#infinity processing system 2023
jab471 · 9 months
Rejoicing the Success Story: Making Six Figures in Five Months with learndailypaywithjared.com
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Making a fresh fortune from the comfort of one's own home — this is the chance that learndailypaywithjared.com offers. I have spent over 15 months teaching everyday people a fail-safe scheme that delivers prompt daily payments to your doorstep. Today, we are introducing Victoria, a shining example of what I've been preaching about.
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Victoria incorporated this process into her routine diligently and achieved an astounding six-figure income in a mere five months. As a stay-at-home mom, she managed to orchestrate her business endeavours around her kids, primarily during the time they were off to sleep. To say that her earnings took her by surprise would be an understatement. She was a mere 74 dollars shy of making a six-figure amount in five months, something which dawned upon her during a live video recording. And something even more wonderful happened. During the same live recording, she cracked the milestone by registering a sale and celebrated hitting $100,052 on the fly! Witnessing this unadulterated joy will show you the true potential of what is on offer here.
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A quote from an exhilarating part of her live video showcases the raw joy of her achievement:
"So I am one away. I'm like, what's the math? Like $74 away from six figures, y'all. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you guys. Oh, my gosh, I'm shaking. Don't congratulate me yet. Don't congratulate me yet. We're not there."
The Transformation
Victoria's financial turnaround is nothing short of remarkable. From a modest $16,000 annual income from her boutique, she took a leap to six-figure earnings all while maintaining her work-from-home lifestyle.
Here, she opens up about her reservations as a skeptic:
"I didn't think it was real. I was the biggest skeptic. I did not expect this at all! But I've always had that go-getter mentality... Holy crap."
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Envision the Future
Life could always use a bit more financial security. So ask yourself — what strides do you want to make in 2024? Could you see yourself in Victoria's virtual shoes, creating a robust income out of an automated, rejection-free online business? The kingdom of digital marketing could turn into your playground.
At learndailypaywithjared.com, we help promote four different digital products for the e-learning industry, one of the fastest-growing sectors with enormous monetization potential. Plus, you stand to make 100% profit from your endeavours.
The Mathematical Breakdown
To put it in simpler terms: if you could earn $600 every day in 2024 using my blueprint, that'd stand you in good stead with an annual income of $219,000! That's a life-changing figure for most of us.
Take the First Step
How does this work? Well, firstly, you'd need to buy into my step-by-step blueprint. It walks you through everything you need to know and equips you with the necessary skills to build a prosperous online business.
The second step? You'll get access to my mentorship. For 90 days, we will work together, learning, adapting, and ensuring that your business stands on firm ground. You'll have an impeccable idea of your daily tasks to ensure regular income. The two-hour workday concept means you'll get all your income earning activities completed within that timeframe.
I feel honoured to guide you through this process of potentially life-changing financial gains. To get started, visit learndailypaywithjared.com. I can't wait to welcome you onboard.
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Just imagine, in the coming years, this could be your own success story we're showcasing. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And like Victoria, you might even surprise yourself on the way.
Achieve your dreams with the right guidance and tools at learndailypaywithjared.com. Let me show you how to reach the destination.
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mikejanthony1 · 2 years
(via Infinity Processing System Compensation Plan: How to Promote IPS)
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favescandis · 2 years
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NEW interview with Alexander Skarsgård and Sharp Magazine!
(photos from Corey Nickols/IMDb at Sundance and by George Pimental at the Canadian premiere of INFINITY POOL in January 2023)
Alexander Skarsgård Admits He’s ‘Quite Boring’
by Marriska Fernandes, February 22, 2023
Alexander Skarsgård is mostly a private person who prefers to use his craft as a platform to tame his wild, primal side — and he’s certainly one who opts to wear his Chuck Taylors to a snowy Toronto red carpet premiere of his latest film, Infinity Pool.
The Swedish actor has been digging his teeth into darker roles that are far removed from himself, and roles he finds thrilling. From the abusive husband in Big Little Lies that earned him an Emmy, to the testosterone-fuelled Viking in The Northman, Skarsgård likes tapping into the primal nature demanded of these roles. In Toronto filmmaker Brandon Cronenberg’s horror “Infinity Pool,” he certainly taps into a violent and visceral portrayal of an unsuccessful writer.
The film, which is now playing in theatres, follows James (Alexander Skarsgård) and Em (Cleopatra Coleman), who are on an all-inclusive resort in a fictional country. When Gabi (Mia Goth) and her friends take them outside the resort grounds, James accidentally runs over and kills a local. The punishment is either be executed, or if you can afford it, allow yourself to be cloned and watch the clone killed instead.
Skarsgård is not the classic industry nepo baby some imagine him to be (he’s the son of famed actor Stellan Skarsgård) — his insecurity runs deep; just like his onscreen character James, he too suffers from imposter syndrome. In fact, Skarsgård shared how he thought he was surely getting fired on Generation Kill, his first major role in the U.S. It was only until two months in that he calculated he was likely safe as it would have been too expensive for HBO to recast.
Skarsgård, 46, approaches his roles passionately, studying the ins and outs of his character as if they were his own. He thinks, plans and sleeps on it — structure, for him, is key, he says. So when it came to playing James and his many clones, the actor found himself mapping out the psychological journeys of each one – which he did for himself, really.
The jaw-dropping horror is one that will live rent-free in your mind as Skarsgård frightens, impresses and marvels in his haunting turn. We spoke with the actor about the film, his performance (he apologizes for the nightmares), his process, and his personal style.
I’ve been following your work having seen most of it, from Big LIttle Lies to True Blood to The Northman. So having the luxury to do any kind of role, what were you looking to do next as an artist when this one came your way?
I was sent the script when I was way deep in mud in the Irish soil, shooting The Northman. It was a very, very intense shoot; a tremendous experience and I loved it, but it was very physically and mentally exhausting. James (in this script) is so diametrically opposed to Amleth, my character in The Northman, who’s very much of a testosterone-filled berserker and James is definitely not that. So that was exciting and tonally, I was familiar with Brandon’s work; I had seen both Antiviral and Possessor and I thought they were terrific films and Andrea Riseborough is a dear friend of mine and so obviously, the star of Possessor had spoken so highly of Brandon, what it was like working with him and how he ironically, is the sweetest, most humble, lovely, gentleman which is strange, because the stuff that he comes up with is so dark and twisted. Maybe that’s his… I don’t know if it’s his therapy and he gets it out of his system by writing about it. I found him to be such an inspiring and singular and interesting filmmaker and it’s a gift as an actor to get to play a role like James because the journey he goes on; what he experiences is psychologically absolutely fascinating to me. So I was thrilled to jump on board.
