#infant dress pattern
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Introducing the Baby Romper Sewing Pattern Bundle
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machveil · 1 month ago
for the domestic whores, I’ve got you. Simon Riley x SingleParent!Reader🎀✨
Simon Riley who comes home from a deployment, headache throbbing behind his eyes as he jams his key into his flat’s doorknob. he’s absolutely exhausted, limbs heavy and chest a little tight with stress. he doesn’t even manage to kick off his boots before he’s falling back onto his couch, running a rough hand down his face as he sighs. everything is fine. a beer or three and some god awful realty show to turn his brain off always manages to make him pass out. yeah, a smoke or two and he can drift off, eyelids already droopy with sleep. then the crying starts
a slow glance to his left, fingers twitching slightly. there wasn’t a neighbor there before he left, and now some infant is screaming it’s bloody head off. it’ll stop soon. it’ll stop and Simon can fall into the pattern he’s set for himself. it’ll stop. it’s just a baby, someone’s got to make it stop. “No, no, no— it’s okay! Ssh, oh, honey—”, a muffled voice crooning through his walls, were the walls to his flat always so thin? a hiccupy wail cries out, sobs shortly following, “Sweetheart, look— it’s teddy! You love teddy.”, louder cries echoing through the air. maybe they don’t love teddy. with a groan, Simon stands up. today’s not the day for this, and he hates being that neighbor, but he needs peace and quiet
not even a minute later and he’s stepping down the hall, three quick knocks ringing out on his neighbors door. a deep breath leaves him as the crying continues, eyebrows raising slightly as the sound gets louder, the soft pad of walking overshadowed. there’s a soft click before the door opens and— Simon’s never seen you before. hair a little messy, faint eyebags, and a chunky little baby wailing on your hip. there’s a pause as you look up at him, and, god, there’s a lot to look at. a disposable medical mask he never took off, dressed nearly all in black, and looming past your doorframe. “Tha’s got to stop.”, short and curt, voice deep and rumbly
it’s only after he speaks does the little menace on your hip pipe down, bleary eyes blinking as they look up at the solider. glancing down at the baby, a soft little gurgle and grabby hands catch his eyes. delighted little noises as they reach their tiny arms out for him, “How’d you do that?”, you ask. your wide eyed expression makes him scoff, “What?”, happy little giggles reach Simon’s ears. “Say something else—”, you plead softly, readjusting your hold to cradle the baby, “They keep crying and I don’t know what to do— I’m sorry, but I’ve never seen them stop like that.”, you sound so tired, drained as you sway back and forth slightly. say something else. “‘M Simon.”
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theloverstomb · 9 months ago
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‘Fragile Microbiomes’ by bio-artist Anna Dumitriu
1. SYPHILIS DRESS- This dress is embroidered with images of the corkscrew-shaped bacterium which causes the sexually transmitted disease syphilis. These embroideries are impregnated with the sterilised DNA of the Nichols strain of the bacterium - Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum - which Dumitriu extracted with her collaborators.
2. MICROBE MOUTH- The tooth at the centre of this necklace was grown in the lab using an extremophile bacterium which is part of the species called Serratia (Serratia N14) that can produce hydroxyapatite, the same substance that tooth enamel is made from.
The handmade porcelain teeth that make up this necklace have been coated with glazes derived from various bacterial species that live in our mouths and cause tooth decay and gum disease, including Porphyromonas gingivalis, which can introduce an iron-containing light brown stain to the glaze.
3. TEETH MARKS: THE MOST PROFOUND MYSTERY- In his 1845 essay “On Artificial Teeth”, W.H. Mortimer described false teeth as “the most profound mystery” because they were never discussed. Instead, people would hide the stigma of bad teeth and foul breath using fans.
This altered antique fan is made from animal bone and has been mended with gold wire, both materials historically used to construct false teeth (which would also sometimes incorporate human teeth). The silk of the fan and ribbon has been grown and patterned with two species of oral pathogens: Prevotella intermedia and Porphyromonas gingivalis. These bacteria cause gum disease and bad breath, and the latter has also recently been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
4. PLAGUE DRESS- This 1665-style 'Plague Dress' is made from raw silk, hand-dyed with walnut husks in reference to the famous herbalist of the era Nicholas Culpeper, who recommended walnuts as a treatment for plague. It has been appliquéd with original 17th-century embroideries, impregnated with the DNA of Yersinia pestis bacteria (plague). The artist extracted this from killed bacteria in the laboratory of the National Collection of Type Cultures at the UK Health Security Agency.
The dress is stuffed and surrounded by lavender, which people carried during the Great Plague of London to cover the stench of infection and to prevent the disease, which was believed to be caused by 'bad air' or 'miasmas'. The silk of the dress references the Silk Road, a key vector for the spread of plague.
5. BACTERIAL BAPTISM- based on a vintage christening gown which has been altered by the artist to tell the story of research into how the microbiomes of babies develop, with a focus on the bacterium Clostridioides difficile, originally discovered by Hall and O’Toole in 1935 and presented in their paper “Intestinal flora in new-born infants”. It was named Bacillus difficilis because it was difficult to grow, and in the 1970s it was recognised as causing conditions from mild antibiotic-associated diarrhoea to life-threatening intestinal inflammation. The embroidery silk is dyed using stains used in the study of the gut microbiome and the gown is decorated with hand-crocheted linen lace grown in lab with (sterilised) C. difficile biofilms. The piece also considers how new-borns become colonised by bacteria during birth in what has been described as ‘bacterial baptism’.
6. ZENEXTON- Around 1570, Swiss physician and alchemist Theophrastus Paracelsus coined the term ‘Zenexton’, meaning an amulet worn around the neck to protect from the plague. Until then, amulets had a more general purpose of warding off (unspecified) disease, rather like the difference today between ‘broad spectrum’ antibiotics and antibiotics informed by genomics approaches which target a specific organism.
Over the next century, several ideas were put forward as to what this amulet might contain: a paste made of powdered toads, sapphires that would turn black when they leeched the pestilence from the body, or menstrual blood. Bizarre improvements were later made: “of course, the toad should be finely powdered”; “the menstrual blood from a virgin”; “collected on a full moon”.
This very modern Zenexton has been 3D printed and offers the wearer something that genuinely protects: the recently developed vaccine against Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes plague.
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notjustjavierpena · 1 year ago
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: This is a collection of !!!!5!!!! asks because y’all are desperate for Javier being a great husband and lover, and I am happy to give you what you crave.
Summary: You make love to your husband the first time after giving birth.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader (no y/n)
Tags: +18 smut, husband!javier, domestic life, breastfeeding, f masturbation, showering together, insecurity and nervousness, longing kisses and lots of them, body worship, breast play, lactation kink, javier is HUNGRY, nipple play orgasm, checking in, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, praise kink, fingering, clit stim, unprotected piv sex, emotional and desperate sex, creampie, crying and aftercare, sweet javi is here to make you comfortable and make you come 
Word count: 5.3k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53944708
Javier gets up early every day for work during your maternity leave and the routine is the same; coffee, breakfast, and a shower, and then he gets Lucas out of his bassinet so he can feel his son’s tiny body against his naked chest before he finally brings him to you because he knows you love bed-sharing with your newborn. It’s so you don’t miss me, he jokes each time after kissing your forehead, knowing that his son might as well be his clone, at least not too much.
You’re nursing Lucas as Javier gets dressed. Today will be the first break in your newfound routine, and you barely know how to begin. Something is playing on your mind and you distract yourself by running three fingers over Lucas’ head as he feeds, hoping it’ll make the words you’re about to say seem less clumsy.
“Javi,” you try to get your husband’s attention.
“Sí, mi amor (yes, my love)?” Javier is standing in front of the mirror, tying his tie. He looks at you through the mirror and smiles gently as he catches Lucas’ tiny hands reaching for your chest. You let the infant grab at your finger instead, warmth in your grin as you bond with him.
“I was thinking we could do something tonight,” you begin and your voice sounds almost absentminded. It feels silly to ask for sex when you think back to how ravenous both of you were before and during the pregnancy. Lucas is nearly two months old. You haven’t been intimate with each other for two months. 
“Do what?” Javier goes back to tying a knot on his ridiculously patterned tie. 
“You know…”
He tenses up, almost looking like when a cat’s ears perk up in interest.
