I did, and set the new quarterly goals. So expect to see me again on this topic at the start of April.
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veronicaleighauthor · 5 months ago
Impulse Anthology
Long time, no see! I’ve meant to update in the last eleven days and just haven’t. Sharing stolen writing memes doesn't count. I even have blog post ideas. LOL! Anyway, I’ve had a story published, in Inkd Publishing’s spicy romance anthology, Impulse!
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My story is called “Dog Days,” and if you’re interested in buying a copy of the anthology, you can do so here. I want to thank Inkd Publishing for including another one of my stories in their anthologies. I love working with you guys!
Yes, this is an explicit romance anthology. I realize that might not be some of my audience’s cup of tea, and I understand. If is your cup of tea, I hope you enjoy it.
Until next time!
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lukehapper28 · 1 year ago
Fountain Pen Ink Selection Guide: Finding the Perfect Match for Your Lamy Pens
Fountain pen enthusiasts understand the importance of selecting the right ink for their beloved writing instruments. With a plethora of options available, finding the perfect fountain pen ink for your cherished Lamy Safari or Lamy 2000 can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavor. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the nuances of fountain pen ink selection, ensuring you enhance your writing experience to its fullest potential.
Understanding Your Lamy Pens: The Safari and the 2000
Before delving into the world of fountain pen inks, let's take a moment to appreciate the exceptional craftsmanship of two iconic models from Lamy: the Lamy Safari and the Lamy 2000.
Lamy Safari: Renowned for its rugged durability, comfortable grip, and accessible price point, the Lamy Safari has garnered a loyal following among writers worldwide. Its versatility makes it an ideal choice for everyday writing tasks, from note-taking to journaling.
Lamy 2000: Embodying elegance and sophistication, the Lamy 2000 is a testament to timeless design and impeccable performance. With its sleek aesthetics and premium materials, including a 14-karat gold nib, this fountain pen is a symbol of refined taste and unparalleled craftsmanship.
Exploring Fountain Pen Ink Options
Now, let's venture into the realm of fountain pen inks. At Inkd Pens, we offer an extensive selection of fountain pen inks to suit every style and preference.
Dye-Based Inks: Known for their vibrant colors and quick-drying properties, dye-based inks are a popular choice among fountain pen enthusiasts. With a wide range of hues available, these inks allow you to express your creativity and individuality with every stroke.
Pigment-Based Inks: If permanence and longevity are paramount, consider opting for pigment-based inks. Formulated with finely ground pigment particles suspended in a liquid base, these inks offer rich, saturated colors that resist fading and water damage over time.
Iron Gall Inks: For aficionados who appreciate tradition and heritage, iron gall inks evoke a sense of nostalgia and authenticity. Made from a blend of iron salts and tannic acid, these inks produce a permanent, archival-quality finish that ages gracefully with use.
Making an Informed Choice
When selecting fountain pen ink for your Lamy Safari or Lamy 2000, it's essential to consider factors such as paper type, writing style, and personal preference. Experimenting with different ink formulations and colors allows you to tailor your writing experience to suit your individual needs and tastes.
The right fountain pen ink can enhance the performance and enjoyment of your Lamy pens, transforming the act of writing into a truly pleasurable experience. Explore our diverse range of fountain pen inks at Inkd Pens and embark on a journey of creativity, expression, and discovery.
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inkdheart17 · 2 years ago
This would be a great thing for Santiago to find and switch back to protecting Karina 🥲 it would be more like a journal with drawings and entries but still
Caretaker is asked to search for some photo in Whumpee's phone.
They try not to peek in other folders, but there's one called "Reasons I'm happy I survived".
One photo per day.
And at least 2/3 of them are photoes of Caretaker.
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deiwrites · 7 months ago
Dei Writes Stuff: Where Do I Find It?
Duck Prints Press hosts many of my short stories on their Patreon, plus two in general on their site. I also have works in their Many Hands: An Anthology of Polyamorous Erotica anthology ("Athanor") and forthcoming in A Truth Universally Acknowledged: A Pride & Prejudice Fanworks Anthology ("Orbital Conjunction").
Inkd Publishing's IMPULSE explicit romance short story anthology (on Kickstarter now) has one of my short stories, "Improvisation".
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inkdpens104 · 8 months ago
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Unleash Your Creativity with Diamine Ink: Elevate Your Writing with a Spectrum of Vibrant Fountain Pen Inks. Explore Our Selection and Find the Perfect Diamine Ink to Bring Your Words to Life.
Visit here :  https://inkd-pens.com.au/collections/ferris-wheel-press
inkd pens
Located in the small seaside community of Ocean Grove, just outside of Melbourne, Australia, we’re a small family run business dedicated in sharing our passion for Fountain Pens, Inks and Stationery.
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inkdheart17 · 2 years ago
"You loved me once."
Carmela flinched, not having expected Santiago to utter a single word. Let alone about their complicated past. "I did."
"But, not anymore?"
There was an uncomfortable pause. Her voice dropped just above a whisper. "You changed."
Oh. A lump formed in his throat. "I didn't think, I mean, since you said you didn't care. That I should be honest with myself."
"What? No, not." Carmela forced herself to exhale slowly. 'Look, Santi. When we met, you were just a lonely kid, like me. I guess that's why I started reaching out. Maybe we could've been less lonely together, and then you talked about yourself and I knew I had to have you in my life. I was ready to fight for a world where we could be together, but then she started to notice you. Started praising you, and you became desperate for her approval. So desperate you started to hurt others without thinking." She gave him a sad smile full of anguish and betrayal. "Anything for mommy, right?"
Santiago could only blink at her. "I'm so sorry, Carmela. I, you're right, I didn't think. She was my mother, and that was all that mattered to me."
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inkdheart17 · 5 months ago
I have done NOTHING for the spooky season... So have this again lol
New Truten / Broten fic posted on my AO3!!
Read it here: Death Did Us Part
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inkdpens857 · 9 months ago
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Unleash Your Creativity with Diamine Ink: Elevate Your Writing with a Spectrum of Vibrant Fountain Pen Inks. Explore Our Selection and Find the Perfect Diamine Ink to Bring Your Words to Life.
Click here : https://inkd-pens.com.au/
inkd pens
Located in the small seaside community of Ocean Grove, just outside of Melbourne, Australia, we’re a small family run business dedicated in sharing our passion for Fountain Pens, Inks and Stationery. 
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inkdpens445 · 11 months ago
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Unleash Your Creativity with Diamine Ink: Elevate Your Writing with a Spectrum of Vibrant Fountain Pen Inks. Explore Our Selection and Find the Perfect Diamine Ink to Bring Your Words to Life.
Click here : https://inkd-pens.com.au/collections/diamine-ink
inkd pens
Located in the small seaside community of Ocean Grove, just outside of Melbourne, Australia, we’re a small family run business dedicated in sharing our passion for Fountain Pens, Inks and Stationery.
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inkdpens226 · 1 year ago
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Unleash Your Creativity with Diamine Ink: Elevate Your Writing with a Spectrum of Vibrant Fountain Pen Inks. Explore Our Selection and Find the Perfect Diamine Ink to Bring Your Words to Life.
Click here : https://inkd-pens.com.au/collections/diamine-ink
inkd pens
Located in the small seaside community of Ocean Grove, just outside of Melbourne, Australia, we’re a small family run business dedicated in sharing our passion for Fountain Pens, Inks and Stationery.
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