definegodliness · 8 years
I love you maaaaaaaaaaaan
(allow me to take this out of context,I was inspired and words happened)
my love; my precious, treasured
time will thrust a wedge between usyetin the ongoing ruminations in which my mind is so prone to spiral
there will be a place for youamid thoughts, or ratherthe lack of such
there will be stories of you passed onfrom father to son, to grandchildgreat-grandchild eventuallyand even further downthis ancestral lineof guardingsoul
or whichever you have possessing me
remembrance is the closest thingto eternity, wouldn't youagree?
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the-way-to-horizon · 8 years
Your ink gushing prOfusely Embarking every moment scrupulously LitTle seeds of anamnesis Tall weeds of nemesis HoardIng the broken hopes Gluing back in those lines as ropes In your metaphoR stays Riddles of night and rays Bewitching the gRief Rooting gracefully, words in brief EnraptUred and embraced Gloriously in your fingers laced OBlivious you are, to your worded eternity Raucous whispers, immutable infinity. - An Acrostic for, of and dedicated to @infamouslyroggy
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maya-doolali · 8 years
Prompt: what kind of tree would you be if you could be a tree?
Roggy, this meat is on a transkingdom mission. 🍖🍗🌴🥓🌳🌲! 💉💊🔪🔨!! 🌱👍🏽!!!
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smittenbypoetry · 8 years
Thank you for your kindness. I am enjoying your commentary with each reblog! Keep it up :)
Nyctophilia, I believe it is called; a lover of night. That I am, and you played me well. The last line in Night & Day caught me completely off guard. Sending shivers down my spine because you turned a reluctant agreeing into a genuflection in awe of total acceptation. Arms, shunned, remain disarmingly welcoming; a hug when you need it most.
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soulreserve · 7 years
New favorite bloggers?
Old-favourites first eh? 
@litglob , @mikefrawley, @definegodliness , @writteninjoy2, @teacup13 , @wordswritteninsilence, @dhritspoetry , @thissometimepoet, @ceeslife, @aubriestar,@alexandraswritingblock, @shentoncarrington , @strikezilla01, @wintermanworld, @sangocrayon, @chucklingpecan, @wordrummager, @mist2myst, @madworlddiary, @quaintobsessions,  @cubaboy, @ellenya, @anjo-da-guarda-me, @awhorableperson, @inrumford , @sirmorose , @dustseeker, @teaberrybee, @merseawaves, @ajttk, @highlandsmistwoman, @starlight2travel, @lzlabs, @aftersalt, @street-heart-posts, @forpoetry, @denmysterywoman, @rhymesalot, @fakesurprise, @randomlyjay, @terracemuse, @towardsnihility, @the-sum-of-many-poets, @pocochon, @jcatmoonlight, @lonelyroadrunner, @mariposaheart, @celtic-poetry, @torrentialmonsoon, @echoes-of-me, @thatrandompoet, @rarasworldbro, @nightofvanity, @cherokeeghostwriter, @forpoetry, @jhlumyk, @woodsong, @jewelrygirl82, @batvalentinworld, @sunsbythethousands, @midnightxmasquerade, @barbaranestor, @trixclibrarian, @mormatt15, @babylon-crashing, @stormycloudypoems, @roman–empyre, @quietdissidentlyricist, @2ndtim3around, @sarcaveman, @rodolfo9999, @beingabeverage, @ambroseharte, @darkhorsepoet, @honeythoughts, @nosorryforyou, @followcb, @lebuc, @pomegranatepithos, @suzyhazelwood, @trinns, @tridancer, @mysublimejourney, @frsphoto, @poeticallyprofound, @polvo-xo, @mimosa203, @thelightoffireflies, @amadeuswolfe, @cornelisrage, @elephantsoutside, @cloudsbursting, @chimerawitch, @theoutdoorsthinksofyou, @sebargan2313, @californiacougar, @snowyowlpost, @my-inside-voice, @whereflowersbloom, @mycosmicbackyard, @sporadicalbits, @besottedwanderlust, @mgreywood, @baileeofhay, @patchworkheart6, @infamouslyroggy, @agentlemanswords, @x-changes, @thesealivesinme, @bowink, @cruxymox, @takingstockofwhatmattersmost, @kyrah52, @sadcats13, @stevenluce, @quietpoet, @darkredrogue, @poetcc-things, @kimbeyerjohnson, @purplemonkeysexgod69, @katrinnac, @nadaclouds, @scribblingsofstu, @boxjellyfish87, @phoenixheartsongrising, @rodolfo9999, @je-suiselle, @doctordearie, @mavieenmots, @bluemonkwrites, @kneipho, @kamala-laxman, @youroldragdoll