“Is tonight the night?” He asks, catching on. He turns away from the mirror to face you, expectant but careful not to assume. 
“Two months,” you say simply, “I think I’m ready.”
“Two whole months. How the fuck did we manage that?” He snorts. You tut at his foul language but cannot help but smile since you know he is right. It boggles your mind too. 
“We’ll have to take it slow. Would that be okay?” You look down at Lucas as he gurgles slightly, moving him a bit in your arms. 
Javier finishes dressing for the day. He walks across the room and bends down over you, kissing your forehead, “Is it okay that I get to take care of my beautiful wife? I think I’ll suffer through it for you.”
When you tilt your head backward, he also kisses your mouth. You smile against his lips. You say, “I think you’re late for work.”
“And maybe I’ll go home early too,” he pecks your lips repeatedly, “Rush home and into the bedroom.”
“We’ll be waiting here for you,” you let him know. 
Javier runs a finger down over Lucas’ nose, “Your momma better change the batteries in the baby monitor, mijo (my son). We won’t have time to check on you as often.”
“Oh, just go,” you grin.
“Te quiero (I love you).”
“I love you too, now go catch some bad guys.”
Javier gives you one last kiss before he heads out the door, and it’s enough to leave you aching for another. He lingers until your breath is torn from your lungs, slips his tongue inside your mouth until you are reminded of what he can do with it, and his fingers slide through the hair at the back of your head - all he has to do is yank but he doesn’t, not with his baby in your arms.
“More later,” he whispers and your pulse goes south at the promise. 
“O-okay,” you only manage to stutter.
When Lucas has been put to sleep, Javier and you take a warm bath together to get you all relaxed. He helps you under the spray, guiding you into the cubicle by the hand, and smiles as you sigh deeply at the warm water. 
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” he praises when you run your fingers through your hair as it wets. You give him a shy grin. He proceeds to kiss your neck, not caring about water running down over his face when his lips on your body make you less tense with nerves. 
You tilt your head back, letting out a sigh as he drinks in your skin, going upwards until it is your mouth he captures. His hands dig into your fuller hips, fingers denting what you call your baby weight and what he tells you he’d fall on his knees for.
“Can I touch you?” He asks when he needs air. 
“I’m nervous,” you answer truthfully. 
Carefully, as if seeking permission, he takes your hand in his own. He kisses your palm softly and you feel a spark of electricity in your belly, knowing that you are lucky that it is him who is here to guide you through this. He moves your hand down between your legs, “Perhaps… these gentle hands.” 
“You want me to touch myself?” You blink.
“Who would be better?” He grins boyishly. 
A part of you wants to say that you think he might know you better than you know yourself but there’s a plan here. You follow through, never breaking eye contact as you find your clit and start going in circular motions. It takes a second but when your body finally reacts, you let out a gasp at the flutter that spreads out from the little nub. 
Javier looks ravenous at having the privilege to witness you like this. He talks quietly over the sound of the water, and soon you feel his cock poke into your thigh, “That’s it, mi amor (my love). God, look at you. Doing so good.” 
“Javi,” you sigh gently. Your fingers speed up, feeling your heartbeat slowly increasing in speed. You chase your high, mouth slightly open and eyes locked on Javier’s.
“Yeah? You’re gonna make yourself come?” Javier’s hands find your hips again. He holds them in place, joins in the way that he can. You nod with a higher-pitched yeah, eyes falling closed during a louder moan.
Your fingers are more frantic after that. You touch yourself with him looming over you, core burning with need as you can feel his eyes bore into you. Your clit jumps occasionally as you work yourself toward the edge and a crease in your forehead forms. 
“I’m gonna— fuck,” you announce. The sound of water cascading down your body blurs until it becomes almost silent to your ears.
“Yes, you are,” his voice has dropped an octave, “Oh, you really are, aren’t you?”
And then you snap and the fact that it isn’t in privacy and that you have Javier swearing under his breath makes it feel incredible. You can feel your cunt clench from clit to slit repeatedly, seeking more than you can give at the moment but oh, it feels so good. You don’t think you’ve ever wanted your husband inside of you more, walls aching to be stretched.
Time stands still in the shower. You find yourself resting against the cold, tiled wall. Javier looks at you, has pushed his wet hair out of his face, and is smiling triumphantly, “Mi esposa hermosa (my gorgeous wife).”
You roll your eyes, cheeks heating up from both post-orgasmic bliss and sudden shyness, “It felt good. I don’t think you know how wet I am for you.”
“Well you are in the shower,” he jokes when he spots your restraint, hoping to get you to relax even further, and you step forward to punch him playfully. He shies away, laughing to the point where your head swims with love and tenderness for him. 
It ends up being an occasion to kiss once more. Javier holds your face, thumb smoothing over your chin as he slides his mouth over yours. You melt into him, holding onto both of his wrists as you suck on his tongue and it doesn’t bother you that you accidentally swallow a few droplets of water; his lips on yours make everything else fade. 
He has rarely kissed and touched you like this over the past few months, having agreed with himself to not tempt you too much with something that neither of you would have been able to follow through on, so the promise behind his touch - his hands are going down to your hips and your arms are linking together around his neck - makes you shiver as goosebumps rise on your skin underneath the hot spray of water. 
Eventually, you realize how hard he is and you almost feel bad for being so selfish but when you reach down, Javier stops you. 
“I can wait,” he promises, breaking the kiss to look down between your bodies. He twitches in your hand, even more when you reluctantly let go. 
“Javi,” you whine.
“I don’t want it to be over already,” he explains with color on his cheeks, “Think about how much we’ll enjoy it later. I’m sorry, mi amor (my love).”
“No, I understand,” you reply with a soft sigh, “I’ll make it up to you later.”
“Mhm, bet you will,” he hums and then drags you close to kiss you again.
You agree on finishing the shower and getting into your sleep clothes because Javier argues that it might help with your nerves to be undressed by him, a thing you absolutely love. You settle for a loose t-shirt - in case you have to nurse - and panties, something comfortable with an ability to leave the covered parts of your body up to the imagination.
Earlier, before checking on Lucas, you took painkillers to let your muscles relax even further. Now that they are working, you meet him in bed. He smiles at you as he sees you enter through the door and watches you come closer as he is sitting with one leg dangling from the side of your shared bed.
“Hey,” you say shyly.
“Come here,” he smiles.
You may have relaxed muscles but your heartbeat races in your chest, feeling like you might have butterflies trapped behind your ribs. Your body is humming as you crawl onto the bed, sitting on your knees in front of him. 
“You still want to do this?” He asks, taking one of your wrists in his hands. He rubs it with his thumb, giving you his usual concerned expression that could compete with that of a puppy. 
“Yes,” you confirm, leaning forward to initiate a kiss. 
He catches on quickly and meets you halfway. He tastes like toothpaste, kissing you softly at first before he grows hungry from having denied himself during the first touches in the shower. 
You sling your arms around him, just about to be bold enough to straddle him but he is quicker, and suddenly flips you around until your back hits the mattress and makes you bounce slightly. You respond with a half-yelp, half-giggle, and try to ignore any anxiety that might arise. 
However, any noise quickly dies in your throat because Javier moves on top of you. He moves close until you can get drunk on his scent, inhale the distinct smell of only him that gets you so high because you know it’s only you who gets to be so close to it. You can feel your heartbeat in your sex, your underwear starting to dampen. 
“You know I struggle to be gentle,” he rasps against your ear, placing a lingering kiss right below it to make your heartbeat spike. His hands curl around the bottom of your t-shirt. He pulls back to look at what he is doing to you and for a moment, you think he might rip the fabric apart from the way his nails dig into it, the same urgency in his eyes like someone who has gone without food and drink for weeks and is now looking at a whole buffet, “When it’s been so long since I have had you like this.”
You hum in understanding, mouth slightly open and squeezing your legs together with a sigh, causing Javier to look down between your legs. He looks like someone who is making a plan, a list of steps forward about what he wants to do to you. You can only wait in anticipation.
Your top comes off then. He yanks it upwards and you lift your arms above your head to help him rid you of it completely. Your tits bounce slightly as there is nothing to hold them anymore, and Javier groans at the sight of you. He practically latches onto your neck, sucking his way down your throat until he has made a trail of glistening spit down over your shoulder, your collarbone, and finally down between your breasts. It’s nice but it’s a lot.