You said that the sweet spot for you is when you’re intrigued by the character and you understand aspects of him, and he makes you curious to learn more. How did that apply to James and the different versions of his clones?
Because there’s so much to interpret, I’m still thinking about it (laughs). It’s such a rich character, and what a treat to get to play three, four versions of the same character and to play around with the juxtaposition between James the author and James the clone, and the different iterations of the clone and what happens to James after the first time he watches the execution of the clone, what happens after the second, third? How does that change him? What does it do to someone psychologically when you have to witness your own death in such a brutal way, where he can’t look away. It’s horrifying. But it’s also exhilarating in a weird way. I found that really interesting to play around with who is James? And also literally who is the character we’re watching? Because it could also be open to interpretation. Is this James or like Dr. Modan says in the movie, ‘Do you ever wonder whether you are the clone and they killed the real James?’ And that was fascinating to me and very interesting to play around with that notion when I was prepping the movie, and honestly shooting it I’d like to leave that open. This could be James but this could also be the clone.
And did you really map out the psychological journeys for all the clones?
I did for myself and then obviously tried to leave room for interpretation for the audience.
There seems to be a through-line with some of your roles because there’s always something primal whether it was the beast quality in The Northman or the wolf in Hold the Dark and now in this you’re wrestling with a naked version of yourself as a dog.
Yeah, I think I guess I’m quite drawn to the primal. The more people that revert back to something more atavistic and that friction that is being human in a modern day society, the friction between functioning in a civilized society. Right now, I’m in New York City, and I’m surrounded by millions and millions of people. But deep down, you also have the more atavistic equality and the more primal qualities and that animal within that we sometimes let out, most often try to suppress and that I find quite fascinating. I think that’s been the through-line in some of my films.
So when it comes to creating roles, you have often said that you like structure and you read the script once a day, every day until shooting. Was it any different with this one?
I do like structure, I compartmentalize so that helps me map out the character and the journey. I do find it very useful to read the script, go over it in prep once a day because it helps me trigger inspiration and discover new things. And even if it’s the 30th time I read the script I’ll notice something that I’ve not noticed before or makes me think about something in a different way. Most of those ideas, I just discard but occasionally you’ll find something that’s really fascinating and that might be even the foundation for the character and you start building off of that.
Did this structure help you process any scene in particular?
It helps me with everything; it helps me understand the character and map it out. The most obvious was the first transformation, the first execution. The first cloning is a pivotal moment because it is the first time James witnessed his own execution and so that was a very big moment and important to understand in deciding how James would react to it. James’ wife is looking away as she’s horrified by it but he is mesmerized by it, almost transfixed by it. And that was fascinating to me to try to kind of go in that direction and see what we discovered.
A few years ago in an interview you were asked what scares you and you said you have the tendency to scare yourself sometimes. So did that happen during the making of this horror when you’re in the process of trying to scare us?
(Laughs) I don’t know if I scared myself but it was definitely intense… (laughs) in a very primal way. I don’t know… working with Brandon was so wonderful and there was so much love and trust there and I really just genuinely believed in his vision for the film and for the role and that’s what it’s all about. Create that trust on a movie set and then you just let yourself go and I feel like most of the cerebral work is done in prep. That’s when you think about the character and you map it out and all this is interesting, but it’s very practical. And the goal is to once you show up on set, you can just hopefully that is somewhere in your systems you don’t overthink it, you don’t actually think about it at all, you can just throw yourself into the situation and where that takes you and on Infinity Pool, as you’ll see in the movie, it took us to some really weird, dark places.
So do you find it thrilling to deep dig into these darker roles that require you to tap into a different aspect of yourself as an artist?
Tremendously. I think I’m privately a very mellow human being. I’m quite content, probably quite boring and so it is thrilling to open up a channel that I never do in real life. It gives me an excuse to tap into that and explore that darkness or wild or more kind of eccentric or crazy or the more primal side of who I am.
James does tend to have this kind of imposter syndrome because when he’s trying to write. Have you ever felt that and when?
I quite often feel that. I’ve been working for quite a few years, but I still feel that. I definitely still struggle with insecurity or feeling that I’m not talented enough or that I’m miscast. The biggest one was probably on Generation Kill, which was my first major role in the U.S. and it was a project that I was incredibly excited about. It was an opportunity to work on it. It was an HBO miniseries about the invasion of Iraq, made by David Simon and Ed burns. They did The Wire show that I was a big, big fan of; It was such a terrific role and I was completely unknown. I hadn’t really worked. I’d done a couple of days on Zoolander, five, six years prior to this, but I definitely wasn’t… I felt that I couldn’t believe I was cast in this really great role in this really great HBO series. I had a very, very strong sense of imposter syndrome there. We were in Africa for seven months shooting it and I was so certain that they would recast and fire me that every day I would figure out how much time or how much money HBO had spent on shooting this and how expensive would it be for them to replace me? So it was like two, three months into production when I realized, well, if they fire me and recast the role, they have to reshoot 40% of the show when that would cost a lot of money. So maybe that won’t happen now. That’s when I first started feeling like I might actually get to finish this job. But up until that point, I was certain that we would get a phone call saying, ‘You were miscast; you’re out!.’
Oh wow. Thank you for sharing that and I think you were well cast in Generation Kill. Before we wrap, I do want to ask you about your red carpet look in Toronto. I love the casual sneakers and T-shirt look in the midst of the snowstorm. Is that your personal sense of style?
Yeah, that was. (laughs). That’s kind of what I wear. I almost missed the red carpet or the Toronto trip didn’t happen because I was flying out from New York and because of the blizzard in Toronto, I was delayed by three or four hours. So that’s why unfortunately, you have to do this over the phone. I was supposed to come in to Toronto and do press in the afternoon and then have to relax a bit and maybe put on some real boots instead of my Chuck Taylors. But instead, I was so delayed that I came straight from the airport to the red carpet.