And the new-favourites, blogs whom I recently started following:
@sealanehill, @jonaswpoetry, @sonador-reveur, @you-are-my-poetry, @gspoems, @behind-the-sun, @jmhillman, @shabdpurvaiya, @maggierella, @jakub-beralski, @dancing-bare-foot, @hopelesswhale, @165poundsofregret, @jimmyblues1, @happilyheartbroken13, @wordsoncanvas, @gracebabcockwrites, @proliferatorofgoodvibes, @strangecolorenthusiast, @kyressin, @1-04-09-11, @paratmin, @foileys
I know this is a big list, I am surrounded by beautiful people!
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burgundymistress · 7 years
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pachewrites · 7 years
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Wolfie’s Ultimate Prompt
2)  Valerie 3)  http://pachewrites.tumblr.com/ 4)  I’m not in charge of any other pages as staff 5)  I write short poems and take pictures of nature and in the past, my dog 6)  I write when inspired. When it hits I write as fast as possible on whatever is handy, sometimes even on scraps in the car at a stoplight. I generally get going when my brain focuses on a word or can’t shake a phrase. Poetry is a useful way for me to express myself because I have trouble digging out really personal things. Sometimes I get silly and those are fun to write to. 
7)  http://pachewrites.tumblr.com/post/160483830360/note-in-your-pocket      http://pachewrites.tumblr.com/post/160106809025/ghost-of-a-chance      http://pachewrites.tumblr.com/post/159317408190/we-in-weeds
8)  @bdgarp hits me right in the feels so very often       @aftersalt has literally brought me to tears       @fridayam challenges my brain classically and can be...whew! ;)       @infamouslyroggy runs the gamut from oof! to zoink! to YEssssss! <3 (so many others and a few I just want for myself and you’ll have to discover them on your own...tough beans, I’m selfish) 9)      post links to any published work... none
create your Breakingdownthetwcwall bio
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definegodliness · 7 years
Good vibes on a Sunday
I was tagged by @purplemonkeysexgod69​, and @rhapsodyinblue45​ in a list of wonderful blogs, or bloggers. Which I thought was swell, and of course the feeling is mutual. I think I’ll share some good vibes too. 
So here’s a list of people who have always been kind to me, or who have been supportive of my writing throughout the years. People who have been tagging me for tumblr games, or just talking to me. Forcing me out of my shell haha. Generally just people who give me good vibes. Some of them going as far back as to when I first started writing on here in April 2015. 
....all right I am talking too much again. Without further ado, these are my wonderful bloggers in random order:
@phoenixheartsongrising​​ @denmysterywoman​ @cruxymox​ @infamouslyroggy​ @pomegranatepithos​ @yaamarhabibi​ @sunsbythethousands​ @sonador-reveur​ @mist2myst​ @wrote-you-a-poem​ @randomlyjay​ / @fakesurprise​ @mikefrawley​ @madworlddiary​ @ajttk​ @aubriestar​ @katrinnac​ @teacup13​ @tafkas77​ @lzlabs​ @soulreserve @mgreywood​ @rarasworldbro​ @thespiandrummer @cherokeeghostwriter @takingstockofwhatmattersmost​
(at the risk of forgetting someone important, I am pressing ‘post’ now)
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the-way-to-horizon · 7 years
He plants myosotis in my poems, I paint hopes in every new leaf it bears; His scent reminds me of oceans and wildflowers - too distant to ever hold. His words were riddles, I spent my life drowning to know him. I bathe in the gone days, memories wrapping cold days. His absence makes me an abandoned house; the curves of his calligraphy still memorized by my spine. I remember him as gone but the door opens every new day, a bit of him, to let me in.
