#ingo has been through a lot let him get loved on by two Emmets
feroluce · 2 years
Hi Fero!! I just wanted to thank you for all the wonderful comments you have been leaving on my fics! 🥺 It's so encouraging, and I like the little insights you've been thinking about 🤭 Like Nobori wondering if Sinnoh made Kudari for him (or if he took him from somewhere) Truly! Thank you so much!
Also like. Your writing is so inspiring it gives me Thoughts all the time. Things like Ingo wondering if Arceus made Emmet just for him, and it turns out It DID, because Arceus heard his prayers and was like yeah sure whatever here you go. So now! Ingo has an Emmet with the same personality and mannerisms who doesn't really know him, but that's ok because Ingo doesn't really remember him much either, but they fit together and fall in love and all that good stuff.
And then the actual Emmet also Falls to Hisui and finds Ingo holding hands with a younger version of him. So now all three of them are married, and Ingo has two (2) whole wives!!
Melli never knows peace again.
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blueisquitetired · 2 years
For funzies may I present to you, the
Warden Ingo and His Brother AU
Okay, so here’s the pitch:
Ingo has been in Hisui for about 2-3 years now and has settled in okay. He’s still seen as an outsider and “unnerving”, but his skills with Pokémon and work as Lady Sneasler’s warden (she insisted) has earned him a begrudging respect among the clans. The hole in Ingo’s soul still pains him greatly, but he has learned to live with it.
And then Emmet falls into Hisui with no memory.
“But Blue!” I hear you cry. “Lots of people have already done that AU! This isn’t new at all!” But you are wrong! Most of those AUs focus on the twins being separated- a comedy of errors keeping them apart. Not THIS AU tho.
No, in this AU Ingo meets Emmet within days of him falling, (wether the Pearl Clan finds him or he he runs into him himself) and as soon as they lay eyes on each other (and this is important) they recognize each other immediately. Not by name, or even relationship, but that the other is the person they have been looking for- the most important person in the world. And then they hug and cry.
(Bonus points if the boys are a little facially blind and someone else has to point out to them that they look exactly the same)
Anyway, this is a soft AU about Ingo teaching his brother how to survive in this strange harsh world and rediscovering parts of himself that he had hidden away. (To make the fluff sweeter, this is a darker Hisui where everyone has scars and Ingo had to learn to mask) They love each other very much and work together well- easily falling back into being a two car train again. An AU about them finding happiness together in a harsh world 💙
Bonus thoughts!
- I think it would be interesting comparing how Emmet and Ingo react to having no memories. Like Ingo had to rebuild himself from the ground up while fighting loneliness and a feeling of otherness while Emmet falls with a support system already in place. As a result, Emmet cares a lot less about getting his memories back then Ingo does. He’s got his brother right here, and if his nightmares are anything to go off of, he doesn’t think he’ll like his more recent memories
- While Ingo had to learn to mask to survive, I don’t think he lets anyone give Emmet flack for his autistic traits. In exchange, Emmet helps Ingo learn to unmask in private or around friends (First time Emmet sees Ingo force a smile he’s like “??!!?! What are you doing!!??”)
Relearn you autistic stims through the power of love lol
- Ingo is also super self sacrificial in this AU. Like, he’s already covered in scars and has been through a lot of pain- but his baby brother hasn’t yet. He doesn’t want his twin getting hurt. (Emmet chews him out for babying him. Doesn’t stop Ingo from blocking his brother from Pokémon attacks though)
But yeah, thought it might be fun to share some AU stuff I have that I don’t plan to write fics for. Feel free to ask questions or add contributions to this post!
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coramatus · 1 year
Black Reshiram AU - part 2
I wrote more to this angst train. Plz help.
Part 1
A few days pass. Emmet finds some peace in the knowledge that his brother is dead. He’s starting to work on a memorial service when there is a knock on the door.
Emmet finds a despondent Ingo on his doorstep.
Looking at Ingo, Emmet can see that he’s been through a lot. His dress is dirty and missing feathers, his long hair disheveled, and his eyes shadowed with guilt. Ingo doesn’t seem to know what to say.
So Emmet lets him in, inviting him to sit anywhere. Ingo does so, looking distinctly uncomfortable as Emmet prepares some coffee for the both of them.
When Ingo is handed his coffee, he’s surprised to find it prepared just the way he likes it (sugary and pale with creamer). Emmet smiles sadly, he guessed it would be the same as his brother’s. Ingo goes quiet at this.
For a long moment, the two sit there in uncomfortable silence.
Then Emmet asks if Ingo is alright. Ingo is quiet for a long time before answering in a soft pained voice that he is not. He got into a fight with his parent. Their first genuine fight.
In the time since Ingo last spoke to Emmet, he’s been doing a lot of soul-searching. He researched his past life as both Subway Boss Ingo and Warden Ingo, trying to understand who they were even if ostensibly all three of them are the same person.
But the very last thing Ingo wanted to do was to seek out his parent and demand answers. He loves his parent! They raised him from an egg! They taught him everything! He owes his life to them.
And yet as the Dragon of Truth, why did they never directly tell him he was the reincarnation of a man displaced in time? He too can sense lies, but lies of omission can slip by. Had his parent withheld some part of the truth?
The questions continuously eat away at Ingo until he finally cracks and hunts down his parent.
(Not sure what Reshiram would be up to after the events of BW2. Released? Still hanging around with protagonists? Chilling with N? Return to rock mode? I’m going with: got released for AU purposes)
Until that point, Ingo had been trying to avoid his parent in an eager attempt to prove that he was a self-sufficient adult dragon and didn’t need their help anymore. So Reshiram is quite surprised when a visibly upset Ingo in human form tracks them down, insisting that he needs answers. Worried, but happy to see their son again, they oblige.
Ingo gets straight to the point and tells his parent that he got his human memories back. He’s not sure what their reaction will be, but he doesn’t anticipate Reshiram visibly perking up, pleased to hear that those finally kicked back in.
Ingo is stunned and baffled at this. That’s it? They knew this was going to happen this whole time? Why didn’t they warn him?!
Reshiram seems confused. They thought Ingo would be happy to have that part of him back. Now he can carry on where he left off now that he’s in his proper time period.
But Ingo vehemently disagrees. That’s not how this feels to him.
“All you did was replace him with me!” Ingo snaps harshly. He looks up at Reshiram accusingly, “I have his memories but that Ingo is gone.”
“You are still Ingo,” Reshiram calmly reassures him, “Be it of the past or of now, they are both you. Your soul remains the same.”
Tears of frustration prick at Ingo’s eyes as he shouts up to his parent, “You don’t get it! I’m not the same as him. I didn’t live his life and he didn’t live mine. We can’t be the same person! We’re not even the same species! I’m a dragon for Arceus’s sake!!”
Reshiram is taken aback by this. Ingo has never raised his voice in this much genuine anger before. Concerned for their child, they try to reassure him,
“I thought it was an elegant solution at the time. We would both get what we wanted. I would have a child and you would live to see your proper time again.”
This just upsets Ingo even more and he demands to know why would a Legendary want a child to begin with??
Knowing this would come up eventually, Reshiram admits that they spent centuries longing for a child to raise as their own. A desire born out of simple loneliness. Though they have a sibling in Zekrom, they both split from the Original Dragon for a reason and generally keep apart. Few others can ever hope to provide a close-knit, long-term bond when a Legendary’s lifespan runs into the tens of thousands of years.
But to have a child?
Then they have someone to nurture, an individual to focus their energy into for the rest of their long lives. They would never have to be lonely again.
But Legends like them cannot reproduce on their own. They have to be granted special permission to circumvent this. Reshiram had only just received Arceus’s blessing to take in a lost soul as their own when the original Ingo’s plea came through. To Reshiram, if a doomed, time-displaced human was willing to take on that role, they weren’t going to question it.
Ingo is left devastated. He feels taken advantage of, like he’s little more than a plaything. An entire life thrown away just so a powerful being can play at parenthood.
Reshiram argues that wasn’t the case, this was never some game to them. They love Ingo with all their heart; they’ve only ever wanted the best for him.
Ingo then asks why past-Ingo wasn’t allowed to go home. If Reshiram picked someone else, could that Ingo have simply gone back to his proper time instead of becoming him?
To this, Reshiram grows quiet as Ingo’s point finally seems to dawn on them. They’re genuinely uncertain, but as they think about it… they admit that Ingo might have had a decent chance of going home if Reshiram had chosen literally anyone else.
Hearing this, Ingo loses it.
In a fit of rage, he shifts to his true form and attacks his parent. Both dragons tussle in a roaring, snarling fight as they bite and claw at each other. But Reshiram is millennia old and easily wrestles their child to the ground, pinning Ingo down. Ingo thrashes and roars to no avail. His parent is heartbroken that it came to this. They love their child and they believed that Ingo would understand their choices were all made for his sake.
Laying on the ground, Ingo’s emotions have nowhere else to go. He howls in anguish as he breaks down crying. He is in so much turmoil that he shifts back to his human form. His parent solemnly releases him and watches him sadly as his small, crumpled body lays there sobbing brokenly.
With a regretful sigh, Reshiram shifts to his human form, crouching down to speak to his son,
“…why?” Ingo whimpers, his words muffled with his face buried in his arms. “Why him? Why me?”
Reshiram doesn’t immediately answer, taking a moment to think through his words. When he finally speaks, he sounds hesitant admitting,
“I saw something special in you, Ingo. I still do. There is a beautiful flame that burns in you. One that I do not wish to see snuffed out. If I simply let you be, you would likely die a mortal death no matter where you went. And then that fire would truly be lost.”
“So you just had to be a selfish asshole about it,” Ingo spits at him, “That wasn’t your decision to make!”
Reshiram winces, “Ingo…”
“How could you?! Did you even think about what this would do to me?! To him??” Ingo shouts, the pain in his voice ringing far too clearly. He turns away, his breath hitching with a sob, “This wasn’t fair…”
His parent’s normally stern, placid face now dawns with growing shame, “I am starting to see that now… Let me at least try to—”
“No. Just, stop. You’ve done enough…” Ingo chokes out. He can’t even bear to look at his parent anymore, purposefully keeping his back to him, “I don’t ever want to see you again. Please, just go…”
Reshiram is left stunned. And yet the Truth in Ingo’s words is undeniable.
He has no choice but to respect it.
He starts to reach out to Ingo’s shoulder, but stops, thinking better of it. He collects himself and gets up to leave. Before returning to his true form, Reshiram turns to Ingo one last time, regret weighing heavily on his voice,
“For what it’s worth… I am sorry, Ingo. I love you.”