Is that the classic Alex look?
Yeah. I’m on the road so much that I love to travel with just carry on, which means I have to really plan what to pack. So I can only bring one pair of shoes, maybe two pairs of trousers and one or two sweaters. That even goes for when I’m home. Like I don’t have much clothes. And I prefer to have items that I really love to wear and I don’t really feel the need to have 45 different pairs of sneakers on. If I love my sneakers and have one of them for two years and when I need a new pair, I’ll buy a new pair. But that’s all I really need and the same goes for all my clothes.
That’s very minimal and I love to hear that. Glad you made it out to Toronto!
I’m really glad. It was important for me to come out there because again, Brandon’s hometown and most of the crew and even some of our producers are from there. So it was on this tour that we’ve been doing Sundance, New York and we’re going to the Berlin Film Festival next month. It was really not only because I love Toronto, it’s always fun to be there. But again, to come home to Brandon’s hometown and have a night of celebration together was really really important to me, even though I almost missed it.
Thank you and congratulations again on the film!
Thank you and I appreciate it.
We’re sure to see more of Skarsgård, who is currently filming season four of the HBO familial drama Succession. He was introduced in season three as tech mogul Lukas Matsson and we’ll be seeing a lot more of him in the new season.
Infinity Pool is now playing in theatres.
via sharpmagazine.com 
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sloshed-cinema · 1 year
Infinity Pool (2023)
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It’s small wonder tourists can have a bad rap. A sense of entitlement can accompany traveling, visiting a place not to experience other parts of the world or cultures, but rather to exploit them, to punch down on the locals while enjoying the good things in life. Li Tolqa affords its visitors a unique opportunity to turn the country into a playground: for a fee, a surrogate can be made to take the draconian punishments meted out by the local government. What initially seems like a frightening and disorienting experience becomes with time a way for a corrupt government to line its pockets and turn its citizens into fodder while allowing wealthy foreigners to explore their most depraved urges. This is an unnerving landscape. Inside the compound of resorts is a festival of cheesy cultural appropriation, all performative diversity and niceness. Beyond is a network of barbed wire and industrial pipes. The region is coded as vaguely Southeast Asian in its local script and the aesthetic of the resort, but shooting it on the craggy Croatian coast with its coniferous forests makes for visual dissonance.  For the clique that down-on-his-luck writer James Foster becomes entangled with, appropriation of Li Tolqa culture through consumption of its ritual drugs and exploitation of the doubling tradition is an outright sexual fetish. They romp their way through crimes and transgressions, and the punishment becomes an elaborate roleplay situation involving local law enforcement. Not too much time is spent on the cloning process aside from some disgusting goo and a sweet dental dam, but that vagueness works for the story: these people don’t care about how it works, they just want to ride the high of feeling untouchable no matter what they do.
Any time cloning or duplication is brought up, the existential nature of that duplication follows. Whether the clone or the original is the “real” individual gets probed in everything from the Star Trek transporter bay to The Prestige. Infinity Pool acknowledges that in its doctor character, but goes a different, more interesting direction. The question is never really whether James is the “authentic” James, though there is some fear in his identity being ‘raped’ when the group make clones of him without his foreknowledge. Instead, this self-surrogacy becomes an exploration of James’ fragile identity. He goes along with the group haltingly, always on the border. When he exuberantly beats up the “police detective,” brutalizing and pissing on him, he reacts with horror when he’s been abusing himself. Later, he has to fight his own animalistic self, the savage id that these people are trying to instill. By the close, this is all he can be, sitting by himself on the rain soaked beach, empty and alone.
Why Infinity Pool? The title refers to the fateful pool constructed by Alban, an accident during its building causing the sentencing which set in motion a chain of events leading to this film. But perhaps there’s something more. This sort of pool, an artificial, luxurious structure, is designed to give the illusion of connectedness to a larger body of water like the ocean. There’s danger in the ocean, and uncertainty, but people in the pool can feel a connection to that danger while remaining safe and comfortable themselves. This is what the Li Tolqan justice system allows these libertines to experience: their own infinity pool of sex and violence.
Gabi says “JaaaAAAAAAmesssss”
Ritual or custom are mentioned.
Li Tolqa is named.
Someone puts on or takes off a mask.
A duplication is completed.
The group leaves the compound.
Weird cheesy resort activities because THIS IS DEFINITELY A NORMAL PLACE.
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Sometimes Grad Studies Get Weird: The Publication Edition
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So, when I was working on my dissertation, one of the things that I was advised to do was take my framework and expand it a beyond Shakespeare as kind of a test to see if it was actually as broadly applicable as I thought it was. Turns out, it was. Then we went of the objectively bananas journey that was getting my chapter in this edited collection published. Let's talk Disability and the Superhero.
Let's start with the book itself, which is an edited collection of scholarly essays on aleism and representation in comic media. It's kind of handy when subtitles do all the heavy lifting for you. For those of you interested in actually reading this book, the table of contents and a link to the publisher's website will be at the bottom of this post.
Despite the fact that this book was released in the year of our lord 2023, my journey with this book starts in 2018, when I found a call for papers asking for explorations of ableism in superhero media. I have a bit of a soft spot for the MCU's standalone Iron Man films, so I wrote up a little abstract, sent if off, and promptly forgot about it. Until August of that year, when I got an email telling me that my paper--which was not yet written at the time, I might add--had been accepted for inclusion in the edited collection.
Between August of 2018 and December of 2019, I wrote the chapter and went back and forth with our two (yes two, that's not a typo; consider it foreshadowing) editors for revisions a couple of times, and I turned in the final revisions I would do on the chapter in December of 2019, literally the night before my grandfather passed away.
Between funeral stuff and desperately trying to salvage Christmas in Decemeber of 2019, defending my dissertation in January of 2020, and teaching my first ever independent class in the first term of the new year, the Iron Man chapter was completely out of my head. Then March 2020 and the pandemic really hit, and nobody knew anything for about eighteen months.