“Stop,” you say to him as he seems lost in the moment. You rest your hands on the back of his neck, threading your fingers through the soft curls there. He lifts his head to look at you, and you smile gently. Your face feels hot, “I need you to go slow… Sorry, I’m not ruining it, am I? I just told you to stop…”
“What? No. No, mi amor (my love),” he reassures but even if his kisses have made you wet, you feel overwhelmed with the idea that things might not be the same ever again. You shift slightly underneath him, and he presses a soft kiss to your collarbone whilst watching your expression in case it’s still uncomfortable for you. 
“I think it might take a while for me to be ready tonight, I can’t just jump back in,” you swallow after confessing it but Javier nods in understanding. 
“That’s okay, baby. It’s only been two months,” he crawls up to hover over you, abandoning whatever he was doing even if he was enjoying it, and you still rest your hands on the back of his neck. 
“I mean you’re so,” you decide to feed his ego to make your reluctance up to him even if it’s not necessary, “… Big.”
Javier snorts. He seems to find it more funny than flattering, “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah,” you giggle, “Biggest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Listen,” he turns serious, resting on one of his forearms to reach for your hand on the back of his head. He pulls it down so he can hold your hand in his. He entwines your fingers, “Do you want to stop? I won’t get angry at you.”
“And not even try?” You avoid his gaze.
“Hey, mírame (look at me),” he replies and you do, “If that’s what you want. No matter what you say, we made progress tonight.”
“I masturbated in the shower,” you deadpan. 
Javier laughs but he kisses your lips a few times, “And it was fucking sexy. I’ll be satisfied with just watching that for the rest of my life if I had to, but I do like the thought of Lucas not being an only child.”
“Slow down, Peña,” you teasingly scold him, feeling your anxiety fade as he makes you laugh and thus relax, “You just got your first baby. I am not a factory.”
“What are you then?” He wiggles his brows.
“Your wife,” you say with a grin. 
“Oh, right, that’s right,” he moves to kiss your neck again and you find that you let him. He moves slower than before, trailing his lips across your throat from one shoulder to the other. He takes his time and doesn’t rush the way that he probably would like to, “That’s right, you’re my wife.” 
“Husband,” you moan softly and feel him smile against your skin. He goes further down and goosebumps rise on your skin when the flat of his tongue licks around one of your nipples. You push your chest out, needing more because it starts a fire in your belly. To think that he hadn’t even gotten this far just moments ago. 
“You like that?” He asks, pressing a kiss to the side of your right breast. He looks up at you through his lashes before he licks the little nub again, it has hardened into a peak. The nerves are so sensitive there now that you are breastfeeding, and you hadn’t even given it a second thought that it could be something to enjoy with him. 
“Yeah,” you sigh and stare down at the top of his head. He moves to bend your legs, spreading them apart so he can lie down between them and kiss your tits. 
“I can’t wait to see how wet this’ll get you, baby,” he murmurs as he concentrates. He starts with the right side, letting his mouth fall open until he can press a hot, open-mouthed kiss to your nipple and suck just a little as he pulls back. He does it again. You curl your toes and whine. 
“Oh,” you are panting already from the connection it appears to have with your cunt, “Keep going.”
Javier doesn’t hesitate. He skims his hand up and down your side until he dares cup your breast, looking up at you for confirmation that you aren’t uncomfortable. You bite your lip and nod. 
Your husband applies the gentlest amount of pressure. He doesn’t remove his hand again, keeping your breast in his palm as he takes your nipple between his lips once more. However, this time he sucks without pulling away, and much to your surprise, as he massages you too, you feel a few drops of milk slip into his mouth. 
“Javi!” You say in a horrified voice, starting to squirm, “I’m so sorry. Oh my God, ohmygodohmygodohmy—“
But Javier only seems to be spurred on by this. In fact, he starts to coax out more milk to satisfy the hunger that he didn’t even know he had in him. You hear him mumbling something, telling you not to worry about it. He sucks, laps, and catches each drop that escapes his mouth and streaks your beautiful chest whilst your eyes roll back and your clit throbs. 
Your hands find his hair. You tug without making him pull away from you, and pressure builds as his skilled tongue moves in circles around your now-puffy nipple. He takes the peak between his lips again and again, the sound of wet kisses towards skin filling the room, and he drinks like he is parched. 
Eventually, you feel too tender to go on and something inside of you fears that you might actually come from this even if it seems ridiculous to be terrified of that happening. You don’t think you have ever had breasts this sensitive in your life, and whilst it has been nice for you to have Javier pay attention to your chest, this is new territory and it’s overwhelming above all else. 
The grip you have on his hair intensifies, “Baby. Can you switch? I’m getting sore.”
“Of course,” he draws back slowly and gently noses along your spit-slicked nipple and presses one last soft kiss. You twitch underneath the touch. 
“Javi,” you stress. 
But he follows through and switches over to the left. The sensation of him using his tongue on you here as well is exquisite, eliciting a string of higher and higher moans from your throat. 
God, he knows what he is doing with his mouth and soon wetness has started to smear your inner thighs after seeping through your underwear. You know Javier will lose his mind when he sees it.
Though right now, he is busy as his tongue flicks repeatedly across the hardened nub. Milk trails down your stomach at first and then suddenly squirts when he pinches your right nipple without warning. 
“Oh!” You gasp and feel your pulse getting stronger between your legs. You lift your head, “Jesus. This is—“
“The hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” he interrupts you as if he knows you are going to degrade yourself in some way. You were in fact going to call it messy. He kisses your breast open-mouthed again, sucking your nipple into his mouth until you give in to a moan, “¡Dios mío (my God)! You taste like candy. Sweetest fuckin’ thing ever.”
“You need to—“ you can barely speak as his tongue curls around your hardened peak. He flicks his tongue back and forth over it afterward.
“Yes?” He stops to let you talk and nibbles right at the roundness of your breast. 
“I can’t do this anymore, we gotta do something else or I’ll come,” you don’t even hear how absurd it is to make it sound like a problem. Below you, Javier nearly chokes at hearing that.
“Jesus, how devastating that would be,” he says sarcastically. With a quick glance up at you, he decides to keep going to which you do not protest. He lavishes you with nips and sucks, building something low in your belly, “Then come, mi vida (my life).”
You try to catch your breath as your cunt pulses but suddenly an orgasm crashes over you and makes you lose it altogether. There’s milk everywhere. You cry for him after a moment of not being able to make a sound, hands falling to the sides so you don’t end up pulling strands of hair from his scalp. Your back arches, your throat scratches from the noise you make, and below you, Javier watches with absolute wonder.
“Are you okay?” He eventually asks, sitting up a little to follow your wishes if you should have any. When you don’t respond, too busy panting, he starts rubbing your thighs soothingly until you come back to him. 
“That’s never happened before,” you say, “I didn’t think…”
“Was it good?” He watches you with a tiny smirk.
You nod.
“Do you want more?” He continues. 
You don’t hesitate despite the circumstances. Twenty minutes ago, you would have doubted even being kissed. You nod.
“And what does my baby want?” He looks down between your legs. When you don’t reply, he starts suggesting things, “Want me to play with your perfect pussy? We can stop anytime you want.”
You whimper instead of using actual words. It’s now that you realize the pressure inside of you telling you how much you need to feel him inside of you, and you’ll take it any way you can. Perhaps it’ll be easier to start out this way. 
“Yeah?” He sounds almost a bit mocking, moving to stand on his knees between your spread legs, “That what my girl wants?”
“Yeah,” you reply breathlessly.
Javier swears quietly as he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your panties, pulling them down and watching the fabric cling to your wet seam. He inhales deeply as if to compose and behave himself, looking starved for more even as he already has a streak of white milk on his chin, “You are so goddamn wet for me, baby. She’s weeping, the poor thing.”
“Imagine how many men would worship the shape of your body,” he praises as soon as he has you naked below him, eyes glazed over by lust. He looks at you as if it’s the first time he has ever seen you, pupils dilated and mouth slightly open. You feel like a deer in the headlights of a car but you don’t dare interrupt him, don’t dare disturb the flow of words falling from his lips because they make your whole body burn with need instead of insecurity.
“I can’t believe that I was the one who got to make you my wife,” he tells you with a smile that shows you how pleased he is with himself as if it’s his greatest achievement - fuck everything else; the job, the money, the fame. He skims a hand over your belly before leaning down to kiss below your belly button, causing your muscles to jump underneath his warm mouth when he licks you clean of milk. Then his palm descends on your body, “Mhm, gonna show you how grateful I am. Stuff you full of my fingers.”