Ingo doesn’t look back at him. Choking on his sobs, he hoarsely whimpers, “I love you too…”
There’s a gust from a mighty flap of wings and a mournful roar as Reshiram flies away, leaving Ingo to deal with the fallout alone.
Ingo cries as he finishes relating his story. His heart is broken and so is his trust in his parent. He has never felt more lost.
Emmet wordlessly hugs Ingo, who clings to Emmet like a lifeline. Ingo feels like he’s drowning, his emotions eating him alive.
They stay like that for a long time as Ingo gradually calms down.
Wanting a distraction, he quietly asks Emmet if he could tell him what his brother was like. Emmet understands what he’s asking for and gladly tells him of his experiences with his brother. How he was a passionate battler, one of the best trainers he’s ever known, a diligent subway manager, always better at filling out paperwork and working out logistical problems, but most importantly that he was a devoted older sibling, always there for him when he needed it and perfectly in-tune with each other.
Ingo listens quietly, simply letting Emmet’s words wash over him as he builds a better picture of who he once was. The sheer passion with which Emmet speaks in spite of his monotone inflection tells Ingo so much about their former relationship.
…the old Ingo deserved to come back home as he was. He deserved so much more than to be nothing but a memory of a past life.
All of a sudden, Ingo can’t take it anymore and hurriedly opts to leave. He quickly excuses himself, hiding his tears for Emmet’s brother.
But before Ingo can escape, Emmet stops him. He hands Ingo Chandelure’s ball, telling him she’ll be happy to see him again. Ingo is hesitant to take it but Emmet presses the Pokéball into his hands. He thinks Ingo could use some company right now.
Unable to argue against this, Ingo quietly accepts the Pokéball. He thanks Emmet and makes his way out, cradling the ball with the utmost care.
Emmet watches Ingo until he’s fully out of view. When he closes the door, he hits it backfirst and slides down against it, crumpling to the floor. Burying his face in his arms, Emmet screams.
He doesn’t know what else to do.
Part 3??
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waywardstation · 2 years
I love the train of thought au! I hate Tumblr though, especially mobile Tumblr. Had to scroll for 30~20 minutes to reach the bottom of the tag. (Mobile Tumblr reloaded at least a few times and I almost threw my phone. I think I cried twice in frustration.)
I am absolutely foaming at the mouth because I've always liked the way Ingo and Emmet get presented, the characterizations are just so... Mwah 🤭.
For some reason the only thing I could think about after spending an entire night reading that wall of posts was the concept of big brother Ingo.
Sorry if I'm ranting here, it really has nothing pertaining to the au at all but I hate this concept, especially the societal concept that the older brother takes care of the younger one. Twins especially since they are usually born minutes from each other and that really doesn't mean anything different in experience.
Yes, Emmet is younger but I've always pictured him as the headstrong one that stands up for Ingo more often than not. (Honestly that's the vibe they give off collectively). I like to think of them as not in a big brother, little brother dynamic but a "we been through so much shit together we support each other fully" dynamic. I do understand why people like using it though.
Wait, what was this post about again? I swear I'm not trying to negatively rant right after bringing up stuff that plagued my mind while reading. I guess all I want to say is thank you for hosting this wonderful community au on your blog.
Expect Tumblr crabs in your blog later on. This is a warning.
Hey there OP! Glad you like it, I do too!!! (Still working on that masterpost ^^;) and apologies with tumblr mobile, I know it’s not the best with optimization!
I’m putting a readmore below because I got a lot more detailed than I intended to, regarding Ingo and Emmet’s sibling dynamic.
I like your views because it really isn’t as black and white (ha) as all that. I am a twin myself, the younger between us (and also by a few minutes) and throughout our lives it certainly has gone back and forth with us, but there’s really no definite position of looking after the other, just like with any other sibling relationship.
Given how Ingo and Emmet are, I imagine their dynamic very similar to what you’re talking about, being each others’ full supporters. Multiple lines in Masters EX show this, like these few from Emmet:
"Ingo and I are twins. We're both Subway Bosses, and we're each other's closest rival! We always challenge each other to get better. That's the kind of relationship we have! It's always a lot of fun when we're together!"
However, I feel like Ingo might feel… I don’t want to say obligated, because it’s certainly not work, and he knows very well Emmet can fend for himself, but perhaps inclined (pressured? By himself??) to carry through with what’s normally expected of an older brother. He might feel like he should look out for Emmet when he can:
“My younger brother, Emmet, would always entertain passengers on the Battle Subway... Now he is enjoying being a host here on Pasio. However, he's still new to this style of hospitality. Would you mind keeping an eye on him?"
And this might be somewhat spurred by the fact that Emmet looks up to Ingo, which I am sure Emmet has made Ingo aware of - he just might not want to let Emmet down:
"Do you have any siblings? I have an older brother, Ingo. He's verrrry strong. He hardly ever loses in Pokémon battles. Even though I also hold the title of Subway Boss, I really look up to him."
I do feel Emmet is very ready to support Ingo as well, seeing as how in their story event in Masters EX, Emmet was trying very hard to help Ingo with a project of theirs:
"I want to make Ingo’s idea a reality! Please, let me do this!"
And regarding your thoughts that of the two, Emmet is more headstrong, I feel similarly, and think he would always very clearly stand up for Ingo when needed.
I do headcanon that growing up, Emmet was more outgoing than Ingo (and that this led him to meeting Elesa, the new exchange student at their school, and taking her over to Ingo to introduce her to him, since he was more reserved and shy - not terribly so, but more so than Emmet)
ALL IN ALL - both Ingo and Emmet fully support and help each other out whenever they need it. And while Ingo might feel pressured by himself to look out for Emmet as the older brother, Emmet naturally does it for Ingo just as much, if not a little more, simply due to his outgoing nature
To try and tie this back to Train of Thought AU, I’m sure Akari and Irida would see a lot of moments expressing this dynamic of theirs in the many memory traincars throughout the mind station.
AND MG Emmet himself is pretty much a monument to this. MG Emmet is doing everything he can to keep Ingo safe from the Remnant and to protect him, even at his own expense to some degree. MG Emmet might only be a mental projection of how Ingo sees his brother, but the fact that MG Emmet is doing that means Ingo knows Emmet would do things like that for him, and he would.
Thanks for your ask OP!!! Very glad you like the AU, and happy you gave me a chance to go into all of this - I did not expect to dissect things like I did haha.
(And tumblr crabs? oh boy!!! Those would be my first!!)
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pykanico · 10 months
Day 30 - New Friends
Fic if you want to read every posted day : https://archiveofourown.org/works/51386731/chapters/129854215
While Ingo was in front babbling with Cynthia about Pokemon battle, Emmet in his case, preferred to stay slightly behind to let them the space they needed to talk in peace, Next to him was the champion Dawn, who, since the start of the day, seemed to avoid initiating any conversation, as she seemed lost in her head for some reason.
It was strange, but Emmet didn't pay any mind, she was probably occupied with more pressing matters about the league, and as much as it was an honor that she accepted his request – something he was still surprised about, as he was thinking he was going to be turned down - he cannot stop himself to feel bad for disturbing Dawn and Cynthia in their already busy schedule, that don’t mean he regret anything, he is satisfied that his plan for Ingo’s anniversary and their vacation worked better than he through it would, but he still feel bad.
It took a long time to put their perfect vacation in place – even if there was no train, so it wasn’t totally perfect – He knew his brother by heart, and how to make him happy, so his best bet was to find someone who would share their love for battle and would be okay to guide them around in the new region, and lucky for him there was the Champion of Sinnoh and the previous champion who were more than happy to help.
They even got the chance to have a battle against them!
And even if it was a shame to have lost with flying color against Dawn and Cynthia, he was happy that his brother got to have fun with it.
“hum….Excuse me?”
The tentative voice of Dawn startled the silence between them, It was slightly surprising to say the least, a good one, but still a surprise, he slowly tilted his head.
“Yes? Is there a problem?”
“Oh no, no, no no no, there is no problem!!” she started to shake her hand rapidly, before turning her head away with a thoughtful look as if she was trying to find how to explain what she wished to talk about. “It’s just that…. I have a question, if you don’t mind, it has been bugging me for a while now”
“Oh! I am Emmet, I will be happy to answer your question!!”
That seemed to be enough to encourage the Champion to talk more. “Well, I was wondering about why you asked us to surprise your brother?” Oh….that was that sort of question, Emmet nodded ready to answer, but he rapidly realized that she was not finished. “Don’t get me wrong!! I would have accepted either way to meet you two, It’s not everyday that a strong trainer from another region asks you to make you visit the region for an anniversary, This is the first time even, but I just don’t understand why, why here, in particular Em, you could have ask everywhere in the world but...you decide to come here so….”
Emmet stayed silent for a moment, trying to register the question and all the words she just spilled on him, before finally answering, “So you were curious about my reasoning?”
She nodded to confirm that it was what she was thinking about, That was a simple question that Emmet was more than happy to answer to “I thought it was a good idea, So I did it, there is no profound reason behind my reasoning, I just wanted to make Ingo happy”
“Oh...yeah I understand that make sense”
There was a silence between the two for a moment yet again, more awkward than before, as neither knew how to continue the discussion, They even tried to avoid looking at the other one as the silence was getting progressively worse...finally Emmet decided to talk again, hesitantly “So...You call me Em, Why?”
That seem to surprise Dawn who look more than embarrassed now as she realize her error “Oh... Oh shoot!! I didn’t mean to!!! I just said that by reflex, and …Arceus!! I am so sorry Emmet, I didn--”
The reaction of the champion just made Emmet chuckle loudly “Do not worry, I don’t mind, it is just that there is... not a lot of people who use this nickname, even Ingo does not use it, so I am surprise”
That seemed to reassure the young adult who sighed loudly before hiding her head in her hand to the further amusement of Emmet “Still, this is very embarrassing!!”
“Embarrassing? Yes, but it is very funny too”
“Of course this is funny to you, why am I not surprise?”
“Because I am Emmet!!”
And that seems to break the glass between them as they start to joke and talk more naturally, the tension that was building before seemingly evaporating slowly as the two learn about each other slowly but surely.
Their vacation did end up on a very good note, as Ingo and Emmet had the chance to visit and try multiple interesting places that Dawn and Cynthia knew about, They even had the chance to fight against other battle facility heads who were more than happy to meet the twins!
