#indore school of digital marketing
lgdigitalanshika · 3 days
Lavina Goyal Digital Marketing Trainer | Service Provider | Indore
Lavina Goyal is an entrepreneur, digital marketing trainer, service provider, and counselor. She is also a YouTuber and the founder of LG Digital Marketers. She has been into digital marketing for the last 8 years and has trained more than 1000 students. She provides digital marketing training in institutes, colleges, and schools. she teaches more than 50 modules of digital marketing in her class which is located in sudama nagar Indore, she provides best digital marketing course and prepare you interview and make you job ready, she teaches all ages students from 15 to 55.
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Top Local Amenities to Look for When Buying a Home
So, you're in the market for a new home, huh? It's a thrilling adventure filled with dreams of the perfect living space, cozy nooks, and maybe a yard for the dog. But hold up! Before you get lost in paint swatches and floor plans, there's something super important you need to consider: local amenities. Yup, those little extras in the neighbourhood that can turn a house into a dream home. And if you’re hunting in Indore, finding the best property dealers in Indore or the best property broker in Indore can make all the difference in this journey. So, let's dive in and see what amenities you should be on the lookout for.
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Why Local Amenities Matter
First things first, why should you care about local amenities? Simple. They can significantly enhance your lifestyle, convenience, and even the value of your property. Whether it's the proximity to good schools, healthcare facilities, or entertainment options, these factors can make your day-to-day life much more enjoyable and stress-free.
1. Schools and Educational Institutions
If you have kids or plan to, having good schools nearby is a top priority. Check out the ratings of local schools, their extracurricular offerings, and their overall reputation. The presence of reputed schools can also boost the resale value of your home.
2. Healthcare Facilities
No one likes to think about emergencies, but having a hospital or clinic nearby is crucial. Look for neighbourhoods with easy access to quality healthcare facilities. Trust me, it's a peace of mind you can't put a price on.
3. Shopping and Grocery Stores
Imagine running out of milk and having to drive 20 minutes to the nearest store. Not fun, right? Look for areas with convenient shopping options, including grocery stores, supermarkets, and local markets. The best property dealers in Indore often highlight these amenities when showcasing homes.
4. Public Transportation
In an age where sustainability is key, having good public transportation options can be a major plus. Check for nearby bus stops, metro stations, or even bike-sharing programs. This can save you time and reduce your carbon footprint.
5. Parks and Recreational Areas
Green spaces are not just for kids and dogs. They offer a place to relax, exercise, and connect with nature. A neighbourhood park can be a great spot for morning jogs, picnics, or simply unwinding after a long day.
6. Restaurants and Cafes
Who doesn’t love a good meal out? Having a variety of dining options nearby is always a win. From fancy restaurants to cozy cafes, these spots offer a great way to socialize and enjoy different cuisines.
7. Entertainment and Cultural Centers
Theatres, museums, and cultural centres add vibrancy to any neighbourhood. They provide entertainment options and a way to engage with the community. Plus, they can be a fun way to spend weekends without having to travel far.
8. Fitness Centers and Sports Facilities
If you’re into fitness, having a gym or sports facility nearby can be a game-changer. Look for neighbourhoods with well-equipped fitness centres, yoga studios, or even community sports fields.
9. Safety and Security
Feeling safe in your home is non-negotiable. Research crime rates in the area and look for neighbourhoods with good lighting, community watch programs, and a visible police presence. Property brokers in Indore can provide insights into the safest areas.
10. Community Services
Libraries, community centres, and social services can greatly enhance your living experience. These amenities often host events, workshops, and provide resources that can be beneficial for you and your family.
11. Green Initiatives and Sustainability
More and more neighbourhoods are focusing on sustainability. Look for areas with recycling programs, community gardens, and other green initiatives. These efforts not only help the environment but also foster a sense of community.
12. Internet and Connectivity
In our digital age, having reliable internet and connectivity is crucial. Check for high-speed internet availability and mobile network coverage in the area. This is especially important if you work from home.
13. Proximity to Workplaces
A long commute can be a daily grind. Consider how far your potential home is from your workplace. Easy access to major roads and highways can make a huge difference in your daily routine.
14. Pet-Friendly Amenities
For pet owners, having pet-friendly parks, veterinary clinics, and pet stores nearby is essential. These amenities make it easier to care for your furry friends and ensure they are happy and healthy.
