#infernal general
metaladam · 5 months
Your take on Adam is impeccable. He is exactly like in the show (which is not a bad thing) yet even more annoying (again, not a bad thing!), much better rounded with an extremely unique depth that occasionally glints through every layer. And that depth is just perfect, an absolute delight to read, a brilliant contrast against his other traits, behavior. I also respect that you never were afraid to 'get your hands dirty' regarding the topics you've written, the epics that arched through blogs and I still vividly remember them like it happened yesterday. I was extremely glad when you returned to the rpc, you were really a missing piece for me from the grand picture & I'm overjoyed to come across your posts on the dash again💖
Likewise Jasmine, you are a huge piece and staple to my dash! Love seeing your drabbles, love having you involved when myself and other get into big story arcs and shit! Ur my second favorite Hungarian, only bested by my soon to be father in law! Been a true honor being your friend for over two years!
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infernal-feminae · 6 months
@infernal-general liked for a starter with Swap!Carmilla
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Being in this business of lust as long as she had, Carmilla had seen a wide variety of faces enter her brothels over the course of her life and especially during her afterlife. Politicians, CEOs, police officers, lawyers, even members from rival mafia families. If there was one thing they all had in common, is how they sought their own pleasure. Sometimes putting it above their own little families and so-called morals.
The thing about Hell? There was no reason to hide.
The same people who hid in life were so much more open and blatant with desires down here.
A cloud of red smoke encompassed Carmilla's form as she lounged, content to watch her workers entertain today's patrons from afar and making sure they were safe under her watchful eye.
She was suddenly made aware of the arrival of a new patron by how her the girls who were on serving duty today gawked at the newcomer, and her little...entourage. She smirked, lazily getting up from her seat. This particular guest deserved a more warm welcome after all.
"General Véghváry~ What a pleasant surprised to see you in my humble establishment."
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arachnaemboss · 7 months
Have a kitten in these trying times💖
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zestial would 100% adopt this one thank u
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erthlyheavn · 1 year
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@infernal-general said:
...For Gabriel
“Were you ashamed of me?” came the piercing question still dripping from hurt “Or afraid for your purity? Even when drunk beyond comprehension, I still married you before we ended up in bed. Not to mention with the appropriate ring that seared my flesh.”
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The sudden appearance of her ex-wife catches the Archangel off guard. She had thought Rozy wanted nothing more to do with her after....Regardless, a part of the angel that still loved Rozy was ecstatic to see her again...until what the general said made her fragile heart shatter into a million pieces all over again. "I... is that what you think this was all about!?" Gabriel breathed, her voice becoming dangerously low, pure disbelief laced it.
She wasn't expecting her ex-wife to have a good opinion of her after what happened between them, but to accuse her of--!?
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"No, General. I wasn't ashamed of you. I was never once ashamed of you!" Gabriel shouted defensively, her voice rising with each word. "I divorced you because you CHEATED on me. You know, I honestly wouldn't have minded if you wanted to bring someone else into the relationship. Really, I wouldn't! It's the fact that you didn't bother telling me about the cowboy. Oh no, I had to hear about him from one of your RELATIVES."
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heyslutsitswinter · 2 years
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"Hey! No turning my ex-wife against me, her cunt is a natural dick heater."
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@infernal-general​ said: For Gabriel, after the mess was sorted out-
“Where were you?”
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Despite Rozalia’s disappointed tone, Gabriel knew her enough to know when she was holding back her anger. The words cut her deep. Ever since the whole mess had begun the guilt kept eating away at her for not doing anything sooner. But then, she had made a startling realization. And that, in turn caused HER anger to flare up.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” She began sarcastically. “I would have been there sooner, but it’s kind of hard to be when no one tells me a damn thing.”
She was tired of being constantly blamed for her absence. She was tired of being accused of apathy. Because the thing was, Gabriel wanted to be there for her Rozy. She wanted to be more involved. But how could she do that when she never knows what’s going on in her wife’s life until shit had already hit the fan? 
“You cant blame me when nobody even bothers to let me know what’s going on in you life until something terrible happens. It was your sister who told me what was going on with you and that Overlord. Of course, literally every single FUCKING thing that happened up until that point was entirely news to me. I’m not like my Father, Rozalia. I am not omnipresent or all-knowing. Trust me, I would have been there as quick as I possibly could had I known something earlier.”