But all good things come to an end, The two brothers needed to go back home at the end of their two weeks in Sinnoh, and that also meant that they needed to say goodbye.
“It was a pleasure to have meet you two, My brother and I will never be grateful enough to have take time out of your busy schedule to guide us around”
Cynthia simply laughed it off, smiling at the duo. “It’s nothing really, I am happy that you have been able to enjoy the region!”
“I am Emmet, and it was very fun, thank you!”
“Good to know that it was as fun for you as it was fun for us!” declare loudly Dawn, as she herself smile ear to ear, even if she was clearly sad to see them go so soon, Emmet can understand where it came from, he himself going to miss her.
The announcement in the airport made them know that their plane had arrived at the station, cutting their goodbye short as they had to go, but before Emmet was able to follow his brother, Dawn suddenly stopped him, putting something in his hand with a serious look.
“Em, before you go, I just want to make you know that if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to make me know okay? I would be more than happy to help”
And before Emmet could ask any questions about this sudden change of tone, she was already back near Cynthia, waving at him, He was certainly confused but decided to think about it later on, turning around and catching up to his brother who was already ahead.
It was only when the two were on the plane at their designated seat that Emmet decided to take a curious glimpse at what Dawn had given to him.
“Well, Emmet, I must admit my defeat, your idea for our vacation and anniversary was excellent even with the lack of train”
“Hum?!...Yup, I know, I told you that you would like it”
“You did tell me it is true”
“I am Emmet and I am always right!!”
As his twin laughed loudly at Emmet shenanigan, the latter simply smiled as he put in his pocket the paper where was written the number of Dawn.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
If you can do the game for Mr. rain is like if but I’ve also been tempted so I’m tell you more about him, he has two jobs; he works at a train station because trains and also he works with scientist so he hold all of his Pokémon on him, he also is blind but refuses to wear his glasses, and like me he blacks out and doctors got no idea why, so all his Pokémon are registered service pokemon yay, he has horrible anxiety and he follows ingo and emmet on twitter, he’s a trans man and he’s cupioromantic, he’s probably adopted at least half the people that work at the subway he doesn’t work there, he just sees them not taking a lunch break, gets them lunch and tells them to eat at some point. Ingo and emmet have no idea., Mr. Rain thinks ingo and emmet are cool and would love to talk to them, hes to scared to thou
I have a backstory to,
He was raised to alway to forgive people who hurt him, he’s down fall in the end, he was severely bullied throughout elementary school because of his adhd, so he got really quiet, and by middle school he became a dad to anyone with horrible parents, as leaving him as the rebound friend, and lover. It didn’t turn out well, he was left with a lot of relationship trama and a fear of losing people, I’m not gonna lie nothing changed through high school i mean he left it, to become a trainer, he made it though a whole gym challenge. After that he got a job and the train station and later on with the scientist ( not the ones that turn people half Pokémon )
Sorry if that’s a lot.
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Also here’s all his Pokémon
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Here’s his team :)
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Renee wants to be Mr. Rain's friend! She can see he's a kind man, bringing lunch to those working at the station, and she'd like to get to know him. She also would love to introduce her team to him and his team, taking photos of the interactions! She wants to show him the world and take pictures of his smile, because she thinks it's a very nice smile. She also wants to be around as often as possible to help if he were to suddenly faint.
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I can see Renee having a crush on Mr. Rain, since he's so kind. She admires his strength and kindness, and thinks they'd make a nice couple together. But she can sense that he doesn't really feel the same, and once she knows of him being cupioromantic, she accepts that he won't feel the same. She hopes he'll stay her friend, though. She enjoys hanging out with him and teasing him about not wearing his glasses.
He's a cute OC! I hope you don't mind me tagging him as Toby since that's what I did before. I can change the tags if you'd prefer something else, though! Let me know!
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ash-imagines · 2 years
Hi. I saw the Ash's big sister ask, and it was really cute! Do you mind doing a small part two? I had a thought. What if, for every region Ash of his sister traveled through, they get one souvenir for the region and they send them to each other with a postcard. I had that in my head after reading the first one. You don't have to do this, but it was just a thought. Thank you and happy holidays
We're gonna say reader hasn't been to Paldea because I haven't played that one yet :V
Gifts you have sent to Ash from each region:
Kanto - Silph Co. fountain pen.
"Need a fancy pen for any reason? I don't, so you can have this."
Johto - Omamori from the Ho-Oh Shrine.
"I love learning about local legends and such when I'm traveling. There isn't enough room on a postcard for me to explain the legend of Ho-Oh and The Sacred Flame, but you should definitely look it up when you get the chance."
Hoenn - Lava Cookies.
"I gotta send some of these to you or else I'm gonna eat them all. Please enjoy!"
Sinnoh - An autographed Crasher Wake trading card.
"Aside from being a gym leader and contributing his battle earnings to the city, I'm not actually sure what warrants him having a trading card. Does he wrestle? He looks like a wrestler... I'll send you another postcard if I find out."
Unova - A photo of you posing with Ingo and Emmet, doing that pointing thing they do.
"These guys are a lot of fun, to battle and just to hang out with! They know a whole lot about trains. Guess that shouldn't surprise me, though."
Kalos - A keychain of Prism Tower. It lights up.
"Can I be honest? Lumiose City is the worst. It's a good thing the taxis are all around because I get so lost here."
Alola - A Strange Souvenir.
"This little dude has a good aura, I think. Hopefully he grants you some luck during your next battle! Alola from Alola! (I bet everyone says that, haha.)"
Galar - Packaged Curry.
"Curry is a big deal here, and it's no surprise why! This stuff is delicious. My Curry Dex is still pretty lacking at the moment. Let me know if you have any ideas for things I could add to my next dish."
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smallestapplin · 2 years
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SO doing this to Submas twins, Leon, Piers. Them just resting between their thighs especially if they get squished a bit. Also thick thighs save lives
Thick, that’s it, that’s the tweet, I’m nothing but a harlot-
- You offered to let him lay in between your thighs so he could rest, and he found out he likes cuddling like this.
- Your legs are over his shoulders, his head resting on top of your pelvis. He likes it here, and you can read and text while he rests without bothering him.
- Ingo asks for this more often. Though he still blushes and looks away when he does.
- He allows him to be close to you and comfortable. To Ingo your thighs are built in pillows and he loves them.
- They perfectly support his head. He’s fallen asleep like this more times than either of you can count.
- You have so many pictures of it too! He looks so cozy. He wakes up perfectly rested and cozy.
- “Thank you for this my dear.”
- “Anytime babe, it’s actually kinda comforting to have you there.”
- Ingo nuzzles into your thigh and let’s out a content sigh.
- he was sitting in the floor in front of you while you sat on his bed. A particular boss battle was annoying him so he got off the bed and sat closer to the screen.
- You placed your legs over his shoulders, holding his head between your plush thighs.
- Emmet sinks further into you every time he gets a game over screen.
- Your warmth easily soothes his rage, and you gently running your fingers through his hair.
- He decides taking a break would be nice, but he doesn’t want to get up, it’s so nice being right here between your legs like this.
- Until he got the sudden urge to bite, he didn’t resist and sunk his teeth into your inner thigh. Chuckling when you squeak.
- “Emmet! A warning would’ve been nice!”
- “Mmm! But daaaarling, I must bite!”
- “The fuck you do not!”
- “Bite bite bite, bite the darling! Bite for affection!”
- “The only affection you’ll be getting of from galvantula and Eelektross if you keep this up.”
- “……”
- “……..”
- “OW! AGAIN REALLY!?” You try to move away but his teeth stay latched onto you.
- “Mmm!!!!”
- “Emmet you’re so mean to me.”
- “Could i perhaps make it up to you?”
- “Are you?-“
- “If I’m being honest your squeaky sounds are verrry cute! I want to hear more.”
- Emmet turns around so his face is pressed against your sex.
- “Please?”
- How could you say no to his pretty face?
- Digs it.
- Has taken plenty of selfies and posted it or him laying like this.
- You’re either helping him with his hair, playing with his hair, doing your own thing while you two lay in bed like this, or are sitting behind him while he writes some lyrics.
- He always captions these pictures with the main focus being you ‘get you a partner that lets you lay like this.’
- He could lay like this forever.
- His face maybe squished a little but fuck he’s into it.
- “Hey, love?”
- “Yes piers?”
- “Do you think you could snap my neck with these?” He moves his hands to the outside of your thighs, grasping and caressing them.
- “Piers!”
- “Or you could smother me with them, that sounds just as nice.”
- You cover your face with your hands.
- “Piers so help me Arceus, I’m not going to kill you with my thighs!”
- “Fuck that’d be one helluva way to go, put that on my headstone.”
- “Why are you like this?”
- “Fuuuck just you squeezing my head gets me goin!”
- “PIERS!”
- He’s got a sickness for the thickness that only can cure.
- Leon is a strong man! He loves picking you up! Shoulder rides! Playing chicken! He loves your thighs squishing his face.
- Doesn’t matter if it’s for dirty reasons or not he just love being between your thighs. And his face being squished is a total bonus!
- He takes so many selfies like this and everyone is absolutely envious that he gets to be in that position.
- He naps like this a lot. Just sleeping with his face squished.
- It’s the quickest thing that’ll grab Leon’s attention. If he’s ever on the phone cause rose won’t let him off just move your legs open a little and he is instantly hanging up and diving in between, snuggling up between your thighs. If he was a cat he’d be purring.
- His beard scratches nicely against which ever thigh he is nuzzling.
- Please run your fingers through his hair! He loves it! Being like this makes him so close to you and so loved!
- “So warm! I love you.”
- You chuckle “I love you too Leon, but you’re gonna end up with marks on your face from being squished.”
- “Worth it. Any contact with you is worth it.” He just sinks in, the meat of your thighs supporting his head.
- “You’re so sweet and cute. Squishy faaace.” You tighten your legs a bit squishing his face more before releasing with a laugh.
- “Babe you look like a love stick yamper.”