15. Local Markets and Festivals
Neighbourhoods with vibrant local markets and festivals offer a unique charm. They provide opportunities to explore local crafts, foods, and cultures, making your living experience richer and more engaging.
Choosing the right home is about more than just the property itself; it's about the lifestyle it offers. Local amenities play a crucial role in enhancing your living experience and ensuring you have everything you need within reach. So, as you embark on this exciting journey, make sure to consider these factors and connect with the best property dealers in Indore or the best property broker in Indore. They can guide you to neighbourhoods that align with your lifestyle and preferences, ensuring you find not just a house, but a home.
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lavinagoyaldigital · 7 months
Lavina Goyal Digital Marketing Trainer | Service Provider | Indore
Lavina Goyal is an entrepreneur, digital marketing trainer, service provider, and counselor. She is also a YouTuber and the founder of LG Digital Marketers. She has been into digital marketing for the last 8 years and has trained more than 1000 students. She provides digital marketing training in institutes, colleges, and schools. she teaches more than 50 modules of digital marketing in her class which is located in sudama nagar Indore, she provides best digital marketing course and prepare you interview and make you job ready, she teaches all ages students from 15 to 55."
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stmarychampionschool · 8 months
The Best Schools For The Future Of Work
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In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and shifting job landscapes, choosing the right school for your child is a critical decision. The best schools not only impart academic knowledge but also prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the future of work. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating schools to ensure they are well-equipped to shape the next generation of professionals.
Curriculum and Skill Development:
A robust curriculum that goes beyond traditional subjects.
Emphasis on skill development, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy.
Technology Integration:
Access to cutting-edge technology and tools in the learning process.
Digital classrooms and online resources that promote digital fluency.
Flexible Learning Environments:
Schools that support both in-person and online learning.
Opportunities for personalized learning paths.
Extracurricular Activities:
Encouragement of extracurricular activities that promote creativity and teamwork.
Clubs or programs focused on innovation and entrepreneurship.
Career Guidance:
Career counseling and exposure to various professions.
Partnerships with local businesses and industries for internships.
Global Perspective:
A focus on global issues and cross-cultural understanding.
Opportunities for international exchange programs.
Emotional Intelligence and Resilience:
Programs that nurture emotional intelligence and mental well-being.
Encouragement of a growth mindset to adapt to changing job markets.
When considering the best school for your child's future, it's essential to look for these qualities. And if you're in Indore, look no further than the best cbse school in Indore. These institutions often incorporate these features into their educational framework, ensuring that your child is well-prepared for the ever-evolving world of work. Remember, top school in indore aren't just about the past and present; they are all about shaping the future leaders of tomorrow.
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 Lavina Goyal Digital Marketing Trainer | Service Provider | Indore
Lavina Goyal is an entrepreneur, digital marketing trainer, service provider, and counselor. She is also a YouTuber and the founder of LG Digital Marketers. She has been into digital marketing for the last 8 years and has trained more than 1000 students. She provides digital marketing training in institutes, colleges, and schools. she teaches more than 50 modules of digital marketing in her class which is located in sudama nagar Indore, she provides best digital marketing course and prepare you interview and make you job ready, she teaches all ages students from 15 to 55."
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Social media link:https://www.facebook.com/lavinagoyaldigital
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sdpsindore · 10 months
5 Career Options for Possessors of a Fashion Designer Degree in India
It goes without saying that fashion design is a career that is constantly in demand, not just in India but also globally. The increased societal awareness of fashion and trends has given fashion designers in rural and urban areas new opportunities. Everyone wants to wear the newest trends thanks to modern movies and quick internet. Therefore, if you are considering dipping your toes into this venerable industry, you have a fantastic opportunity. Let’s look at the top five careers you can select from after completing a best fashion designing institute in indore.
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Fashion Designer: The most obvious profession to pursue is fashion design. Fashion designers produce unique clothing and accessories. This includes items like clothing, footwear, purses, jewelry, and styling accessories. But it’s important to keep in mind that you get what you pay for. Don’t risk your career by enrolling in an arbitrary fashion school. Your career may be affected by hasty decisions for the rest of your life. Your chances of being hired by a reputable fashion firm are undoubtedly enhanced if you graduated from a known and established fashion institute like SDPS.