“Please,” you whine, jaw clenching as he slips a finger inside of you and tiny shivers seem unable to stop rolling over you. He straightens again to look at you for reassurance that everything is okay. You give him no reason to doubt.
After a few moments, he adds a second finger. He curls them upwards until he finds the little spot inside of you that makes you sing, and your hands grab at the sheets when he makes a come-hither motion over and over again.
“Javi,” you breathe desperately. 
“Yes?” He doesn’t halt, only slows down slightly to concentrate on what you are going to ask of him. The look in his eye tells you that he’ll give you anything. 
“I love you,” you moan towards the ceiling instead. The wet squelches of your cunt are obscene to listen to, bouncing off the walls along with your continuous gasping for air as he makes you unable to breathe properly. 
“I know, baby, I know. I love you too,” he grinds the heel of his hand down against your mound, reminding you briefly of how he made love to you the first time ever. He rubs your clit on the outside and works the pads of his fingers over your g-spot on the inside. Fast. The world fades away around you until you suddenly find yourself coming again, Javier’s eyes widening at how quickly you have gotten there once more, “Christ, baby. You are just insatiable tonight. Has it been too long?”
“I want you,” you completely ignore the question. You shake through your high, not even planning on begging but it’s almost too much not to have him fuck you, “I can— ah, I can take your cock. I can. Please. I need you inside of me.” 
Javier growls. He shoves his underwear down, moving on the bed for a moment until he is completely naked. You reach for him with newfound confidence, and he enters your embrace and slides both arms underneath you to hug you back. The kiss he gives you is so longing that you almost want to cry from all the emotion it exudes. He loves you so much. He would never do anything to hurt you. It is so clear at that moment. 
“Make love to me,” you moan into his mouth, thumbs drawing down the sides of his face until you can move your hands to the nape of his neck. He is warm against your chest, the curls at the back of his neck slightly damp from sharing your body heat for so long.
It takes a mere few seconds for him to reach down between your bodies. You make a little gasp as he pushes into you. He is slow in his movements, almost making it seem like he isn’t moving his hips forward at all, and he keeps his eyes on yours to make sure your face’s contortion isn’t because of pain. 
You grab at the pillowcase, clutching it into your grip as he fills you up. Your breathing is loud and hard, your eyes a little wider than usual. There’s a little resistance but you try to relax into it, accept his cock even if it’s with trembles of your body.
“This okay?” He asks with a voice that is marked by his own restraint. 
You nod repeatedly. You want to punch the bed. Instead, you reach to grab his bicep and hold on for dear life as he gets deep inside of you. You aren’t sure if you have overdone it by coming two times already because you are so sensitive, your walls fluttering around his length but oh, you want him so badly that you take it with your eyes rolling back into your skull.
After a few very long moments, he is fully inside of you. His chest rises and falls quickly, breathing strained because of how much he has missed being engulfed by your heat. You hold onto his arms which flex underneath your touch, and then he moves inside of you for the first time in two months. 
The cry that releases from your throat makes your voice break and Javier’s groan follows right after. You become a sweaty mess of limbs, clutching at each other as if you can’t get close enough. You pant his name, kiss him deeply, and dig your fingers into his skin hard enough to bruise.
“I’ve missed you,” you tell him through whimpers.
“You’re perfect, mi amor (my love),” he replies in a gruff voice, “I love to fuck you.”
Javier cannot help his mouth when you make him feel like this. He thrusts harder into you, moving his weight to his forearm so he can slide his free hand under you to press it against the small of your back. He lifts your pelvis into his own, arching you until no one would be able to tell where he starts and you finish. 
Then he speeds up his hips and you see stars. You throw both arms around him, holding onto your wrist to keep them there. He drives into you with determination to make you scream, and as you do, you try to imagine how beautiful his golden back is glistening with sweat. 
“Fucking love making you come,” he continues, planting a kiss on your jaw that was probably supposed to be on your mouth, “Over and over and over. Are you gonna come for me?”
“Yes, yes, God, yes, baby,” you can feel his pubic bone grinding into your clit, building your peak quickly, “Keep going— don’t, oh my God, don’t stop!”
“Wouldn’t dream— fuck, I wouldn’t dream of it, my love,” he sounds close to, giving you everything he has to make you tip over the edge a third time. He always tells you how much he loves you choking his cock until he spills inside of you.
So when you come, a hitched breath turning into a series of cries for God, he does too. It is two months of built-up tension and emotions, and you find yourself crying in his arms as waves of pleasure take hold of you and take you with them. You are gone, lost to the world of burning desire and ecstasy. 
After he pulls out of you, the sense of time is an unknown concept in the silence that follows. You cry quietly because nothing else can convey what you feel. After all, you feel so close to him again. Javier brushes each tear away with his thumb, murmuring soft and comforting words. 
“You did so good,” are the first words that actually make sense to you. He noses along your shoulder to kiss you there, “I don’t deserve you. You are the most beautiful woman in this world.”
You chuckle breathlessly but fresh tears just fall down your cheeks. Javier rolls off of you to make things less intense, looking at you from where he is lying on his side, “Don’t cry. There’s nothing to cry about. You were so beautiful.” 
“Sorry,” you say instantly and wipe tears away with the back of your hands. 
“No,” he objects, “That’s not what I meant.”
He is silent for a moment. Then he lays his palm on your stomach, “What do you need?”
“To pee and get cleaned up,” you feel embarrassed without knowing why, “My legs feel like jelly.”
“Fuck it, let’s see if mine do too,” he is on his feet before you can protest, telling you to scoot closer and when you do, he picks you up bridal style. 
He carries you to the bathroom, making a comment about your wedding night, and then lets you pee and wipes you down with a damp cloth afterward, both your sensitive cunt and breasts. You kiss him more times than you can count when he takes you back to bed again. 
In the morning, you watch him bounce Lucas in his arms when he thinks you are asleep. He is making funny faces and blowing raspberries on your son’s chubby cheeks, talking so gently that you can’t help but simply roll onto your other side, smile gently to yourself, and fall back into slumber.
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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Kakashi’s jealousy towards pakkun
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You and Kakashi have been dating for two years and recently decided to move in together. It was about 6 months into the relationship when you have out that Kakashi had not only 8 dogs but ninja dogs that could talk. 
You had a particular interest in the little laid back pug named Pakkun. 
It was a dream to come true that you and Kakashi moved in together along with being able to take care of Pakkun when Kakashi was away. 
You picked up the hobby of knitting dog clothes after you’ve seen a TikTok of dogs in onesies and pjs and other cute outfits that you couldn’t resist and decided to make clothes for Pakkun. 
Though you weren’t the best at making outfits at first, you were determined to make Pakkun the cutest outfits possible and to dress him up everyday with a different outfit. 
You had made hats, socks, dresses (though Pakkun was reluctant to wear), onesies and outfits for every holiday and you were currently knitting a Christmas pattern onesie while sitting on the couch with Pakkun on your lap while classic Christmas movies were playing on the tv. 
You heard a distant sound of the front door unlocking as Kakashi came back home from a three day mission. He walked to the living room and saw you and Pakkun snuggled up together on the couch and felt a sense of comfort of being back home but also a tinge of jealousy as he was unable to spend as much time with you as he would like because of his profession. 
He hoped that allowing Pakkun to be with you would ease your worries of being alone and the risk of Kakashi not being able to come back to you if one of his missions failed tragically. 
However, it seems like he had nothing to worry about as he often saw you sitting on the couch with Pakkun in your lap sitting like an infant with his arms folded like chicken wings smirking up at Kakashi  as you were making adjustments to his newest onesie. 
“Welcome back home” Pakkun said to Kakashi as Kakashi made his way around the couch to sit down next to you. “Seems like you’re very comfortable Pakkun” Kakashi said to Pakkun just before he lowered his mask to kiss the side of your cheek whispering in your ear “I missed you honey”. “I missed you too” you said, responding to Kakashi with a small smile as you turned to look at him. 
“Is this your latest creation?” Kakashi asked you as he examined the red and white onesie on pakkun with subtle pink bow ties within the pattern. 
“Yes I went to the craft store just the other day and saw these cute Christmas fabrics on sale and decided to make Pakkun a onesie for Christmas. I thought it would be cute to have him in it for the Christmas pictures this year” you said to Kakashi.