- “I am.” He is very happy about this please do it again.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Can I puleease get Ingo and Emmet sharing a heat ridden hybrid Liepard s/o
- Jes (I’m so sorry I told you I had a few saved.😅)
Jes my beloved, bringing in the amazing ideas, as always! I hope you enjoy, because this took about a week and is almost 4500 words! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Summary: After you and Emmet figure out Ingo has feelings for you, you invite him to be your second mate! Good thing too, because you feel another heat coming around the corner, and having two mates to help should make it a lot more tolerable! CW: Hybrid!Reader(Liepard), Heat, breeding/breeding kink Word Count: 4490 Words! - - - 🔞18+🔞
You wanted to scream. You had recently gone through your heat, with your loving mate, Emmet. It had truly been one of the best experiences of your life. He had been perfect, even if you overwhelmed him a little bit, and absolutely wrecked him. Despite it, he still did his best to please you, and keep you satiated. But it was obvious it had almost been too much. You were sure if your heat had gone on for a day longer, or if your needs lasted longer, he would have been completely out of it. Well... More than he already was, anyway. It was after that heat, that you both also noticed something. Emmet texted you the first day he was back at work. ‘I think Ingo has feelings for you.’ You were a little shocked. You had liked both twins from the get go, and had even thought about how if one asked you out, you’d say yes. Emmet had asked you out not too long after you both had gotten to know each other, and you jumped at the opportunity for a relationship. You hadn’t regretted it since. Emmet was very good and sweet to you. You loved him with all your heart, and considered him your mate. It’s why you had been so happy that he agreed to help you through your heat, even if there was a chance of it overwhelming him. It was a major step in a relationship like yours. So, to hear that Ingo also had feelings for you...? You wondered how on earth Emmet knew, and asked him as such. He explained he had bragged to Ingo how good the sex was, which you made a mental note to smack him later for that, and Ingo had gotten rather flustered and defensive. You were confused. Wouldn’t he anyway, hearing something like that over someone?? Except Emmet tells you it wasn’t normal. He’s seen his brother with feelings before. He honestly thinks Ingo has a thing for you. ‘I’m also sure he went to our shared bathroom to jerk off 😔’ You wanted to laugh, but felt yourself blushing. You still definitely had a thing for Ingo. You never intended to act on it, of course. You were happy with Emmet! But you couldn’t help but swish your tail at the thought that Ingo was romantically and sexually attracted to you. However, you felt so selfish. One partner was enough. You didn’t need two. At least, that’s what you told yourself until Emmet got home that night. He asked if you both could talk, and your tail twitched nervously. Did he want to end your relationship? You didn’t think so, especially after all you had been through. But given how hybrids are treated... You couldn’t help but feel anxious. He sat you down, and looked very serious, despite the smile on his face. “How would you feel about Ingo and I sharing you?” You nearly choke at his blunt question. You can see however, he’s dead serious. “I... I mean, I haven’t not thought about it... But I thought it’d be selfish to ask for such a thing...” You mumbled, your ears flat on your head as you looked away. You nearly screeched when Emmet launched at you for a hug, grabbing you and twirling you. “Fantastic! Let’s tell him!” He said, excitedly grabbing his phone, which you immediately took out of his hand. He pouted at you when you did so. “Hang on, I want to be sure. I don’t want to make him uncomfortable with assumptions!” You tell him. Emmet still pouts. He knows his twin very well! Isn’t that enough? No, you tell him. You want to see his reaction for yourself, first. You like your friendship with Ingo, after all. You don’t want to make things terribly awkward. So you decide to make a plan. Why not invite Ingo over for dinner? It had been a while since he had visited, let alone to eat. You both could assess him while his visits in the comfort of your own home. Emmet continued to pout, assuring you he was right, but agreed to let you see for yourself. So you both invited him for dinner that Friday, and he had readily agreed. You were honestly excited that night, even eager to cook for both twins. But you mainly were anticipating reading Ingo’s body language. He may have been ‘stiff’ to some, but you had been around both enough to read each twin’s body language. He was just a bit harder to read than others. That, and your instincts allowed you to pick up on things others wouldn’t be able to. So come Friday, Ingo showed up that night. You heard him before you saw him. When you turned around, you greeted him. His face was flushed, and he had an odd look on his face. Your ear twitched. His heartbeat picked up. Interesting. You happily served everyone, and dug in. However, you paid special attention to Ingo. He was unfocused. His hands shook, and he couldn’t look you in the eye. His face was also flushed, and he wasn’t as talkative as usual. And you could smell his arousal. You shared a look with Emmet while you both ate. Emmet tried not to act smug. He had been right. You’d admit it. He made sure to tell you ‘I told you so’ after Ingo had left that night. So, you both decided you’d plan a way to break it to him, and invite him to share you with Emmet. But, something was wrong. Even though you had just finished your heat, you could feel another creeping up on you again. It wasn’t that unusual. It wouldn’t be the first time you had multiple heats in one summer. Usually they are stressed induced. You had hoped that having a mate to help would negate the need for another, but you wondered if the stress of Ingo possibly not wanting a relationship was taking its toll. You brought it up to Emmet, and how you were slightly concerned. He barely scrapped by your last heat. Even though the man had the libido of a god, you didn’t know if he could handle another one so soon. Emmet huffed, but agreed. He could probably handle it, but just barely. But so soon after the first? Then he had an idea. “Why don’t we invite Ingo?” The idea had merit. He obviously had been affected when Emmet had told him about your last heat. And he obviously had feelings and an attraction for you. Plus, having two people to help you with your heat... It would give Emmet a break, and you could still get your pleasure. Whenever one was overwhelmed, you could get help from another. And... The idea of Ingo bringing you pleasure sent waves of warmth to your core. Your ears twitched. “Okay.” You both invited Ingo over the next day, which was a day off, thankfully. Ingo, confused, but eager to see you both, agreed. When he arrived at your home, you both sat him down, and he couldn’t help but shift nervously in his seat. Had you both figured it out?? Did you know? Oh Arceus, he was about to be banned from seeing you- “Ingo.” You spoke, and snapped him out of his spiraling thoughts. “Y-Yes?” he asked, his normal loud voice, seemingly so quiet. You gave him a soft smile, and he felt his nerves settle ever so slightly. “Don’t worry, you aren’t in trouble.” You assured him. Before he could relax, Emmet sat up. “We want to make you an offer!” Ingo grew confused. Offer? Emmet spun to face him. “We want to invite you to our relationship! How do you feel about sharing my partner with me?” He asked, rather blunt, as always. Ingo’s mouth dropped open, and he stared between you both. His face turned red. He looked between you both disbelievingly. You jumped in and explained how you both noticed Ingo’s attraction to you. You then admitted you liked both twins, but didn’t want to ask to date both, not wanting to be selfish. But Emmet brought the idea of sharing you after noticing his attraction to you. Ingo seemed choked up, and you internally panicked. Did you both read him wrong?? Ingo looked at you, and your tail flicked nervously. He stood up, and walked over to you. He then dropped to his knees, and reached out for you, laying his hands on your thighs. “Can I? You’ll have me?” He asked, incredibly quiet as his eyes stared hopefully into yours. You felt a blush rise to your cheeks. You grabbed his hands, and gave him a smile. “Yes.” He practically had tears in his eyes as he leaped at you for a hug, and was quick to kiss you. He practically straddled your lap, and wrapped his arms around your neck. When you broke apart, both your faces were flushed as you looked at each other, a rare smile even on Ingo’s face. Emmet, who had happily watched from the side, clapped his hands together once, grabbing your attention. “I’m glad this worked out! Now, we have something else to discuss with you, Ingo.” He said. Ingo looked between you both. “Don’t worry, we’re not bringing you into the relationship just because of it, but we thought you might be interested. If you don’t want to do it though, I still want to date you!” You assured. You didn’t want him to think this was just so you could use him! “So, you know how a little over a week ago, I had gone through my heat?” You ask, and Ingo’s cheeks turned pink. “...Yes?” You felt your own blush back on your face. “Well... Sometimes on a rare occasion, I’ll go through another heat after the first one. And well... I’m feeling the symptoms of one.” Ingo’s eyes went wide, and he briefly looked over you. “So, we wanted to ask if you’d... Like to join? You don’t have to of course if you aren’t comfortable! But-” Ingo didn’t even give you a chance to finish before eagerly responding. “Yes! Yes, Please!” He almost seemed embarrassed by how quickly he responded, and you simply kissed him, your ears lightly twitching. When you broke apart, you ran a hand through the older twins hair, and he leaned into the touch. You briefly explained what going through your heat would be like, though he already had an idea from what Emmet had told him over a week ago. Still, he listened intently, mentally taking notes. You had a feeling he was taking it a bit more seriously than Emmet first had. You both then invited him to stay the next few days. You weren’t sure when your heat would strike, so it was best to be prepared. And to let the station know ahead of time that both twins might be absent for a week this time. It was fine though, both assured you. They had a mountain of vacation days. With that, Ingo happily went to grab some things from his apartment, eager to stay with you. You shared a happy look with Emmet when he left, your fangs peaking out from your smile. You couldn’t wait to see where this would go. -