Retail Buyer: This is another highly profitable industry you can enter. This is a unique opportunity for you if you adore shopping (who doesn’t?) and can’t get enough of clothes and shoes. As a retail buyer, it will be your duty to look for distinctive styles and fashionable clothing to add to the inventory of big-box retailers. You would adore this fast-paced work if you were a fashion designer, especially since you would go home every month with a pocket full of cash. Retail customers do receive excellent goods, yes.
Retail Manager: With retail establishments springing up and operating in every city and small town, becoming a retail store manager is a well-paying profession. Retail managers are in high demand among fashion designers. The operations of the fashion market are directly exposed in this position. The brand stores’ flawless operation is the duty of the retail manager. In addition, they are in charge of personnel management, inventory planning, sales, and brand promotions.
Stylist/Private Buyer: Stylists and private buyers are in charge of helping clients choose outfits and accessories that are appropriate for their body types, the weather, and upcoming activities. Because high profile clients, celebrities, and socialites frequently use stylists and private purchasers, this role requires great interpersonal contact skills as well as the virtue of patience. Assignments may also include coordinating with a makeup artist and hairstylist. Reputable stylists also handle tasks like creating elegant clothes for weddings and other private occasions.
Fashion Blogger/Vlogger: If you have a refined sense of style and an eye for putting together unusual outfits that never fail to astound onlookers, you should think about pursuing fashion blogging or vlogging (video blogging). You can publish brief films or blogs with advice on what to dress and what not to wear in terms of fashion. You can also launch a fashion brand and sell your products online after you have a sizable following. A excellent way to make money is by sharing videos and blogging about fashion. Successful fashion bloggers make a substantial living without being tied to a 9 to 5 job.
It is essential to earn a fashion designing degree from a reputable fashion designing school like SDPS in order to qualify for these well-paying positions. The largest network of design institutes in the world, It has been active for more than 20 years. One of the biggest campuses in India is the one in Indore. Here, students are educated through extensive programs including digital designing, “Learn from Manish Malhotra”, WSGN, and a well-rounded curriculum prepared for the workplace. Celebrity instructors who have decades of expertise teach the students the fundamentals of the industry. It also has a sizable alumni support network. Students of the Fashion Designing Institute are given an incredible opportunity to showcase their talent at international events like Lakme Fashion Week and New York Fashion Week. Visit the right away to start your successful career among the pioneers in fashion designing colleges in indore.
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IIM Online MBA 2023 (Top IIM in India) Indian Institute Of Management
Everyone immediately thinks of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) when considering taking a business management programme.
The IIMs are the top business schools in India and the goal of MBA aspirants. All MBA aspirants desire to attend an IIM, however working professionals do not share this desire.
Although they may not wish to quit their jobs, many working people prefer to get an MBA at IIM. Here is some good news for them.
IIMs are now providing remote learning and online MBA programmes. Despite the fact that these programmes are really specialised diploma and certification courses, working professionals commonly refer to them as distant MBA from IIM.
IIM Campus
Course Name
IIM Ahmedabad
ePost Graduate Program (ePGP)
INR 1700000
IIM Ahmedabad
Logistics Management
INR 68000
IIM Ahmedabad
Cutting Edge Analytics
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Effective Management of Service Sector Firms
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Developing Commercial and Financial Skills for Strategic Business Decisions
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Influencer Marketing: Understanding the Art and Science
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Management and Finance for Experienced Chartered Accountants
INR 350000
IIM Ahmedabad
Manufacturing Strategy
INR 68000
IIM Ahmedabad
Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring
INR 120000
IIM Ahmedabad
Contract Management
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Intelligent Transportation Systems
INR 68000
IIM Ahmedabad
Advanced Analytics for Management
INR 120000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Digital Marketing And Social Media Strategy
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Applied Financial Risk Management
INR 100000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Digital Finance
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In General Management
INR 160000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Human Resource Management
INR 150000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Machine Learning For Managers
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Executive Development Program In Advanced Strategic Management
INR 180000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Project Management
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Post Graduate Executive Certification In Human Resource Management
INR 155000
IIM Raipur
Post Graduate Program in Management for Working Executives
INR 1260000
IIM Lucknow
Advanced Program In Strategic Management For Business Excellence
INR 250000
IIM Lucknow
Advanced Program In Leadership In The Digital Era
INR 250000
IIM Lucknow
Executive Program In Marketing Strategy
INR 189000
IIM Lucknow
Executive Program In Supply Chain Management During Uncertain Times
INR 195000
IIM Lucknow
Executive Program In Business Management
INR 250000
IIM Lucknow
Working Managers’ Program
INR 1355000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Business Analytics
