visixv · 2 years
What supernatural creature is your OC?
Haven’t been tagged myself, but it seemed fun so 👀 Using this quiz.
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I guess it fits since they are a netrunner, which makes them an illusionist to a point >:3c
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Fitting to a point 👀
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This is the one I’m most unsure about 🤔 Since Mun would definitely want to explore, even if she’d be really shy around new people
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pustakalewi · 4 years
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Lewat KAI Access Pemesanan Pemeriksaan GeNose C19 Lebih Mudah http://pustakalewi.com/?mod=berita&id=41697 #pustakalewi #beritaterkini #updateinfo #updateberita #infokai #kai121 #kaiaccess #keretaapiindonesia #genosec19 #infoindonesia #kabaronline https://www.instagram.com/p/CMuRSXGBqzO/?igshid=4a6xas6d4cbi
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visixv · 1 year
Unusual OC associations
Ofc I live under a rock and a whole month has passed since i got tagged ahsdgashjasg I forgor but thanks for the tag @f001onthehill​! 
Doing just Kai atm <3
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seasoning: vanilla
weather: spring
colour: silver, light blue
sky: right in the middle of the day, when it’s highest
magic power: water manipulation
house plant: carnation
weapon: dagger
subject: PE
social media: twitter
make-up product: eyeshadow ofc
candy: gummy bears
fear: rejection
ice cube shape: crescent
method of long-distance travelling: car
art style: art nouveau
mythological creature: kelpie
piece of stationery: a fancy ink pen
3 emojis: 💙🍒✨
celestial body: moon
Tagging anyone who comes across this and hasn’t done it yet!
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visixv · 3 years
Saw @bnbc​’s post so I guess I’m tagged 👀
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Vi before mods and with different mouth, nose and jaw, took these for a peep who asked for references since they wanted to draw them for my birthday <3
Vi now
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I actually got them a new hair color, but haven’t taken pictures with it yet <3
Kai hasn’t changed much, since he was created much later
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He now has a custom complexion, different jaw and different eye and hair color (more bluish), but everything else stayed the same ^^
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visixv · 3 years
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More OC stuff! This one from @iguanentapioca on twitter!
I’m so slow at making these because I tend to overthink things ahsgdahj
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visixv · 3 years
OC Tag game! Tagged by @folyxfanart​, @northern-wolf6​ and @jhnnysilverhand​
Thank you and sorry it took so long! I’m a lazy butt! But I love these, don’t get mistaken 👀
Since I got tagged a bunch of times I’ll do for both Vi and Kai
Also tagging whoever is left to do this, I’m so late ahgsdhaj
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Name: Vi Bakker
Nicknames: V, Six
Gender: Nonbinary (They/Them)
Age: 24
Birthdate: January 16th 2053
Place of Birth/Hometown: unknown
Spoken languages: Spanish and English
Sexual Preference: Asexual (Panromantic)
Occupation: Merc specialized in netrunning and DJ at Lizzie’s
Eye colour: Natural dark brown (now white cat eyes with black sclera)
Hair colour: Natural dark brown dyed dark magenta
Height: 168cm
Scars: A few on their face (bridge of the nose, cheek, lips and jaw) and on their body (still gotta think about placement 👀)
Colour: Black
Hair colour: Dark magenta on them, doesn’t have a preference on others, though favors white
Song: Delicate Weapon - Lizzy Wizzy
Food: Pasta
Drink: Orange soda
Have they?
Passed university: Never got a chance to go
Had sex: Yes
Had sex in public: Nope
Gotten pregnant: Nope
Kissed a boy: Yes
Kissed a girl: Yes
Gotten tattoos: Yes
Gotten piercings: Yes
Been in love: Yes
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Yes, though wishes they didn’t need to
Are they?:
A virgin: No
A cuddler: Hell yes
A kisser: Yep
Scared easily: Not really
Jealous easily: Nah, trusts their partner or partners
Dominant/Submissive: Depends on the other person, though likes to switch from time to time
In love: Yeah
Single: Nope (ingame at least 👀)
Random Qustions? (TW Self Harm/Suicide Mention):
Have they harmed themselves: Nah
Thought of suicide: A couple of times, when things got extremely rough
Attempted suicide: Too afraid of what comes after, so no
Wanted to kill someone: Yeah
Have/had a job: Yes
Have any fears: Dying and being left behind
Sibling(s): One, Kai (older)
Parents: Unknown
Children: Nope
Significant other: Judy (ingame)
Pet(s): Nibbles the goblin cat
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Name: Kai Bakker
Nicknames: Silver
Gender: Nonbinary (He/They)
Age: 27
Birthdate: July 9th 2050
Place of Birth/Hometown: unknown
Spoken languages: Spanish and English
Sexual Preference: Asexual (Demiromantic)
Occupation: Ripperdoc and Musician
Eye colour: Natural brown, now light blue
Hair colour: Natural brown now dyed light blue
Height: 185cm
Scars: Tries really hard not to get any, and if he does gets rid of them, a neat appareance is important for him (doesn’t mind them on others though).
Colour: white
Hair colour: Light blue or white on them, doesn’t mind on others, though favors dark colors.
Song: Resist and Disorder - The Cartesian Duelists
Food: Good ol’ pizza
Drink: Chocolate tequila
Have they?