It was early in the morning, when it first hit you. Your skin felt like it was crawling, your senses were on fire. You could feel your cunt dripping through your sleepwear. Everything was so... hot. Your instincts began screaming at you. Nest. Hide. Mate. You had to follow them. Your brain and body screaming you do so. Carefully, you began to wiggle out of your mate’s grasp. Ingo had been on your left, Emmet on your right. You were thankful they didn’t seem to wake. Though you knew they’d be awake soon enough. Quickly, you scampered to the guest room and the closets, grabbing all the blankets and sheets you could. Nest. You needed a nest, stat. You shuffled back into the room, and carefully began creating a nest you felt your mates would like. Emmet seemed content with the last one, you hoped him and Ingo would like this one. You began to arrange the sheets, and stopped, looking over to the closet, and Ingo’s bag. Scents. You needed your mate’s scents. If they left the nest, you needed something to remind you of them. You were quick to grab some of Emmet’s things, and toss them onto the bed, before digging into Ingo’s bag. You seemed unaware of said man stirring behind you, having heard the commotion. “Dear...?” He asked, when he opened his eyes, seeing you holding an armful of his clothes to your face. Your head snapped in his direction, and before he knew it, you were on top of him. You rubbed your face and scent glands against him, purring. “Mate, sweet mate...” You mumbled, and Ingo held you close, still somewhat confused. Were you okay? What time was it? Then he smelled it. A sweet, pungent smell, almost suffocating and humid, coming from you. He could feel his pants tightening, and his eyes widened. “Dear, are you-?” He began to ask, and you shoved him onto the bed, grinding into his crotch. “Heat.” You managed to make out, breathing deeply as you pinned him down. Your eyes were blown, and you ground against him harder, mewling at the feeling. Ingo immediately moaned. You two hadn’t had sex yet, opting to wait until your heat struck. It was time, and Ingo could feel himself already twitching in his pants at the thought of living out his deepest fantasies. He got his hands free, and grabbed your hips, and flipped you both over. You let out a squeal, and Ingo breathed into your neck. “Please, let me eat you out. Please please please....” he begged into your ear. He needed to taste you. He had dreamed of doing so for days. You squirmed under him for a moment. “Yes! Anything, please, do anything!” You begged, the heat becoming overwhelming. Ingo didn't hesitate to rip your pants down your legs, tossing them to the side. He took a quick moment to look over you, and your dripping pussy. He wanted to drool. You looked so divine. When you let out a noise of frustration, Ingo snapped back from his thoughts. He was finally about to eat you out, he couldn’t wait. In an instant, his mouth was on your cunt. He didn’t waste any time, You let out a small mewl of pleasure and relief. Ingo, however, could hardly think straight. Your taste, your smell, it was amazing. Like nothing he had ever tasted before. Ingo could practically feel his eyes crossing just from your scent and taste alone. He lapped at your cunt, eagerly licking as deep as he could go. Your body seemed just as eager to provide, the slick never ending, and your adorable moans only turned him on more. Ingo was so caught up in your taste, he almost didn’t notice when you seemed to grow quiet. He glanced up, and noticed his twin. Emmet, despite looking disheveled, seemed all to happy as he shoved his cock in your mouth. He must have woken up from how loud you two had been, but didn’t seem mind. Neither did you, judging how cock-drunk you looked from just sucking Emmet off alone. Trying to find something to ground yourself, your hands landed in Ingo’s hair, and you tugged him closer to your cunt, and Ingo moaned. The feeling of you clutching his hair, while he drowned in your scent and taste, Ingo felt he was in heaven. It was all he had ever wanted. Before he could find any bearings, he felt you clutch his hair tight, and tugged, clamping your thighs around your head. Desperate from the feeling, Ingo humped the bed as you came around his tongue. You wanted to cry out from how good you felt. Ingo’s tongue worked wonders in your core and on your clit. The man didn’t seem interested in stopping, even after you had cum. Then there’s was Emmet, who had stuffed his cock in your mouth when he had woken up. You had happily started to suck it, desperate for any sort of touch or attention your mates were willing to give. He didn’t last long after you had came, the look on your face and moans around his cock enough to pull him into his own orgasm. He came in your throat with a groan, and held your head steady as you eagerly swallowed every drop he had to offer.  When Emmet had finally let you go and pulled out, you pawed at his hips, desperate to suck on his cock once more. You needed your mates! It was still so hot... You were thankful for Ingo’s mouth, but you needed a cock inside you. The feeling was so much! You needed to be filled! Thankfully, Emmet seemed acutely aware of what you needed. “Ingo.” He spoke, and said brother’s eyes were on him, though he didn’t pause his ministrations. Emmet gently cradled your head, and pet your hair. “They need you. Think you can handle them while I call in for work?” He asked. Ingo’s eyes bore into yours, taking in how wrecked you looked. Reluctantly, he pulled away. You cried out from the lack of contact, and Ingo went straight to work. He had his pants down in an instant. His cock was already leaking precum, and was almost purple at the tip. You stopped your mild thrashing, seeing Ingo’s cock for the first time. You licked your lips. Before Ingo even had a chance to slide inside you, your quickly grabbed his shoulders, and flipped him onto his back. You could tell he was surprised, eyes wide when you climbed over him and straddled his hips. Judging from the blush on his cheeks, you felt he was enjoying himself. Without another moments notice, you dropped yourself on his cock. Ingo practically cried out in a choked moan, his hands snapping to your hips as you immediately began bouncing. “So good... So full...!” You whimpered in ecstasy. You felt so good, Ingo’s cock hitting all the right places. You felt your ears twitch as a familiar fog clouded your mind. Ingo cried out as you bounced on his cock, not even needed time to adjust. His nerves felt they were on fire as your cunt sucked him in as he attempted to meet your bounces. He swore he could feel himself hitting your cervix with how deep he would bump inside you. You felt so good! So tight, so warm! He didn’t last long, already sensitive from pleasing you. With a shout, he grabbed your hips, and came as deep as he could. He panted as he held you close, his cock twitching inside you. That had been amazing! He had never had such pleasure before in his life! Before he could properly come down from his high though, he nearly choked out a sob when he felt your grind against his hips. Emmet did warn him you’d do this, after all. He shouldn’t be so surprised. 
What did surprise him, however was how quick he could feel himself getting hard. He wasn’t a slouch when it came to bouncing back, but this was ridiculous. Then yours and Emmet’s warning came back into his mind. Something about the scent, and the fluids that keep you going. Taking a moment, Ingo realized they were right. The scent in the air was heavy, and made his skin feel a bit tingly, and his cock was twitching inside your warm core. He groaned. Once he felt hard enough inside you, you began a rough pace, and Ingo almost howled. It was so good-! Using him like this, like a living sex toy! Even though he was beginning to feel slightly overwhelmed, he didn’t want to stop. He wanted you to use him like the toy he was. The thoughts alone were nearly enough to make him cum again. You then leaned down, and bit down on his neck, your sharp fangs easily piercing his skin. Ingo screamed as he saw white, his hips twitching erratically as he came again, his cock shooting load after load inside you. You licked the mark on his neck, and purred into his ear. “My mate... sweet mate....” you mumbled. Ingo felt himself babble, tears beginning to prick his eyes when he felt you begin to rut against him. He loved it, despite how he could feel twinges of pain. It only added to his pleasure. “Use me...” He mumbled, lightly thrusting up into you once more. Before you could however, you were pulled off of Ingo. You let out a growl, and struggled, until you realized it had only been Emmet. The younger twin had undressed, and was kissing your neck. “Let him have a break, Darling. It’s my turn.” He said, and sat you down on his cock. You moaned at the feeling of being filled once more, and Emmet nipped at your neck, before grabbing your hips, and dropping you again. He quickly sat up a rhythm, one that didn’t give you any time for rest. Not that you seemed to mind, with how you moaned into his ear. You were still so warm, so needy and tight. Emmet felt himself wanting to drool. Your scent certainly intensifying everything tenfold. He couldn’t wait to cum in you again, ready for the week ahead of him. Ingo took a moment to catch his breath while you were preoccupied with his brother. Emmet wasn’t kidding when he said you would use him like a toy. He ran his hand over the mark you had given him, and felt himself shudder. ‘Mate...’ You had called him your mate. The thought made him even harder than he already was. You considered him your mate! The thought alone made him incredibly giddy. Emmet panted as he lifted and dropped you on his cock, the pleasure building up inside him quickly.The scent had been driving him wild, and he could feel it affecting his body already. You squirmed in his grip, and began thrusting down to meet his cock. You needed to be filled. Now. “Emmeeeet! Please!! Breed me!” You yowled out, pawing at Emmet’s arms. You needed his cum inside you. Emmet cursed, and grabbed your hips, before pistoning into you from below. You cried out in pleasure, and you came from the sudden rough treatment. Emmet’s eyes rolled back, and he bit his lip, before shoving you down on his cock as deep as he could go. Hips twitching, he came deep into your cunt with a moan. He panted, holding you close as he tried to catch his breath. When he felt you roll your hips, he moaned. He grabbed you, and shoved you onto the bed, face first. You squirmed a bit, though let out a moan when Emmet proceeded mount you. Pushing into you, you clawed at the blanket beneath you. The younger twin wasted no time pounding into you, and you mewled out in pleasure. You felt your body flinch when a hand placed itself on your head. You glanced up in your fog, and saw Ingo’s cock next to your face. He was blushing red, and rubbed his cock against your cheek. Gladly opening your mouth for him, he slid into your mouth with a groan. Emmet meanwhile, didn’t let up, seemingly obsessed with chasing his own release once more. His thrusts were rough, and his momentum pushed you to take Ingo’s cock deeper down your throat. Ingo’s moan was almost a sob, and he gripped your hair, before pounding deep into your mouth in time with Emmet’s thrusts. Your mouth was almost as good as your pussy, and Ingo intended to make the most of it.
You were practically in heaven. Having two mates use you like this, bringing you pleasure amidst the heat... You could live like this forever. You felt your claws dig into the sheets when Emmet hit a particularly deep spot inside you, and you felt tears welling up in your eyes as you came on Emmet’s cock again. You moaned around Ingo’s cock as you clenched down on the younger twin. Ingo couldn’t handle the way you moaned around him, and followed after you. He tightly gripped the back of your head, and thrusted his cock so far down your throat, your nose was flush against his hips. You would have moaned, but focused on swallowing all of your mate’s precious cum. You didn’t want to waste a drop. Ingo then pulled out, and you coughed a bit. Ingo gently held your face, cooing at how wonderful you were, and lightly rubbed behind your ears. You felt yourself hoarsely purring at the attention. His words mostly went in one ear and out the other, you were so out of it, you could hardly register Ingo speaking. The pounding Emmet was giving you made you limp and light headed. Thankfully, it didn’t take long for Emmet to finish. Your orgasm from earlier was enough to quickly bring him towards the edge. With a few rough thrusts, he came deep within. As he came, he cooed at you as well, kissing your shoulder blades, and lightly rubbed your tail. You felt spent, and exhausted. The heat finally simmering down enough for you to relax. Emmet pulled out of your a moment later, and you groaned at the feeling. So sensitive. “Here, my Dear.” You heard Ingo speak, and he held out a water bottle in front of you. Sitting up just enough to drink it, you nearly cried when Ingo soothingly rubbed behind your ears once more. You heard Emmet shift behind you, and gasped lightly when his hands began to rub your shoulders. “Make sure you drink up, Darling. One of us will make some breakfast here in a minute.” He gently whispered behind you, and you sighed from the touch. Food and sleep sounded incredible right now. Ingo and Emmet shared a look, before nodding. “I’ll stay with you, Dear. Get some rest, alright?” Ingo told you, and you only sighed in response, too tired to properly communicate. Ingo smiled as you, and Emmet got up from the bed. After popping a few joints, he grabbed a pair of boxers from the floor, and gave you a peck before heading out of the room to make breakfast. Ingo gently grabbed you, and laid you against him, before covering you both with a blanket. He gently began to run his hand through your hair, heart about to burst at how sweet you looked. He could stay like this forever. They were so glad to have you as their mate.
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sapphire-strikes · 2 years
do you have any submas headcanons in that lovely noggin of yours? 👀
I doooo! And I must say I love the attention these two have been getting, even if it is due to Ingo's unfortunate circumstances in Legends Arceus. Speaking of which, consider all of these pre-PLA.
