#infinite howon
whiteconfession · 2 years
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221229 Mnet M!Countdown MBITIOUS Special Stage • Hoya
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chanyoelsears · 3 months
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Photo is not mine credit to original owner
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donginpp · 1 year
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placegrenette · 1 year
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daebakinc · 2 years
Winning London
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Pairing: Hoya x Reader (G) Prompt: Secret Agent Word Count: 1.2K
~Admin V
          You sat with your team in the model U.N. assembly. The moderator was going over today’s plans when suddenly the doors swung open from the back. Two men wearing clown masks holding big water guns marched in the room. They were “kidnapping” delegates from several teams. To get them back safely, each nation had to agree to the terms of the kidnapper’s negotiations, like being rid of nuclear weapons and reducing waste contributing to global warming.
             Your group represented England, and your smartest member was taken. So far it had been about 15 minutes, and there was a lot of arguing. The countries who had nuclear weapons didn’t want to give them up and the main contributors of pollution either denied it or claimed the companies which created it were beneficial to the world. Hoya, stood up and asked, “Is there any country willing to give up their weapons?” Another uproar of arguing commenced. Hoya sat back down.
             “We’re never gonna get anyone back,” Sungjong grumbled.
             “No kidding,” you mumbled.
             “It’s ridiculous. It’s no wonder the world is burning.”
             “Guys, calm down. I have an idea. What is England famous for?” Dongwoo asked.
             Everyone on your team went silent.
             Dongwoo smiled. “Spies.”
             You and Hoya looked at each other and said in unison, “Bond. James Bond.”
             “Exactly,” Dongwoo continued. “So, I think two of us should go on a covert ops mission to rescue the delegates while the rest of us attempt to make negotiations.”
             “Sunggyu is gonna be pissed if we don’t sit here and brainstorm with the other teams.” You tapped your pencil on the pad of paper in front of you.
             “Well his dumbass got captured, so sucks to suck.” Woohyun tossed a ball of paper at you.
             Hoya looked over at you and wiggled his brows at you. “Want to be my partner in crime?”
             The other members agreed and spread themselves out to make it look like no one else was missing. You went out into the hall first.
Two minutes later, Hoya joined you. “Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to change out of the formal attire first and into something more spy-esque.”
             “Seriously? Bond always wore suits.”
             He pointed at your clothes. “Are you comfortable to move around right now?”
             “As I was saying . . .”
             You both went to your rooms as planned and agreed to just meet in the hall. You opted for jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers. Not Hoya. He was in a full black ensemble, black beanie included.
             “I don’t recall Bond wearing hats.”
             “I was going for more Ethan Hunt.”
             You rolled your eyes at him. “I think we should go to the kitchen first.”
             “Good thinking! I’m starving.”
             “No, idiot. We can see if there have been any big orders of food service. They’re keeping the delegates somewhere else in the hotel.”
             “Ah, right.”
             The kitchen chef spoke to you with no problem, though he eyed Hoya who was staring longingly at a plate of french fries. The chef read off his list of room service orders. The biggest one was 3 pizzas and bottles of cola. That had to be where the delegates were!
             You practically pulled Hoya out by his tongue, but then made your way to the correct floor. He insisted on rolling on the floor and edging across the walls while getting closer. He made you lean against the wall at an intersection and then he peaked over quickly. “Damn.”
             You peered over. One of the clown-masked “guards” were sitting outside the room with his water gun and a newspaper. “Huh, wasn’t expecting that.”
             “Yeah.” Hoya started looking around the hall. You chuckled to yourself about how seriously he was taking his spy-role. He grabbed your hand and ran to the other side to a supply closet then closed the door behind you. He scanned the small space then picked up two spray bottles. “Okay! I’ll attack the guard and you go in to get everyone out!”
             You stared at him. “You want to attack the guard with cleaning supplies? We’re not actually spies, Jason Bourne.”
             He pouted as he put the bottles back. “I know, but I’m so into this!”
             You chuckled and shook your head again. That’s when you had an idea of your own. “Hoya,” you nodded toward the wall. His eyes followed to where you pointed out. Air duct.
             He reached up and after a few tugs pulled the grate off the wall. “You want help up?”
             He boosted you so you could reach the vent and pull yourself in. Hoya was soon in with you. It then became apparent the neither of you actually knew where to go to get to the room with the other delegates.
             “I’ll lead the way,” he announced. He moved to squeeze past you, and his sudden closeness and warmth gave you unexpected butterflies. Instead of continuing to go in front of you he just stopped and looked at you. “You okay?”
             Your cheeks felt hot. You just nodded.