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sinful-feminae-a · 2 years
@infernal-general​ replied:  “The one dick version isn't worth it anyway.”
((listen...there's always a little recoil when I come to this blog after Cindy🤣))
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“Are...are you implying that there’s an alternate of Valentino out there that has MORE than one dick????”
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qveenofgluttony · 2 months
~🐝 @infernal-general requested an audience with the queen
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"Some wine, General? It's a good year~"
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helenofblackthorns · 1 year
hmm since Clary also has the scar from having contact with an angel, do you think all of Clace's kids will inherit it? like will it stop being the "one of our ancestors fucked in a cave" scar & start being the "our ancestors were child experiments" scar?
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metaladam · 6 months
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Really struggled for the bulk of Paimon's little tantrum! To think I bothered considering her as a potential fucking liability.
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infernal-feminae · 7 months
I'm on a very important mission to spread serotonin.
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Sleepy kitties 🥺❤
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the-casbah-way · 4 months
it’s time to break my silence. i ship glenn cullen and hugh abbot. i think they’re both weird miserable morally bankrupt old men who are seconds away from a catastrophic mental breakdown at any given moment and they deserve each other in every possible way. and maybe they could also have a little smooch or something. there i said it
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secretly-a-catamount · 7 months
(for @lescahiersdesable)
Jem: If you water water, it grows.
Will: …What.
Alec: He’s got a point.
Annabel: Kind of like the opposite of when you murder a murderer, the number of murders stays the same.
Will: . . . What?
Alec: She’s got a point, too. Although, now that I think about it, if you murder a murderer the number of over-all murders increases while the number of living murders decreases.
Will: . . . What?
Alec: Will, you keep saying that, are you having trouble hearing or something?
Annabel: Of course he is, what else do you think all that empty space inside his head is good for? It makes the sounds smaller.
Will: Yea— Hey! That not even how sound sleep work!
Annabel: “Sound sleep”, William?
Will: Yes, Annabel, “sound sleep”—
Jem: What my husband means is that didn’t get much sleep last night because Tess started teaching the kids how to safety summon demons, and it — well, got out of hand.
Annabel: Moving onward, about what you were saying earlier, Alec, I didn’t think about that.
Jem: Well then, adding on to that, too, what is something that gives you less of it if you give it itself?
Alec: Time?
Will: Footsteps? I’m not sure.
Annabel: Chickens.
Alec: . . . Why?
Annabel: Cannibalism.
Will: Chickens eat each other?
Annabel: Oh, yeah, absolutely, all the time.
Jem: How do you know that?
Annabel: Malcom and I have started raising chickens; they’re supposed to be relaxing, help us with our trauma.
Alec: And does that work?
Annabel: Who knows.
Will: If the chickens eat each other, what else do they eat?
Annabel: Literally anything. Even human corpses.
Jem: And why do you know that specifically?
Annabel: I’m not you, Jem, I don’t like everyone.
Jem: I don’t like everyone.
Alec: Name one person you dislike.
Jem: Miss Dearborn.
Will: Fair. I don’t like her either.
Alec: I hate her.
Annabel: An example of someone who has gone to the chickens.
Alce: And just for the record, guys, I set the bar too low for Jem.
Will: You really did.
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lxverofmine · 3 months
i'm loving my baby aro era bc every day i remember another piece of media i love in which the two main characters are in what's essentially a qpr
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@infernal-general​ said: For Gabriel, sorry she's a bitch-
“So tell me, my dear ex wife, how did you manage to extinguish her cosmic fire?”
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“Oh, like you give a shit.” Gabriel snapped, side-eying Rozalia with clear disdain. And yet, she couldn’t help but miss her ex-wife a little.
“I had to have other angels help me put it out.” She didn’t think it was actually life-threatening but it still hurt. But what hurt more was seeing how quickly Rozy had moved on, and knowing she only had herself to blame. “Look, I know how you and the rest of your relatives feel about me, but can you guys just leave me alone?”
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nemainofthewater · 5 months
Best character surnamed: Zuo
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgotten anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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