Passed university: Never went
Had sex: Yes
Had sex in public: No
Gotten pregnant: No
Kissed a boy: Yes
Kissed a girl: Yes
Gotten tattoos: Yes
Gotten piercings: Yes
Been in love: Yes
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Rarely now
Are they?:
A virgin: Nah
A cuddler: Yes
A kisser: Oh yeah, they like to smooch a lot 👀
Scared easily: More like easily startled
Jealous easily: Just a bit
Dominant/Submissive: Likes to seem dominant, but he’s more on the submissive side
In love: Yeah
Single: Nope (ingame at least >:3c)
Random Qustions? (TW Self Harm/Suicide Mention):
Have they harmed themselves: No
Thought of suicide: No
Attempted suicide: No
Wanted to kill someone: Yep
Have/had a job: Yes
Have any fears: Being kept in the dark about stuff happening and not being able to help because of that.
Sibling(s): One, Vi (younger)
Parents: Unknown
Children: No
Significant other: Kerry (ingame)
Pet(s): Nibbles the goblin cat (takes care of him when Vi is working and viceversa :3c)
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visixv · 3 years
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I’m behind on these kind of memes but here are Vi’s and Kai’s pokemon teams ajhsdsajg
Notes: I got Victini for Vi because.... Vi-ctini, looks like a V. Yeah. Alakazam because psychic powers and moving stuff with your mind is basically how netrunners operate, Vi just fries peeps brains from the distance with their mind so, checks out.
Kai gets a joltik because I imagined it on his shoulder and died of cuteness, enough said. Also gets pretty pokemon because he’s a pretty boi.
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visixv · 3 years
🍅 🍏 💥 For Vi and Kai?
🍅 How easily is your OC embarassed? What subjects make them flush and why? What event has made your OC the most embarassed they’ve ever been?
Vi: pretty easily, mostly around a crush or people flirting with them, but they try to hide it and put on a front of indifference, even though they are screaming internally. Also doesn’t know how to take compliments. As for most embarrassed…. Tried to act all cool and unbothered once but ended up tripping with their own feet and fell face-first to the ground in front of their crush.
Kai: hard to make him embarrassed, usually is the one making others blush. Can talk about anything and everything with absolutely no problem, if you are trying to embarrass him chances are you’ll end up being the one embarrassed instead.
🍏 When your OC says “I had a bad day” what does that tend to mean? Is it really as bad as they’re saying or are they being a bit dramatic?
Vi: it’s usually genuine, they don’t really vibe with being dramatic in general
Kai: can be a bit of a drama queen, but only because it can get people to laugh when he describes whatever happened in a dramatic way (even the smallest little thing, like a screwdriver falling on the ground)
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
Vi: Helplessness. Not being able to do or fix something. When nothing can be done but they are still trying to come up with a way to fix whatever is happening. Has a hard time accepting that sometimes there’s nothing that can be done. As for reason…. Hates being/feeling useless.
Kai: Anger. He really rarely feels it, so when he does he doesn’t know what to do with himself and tends to lash out at people. Has started trying to isolate himself to manage it when it happens, but tends to be irrational in the heat of the moment.
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visixv · 3 years
Tagged By: @parviocula thanks!
Tagging: @dartheldur @jhnnysilverhand @neonsamurai @angelwhispersunknown​ and whoever else who feels like doing it!
always / sometimes / never
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swim || scuba dive || drive || read and write || ride a bike || do math  || sew || draw || tattoo || do piercings || make a shelter || first aid || cpr || throw a punch || swing a weapon || shoot a gun || reload a gun || Heimlich maneuver || use a lmg || put someone in a choke hold || use a lighter || use matches || make weapons || make dynamite || make c4 || break limbs || bake  || cook || make a store bought pizza || make a craft mac and cheese || be annoying || use a zipline || fly a plane || drive a boat || control temper || 
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swim || scuba dive || drive || read and write || ride a bike || do math  || sew || draw || tattoo || do piercings || make a shelter || first aid || cpr || throw a punch || swing a weapon || shoot a gun || reload a gun || Heimlich maneuver || use a lmg || put someone in a choke hold || use a lighter || use matches || make weapons || make dynamite || make c4 || break limbs || bake  || cook || make a store bought pizza || make a craft mac and cheese || be annoying || use a zipline || fly a plane || drive a boat || control temper || 
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visixv · 3 years
🥊 and ☀️ for both?
🥊 Does your OC prefer to take the lead or follow orders? With everyone or just with certain people? Is there a reason for this?
Vi: Usually prefers to follow orders unless the leader turns out to be incompetent and they think they can do a better job. It can happen with anyone or in any situation. They just want to get things done properly and effectively, and if that isn’t possible with an dumbass leader, then there’s no reason to follow them.
Kai: prefers to take the lead regardless of the situation since he prefers being in control. They are more used to it since they prefer to take care of other people and make absolutely sure everything goes well.
☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?
Vi: if they get too focused on work they can forget about taking care of themself, so they need someone there that can snap them out of it. They tend to put others before them only if they know them, which they’ll go all the way with no care about anything else. As for pampering, a loooong warm bath with some calm music, extra points if they have a SO to share the bath with.
Kai: always takes good care of himself, regardless of circumstances, since only by being well you can help others properly and to the fullest. Will only put others before himself in emergencies that can’t wait. For pampering he likes to follow a long skincare routine and paint his nails.
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