 For the past two years you and Kakashi decided to take pictures together every Christmas and new year as it is part of a traditional thing between the two of you. You also decided to include Pakkun in the Christmas pictures as part of being like a family.
  Kakashi was sort of reluctant to include Pakkun to the holiday pictures at first as he saw it as an intimate moment for you and him only, but he eventually learned to accept that Pakkun was being included in the majority of the holiday pictures. 
However, it was different that you were making different Christmas outfits and to have a photo shoot with Pakkun trying out different outfits. “You don’t have to worry about making him more outfits. I thought Pakkun had enough outfits for Christmas? Kakashi said solemnly. 
“I know but I wanted to make  new outfits and to have matching red outfits like the families in tv commercials “ you said as you showed him your finished pj set with the same red and white patterns.
 “Ohh” Kakashi said a little shocked that you were going to have matching outfits with Pakkun and not with him. 
“What’s wrong?” You said to Kakashi. “Nothing. I just thought that you and Pakkun are very close together, not that I’m too upset about it since I’m not here with you all the time… but I wished that we could also have our moments with just you and me”Kakashi responded. 
“Awww, you seem jealous Kakashi~ Come here” you cooed as you opened your arms to Kakashi, waiting to plop into your arms. Kakashi scoots closer until he’s in your arms and lays his head between your breasts (his favorite place btw) and hugs you back. 
“Just because you see me caring for Pakkun doesn’t mean I forgot about you, hun” you said, stroking his silver fluffy hair. “ In fact, I have a little surprise for you”. 
Kakashi leans up slightly as you begin to move to the small dark red box by the couch and offers the box to him. “Merry Christmas hun, these are just one of your gifts for now, but I think you should open it since you’re a little ‘jelly’ about Pakkun getting everything”.
 Kakashi smirks as he reaches for the box in your hand and sees numerous face masks for every holiday and to spice up his style since he always wears the same black face mask. 
Kakashi couldn’t hold his laughter as he felt the jealousy wash away after seeing all the decorative masks. He pulls his mask down and puckers you with kisses from your lips and neck, gently pushing you into the couch, leaving him on top of you. Kakashi embraces you in a warm hug and smiles “Thank you baby, I love them~”
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warwickroyals · 10 months ago
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WARWICK | Little Charlotte Gown
There's not enough children's CC around these parts, so I've decided to make some inspired by Princess Charlotte of Wales, who turns nine tomorrow. There are two dresses, a solid colour and patterned version, and they are available for children, toddlers, and infants. Enjoy!
Infant, toddler, and child
Base game compatible
All maps and LODS
4k polys + 61 combined swatches
Custom thumbnails + disabled for random
DOWNLOAD (Free on Patreon)
@sssvitlanz | @itsjessicaccfinds |  @alwaysfreecc | @mmfinds | @oshinsimfinds | @elfdor | @simseyccfinds | @oatfindss | @helgatishaccreblog | @clovermilktea | @farfallafinds | @dreamstatesimsfinds | @llamasfinds  | @oakiyocc | @sojufinds | @lightsleepertrait | @pgriegr | @public-ccfinds | @mmoutfitters @farfallafinds | @simylafinds
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system-to-the-madness · 17 days ago
Perfect - Zuko x Reader
Pairing: Zuko x fem!Reader Word Count: 2 715 Warnings: mentions of kidnapping of children, child slavery, war Summary: After the war is over, Zuko shares his worries with you A/N: Can be read as a oneshot; Part Eleven (aka the Last Part) of the series Perfect (10 times Zuko thought you were perfect and the first time he told you)
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Zuko's fingertips were grazing the surface of the pond's water, creating gentle ripples in their path. A turtle duck chick came paddling over, nudging his warm fingers with its cool beak. Pushing his hand underneath the hard shell, he fished the chick out of the water, which, used to the motion, relaxed its legs and patiently waited to be settled down in the folds of his dark red robe where his fingers absentmindedly stroked the top of its feathered head.
It had been two months since the war had ended, since Aang had defeated Zuko's father and Zuko been crowned as Fire Lord. And if he had thought he could relax a little after that, he had been completely wrong about it.
There were treaties he had to make with the other kingdoms. Under his command the colonies in the earth kingdom had started to be dissolved. And there was the matter of these re-education facilities for kidnapped earth kingdom children. Together with him you had freed your sister from one, but as Fire Lord he had learned of three more of these schools. A total of almost two thousand kidnapped kids. Some had been separated from their parents at such a young age for such a long time that there was no hope of finding their families. Some children had been already reunited with theirs, others were still searching. And if Zuko was being honest, it was a tragedy.
There were families that had been whipped out, no parents left, children who would forever keep looking for their mothers or fathers and never find them. There were parents, who's infants had been taken years ago, who now looked at the faces of a bunch of school children, trying to figure out if either of them was theirs. And in all cases, this was the most important to Zuko, it was necessary to always consider the child's happiness and wellbeing before anything else.
If there was a chance that the people claiming a child was theirs were in the wrong, there had to be thorough investigations. If people offered to adopt a child, their backgrounds had to be checked, leaving no stone unturned to figure out if there was any indication the child might suffer with their new parents. It was a hard affair. Emotional, and yet brutally rational.
It was hard carrying all this responsibility atop of his already overwhelming duties as Fire Lord, and even though a capable team was helping in the matter of the kidnapped children, he still felt like he was carrying all the weight himself. If it weren't for you, he probably wouldn't be able to catch a single wink of sleep at night.
He knew it was hard for you to be separated from your sister again, but Xiang had decided against moving into the palace with you and instead moved to Ba Sing Se with Uncle Iroh, who she seemed to have taken a liking to. Even knowing your sister was happier in Ba Sing Se than she would have been here, Zuko knew you missed her terribly.
As if the thought of you had summoned you, he heard the familiar pattern of your steps approach the pond along one of the gravel paths. Zuko lazily leant his head back, his hair falling into his neck as he watched you walk over to him, a soft smile on your face as you approached him. Your hair was bound in a style that seemed like a mixture of traditional Fire Nation Fashion and Earth Kingdom techniques. Your long dress played around your legs in the warm breeze of the sunny morning, and Zuko once again was hit by the realization and wonderment that this perfect person approaching him was the girl who let him love her. A smile tucked at his lips, but yours seemed to falter as you closed in.
“Am I interrupting something,” you asked, making him furrow his brows as you crouched down beside him.
“No,” he answered, although it sounded more like a question. “Why would you?”
“You look… stressed,” you observed, as you reached past him, to run your fingertips over the tiny head of the turtle duck in Zuko’s lap.
“I’m not!” He was aware himself how defensive he sounded, even before you raised your eyebrows at him. But you didn’t comment on it.
“Do you want me to leave you alone?” It was a question asked without offence, one that really just asked what he wanted, and Zuko knew that if he told you he wanted to be alone, you would understand without being hurt about it. Still his answer was quicker than his own thoughts.
“No, please stay.”
You smiled at him softly and settled down in the grass beside him. The turtle duck quacked as if welcoming you.
For a while you sat in silence, Zuko occupying his hands with petting the small animal in his lap, while the only sounds around you were the soft gurgling of the brook that fed the pond and the birds singing from the roofs of the palace.
“I’m sorry,” he suddenly apologized. “I know I’m terrible company right now. It’s just- there’s so much going on and-”
“You don’t have to apologize,” you interrupted him. “I know you have a lot of things to take care of, to think through. It would be a lot even if you had been properly prepared for this position.”
“But I’ve been neglecting you and that’s inexcusable,” Zuko frowned, unable to meet your eyes.
He flinched at the soft touch of your fingers on his cheek as you turned his head to face you. His eyes wandered from your lap over your arm, past the scar he had inflicted on you, up the curve of your neck and the bow of your lips to your mesmerizing eyes. They were warm and compassionate as you asked: “How do you think you have been neglecting me?”
Zuko furrowed his brows and bit his lip, but under your gaze it was impossible to not answer honestly. “I haven’t spent much time with you recently, haven’t been talking to you as much as I should. I want to take better care of you, but in the evenings I’m so tired that I can’t even read to you or enjoy making music together. I feel like I’ve cast you aside and you must feel as if I only use you to find comfort.”