INR 115000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Marketing And Sales Management
INR 160000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Strategic Management
INR 80000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Applied Financial Risk Management
INR 100000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Supply Chain Strategy And Management
INR 170000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In General Management
INR 220000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program in Data Science for Business Decision Making
INR 150000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Programme in HR Management and Analytics
INR 125000
IIM Kozhikode
Finance for Non-Finance Executives
INR 45000
IIM Shillong
Post Graduate Certificate In Human Resource Management (Hr)
INR 150000
IIM Kashipur
Executive Development Programme In Strategic Brand Management
INR 100000
IIM Kashipur
Executive Development Programme In Strategic Marketing Management
INR 100000
IIM Indore
General Management Program for Executives
INR 350000
IIM Ranchi
Certificate Program in General Management
INR 400000
IIM Bangalore
Executive General Management Program
INR 625000
IIM Bangalore
General Management Program for Aerospace Executives
INR 660000
IIM Calcutta
Executive (EPBMI) Program
INR 650000
IIM Calcutta
Executive Program for Young Managers
INR 250000
IIM Rohtak
ePost Graduate Program (ePGP)
INR 625000
0 notes
IIM Online MBA 2023 (Top IIM in India) Indian Institute Of Management
Everyone immediately thinks of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) when considering taking a business management programme.
The IIMs are the top business schools in India and the goal of MBA aspirants. All MBA aspirants desire to attend an IIM, however working professionals do not share this desire.
Although they may not wish to quit their jobs, many working people prefer to get an MBA at IIM. Here is some good news for them.
IIMs are now providing remote learning and online MBA programmes. Despite the fact that these programmes are really specialised diploma and certification courses, working professionals commonly refer to them as distant MBA from IIM.
IIM Campus
Course Name
IIM Ahmedabad
ePost Graduate Program (ePGP)
INR 1700000
IIM Ahmedabad
Logistics Management
INR 68000
IIM Ahmedabad
Cutting Edge Analytics
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Effective Management of Service Sector Firms
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Developing Commercial and Financial Skills for Strategic Business Decisions
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Influencer Marketing: Understanding the Art and Science
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Management and Finance for Experienced Chartered Accountants
INR 350000
IIM Ahmedabad
Manufacturing Strategy
INR 68000
IIM Ahmedabad
Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring
INR 120000
IIM Ahmedabad
Contract Management
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Intelligent Transportation Systems
INR 68000
IIM Ahmedabad
Advanced Analytics for Management
INR 120000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Digital Marketing And Social Media Strategy
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Applied Financial Risk Management
INR 100000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Digital Finance
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In General Management
INR 160000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Human Resource Management
INR 150000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Machine Learning For Managers
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Executive Development Program In Advanced Strategic Management
INR 180000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Project Management
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Post Graduate Executive Certification In Human Resource Management
INR 155000
IIM Raipur
Post Graduate Program in Management for Working Executives
INR 1260000
IIM Lucknow
Advanced Program In Strategic Management For Business Excellence
INR 250000
IIM Lucknow
Advanced Program In Leadership In The Digital Era
INR 250000
IIM Lucknow
Executive Program In Marketing Strategy
INR 189000
IIM Lucknow
Executive Program In Supply Chain Management During Uncertain Times
INR 195000
IIM Lucknow
Executive Program In Business Management
INR 250000
IIM Lucknow
Working Managers’ Program
INR 1355000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Business Analytics
INR 115000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Marketing And Sales Management
INR 160000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Strategic Management
INR 80000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Applied Financial Risk Management
INR 100000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Supply Chain Strategy And Management
INR 170000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In General Management
INR 220000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program in Data Science for Business Decision Making
INR 150000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Programme in HR Management and Analytics
INR 125000
IIM Kozhikode
Finance for Non-Finance Executives
INR 45000
IIM Shillong
Post Graduate Certificate In Human Resource Management (Hr)
INR 150000
IIM Kashipur
Executive Development Programme In Strategic Brand Management
INR 100000
IIM Kashipur
Executive Development Programme In Strategic Marketing Management
INR 100000
IIM Indore
General Management Program for Executives
INR 350000
IIM Ranchi
Certificate Program in General Management
INR 400000
IIM Bangalore
Executive General Management Program
INR 625000
IIM Bangalore
General Management Program for Aerospace Executives
INR 660000
IIM Calcutta
Executive (EPBMI) Program
INR 650000
IIM Calcutta
Executive Program for Young Managers
INR 250000
IIM Rohtak
ePost Graduate Program (ePGP)
INR 625000
0 notes
collegesakha · 1 year
IIM Online MBA 2023 (Top IIM in India) Indian Institute Of Management
Everyone immediately thinks of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) when considering taking a business management programme.
