#ingrid christensen
biglisbonnews · 2 years
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5 ways to repair trust at work once it’s broken One of my best employees lost trust in me. I was moving fast; I wasn’t communicating. It felt like someone was twisting a nail around my heart—rusty and rotten. I was frustrated. I wrote a book on trust and I still blew it. Read more... https://qz.com/5-ways-to-repair-trust-at-work-once-it-s-broken-1850203650
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lacebird · 4 months
The thought came to me as I was brushing my teeth, but if there’s ever a remake of the movie Casablanca (1942), I think Hayden Christensen and Rebecca Ferguson should play Rick and Ilsa
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girlwhodoeskratom · 1 month
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Giorgio Armani Spring/Summer, 1994 Ready-to-Wear
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therealmrpositive · 4 months
The Hustle (2019)
In today's review, I find that after many years, the con is still on. As I attempt a #positive review of the 2019 women-led con caper, The Hustle #AnneHathaway #RebelWilson #AlexSharp #DeanNorris #TimothySimons #IngridOliver #NicholasWoodeson #RobDelaney #TimBlakeNelson #CasperChristensen
The saying is that money makes the world go round, well you can add belief to that too, commerce and marketing rely heavily on that notion. The belief that this slip of paper is worth something, or the promises that the spokesman is making, is true. If you can manipulate that belief, you can change the world. In 2019, after a few years of development, it took two women to put the con finally on…
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fe-li-ci-as-things · 1 year
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Ingrid Christensen
"Over the Fence"
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peligrosapop · 1 year
mapi and ingrid are so cute likeee
Not only are they amazing players but they are the cutest fucking couple, gosh. Mapi is my favorite, I would lesbian for her too, I get it, Ingrid🤣🤣🤣 Mapi is my fav CB in women’s football, hands down or even it football in general. It’s like if you mix Araujo and Andreas Christensen plus the free kick ability of Messi. Amazing.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Russia inaugurates new airfield in Antarctica
New place was named Zenit.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/15/2022 - 21:39 in Air Cargo, Commercial
The new Russian airfield for heavy transport aircraft at the Progress station in Antarctica was inaugurated on November 7 by experts from the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and Zapsibgazprom. He was named Zenit in honor of the famous St. Petersburg football club.
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"The severe weather allows us to carry out seasonal work in Antarctica for only a few months. With the opening of a new track, this period increases significantly, which means that the scale of our activities on the continent is expanding. This is an important event that will radically change the work of the Russian Antarctic expedition. For polar explorers, the new airfield is another opportunity to communicate with the house, with the hometown. Our institute is based in St. Petersburg, so our experts have made a collegial decision to name a new location in Antarctica in honor of the St. Petersburg Zenit football club. We are already discussing joint actions with the club and, perhaps, in the near future, we will please fans with interesting events," said Alexander Makarov, director of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI).
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Russian research station in Progress.
"Football is a team sport in which the well-ordinated work of all participants in the game is very important. In this case, the teams of football players and polar explorers are very similar. After all, in the big game, as well as in works in high latitudes, in difficult and sometimes dangerous conditions, mutual support and team spirit are important. It is a great honor for us that the new airfield in Antarctica has the name of the club. We plan to transfer the Zenit flag and other attributes of the team to be placed in the territory of the Progress station," said Alexander Medvedev, CEO of the Zenit football club.
The first flight of a Volga-Dnepr Airlines IL-76TD-90VD aircraft on the Cape Town - Progress route took place on November 7, 2022. The plane covered a distance of 5,300 km in 6.5 hours and delivered 6.6 tons of cargo to Antarctica and 82 participants in the 68th Russian Antarctic Expedition - AARI scientists and Zapsibgazprom experts.
A second supply flight with the Ilyushin aircraft with the Russian registration RA-76503 took place on November 12. A total of four flights are planned from Cape Town in the current season.
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The Russian Antarctic Expedition (RAE) is a continuous expedition of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute in Antarctica. Winters and seasonal detachments that work in the Antarctic summer participate in the RAE. In Antarctica, Institute employees constantly monitor changes in the natural environment in 5 seasons throughout the year: Novolazarevskaya, Bellingshausen, Mirny, Progress and East. In the summer, the work is carried out at the seasonal field bases Molodezhnaya, Druzhnaya-4, Bangera Oasis, Russian and Leningradskaya.