• Locally, Emmet is the most well-known out of the two because he walks up and down the trains of the subway during travel, checking on passengers and making sure everything is in tip-top shape.
• He's also the one responsible for ridding the subway of troublesome passengers and does so with pleasure. If you're causing trouble or harassing other passengers, prepare to be cheerily "dropped off" at the next stop.
• Emmet eagerly jumps in and out of conversations at the drop of a hat, even with strangers. You could be minding your own business, riding the subway, and suddenly have him at your side, blurting random conversation topics, stating a fact about your destination, or asking you about your pokemon, and just as quickly as it started you turn back to him and he's gone.
• He also has trouble listening when others are speaking, making him very difficult to talk to at first if you don't already know him. He's very easily distracted and may change subjects suddenly or end the conversation quite abruptly even if you weren't finished speaking. You try to get back on topic but oops, he's already walking away.
• I don't think he's in any way trying to be rude or dismissive because if you make the effort to stay on a topic, he will happily continue to engage you...until he gets distracted again. That's just how he is, very high energy with a very short attention span, and a lot of people just have trouble keeping up well enough to get to know him past that.
•  If you have multiple run-ins with him, your conversations will begin to branch out more. Maybe it's the aspect of knowing who he's talking to as opposed to a stranger that adds that extra little bit of detail to your conversation and is just enough to keep him focused.
• He talked a lot before but just wait until you have his full attention. He'll eagerly go on and on about pokemon battles, the subway, Unovan tourist spots, what kind of food he likes, his brother, and practically anything else. And once you get him going he's not gonna stop. Not to mention with INTENSE eye contact the entire time.
• As opposed to before when you couldn't hold a steady conversation, now you can walk away while he's talking and he will literally follow you as he continues.
• It's almost endearing how passionate he is until you have to shut your front door in his face because he followed you the whole way home. "I am Emmet! You have a lovely home! I hope you have a good night! Let's talk again soon!"
• Ingo spends most of his time in the cab and is the voice you'd hear through the speakers announcing stops and departures. So he's a lot less common to run into than Emmet unless you're a trainer coming for a battle and are actively seeking him out.
• Ingo's face is hard to read, almost harder than Emmet's and a lot of people find his stiff demeanor to be cold and unwelcoming. That's just at a glance though, the impression you'd receive if you didn't bother to pay him any more than a once over from a distance. When approached, however, his eyes light up even as his expression remains unmoving.
• Not unlike, but differently so than his brother, Ingo loves to talk to people and gets very excited when others are the ones to approach him. That's when you get to learn the fun fact that he is LOUD; very polite, passionate, formal, and LOUD. He has been working on catching himself, usually when he notices the person he's talking to flinch or appear concerned, but he can't help it sometimes. Especially if you're someone new.
• I don't want to say he's nicer than his brother as they're both very friendly in their own ways, but Ingo is much more polite and socially aware. Ingo also isn't aware that other people may view him as intimidating because he tries his very best to be welcoming and has yet to realize that he's just terrible at facial expressions.
• He asked Emmet once if there was anything about him that might make others wary about talking to him but Emmet only responded with a resounding "Of course not! You are quite approachable! The approachablest even!" So for the most part Ingo has chalked it up to everyone else just being shy.
• The two of them live together somewhere very close to Gear Station and plan their day around the battle subway's schedule. They also don't take days off, at least not unprompted. They're both just very passionate about their positions, seeing it as a responsibility as well as a hobby.
• With that many quirks between them, despite their popularity as Pokemon Masters, the two of them don't have a lot of friends outside of just acquaintances or the regulars of the battle subway. This is in part because they work so much as well as the fact that a lot of people find them to be eccentric or intimidating.
• They're certainly not disliked by anyone, quite the opposite. The battle subway is incredibly popular and a great deal of Nimbasa city's opinion on them is that they're cool and admirable trainers. Just that it's the kind of admiration you have from distance.
• It's a shame too because while the two of them will always be content in each other's company, they are both very social and enjoy spending time with others. When the two of them get home at the end of the day, they'll often recount the events of the day to each other and that usually includes gushing about the new trainer or trainers they met or battled that day.
• If you have a run-in with one of them and then run into the other later, there's a chance if you left enough of an impression they will already know who you are. Or in Emmet's case, if Ingo mentions that he fought a particularly strong trainer, Emmet will actively seek them out on the battle subway in the coming days, eager to battle them himself. "Excuse me, are you (name)? No? Okay, thank you for your time! Excuse me, are you (name)? No? Okay, thank you for your time!", and he'll make his way down all the subways cars asking each person that matches their description until he finally finds and challenges them.
• The Two of them would be really excited to ever have guests over as it's not something that happens often. Elesa is the only person within their vain of work that has a relationship with them on a personal basis and since she's a gym leader she doesn't have a whole lot of free time either.
"My name is Emmet! This is my brother Ingo! You are our guest! Please make yourself at home!"
• Emmet will be constantly and enthusiastically refilling whatever beverage you're given before you ever have the chance to finish it and if you thought they talked a lot while at work just wait until your sat between the two of them, looking back at forth as they both happily bounce questions and topics off of you one after the other.
• The most impressive part is how they never manage to talk over each other during all of this.
• "Marvelous! Thank you for coming, please stop by again soon! Perhaps for dinner next time?"
"Yes! You were wonderful! You should stop by again! We will look forward to it!"
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dark-green-line · 2 years
Etch-a-Sketch Emmet Part 2
Becoming ‘Cheri’
Elesa has to leave her pokémon behind.
It breaks her heart, she loves her team- they’re family- but Emmet can’t recognize them the same way he can’t recognize her, and seeing them next to her may ruin her entire ruse. She entrusts them to Skyla with a sad smile and a promise to be back.
She talks to everyone still helping out with Emmet Watch. Talks to the gym leaders and Iris and the subway trainers. She tells them that the only thing left to do is let Emmet follow that “feeling” he has.
No one argues much, especially not after she tells them she’s going with him to keep an eye on him. It’s been a long six months.
She talks to her publicist and informs the public that she’s going on sabbatical. She talks to the other trainers in her gym and asks them to appoint a temporary stand-in.
This might be their only chance to bring Ingo home. To help Emmet. She’s not going to go through all the trouble of a new Pokémon Adventure without making sure that their home will still be standing when they come back.
They will come back. They will. All of them.
Let’s Go
She watches him leave the building from the other side of the sidewalk. He looks so determined, so sure of his destination.
From a distance he looks completely normal. Completely like himself.
It’s not an image that can last. When she walks up to him at the edge of town he still looks as bad as before. He’s smiling but his eyes are dim.
Elesa shakes it off. She has to.
“Hello! I’m Cheri, could I ask you a question?”
It comes out a bit garbled, the instinct to say ‘axew a question’ strong and hard to tamp down. She’s not sure if puns will give her away, but she won’t risk it until she’s sure any of this will work.
He turns toward her with a smile, no recognition in his eyes. “Sure.”
“I’m trying to build a new team and was wondering if you know any good spots to catch something?”
“Hmmmm, there’s a forest right there,” he says, dramatically pointing at Lostlorn Forest further down the path. “Try there.”
“Thanks!” He walks away quickly, but she catches up to him. “Since we’re walking the same way, would you tell me what you’re doing today?”
“I am looking for something. It’s lost.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, what are looking for?”
“I don’t know.”
She turns toward him in what she hopes looks like surprise. “How are you going to find it then…sorry, I didn’t get your name.”
He turns to look at her. “I am Emmet. I will know when I find it.”
He finished his thought between looking at her and not looking at her! This might actually work! She gets bolder.
“I have to do a lot of traveling anyway, would you like to keep walking together?”
Emmet’s eyes furrow in confusion. “Why?”
Blunt as ever. At least that’s the same. “Well, it sounds hard looking for something when you don’t know what it is, so I could help you do that and find some cool new pokémon in the places we look! Plus, it gets kinda lonely by yourself.”
She tries so hard to stay cheery. Her desperation is her own business, thanks.
“Lonely…” he says quietly. “Being alone does sound verrrry unappealing. Let’s work together! Why not?”
Elesa can’t believe it.
“You name is Cheri, right?”
Elesa’s beaming smile is so wide she can feel her cheeks pulling.
Catching a new pokémon in the woods is not something she really wants to do. She caught her first Emolga here. She wants to catch another one- when this is over they and Amp and Watt could all be friends! But leaving the two of them behind only to catch another one is a not the pose she wants to strike.
She decides to just catch the first thing she comes across. This results in catching a Venipede.
She’s never used one before…she’s not really familiar with bug types at all…but it’s fine! She knew going in she wouldn’t be allowed her favorite type. There’s nothing wrong with bug types! …she’s going to text Burgh for help later.
Cheri and Emmet make their way back out of Lostlorn without running into too many wild pokemon, and the ones they do see are quickly taken care of by Cheri’s new friend.
“Alright, Emmet, lead the way!”
He whirls around to face South. He points. He calls, “Full steam ahead!” Then they’re off.
As they make their way down route 4, she asks Emmet questions about himself, because that’s how you get to know people and they aren’t supposed to know each other.
“I am Emmet. I’m looking for something. I don’t remember anything else about myself.”
Elesa expected this. She did. She knows this already. Why does it feel new and horrible?
“Not even what you’re wearing?” She can’t help but snark.
He gives her a playfully annoyed look. “I know what I’m wearing,” he says flatly. “Not why though,” he adds. “Just that I don’t want to wear anything else.”
She absorbs that. She shoves it down. “Well, it’s an interesting outfit, at least. Very eye catching. I think it suits you.” Of course it suits him, the hats may have come with their positions but she helped the twins design the coats. It suits him because she made sure it would.
Emmet’s smile is kind and lovely. Elesa focuses on that instead of how empty his eyes still are. She needs to shift gears.
“What’s in that pokéball on your belt?”
Way to go “Cheri”
Emmet looks down at his belt, then takes the ball in his hand. “Iiiiiiiiii don’t know. Let’s find out!”
“Hello there, passenger,” Emmet greets.
It’s Archeops. Of course it is.
Profesor Juniper was asked to hold both Emmet and Ingo’s team a few months ago, when it became clear Emmet couldn’t be trusted with their care. He would forget they were there and get distressed at the constant surprise, and the pokémon were upset that he kept forgetting them.