The IIMs are the top business schools in India and the goal of MBA aspirants. All MBA aspirants desire to attend an IIM, however working professionals do not share this desire.
Although they may not wish to quit their jobs, many working people prefer to get an MBA at IIM. Here is some good news for them.
IIMs are now providing remote learning and online MBA programmes. Despite the fact that these programmes are really specialised diploma and certification courses, working professionals commonly refer to them as distant MBA from IIM.
IIM Campus
Course Name
IIM Ahmedabad
ePost Graduate Program (ePGP)
INR 1700000
IIM Ahmedabad
Logistics Management
INR 68000
IIM Ahmedabad
Cutting Edge Analytics
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Effective Management of Service Sector Firms
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Developing Commercial and Financial Skills for Strategic Business Decisions
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Influencer Marketing: Understanding the Art and Science
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Management and Finance for Experienced Chartered Accountants
INR 350000
IIM Ahmedabad
Manufacturing Strategy
INR 68000
IIM Ahmedabad
Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring
INR 120000
IIM Ahmedabad
Contract Management
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Intelligent Transportation Systems
INR 68000
IIM Ahmedabad
Advanced Analytics for Management
INR 120000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Digital Marketing And Social Media Strategy
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Applied Financial Risk Management
INR 100000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Digital Finance
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In General Management
INR 160000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Human Resource Management
INR 150000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Machine Learning For Managers
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Executive Development Program In Advanced Strategic Management
INR 180000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Project Management
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Post Graduate Executive Certification In Human Resource Management
INR 155000
IIM Raipur
Post Graduate Program in Management for Working Executives
INR 1260000
IIM Lucknow
Advanced Program In Strategic Management For Business Excellence
INR 250000
IIM Lucknow
Advanced Program In Leadership In The Digital Era
INR 250000
IIM Lucknow
Executive Program In Marketing Strategy
INR 189000
IIM Lucknow
Executive Program In Supply Chain Management During Uncertain Times
INR 195000
IIM Lucknow
Executive Program In Business Management
INR 250000
IIM Lucknow
Working Managers’ Program
INR 1355000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Business Analytics
INR 115000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Marketing And Sales Management
INR 160000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Strategic Management
INR 80000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Applied Financial Risk Management
INR 100000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Supply Chain Strategy And Management
INR 170000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In General Management
INR 220000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program in Data Science for Business Decision Making
INR 150000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Programme in HR Management and Analytics
INR 125000
IIM Kozhikode
Finance for Non-Finance Executives
INR 45000
IIM Shillong
Post Graduate Certificate In Human Resource Management (Hr)
INR 150000
IIM Kashipur
Executive Development Programme In Strategic Brand Management
INR 100000
IIM Kashipur
Executive Development Programme In Strategic Marketing Management
INR 100000
IIM Indore
General Management Program for Executives
INR 350000
IIM Ranchi
Certificate Program in General Management
INR 400000
IIM Bangalore
Executive General Management Program
INR 625000
IIM Bangalore
General Management Program for Aerospace Executives
INR 660000
IIM Calcutta
Executive (EPBMI) Program
INR 650000
IIM Calcutta
Executive Program for Young Managers
INR 250000
IIM Rohtak
ePost Graduate Program (ePGP)
INR 625000
0 notes
IIM Online MBA 2023 (Top IIM in India) Indian Institute Of Management
Everyone immediately thinks of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) when considering taking a business management programme.
The IIMs are the top business schools in India and the goal of MBA aspirants. All MBA aspirants desire to attend an IIM, however working professionals do not share this desire.
Although they may not wish to quit their jobs, many working people prefer to get an MBA at IIM. Here is some good news for them.
IIMs are now providing remote learning and online MBA programmes. Despite the fact that these programmes are really specialised diploma and certification courses, working professionals commonly refer to them as distant MBA from IIM.