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Progress is the latest Russian station in Antarctica: it is located in the Larsemann Hills, on the coast of Ingrid Christensen. It was created in 1988 and houses 77 employees in the Antarctic summer from October to February, and 20 in the winter.
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Ice rinks are built in Antarctica in areas without effective snowfall. As ice does not contain air bubbles there, it is particularly resistant to transport and also allows the landing of heavy cargo planes. As the runways are snow-free, planes do not need skis, but can land with conventional wheels. However, due to the low braking coefficient of the ice, a special landing technology is necessary: aircraft brake after landing exclusively by reversing in thrust instead of the brakes on the wheels.
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The Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute is the world's leading scientific center for the study of the Earth's polar regions. The Institute carries out the entire cycle of works in high latitudes in the interest of the Russian Federation and commercial companies. The scientific units of the Institute are involved in fundamental and applied research of the climate, processes in the atmosphere, near space, marine environment and ice cover.
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AARI is a state operator to organize and implement activities in the Arctic and Antarctica. By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute was appointed state operator for the organization and implementation of activities in Antarctica in the interest of the Russian Federation. For 100 years of scientific work, the Institute's experts organized about 1,100 expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica. In 1994, the Institute received the status of state scientific center of the Russian Federation.
Tags: AntarcticaAir CargoIl-76RussiaVolga-Dnepr
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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ikram1909 · 6 months
ingrid actually isn’t a centre back it’s just a position she’s trying out this year 😭 her and christensen have swapped positions 😭
She's so good at it tho you'd think that's her natural position
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ejaydoeshisbest · 8 months
My mind and body are against me, instead of working with me, for me. 
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My mind and body are against me, instead of working with me, for me.  
I never got overly jealous of anyone else before. I admired their qualities; the ones I lacked. I used them as inspiration to become the person I strived for. I cheered them on and celebrated their successes.
But now that I have no strength and no incentive to change, I'm just left with jealousy. I am jealous of their physical strength especially now that my body is failing me; lungs barely holding breath, arms and legs scrawny.
I am jealous of their mental fortitude, their resilience and willpower, while every day I crumble with the tremors of a panic disorder.
I am jealous of the body they were born into, pain-free compared to mine.
I am jealous of how easy it is for them to sit and stand and walk and run and leap and dance while anything I do hurts. I frown at the miracle of their simple movement, asking why I couldn't be the same, wishing that I was graceful and strong. I hope these people don't take it for granted.
Words: Ejay Diwas
Art: Painting by Ingrid Christensen
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thefvrious · 1 year
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full name: elias mikkel larsen nicknames: n/a birthday: april 2 age: 24 gender/pronouns: cis-male, he/his hometown: chicago, illinois sign: aries religion: atheist orientation: asexual occupation: singer in a band family: mikkel larsen (father), astrid larsen (mother), ingrid larsen (sister) +: creative, clever, trustworthy, loyal -: hot-tempered, obstinate, argumentative, blunt fc:  @ghostsxagain sent -> hayden christensen
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Title: The Hustle
Rating: PG-13
Director: Chris Addison
Cast: Anne Hathaway, Rebel Wilson, Alex Sharp, Ingrid Oliver, Nicholas Woodeson, Timothy Simons, Douggie McMeekin, Casper Christensen
Release year: 2019
Genres: crime, comedy
Blurb: Two female scam artists - one low-rent and the other high-class - compete to swindle a naïve tech prodigy out of his fortune.