When we finally got some updates (and no shade to our lovely editor; Amber was never anything less than professional and wonderful throughout the process!), one of the two editors had left the project, and our press was still scrambling to figure out life in a pandemic, but the project was still hanging on to life.
Then in 2022, we had some movement. We were in review! Except that, as happens sometimes because peer review is a godawful system that pays no one, one of our reviewers had responded, one had fallen off the face of the earth, and one had hung onto the book for four months before coming back to say that they actually were not in a place to do the review. So our editor and press went hunting for at least one, ideally two, more peer reviewers, and did eventually find them. It was sometimes in mid-2022 that we were told that yes, yes this book WOULD be published. Then it was mostly radio silence, with the odd update from our editor, until June 14, 2023, when we were told that the book had been published.
Canny readers will note that this post is coming out on June 23, 2023. That's because this is the day when you can actually buy the book, according to retail sites and the publisher's website. So this has been a long, really WEIRD process, but I am so, so excited to share my chapter on Iron Man with the world.
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, and I think it demonstrates the use of the filmic stare and the inherent ableism in how Marvel presents disabled characters really well. I will say that the chapter was designed to focus only on the three standalone Iron Man movies, not the Avengers movies, or Civil War, or Infinity War or Endgame (which had not been released when I wrote the chapter). This is because the Iron Man movies tell a relatively complete story, and the arc was fascinating to consider.
For anyone interested, the publisher's website page for the book is here, and the table of contents is as follows:
Preface Amber E. George 1 Introduction: Making Sense of Superheroes and Their Social Identities Amber E. George 3 ­Hyper-Normative Heroes, Othered Villains: Differential Disability Narratives in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Kelly A. Kane 13 Living in the Mutant Underground: Marvel’s The Gifted Sue Scheibler 30 Isolation, Overcoming, and the Filmic Stare in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Iron Man Films Grace McCarthy 46 Tech as Ableist Tool: Understanding the Role of Disability in the Arrowverse Series Courtney Stanton 61 Cultural Appropriation and Ableism: Dr. Strange’s Strange Concoction Shanti Srinivas 81 Of Sexism and Ableism: Wonder Woman’s (Ab)Use of Disability Tatiana Prorokova-Konrad 95 Assimilating Queer/Disabled Subjects in Marvel Superhero Fanfiction Divya Garg 108 Enabling New Perspectives of (Super)Power and Disability in Jeremy Scott’s The Ables Robin E. Field and Christopher Boucher 128 “It is I, Super Grover, Here to Challenge Ableism!” Daisy L. Breneman 145 The Joker: Disrupting Perceptions of (Dis)ability in Batman Comic Books Sean Thomas Milligan 166 About the Contributors 183 Index 185
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elkement · 1 year
I am often combining my digital art with my found poetry. This is my creative process. I am starting from a "seed word" - Stargate of Diffraction in this case, the name of the series of images.
Search for Stargate of Diffraction on Google, but limit the results to pdf files only (filetype:pdf).
Click on the first search result, pick a phrase from the document (quickly) –> First line of the poem.
Proceed with the next search result.
Don’t go back, don’t re-order, don’t edit.
This is the poem (copied from my blog https://elkement.blog/2023/07/08/loosen-the-clamp-until-there-is-space/)
Loosen the clamp until there is space
tapered elements may seem attractive explained by a commensurate reflection lying underneath the incident plasmon beam
with cyclic shift within the free spectral range stirring involves the change of excitation of this fact in everyday’s world
We continue this way to infinity. motion controlling needs to resume due to presence of the unresolved positive difference
Most of these factors were random events. and sometimes with superior results and a wide set-up tolerance
provide robust constraints on tracking objects as they move across the sky suggesting a non-classical pathway
their deletion during serial passage leads to a wormhole’s two celestial spheres known as topological darkness
there does in fact exist a form of teleportation the domain clearly fulfills a role as an anchor to enhance human intelligence at the embryonic stage
order modes are localised to a greater extent at the boundary walls to diffuse through the hexagonal structure a man who can’t count finds a four leave clover
this research approach might be an important route to where the electron is localized to a quadrant of a pixel the Gate of the Solar System, the True Beginning of Space Age
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ladyimaginarium · 2 years
NAME: Angel / אנג'ל / Aanzhenii / ᐋᓐᔐᓃ.
PRONOUNS: any pronouns ; preferably he/him, she/her, they/them, it/its ( unless if you're white or I& will destroy you ), fae/faer, wiiya/wiiyawow & indigenous & plural pronouns & neopronouns.
AGE: 22 / XXII ( Biological & Chronological Age ) ; 4-8 ( Little Age ) ; 19 ( Traumastuck Chronosian Age ) ; True Age varies from infancy to infinity.
BIRTHDAY: july 13th.
ETHNICITY: indigenous "canadian" / mixed white, native ( mi'kmaq, wolastoqiyik, abenaki, metis & huron-wendat ) & ashkenazi jewish. ( however due to staying inside so much & my& white seeming appearance, i’ve been assumed / mistaken as white or a vampire - person. lmao )
STAR SIGN: cancer sun ; sagittarius moon ; libra rising ; leo venus.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: a bit of a neutral good & true neutral ( dont test me& bitch )
HOGWARTS HOUSE: ravenpuff. not that it matters bc fuck jkr.
HOW LONG (MONTHS/YEARS?): 14 yrs. ( considering last year & this one, usually on discord, will soon be 15 years by the end of the year & into 2023 )
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: used to rp back in forums. also used to rp in-game on impressive title servers like royal skies & last moon & feralheart then moved into tumblr & here i& am, usually on discord these days.