- Poetry style inspired from the lovely works of @dhritspoetry and poem inspired from an old conversation with my fav @infamouslyroggy
A eulogy for an old friend who is no more.
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maya-doolali · 8 years
This marks the end of the 23 hour social experiment CODE NAME: WAHOOGA. Thank you to all of our involuntarily participants in Trial 001:
Multistage snowball sampling was used to infect patients (n=21) of cluster T001. Once side effects have been statistically assessed, debriefing will be provided.
There is no control.
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smittenbypoetry · 8 years
Promptlyrefined: week 5 (recap)
This week’s prompt was inspired by February’s overall dreariness, and I must say reading your work has made for some highlights during this longest shortest month. Now, without further ado, the top ten pieces, and all participants in order of appearance: 10. aubriestar 9. electricarmchair ★ 8. mariposaheart 7. just-4-thought 6. antilos-lordoverblueherons 5. pomegranatepithos 4. wordsdontmeananything 3. snuffyart 2. katrinnac ★ 1. cruxymox ★★ (Gold medal winner!) Honourable mentions for: abstractdevelopment undertheheart thespiandrummer voidlightmoon infamouslyroggy poetbitesback
A round of applause! and thank you for playing this week’s prompt’s poetry game! The next prompt will be up shortly.
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poetryriot · 8 years
Poetry Riot Prompt (Week One Hundred Sixteen) - Poetry Redux
Wow. I was a little nervous about posting this prompt. I wasn’t at all sure how well it would be received. I’m so glad you all seemed to enjoy it! --L.
The participants in this week’s prompt are:
Laura’s Pick: @electricarmchair
This one blew me away. The author revised a poem they had written when they were nine and the revision shows depth and maturity that not only comes with age, but also occurs in someone who is developing as a writer. I enjoyed reading the transition from the first poem to the second. Really well done.
Honorable Mentions: @rained-onparade, @rhapsodyinblue45, @words-for-wishes
Sarah has been super busy of late and was unable to go through the prompt pieces this week. She hopes to be back next time. 
Thank you to all who participated! A new prompt will be posted soon. 
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noleftexit · 7 years
I - Voyeur
I watch her closely; reading her every move, every blink, every shift. The way her hair falls over the shoulder, the way she pushes it back, the way she knits her brows for a mini-second as her mind stumbles over a word or phrase, the way it promptly disappears and her forehead is pristine and unlined again, the way her lips curl at the side briefly as she flips the page like she has accomplished another task successfully, the way she curls her toes at the exciting part of the book, her fingers holding it firmly – it simply cannot get away; unputdownable!
I watch her closely.
Through the gap in the curtains.
I’m a creep. What am I doing here? This ledge cannot sustain my weight.
Aaaaah, I screech as I plunge to my death ten storeys down. All I’m thinking as I freefall is: will she bother to investigate the noise of my skull shattering against concrete?
Darkness. And devastation. The book too engrossing.
Oh well, nice to know I wrote such a gripping novel before I died.