             A smirk appeared on his face. “You like me.”
             “You’re blushing. You’re so into me.”
             “No, I’m not!” You smacked his shoulder. “We’re in a small space and it’s warm.”
             He looked at you in the eyes seriously, smirk still present. He moved his face closer to yours and your eyes widened. “I’m going to kiss you. If you really don’t like me, tell me not to.”
             You stared at his lips. You didn’t say anything.
             He was smiling now and closed the distance, pressing his lips over yours.
             It ended all too quickly. He sat back, smirking even more now. “Knew you liked me.” He started crawling past you, but you reached for the front of his shirt and pulled him back to you. Your lips were parted this time as they pressed into Hoya’s. You sucked his lower lip into your mouth and he whimpered. His fingers weaved into your hair and he breathed you in. You led the kiss and allowed your tongue to slide into his mouth. He moaned again.
             It still wasn’t long enough, but if you sat here kissing Hoya, the delegates would never get out. You ended the kiss and smirked this time as you saw a blush on Hoya’s cheeks.
             “So, you’re into me, huh?”
             He didn’t answer you, but you saw his smile before he crawled in front of you. The two of you crawled for 5 minutes. You came to a grate opening. It was an empty room so you kept moving. Luckily you abruptly heard Sunggyu. Hoya followed his voice and it led you to the correct grate.
             “I see them,” Hoya looked back at you. He pushed on the grate until it gave way. “Grab my legs.”
             You did as he asked as he lowered the grate to the floor. He whispered loudly to Sunggyu and motioned for him to come to the grate. Sunggyu and the other delegates in the room quickly stopped their eating and game-playing and ran to the grate.
             “What are you doing?”
             “Rescuing you. Wanna get out of here or what?”
             To your surprise, Gyu didn’t even complain that this wasn’t how U.N. worked. He and the others agreed to go back with you.
             After getting out of the vents and back into the hall, you all made your way back to the doors of the assembly.
             You held your hand out for Hoya’s. “Ready to finish the mission?”
             He grinned and took your hand. You both pushed on the doors and marched in proudly with the taken delegates following behind.
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exo-gr4vity · 5 months
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INFINITE - Hoya with his puppy
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lovrodney · 2 years
Hoya, sweet Lee Howon. Hearing your voice brings me such joy. It takes me back to when you were in Infinite and all the struggles that you helped me through. I am thankful that I found Infinite and you. You have helped me more than you will ever know. Thank you for being the reason that I am here today. Thank you for being the light in the dark days. 
Thank you Howon.
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bitacrytic · 2 years
With all the postings of Spotify lists, it made me hungry for new-to-me music. I have like 6 followers and only follow a small amount more, so I am asking directly. Pardon the intrusion. Could you suggest 2 songs? Genre/sub-genre is of no concern. Language is not a barrier. Old or new is good. Mainstream or obscure works. Playlist one-off or life-long staple is welcome. I am not asking you to define yourself in two songs. But if you want to include why you chose them, I love a bit of background. No offense taken if you completely ignore this.
Okay, *cracks fingers* Let's go!
1. Tell Me - Infinite (kpop)
Story behind this is that I could very easily recommend Infinite's entire discography, up until 2017 (when Howon left). I should recommend it. I loved them. I still do, but from a greater distance, these days. I even wrote fanfic for Infinite and was very active in the fandom.
And then a member left.
Now, see that wasn't the strangest thing to happen to a kpop group. I'd loved other groups that had lost members before that and it just never fazed me. It was something that just... happened.
But when Howon left, I couldn't listen to their music anymore. I couldn't write for them anymore. I couldn't even go into fandom spaces. I don't know why it affected me so much. I even abandoned that entire AO3 handle, and got a new one (this one I'm using now on Tumblr) just so I could keep writing without having to interact with that other account or anything to do with kpop ever again.
It's been a few years and now I can listen to kpop without breaking down. And when I think of Infinite, 'Tell Me' is a song that just speaks to me. It breaks me and it heals me everytime.
This was so long, I'm sorry.
But try 'Tell Me'. Hopefully you like it.
2. We Plenti - Cobhams x Simi
As someone who constantly compares herself with everyone and gets frustrated, this song is it. Like, I have to constantly remind myself not to do it. This helps. It doesn't rush me. A lot of Cobhams' music is like that. He's awesome. Like, exceptionally exceptional. Anyone who writes Afro music like he does has to have gone through some shit.
I should warn you though, his music does have some casual Christian undertones. Very very casual. Not even remotely preachy. It's just there, just like any other musical tool he chooses to use. As an agnostic myself, it doesn't bother me. I just wanted to give you a heads up.