BEST EXPERIENCE:  meeting peeps i& would always gush & pterodactyl screeching about various fandoms we’re both into ; also making friends that’ll last a lifetime <3
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT?: fluff & angst. smut? i& can definitely do but that comes w/ chemistry & not to mention im& arospec & acespec so its like. not smth i& do all the time at all.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: it depends on my writing mood, i& don’t mind both tho.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: mostly night in my& case. sometimes morning. depends on writing mood again or if im& not easily distracted.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): it depends on the muses but understand that my& muses are my& introjects now & are part of our& system & for the most part quite frankly always have been before my& syscovery; they were either just pretending to be muses or they developed a mind of their own. they're& all living, breathing individuals who all have their own goals, dreams, passions, ambitions, hobbies & fears & are dynamic individuals capable of reasoning & thought process, they tend to experience ideas & qualities of myself& from time to time, intentionally or not because when you share a brain that's what tends to happen, so basically don't be surprised if you see repeating behaviors in many of them or they stray from their personalities somewhat. all of them are dynamic, not stagnant, and they will not always remain the same, just like you & me&.
tagged by: nobody lmfao
tagging: @dethqveen @phantasmagcrical & whoever else wants to :V
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Jewelry Manufacturing Software Market Size, Type, segmentation, growth and forecast 2023-2030
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Jewelry Manufacturing Software Market
The Jewelry Manufacturing Software Market is expected to grow from USD 1.02 Billion in 2022 to USD 1.87 Billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 10.40% during the forecast period.
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Jewelry Manufacturing Software Market Size
Jewelry Manufacturing Software is a software solution designed specifically for the jewelry industry to streamline operations, manage inventory and production, and improve customer relationship management. This market research report focuses on the types of jewelry manufacturing software available including cloud-based and on-premises solutions, the applications of this software for both small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises, and key market players such as PIRO, Diaspark ERP, Suntech, Jewels, Jeweal, Jeweler Cart, Apprise, Tiara, Rubinstein Software, Acme Infinity, and Synergics across regions including North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Australia, and Europe. The report also outlines regulatory and legal factors specific to market conditions, including government regulations, data privacy, intellectual property rights, and tax laws, which can impact the implementation and adoption of jewelry manufacturing software by businesses.
Jewelry Manufacturing Software Market Key Player
Diaspark ERP
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Jewelry Manufacturing Software Market Segment Analysis
The Jewelry Manufacturing Software market is a niche market that caters to the specific needs of jewelry manufacturers. The target market for this software includes small and medium-sized jewelry manufacturers who require an easy-to-use and efficient software solution to streamline their production and inventory management processes.
One of the major factors driving revenue growth in the Jewelry Manufacturing Software market is the increasing use of technology in the jewelry industry. Jewelry manufacturers are realizing the benefits of using technology such as software solutions to improve their productivity, reduce costs, and enhance their customer experience. Furthermore, the growing demand for customization and personalization of jewelry has led to an increased need for software solutions that can help manufacturers to manage their inventory levels, production processes, and customer orders.
The latest trends in the Jewelry Manufacturing Software market include the use of cloud-based solutions, which provide greater scalability and flexibility to manufacturers. This allows them to access their data from anywhere and at any time, resulting in improved efficiency and productivity. Other trends include the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to optimize production processes and the integration of predictive analytics to help manufacturers forecast demand and plan their production accordingly.
However, the Jewelry Manufacturing Software market also faces several challenges, including the high cost of implementing and maintaining the software solutions, the lack of skilled professionals to operate the software, and the need for ongoing integration with other systems within the organization.
The main findings of the report suggest that the Jewelry Manufacturing Software market is poised for significant growth in the coming years, with a high demand for cloud-based solutions and the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. To capitalize on this growth, software vendors need to focus on providing cost-effective solutions that are easy to use and integrate. In addition, they need to invest in training and educating their customers on the benefits of using their software solutions.
Overall, the report recommends that companies operating in the Jewelry Manufacturing Software market focus on developing innovative solutions that can help customers to improve their efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance their customer experience. By doing so, they can position themselves as leaders in this rapidly growing market.
This report covers impact on COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine wars in detail.
Purchase This Report:https://www.reportprime.com/checkout?id=11113&price=3590
Market Segmentation (by Application):
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Large Enterprises
Information is sourced from www.reportprime.com
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modi02 · 1 year
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welcometomy20s · 1 year
July 12, 2023
Reading and thinking about leftist discourse for a decade or so now has led me to the conclusion that the general sentiment from the left is very incomplete and misguided.
This is partially because the terms get mangled by people from all sides. For example, the free market. The orthodox consider a free market as a market with maximum competition. This actually ensures that no company will earn a profit, because the competitive pressure is at infinity due to all the competition. The conservative talk about a free market, but they are really talking about an independent market, the market free from government which is really just private rule. They have painted the government as the enemy and given no quarters to actually help themselves. What is the American dream if everything is surrounded by giants?
Now most economists talk about competition within industries, but it is also important to talk about competition across industries, in fact it is more important because most times it would be new innovation that challenges the status quo and not some internal tweak.
I will be using energy as my example, and I hope this makes sense in more general terms. Complexity of a system is directly correlated with the rate of input energy through that system. Spilling cream into coffee creates complex shapes but it dissipates quickly, to make the process last longer, you need a taller glass or more cream. More energy can be pushed through the system and longer that energy remains within the system before exhaust, more complexity can be maintained. Human society has been characterized by these leaps in energy. 
We went from hunting and gathering to agriculture and pastoral work to industrial work fueled by fossil fuels and now to digital work fueled by renewables. Each jump leads to a whole wealth of new innovations and the death of old ones. The dying ones will try to cling by taking over a source of power, mostly the state. Hence the state will increasingly be occupied with an interest group of dying technologies, creating a kind of ossification in the public sector.
Private investment gets clogged up with greed, public investment gets clogged with zombies, which means nascent industries begging for scraps, and killing the economy as a whole.
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topdailyinvention · 1 year
Jio Laptop: The Ultimate Game Changer in Computing
JioBook (2023) price in India and availability
Jio Laptop, priced at RS 16,499, is now available for pre-booking. Reliance Retail has unveiled this much-anticipated 4G laptop, which comes with a SIM card for network connectivity and operates on the JioOS operating system. After a year of anticipation, customers can now reserve the JioBook online.
The laptop can be purchased through multiple channels, including Reliance Digital’s online and offline stores, as well as the Amazon e-commerce platform. The official launch is scheduled for August 5, making it just around the corner.
What are the features of Jio Laptop?
The JioBook comes packed with impressive features, making it an enticing choice for those seeking a budget-friendly yet capable laptop:
Connectivity: With 4G LTE and Dual-band Wi-Fi (2.4GHz and 5.0GHz) capabilities, seamless internet access is assured.