“Do I not bring you comfort,” you asked, running your hands from his cheek down his neck and settling it in his nape, playing with the strands there. The sensation sent a shiver down Zuko’s spine, and he closed his eyes while he hummed appreciatively.
“You do,” he confirmed, “But I don’t want you to think that’s the only reason I want to be with you. I love you,” the words slipped over his lips so easily that he didn’t even notice. “And I want to be able to make you feel loved but instead I’m either locked up in councils or behind a desk the whole day and when I’m not, I’m too lost in my mind, worrying over the responsibility I carry, to pay the due attention to you.”
Zuko’s eyes were still closed, so he startled at the sensation of your lips brushing against his, an innocent kiss, much more innocent than the ones you had begun exchanging recently behind locked doors. But it was more than enough to make his heart skip a beat and his breath hitch. His eyes flickered open to finding your face right in front of his. He occasionally had to remind himself that you were a capable fighter and an increasingly skilled fire bender, because the love in your gaze made it all too easy to forget how dangerous you could be.
“I love you, too,” you whispered, pecking his lips again under his observing gaze, before you gently guided him to lay down in your lap. The turtle duck chick in his own lap adjusted to the new position, cuddling into Zuko’s hand. “And I understand that it’s hard for you. There are so many duties all of a sudden. You took over a kingdom that has been at war for the past hundred years, and now you’re trying to bring peace, righting wrongs that were committed generations ago. Nobody would claim this to be an easy task, and I hope you know how proud and impressed I am at the work you are doing alongside everyone.” As you were talking Zuko closely watched your face, the honesty and love that didn’t just shimmer in your voice but also your eyes. “I know you must feel like you are prioritizing your work over us, but please know that I don’t feel neglected at all. I know you make time to have every meal together with me, even if it doesn’t fit your schedule as nicely as your advisors would like to. And maybe you don’t talk to me all the time. But you don’t have to. You are allowed to have your own private thoughts. Which isn’t to say I am not interested in hearing what’s going on in here,” you tapped his forehead gently. “But you don’t have to feel pressured into talking to me. Or listening to me, but I’ve never felt like you didn’t listen when I wanted you to. And you are allowed to just want to sit in silence, too, you know. It’s okay, we don’t have to spend our time together always talking. We can sit in silence, too. That’s okay.”
“But wouldn’t that been boring for you,” Zuko asked, his free hand absentmindedly reaching up to the hand print shaped scar he had unintentionally left on your left arm all those months ago. “I often feel like I don’t want to talk, but I want you around. But can’t ask you to just keep me company without any entertainment.”
“Do you really think I’d only enjoy spending time with you if you entertain or reward me,” you wondered quietly, sounding almost hurt.
Zuko’s fingers brushed over the well healed, slightly raised tissue of the scar, not meeting your gaze and not answering.
“Has it ever occurred to you, that I enjoy spending time with you just because I get to be with you?”
Zuko swallowed thickly as you leant over him, your face covering the blue sky above you.
“You’re an idiot,” you accused, softly knocking your forehead against Zuko’s with a pout.
“Sorry,” he smiled embarrassedly. “It’s just… hard to comprehend, you know.”
You hummed. “I knew I agreed to date a whole bunch of insecurities alongside this pretty face, so I shouldn’t complain.”
Zuko knew you were teasing him, but the compliment didn’t fall on deaf ears and a blush crept into his cheeks.
“You know,” you sat up straight again, your fingers coming to comb through his dark hair, “I enjoy just sitting with you, we don’t have to talk or read or make music. I enjoy sitting just like this. I know you have so many things to do, that you need some time to sort out your thoughts and feelings, I need that too, sometimes. And if you want to be alone for that, you can tell me, and I’ll give you space. But if you want me to just sit with you, I’m happy to do that, too. You don’t have to be afraid to ask.”
Zuko pressed his lips together to hide their quivering. Instead, he focused on tracing your scar again while he felt the turtle duck chick in his other hand nap off.
“Do you remember that one conversation we had once? About having to give feelings space sometimes,” he asked.
You nodded quietly, beginning to braid his hair before undoing it again.
“I think I sometimes just need to do that. I don’t want to be alone for it, because I’m bad with feelings and sometimes they are scary, and having you with me makes me feel safe enough to confront these feelings. But it’s important to do it, to do it this way. And I feel like you understand me.”
You hummed quietly. “I think I do,” you agreed.
For a moment both of you were quiet, you playing with Zuko’s hair and Zuko watching you closely. The light reflecting from the surface of the pond was dancing across your face, lighting up your eyes every other moment, making your hair glow. Zuko suddenly realized that he had probably never felt as peaceful as right now. He felt comfortable, resting in your lap, feeling your warm legs underneath his head, your hands tucking his hair carefully. He felt understood by you, and appreciated. Not something he had a lot of experience with. And he wasn’t quite sure how he deserved someone so perfect at his side. He had never told you, he thought, how perfect he thought you were. So, taking this quiet moment as his chance, he voiced his feelings.
“I sometimes feel scared, because I don’t know how I could ever deserve being with someone as perfect as you, and it makes feel like I might lose you at any moment,” he confessed.
You continued playing with his hair, not meeting his eyes as you answered. “You’re not losing me,” you told him, and the confidence with which you said this was almost enough to convince him of it to be true. “Besides, I’m far from perfect.”
“No, you’re not,” Zuko disagreed determinedly. “You’re perfect. You’re perfect to me.”
Your fingers stilled in his hair and your eyes finally met his. There was a vulnerability in them, that made Zuko’s heart stutter and if your gaze hadn’t frozen him in place, he would have sat up and wrapped you in his arms.
“You really think that,” you asked quietly, and he nodded quickly, hoping his confession wouldn’t scare you off. But instead, you smiled even though he was certain he had seen tears beginning to rise in your eyes. “It makes me very happy to hear that,” you admitted and leant down to kiss his forehead.
You didn’t tell him that you thought he was perfect, too. And Zuko was glad you didn’t. Somehow it would have felt like it would have taken away from the importance of his message to you if you had, and he was happy you accepted his sentiment the way it was without feeling the need to repay the compliment. Instead, you returned to sitting back up, and braiding filigree patterns into his hair while he held the sleeping turtle duck in one hand and had the other wrapped in your dress, while watching your face over him. There were no further words exchanged between the two of you until almost two hours later a bell rung for lunch, and Zuko couldn’t deny that he had never felt more refreshed and relaxed after a break than after sitting with you, even if it was in silence.
It wasn’t until a good while later that you eventually told him you felt like he was perfect to you. It was a compliment Zuko had neither wished nor hoped for, nor expected. But of course, it made him happy to hear, although at that point it had been a knowledge that had settled deep into his soul already. It was the way you treated him every day, the way you treated each other every day, that had woven the subconscious realization into his very being. It was a form of respect you paid each other, not the respect you paid someone of authority but someone you admired. You were teasing each other, laughing with each other. You could sit in silence for hours or talk all through the night without ever growing bored of each other’s company. Of course you had disagreements, but even then, it never felt as if they threatened the bond that connected you now. And when Zuko told you about how he had fallen in love with you while saving you and Aang from Pohuai Stronghold, he admitted you your amusement and his shame, that he still didn’t know why he hadn’t understood from the first moment on how perfect you were.
The End
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A/N: This concludes the series! Thank you all for reading! I've had the idea for this first almost a year back, and am now in a very different place than i was then. I finished writing my last exams of my Bachelor's degree today (assuming i don't fail), and can fully focus on writing my thesis from march on. I'm glad i finally got this story out in the world and am happy and greateful for everyone who enjoyed reading it!
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leonardoeatscarrots · 4 months ago
Probably reading into it too much, but it's interesting that Viktor's waistcoat folds over the left side instead of the standard.
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Most mens clothing buttons/fastens over the right with the left side on top like so:
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While women's clothing folds the other way:
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Supposedly, this is not to distinguish gender, but to aid in dressing. This distinction dates back to when most [upper class] women were assisted in dressing. It was easier for [right handed] servants to fasten clothing which was buttoned over the wearer's left. Men, however, would dress themselves and had an easier time buttoning clothes that folded over the right.
Now, in today's society (or in the society of Arcane) this is irrelevant as most people dress themselves (with the exception of those with mobility or cognitive issues such as infants, the elderly, or the disabled). Thus, this has become nothing more than a gender-distinguishing trait in fashion.