II - The Reader
She had just reached a particularly gripping portion of the book she’d found on her shelf yesterday, when a cracking sound caught her attention. It sounded as if something was on her balcony, but that was impossible as she was ten stories up and none of her neighbors had a cat that she knew of. Her eyes went back to the page to hungrily devour another sentence, it was probably just a bird. The next moments were forever etched on her psyche as her entire being reacted violently to the loud crash and subsequent scream that was abruptly silenced in seconds. Her trembling hands recoiled from the curtains she’d ripped apart to find her entire ledge of a balcony torn from the building and laying in the street below partially covering a lifeless body. Even partially obscured and ten stories away, her brain was telling her she knew the man that lay dead. The book she had previously gripped so tightly, fell from her grasp, as darkness swam over her, causing her legs to buckle. She joined her book on the floor, incapable of accepting she had just witnessed exactly what her eyes had just read.
III - The Bystander
Looking out the window he couldn’t believe what he’d just witnessed. Moving out the coffee shop door the early evening bustle became mute as all eyes fixated to the floor. He stood there looking at the colour draining onto the sidewalk while sipping his regular “takeaway”.
The rising moon over the city block shone like a spotlight on a stage through the descending rain. Blurred movements silently pass him by as he watched the scene unfold in slow motion.
With an inquisitive expression his brain was telling him he knew the man that lay dead and that being in this part of town he knew where the he’d had been…
Part I: @infamouslyroggy Part II: @pachewrites Part III: mine; all written June 2014
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thatrandomprompt · 8 years
@randomlyjay @drearydaffodil @hangingoninquietdesparation @ashleyclairepoetry @blamethebutterfliespoetry @phoenixheartsongrising @fakesurprise @infamouslyroggy @katrinnac @tafkas77 @poetry--etc @autumnsunshine10 [x2] @throwaway-poems @thevisualaftermath @dragonsorphan @snuffyart @lzlabs @avolitorial @imperiallefty @cruxymox @kaleidoscope-of-poetry @maggierella @romeosexclusivebitch @kulminaatio @templeflesh @aubriestar @mysublimejourney @undertheheart @teacup13 @electricarmchair @wagnerb @jonaswpoetry
Wow, what a response last week! I look forward to seeing what you all do with the prompt this week. 
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pachewrites · 8 years
it goes to eleven
1. I once heard Sailing by Christopher Cross while actually on a sailboat in the fog, which is pretty much my entire bucket list.
2. I have come to rely on one cup of coffee every morning, so I get why Roggy is so adamantly opposed. I am in its clutches.
3. A hot cup of tea really DOES make everything better.
4. Is there a map involved? I’m interested.
5. Is this a mystery? I’m interested.
6. I like stories where the girl does it herself. Doesn’t matter what.
7. Most of my friends are boys, but smart girls make me SUPER happy.
8. When other people notice small details I like them more, unless they’re only noticing them to complain. Discontent people are the worst.
9. Girls who only talk about boys are missing the entire point.
10. Flowers are amazing and should be everywhere.
11. I exist in that whispered exchange between Bill Murray and Scarlet Johansson.
(I did this at the behest of @infamouslyroggy and since no one ever tags @fridayam , I’m going to pass this eleven facts task on to him AND to @wordswritteninsilence ...;p)
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definegodliness · 8 years
5, 9, 14
5. What is your surrounding like while you’re writing?
I write on my laptop, which I have placed on the dinner table because it has a view of the garden. Except for nature, I don't handle distractions well while writing. I get severely annoyed by a turned on television; especially commercials!-- or poorly made music on the radio. It's like nails on chalkboard to me (a sound I don't find especially annoying, but you know what I mean). I can handle a little social interaction, but not too much because my thoughts and emotions are fleeting and when I am writing poetry I try to capture one of those to its core. I have to stay in the zone. Writing in a busy coffee establishment seems so foreign to me.
9. Tag 5 favourite blogs that you admire
@soulreserve (the mirror)@infamouslyroggy (the inspirer)@lzlabseesu / @lzlabs (the backbone)@maxmundan (the teacher)@wrote-you-a-poem (the heart)There are many more, of course, but five is five and therefore five it shall be.
14. Have you ever read your poem out loud in public? If so, where? Answered
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