Happy listening😁
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ohwiseswami · 6 years
Initial Impressions (1/3): Hakyeon (N), Howon (Hoya), Yugyeom, and Minghao (The8)
First, I’ll just briefly give my initial, unbiased and pre-research thoughts on some of the main dancers from top kpop groups that I know of. This is strictly on male dancers.
N | Hakyeon
Style, style, style. N is fluid where most kpop is popping and locking. N doesn’t have to sell sex to sell an emotion and his movement is characterized by the flow of water. Not in the corny way most people tend to describe fluid dancers, but in the very real way that when N dances, it’s like he has no angles on his body. I’ve become accustomed to his style and might I say that N can compete with some of the named greats in the current kpop industry. The dancer I would compare him to of the most well-known kpop dancers would be Jimin. That’s not to say they are the same or that one is greater than the other objectively, just that they have in common unconventional dancing bodies (Jimin stout and stocky, N soft and curved) and that they both favor slower, more traditional-modern blend dancing styles over anything hard-hitting. That said, N seems almost nervous when he performs, which can sometimes take away from his beautiful movement
Hoya | Howon
A diamond in the rough. Hoya is one of the most impressive kpop dancers I have ever laid eyes on. And the biggest issue I have is that, from the popular Infinite choreographies I’ve seen, they didn't take advantage of his true talent. He excels in modern dance in a way that is distinct from Taemin and Jimin. His body line is suited for Hip Hop styles and so is his speed, but he brings that pace to modern-style dances like I’ve never seen before. This man tutted to a Lukas Graham track like...who does that? Hoya is capable of performing a sexy dance without making it feel sexual. That may seem like a bad thing, as if he has no sex appeal, but on him, it works because of his execution. Beyond that, he has some of the best freestyle I’ve seen from anyone on this list and he’s definitely a dancer to keep an eye on. I’m excited to critique him further and look into his improvement areas
Lighter than helium vapor. Yugyeom is one of my favorite dancers from the younger generation because he brings something to the table that precisely no one else on this list does: he can fly. In the way that to fly is to never touch the ground, Yugyeom’s feet only ever dust the floor. I noticed when watching him, he can perform an aggressive choreography but feel weightless, and he makes every move seem extremely easy to replicate. It helps that his body seems built to hover. It’s very rare to find a masculine dancer who can perform with energy but not come down so hard on their feet. Hard Carry choreo was a perfect demonstration of this. My main gripe with Yugyeom is that outside of his official choreographies with GOT7, he seems to prefer sensual and even sexual R&B-style songs to dance to, which his style isn’t perfected enough to make seamless. His quick, light-on-the-feet style is much more suited to Hip-Hop/fusion tracks as of now (Sidenote: He’s also really good at most trend dances which...I argue is a skill)
The8 | Minghao 
Breaking the boundaries of dance. To Minghao, dance is probably some combination of everyday movements that flow like a poem. Somewhat akin to Yugyeom, he’s light on his feet but in a way that, instead of standing out in his team (like Yugyeom), he blends in perfectly. Alone, Minghao has some of the best footwork I’ve ever seen (and is a great b-boy). He would absolutely murder Jungkook’s Begin choreo, that’s how I view him. Not only is he light, fast, and precise, but his body is impossibly long, which makes for some cool effects. Take his acrobat side, for example. When he flips around in the air, it’s not with the power of a gymnast, but the fluidity of a ballerino. He has one of the cleanest come downs in kpop and he has impeccable recovery. I’d bet money that fans rarely even notice his mistakes because he bounces back so well. On top of that, Minghao has this Michael Jackson-esque (you’ll be seeing that adjective a lot here) ability to make anything look like dance, even if he’s standing there playing with nunchucks (which, might I add, is impressive in its own right). My biggest issue with Minghao, however, is that he just blends in sometimes. His charisma isn’t as natural as say a Ten or even others on his team like Jun, who force you to look at them when they perform. Minghao transcends dance but is that good enough?
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whiteconfession · 2 years
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isayhousayya: :]
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snug-gyu · 2 years
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Most replayed parts - INFINITE MVs
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kpoporacle · 3 years
This is one of the most perfect performances, and I probably won't change my mind until Infinite has a comeback.....
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kpop-locks · 2 years
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷  hoya ; simple+details ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @awaregei
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
@ryu-edits​‘s alphabet week challege! letter h.
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infinite-juliet · 2 years
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150117 Infinite at Republic of Korea Entertainment Arts Awards © kim sungkyu ing do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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kaliumpop · 3 years
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exo-gr4vity · 5 months
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