IIM Campus
Course Name
IIM Ahmedabad
ePost Graduate Program (ePGP)
INR 1700000
IIM Ahmedabad
Logistics Management
INR 68000
IIM Ahmedabad
Cutting Edge Analytics
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Effective Management of Service Sector Firms
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Developing Commercial and Financial Skills for Strategic Business Decisions
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Influencer Marketing: Understanding the Art and Science
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Management and Finance for Experienced Chartered Accountants
INR 350000
IIM Ahmedabad
Manufacturing Strategy
INR 68000
IIM Ahmedabad
Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring
INR 120000
IIM Ahmedabad
Contract Management
INR 100000
IIM Ahmedabad
Intelligent Transportation Systems
INR 68000
IIM Ahmedabad
Advanced Analytics for Management
INR 120000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Digital Marketing And Social Media Strategy
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Applied Financial Risk Management
INR 100000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Digital Finance
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In General Management
INR 160000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Human Resource Management
INR 150000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Machine Learning For Managers
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Executive Development Program In Advanced Strategic Management
INR 180000
IIM Raipur
Executive Certificate Program In Project Management
INR 75000
IIM Raipur
Post Graduate Executive Certification In Human Resource Management
INR 155000
IIM Raipur
Post Graduate Program in Management for Working Executives
INR 1260000
IIM Lucknow
Advanced Program In Strategic Management For Business Excellence
INR 250000
IIM Lucknow
Advanced Program In Leadership In The Digital Era
INR 250000
IIM Lucknow
Executive Program In Marketing Strategy
INR 189000
IIM Lucknow
Executive Program In Supply Chain Management During Uncertain Times
INR 195000
IIM Lucknow
Executive Program In Business Management
INR 250000
IIM Lucknow
Working Managers’ Program
INR 1355000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Business Analytics
INR 115000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Marketing And Sales Management
INR 160000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Strategic Management
INR 80000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Applied Financial Risk Management
INR 100000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In Supply Chain Strategy And Management
INR 170000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program In General Management
INR 220000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Program in Data Science for Business Decision Making
INR 150000
IIM Kozhikode
Professional Certificate Programme in HR Management and Analytics
INR 125000
IIM Kozhikode
Finance for Non-Finance Executives
INR 45000
IIM Shillong
Post Graduate Certificate In Human Resource Management (Hr)
INR 150000
IIM Kashipur
Executive Development Programme In Strategic Brand Management
INR 100000
IIM Kashipur
Executive Development Programme In Strategic Marketing Management
INR 100000
IIM Indore
General Management Program for Executives
INR 350000
IIM Ranchi
Certificate Program in General Management
INR 400000
IIM Bangalore
Executive General Management Program
INR 625000
IIM Bangalore
General Management Program for Aerospace Executives
INR 660000
IIM Calcutta
Executive (EPBMI) Program
INR 650000
IIM Calcutta
Executive Program for Young Managers
INR 250000
IIM Rohtak
ePost Graduate Program (ePGP)
INR 625000
0 notes
MBA programme overview
Only those who have completed high school are eligible to pursue the two-year MBA programme. The key features of the MBA programme are outlined in the table below:
Features - Information MBA, course name Complete Name: Master of Business Administration Post-Graduation Course Level Types of MBA programmes: Full-time, part-time, online, executive, distance learning, and integrated MBA programmes are all available. MBA tuition costs range from 2 lakh to 27 lakh and more. Entry Test + Group Discussion + Personal Interview = MBA Admission Process Exams for top MBA programmes include the CAT, MAT, XAT, CMAT, NMAT, ATMA, IIFT, and IBSAT.
Leading MBA Schools In India, more than 5000 colleges offer full-time MBA programmes. The most well-known institutions include IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, FMS Delhi, SPJIMR Mumbai, XLRI, IIM Indore, and IIM Kozhikode.
Sales, marketing, operations, finance, human resources, digital marketing, and business analytics are among the top MBA specialisations. Average Post-MBA Salaries: INR 5 lakh to 25 lakh per year Prominent employers for MBA graduates include Bain & Company, Morgan Stanley, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Adobe, and others.
