#inflagrante delicatessen
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 9 months ago
What do you call an honest song sung by Ol' Blue Eyes?
.....im stumped, what?
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mushewhosta · 1 year ago
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top nine first watches of 2023, tagged by @taralkariel (thank you! ahhh I can't believe I haven't seen Weird yet hhhh) no particular order quite a challenge, it was a year of excellent first watches. not sure if I actually liked these the most but I liked them a lot
names in alt
tagging the familar pfps once again: @apprenticedmagician @moss-wizard @cheer-me-up-scotty @scrhtt @inflagrante-delicatessen @corisuana @noga-pupa-twarz
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echthr0s · 1 year ago
ok I have been keeping a list of some absolutely genius URLs I've seen whilst clicking around on this website and I've reached my favourite number so it's time to post the Holy Shit OP Your URL Awards Part 1
some of these are here because of punnery or other wordplay, some because I have no idea what they're referencing (if anything) so the sheer hyperspecific randomness of it made me laugh, and the rest are here because I just think they're particularly neat
and no I'm not tagging them all but if you know someone on this list and want to tell them, go ahead lol
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 1 year ago
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had the idea for this a while ago (it was actively in-progress when i was doing the fake green eggs and ham screenshot lmao)
took longer than i wanted because a properly seussian interpretation of the red dragon turned out to be pretty difficult, but i'm pleased with the end result
also!! i really just made it because i wanted a funny mug, but i thought other people might like that too, so: interest survey!!
big thanks to @inflagrante-delicatessen for the idea i doodled in the first place, and for showing me a bunch of the tags as it made the rounds on tungl. i'm glad the art made so many people smile :D
bonus: i had the idea to make a minimal-color variant like some of the older seuss books have, and even came up with a little rhyme, but it's kind of eye-strainy so i put it under the cut:
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mushewhosta · 11 months ago
Tagged by @taralkariel, thank you!
rules: go to pinterest, type [your name] + core to show your aesthetic, then post the first 6 images
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@noga-pupa-twarz @cheer-me-up-scotty @apprenticedmagician @corisuana @inflagrante-delicatessen
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ernmark · 4 years ago
Good luck with the polls, and thank you! This isn't a theory, per se, but! In seasons 1 and 2 of Juno Steel, there's been a recurring theme of neither Juno nor the main villain (however you decide that) getting what they want: Miasma doesn't get her solitude & Juno doesn't get s1 happiness; Perrea doesn't get their Freehome, Ramses doesn't get to be right, and Juno doesn't get closure\support in relationships. I am very afraid for what this means for season 3: the "villain" may not be Dark Matters like I thought\has been presented, and I'm not sure what Juno's episodes will hold
Some excellent thoughts, especially about that pattern. 
I’m gonna bounce it back at you, though: in that pattern, the villain mostly succeeds before that victory is pulled out of their hands. Miasma does get to be full Martian like she wanted, and she does get to set off her bomb-- unfortunately, she’s in the room at the time. Ramses and the THEIA get to make that beautiful flawless NewTown, right before Rita and Juno send it crashing down. 
I do think that we’re a bit late in the season to bring in a new villain, so my money says that the arc villain probably will be Dark Matters (though it is possible that Peter and/or his creditor will usurp that title).
Which makes me think that DM/Mr. ____ will swoop in and claim the four relics and the Curemother Prime, after which our crew will wrestle it back at the last minute.
But all this time Juno’s been really struggling with trust and vulnerability, especially after what happened with Ramses. Finding out that Peter’s been lying to him and plotting against his new family for a solid year, after all the times Juno’s risked his relationship with the others to defend him-- that’s going to hurt him bad. 
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pandandesserts · 2 years ago
@inflagrante-delicatessen @stirdrawsandreblaws
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my silly rabbit
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u3pxx · 2 years ago
Hi, the post about tangelo the cat is a scam. If anyone sends you an ask about donations for their cat out of the blue, it's the same.
ach, i was worried about that :^( i did a search beforehand to see if there were any prior copies of that post, but i didn't see on my search so i assumed it was legitimate. thank you for informing me, nevertheless
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miadearden · 7 years ago
☕ pie is good
A G R E E D pie is excellent
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mushewhosta · 1 year ago
9 6 people I'd like to know better
tagged by @taralkariel ❤️ thanks! it's so nice these tagging games still exist
Last movie: Kabhi khuši kabhi gham
Sweet/spicy/savoury: all
Relationship status: forever alone
Last thing I googled: yak
Current obsession: cross-cutting art ⚔️
Last song: J CHRIST // Lil Nas X
tagging the familiar pfps: @apprenticedmagician @moss-wizard @cheer-me-up-scotty @scrhtt @inflagrante-delicatessen @corisuana
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pandandesserts · 1 year ago
@inflagrante-delicatessen tiny tiny tiny tiny man
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Little fucking guy alert!!
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 8 years ago
while this doesn't exactly follow the weird animal milk reputation, i thought you should know my mom and i found a candy store that sells goat milk fudge
that’s fudge i can eat so A++++
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kalgalen · 5 years ago
inflagrante-delicatessen replied to your post “sometimes…people ship stuff that r bad…because the dynamic is...”
thats literally all shipping is..."I like these folks in a relationship and I would like to see what happens or would happen" not "these folks together are the one and only and correct choice, both canonically and morally, so help me God"
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 11 days ago
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☯️ The Sacred Swords of Fire & Earth ☯️
Preview of my illustration for @mononoke-zine! Pre-orders are now open through April 15th, please go check it out! Everyone poured their heart into making this such a beautiful zine. [Shop Link]
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phantomdoodler · 5 years ago
inflagrante-delicatessen replied to your post “Any of my old tumblr buddies still active? I super miss all my time...”
Hullo I am the blogger formerly known as argylsocks I graduated college and format documents into large print and am essential :')
Oh hey!  Congrats on the graduation!  Print layout would sound a lot more fun under other circumstances :’)
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sweet-tart · 5 years ago
Not the Anon but I've been working on my own campaign (I went down that rabbit hole fast) and theology wise, different cultures have different "pantheons": some are animistic, some have a strict order, at least one of them involves seasonal sacrifice to The Shepherdess aka how the Raven Queen is conceptualized within a nomadic sheep-raising tribe. I originally made this for my (N)PC: an older, forgotten deity about cosmic balance, consequences of action, and the cycles of order\chaos.
That sounds really interesting. I definitely like the idea of certain Gods being different among different cultures as well (that’s another thing common in the elder scrolls as well). I know me and someone in my group were talking about how we really love Eilistaree who is a Drow god in the regular D&D pantheon, like the one good Drow God. And we were wondering if she existed, and how the Krynn would feel about her because she’s like … actually she’s a lot like the Moonweaver, which in the Tal’Dorei guide Matt says Drow that move from Drow cities in the Underdark (and don’t move to Xorhas) worship. So that’s all really interesting but it makes me wonder if like she exists too, or maybe she’s like a forgotten goddess or something. Because Matt HAS said lesser gods do exist. 
I don’t know. I just find it all really interesting, and I think people’s creativity in their own campaigns is all really interesting too and I like hearing about it. 
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