This probably doesn't mean anything, but I noticed it while looking at references for my cosplay. It bothers me.
The possible takeaways are as follows:
Viktor wears women's clothing for a plethora of possible reasons (trans viktor confirmed!!!!?!?!??)
Viktor lacks the motor skills needed to fasten his clothes and requires some form of help
He's left handed and has custom clothing to aid mobility
It's symbolic of his physical ability and independence (like how vi and jinx have Vs and Xs in their designs)
It's a meaningless design trait that the artists incorporated without any deep, hidden meaning and I'm just projecting my historical fashion hyperfixation onto my current project.
(Although please note that every male character has vests/blazers/coats that fold over the correct way or down the middle, with the exception of Viktor and also Heimerdinger for some reason) (but also note that I didn't check every character) (and I don't seriously believe any of this, I'm just bothered by the knowledge that the way everyone's clothes fold over is seemingly random and has nothing to do with established fashion norms and no other apparent pattern. But the idea of trans viktor, however unlikely, was enough to cast my findings into the void.)
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pluto-sims · 2 years ago
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Big Foot, Little Grunge - A Dress for Adults
eeeeeee so after semi-abandoning this to make a kids version, i've finally finished the adults version! Now your kids and parents can match to their cryptid-loving heart's content lmao.
details and download under the cut!
@maxismatchccworld @emilyccfinds @mmfinds @mmoutfitters
BGC dress for adults
Dress comes with 36 swatches from my Bigfoot Patterns set
T-Shirt colour overlay with 34 swatches can be found in the gloves category
Bag colour overlay with 35 swatches can be found in the rings category
custom thumbnail, disabled for random and all that jazz
Matches the kids version which you can find here
aaaaaaaaaaaand i think that's it? I really hope you like it! I'm also working on matching ones for toddlers and infants, too, so the whole family can join in on the bigfoot fun!
Download: curseforge / patreon (both 100% free for everyone, always)
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critical-birb · 6 months ago
Another Rito headcanon of the day!
Young Rito start learning to fly when they first grow in their primary and secondary flight feathers, around age four/five.
Around age seven/eight is when Rito boys will typically start learning to shoot a bow or use basic weapons.
There's a speculation from other domains that Rito culture is a little on the sexist side for not having female warriors, however Rito have a significantly different view on gender identity to many races. There is no way to biologically know if a Rito is male of female at birth because they all have cloaca, so whether or not you are an egg layer or not doesn't become apparent until adolescence. Instead of determining their gender by anatomy, infant Rito are all considered genderless until they either begin to take an interest in more 'masculine' or 'feminine' activities, and they sort of decide their own gender in childhood. Rito warriors are typically all male because wanting to fight is considered a male activity. Many Rito warriors lay eggs and are still considered men.
When Rito warriors turn eighteen, they receive a coming of age ceremony. The young warrior is dressed in ceremonial clothing and must battle with an elder warrior and win. Once they have proven their strength, the young warrior receives two traditional arrowheads of the tribe which are worn at the end of their braids to show their maturity.
Warriors often wear a sash decorated with patterns which represent their legacy or family, and if a warrior is lost in battle, his companions will often paint his traditional patterns onto their own garb aside their own so that he may still join them in future battles.
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simverses · 6 months ago
Tutors of Tudor - Court Dress: Duchess
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Converted from the Sims 3 Store set Tutors of Tudor, edited and adapted for Sims 4.
Available for All Ages, infants to elder ladies!
87 swatches. Adorned with a hanging cross accessory and sleeves with fur. This variations has several different patterns.
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(There are two more variations - a total of 258 swatches for this dress model. Fun fact: the original dress for Sims 3 was a child's dress)
Files merged. Adult version contains the textures. Unmerge if you need to merge with other packages or edit in any way. I recommend keeping the files together.
Download Tutors of Tudor - Court Dress: Duchess (Curseforge)
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adjusted-karma · 1 year ago
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Baby's First Halloween (Patreon DL | SFS DL)
11 BGC costume items for infants. All items tagged for feminine + masculine sims - Everyday/party category - Disallowed for random
Royal Crown:  Hat (brimless) - 12 Swatches
Unicorn Horn Headband: Hat (brimless) - 13 Swatches
Cat Ears Headband: Hat (brimless) - 28 Swatches
Witch Hat (V1 - with spider): Hat (brim) - 7 Swatches
Witch Hat (V2 - no spider): Hat (brim) - 7 Swatches
Cat Whiskers Facepaint: Facepaint - 3 Swatches
Scawy Leggings: Leggings - 17 Swatches
Sparkly Leggings: Leggings - 16 Swatches
Halloween Onesie: Sets - 32 Swatches
Ariadne Dress V1: Short dress - 40 solid swatches
Ariadne Dress V2: Short dress - 32 Pattern/gradient swatches
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simstomaggie · 1 year ago
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Robin Onesie
I found so many cute patterns for children/babies, so I decided to make this onesie for Infants! There are patterns that might traditionally be more geared towards girls, some towards boys, and most are completely unisex. But it was important to me to put all of them into one file so that you get to decide how to dress your sim child ;)
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78 swatches: 60 patterns, 18 solids
basegame compatible
normal polycount
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cc: @maxismatchccworld @mmfinds @mmoutfitters @public-ccfinds @sssvitlanz ♥
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triptychcryptid · 1 month ago
Free excuse to give out fun facts about Shermie over here.
Sherman likes to wear short sleeved button downs (open with a plain shirt underneath) with fun patterns on them. Usually space themed, sometimes 80's nostalgia or dinos. He usually wears these at the office since he has to dress up a bit. Out and about, it's usually a nerdy tshirt and Jeans. XD
His favorite ice cream flavor is Cookie Dough. He also just really likes ice cream with chunks of stuff like cheese cake or cookie bits in it.
Dipper's pen clicking habit was passed down from Sherman to his son to Dipper. XD It drives Linda nuts.
Sherman never pushed his son to get into science or space stuff. He DID notice his kid was REALLY good at reading people (like a certain brother of his) so he encouraged him to take criminology, psyche and philosophy classes, which he LOVED. He became a Criminal Profiler.
He totally knows that Stan is NOT Stanford. Come on, he grew up with them Ford suddenly wants to be called Stan? Nah. No way. XD He just thinks it was Ford that actually died and Stan went a little crazy. Stan is pretty sure Sherman knows, but neither of them mention it. Linda also knows but was sworn to secrecy. Plus, she never met Ford and only knew Stan.
He would frequently be found by his in-laws asleep in a rocking chair with his infant son after Linda got home from the hospital because he was taking over all the baby care while still trying to finish school so she could recover. The In-Laws quickly took over on most of the baby care to take some pressure off Sherman and let him focus more on school. Stan was there to help for the first month, as well.
Sherman loves Journey, Kansas, Stix and Queen, but also delves a little into New Wave.
Favorite movies are War Games, Frequency, The Terminator, The original Evil Dead movies, and Alien. Also Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Spaceballs. XD He and Linda LOVE Big Bang, too. And the Office and Stranger Things. XD
When he's really upset or stressed out, he doesn't eat or sleep. Stan and Ford found as kids the way to get him to eat was to offer him some of what they had, and tell him he just needed to have ONE bite. He'd take the bite, which would activate his hunger, and he'd end up shoveling the rest of their food down. Then the exhaustion from not eating for so long, then suddenly eating a ton of food would make him conk out 20 minutes later. This still works on him. XD
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cosmindart · 1 month ago
Sangool Physiology and History
“Elf Owls” is the man given name to the Sangool species. In more casual settings they can also be referred to as the more simple term “ownfolks”. However do not be mistaken as they are not at all related to elves, instead they are distant cousins of the Vampire family.
Physical appearance
Growth Basics
They are very similar to humans in terms of aging and growth but aren’t a 1 to 1 copy. Here are some notable milestones and facts:
As infant they have rather large bulbous eyes that remain closed around 2 ot 3 month after they are born.
During the toddler to child stage they slowly grow their distinctive scales on their hands and feet.
When their reach puberty they can start shapeshifting for the first time
From 25 ro 68 their physical growth tend to plateau just like humans but past the age of 70 Sangools might start growing in size again depending on their blood intake
Their hair turn white with age but the feathers they grow remain vibrant
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Sangools have very recognisable faces: the have a strip of very short hair growing along their nose, big pointed ears and sometimes leathery face patterns know as “kherns”. These marks around their eyes come in 3 shapes based on a set of gene. The skin insn’t just slightly darker, it is texturally different. While the majority of their skin is fairly human-like their knerns are more close to chicken combs in terms of thickness and texture.