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axkeducation · 2 years
Distance MBA
The Distance MBA in Pune is a 2-year postgraduate program that is UGC embraced. Pune is the second-greatest city after Mumbai in Maharashtra. Pune is requested as the "most respectable city in India" usually. Pune is the enlightening focus of Maharashtra which is generally called "The Oxford of the East" as there are different universities set up in Pune city. A near portion of the total worldwide students is viewed as in universities and associations of Pune.
 MBA Colleges Lists In Pune
There are around 12 MBA schools arranged in Mumbai, both private and government colleges. Among these schools give Online/Distance and standard guidance of the block specializations to the charmed and-comers who need to foster their calling in the MBA programs. To work with your disclosures, we have shortlisted the best 06 Online/Distance Colleges that are giving such MBA courses in Mumbai to the contenders.
#1 Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL), Pune
SCDL was framed in the year 2001. Their central command are situated in Pune with the mean to offer instruction through distance mode in different fields or areas connected with Arts, Commerce or Management of Undergraduate or Postgraduate level courses. SCDL has in excess of 350 resources that glance at the scholarly directing, improvement, and other related works of the college.Course NameFee Structure (INR) Degree Affiliation DurationMBAINR 50,000Distance Mode UGC, DEC2 yearsMBA’s Specializations NameOperation ManagementSupply Chain ManagementRetail ManagementHR ManagementMarketing Management
Banking and Finance Management
#2 Amity University, Distance and Online Education, Pune
Amity University is one of the top confidential recorded colleges in India. Amity University set up its primary establishments in the year 2005 by the Act passed by the Uttar Pradesh State Legislation. The college has settled and arranged in Noida and other neighborhood workplaces in Lucknow, Ranchi, Gurgaon, Gwalior, Jaipur, Kolkata, Patna, and Mumbai. The College was begun with names, for instance, AICTE, NAAC, and ASODL. All of the ventures introduced by the Amity University, Distance and Online Education are supported by the Directorate of Distance Education, New Delhi. The association offers 14 specific Management specializations to the extent that MBA through on the web or distance strategy for preparation.
Course Name    Fee Structure (INR)     Degree     Affiliation     Duration MBA     INR 250,000    Distance     AICTE, UGC, DEB     2 years MBA's Specializations Name MBA Digital Marketing Management    MBA HR Analytics    MBA Data Science    MBA Business Analytics
#3 Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) Online/Distance Education, Pune
NMIMS was laid out in the year 1981 in Mumbai, later on, the association has spread to the different areas of India from Pune itself to Chandigarh, New Delhi, Hyderabad, Indore, etc NMIMS is an evaluated business college in India that offers particular organization courses in distance earning from respect to postgraduate courses of Management related courses.
Course Name    Fee Structure (INR)     Degree     Affiliation     Duration MBA    INR 1,44,00    Distance Mode     UGC, AIU    2 years MBA's Specializations Name Business Management    HR Management    Banking and Finance Management    Marketing Management    Retail Management Tasks Management    Finance Management    International Trade    Supply Chain Management    IT and Systems Management Business Analytics    Digital Marketing    Leadership and Strategy.
#4 Maharashtra Institute of Technology of Distance Education (MITSDE), Pune
MIT School of Distance Education (MITSDE) was laid out in the year 1983 by Dr. Vishwanath D. Karad in Pune. MIT is among the once-over of first that gives capable preparation programs through distance mode that are more than 72 establishments and 4 schools across India. MITSDE offers Postgrdaution level courses in various fields like Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Operations, Information Technology, Logistics, Insurance or, etc
Course Name    Fee Structure (INR)     Degree     Affiliation     Duration MBA    INR 1,72,200    Distance Mode     UGC, AITCE, Govt. Of India    2 years
#5 Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Pune
IGNOU is most likely the greatest school that offers tutoring through distance mode with the expectation to give preparation to each and every student of India who necessities to seek after their concentrates even with their occupations or other related works. IGNOU was set up as their initial segment of the establishment with the UG, PG, and other certified courses in 1985, later on, the IGNOU has open its common branches to various metropolitan networks additionally and Pune is one of those branches that was laid out in the year 1991, with all the unique course at Pune and at least 13 survey places fitting for the territory students.
Course Name    Fee Structure (INR)     Degree     Affiliation     Duration MBA    INR 37,800    Distance Mode     UGC, DEC    2 years MBA's Specializations Name MBA Finance    MBA Operations    MBA Marketing    MBA HR
#6 Lovely Professional University Distance Education Center, Pune
LPU was set up in the year 2005 in Punjab. A confidential school offers all the Undergraduate, Postgraduate, capable, and other explicit degree courses even through distance mode guidance. LPU has different audit natural surroundings across India to show up at students from each side of the country. LPU students use giant components to take classes through distance mode which is called LPU e-partner.