Archeops though, refused to be separated. He wouldn’t stay in his ball unless it was on Emmet’s person. The moment they took their eyes off of him, he would run away faster than they could catch him. Elesa had thought they finally talked the bird bird down, but apparently he had run off again.
Back to his trainer, who still had Archeops’ ball on his person.
At least Elesa will have someone to help her make sure the idiot doesn’t die while they wander around out here. She makes sure to pass the obstinate pokémon a treat when they all make camp for night.
Next time: Hijinking your way through your highly suspect journey to an undisclosed location
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wardeningo · 3 years
idk im cringe but im free here’s a submas hc post. no particular order. We love angst we also love projecting lets gooo
Both Ingo and Emmet are autistic, Emmet also has ADHD.
Emmet is a trans bi man and Ingo is genderfluid and unlabeled, though he’s fine with using gay or queer as umbrella terms to describe his attraction.
Their parents intended for their starters to be Klink, however Ingo ended up befriending a Litwick at school and brought it home, and Emmet snuck out and caught a Joltik about a week before their 10th birthday.
Their birthday is May 20th.
Ingo was planned, Emmet was not. 
Emmet’s generally a nice person, but if you tick him off he’s going to start throwing rocks. If you specifically target his brother, he’s going to start aiming for the head.
Ingo has brain damage from an incident involving construction work and wild Durants tunneling. Neither of the twins blame the Durants for the incident, Emmet eventually adopting one of them onto his team.
Ingo’s Fraxure evolved into Haxorus during the aforementioned incident.
Emmet will not go to sleep until Ingo does.
Emmet will also check on his brother throughout the night.
Their family has a history of addiction so Ingo has Emmet hold onto his painkillers as a precaution. Problem is Ingo’s stubborn as hell and will put off taking any until he’s incapacitated.
Both Ingo and Emmet are partially deaf, with Emmet’s being train related and Ingo’s being blunt force head trauma related.
Both boys have commitment issues but for entirely different reasons. 
Emmet got asked out a lot in middle school as a joke. Had a girl date him for a month in high school but only because she lost a bet. Turns out if you get told repeatedly that someone wanting to date you is “embarrassing” you start to believe you’re unlovable. 
Ingo struggles a lot with hypersexuality and being sex repulsed. He’s definitely slept around and has had a few flings, for better or for worse. The idea of someone wanting to stay in a relationship with him is scary.
Both boys have also been called “robotic” as an insult so they’ve internalized that shit too.
Ingo has cried about Daisy Bell and will cry again.
Ingo was a very sickly child but got better by his teens.
Emmet sometimes forgets that he’s the younger twin out of the two of them.
Ingo puts too much thought into how to express himself and it often comes off as ingenuine or strained, Emmet doesn’t have this problem, but he’s really good at repressing his emotions.
Emmet relies on Ingo to know how to respond to a social situation. Emmet only really laughs at a joke if Ingo laughs first, otherwise it just doesn’t occur to him that that’s how he’s “supposed” to react.
Emmet has. many. MANY problems with Clay’s gym layout.
Ingo has eisoptrophobia, which is horribly ironic given that he’s an identical twin. He tends to avoid elevators despite Emmet telling him not to.
Emmet on the other hand is deathly afraid of squirrels. He watched an emolga scurry off with the corpse of a patrat and he has not been the same since. Yes this affects his relationship with Elesa he cannot be in the same room as her pokemon he will v*mit and Cry.
Emmet had to go through speech therapy for a number of years. He's also selectively mute and knows sign language.
Ingo really likes theatre
Ingo also really enjoys fashion.
Ingo skipped a grade as he was the uhh Gifted Kid(tm) and this went well for a while until he had a mental breakdown in high school and his parents had to pull him from the system and essentially force him to drop out (he wouldve worked himself to death otherwise)
During their school years the boys were admittedly kind of distant. They didn't hate each other there just, wasnt really a bond between them at that point.
Both started working at gear station at 16, Emmet started first and Ingo joined him not too long after, which rekindled their bond.
This is all I can think of rn this has been in my drafts for months I'm just gonna post it.
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hiddenendings · 2 years
i hope you are feeling better! i didn't see vampire ingo or tiny au on your list so those will be my requests!
you're free to do whatever you want with those vague prompts, but my particular vampire ingo au is called 'immortal bond' and- well it's rather a lot to put in an ask but suffice to say PLA ingo goes fangy in order to get back to emmet the old fashioned way (immortally waiting out the years), and then has to watch emmet and himself grow up, then his past self disappear before he can actually show himself to emmet again. (if you wanna hear more on that hit me up- i'm gonna write it eventually but i'm so busy)
and then the tiny au i was thinking of is rainyfroggy's, where emmet and ingo are both given a mini clone of the other to keep them company while the real ones are separated by the events of PLA. it's super cute!
*busts down the door like the feral little creature I am* Hello new friend you named two AUs I’m super stoked about and love let’s talk.
But no I’m in the discord server so I saw some of your planning for Vampire Ingo and I was Here For It especially that angst followed by that sweet reunion followed by Emmet letting his brother know he does not mind him being undead nope not at all in fact Ingo better make it so Emmet joins him as soon as he reaches Ingo’s age. 
Look I’m just- I’m so gay for vampire AUs please feel free to tell me more but also I’m sorry if I take this idea and contribute my own little hoard of monsterfucker madness to it because I am,,, so gay,,, 
It’s about the softness of Ingo hugging his baby brother and terrified of accidentally hurting him because he’s been so anti-social and nervous the last couple decades waiting for the right time to come. He’s about the realization to Emmet that his brother really just went through hundreds of years of life just to get back to his side and never having stopped loving him. It’s about that bond and trust as Emmet offers Ingo his blood the very second he can because he always wants Ingo to have a piece of him and he wants Ingo’s marks on him to prove that Ingo is here and with him and not leaving him again. 
(Plus I’m just a big old gay for Teeth)
AND THEN TINY AU!!! I’m so gay for Tiny AU and so appreciative of rainyfroggy and their stance on how while they meant it as brothers only, they encourage the blankshippers to run with it too like. I love the Tiny AU. I’m so here for the two finding comfort in pieces of each other and just being So Gay especially the Hisui two who have no memories and are still just Like That. 
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feroluce · 3 years
Irida and Ingo/Emmet shenanigans, how cute is that! I want to see them interact so badly!
At the beginning of the game, I did NOT like Irida (religious baggage) but she really grew on me by the end of it. I like to think that before Emmet Falls, she and Ingo have a bond from being caught somewhere between mourning and not, over people that were loved but not really in their lives (Irida's mother through her early death; Emmet through Ingo's amnesia).
There's also the fact that Ingo has no memory and isn't even from Hisui in the first place, so he isn't going to be as invested in clan politics. He doesn't know how the pearl clan is "supposed" to be run and probably doesn't particularly care. It's maybe a nice breath of fresh air for Irida, and can even offer some outside perspective.
And Emmet of course is all of that and THEN some, because he Fell with his memories intact and pretty much just says whatever he thinks haha. He does not give a single shit about whatever the clans have going on, just let him enjoy his life with Ingo and he's fine. Irida is also pretty outspoken, so she and Emmet are a frightening force to be reckoned with when they're together.
When all three of them are together, it sounds like someone stuck three Chatots in an echo chamber, because Ingo is pretty rambly/chatty, Emmet is a lot less talkative but has little to no filter, and Irida is a combination of both of these.
Irida has an intense interest in the future of Hisui, too. Ingo and Emmet hadn't really been to modern Sinnoh much, but they fill her in on as much as they can. She listens with rapt attention while they tell her how people and pokemon live side-by-side, how battling is more like a form of communication, how the space of Hisui evolves... Her beloved icelands become home to Snowpoint City, and a powerful gym, and Irida feels so proud of it.
Since she's leader, it's mostly Irida watching over them, but the twins try to look out for her too when they can. I just want for someone to be really rude or even slightly threatening to Irida and she doesn't give a shit, but Ingo beckons her over at the same time that Emmet suddenly slings an arm around the person and leads them away.
Irida: What's the problem?
Ingo: I don't like that person.
Irida: Me neither, but I don't see why-
Ingo: Neither does Emmet.
Irida: Uh oh.
Emmet comes back around a few seconds later, asshole still in tow but now much more nervous looking. He lets them go, but instead of taking up his usual spot next to his brother, Emmet stands at Irida's other shoulder, opposite Ingo. And they both stay there staring like a couple of creepy gargoyles until the person is done and leaves.
I want them to go to the hot springs in the icelands together, too! There's only two, and they're pretty far apart, not to mention they could be literal lifesavers with how cold it is, so I feel like there's not a lot of room for shame in Hisuian times. Ingo and Emmet are a couple of losers, they get all nervous when they realize this because they're used to having them separated by gender. Irida meanwhile is used to it, does not care, and her only reaction is to tell them to turn around for a minute while she strips and gets in skxkdnmsmd
(Since Irida doesn't make a big deal of it, it makes it easier for them to relax too, and they all just sit there completely chill, Ingo in the middle radiating contentedness while he thinks about how nice his life is now)
And the twins teaching her to battle! It's not just as simple as leveling up her Glaceon, Irida has to work hard and learn to be a good trainer, too! When she manages to win a battle they conduct for her at the training grounds, Ingo happily praises her progress and Emmet is so excited he picks her up and swings her around in a hug.
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languor-em · 3 years
Ingo/Theo thoughts???? Ingo/Theo thoughts??? Share with your bestie boy please and thankyou I read bullying and I am here to hear about it.
Okay okay I'm gonna put this under the cut in case people don't wanna see my self shippy screaming and because this is gonna be long as HELL but!!! Theo and Ingo!!! My absolute beloveds at the moment!!! Sorry Grimora my love I'll think about you again soon sgakaha
Okay okay so I'll start off with the non-arceus flavored thoughts because those are less angsty and like,,, a bit less complicated by story standards??
But in this timeline, Theo was born and raised in Galar, and has spent most of their life there. They ran a ghost-type Pokemon sanctuary for a long time that sort of doubled as like,,, a cat cafe equivalent, trying to help lessen the stigma surrounding the type and find their charges perfect partners!! Her partner is a Gengar named spooky who's been with Theo since they were both itty bitty- shout out to Theo's grandad for letting her keep the Ghastly that decided to follow her home.