Processor: Powered by the Mediatek MT 8788 Octa Core processor, clocked at 2.0 GHz and running on ARM V8-A 64-bit architecture, it promises smooth performance.
Memory: Sporting 4GB of LPDDR4 RAM, the JioBook offers efficient multitasking capabilities.
Storage: It provides 64GB of internal storage, with the convenience of expanding up to 256GB via an SD card.
With its attractive features and affordable price tag, the JioBook is sure to appeal to users looking for a budget-friendly laptop without compromising on performance and functionality.
Camera: Equipped with a 2MP web camera, facilitating seamless video calls and conferences.
Display: Showcasing a 29.46 cm (11.6-inch) anti-glare HD display with a resolution of 1366×768 pixels.
Compact and Lightweight: With a mere weight of 990gms, the JioBook is meticulously crafted to be ultra-portable, ensuring easy mobility.
JioOS and Productivity: Functioning like a PC, the JioBook comes with JioOS, providing users access to over 75 shortcuts, native apps, extended display support, and touchpad gestures for enhanced productivity.
Battery Life: With an impressive battery backup of over 8 hours, the laptop ensures prolonged usage without frequent charging.
Infinity Keyboard and Touchpad: The JioBook incorporates an infinity keyboard and a generously-sized touchpad, ensuring smooth and comfortable navigation.
How to purchase JioBook?
To secure your own JioBook unit, follow these straightforward steps:
Visit the official website: Access the site by heading to https://www.jiobook.com or simply clicking on the provided link.
Choose your preferred platform: On the website, you’ll find an option to purchase the JioBook. Click on it, and depending on your preference, you will be redirected to either Reliance Jio Digitals or Amazon.
Place your order: If you opt for Reliance Jio Digitals, you’ll encounter a “PRE-ORDER NOW” button on the page. Click on it after checking for any applicable offers.
Provide delivery and transaction details: Fill in the necessary information for delivery, and proceed with the payment process. Dispatch of orders will commence from August 5, starting at 12:00 am.
Please note that some pin codes might not be available for pre-order at the moment.
How to activate the JioBook’s SIM?
The JioBook comes pre-integrated with a SIM, and you have two options to activate it:
Home Activation: To activate the SIM, you can either visit the Jio website or use the MyJio mobile app to register for a new SIM card. After completing the registration, a Jio executive will contact you to schedule a home visit for activation at your convenience.
Jio Store Activation: Another option is to activate the JioBook SIM at any of the various Jio Stores located near you. Simply take your JioBook to the nearest Jio Store, and they will swiftly assist you with the activation process.
What is JioBook?
Introducing JioBook, the latest addition to Reliance Jio’s lineup. Launched on Monday, JioBook (2023) is a new variant of their laptop that boasts impressive features. The highlights of this laptop include a powerful octa-core processor, an impressive battery life of up to 8 hours, 100GB of Cloud storage, an anti-glare display for comfortable viewing, and an infinity keyboard. Additionally, it is designed to be incredibly lightweight, weighing just 990 grams, making it a highly portable option for users on the go.
Who is the manufacturer of JioBook?
The manufacturer of JioBook is Reliance Jio. They have recently introduced the all-new JioBook laptop in the country. This laptop features an 11-inch HD screen and is powered by an octa-core chipset, offering users a seamless and efficient computing experience.
What is the rate of JioBook?
JioBook Laptop Details 2023 Product Name: JioBook Laptop Pre-Booking Start Date: October 2022 JioBook Laptop Price: Rs 19,500 Category: Tech News Official Website: www.jio.com
The JioBook Laptop is priced at Rs 19,500, and pre-booking began in October 2022. For more information and updates, you can visit the official website at www.jio.com.
Read More Interesting Article – The Next Big Thing: Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 Takes Center Stage
What is the battery life of JioBook?
The First-Generation JioBook was equipped with a robust 5,000 mAh battery, offering users up to 8 hours of battery life on a single charge. Aside from the imminent JioBook launch, Reliance Jio has also introduced the JioBharat 4G smartphone, available at the attractive price of Rs 999 in India.
Is JioBook good for gaming?
The JioBook comes with 2GB of LPDDR4x RAM and 32GB of eMMC expandable internal storage with microSD card support. However, due to its relatively older Snapdragon chip, the JioBook is not recommended for intensive tasks like gaming.
What is the processor of JioBook laptop?
The JioBook laptop is equipped with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage, which can be expanded up to 128GB. It boasts an 11.6-inch display with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels. Under the hood, the laptop is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 665 SoC, ensuring smooth performance and efficient multitasking capabilities.
What is the price of Jio smart laptop?
The expected price of the Jio smart laptop, Jio JioBook NB1112MM Notebook (MediaTek MT8788/ 2GB/ 64GB eMMC/ Android 11), in India is Rs 21,999.
How do I register my Jio laptop?
Step 1: Access the WiFi Settings on your Laptops/Desktops.
Step 2: Choose your JioFi device (SSID*) from the list of available SSIDs*.
Step 3: When prompted, enter your JioFi Password*. Your Laptop/Desktop (Wi-Fi Capable) is now successfully connected with your JioFi.
Can I use a SIM card in my laptop for internet?
Yes, if your laptop is equipped with a SIM card slot, you can utilize it to connect to a cellular data network, providing you with internet access in various locations using a cellular signal. In the case of LTE laptops, you do not require a dongle for internet connectivity, as the built-in capability allows you to access the internet directly through the SIM card.
What is the weight of Jiobook?
The weight of Reliance’s upcoming Jiobook is reported to be merely 990 grams, as indicated on the Amazon microsite.
What is smart SIM laptop?
Reliance Digital has introduced the Jio ‘HP Smart SIM Laptop’ offer, which grants users 100GB of data at no additional charge with an eligible HP Smart SIM. This offer is applicable for new customers of select HP laptops and provides 100GB data for 365 days (equivalent to Rs 1500) for free upon subscribing to a new Jio SIM. The scheme is valid for eligible HP LTE laptops, providing an attractive data incentive for customers purchasing eligible devices.