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politirapporten · 2 years
Danskernes bekymring for at blive udsat for kriminalitet er rekordlav – den har ikke været lavere de seneste omkring 50 år. Det viser en ny offerundersøgelse, som Justitsministeriet, Rigspolitiet og Det Kriminalpræventive Råd står bag i samarbejde med Københavns Universitet. En netop offentliggjort offerundersøgelse viser, at danskerne ikke har været mere trygge i årtier. Kun 9 procent er ’ofte’ eller ’næsten hele tiden’ bekymret for personligt at blive udsat for kriminalitet. Tilsvarende er 13 procent af danskerne ’meget’ bekymret for vold og anden kriminalitet i samfundet. Det er det laveste niveau siden de første målinger for omkring 50 år siden. - Danskerne er meget trygge; ganske få er bekymrede for at blive udsat for kriminalitet. På specifikke steder, fx S-togstationer, stier og udsatte boligområder, er der problemer med utryghed, og det skal vi som samfund tage seriøst og sætte målrettet ind, men det er afgørende, at samfundsdebatten tager afsæt i realiteterne. Trygheden er på et historisk højt niveau, siger Det Kriminalpræventive Råds formand Erik Christensen. Selvom langt de fleste danskere er trygge, er der udfordringer på specifikke områder. Kvinder bekymrer sig oftere om at blive udsat for kriminalitet end mænd, og unge på 16-24 år er tilsvarende mere bekymrede end ældre aldersgrupper, viser offerundersøgelsen. - Forholdsvis mange unge kvinder er utrygge efter mørkets frembrud, og der kan derfor være god grund til lokalt at lave målrettede indsatser; fx bedre lys på stier og i parker. Ny viden peger på, at gadelys ikke skal skrues op på fuldt blus for at skabe tryghed – det skal være dæmpet. Der kan også være behov for, at man lokalt undersøger, hvilke steder der skaber utryghed, siger Ingrid Soldal Eriksen, analytiker i Det Kriminalpræventive Råd. Også i Europa ligger Danmark i top, hvad angår tryghed. Forskning viser, at den danske velfærdsstatsmodel er særlig god til at mindske den utryghed, der kan opstå, hvis man bliver offer for kriminalitet. Det skyldes bl.a., at vi har høj tillid til politi og retsvæsen samt stor lighed økonomisk, socialt og uddannelsesmæssigt. - Når vi som samfund vil højne trygheden, så handler det ikke kun om at bekæmpe kriminalitet eller fjerne utryghedsskabende personer fra gaden. Der er bl.a. brug for, at vi styrker borgernes tillid til politi og domstole og har fokus på, at fx unge trives, får en god skolegang og kommer med i fællesskabet, fx i foreningslivet, for det øger borgernes tryghed, siger Erik Christensen. FAKTA  9 pct. af danskerne (16-74 år) er næsten hele tiden eller ofte bekymret for deres personlige risiko for at blive udsat for kriminalitet. Det er det laveste niveau siden de første målinger i 70erne. 13 pct. bekymrer sig meget for vold og anden kriminalitet i samfundet. Det er det laveste niveau siden de første målinger i 80erne.  Kilde: Undersøgelsen ’Udsathed for vold og andre former for kriminalitet, 2005-2021’, som Justitsministeriet, Rigspolitiet og Det Kriminalpræventive Råd står bag i samarbejde med Københavns Universitet.  I 2015 var 28 pct. af 18-29-årige kvinder utrygge ved at færdes ude efter mørkets frembrud. I 2021 var det vokset til 38 %. Samtidig er kvinders frygt for seksuelle overgreb steget fra 8 til 19 pct.  Kilde: TrygFondens tryghedsundersøgelse, 2021   88 pct. af danskerne er trygge i deres nabolag. De utrygge er især utrygge ved stationer og stoppesteder (21,2 pct.) og på stier i nabolaget (20,7 pct.).   Kilde: Tryghedsundersøgelse 2021, Justitsministeriets Forskningskontor  Hvordan øges trygheden – eksempler Man kan arrangere tryghedsvandringer i ens boligområde og udpege steder, der kan gøres mere trygge.  Flere ’beskyttende øjne’ i bylivet (borgere, Natteravne, politi, dørmænd og vagter) kan øge trygheden.   Byens rum kan indrettes via kriminalpræventive principper, så trygheden øges. Læs mere her og her.
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hitku · 5 years
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by Ingrid Christensen  
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legendunltd · 3 years
How to Train Your Eyes to See like an Artist
How to Train Your Eyes to See like an Artist
By Ingrid Christensen First Appearing on Artsy.net Apr 23, 2019 Visual artists inhabit the same world as everyone else, but they experience it quite differently. A painter might be enthralled by the color of a shadow cast by one building onto another, or marvel at the intricate chevron shapes of a dandelion’s leaf. To the trained eyes of an artist, these seemingly mundane sights might be as…
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Ralph Lauren - Fall 1995 RTW
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dozydawn · 4 years
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Niki Taylor, Ingrid Seynhaeve, Rosemarie Wetzel, Helena Christensen and Chrystèle Saint-Louis Augustin for Ralph Lauren RTW FW 1995
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