Now I won't lie, my knowledge of Pokemon B&W is still very limited but!!! I know the very basics (I'm playing through B&W 2 with my bro rn and I'm on a desperate search for the first one) and enough to say with confidence that Theo just,,, gets their ass thoroughly beat. They really expect the train twins to make vicious fun of them for losing but they,,, don't. Emmet smiles and tells her to work hard to improve and challenge them again and Ingo- Ingo says something very sweet about the bond between Theo and her Pokemon being strong, but she needs to trust in their strength a little more. It sticks with her- and she finds herself coming back again and again until a friendship forms between the three of them.
Flash forward a good few years, and Theo decides that they want to travel. Specifically, they want to travel to Unova. They leave their sanctuary in the care of some of their most trusted friends/employees and head on their way!!! A lot of their time is spent just like,, wandering around and doing the stereotypical touristy shit but!! Eventually Theo decides fuck it, they want to try this whole battling thing, and start pushing themselves towards that goal. That's how they meet Ingo and Emmet on the battle subway!!
And now's the time that I stop rambling about backstory and get into the DYNAMIC!!! BECAUSE!!!! AAAHH!!! Emmet and Theo are BESTIES. They are neurodivergent and silly and they LOVE bullying Ingo. Much of their free time is spent harassing Ingo and like,, teasing him about silly little things. Emmet shares stories about what Ingo was like as a kid and Theo gently teases Ingo about how awkward he can be in a romantic setting. Ingo and Theo's relationship is just,, it's very relaxed. It's very much the sort of situation where close friends become romantic partners and like,, while it's awkward at first, not much changes? Sure, the first two weeks or so of their relationship was tentative and fragile- consisting mostly of the two dancing around eachother but?? After a nice talk where the two of them establish what they want, things settle into a very domestic setting. They're still best friends at the end of the day, it's just that they now hold hands and Theo gets to kiss him before he goes to work and when he comes home. I don't think Ingo is very big on giving physical affection, he strikes me as more of an acts of service and words of affirmation kind of guy. But he doesn't mind Theo expressing themself through touch- they have a lot of trouble with words. That's something that really gets me in the heart about this relationship- Ingo has trouble expressing himself physically and makes up for it with words, and Theo has a lot of trouble with words and express more though touch. They complement each other really well, and I feel like a lot of their relationship is supporting eachother in their downfalls and building one another up. Also a lot of info dumping. Autism and ADHD solidarity right there. Also Theo cooks for both Ingo and Emmet a lot- they pack their lunches. Can you tell one of my love languages is food? Also also Theo occasionally visits them at work, but she knows they're busy a lot of the time so she doesn't stay super long.
Also I'm trying not to think about how gutted Theo would be when Ingo disappears and how she and Emmet will have to lean on one another and grieve and-
Anyway!!! This is already so long and I'M SORRY but now we're on to the Arceus timeline. Also spoilers but like,, you know. Because is it a different timeline completely? Yes. Yes it is. Don't look at me like that- I just really like overthinking things and-
Anyway- Theo gets isekai'd into ancient Hisui and cannot remember a single thing. In this au they're still from Galar and had their ghost sanctuary, but they never gave in to their desire to visit Unova. And somehow, I'm not really sure why, Arceus decides that there's noone better to do its bidding than the constantly stressed and anxious trainer from rural Galar. It doesn't even have the decency to send Spooky with them- which is stupid, because that's Theo's emotional support Gengar and Theo's Spooky's emotional support human. That's a whole bout of amnesia angst in and of itself, one that I'll maybe talk about in a different post suajdaj
Anyway, Theo joins up with the Galaxy team because like?? What other option is there?? And the plot proceeds as normal. Theo meets Ingo in all his New York subway amnesiac glory, Irida tells her that Ingo also just,, popped up from nowhere with no memories and that she hopes maybe traveling together will help jog something in their fucked up little brains.
So they travel together to Lord Electrode, they bond, Theo battles Ingo and barely wins (he was even going easy on her), Theo meets and is promptly also adopted by Sneasler (because Sneasler absolutely looked at Ingo and Theo and decided that they were just real fucked up Sneasels), Theo saves Electrode and is HORRIBLY burned (THE THINGS FIRING ELECTRICITY AT HER!!!!)- and Ingo and Adaman have to basically carry her back to Jubilife. Ingo stays in Jubilife while Theo heals, occasionally popping in and keeping her company and just,,, they bond a lot!!
After Theo heals and is ready to get back to work, Ingo just sort of,,, comes with them? They travel together and become a team and just,, they get really close. They try to help eachother remember as much as they can, and they comfort eachother when that strange, gnawing homesickness grows to be too much. Theo holds Ingo as tight as they can when he breaks down and starts rambling about a man who looked like him, who always smiled and liked winning more than anything else. And Ingo's there to sit quietly next to Theo and let them cry into his chest when they feel their heart shatter when they see a Gengar for the first time in the wild and start sobbing about a childhood friend. They're there for eachother, no matter how much they hurt. And although it's unspoken, they love eachother. And they would do anything for eachother. And they are there to be eachother's rock when the world just feels like too much.
On a much lighter note, there's still so much info dumping. But now with the added flavor of 'wait how do I know this much about that??' Like,, Ingo's out here asking 'what the fuck even IS a train??' and Theo's like 'How do I know so much about Yamask?? What even is a Yamask??? whATS A GALAR??' And then they bond ÚwÙ
Basically, in every au they're in they just,, are very neurodivergent together. It's a very sweet and laid back relationship, and they make it work really well. Emmet, Ingo, and Theo are a dynamic Trio and bullying Ingo can actually be so personal. I think it's very much the sort of relationship where people are surprised when they find out Theo and Ingo are an item because like,,, they're so casual??
Like,, Ingo offhandedly says like, "Sorry, I'm going home. Come back tomorrow. My wife is making our anniversary dinner, and I can't be late."
And the challenger is just like, "yOUR WIFE??? YOU'RE MARRIED??"
And Ingo just,,, deadpan goes, "Yes? Did you not see my ring?" Forgetting that he's wearing gloves and just shakahsia
I need to stop, I'm going insane. Thank you so much Emile bestie you should NOT have encouraged me ahajjsnaan
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pkmnomegaverse · 3 years
Will you consider doing anything with the Legends Arceus characters? Any relationships and possible tie ins to the modern characters?
Okay so I thought about this more and since there's not gonna be a big list of "here's all the things I'm gonna do", I figured I'd answer this now to get it out of my inbox. Also I'm through enough of the game I feel I can answer this proper now. Under a cut since this got long and also I went into Ingo/Emmet stuff so keep that in mind before you click.
Basically, Legends Arceus is very difficult to use due to the fact all the characters are long dead by the time the main games takes place. I will use it, but it's going to be a slow trickle of additions as ideas come to me. I can't see myself designing a lot of fankids for it, since again, they're all dead. I might have a couple if design ideas come to me since it's not like I haven't played around with universes where I'll be five generations out cause sometimes the ideas just keep coming.
That being said, Ingo is the big thing I can see doing stuff with, as I said in the other ask. There's so much good angst potential there, both on his end and Emmet and Norri's end. I have decided he's whisked away after Norri is born, mostly since that lets me keep him in the past for a long length of time (I like the idea of time moving the same on both sides, so if he's gone for say, five years, five years passed for him in ye olden day Sinnoh as well). This is mostly so the twins can stay the same age but also because it means more angst for everyone.
The story there is still in progress, but if you've seen my ramblings on the fankid twitter, you've seen me raving about how Melli/Ingo as a thing is creeping up on me something fierce. I'm on the edge of making a fankid for them since good fanart has been giving me ideas and I like the idea of Melli being extra pissed at Ingo cause he's mad he's so attracted to this weird guy with amnesia. Meanwhile, Ingo is a combo of oblivious/apathetic to the entire thing even when he does notice. But omegaverse strikes as a convenient reason to hook people up and not like they have as good of methods for dealing with it in the past. So they hook up at some point during Ingo's rut/Melli's heat. Becomes a reoccurring thing. At some point there's a kid or two.
The Diamond Clan (and maybe the Pearl clan) gave me vibes that maybe children are raised by the community which is why Adaman is everyone's big bro. But this means Melli would just throw any kid he has at the clan to raise so Ingo wouldn't get as much of a say in things. Cause that's just how things are done. But maybe he gets to see the kid sometimes as the two clans are slowly working to reconcile/integrate more. Would add to his deja vu, the situation of taking care of an infant/young child feeling familiar.
I'm just stuck on the idea of Ingo actually being able to have a normal kinda sorta healthy romantic relationship with someone (even tho it's with this sassy bitch but if Harley can make it work, Melli can too). But he STILL chooses to return to his brother and continue what they had because he decided a long time ago they're in it for the long hall. For better or worse. Because if I'm going to do anything with an incest ship I want it to be fucked up and tragic and everyone is making poor decisions and has to live with the guilt they try to ignore. And I think Ingo abandoning his new family for his old one adds to the guilt he already feels about how his relationship with Emmet has been twisted. It adds an additional layer of "what if"/"could this have been avoided" since he now knows on his end at least, he was able to find something like love with someone else. He also has the guilt of betraying Emmet even if he didn't know at the time since he had no memories. But even logically knowing that, he still would feel guilty over it.
This is all still in the early stages of development so I need to muse on it more, but it's the route that's really sticking out to me since I love needless drama so much. How the Melli/Ingo kid factors in is I remembered I made Norri an exorcist who can see ghosts so if he has a long dead half-sibling who died traumatically in the past, perhaps said sibling's ghost is still hanging around. Maybe they could meet. Surely there's something I could do with this.
Past Ingo, I still need to decide what to do with Lucas. On that end, I know he also is stuck in the past for the while but despite what the game may say, he does return to present day Sinnoh eventually. I'm unlikely to change things with his family since while a surprise bun-in-the-oven who returns from the past with him holds a great appeal to me, I don't know if I want to mess up the sibling dynamic with Juri and Colm just to add a new fankid. Juri is also too obviously Barry's daughter to make her someone else's kid. I guess I could use Volo since the hair is similar enough, but Adaman/Lucas is the one that appeals to me more cause Adaman is hot and there's a reason protag/hot older guy I'm into reappears as a ship dynamic in this verse.
I also buy into the idea Adaman/Irida are probably meant to be Barry's ancestors so maybe they have a kid. The ship itself doesn't appeal to me much but if Lucas did hook up Adaman and Adaman is Barry's great-great- grandfather or something, there's some sort of joke here about Lucas not being able to resist Barry's GGGILF. Again though, I'm just musing on all of that still. I'm more likely to add any fankids for Lucas on the Lonanverse side of things vs Mainverse.
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