What is the screen size of Jio book?
The screen size of JioBook is 11.6 inches. As for the specifications, JioBook features an 11.6-inch HD display with a screen resolution of 1366 x 768, providing clear and vibrant visuals. Under the hood, it is powered by Qualcomm’s 64-bit, 2GHz octa-core processor paired with 2GB of RAM, ensuring smooth performance for various tasks. Though not high-end, JioBook offers a practical and functional display for everyday computing needs.
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srshweta17 · 1 year
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speakersarea · 1 year
Top 5 The Loudest 6×9 Speakers In The World In 2023!
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Welcome to our comprehensive review of the loudest 6×9 speakers in the world that will take your audio experience to a whole new level. If you’re a true bass enthusiast and crave heart-pounding sound quality, you’ve come to the right place.
We have carefully curated a list of the best 6×9 car speakers that excel in delivering deep, rich bass and exceptional sound clarity.
Whether you’re on a tight budget or seeking top-of-the-line performance, our reviews cover a range of options to suit every need.
Get ready to unleash the power of the loudest 6×9 speakers in the world and transform your car audio system into a concert-like experience.
Ultimate Buyer’s Guide to the Loudest 6×9 Speakers in the World
Whether you’re an audiophile, a car enthusiast, or simply seeking to upgrade your audio experience, this guide will provide you with essential information to make an informed decision.
Power Handling
When selecting the loudest 6×9 speakers, pay attention to their power-handling capabilities. Higher power handling allows the speakers to handle more power without distortion, resulting in louder and clearer sound reproduction.
Sensitivity Rating
A sensitivity rating is an important factor to consider. It indicates how efficiently the speakers convert power into sound. Higher sensitivity ratings translate to louder audio output, even with lower power input.
Frequency Response
The frequency response range indicates the speakers’ ability to reproduce different frequencies. Look for speakers that offer a wide frequency response range to ensure a rich and balanced sound reproduction across various musical genres.
Speaker Construction
Quality construction plays a crucial role in achieving loud and clear sound. Look for speakers with robust materials, such as reinforced cones and durable surrounds, to handle high volumes without distortion or damage.
Speaker Design
Consider the speaker design that suits your needs. Coaxial speakers, component speakers, and full-range speakers are popular options. Each design has its advantages, so choose based on your preferences and installation requirements.
Ensure that the 6×9 speakers you choose are compatible with your vehicle’s audio system. Check factors like impedance, mounting depth, and available space to ensure a seamless installation process.
Brand Reputation
Research the reputation of different speaker brands in terms of sound quality, durability, and customer satisfaction. Opting for renowned and trusted brands often ensures a better overall experience.
Customer Reviews
Reading customer reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into the performance and reliability of specific 6×9 speakers. Look for feedback from verified buyers to get a clearer understanding of the product’s strengths and weaknesses.
Budget Considerations
Set a budget for your speaker purchase and compare options within that range. Remember, while it’s tempting to opt for the loudest speakers available, finding a balance between cost and performance is essential.
What are the loudest 6×9 speakers?
The following five speakers are mostly known as the loudest 6×9 speakers for cars:
Infinity Reference 9633ix: High-quality car speakers with impressive sound clarity.
JBL GTO939: Powerful speakers known for their loud and clear audio performance.
Pioneer TS-A6990F: Well-rounded speakers with strong bass and overall sound reproduction.
Boss P69.4C 4-Way: Feature-rich speakers offering a wide frequency range and sound projection.
Kicker 43DSC69304: Dynamic speakers with a focus on delivering an impactful bass response.
Please note that while these speakers are known for their loudness and sound quality, the perception of “loudness” can vary depending on individual preferences and the car’s audio system setup.
Discover the intricate details of these five exceptionally powerful 6×9 speakers, unraveled with comprehensive specifications, distinguished brands, a thorough analysis of their advantages and drawbacks, and compelling reasons to consider them as an excellent purchasing choice. Delve into the realm of amplified audio pleasure as we embark on a captivating journey through these extraordinary sound systems.
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18 May 2023.
I seem to have stumbled over something important, which is that we have invented in grid squares a system that maps quaternions to fCM and SBE. I’m realizing the 3i form is f1-3//3-1, which means it maps to both IC and to SBE3. That is why the 0 disappears from the view, and why we see a 1 at the center. It should already be clear why -1 is the point at infinity: it’s the inversion into the present of what is not in this present, which partly means in the past in the 0Space sense but also means not literally in this present in that way so it cannot be counted in 0Space, which is a long way of saying in 1SPace. So in gs terms, we are seeing the 1 of the other side. I’m trying to say that which is Irreducible in 1Space, but there are temporary fits, the right nows, so I mean Irreducible fitting to the form, not Irreducible meaning the best possible choice or the one broken down the furthest so it can be mapped to a more complete ordering in which it, oh, I see that’s the processing in SBE3, that it goes back and forth over CM1 and this process also counts across that many grid squares. So imagine the center square as CM1 and count 3 back, 3 in a line, 3 over, so today is the first f&b count of this, with the second being 19, which inserts a hinge square connecting the sheets, and the third being the closure at 20, which is also 4 hands of 5, so all the metaphors match.
There’s a bit that won’t flip in my head. I keep hearing: but that’s 9gs or 18 or more. And when you multiply quaternions, you get a quaternion, which you represent as 16. And does that mean 2 conjugate pairs are 64? Yes, of course it does. So that says pretty clearly that the ‘corners’ are not empty or difficult to fill logically but are the way to cram 2 conjugate pairs in a gs sheet, which means Registry level again because this arrangement includes all the other arrangements of pairings.
So back up to where this material took over, which is when I saw SBE3 appear. That’s hidden processing which makes an ordering which enables the finite Ends which defines the choices now in a moment. We see outcomes and derive motive and meaning from the path we see of outcomes.
This all works if I can buy that bit flip that a gs represents a quaternion: that a gs in 4 parts could be represented as 3i and a real. Oh, you’re saying it can’t be done in 1gs but requires 4, that this is at the heart of the 4:1 relationship in which gs generate out of Triangular and Hexagonal. This is extremely difficult, which means it must be very simple but I can’t grasp it because it’s simple and I can’t do that well enough without a lot of prodding to accept that this makes sense because each imaginary term is a dimension and that dimension is a side and that side stands for a grid square which generates on the other edge of that 1-0Segment edge. Okay, you can see the process right on the surface there.