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The color and amount of scale growing on their limbs can change drastically just like for human and their body-hair (PS - Sangools can grow body-hair but it’s less common than for humans, also where-ever they grow hair they may also grow feathers!)
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Variables outside of genetics can change one’s scales, for example not having enough calcium in early childhood could result in weak scale growth or high amounts of blood being ingested during early development could cause scales to grow in places they aren’t supposed to.
Teeth and Blood
Drinking blood is an important part of Sangool culture but unlike Vampires they do not need it to survive. It does help them live longer lives but without it they can still comfortably live up to 120 years (with a constant blood intake they can live up to 250).
In the past their diet was heavily meat based and they would very frequently bite preys to steal their blood, modern populations are more omnivorous and Blood-sucking is mainly done of very special occasions resulting in the current Sangool to have less pronounced teeth on average.
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Blood drinking usually take place during the following events:
New year (any blood is accepted - animal or not)
Valentines Day (lovers drink each other’s blood)
Wedding (newly weds drink each other’s parent blood, or each other’s blood depending on regional traditions)
Birth of a child (baby will be bathed in a tub of animal blood and then fed a bit of it)
Various religious rituals
Various noble events
Sangool can turn into standard owls at will, this ability make them very desirable in domains such as scouting, message-delivery, hunting and even infiltration.
Being desired does not mean being treated well however. Countless Sangools have been taken against their will to be forced into labor. The use of Adamantite cuffs can force them to remain into whatever form their were in when the cuffs were locked onto them.
When switching form back and forth they do not have to dress and undress, their clothes remain with them, however some chose to take off some layers of clothes as some items can remain visible in own form which can make them too noticeable when the intent might be to blend in as an innocent feral owl.
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Customs and culture
Scholar Tattoos
Scholars are individuals who are recognized as the most knowledgeable on a certain subject or extremely skilled at something deemed “of high standing”. Getting a scholar tattoo is not too dissimilar to receiving a diploma.
The design of these tattoos are not up to the scholar themselves but based on the Noble family they serve under or who recognized their research. Many noble families have been lost through the war and only 6 main families remain meaning there are 6 official tattoo designs currently in use.
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Its very rare but not impossible for an individual to have a mix of two family tattoos. It would require someone to ear the scholar status in two different domain by two different family (you cannot be recognised by two different family for the same topic/skill)
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Blood Pearls
Blood Pearls are the widest-spread cultural custom in the Sangool population. It’s very common to see Sangool with various jewelry that feature red tear-drop or round red stones.
These were originally made specifically for married women using the blood of their husband. They would poor blood onto a metal sheet, let it dry to then turning it into a powder they’d then mix with some resin to create the gems.
Nowadays anyone of any gender can be seen sporting these Blood Pearls (married or not) and they tend to be made with red powder substitute rather than real blood.
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Union Necklace
This tradition used to go in pair with Blood pearls and were the husband equivalent of the drop earrings. While it never lost it’s marital meaning it’s rarely seen nowadays. Most Sangool have adopted the wedding rings tradition to show they are married.
The original design of the Union Necklace used to be a gold medal adorned with the person’s wife’s feathers, now they can also include Blood Pearls in their designs.
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Owl Effigies
Sangool do not bury not cremate their dead. They instead practice a form of “sky burial” where bodies are left for the wildlife to eat and clean. Before doing so it’s common for the family of the deceased to gather blood and feathers to create “Owl Effigies” to memorialize them. Its a bit similar to how some human compress ashes of loved ones to create gem pendents.
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Having bird-like feet that can be used almost like hands, it makes sense for these folk to not wear shoes that would prevent them from doing so; especially common folks and children. Most of the time these people will instead wear things more akin to gloves (with or without fingers) on their feet.
Sangool nobles rarely show themselves using their feet to pick-up or grasp things but rarely wear proper/closed shoes either, they’d rather wear long pants, dresses or cloaks that completely hide their feet in social settings where the majority of the crowd is wearing shoes.
There are a rare few cases of “proper shoes” made and worn by Sangool but they are rather niche like Mud Sandals used by some swamp settlements or the uncomfortable but “visually attractive” Eastern Platforms.
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thegoldensanctuary · 4 months ago
Part II C the larger paintings and the early furniture
Saint Cecile playing music
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Fig 30 : Dominiquin (Domenico Zampieri, dit Il Domenichino), Sainte Cécile avec un ange tenant une partition musicale, 1600/1625, 160 x 120 cm, Louvre, INV 793; MR 181.
Painted by Domenichino(fig 30) in the early 17th century it depicts saint Cecile playing cello while looking at the sky with a angel under the traits of an infant holding her partition. The artist chose to depict the saint wearing an outfit contemporary the artist’s life, which would have been anachronistic for a saint who live in the 3rd century. The painting was sold by Jabach to Louis XIV in 1662[22] and was placed, according to Piganiol, on the unique fireplace of the time on the southern wall.
King David playing the Harp
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Fig 31: Dominiquin (Domenico Zampieri, dit Il Domenichino), Le Roi David jouant de la harpe, vers 1619, 240 x 170 cm, huile sur toile, Château de Versailles, MV 5359
Painted by Domenichino (fig 31)around the same time as the painting previously discussed, it depicts King Davis paying the harp. Just like in the saint Cecile’s painting the main protagonist is assisted by an angel depicted as young boy holding the partition, while he is looking at the sky. But unlike the previous painting, in which background is dark, the one in the King David painting appears to follow the code of a state portrait : with a tapestries with golden fringes filling the upper right corner, and a column displayed on the left. It was purchased by Louis XIV to the heir of Mazarin in 1665[23].
2.3 The Furniture
The 1684 winter set :
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Fig 32 : 3d Recreation of set 1109, in the central salon in the Sims 4 engine
The 20th of November 1684 a large delivery of furniture is registered for the royal apartments in Versailles. Several sets of crimson velvet are placed in the King’s apartment. In the room where the King dresses the delivery mentions two armchairs, 16 stools 8 portiere tapestries covered in crimson velvet with gold fringes, and braids, registered under the number 1109[24](fig 32)while no specific seasonal use is mentioned it is nevertheless possible infer that the set in question was meant to used for winter, as the table cloth and daybed delivered alongside for the council cabinet under the number 1103[25], is, as late as 1740[26], still mentioned in said cabinet and used as a winter set, probably until 1749[27]. 
The 1700 summer set :
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Fig 33 : 3d Recreation of set 1870, in the central salon in the Sims 4 engine
In May 1700, Doublet delivered three new summer sets for King’s apartment under the numbers 1870,1871 and 1872, the set destined for the central salon, the 1870(fig 33), contained :
-8 portiere tapestries made of 3 pieces of brocade each
-3 armchairs and 12 folding stools covered in brocade, with gold fringes and braids, with their wood sculpted and gilded [28]
The brocade in question was described as “silver background brocade, with flowers embroidered in gold and silver, contoured with silk of different colors, with gold braids at the edge and taffeta lining.”[29], the brocade discharge includes several brocades with silver background used by doublet when making the upholsteries and portieres for those three sets. The 6th brocade listed is the one used for the confection of set 1870, its description goes as follow  :”brocade from Lyon with silver background, flowers patterns of gold and silver surrounded by thin contours of red, green and purple silk”[30], the descrition is almost identical to the original but includes however the specific colors used for the outline of the silver and gold raised patterns, the origin of that brocade can be traced to a delivery from the 12th of June 1698, initially destined for the royal chapel in Versailles, and who was given at the time the number 135[31].
[22] See number 53 of Le Brun’s inventory
[23] See number 125 of Le Brun’s inventory
[24] AN O1/3305, f⁰ 153 v⁰ ; Jules Guiffrey Inventaire général du mobilier de la couronne sous Louis XIV (1663-1715). Partie 2, p. 348, number 1109
[25] Ibid
[26] AN O1/3453 f⁰ 4 r⁰
[27] AN O1/3314 f⁰ 145 v⁰
[28] AN O1/3307 f⁰ 417 v⁰
[29] Ibid
[30] Ibid f⁰ 420 r⁰
[31] Ibid f⁰ 360 r⁰
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