Course Name    Fee Structure (INR)     Degree     Affiliation     Duration MBA     INR 54,600    Distance     AICTE, UGC, DEB, AIU     2 years MBA's Specializations Name MBA Finance    MBA HR Management    MBA Marketing    MBA Information Technology    MBA International Business MBA Operations Management    MBA Retail Management    -    -    - This shows the trustworthiness, quality, and worth of the guidance given in Pune. On the Distance, MBA is one of the notable courses among the students of Pune as the course helps with working on the calling in the organization area of various pieces of the business. There are various specializations made by the different areas of Business. The students can pick one of them according to their choice and interest.
The Distance MBA is a postgraduate course in a business association that presents the capacities and data expected to manage the various pieces of the business. A couple of universities in Pune give a PGDM course as opposed to a MBA course. PGDM is the postgraduate affirmation in organization and MBA is the master of business association which is moreover a post-graduation degree. The two degrees are near and have a comparable worth in the gig market.
On the Distance MBA is an upheld course by the University Grant Commission and UGC-DEB. The students will get many advantages while seeking after the Online/Distance course in Pune like the flexibility of time, virtual classes, E-books, etc and there is not a really obvious explanation to go to class classes while seeking after the Online/Distance MBA course.
 Regular/online/Distance MBA Eligibility Criteria
To take assertion in the Regular/Online/Distance MBA, a student ought to cross the central capability to seek after their calling in this field. Besides this, capability rules shift from school to school. Students are expected to complete the section evaluation which is relevant by a piece of the universities. Here are the fundamental capability measures for a huge part of the schools to take certification in the Online/Distance MBA course:
Students are expected to complete the evaluation of solitary individuals in any stream with a base degree of half Students need to guarantee that they have given their graduation/Bachelor certificate from a UGC saw a college Students ought to have a spot from the business establishment in their twelfth sheets either in their graduation degree.
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lavinagoyaldigital · 9 months
 Lavina Goyal Digital Marketing Trainer | Service Provider | Indore
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Lavina Goyal is an entrepreneur, digital marketing trainer, service provider, and counselor. She is also a YouTuber and the founder of LG Digital Marketers. She has been into digital marketing for the last 8 years and has trained more than 1000 students. She provides digital marketing training in institutes, colleges, and schools. she teaches more than 50 modules of digital marketing in her class which is located in sudama nagar Indore, she provides best digital marketing course and prepare you interview and make you job ready, she teaches all ages students from 15 to 55."
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stmarychampionschool · 9 months
The Role of Technology in Education
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Technology has become integral to our daily lives, revolutionizing various sectors, and education is no exception. In the context of higher secondary schools in Indore, technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience and preparing students for the challenges of the modern world.
Benefits of Technology in Education:
Access to Information: Technology provides students at Higher Secondary School with limitless access to information, allowing them to explore topics beyond the traditional curriculum and foster a culture of independent learning.
Interactive Learning: Digital tools and e-learning platforms make learning engaging and interactive, enabling students to grasp complex concepts more effectively.
Personalized Learning: Technology allows educators to tailor lessons to individual student needs, ensuring a customized learning experience that maximizes potential.
Global Perspective: Through online resources, students can gain a global perspective on various subjects, broadening their horizons and promoting cultural awareness.
Collaboration: Technology fosters student collaboration, enabling them to work on projects and assignments remotely, promoting teamwork and communication skills.
Assessment and Feedback: Automated assessment tools streamline the evaluation process, providing timely feedback to students, which aids in continuous improvement.
Accessibility: Technology ensures that education is accessible to all, including students with disabilities, promoting inclusivity cbse affiliated school in Indore
Preparation for the Future: Equipping students with technological skills is crucial in preparing them for the job market and higher education, ensuring they remain competitive.
In the modern age, the integration of technology in education has transformed Higher Secondary Schools in Indore into dynamic centers of learning. It has improved the quality of education and empowered students to become active participants in their learning journey. As technology continues to evolve, it is essential for educators and institutions to harness its potential and adapt to the changing educational landscape to ensure that Indore's students are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the future.
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blackboardedu · 2 years
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