As an aside, I was watching how the cat hears sounds of birds through an open door to the left and he can snap his focus to the area where the sound is emanating from. I heard the motivating sound and saw his reaction was almost instantaneous. I sometimes wonder if it’s the cat’s mind or its body which makes it so quick at striking. Humans go through a process of learning to control instant reaction in part because our reactions are rarely catlike, but this topic is a distraction.
So, we now have dimensions feeding into the 1 which is real, which I’m starting to see, but I lost that, and what I have instead is images of you, versions of you, and versions of me in both female and male roles. That is the conjugate pairing in quaternions, at least as translated into gs and into the quaternion representation which you’re saying flows from gs, which makes sense if you can find the missing linkage from the DC&R perspective. After all, quaternions aren’t commutative but are associative, so you can gather for operations but the order generates different paths and different results. As in, 4*3 = 12 while 3*4 = -12, meaning a conjugate process. That is how these different versions occur and why the inversion is so complete between us. Still can’t get out the words.
So you can see what is lost is that we’ve gained a process, a conjugate process which maps to the far sides of an n-sphere, which of course goes with the general idea that a 0 imaginary part of a quaternion or a complex number, etc. is a real, meaning that we subtract the other process, that we constrain it to 0 as though it doesn’t count when that 0 means it counts invisibly. I’m thinking of the famous arrow flying through space and then it hits a target. In this form, the imaginary part which measures obstruction is 0 until it meets the obstruction. Obstruction measures, like by the softness of the target, by the form of the arrow, by the meaning it carries or what we might call its momentum in various dimensions, are thus self-generating and take the same n-sphere form, which means an End, so one way of looking at this is we’re constructing Ends as n-spheres, which is necessary so thank you, and we can describe the passage over a space to a target as being the norm, so fit to humans or ants as the ideal transit, which then allows for all the variations inherent in the transit of existence because then the absolute ideals enclose the contextual ideals with then render to specificity through contexts. That’s why understanding the power of contexts is crucial to applying this in life.
Contexts appear best described by fCM and SBE because that is the simplest level at which basic dimensional manipulation occurs, meaning it is done intuitively, as in the concept of odds and short versus long term. So what this says is that a count of 50:50 meaning all the dimensions that go into a 1-0 coin flip magnified to 100 and split so you can form the conception of risking it all, that this count occurs naturally to us, that this is the math behind the idea, the math which enables, if I can connect the two. It looks like that connection is the map of a quaternion so it is simultaneously 4:1, meaning it’s a gs, and it’s 4gs. Oh, I see: that is what’s necessary to maintain the Registry. Without that fundamental inversion, there’s no transfer to and from Triangular, which of course is what we’re describing. If this turns out to be incredibly simple, I’ll …
We’re connecting that Triangular translation into gs, and that manifests into 3D, which comes out of D3, which also manifests even better at the three dimensional space which is inseparable from gs, meaning a D3-4 space which appears within grid squares the same as regular squares appear within grid squares. I remember hitting this before, but now it has much greater ring now. Why? What has changed?
So, what I’m sensing is that 3 corner Ends draw the D3, exactly as described, and these map to the imaginary parts, as dimensions as described above, and that generates a gs, oriented in the ideal to the szK, with the fundamental being CM1, which is also szK1. So to the extent that each gs then has its own specific orientation, rather than ideal, that now has measures, actual 0Space measures. This implies that whatever quaternion, it’s a way of representing gs at a real value. Easier to think about integers but the idea extends because integers are constuctions. The piece missing is the same one as with the complex numbers and the complex unit circle. But that one just maps to a sphere: you visualize that as counting out and then over maps to a Boundary which also then encodes distance, which becomes inference of a specific distance in isolation. That invokes an n-sphere.
So, yes it’s true that this counts not only to a location but to its conjugate location. In projection, that stands for some other mapping of the specific location, which means we should get the Coordinate Rotation of the gs when drawn so the Triangular formation through I//I makes the internal + sign is rotated and not the constructed square. That FINALLY resolves a very long-term issue!
And this means you can see the dilemma of yes and no, of this or that: it’s in the conjugates, exactly as we’ve been saying all along. That maps directly to quaternions. That concept flips the Ends of a 1-0Segment, so one small decision can set off WWI, with everyone saying it was unstoppable once the process had begun. Or turning on a hose. It’s also the tick-tock which manifests as ‘time’, as the counting which becomes inherent that you make a choice of which conjugate, devil or angel, in each decision you make.
I need to connect to the idea of 3D space again. We did that above with the D3 midpoint lines generating the conception of the axes which locate in a 3D space that is a series of planes making a volume.
I’m seeing a lot. I hope I can grab on to some of it. I just took a shower and that relaxed my mind. I tend to lose that material as I snap back to focus. When I relaxed my mind, I could see that meaning attaches on the outside and has a pathway across on the inside. I’m having trouble with that. The idea of 4 dimensions works better in gs because it allows for this kind of shifting around without invoking time, which is a consequence of the construction of grid squares. So, when we define a D3 imaginary space, then we see how that reduces to real and how imaginary spaces attach to real to locate specifically (in unit construction), which gives them a relation to the non-mixed real. That means quaternions define imaginary space and attach it to D3 and thus to 3D. This locates on each of the 3 axes as well as in combinations, as it locates in reals (again, I mostly think in terms of integers because it’s simpler).
Oh, almost forgot, because this is an n-sphere, the path across maps to the path around. This is also a natural consequence of Triangular counting across the 1-0Segment while counting two 1-Segments. I think we can say for sure now that it’s the 1-0Segment nature which ‘causes’ the counts to be equal, that the count of to the midpoint, back, to and back is equal to the two 1Segments. In CR, the path around is defined over the Boundary description Pi, as we see in the imaginary unit circle. We’ve gone over many times how the 180 conception is directional and what that invokes.
Note again to remember the entire identity equals 1.
Need a break.
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marketwatchs · 2 years
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